PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY MAY 22, 1954 PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, MAY 22, 1954 0 The Segregation Decision: Important Footnotes THE DECISION which the Supreme Court handed down is not one which may be read and understood in a headline. Neither is it to be comprehended in a news story or analysis. The full meaning of the decision will surely not be realized until the court gains "assistance of the parties in formu- lating decrees." This much however, can be gathered from looking at the text of the decision and the editorial pages of the newspapers of the nation. It is a wise move. It is espe- cially wise that the court added the final paragraphs stating that the cases will be restored to the dockets for rearguments. The footnotes to the decision specify pre- cisely what are the questions to be re- argued. In footnote thirteen of the deci- sion, the court asks, assuming that segre- gation in the public schools is in violation of the fourteenth amendment, then does it necessarily follow that the court, in use of its equity powers, may "permit an effective gradual adjustment to be brought about from existing segregated systems to a system not based on color distinctions?" Then, the text goes on to say, on the assumption that the court will use its equity power in the described manner, should the court "formulate detailed decrees in these cases?" The inclusion of those last paragraphs and the explanatory footnotes soften the blow of the decision and pave the way for workable solutions. The cases themselves are from the states of Kansas, South Carolina, Virginia, and Delaware. Undoubtedly, however, all states which have laws requiring segregation will be included. There are seventeen of these and the District of Columbia. The decision, as everyone by now knows, does away with the "separate but equal" doctrine in education. This is the key to the greatness and full meaning of the de- cision. There is, however, a long history behind the decision. It did not come about simply because nine men thought it the right thing to do. Included in the text are several decisions which obviously affected the thinking of the men who made the decision. The court found it necessary to review several cases, and among them, Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) is the most famous. This was the case which established the separate but equal doctrine. Applying not to educa- tion ,but to transportation, the court stated that segregation in railroad trains was not unconstitutional if equal facilities were pro- vided for Negro and white passengers. A half century later in Sweatt v. Painter, in which a Negro student had been denied entrance to the University of Texas Law School, the court found that by not allow- ing the school to accept Negroes the state was depriving Negroes of "those qualities which are incapable of objective measure- ment but which make for greatness in a law school." In 1950, in McLaurin v. Oklahoma State Regents the court, in requiring that a Negro student admitted to a white graduate school be treated like other students, cited certain "intangible" considerations, which were mentioned in the present court's decision, and evidently laid the ground for the thought which finds intangible as well as physical elements being withheld from the Negro in segregated schools. The deprivation of these opportunities from Negro students detracts from "his ability to study, engage in discus- sions and exchange views with other stu- dents, and in general to learn his profes- sion." These are the later cases and the ones which demonstrated a progressive move- ment on the part of the Court. Others how- ever, dating all the way back to the period previous to the Emancipation Proclama- tion, provide a trace of the climate of the opinion of the people of the nation. In 1862, slavery in the District of Colum- bia was abolished. A year later the first anti- segregation bill concerning transportation was passed by the congress. It amended the constitution of the Alexandria and Wash- ington railroad and stated that segregation in street cars was to be abolished. 1865 saw the passage of a bill which said, in essence that no person should be "ex- cluded from any car on account of color." Concerning education, the Dallas v. Fosdick case in 1869 saw a New York court sustain the validity of a provision of the charter of the City of Buffalo requiring separate schools on the grounds that there is no "right" to education. The Plessy v. Ferguson case is the next great one, and created a new doctrine for the South to cling to and they have done so until this historic decision, and prob- ably will for a number of years before the implementation of the decision can be effectively and peaceably realized. History brought us slowly to the present climate of opinion and the resulting decision. The decision, it seems is not entirely a ju- dicial interpretation of the Constitutionality of a certain act, but rather, an estimate of the thought of the day ,and the trend of public opinion. For with this decision will come the disappearance of a social system. Chief Justice Warren and the other eight men seated on the bench evidently feel that the time is ripe for the change. The court sites the McLaurin v. Oklahoma State Re- gents case, and states that the considerations which affect th student's ability to study, etc., apply "with added force to children in grade and high schools. To separate them from others of similar age and qualifications solely because of their race generates a feel- ing of inferiority as to their status