See Page 4
C I ,
Latest Deadline in the State
4I it
Court Fines
Twoof Arb
Party Group
More Warrants
To Be Served
Two University students were
fined $11.25 each and a third stood
mute in Municipal Court yester-
day for their parts in the Arbor-
etum beer parties on May 16.
Charged with furnishing intoxi-
cants to minors, they were the
first of 58 students facing possible
police and University action to be
served warrants as a result of the
intensive, two hour round-up of
illegal drinking parties.
Only Three Warrants Issued
F Detective John Walters empha-
sized that while only three war-
rants for furnishing intoxicants
have been issued so far, more can
be expected. "There were seven
groups and we're investigating to
find out who furnished the beer
for each group," said Walters.
Regarding possible warrants for
under-age drinking, Walters said
"we're not sure yet if the minors
involved will be served with war-
rants or not. That's something
that will have to be decided in the
Before allowing them to enter a
' plea, Municipal Court Judge Fran-
cis O'Brien pointed out that legal-
ly "the fact that a person is un-
der 21 and gets beer from you is
not, in and of itself, a crime.
Can Stand Mute
"In order to convict you a court
would have to prove that you fur-
nished liquor to minors willfully,"
k said Judge O'Brien, informing the
three students that if they wished,
they could stand mute and "avoid
making a hasty decision as re-
gards your fiscal plea."
After conferring briefly with
John E. Bingley, assistant to Act-
ing Dean of Students Walter B.
Rea, two pleaded guilty and a
third stood mute.
Students 'Cooperative'
Detective Walters informed
Judge O'Brien that all three had
been "extremely cooperative," both
at the time they were caught and
during subsequent meetings with
police officers.
Judge O'Brien, after passing
sentence, pointed up the serious-
ness of the drinking situation and
told the students "if a minor gets
drunk and is involved in a serious
accident, the first question police
ask is 'who gave him the intoxi-
Mail Brings
Odd Parcel
Although the process of deliver-
ing and receiving mail in the Uni-
versity residence halls is governed.
by routine, the mail itself often.
brings some unusual items.
One of the most unusual to date
arrived recently at Stockwell Hall's
reception desk. On close inspection
the seemingly ordinary package
gave rise to curiosity and doubt.
Its cover was perforated with air
holes and sported a Florida post-
The final clue to the mysterious
cardboard enshrouded contents
was found in the two impressive
words which read "Air Mail --
Eats On Way
A gift to Nancy L. Anderson, '57,
from a sorority sister, the occu-
pant of the box had devoured sev-
eral pieces of raw meat by the time
his new owner arrived to claim
"I was stunned. I. didn't know
what to do with it,"' said Miss An-
derson with regard to her unique
present. She was so astonished
that it wasn't until after the new
mascot had been transported to
the' Kappa Delta house that it
was christened Apple Blossom.
Changes Owners
After living at the house for a
few days, Apple Blossom was pre-
sented as a birthday gift to a sor-
ority member from Detroit as she
was celebrating her coming of age
in a local tavern.
For such a young 'gator Apple
Blossom has certainly been around.
There is no telling whether or not
her smviiP wil inp.r a nnr
Buying a Poppy
-Daily-Dean Morton
POPPY DAY-At more than 250 stations around Ann Arbor,
members and auxiliaries of the Veterans of Foreign Wars and
the American Legion collected donations yesterday for disabled
veterans. Ann Arbor High School's Washington Club also co-
operated in the drive. ,
visiting Germans See
Combined Culture Needs
Commenting on conditions in their native Germany, Ruth Pilgrim
and Liselotte Wetzel observed that "the only problem is perhaps how
we can have the same industrial development and high standard of
living as America without losing our own culture."
"We don't want to be Americans, we want to stay Germans," ther
two leaders explained, adding "we must combine the American culture
and our own."
Touring the United States on the Foreign Leaders Exchange Pro-
gram, Mrs. Pilgrim and Mrs. Wetzel visited -the University during the
South Korea
Gives Plan
In Geneva
Unity Parley
Still Deadlocked
GENEVA--(A) - South Korean
Foreign Minister Pyun Yungtai
yesterday laid before the Geneva
conference a 14-point proposal
for unifying his divided nation.
But the four-week deadlock in
negotiations remained.
For the first time South Korea
agreed to country-wide elections.
