THE STUDENT TAX See Page 4 Sirp Latest Djeadiline in the State ~IaitF M. M FAIR AND WARMER VOL. LXIV, No. 154 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY 21, 1954 EIGHT PAGES Investigation (' om te Of Licensing To BefHeld'A - A Witnesses Defend Jury Will Probe Healing Exams A one-mangrand jury was ,Ireated yesterday to investigate charges of corrupt licensing prac- tices by State boards of the heal- ing arts. The order, coming from a rec- ommendation made by Washte-3 Fictions Before Open Forum Con fusion Follows 'U' Senate Meet n 'r Tell Opinions Of Hearings, Committee 4 j y I 1 1- l naw County. Prosecutor Edmond F. D~ine wassiged b Ciruit (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is} an ex- dDeVine, was signed by Circuitplanatory article concerning the pres- Judge James R. Breakey, Jr. ent status of the faculty suspension The initial session of the inves- cases.) tigation will begin at 9:15 a.m. By JIM DYGERT today in the Washtenaw County Since the University Faculty Daily-John Hirtzel Courthouse. No information on Senate met last Monday, no one CRITIC JOHN GASSNER DELIVERS HOPWOOD LECTUREsn seems quite certain as to the exact CRITC JON GASNERDELIERSthis morning's session was rel~as- t status of the faculty suspension ed other than that proceedings sa cssand their ramifications. Hs.Particular cause of, confusion State Exams Sold has been the motion introduced at the meeting by Prof. Raymond L.' aP!The investigation began when' } r aT ,i~S erSpeechit was charged that some chiro- t . AfterldeGassneertheSpeecheptetblismnto alommitte practic college graduates had been ByE-ES--EN---- contacted by a ring selling basic the establishment of a committee Ay ERNEST THEODOSSIN ! science examinations before the to investigate the means by which field. He and Green were the only test The examinations, given by the Clardy committee obtained in- Followingia spech byvioted.-formation regarding the confer- drama critic John Gassner, awards winners in this division, the State Basic Science Board ofgd totaling $8,400 'were presented to Three Get Poetry Awards Examiners, must be passed to ob- ences between Prof. Mark Nicker- winners of the 24th annual Avery ; There were three winners in the tamn a Michigan license to prac- son of the pharmacology depart- and Jule Hopwood Contest in cre- poetry division. Lee F. Gerlach, tice. Ament and the administration. ative writing by Prof. Arno L. Grad., won $600. Anne K. Steven- AfAccording to several people at Bader yesterday in Rackham Aud- son, '54, and E. Paul Rebillot, filed six months ago by Dr. Claire Harlan H. Hatcher, chairman of itorium. Grad., each received $400 for their W. O'Dell, chiropractor of Wyan-e meeing, implied thatrthe o- Gassner, speaking on "Modern poetry entries. dtte and pr nt of the meeting, implied that the mo- Playwriting at the Crossroads,' In the minor contest, open to igan Chiropractic Academy. Judge a vote of some kind. declared that contemporary play- undergraduates only, William Breakey said he held off signing Issue ot Cler writing has been stalemated be- Sickrey, '54, and Joanne V. Ellis, the order pending completion of Issue Not Clear cause most playwrights fail to '54, both received $250 in the No one, however, knew what the realize. that they are at the cross- drama division, work being done on the matter by Nooe;hwvrkewa h hCircuit Judge Louis E. Coash in vote was on. The President, in roads of modern di amatic art. A minor essay award of $250 Lansing. terming the motion improper, had Blaming the pvesent crisis in went to William V. Holtz, '54. claimed that it impugned the in- rmodern playwriting on the fail- Holtz was also a minor essay win- Chiropractor Testifies tegrity of the 'administration.: ure of pseudo-realism and pseudo- ner in 1952 and 1953. Mary Stev- The judge's action was based on Consequently, since the President poetry, Gassner stated that to- ens, '56, received $150 in the same testimony by a chiropractic grad- had not made clear on what he' Ask 'Freedom Of Expression' By MURRY FRYMER A standing room crowd which packed Auditorium A in Angell Hall last night heard the two stu- dents and two of the three facul- ty men who refused cooperation with the Clardy committee defend their actions as morally and legal- ly justifiable. Speaking before the Student Legislature-sponsored forum were Prof. Mark Nickerson of the phar- macology department, H. Chan- dler Davis, instructor in mathE- matics, and stduents Mike Sharpe; Grad, and Ed Shaffer, Grad. Prof. Nickerson, who along with Davis and Prof. Clement L. Mark- ert, of the zoology department, has been suspended by the Uni- versity pending further investiga- tion, said that "we must have free. dom of expression of a'll ideas so that the people can pick according to their beliefs." -Daily-Dean Morton OPEN