in the community that may effect their hearts and minds in a way unlikely ever to be undone." Those are indeed beautiful words, and express a truth which has long been evad- ed. It will not, and cannot be expected, however, to bring immediate results. There must be a cooling-off period after this de- cision and then a re-opening of the cases for further inquiry. The south is not, as some northerners have said, a land of people blind to reason who hate through ignorance. There is a deep- seeded social system there, and a great deal of time is necessary before any attempt at implementation of a plan such as this one could be made. The Baltimore Sun, in an editorial on the morning after the announce- ment of the decision, stated that although there would be "painful implications to many Marylanders" the court was right, but added that it was one thing to say that segrega- tion is unlawful and quite another to say how it shall be abandoned. "Accordingly," says the Sun paper, "there will be further arguments and presumably further decisions on the various difficulties as they arise." A Negro paper, The Chicago Defender, went overboard on the decision, claiming that the atom bomb will never be as mean- ingful as the unanimous decision of the court. This leads us to another point. The unanimous decision is another of the amaz- ing implications of the importance of the decision. That these nine men could sup- press their political and sociological beliefs and come up with a decision as momentous as this is an indication of the need which they felt for unanimous decision. Three of the justices are from a southern background. A college newspaper, The Cavalier Daily of the University of Virginia, writes that the south is justified for their bitterness since to many people this is contrary to a way of life." So it appears that a social system may be on its way out. Once the court discovers a way to begin the gradual breakdown of the barrier, then progress will improve, for if the children of the nation are taught that color lines are not causes for difference be- tween men, then the problem will be well on the way to solution. -LEW HAMBURGER ART AS HAS BECOME the custom, the Uni- versity Museum of Art is closing its season with the annual exhibition of stu- dent work, gotten up in conjunction with the Architecture and Design School. All three galleries are given over to the show, which continues through May 26th. Bear in mind, as you circle the rooms, that many of the things displayed are not only specific problems with limitations set by the instructors, but fledgling efforts as well. There are examples of work done on every course-level, and even though the best has presumably been culled from each class, the clearly discernible com- petence shown by the students speaks well for their instructors. Since the appreciation of architecturalj plans and drawings requires a certain amount of technical knowledge that few of us possess, the North and South Galleries which house these displays will probably not hold your interest for long. Except for two species of endeavor-Visual Fundamentals and Spatial Dynamics-I find myself pretty much at a loss for opinions. The West Gallery contains a wide variety, including samples of Product Design, Infor- mation Design, and Lettering, none of them indigenous to art galleries, and all of them the more interesting on that account. All of the projects in the three areas are basic, our work of this sort is responsible for most of the tasteful magazine and album covers, brochures, and whatnot, that, happily, have begun to infest our daily life. It is even con- ceivable that the public, always resistant to new forms and styles in art, may eventually come to appreciate modern art through ac- quiring a taste for good design at this level. It is perhaps idle-but interesting to me- to speculate on the chances of the contribu- tors to student showings of developing their talents so far as to eventually gain favorable recognition from art critics and patrons. It's a difficult career, and one can quite under- stand why potential artists burn out their ardor after a few years, find a means of subsistence, and practise their art as a side- line, if at all. Apparently, art either doesn't pay enough by itself, or too much. From my vantage point at the end of the limb, I rate Jack Lardis, John Good- year, and Stu Ross as the three most like- ly to succeed, aesthetically, though not necessarily commercially. As one of themI said of himself, "I'm still groping; no two of my paintings are alike." This is gener- ally true of all three, and I hope they never "find" themselves, in the sense that they stop groping, experimenting, reach- ing out further. It is this spirit that has kept art alive and rejuvenates it from time to time, as required. There is no answer to the problem of aesthetic ex- pression, and if the temptation to exploit a single, momentarily satisfactory solution for the sake of material success can be resisted, so much the better for art. Dufy is an example of a talented, prolific, facile artist who found such a solution, and be- labored it ever after; but one can't blame him for wishing to live comfortably. At any rate, I particularly recommend Lardis' oils, one a blue and pink man, the other a "scratchy" bird, which I covet above anything else in the gallery. Ross' "Three Men on a Horse," his sculptures, and Good- year's prints are scarcely less worthy. And making proper allowance for the limitations necessarily attending such an exhibit as this, your tour of the galleries should prove rewarding. I sincerely rgeret my unwarrant- ed