Previously the South Koreans had
insisted elections should be held
only in the Communist-ruled
Disagree on UN Role
South Korea insisted that the
United Nations supervise the elec-
tions and that Chinese troops in
North Korea be withdrawn into
China a month before the voting.
But Chou En-lai, Red China's
foreign minister, told the confer-
ence that UN supervision was un-
acceptable. The Communists were
believed certain to reject also the
troop withdrawal proposal.
Chou asserted the UN was "a
belligerent in the Korean War
and has long lost its qualifica-
tion for dealing with the Korean
question impartially."
Neutral Group Proposed
Chou proposed that "a neutral
organization be set up to render
assistance to the Korean machin-
ery in charge of the holding oft
the all-Korean elections."
Other points in the South Kor-
ean proposal provided for elec-
tions to be held six months from
the adoption of the proposal; fulla
freedom of movement for UN ob- #
servers and all candidates; adse-
cret ballot and universal adult n:
suffrage. 4
It provided for proportional rep- t
resentation in the all-Korea legis-n
lature on the basis of a UN cen.
sus. The legislature would be con- 0
vened in Seoul immediately aftera
the election ' and would decide c
whether the president of unified i
Korea should be newly elected or b
not. It would also consider con-
stitutional amendments and the c+
disbandment of military units. o
Constitution To Remain n
The present constitution of theo
South Korean Republic would re- n
main in effect except as amended
by the new legislature under the
proposal, while a unified Korea
would be guaranteed in its inde-
pendence by the UN. _
e* I
past few days to observe the edu-O-
cation of American girls, women
in community life and local gov-
Active in community organiza-
tions, the two women were among
a group chosen to tour the United
States so they can present a clear-
er picture of this country to their
"We did not get the right im-
pression at all from American
movies, soldiers and education
programs," Mrs. Wetzel explained.
"We were struck most with how
friendly and kind people are in_
the United States," she continued,
adding that "we can speak openly
about all problems here."
Four University students and
their dates were picked up by
police for drinking early this
morning in Island Park.
Police officials would not re-
veal names or ages of the stu-
dents but said, "they don't look
old enough to be drinking,"
No other violations concern-
ing University students were re-
A gain?
Morton Maza, '57D, had just
been released from Health
Service yesterday.
Returning home shortly after
noon with a friend, Richard
Kohn, '54, the two students
were crossing State in front of
the Union when an unlicensed
14-year-old Dearborn driver
roared around the intersection
from S. University at 20 miles
an hour, knocked them over and
stopped against a parked car.
Maza and Kohn were released
from University Hospital a few
hours later with minor lacera-
Begins Plans
Student Legislature's newest
committee, the Board on Business
Discrimination Against University
Students, is formulating plans now
to begin action early in the fall.
Headed by Diana Newitt, '55, the
committee includes Leah Marks,
'55L, Roger Wilkins, 56L, Edward
Reifel, '56M, Paul Dormont, '55,
and Thomas Harrison from the
Ann Arbor Civic Forum. Also ex-
pected to be Included on the com-
mittee at a later date will be one
or more members of the adminis-
tration and Ann Arbor business-
Purpose of the committee, ac-
cording to Miss Hewitt, is "to work
actively for the removal of dis-
crimination in the serving and hir-
ng of students in the Ann Arbor
business community."
Anxious to hear any ideas or
omplaints, Miss Hewitt urges any-
one interested to contact any.
member of the committee, some
of whom will be holding informal
meetings this summer.
U.S. To Fight
Only on Attach,
Says Halleck
YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio --(1) --
House Republican Leader Charles
A. Halleck of Indiana said yester-
day the United States would not1
go to war without congressional
approval unless American forces"
were attacked.
Rep. Halleck told the Ohio State
Bar Association "we are not going
to war except that Congress par-
icipates in the making of that
"If our forces are attacked in a
place where they have a right to
e, of course they will fight back."
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
ias said repeatedly he would con-
ult Congress before sending
troops into action.
Literary College Conference
Steering Committee petitions
should be turned in by 4 p.m.
tomorrow at the office of As-
sistant Dean James H. Rob-
Brings Up
Of Coolidge.