FORUM-Prof. Mark Nickerson, H. Chandler Davis, Ed Shaffer.and Mike Sharpe relate their reasons for not cooperating with the Clardy Committee at a Student Legislature sponsored meeting last night. Moderator of the meeting was Steve Jelin, '55, SL President. . Daily Bills Daily bills must be paid im- mediately or credits will be withheld. Bills are payable at the Ad- ministration Bldg. MacDonald Elected JIFC Head for Fall Semester Freedom to Choose By DAVE BAAD Such freeaom to choose, he said, Murray MacDonald, '57, was elected president of the Junior In- !is our best protection against the terfraternity Council last night for next semester ns the JTFC held danger of violent change, day's stage is "in the main a division. uate v~ho allegedly had paid $600 was asking a vote, it was not its final meeting of the 1953-54 school year. tepid stage" Minor poetry award winners in- for a set of basic science exam- known whether it was a vote of He succeeds Mitchell Zucker, '57, as head of the grou Indicates Lack of Subtely cluded Richard P. Constantinoff, ination questions two weeks be- confidence in himself or the ad- Tposed of ea h semester's fraternity pledge captains. The famed critic and author '54, who received $350 and Mar- fore the tests scheduled for May, ministration, a vote on whether ot°1d News Fred Lyons, '57, a Phi Gamma Delta pledge, was elects further declared that realism has vin Wildstein, '55, winner of a 1953. the motion was improper, or a become "too commonplace" and $250 prize. The witness said he acquired vote on whether to admit the mo- president, Dick Fink, '57, Chi Phi pledge, was chosen secret aesteticism "too empty and pre- Two Judge Drama Entries the tests and paid the money to tion. ou[ndup George Henrich, '57, Kappa Sigma pledge, is the new treasure tentious" He indicated that the T rt It has been said that Prof. A member of Chi Psi's spring pledge class, MacDonald is p realistic -theater today lacks sub- Judges for the drama contest a man met by appointment at Idrhas bead tatdryTr serving on the Student Legislature and is chairman of the 195 tityeliti ndw dwit ,toa icsiens, aspr-were NwYokDal'ew raaIWillow Run Airport, which is Wilder was ready to withdraw his jBy 'The Associated Press tlety and wit, Incisiveness, pro- critic John Chapman and Bar- within Judge Breakey's jurisdic- motion at this time, but this has HANOI, Indochina - French ball Ticket Distribution Committee. He was also a member fundity, and- originality. clay Leathem, chairman of the tion. Judge Breakey, Washtenaw not been suspstantiated. What ac- planes pounded Vietminh concen- Michigras Parade Committee. Gassner urged modern play- I Department of Dramatic Arts at County's only circuit judge, auto- { tually happened was that a tab-, trations and convoys only 50 miles Interfraternity Council co-rushing chairmen Bob Knuts wrights to pursue the way of Western Reserve University. matically becomes grand juror. ling motion was made and sec- from the Red River Delta's west- --- "_ -----"-'-----------" and Mike Lynch, '56, ann realism,if the writer inclines in Well known writer and history onded. On a voice vote, President ernmost defenses yesterday aspe last night that 25 men have that direction." But he added that lecturer Jacques Barzun judged Hatcher ruled the motion tabled, France's top generals huddled D ean Sa ed thus far in spring ope the playwright should "rejectithe essay division along with Schuze To S eak and the ruling was not disputed. here on strategy to keep the key etig.n PhotographyPhilip Rahv, editor of "Partisan Afterwards it was not clear as bastion from falling to the Com- ThiS is onefshort of the Special Award Givenn IReview"Christianrty and Sex will be to whether the President had said mnist-led rebels. mester total of 26 but more The Hopwood competition in- In the fiction field, judges were the topic of a discussion led by the that already existing committees are expected before the se luded 11 major awards totallg critic and author Alfred Kazin Rev. Wilbur Schutze,-assistant rec- could investigate the aspect of the WASHINGTON - The House One of the main problems ni completed. Last spring 20 $5,50an eihtmior wadsand novelist Nolan Miller. Miller cases referred to in Prof. Wilder's'daigwt epnil ueu amounting to $1,850. A special tor of St. Andrew's Episcopal mosos rWays and Means Committee yes- dealing with a responsible bureau- nities pledged 64 men dur was a Hopwood summer fictionm .terday approved President Dwight cracy in Indonesia is that at the informal rushing period. r award of $800, and the largest wsaHpoo umrf Ction chpresent0govrnmentalyfunction sga ward, wnt to laet writer winner in 1943. Church, at 7:30 p.m. today at Can- Claims Enough Committees D. Eisenhower's plan to permit re- present governmental functions This year's Pulitzer Prize