delay in calling it to your attention. -Siegfried Feller - "'" z -a - t ,: " f P I i f b 3 ", F s /etteP4 TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. Just To Tb SEX, me some. tiful the Cl tions and t of exp fectior Sex, i. port. Reg contin empha one m mals: involv own bing b at usI billboa vertise the ci TODAY AND TOMORROW: es of. e Mounting Criss where SEX. The In Education "sex s the ty the pu. By WALTER LIPPMANN anima bauch IN THE AFTERMATH of the Civil War three amendments to the But Constitution were adopted. On Feb. 1, 1865 Congress submitted to tising the states an amendment to prohibit slavery. It was adopted by the oughl: following December and is now the Thirteenth Amendment. Several encou months later Congress submitted to the states the Fourteenth Amend- the d ment which, among other things, forbids any state, to "deny to any strikin person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws." This high,1 amendment was adopted on July 28, 1868. About eight months later, read on Feb. 27, 1869 Congress submitted the Fifteenth Amendment for- which bidding any state to deny or abridge the right of citizens of the minut Te United States to vote "on account of race, color, or previous condition Th of servitude." This amendment was adopted on March 30, 1870. Chri These amendments were designed to abolish slavery and also I quot the recognition in the laws of the land of what it woulr be proper "The to call a system of legal castes. The amendments, which followed band the great war between the states, were designed to institute a Four revolutionary change in the legal position of the emancipated Dog,' slaves and their descendants. I he * * * audito NEARLY NINETY YEARS have passed. The abolition of legal slavery he's u was completed early but the other object of the amendments- tising the dissolution of the legal system of castes-has been a long process. I will The decision of the Supreme Court carries that dissolution of legal castes into the public schools. In striking down the state laws which provide for schools segregated on -the principle of an inherent differ- Qua ence between Negro and White citizens, the court struck down the To TI most important legal institution, though not the only one, which still HA comes down to us from the time of chattel slavery. cop gan's This is the heart of the decision. In 1896 the court had held in and I the famous case of Plessy v. Ferguson that states could require legal amus segregation of Negroes and whites if the separate facilities were equal. book The Plessy doctrine dealt, as a matter'of fact, with separate but equal which facilities in transportation. But the doctrine was carried over to the by. public schools. Do The Plessy doctrine came thirty years after the Civil War and it ally b tainec was far from the spirit or the letter of the Fourteenth Amendment. humo But in the light of the actual conditions in which the emancipated quart Negro population of the south were then living, the Plessy decision set dents a practical standard which eventually produced large.practical reforms. tained In the next generation a general movement got under way to equalize this is in fact the educational opportunities of Negroes and whites. Much HaN has been done to reduce the gap, and the Southern states which are lege1 at the bottom of the list in the per capita income of their citizens are have, in the upper half of the list in the percentage of their personal incomes ed an spent on public schools. I b for a Yet, though the gap has been reduced, it is the fact that sixty ent e years after the Plessy decision, the schools are not only separated but for the most part they are unequal. (The facts about this and a background of the whole problem can be found in a report by Henry S. Ashmore on "The Negro and the Schools." This report has been published by the University of North Carolina Press. This study and the report were financed by the Fund for the Advance- ment of Education, which is a subsidiary of the Ford Foundation. I should say for the sake of the record that I am a member of the board of the fund, of which former Justice Owen J. Roberts is the chairman.) As a statistical illustration of the situation of the separate but The equal doctrine, let us take expenditures per pupil for white and Negro offici of M children in the thirteen Southern states. In 1940 the expenditure for Daily Negro pupils was 43 per cent of the expenditures for white pupils; ten bility years later the expenditures for the Negro pupils had been raised to tive 70 per cent. This reflects a substantial progress but it shows also that TYPE the progress toward equal facilities has been slow and that there is still Admi a big way to go. the d 11 a. The Supreme Court decision overthrows the Plessy doctrine on the ground that even if the facilities were eventually made equal, segrega- tion itself is a denial of the equal protection of the laws. It is a denial because it recognizes the principle of a legal caste system. This is the everlasting truth, and in declaring it the Court has declared what has now become the conscience of the country. All * * * * must Two Rabbits? ..