See Page 4
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Latest Deadline in the State
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Three Cited
On Contempt
U' To Take No
Further Action
No further action or change in
procedure regarding the suspen-
sion of H. Chandler Davis of the
mathematics department will be
undertaken, University President
Harlan H. Hatcher said last night,
after Rep. Kit Clardy had an-
nounced that Davis will be cited
for contempt of Congress.
President Hatcher also restated
that no action would be taken on
the two graduate students, Myron
Sharpe and Edward Shaffer, un-
less the contempt citation against
them is sustained by Congress.
Rep. Clardy announced yester-
day that Davis and the two stu-
dents will be charged with con-
tempt of Congress for their un-
willingness to cooperate with hear-
ings of the House Un-American
Activities subcommittee.
The president announced Tues-
day that no charges would be lev-
eled against the students unless
they were cited for contempt and
the contempt charges were upheld
by Congress. In the event that the
students are convicted of con-
tempt, the Joint Judiciary Council
will probably be requested to b3old
University policy to withhold
Scharges pending the outcome of
the contempt proceedings was bas-
ed on the recommendations of a
special four-member student ad-
visory committee to the President.
Procedural arrangements for in-
vestigating Davis and the two pro-
fessors suspended for refusing to
cooperate with the Clardy commit-
tee, Mark Nickerson of the phar-
macology department and Clement
L. Markert of the zoology depart-
ment, include the executive com-
mittees of the schools involved and
a special faculty committee.
Rep. Clardy also announced yes-
terday that his subcommittee
would resume hearings in Michi-
gan after the 1954 Congressional
elections, probably Nov. 15.
Chairman of the subcommittee,
which recessed in Flint last week,
Rep. Clardy indicated that unless
something additional to be inves-
tigated turns up, his group will
fhold hearings in Detroit Nov. 15
and 16, and in Flint Nov. 17.
'U' Will Present
Degree to Selassie
Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethi-
opia will be given ati honorary de-
gree in a special convocation dur-
ing a visit to the University on
June 7.
The stop here will be part of a
nation-wide tour, during which
the Emperor will visit tombs of'
American leaders, meet great liv-
ing Americans, and visit U. S. mil-
itary bases and a typical Ameri-
can family.
Bid for Forum
Session Will Include Viewpoints
Of Subpoenaed Faculty, Students
A new Student Legislature bid for approval of an open meeting
today at which the faculty and students who testified at the Clardy
hearings in Lansing May 10 can explain their stands before the com-
mittee was okayed at a special meeting of the Student Affairs Com-
mittee yesterday.
SAC approval by
an 11 toI
Daily Bills
Daily bills must be paid im-
mediately or credits will be,
withheld, it was announced yes-
Bills are payable at the Ad-
ministration Bldg.
World News
By The Associated' Press
KARACHI, Pakistan - Pakistan
and the United States yesterday
signed a one-year mutual defense
pact under which America will help
equip and train the armed forces
of this strategic nation.
HANOI, Indochina - French
planes launched massive air at-
tacks yesterday on Vietminh reb-
els moving men, heavy artillery
antiaircraft batteries from Dien
Bien Phu toward the Red River
LONDON-Brig. Gen. Christian
de Castries was quoted in a Peip-
ing broadcast yesterday saying his
officers had elected to defend Dien
Bien Phu to the end rather than
heed French high command in-
structions to flee to Laos.
hower administration threw the
switches yesterday to start the
McCarthy-Army hearings rolling
again next Monday.
DUBLIN - Premier Eamon de
Valera's Fianna Fail Men of Des-
tiny party fell slowly behind early
today in Ireland's general election.
appropriations committee yester-
day approved an army civil func-
tions appropriations bill calling
for $484,095,500.
four vote allows the Legislature to
go ahead with plans to hold the
public meeting at 8 p.m. today in
Auditorium B, Angell Hall.
Principles at the meeting are
expected to be the three faculty
members Prof. Mark Nickerson
of the Medical School and H.
Chandler Davis of the mathemat-
ics department. Graduate students
Ed Shaffer and Myron Sharpe
have also agreed to participate in
the forum.
According to SL President Steve
Jelin, '55, who will preside over
the session, the meeting will take
the form of an open forum with
each of the five allowed a maxi-
mum of 15 minutes to present his
views followed by a period of ques-
tions from the floor.
Jelin said he planned to ask the
participants to confine their 15-
minute statements to an explana-
tion of their answers to the Clardy
committee's questions. Jelin plans
to preface the meeting with an ex-
planation of its purpose as inform-
ative in nature, giving those sub-
poened a chance to state their
cases and explain their actions.