win- terbury House. He had said, it was reported i tired workers to earn more income n aepr,'5 orhrie f ingpe the village level. IFC Executive Committe lavenort '5or, heig poet Theodore Roethke and The discussion is sponsored by later, that the motion would es- and still keep their social security , Wednagayeieh. related short stories The Facepoet Mark Van Doren judged the the Canterbury Club of the Epis- tablish another committee in an payments. This was the general sentiment named Wednesday nght. I now. poetry entries. copal Student Foundation, already complex arrangement. * * * of Dean Edward H. Litchfield of The new representativ teie major adi te n s This had been taken to mean that GENEVA--Backstage conversa- the Cornell School of Public and me with the Committee and seniors only, although sents * existing committees could investi- tions between East and West yes- Business Administration last night first time later the same losmy hoe oete hDmnri'~ - rectorN infrmtinossowavilbltCmn stweEeadWeyesak- h oltcl ceceRud ae*(dsriohne)bb, huck ig: iors may choose to enter the minor {O osa gate that area if they so desired. terday raised some hope that the in a talk at the final meeting of are John Hibbard, 55, Sig wrddvsn.No information is now availableCmmnss erred otk. the Political Science Roundtable. (district one), Chuck Paet award division. .omuit1wr eayt tl Among the major award win- Praise, e on whether they intend to do so.- business on an Indochina peace. Difficulties evolve in the country Kappa Sigma (district tw ners, Martin Green, Grad., re- ' 'The committees set up for the because of an antipathy to and Dow, '55, Delta Kappa ceived three prizes, totaling $1,750. suspension cases and now con- suspicion of free enterprise, an (district three), Jack Krap4 In drama he won $650, in fiction ducting investigations are the exe- LACROSSE, Wis.-The Penta- absence of higher education and Alpha Tau Omega (distric $400, and $700 for an essay, "The By JOEL BERGER cutive committees of the literary' gon's atomic coordinator proposed the peculiar combination of a com- and Dick Good, '55, Lam Literary Education." Ann Arbor's proposed city director plan, recently recommended college and the medical school. A st night immediate formation of plex society and simple mode of Alpha (district five). ) The other major drama awards by the city charter commission, was given both criticism and praise special fact-finding committee of an agancy to push a high speed life, he said. I ZBT Addition Approved went to Lenard Uhr, Grad., and yesterday. the Senate to report directly to program for peacetime nuclear Prof. Litchfield pointed out that, The Committee gave app Renee Kluger, Grad. Each stu- Under the plan, the number of wards used for election to the the Pmesident has been. planne - as a result, there is indecisiveness Zeta Beta Tau for the const k dent won $500. G council would be cut from seven to five, with two councilors being ut not yet formulated, accord-, E * *U in administrative function and un- coninwul e additiontofve ih w cucios en ing to reliable sources. The Sen- NEW ORLEANS-The U. S. willingness to deal with policyofaadiontthrer Inwarditinto Green, fiction elected on a partisan ballot from each ward. The mayor, who would ate Subcommittee on Intellectual Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals questions. However, the speaker present houre. Before goin awards went to Henry Lewis Van sit with the council and vote only in case of a tie, would be elected Freedom and ntegrity will hold ytrd upheld the iht of the added that the general attitude of with the building, howeve Dyk Jr., Graida L. Rivers, Grad. who on a partisan ballot from the city at large. hearings only if dismissal is rec- federal government draft do- the people is an encouraging fac- must get approval from th $500. Novel part of the plan would be the position given to the director, mmended. tors for armed services. tor. versity, the Student Affair won $500.___p__ ____________ _ _-_.___ os o re evcs fr _.___---_mittee and the City Coun Glenn W. Sprangue, '54, was who would be responsible to the -------------------- - ---- - I awarded $400 in the major essay council only. He would have broad FIRbT OLE A PANT OIME- The fraternity will go be _____________powers of appointment and rcmov- I 1J I).ii'j1 L 'fI17 1IL City Council, June 7. [ ' al, with the only officials appointed The addition, which wil / lIhap th accni nr .r~cna 7 7! i r- b "- i n d. t..:.,;,. . Prof. Nickerson continued that p com- one of the principles without which he could not function was d vice- to make himself "free from any ary and committments or associations r. which would prevent me from resently drawing my own conclusions." 