* * e Editor: according to Christianity, is ant to be pure and whole- In its place, it can be beau- and personally fulfilling to hristian individual. Its func- are to propagate the race o provide a pleasant means ressing mutual love and af- n between married people. n this sense, gets my full sup- retably and universally and tuously, sex is given another asis. It is placed on the level, ight expect among the ani- pure carnality with no soul ed. Examples of this in our day are numberless, Throb- blood-red words of sex strike from all directions: from the ards of national product ad- ers, from the marquees of nema and of the bawdy hous- downtown Detroit and else-, SEX, SEX, AND MORE advertisers have found that ells." Hurray for them! But pe of sex that "sells" is not re, wholesome kind: it is the 1 kind, the degraded and de- ed kind. successful as these adver-. tactics seem, I was thor- y surprised this morning to nter a number of signs in ormitory with the .word SEX ng my eye-in large, inch- block letters-before I could any of the rest of the sign,' was printed in the relatively e letters of pica type. sign was advertising a beer in the Arb? No. A talk on stianity and SEX" by (and te verbatim from the poster) Rev. Wilbur Schutze; Hus- of: One Wife; Father of: Children; Provider for: One Two Rabbits?? (sic)." ope the reverend gets many ors. He certainly ought to: sing the most modern adver- methods. But by the way, not be there. -Bruce Jay Compton * * * rterback . * . he Editor: VE just finished reading my y of the Gargoyle, Michi- so called "humor" magazine, swear that I have been more ed by passages in the Hand- of Chemistry and Physics, I have never been amused the editors of that rag actu- elieve that anyone is enter- I by their sad attempts at r? Or are they just after the ers of poor, illusioned stu- like myself who are sus- d by the belief that maybe ssue won't be quite so bad? ve they ever read other col- humor publications? If they they certainly haven't learn- ything from them! elieve that the Garg is due house-cleaning; bar the pres- ditorial staff from office, and DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN e Daily Official Bulletin is an al publication of the University ichigan for which the Michigan assumes no editorial responsi- . Publication in it is construc- notice to all members of the ersity.eNotices should bebsent in EWRITTEN form to Room 2552 Inistration Building before 3 p.m. lay preceding publication (before .m, on Saturday. SATURDAY, MAY 22, 1954 VOL. LXV, No. 164 IT1) f~ if no one shows up to take its place, then shut the Garg down and save me my quarter. -Thomas H. Engle * * * Understanding . . To The Editor: FREDDI LOEWENBERGS edi- torial on segregation in The Daily on May 18, 1954, reveals thorough understanding of the South and its viewpoint. Particu- larly the statement "The problems of the South run deeper than any person in the North can under- stand. She fails to understand that the average southerner does not hate the Negro, that he is not seg- regated because of any bitter or mean feelings, but because the social system has been a way of life for generations past," makes the most sense. If every individual, before he takes a stand against segregation, could spend at least a few years in the South his biased attitude would be far less vehement. Another statement, "The South- erner is aware that he has a prob- lem to overcome, but he wants to overcome it himself without feel- ing pressured by any group from another section of the country," sums up perfectly why there will be unhappiness in the South over the Supreme Court's ruling for many decades to come. -Earl L. Hastings, Grad. * * * Review Was Right .. * To the Editor: IF DR. GOLDMAN read David Tice's review of last Tuesday's Michigan Band concert "with a feeling of sympathy," I read his reply to Mr. Tice with profound regret that a well-known figure should place himself before the campus in this fashion; comm- ting the errors of which he accuses another. To say that Mr. Tice knows nothing of band music is an irrelevant assumption; to charge him with stupidity is p personal affront. Those who know Mr. Tice personally can testify to his excellent musicianship, while those who know him only through his reviews have never disagreed with him to the extent of written protest. His review of the concert contained more praise than con- demnation, though Dr. Goldman's letter suggests otherwise. After some years of playing, con- ducting, and arranging band mu- sic, I believe that I speak as one who knows "something" of it. Mr. Tice's opinions of the music played last Tuesday are in exact agree- ment with my own. A weak point of the band field has always been its repertoire. The encouraging of band composition by leading com- posers promises improvement, but not always works reflecting the composer's best effort. Such works as Creston's "Legend" add very little of quality to the band litera- ture, regardless of the prominence of their composers. By comparison with such unpretentious but well- written works as Vaughn Williams' "Folk Song Suite," which the band also performed, Creston fares poorly indeed. Finally, if modern bands are to perform high-quality music with serious intent, they deserve to be evaluated with the same,standards by which any serious performance is judged. As an excellent musician, Mr. Tice should be an excellent judge; as one who does not have the myopic view characteristic of so many band music enthusiasts, he is probably the best judge of all. I believe that he was entirely correct in criticizing last Tuesday's concert for its considerable mu- sical mediocrity. -Richard Thurston ,£ t IF~~I i t 4] At the State'.. PARATROOPER, with Alan Ladd and Leo Genn. IT HAS apparently been decided somewhere that we have forgetten, after fifteen years, just what went on in the early years of the most recent European wax; we are now, I fear, to be served up a number of indigesti- ble little dishes like "Paratrooper," films which make very little pretense at realism, surrealism, naturalism, or any -ism