'Not An Attack
On Eisenhower'
-Daily--Dean Morton
'M' Nine Sweeps Two
2ISC Wins Big Ten Title
Michigan wrapped up a rather disappointing baseball season yes-
terday with at least a little glory as it swept a Ferry Field double-
header from an inept Indiana squad to the tune of 8-2 and 7-3 vic-
Meanwhile, up at East Lansing's Old College Field, the Spartans
of Michigan State won the 1954 Big Ten Baseball Championship by
whipping Ohio State twice. John Kobs' men wrecked Paul Ebert in
the first game, 6-4, and then stormed back from a two run deficit in
the second tilt to win, 6-5, in extra innings.
Impressed With Questions
Mrs. Pilgrim, the mother of
three teenagers, said that she was
very surprised about the high level
of knowledge in American schools.
"When we visited Wellesley Col-
lege," she commented, "we were
astonished at how well informed
the girls are about life in Ger-
many. I was impressed with their
questions," she added.
A leader in the Parent-Teacher's
Association of Herford, Mrs. Pil-
grim is also a volunteer youth offi-
cial who co-ordinates activities of
the youth organizations and a lay-
man judge of the juvenile court.
'Crucible' Set To Open
At Mendelssohn Tuesday
Arthur Miller's "The Crucible," third play of the 1954 Drama
Season, will bring ,the atmosphere of witch-hunting and slander
in early Salem to Ann Arbor Tuesday.,
Featuring E. G. Marshall as John Proctor, Frederic Tozere as
Lt. Gov. Dandorth, out to rid the colony of Massachusetts of super-
natural influences, Virginia Kaye as Dame Proctor and Patricia
Barry as Abigail, the production will run through Saturday at the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theater.
During its run on Broadway last year, "The Crucible" won the
" Antoinette Perry Award and the
Donaldson Award as the best play
rr aof the season.
Miller To View
A University alumnus, Miller is
also the author of "All My Sons"
and "Death of a Salesman." The
author will be in Ann Arbor to
see the production later in the
Marshall, who portrays the per-
secuted John Proctor, played the
World Newsj
By The Associated Press
Guatemala Arms .. .
WASHINGTON - Rep. Patrick
J. Hillings (R-Calif.) said yester-
day the United States is trying to
stop at least two more arms ships
believed bound for Guatemala
from behind the Iron Curtain.
- *
Yugoslavia Protests ...
BELGRADE, Yugoslavia -- Yu-
goslavia protested sharply to It-
aly yesterday over seizure of four
Yugoslav soldiers by an Italian
gunboat Thursday.
* * *
Bridges Accused ...
NEW YORK - The Waterfront
Commission yesterday charged
that Harry Bridges, the West
Coast union leader accused of be-
ing a Communist, has been a fi-
nancial backer of the old Interna-
tional Longshoremen's Association
in its fight for control of New
York piers.
Van Fleet in Formosa. .
TAIPEH, Formosa-Gen. James
A. Van Fleet, checking for Presi-
dent Dwight D. Eisenhower into
Far East military needs, arriveil
last night amid reports that Na-
tionalist China seeks U.S. help in
protecting islands only 35 miles
off Red China.
The Wolverines thereby finish in
third place in the conference and
lose the -conference crown which
they had shared with Illinois the
past two seasons. They also lose
the right to defend their national
championship which they won last
June at Omaha.
The Maize and Blue, eliminated
from the Big Ten title chase on
Friday by Ohio State, had nothing
to lose and Indiana, mired deep in
the lower regions of the standings,
was in a similar position. The twin
bill was thereby nothing but a glor-
ified batting practice session,
Mary Wisniewski easily captur-
ed the first game, 8-2, with a nice
five hitter, and Jack Corbett kept
his clean slate intact with a six
hit, 7-3, victory in the night cap.'
Corbett's overall season record is
now 7-0, and his conference mark
a neat 4-0.
Sport 22-9 Overall Mark
By winning the two games from
the Hoosiers, the Wolverines finish
the season with a 10-5 Big Ten
mark and a 22-9 overall seasons
The Maize and Blue swept aside
the Hoosiers with out much trouble
in the first tilt, scoring twice in
the first inning, and three runs in
both the sixth and seventh stanzas.
The big bats of Dan Cline, who
Survive Crash
U.S. destroyer Radford raced at
top speed for Pearl Harbor yester-
day with four survivors of a Navy
plane crash at sea but four others
were believed lost.
Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy (R-
Wis.), outlining his side of his
row with the Army in an address
last night, declared he wanted to
"remind" President Dwight D.
Eisenhower of precedents estab-
lished in the Teapot Dome inves-
McCarthy said he was going to
call to the President's attention
"what happened back in 1924.