4 Foot- The Clardy committee present- of the ed such a committment, he said, and that was one reason he did on, '56, not cooperate with them. nounced "Under other circumstances I e pledg- would be willing to discuss my po- n rush- litical beliefs, which I have arrived at, as I have my scientific beliefs," fall ,e- Prof. Nickerson explained. pledges However, he said, a label would nester is be attached to his answers to the frater- committee classifying them as ing the agreeable to the committee or not. The relative merits of the answers to the would not be considered, he said, e wet Thinking in Labels Davis also referred to the effect es who in thinking in terms of labels. for the' "Everything pro-Communistic is evening bad; everything anti-Communistic ma Phi is good," he said. zke, 55, "My reason for not answering D), Pete is not because of a blemish in my Epsilon past. Not the anwsers but the ques- ohl, 55, tions and the way they were asked t four), were at fault. ida Chi "The questioning intimidates the person, causing people to form political opinions under fear," he roval to added. ruction "I might be charged with con- of their tempt because my understanding g ahead of my constitutional rights is r, ZBT wrong," he said. "I don't believe he Uni- that it is." s Com- Committee Attacked icl. cir. Shaffer attacked the committee fore thefor violating "liberty, and the pur- suit of happiness." J house "My actions have made me a . O CK iY All persons interested in sit- ting in the Block 'M' section at next fall's football games may sign up from noon to 3 p.m. to- day at Barbour Gym. oengLn e assessor anaL reasurer, who would be named by the mayor, and the city attorney named by the council. Lockhart tContinues Family T i Only the council and mayor By PHYLLIS LIPSKY would be elected if the plan is June Lockhart, who made her approved. ! debut when she was eight years PlnT3oBfr oes'i iiapiurmm oea n Plan To Go Before Voters ioaiapntm erletth Metropolitan Opera House in New Wffl According to Lawrence Oulmet, York City, never had time for a chairman of the charter commis- formal theatrical education. sion, the group hopes to present m"I just listened to my old man fe at H earings the plan to voters this fall or nextI when he talked about the theater," spring at the latest. In the role of Nancy Willard, WASHINGTON-M-Sen. Jos- Ouimet said that the plan is one whom she terms "a real zany gal," eph R. McCarthy (R-Wis.) said which has been well worked out Miss Lockhart is currently star- last night he will be on hand for Ann Arbor, as the city needs ring in "Gramercy Ghost" at the Monday when the Senate inves- a type of official who would co- Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. tigations subcommittee resumes ordinate different offices. Her first role, as the child Mim- cits televised hearing on his row ;Under the plan, he continued, sey in a dream sequence in the with Army officials. the mayor would have executive opera Peter Ibbetson, came while "I will be there," McCarthy power, be titular leader of the city she was studying ballet at the said.' But he a,'ded that hpcoul ; and maintain the public health MeTtronolitn~n Opra Tirviec. c,+f,-rlio T i 27 men is the beginning of a re- better citizen and a more loyal construction pla whch i"lev"- American," he said. "Whether one r atually result in a large scale re- agrees with Communism or not, vamping of and rearranging ZBT's yre wth Communism Cornot, I you must defend the Communist's Miss Lockhart, who comes from present living quarters. rights, if we are to defend our a family of actors, began her Under the direction of Jack own." movie career in "A Christmas Shaupp, '55, a Greek Week and "A true patriot does not follow Carol," as "the daughter of my IFC Ball study committee has been blindly the dictum of those in con- mother and father," Kathleen and organized to investigate possibili- trol," he said, citing the American Gene Lockhart. ties of moving the festivities for- revolution and the 'underground Acted During Vacations ward in the campus calendar from railroad' of civil war days as ex- its present position in early May.-I amples. When she was still going to __________ school her father permitted her to Question and Answer accept roles only during vacations i Doinbrowski New jIn a question and answer period, and holidays, she said, or when I the speakers were -asked their po- there was an opportunity to work Senior Board Head litical convictions which they were with a good cast and a good dir- jdefending. ector. Bob Dombrowski, '55, was chosen Davis said that although time In addition to films Miss Lock- yesterday to head the Senior Board didn't allow for such a discussion, hart has appeared on the Broad-for the coming year. d"I am proud of my political con- way stage, the television screen,' Other new officers include Dave victions. If I thought they were .. . ; _ x ;