except pseudo-. "Paratrooper," in short, is a movie which takes it upon itself to rewrite a few pages of facts in an attempt to produce for Alan Ladd his "greatest thrill role." Mr. Ladd, who has done little since (and for that matter, even less before) "Shane," shines forth in all his single-toned single- expressioned glory, and the resulting per- formance is hardly worth mentioning. He portrays an American who, because of pri- vate difficulties, enlists in the paratroop division of the British army. He is magnif- cently brave, a study in cool determination, and, it would appear, manages to rescue film, has little to offer the great unseen au- dience, so she will undoubtedly go far. Leo Genn, who is cast as a commanding officer, ought to be ashamed. He can do a little more than this. There are assorted other things wrong with the movie-its photography, its bit actors, its dialogue, and its music. But all these seem rather insignificant next to the gener- al blunder which gave birth to the whole thing. An interesting Bugs Bunny is at least re- laxing. -Tom Arp At the Orpim. . . THE RED SHOES SINCE ITS initial release in 1948, The Red Shoes ,has become a kind of screen classic for ballet lovers. It rightfully de- serves such recognition, for it is perhaps the best cinematic blend of drama, music, dance and color ever produced. The film's title relates to a ballet in the picture, based upon the Hans Christian .+-- of 1, . - n om A r.r in the vein of romantic fantasy, creating, instead of ridiculousness, a lyric beauty which few films can boast. What The Red Shoes resembles most is a painting with movement. It has been put together with an artist's feeling for color, and the beauty of motion found in the ballet. One particular scene, a buggy-ride taken by the lovers, is filmed in deep blue-green tones which convey the feeling of quiet, lonely love with great success. Mood is always established with- out the aid of blaring background music, giving the film a dream-like quality. The Red Shoes ballet, the first ballet com- posed and choreographed entirely for the screen, has been created with full use of the unlimited confines of motion picture danc- ing. Starting on a stage, the dance soon winds through tunnels and space as it ex- plores the consciousness of the ballerina's mind. Decor and choreography are excel- lent-fresh, original and infinitely beauti- ful. The Red Shoes is one of those films that improves with repeated viewings. -Ernest Theodossin Art Print Loan Collection pictures be returned to Room 510 Adinin- EVERY ONE HAS recognized the statesmanlike manner in which istration Bldg. during the wees of May 24 to May 28 between the hours of 9-12 the Court under its big Chief Justice is dealing with the practical a.m. and 1:30-5 p.m. A fine will be application of the principle it has laid down. We need not doubt that charged for overdue Pictures. Holders of the states will accept loyally the principle of the law. But the whole pictures still unreturned by Thursday, June 3, will be placed automatically on nation, not merely the people in the states where there are segregated the Hold Credit List. schools, can afford to have no illusions about the magnitude of the efforts which will be needed to apply the ruling efficiently and suc- Late permission for women students who attended the performance of Ver- cessfully. di's Requiem on Thursday, May 20, will We shall find, when we sit down to the hard realities, that be no later than 10:50 p.m. the task of ending segregation will become merged with, will Late Permission.BeasofteSnr aggravate and will precipitate, what is already a grave and mount- Ball, all women students will have a 1:30 ing crisis in American education. Unless ending segregation is to late permission on Sat., May 22. Wom- mean lowering the level of the white schools, if it is to mean en's residences will be open until 1:25, raising the level of Negro education to that of the whites, very am. large expenditures will be required. It is hard to see how the Resort Employment. Mr. Bert Shoo- poorer Southern states will be able to afford it. maker, of Pleasant View Hotel, Clarks But, as a matter of fact, our whole educational system is in Union Interviewing girls for waitress trouble because the increase of the school and college population has positions and men for general resort out-run by far our educational facilities-which means teachers and duties, on Mon., May 24, from 5 to 7 p.m. the buildings and the other appurtenances. The level of education is For further information, interested per- sons may contact Bureau of Appoint- falling because our schools, lacking adequate resources, are being ments, Ext. 2614. compelled to depreciate the quality of their teaching. They are being Seniors and Graduate Students who compelled to teach less to more and more pupils. The tragic conse- have ordered Caps and Gowns. You may Sixty-Fourth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Harry Lunn...........Managing Editor Eric Vetter.. .......... City Editor Virginia Voss........Editorial Director Mike Wolff........Associate City Editor Alice B. Silver. Assoc. Editorial Director Diane D. AuWerter....Associate Editor Halene Simon..... Associate Editor Ivan Kaye.. ............. Sports Editor Paul Greenberg.... Assoc. Sports Editor Marilyn Campbell . Women's Editor Kathy Zeisler .Assoc. Women's Editor Chuck Kelsey Chief Photographer Business Staff Thomas Treeger ....Business Manager William Kaufman Advertising Manager Hariean Hankin ..Assoc. Business Mgr. William Selden .. Finance Manager Anita Sigesmund. Circulation Manager Tplphhnn, NO 3-24-1 (4 I