PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, I WAY 18, 1954 PAGE FOUR TUE MICUIGAN IiAILY TUESDAY, MAY 18, 1~5~ The Supreme Court Ruling On Segregation IN AN OPINION that will have the greatest personal impact of any decision handed down in a long time, the Supreme Court ruled yesterday that segregation of Negro and white students in public schools is un- constitutional. The court has thus thrown down the long standing theory of "separate but equal" fa- cilities, which has been contested ever since 1896, when the Court set up the doctrine in the case of Plessy vs. Ferguson. The unanimous decision reflects the growing thought that segregation in itself is evil; that separate facilities are by defi- nition unequal. The decision finally recog- nizes what should have been the law all the time; that segregation does deprive the individual of his rights. But the passage of the law is only the beginning. It is doubtful that anyone, even the most hard-boiled segregationist did not know that yesterday's decision was coming. However, the problem now looms as immediate, it is no longer a question for the next generation to cope with. On the books, the ruling will read as a victory for the democratic forces of the world. But its repercussions may be great- er than the average person realizes. The problems of the South run deeper than any person in the North can understand. He fails to understand that the average Southerner does not hate the Negro, that he' is not segregated because of any bitter or mean feelings, but because the social system has been a way of life for genera- tions past. Segregation in the schools never has been an end in itself, but rather only one surface manifestation of the problem. Thus no anti- discrimination law can be a panacea to end all troubles; by itself it can at best be only a scratch at the surface. However, administered with goodwill, it may prove an important beginning in clear- ing up the whole problem of race relations. Once the law is past initial troubles, there will be little problem in enforcing it. Chil- dren growing up together can hardly main- tain the deep suspicions which have so com- plicated the matter. Then, it will be only natural for the rest of segregation to taper off of its own accord. The immediate problem will be enforc- ing the law so that progress already made will not be swept away. Only time will tell whether it would have been best to let the natural forces of conciliation have their slow way. , , It might be wise at this point to review the reasons why segregation in the South did not disappear 50 years ago, and why it has lingered so many years longer than in any other section of the country. With the end of the civil war, a bitter and dissillusioned South had to reconstruct its whole social system. Faced with the problem of inte- gration of an illiterate Negro people which in most districts averaged 50 percent of the population, this was no easy task. Where other sections of the country had been able to integrate slowly and peacefully their smaller Negro population, the South was ex- pected to accomplish immediately a recon- struction of its social system. However, with the recovery of the eco- nomic system of the South the racial prob- lem has been working itself out. The pro- gress has been slow, but sure, without any major upheavals and setbacks. The old gen- eration that held a bitter spot in its heart for wrongs done the South in the Recon- struction days has all but died out, leaving in its place a more progressive generation with a more tolerant attitude. The South DR} At Lydia Mendelssohn,.. GRAMERCY GHOST by John Cecil Holm THIS WEEK'S offering in the current Drama Season is a very pleasant play with a number of laughs but little behind them. It is wholly predictable at every mo- ment, but it has been produced with such polish, and the stock characters are played so well, that the book itself really matters very little. The story is a typical three-way love prob- lem, with an extra angle in the person of Nathaniel Coombes, a Revolutionary War soldier who appears to the young lady in the triangle. We can always be certain that June Lockhart, the heroine, will break her engagement with her Bostonian businessman fiance, and will wind up in the arms of John Dall, who plays an amorous newspaperman. William Roerick, who portrays the title phantom, is a sure bet to act as a deus ex machina and direct the love problem to its proper solution. Since the triangle situation is so well- worn the novelty of the play lies in the existence, or semi-existence, of