SAC vetoed a similar request
for an open meeting last Tuesday
on grounds of failure to secure
SAC approval before going ahead
with advance publicity on thei
This procedural issue triggered
further objections that the meet-
ing, had it been held last Thurs-
day as proposed, would have con-
stituted a pre-hearing and an in-
fringement on the work of the
faculty and student agencies set
up to handle the cases
In denying the Legislature's re-
quest by a 10 to four vote last
week, SAC said it would "consider'
a petition for such a meeting, in
a special meeting if necessary, at
any time subsequent to the deci-
sion of the properly constituted
faculty and student committees
SAC, Dormitories
Settle A rgumlent
Answer Not
In Arb Case
Deciding Factor
No decision had been reached
late yesterday by local police on
how to handle the cases of 58 Uni-
versity students caught drinking
beer in the Arboretum Saturday.
Primarily, the case seemed to
hinge on whether the Arb is con-
sidered University or public prop-
If the Arb is considered Univer-
sity property, police might be un-
able to charge the offenders with
drinking in a public park. What
action would be taken on the other
two possible charges, under-age
drinking and furnishing liquor to
minors, was not determined.
John Laird, assistant prosecut-
ing attorney for WashtenawvCoun-
ty, noted, "We haven't decided yet
whether it is public or private
property-the problem was dis-
cussed only briefly. If the Board of
Regents owns it, it is in a sense
public but there are so many rami-
fications to the word 'public' that I
couldn't say offhand what it will.
be considered."
"In my estimation, the Arbore-
tum is University owned," com-
mented Acting Dean of Students
Walter B. Rea. "Although the pub-
lic has access to the Arb, as they
do to the campus in general, I
don't believe it is a public park,"
Edmund Cummiskey, University
Attorney, concurred in the belief
that the Arh was, the nroperty of
Commend Hatcher
Action, on Students
Legislators Argue Campus Opinion
On Suspensions During Long Debate
A motion condemning the suspension of three members of the
faculty who refused to cooperate with the Clardy investigating com-
mittee was voted down by the- Student Legislature last night in a
voice vote, 16 to 11.
At the same time, SL unanimously passed another motion com-
mending President Hatcher "on his actions with respect to the two
students called to testify." The President's action yesterday had
brought no charges against students Mike Sharpe, Grad., and Ed
Shaffer, Grad., who also refused cooperation before the Clardy
The defeated suspension motion proposed by Joan Bryan, '55, stat-
ed in part that "the Student Legislature, firmly convinced that the
Prote sti:
Down Motion
ng Suspensions
-Daily-Chuck Keisey
GARG SALES - The bi-lingual atomic Gargoyle machine used
yesterday "has no limits," according to Larry Pike, Gargoyle
managing editor. Crowds gathered around the device, neglecting
studies and missing classes, Pike said. He added that because of
this drastic innovation in selling, the Garg will probably achieve
universal fame.
the University but said he did not G eneva .Conference 1M[
know if the police could consider ,
University property as State prop-!
erty and thus charge drinking in a
public park anyway. Influence Fate of ALia
Detective Lt. George Stauch and
Detective John Walters continued
to consut with Laird in an attnept By SAM REICH
to consuhl wh o ird in an attempt (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is an Interpretive article dealing wit
eto cha co ion torwhat ap- conference situation.)
Heared to be a ticklish problem, The fate of Asia may well be decided at Geneva.
that where students a pebroug t The fall of Dien. Bien Phu has given the Communi
thafwre tudnts arerohI bargaining point in the ten-year dispute over Indoc
before Joint. Judic after having
been penalized by the courts, people demand peace, and are caught between agit
recognition is made of the penal- home front for peace and the necessity of maintaini
ties already imposed and the fact t-ga ded as the key to
that students are, in a way, ex- . Indochina, for Indc
posed to double jeopardy. iinsan Names Asia.
One aspect of the case troubled ' ew Officers In addition the
both police and the University- - make daily progress
-namely the perennial charge that paign to overrun thi,
Ann Arbor has two sets of laws, The Board in Control of Stu- supplying area of 25
one for students and another for dent Publications has approved pie.
non-students. Claims in a local the following appointments for
newspaper that the University had junior positions on the business The war started
requested the right to discipline staff of the Michiganensian: entered their attack
their own students in this instance Barbara Barker, '56, Assistant the south, the Cam
were vigorously denied by Dean Accounts Manager; Morgan Davis, the leadership of M
Rea. '56 Assistant Advertising Mana- No Chi Minh, massed
Concerning future raids on the ger; Richard Harrison, '56, Pro- In 1946, they att
Arboretum, Stauch said, "If it is motions Manager; Cathy King, Among their number
brought to our attention that there '56, Assistant Office Manager;, aists who hated Fre
are any more of these beer blasts, Robert Porter, Campus Sales Man- zation more than th
we will certainly go down there ager; Csnthia Stone, tales Man- Communists.