You will remember that in 1924
we had a Republican president
also. The attorney general in the,
Teapot Dome scandal refused the
congressional committee's access
to files for grand corruption.
Attorney General Refused
"The committee wanted to qu-'
tion the attorney general The.
attorney general refused. After
his refusal President Calvin Cool-
idge demanded his resignation and
ordered that if any of his cabi-
net members know anything about
this, to freely testify and give all
the facts."
McCarthy, speaking in shirt-
sleeves, declared "this is no attack
on the President."
Wisconsin's junior senator told
a Chamber of Commerce banquet,
"but I am going to remind him
about his statement he made at
Abilene, Kan., some time ago. He
said, 'now that town had a code
and I was raised from a boy ona
the code that we should meet any-.
one face to face with whom you
disagree-not to come up behind
" "If you took the same risk and
met him face to face you could get
away with almost anything.' "
Interrupted By Applause
Frequently interrupted by, ap-
plause, McCarthy said he hoped
that before tomorrow the Presi-
dent will go over those words and
recall the charges made against
two members of McCarthy's staff
-Roy Cohn and Francis Carr.
"And here not only are they de-
nied the right to meet face to
face those who made the charges,"
McCarthy said. "But they are de-
nied the right to know who they
Order Involves Smear
McCarthy said that the Presi-
dent's order forbidding further
testimony on Administration con-
ferences preceding the public out-
Army officials involved not presi-
dential business but "machinery of
the smear."!
He added that the Teapot I~omq R.
involved "a serious matter-a
theft of money" and said "it is
10 times worse to steal a man's
repyItation than it is to steal
Earlier, McCarthy said in an In-
terview he will appear andnbe
ready to testify when the Senate :
subcommittee invesigaing his row
wih the Army resumes its ses-
sions tomorrow.
Won't Order To Testify
"I shall advise my staff to tes-
tify if they are called upon," Mc-
Carthy also declared, adding "but
I will not order them to testify."
For himself McCarthy said, "of
course I will be available to tes-
tify at any time."
McCarthy's comments were
made during a press conference
immediately prior to his delivery
of an address in this small south-
eastern Wisconsin city. His ad-
dress had been billed as. a major
review of his side of his row with
the Army.
The senator said that although
he hadbeen opposed to starting
the hearings from their begin-
ning he would stay with them
until they are finished "unless
some new road blocks are thrown
in the way."
McCarthy said he had decided
on going ahead with the hear-
ings after consulting with Repub-
lican senators and also a few
3ame role at the end of the play's
run on Broadway. He is current-
ly appearing on television and can
be heen in the movie "Caine Mut-
Tozere Was on Broadway
Tozere has been seen on Broad-
way in "Watch on the Rhine"
and "Key Largo" and Miss Barry
played 'in Ann Arbor last year
in the Drama Season production
of "Old Acquaintance." The
drama's cast also includes George
Ebeling as the Rev. Mr. Hale,
Jane Hoffman as Mrs. Ann Put-
nam, Jerome Kilty as Rev. Mr.
Parris and Nell Harrison as Re-
Evening performances of "The
Crucible" are scheduled for 8:30
p.m. with Thursday and Satur-
-ay matinees beginning at 2:30
Tickets nriced i at $3. 2.50 nd
ACLU Enters TV Battle
The American Civil Liberties{
Union has entered the battle arena
over the use of radio and tele-
vision for debates involving
"charges and counter-charges,
vituperation and innuendo direct-
ed at individuals."
In a letter to the Federal Com-
munications Commission, the AC-
LU recommended a searching re-
view of current FCC practices in
granting free time for reply to
apply precisely to the controversy
over equal time.
Meanwhile, Senator McCarthy
has said that the Republican
Party is "committing slow and
painful suicide" in full view of
the television cameras at the
Army-McCarthy hearings.
McCarthy also said that he
hopes that "someone with good
sense" persuades President Eisen-
hower over the weekend to change
his mind about restricting certain
information in the harinm.
ground rules for Senate investiga-
Knowland said that the Repub-
lican Policy Committee will ask
its counterpart Democratic group
to co-operate in adopting a uni-
form code for inquiries. "Sena-
tors of both parties are deeply
concerned with laying down
ground rules for fair conduct of
hearings and at the same time
not hamstringing the proper in-
vestigative function of 'Congress,"
Trnn lfel n, ni-m i
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