Nathaniel, the "Spirit of '76." He was, as he explains has been long looking for a way out; not having found it, it held to the old system. But better education, and most of all a raised standard of living, have done much to allay the prejudices of the discontented low- er classes. The South is slowly finding out that the Negro makes a good citizen. It is awaken- ing to the fact that a divided population is a hindrance, from a social as well as an economic standpoint. Already Negroes have been admitted to most graduate schools, - with many church schools taking the lead in lowering color barriers. Negroes can be found running for public office and garner- ing many votes. Citizens banding together for some common community purpose rarely fail to include prominant Negro members of the community. Thus definite changes in attitude can be found in even the last five years. What is significant about these improve- ments is that they have all been accomplish- ed quietly, from within the South itself. Whites and Negroes have rarely objected when the mingling comes unobtrusively. The Southerner is aware that he has a problem to overcome, but he wants to overcome it himself without feeling pressured by any group from another section of the country. If he needs help it is friendly aid, rather than being ordered around, that he desires. There has been another noteworthy trend in the South recently, that of the lessening of violence. The Southerner has tended to put down the violence of his own accord, and for every abuse of justice that receives nation-wide notoriety, there are many more that are suppressed or caught beforehand. Anti-Klan laws have been passed by most states, and courts generally deal severely with any race troubles. There are two states that may make plans for changing their schools to pri- vate systems; these can at best be last- ditch efforts and will die out as soon as *the people in those states realize that non-segregation of schools will not harm anyone. Undoubtedly there will be some strife and hard feelings between the school children whom the ruling will affect. But children are quick to adapt to a new situation, and although education may suffer for a while the change should not leave too many mal- adjusted people. One additional problem lies in the fact that the view which the Court has now up- held is for the South an imposed view. The fact that the South had no hand in its des- tiny is bound to leave 'some bitterness. The key to the solution then lies in its enforcement. The die is cast, the South will have to accept facts. But in what spirit it accepts them depends largely on the attitude taken by the rest of the country. The South must not be made to feel that it is being discriminated against by a group of men in Washington, most of whom have never been very far south of the Mason-Dixon line for more than a few months. The Court has said that it will hear fur- ther arguments this fall on how and when to end segregation. It might be wise to wait a few months for the initial hubub to die down before taking any action. Sen- sationalizing the problem by demanding immediate enforcement will only result in the race riots and regression that the South so dreads. If the new ruling is enforced with a spirit of fairness and an open mind, it will do much to smooth over the change. In that case, yesterday's judgement may prove to be the first step toward a real solution of the problem. -Freddi Loewenberg LRA. he was branded traitor, and required to stay on the spot where he was killed. So through the years poor Nathaniel has haunted a corner of what became Gram- ercy Park, and became the particular pro- vince of Miss Lockhart upon the demise of a kindly centenarienne who "left" him to her to look after. Nathaniel's only es- cape from earth will follow the safe de- livery of his lost message to the descen- dents of the courier he was to give it to. The players in Mr. Holm's drama are all excellently cast and present an exceptionally smooth production. Miss Lockhart is bright and gay, and follows her spirit-seeing to its ultimate dramatic point. She remains the center of attention throughout the play, and proves herself a fine and experienced veteran of the theater. Mr. Dall and Tom Tyrell, who plays the proper Bostonian, both give polished performances. The play abounds with fine character- parts, and a few of them threaten to steal the show in their brief appearances. Nydia Westman, as Miss Lockhart's companion, is a precious fussy old maid-a much more logical person for Nathaniel to haunt. Truman