According to Municipal Court ager.
Judge Francis O'Brien, drinking D To meet the em
offenses are considered misde- Distribution of the 1954 'En- French created three
meanors and thus are punishable sian will take place from 9 to 5:30 -Viet Nam, Camboc
by a maximum penalty of $100, 90 p.m. Monday at the Student Publi- The Reds took adva
days in jail, or both. cations Bldg. Receipts must be weakness in this un
All persons interested in sit-
ting in the Block "M" section
at next fall's football games
may sign up from noon to 3
p.m. today and Friday at Bar-
bour Gym.
SAC also settled a long stand-
ing jurisdictional dispute with the
Board of Governors of Residence
Halls yesterday by affirming
agreement with the principles set
forth in a report of a sub-com-
Ii~ittee of the Board set up to re-
solve the issue.
Resulting from several joint
meetings of sub-committees of
both SAC and the Board of Gov-
ernors, the report clarifies ques-
tions of jurisdiction and authority
granted by the Board of Regents
to the two groups.
a C
th the Geneva
sts a powerful
china. French
ation on the
ing coptrol of
all southeast
ochina is re-
in their cam-
s vast rubber-
s million peo-
1945 as a na-
ile the rebels
s on Saigon in
nunists, under
d in the north
,cked Hanoi.
s were nation-
mch coloniali-
iey feared the
ergencies, the
major states
dia, and Laos.
antage of the
ion to gain a
sses have been
manpower is
has spread in
sde Cambodia
end Hanoi are
targets. These
e been saved
ombination of
d the timely
nsoon season.
can afford to
French can-
t makes the
so crucial.
best way to preserve our freedoms"
is to go on freely and proudly ex-
ercising those freedoms, strongly
protests the recent suspension . .
which was based on an assumption
of . . . non-cooperation before the
House Committee on Un-Ameri-
can Activities."
"We further maintain," it con-
tinued, "that these faculty should
not have been suspended prior to
a hearing by their peers. We be-
lieve that implicit in this is the
assumption that these faculty are
guilty until proven innocent."
Supporting the motion, Miss
Bryan said that Sbmust take heed
of student opinion and "justify
their support in the elections."
Bill Adams, '55, opposing, said
that "you must first find out what
the people you are representing
Vice President Ned Simon, '55,
also argued against the motion
pointing to the fact that the fac-
ulty men were suspended "with
full pay."
"If there was an assumption by
the administration that they were
guilty," he said, "they would not
get full pay." Simon also pointed
to the promised "early hearing" by
the administration, which he said
was another indication that the
University has not assumed that
the faculty men are guilty.
Paul Dormont, '55, favored the
motion, declaring that President
Hatcher himself was quoted as
saying that "anyone who does not
cooperate (with the committee)
brings upon himself a cloud of
doubt and suspicion."
During the long debate on the
issue, an executive session was
called for which would remove
The Daily from hearing the dis-
cussion on the motion. After a
protest by President Steve Jelin,
'55, that this was "not fair to the
students, or to a free press," the
motion for a closed debate was
The motion to commend Presi-
dent Hatcher on his decision con-
cerning the two students, which
was proposed by Jelin, said that
SL believes that the President
"in establishing the student ad-
visory committee and in consult-
ing with that body, has acted in;
the best interests of the academic
fHouse Vote
H ueRevises Social
Security Act
By The Associated Press
The House Ways and Means
Committee voted yesterday to
bring farm operators, doctors and
other professional groups, and
state and local government em-
ployes underthe federal social se-
curity system.
The action, affecting more than
seven million persons, was in line
with a request from President
Eisenhower, who has made ex-
pansion of social security cover.
age a prime goal of his Adminis-
The committee approved all of
Eisenhower's requests for exten-
sion of coverage except one and in
some cases went even further than
the President had suggested.
It deferred action on the ques-
tion of coverage for an estimated
2,600,000 farm laborers.
Yesterday's ,decisions, if finally
enacted, would bring in about 3,-
600,000 farm operators and about
500,000 doctors, lawyers, dentists,
architects, professional engineers,
public accountants and other pro-
fessional people under compulsory
The American Medical Associa-
tion had strongly opposed the
move for doctors. They were in-
cluded by a closed-door commit-
tee vote of 12-8.
Committee members said the
vbte to include farmers was not
unanimous but was surprisingly
Locally, Prof. George A. Peek
of the political science depart-
ment commented, "Most people
are in favor of social security-
the vote in Congress two years
ago was overwhelming. This vote
just represents a general trend and
offers no exciting angle."
The present law permits cover-
age under the federal system of
retirement or death benefits for
state and local employes only if
they are not covered by local re-
tirement systems.