Smith anil Iggie Wolfington, an addle-brained lawyer and a cop who flus- Conversation With an Athlete WHAT? You say they're throwing out seven million bucks on a new athletic program? Holy catfish! What's wrong with the one we have now? What? Speak louder, man, I can't hear you. Don't be afraid. They think we haven't got enough athletic facilities, you say? Now there's a funny opinion. Why do they want to put a fortune into new athletic buildings? Why don't they put it where it's needed? What? We don't need any other improve- ments? Listen, man, I can think of plenty. If they can get seven million smackaroos out of football funds for athletics, why couldn't they make appropriations for aca- demic purposes? You say we don't need aca- demic improvements? What gave you that idea? Look at that prehistoric Romance Languages building. Students are hanging out of the windows. The floors creak as if they ha4 rheumatism. Listen, man, if a fire broke out in that trap, it'd be the end of at least five hundred students, What? We need to keep pace with the University's enrollment? Positively, but not in athletics - in academics. We already have a good enough program to take care of all thefsport enthusiasts. Isn't three swimming pools enough? Why build a fourth one? The ones we have now are in perfect condition. What? A new fieldhouse with handball courts, track, and a place for hockey games? But we already have all those things! Yea, I know, we need new and more elaborate ones. What about getting new and better classrooms? You don't know? Your business is sports? That's what I figured, Sure, I can tell you what else we could put that money into besides athletics. We could build more dorms. What's wrong with building more dorms? People are griping about not having enough room to house all these students. The problem isn't bad yet. Wait until those World War II babies start coming to college. We can't set up tents, You say we could probably put them in the field house? How can the administration get money for improvements on academic facilities? Well, the same way that money is being received for the athletic program. It isn't possible? Well, make it possible. What's more important, educated individuals or athletics? You can't answer on the grounds that it may incriminate you? Phooey! -Lou Megyesi [CURRENT MOVIES At the Michigan .. . CARNIVAL STORY CARNIVAL STORY is an old-fashioned melodrama about the girl who keeps going up and down the morality ladder. Fraulein Willie (Anne Baxter) gets a dish- washing job with a U. S. carnival touring Munich. The minute she gets a glimpse of Joe (Steve Cochran) she is lost. It seems that she finds him so animalisticly magnetic that she cannot help but run into his tent every time he whistles for her. Many other men are also interested in Willie. High Diver Frank (Lyle Bettger) wants to make her a partner in his act and marry her. Life photographer Vines (Georges Nader) would like to take Willie away from it all. Groppo (Adi Berber), the carnival's deaf- and-dumb giant, has a sort of grade-school crush on Willie. Before Carnival Story has gotten through its 94-minute running time, Wil- lie has left her dishwashing job, become a star high diver, and run in and out of tents, beds, and masculine arms. To those familiar with the Hollywood censorship code, it should not be surprising that Willie turns out to be just another crazy- mixed-up kid, overflowing with unrealized goodness. The manner in which Script Writers Hans Jacoby acid Kurt Neumann finally solve her problems proves to be just a bit too contrived and illogical to make much sense. Miss Baxter gives her usual good per- formance. If she occasionally overacts (and the script gives her ample opportunity to scream, cry, get beaten up ,tremble, shrike, and groan), Director Kurt Newmann has sense enough to keep the other actors suf- ficiently low pitched to balance her style. As an added bonus, Actress Baxter wears a wardrobe of swim suits that should make Esther Williams blush; and some of her love scenes may force Italians to find a new defi- nition for "earthy." The color photography done in Munich is excellent, capturing the razzle-dazzle carni- val mood. Especially exciting, although somewhat repetitive, are the diving scenes done from a height of 110 feet into a six- foot-deep tank. Everything considered, Carnival Story should at least provide an evening's enter- tainment, although the viewer is likely to have completely forgotten it long before the next morning. .J.etterstOt C¢rdit.. ) Not Pertinent? -. -- "Beat It. We're Getting I To