Prejudice, Israel ,Discussed;
Critic To Give Hopwood Talk
"New nations are now in the
process of being born; history is
making good what had been the
disaster of the Middle East for
more than 2000 years," Prof. Shlo-
.mo Dov Goigtein, head of the
school of Oriental Studies at The
Hebrew University in Jerusalem,
The International Center and
the International Students Asso-
ciation will sponsor a special tea
in honor of Miss Carolyn Little and
Miss Marya Wester from 4:30 to
6 p.m. today at the International
* * *
Applicants for remaining po-
sitions on the Literary College
Conference Steering Commit-
tee must turn their petitions
into the office of Assistant
Dean James H. Robertson by
4 p.m. Monday, May 23.
Petitions are available now
in Dean Robertson's office, 1220
Angell Hall.
Board of Regents
To Hold Meeting
The University Board of Regents
will held its May meeting tomor-
row and Saturday at the Hidden
Valley Club near Gaylord, Mich.
According to Arthur L. Brandon,
Director of University Relations,
it is probable that the Regents
will consider the proposed Stu-
dent Activities Center and the stu-
dent tax by which it would be fi-
nanced at this meeting.
presented in order to receive a
Petitions are now being ac-
cepted for nine positions on
the Homecoming Dance Com-
mittee according to Jay Mar-
tin, '55, committee chairman.
Petitions may be picked up
at Student Legislature's head-
quarters in the basement of the
Union and are due by noon to-
firm foothold,
The Communist loi
tremendous, but Y
cheap. The fighting .
the past year to inch
and Laos; Saigon a
the most vulnerable 1
industrial cities hav
in the past by a cc
heroic resistance an
arrival of the mor
However, the Reds
bide their time. The
not - that is what
Geneva Conference
Carillon Recital, Verdi Mass,
Collegium Musicum, Planned
observed yesterday, HOPWOOD LECTURE
Speaking on "Currents in Israel- Noted drama critic John Gass-
Arab Relations" the visiting pro- ner will deliver the annual Hop-
fessor of Arabic Languages and wood lecture at 4:15 p.m. today in
Literature at Dropsie College in Rackham Auditorium. The speak-
Philadelphia discussed the cau~seI er, also known as an author, edi-
of tension in the Middle East and tor, and producer, will talk on
explained the situation with the, "Modern Playwriting at the Cross-
Arabs. roads.-
"Gramercy Ghost" Star Compares Drama to Party
Although he may look unhappy
on stage, in the role of a police-
* * * An announcement will be made man who has just had a nervous
NAACP TALK of this year's Hopwood , winners breakdown and is being driven
after the lecture. dangerously close to another, Iggie
National Youth Secretary of the * * Wolfington insists that in the cast
NAACP, Herbert Wright spoke yes- LSA CONFERENCE of "Gramercy Ghost," "you feel
terday on "The Significance of, What form should the challenge like you're going to a party."
the Supreme Court Decision." to the better student take? The young actor called the show
Referring to the Supreme Court This was one of the questions currently at the Lydia Mendels-
decision on the unconstiutionality discussed by faculty and students sohn Theater "strictly an audience
of segregation, Wright stated that at the Literary College Conference play" and "great fun."
by 1963 the NAACP hopes to elim- yesterday in the Student-Facul- Wolf ington appeared in Ann Ar-
inate all discriminatory practices ty Lounge in the League. bor last year in another comedy
in the country. In discussing "The Challenge to i role, the cockney soldier in "The
audience. Wolfington pointed out
that this can be an asset if the
actor plays to the camera and not
to the audience. The performance
must be geared to the intimacy of
a living room, he said.
The Philadelphia born actor,
whose first name is really 'Igna-
tius, appeared professionally as a
child actor only once-when he
played Little Lord Fauntleroy with
a stock company.
"I got the bug, but bad," he said.
The University Symphony Or-
chestra and University Choir, un-
der the direction of Maynard
Klein, will present Verdi's "Requi-
em Mass" at 8:30 p.m. today in Hill
Members of the School of Music'
faculty will sing the four solo
parts: Ruth Orr, soprano; Arlene
Solenberger, alto; Harold Haugh,
tenor; and Stanley Kimes, bass.
University carilloneur Prof. Per-
cival Price will give a concert at
7:15 p.m. today on the Baird Car-
illon in Burton Memorial Tower.
The program will include Bach's
Presto, from the "Glockenspiel"
Toccata, Stephen Foster's "Old
Black Joe," and "Old Folks at
Two Variations will follow: Var-
iations on Two Sacred Airs and
Price's "Variations on an Air for
Bells" by Sibelius.
Also on the program will be
three folk songs and Price's "Sona-
ta for 30 Bells."
Summer League
Officers Chosen.
Summer school positions for the
League Council have been an-
nounced by the Interviewing and