the Editor: THE PETITIONS testifying to the professional competence of the suspended faculty members are "not particularly pertinent," says Dean Stason of the Law School. What must be answered, according to the learned Dean, is whether a person who invokes the Fifth Amendment is a proper member of the academic commu- nity. Ignoring the fact that one of the suspended faculty members, Dr. Davis, did not use the Fifth Amendment, let us look into the implications of Dean Stason's re- marks. Is Dean Stason saying that members of the University com- munity are not capable of passing judgment on the fitness of their colleagues? Is he insinuating that only Dean Stason has the per- spicacity to "clear" members of the faculty? For if the statements of the professional colleagues of the suspended men "were not par- ticularly pertinent," then whose statements are? Perhaps, if one follows Dean Stason's logic, we should relegate to the Law School the duty of passing on the fitness of all fac- ulty members. Then, I am quite sure, the sanctity and purity of the academic community would be preserved from here to eternity, -Ed Shaffer Roll Over, Fido .. . To the Editor: i SHOULD hate to live with the conscience of a man who is patted on the back by Congress- man Clardy. This would be .spec- ially true if I were a man in a position to know and understand -and, I assume, even though in an administrative position-care about academic civil rights. I would imagine that such a man, knowing that he was in a position to spit in an obviously corrupt politician's face (and poli- ticians don't get any corrupter than those who are willing to de- stroy basic precepts of democracy for re-election), would cringe on remembering being patted on the back-maybe scratched behind the ear . . . "Nice Fido, now that you've jumped through the hoop you can roll over and play dead for a while." I do not doubt that tremendous pressures were brought to bear on such a man, as they usually are. But there have tobe some- where the men who can take a stand; who can put up their hands to stop the flood of acquiescence and say, "No, you cannot do this. I will do and say everything in my power to prevent you." I don't say it's easy to gamble with stakes like a big home and five figures a year salary and a very respectful and important po- sition. But the odds are that a man who's got such an important position is not so easily going to be dislodged from it. The odds- which are distinctly against most who clash with Clardy and his confreres-are in this man's fa- vor. It's true that he needn't gamble at all. In this way he keeps his house and five figures-and maybe his importance. But con- sider, he loses all respect. And I'll bet (my odds are pretty good, too) he knows it. -Arlyne Lazerson * * * Unreasonable Editorial To the Editor: WE HAVE come a long way from the Age of Reason when it was believed that man was a ra- tional animal. We realize today that this was essentially a naive and untrue conception of man- that the motivating force behind our actions and beliefs is not the clarity and distinctness of an idea but our desires and our needs. However, I was under the mis- taken notion that people today still respected reason and scientific thought sufficiently to believe that some criterion of rationality should be used in judging all our actions and beliefs. And then I read the editorial on the faculty suspensions signed by the future senior editors of the Daily - Gene Hartwig, Dorothy Myers, Jon Sobeloff, Pat Roelofs, Becky Conrad and Nan Swinehart. Even more surprising than Pres. Hatcher's action itself was their statement that "In more reasonable times the temporary suspension might not have been justified . . . But these are not reasonable times. Pres. Hatcher, faced with the necessity of "doing something" to avoid compromising the reputation of this midwestern state university in the minds of a not-too-reasonable public did the best he could.... " etc. Another Fund .0.. To The Editor: WONDER how successfully "de- nazification" can erase the warped thinking of years of in- tense training. Have we forgotten so soon the brutalities of Nazi Ger- many that we are willing to heed the advice of an opportunist like Mr. Peter Kalinke? It is curious that Mr. Kalinke passes himself off as an "expert" on Communism and not Naziism. I would be inter- ested in Mr. Kalinke's activities were he back in Germany where "ex-Nazis" are flourishing in key governmental positions. Perhaps while some letter writ- ers suggest a collection for Mr. Shaffer's passage to Russia, I would be willing to contribute to Mr. Kalinke's passage back to Germany for a temporary stay in order to observe his political be- havior there. -Kay Engel. **. * * SAC Ruling.. To The Editor: I BELIEVE there are certain facts relevant to the question of the Academic Freedom sub-Commis- sion and SAC which have not been revealed and which are necessary for a correct evaluation of the situation. The Academic Freedom sub- Commission, a number of weeks ago, when University community subpoenas were announced, decid- ed to sponsor a public hearing af- ter the Clardy Hearings. The ob- ject of this was to allow the testify- ing individuals to clarify and ex- plain their positions to the cam- pus. We felt the students would be interested in hearing these state- ments. We further felt that the public had the right to know rea- sons for stands taken, as a means to intelligent conclusions. The incident which occurred as a result of putting these plans in- to action was caused by an error, We of the sub-Commission believ- ed that all necessary formalities Material For McCarthy" hurts-the Alumni fund will no longer get its annual one dollar contribution from this Wolverine! -Willard C. Carpenter, Jr. --- : Class of '53 ** * * Nhot That Simple..,, To The Editor: HOW VERY presumptuous of Bob Johnson to think that the "av- erage student does not in any way agree with the ideas you (The Daily) have expressed . . ." Mr. Johnson's letter happened to be the first one siding with the Com- mittee since the suspensions were announced. Could it be that the majority agree with The Daily more or less, or are Mr. Johnson's cohorts afraid to speak their :; minds? It is unfortunate indeed that Bob Johnson must think in extremes of black and white. For instance he says there is no reason why any loyal citizen should fear a commit- tee. There are plenty of reasons. Once a person answers, he has granted the Committee the right to question his political beliefs. It is much like the man who lets an intruder into his home. Once he freely lets the stranger in, the man takes the blame for whatever hap- pens to him. If the man keeps th stranger out, he can defend him- self. Secondly, it is obvious that were complete and the hearing the Committee is not only inter- O.K.'ed. I was under the impres- ested in whether you are or were sion the SL Cabinet had consulted a Communist; they are also cur- SAC and the Cabinet under the ious about your friends, relations, impression I had filed a petition. and acquaintances. Many people The end result of this misunder- for some unexplainable reason, Mr. standing due to insufficient check- Johnson, feel they have a moral up, was an impression that there responsibility to protect their was an attempt to bypass SAC. friends and family from unpleas- The only motive behind distribu- ant things that do not directly in- tion of publicity on Tuesday was volve them, that of assuring adequate pub- Another of Mr. Johnson's state- licity for a meeting on Thursday. ments is "Either you're loyal or Working under the misconception you aren't!" Apparently even the that the meeting was fully approv- Compittee can't make such a defi- ed, the Academic Freedom sub- nite statement, or they wouldn't Commission announced it to the even bother with investigations. campus. They'd merely deport, fine, fire, or In writing his editorial about imprison everybody who didn't live this incident, Gene Hartwig did up to their concept of loyalty. (Of not question me to discover if the course, that would mean question- impression indicated by the situa- ing every single person in this tion was factual. His appraisal of country.) Exactly what do you the sub-Commission's motives was mean by loyalty? Unquestioning therefore based upon the appear- acceptance of everything this gov- ances of the case, ernment says and does, patriotic It is unfortunate that on such a flag waving, nationalism, and con- hot issue an administration mixup demnation of every other form of should occur, for it complicates government even when you don't the situation with issues not basic know what and why you're con- to it. I hope the discussion of these demning? Unfortunately for you, facts will clear the air of unjusti- Bob Johnson, loyalty is not the fled conclusions, allowing for calm- childishly simple concept you seem er consideration of the vital ques- to think it is. Loyalty certainly im- tions resulting from the Clardy plies defending, verbally and ideal- Hearings. ly the doctrines of one's country -Etta Gluckstein, and fighting for it in times of Chairman, SL Academic emergency, but a person who truly Freedom sub-Commission loves his country criticizes it, gets * * * angry with it, and even hates it uly or ou. .. sometimes because its evils, vices, and weaknesses hurt him. He To the Editor: doesn't blindly brag about his country and degrade everybody ERE is a copy of a letter I just else. He is both humble and proud sent Pres. Hatcher: of its strength and greatness, but Congratulations on your recent also ashamed of its weaknesses and action showing that you, too, are a eager to correct them. 100 per cent American! Bully! No Progress was never made in a doubt the legislature will double vacuum, Mr. Johnson; improve- the UofM's appropriations next ment comes by comparison. Only session. an inquiring, curious, questioning Certainly you are not a McCar- individual can know and under- thyite. For the life of me I can't stand others, and thus learn what understand what can make a man is good for him and his country. of your stature and intelligence Loyalty s not1 created by blind ad- bow to expediency like this . . . is herence to a totality: It is fos- your job that important? tered by a mature enlightened So let me strike a blow where it mind that can reject and accept according to the basic values of a society. A: , ' .:. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN -Judy Gregory, '5$6. EI ; (Oontinued from Page 2) Peninsula of Michigan," Wed., May 19, East Council Room, Rackham Building, at 1:30 p.m. Chairman, W. W. Chase. Doctoral Examination for William An- drew Paton, Jr., Business Administra- tion; thesis: "The Impact of Inflation on Corporate Monetary Items," Wed., May 19, 716 Business Administration Building, at 2 p.m. Chairman, W. R. Dixon. Doctoral Examination for Lyle Gerald Clark, Engineering Mechanics; thesis: "A Study of Heat Transfer as Related to a Special Case of Secondary Motion," Wed.. May 19, 307 west Engineering Building, at 2 p.m. Chairman, W. W. Hagerty. Doctoral Examination for William Ab- bott Scott, Social Psychology; thesis: "The Avoidance Response to Pictorial Representation of Threatening Situa- tions," Wed., May 19, 6625 Haven Hall, at 3 p.m. Chairman, J. W. Atkinson. Doctoral Examination for Robert Zane Norman, Mathematics; thesis: "On the Number of Linear Graphs with Given Blocks," Wed., May 19, West Council Room, Rackham Bldg., at 2:15 p.m. Chairman, Frank Harary. Concerts The University of Michigan Symphony Band, William D. Revelli, Conductor, with Edwin Franko Goldman, Guest Conductor, will present its annual spring concert at 8:30 Tuesday evening, Events Today Senior Society meeting tonight at 7:15 in the League. All old and new members should be present. Museum Movies. "Ocala National For- est" free movie shown at 3 p.m, daily including Sat. and Sun. and at 12:30 Wed., 4th floor movie alcove, Museum Building, May 18-24. The Arts Chorale will perform in the Union Ballroom this evening at 7:30. All members are required to meet at 7 p.m. in the Union-the place will be posted. Women wear dressy dresses and men dark suits and bow ties. Please be prompt. { '. Sixty-Fourth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the aiitnUlty n4,the Rn B n I c S l n Iautnority ox te e oar in uontro o Ballet Club. Studio Evening of Bal- Student Publications. let including motion picture, barre demonstration, and dances. Public cor- Editorial Staff dially invited and no admission will ,Hary Lunn..........Managing Editor be charged. The program will be held Erlc Vetter.City Editor this evening at Barbour Gym and will virginia V oss...... ..ditorial Director begin at 8 p.m. Mike Wolff......Associate City Editor Alice B. Silver. Assoc. Editorial Director Square and Folk Dancing. Everyone Diane D. AuWerter....Associate Editor welcome. Tonight, Lane Hall, 7:30-10:00. Helene Simon..........Associate Editor Ivan Kaye.. ............. Sports Editor The Committee planning for the Fal Paul Greenberg.... Assoc. Sports Editor Religious Lecture Series will hold a spe- Marilyn Campbell... Women's Editor cial meeting today, Lane Hall, 4 p.m. Kathy Zeisler .Assoc. Women's Editor Chuck Kelsey .. Chief Photographer Coming Events Business Stag t 4A Wesleyan Guild. Hope to see you at Martin Worship in the chapel, 7:30- 7:50 a.m., and in the Lounge for mid- week refresher tea, 4-5:30 Wednesday. Do you have your ticket for the Senior Banquet? Plan to come and honor our seniors._ Thomas Treeger .Business Manager William Kaufman Advertising Manager Harlean Hankin . .Assoc. Business Mgr. William Seiden .. Finance Manager Anita Sigesmund Circulation Manager Telephone NO 23-24-1 j; 1