PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY ' T7Pl' Y. FF8RtTA3v1 OI-. . ...a.ak. 14_gSt PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY L k, r: i'lei)ibvL]iY 1Dr lyt7 The Molotov Proposals By WALTER LIPPMANN L AST WEDNESDAY Mr. Molotov gave the Berlin Conference two documents. The one is a plan for four power rule of the two Germanies until that unknown time when the Germans are reunited and sov- ereign. The other is the draft of a treaty of European security which would include the two Germanies that now exist and a united Germany when it is brought into be- ng. Both texts contemplate a prolonged par- tition, and put a seal of recognition on it. But it is interesting to contrast the role of the United States in the two texts. In the security treaty the United States is classi- fied as a power which has no genuine place or vital interest in "Europe." We are not to be guarantors or participants but only "observers" in the maintenance of Euro- pean peace. Yet in the plan for the two Germanies we are one of the four principal powers, with many rights and duties in Western Germany and with the commitment to guarantee "the neutralization of Ger- many." It is hard to suppose that Mr. Molotov thinks the United States can maintain an army in the heart of Europe for the pur- pose of neutralizing Germany and yet have no voice in a European system of collective security. In one of his plans he asks us to get out of Europe and in the other we are required to stay in Europe in order to deal with the hardest problem of Europe. One of the plans is primarily for business and the other primarily for talk. For even if the Western governments were willing to accept both plans, they would find as soon as they sat down to work them out that they are contradictory and could not be made to work on the same continent at the same time. The four power plan for the Germanies is clearly the one that is meant for serious business. It, too, like virtually every con- temporary diplomatic document has a large admixture of talking points and doubletalk- ing points. But the core of the proposal is serious. Germany is to remain divided af- ter the Berlin Conference and without pros- pect or hope of an agreement among the four powers. This will almost certainly raise very serious problems for the four occupy- ing powers. How long will they be able to live se- curely with a German nation which is par. titioned, dismembered, occupied, and de- nied sovereign equality and independence? Certainly not for ever. Probably not for very long. In -the judgment of Germans who are qualified to speak, as long at the uttermost as the West German recovery and reconstruction boom continues. It is now certain that the Soviet gov- ernment is determined to maintain a grip on Eastern Germany, having concluded that this is necessary if Poland and Czechoslo- vakia are to be kept within the Soviet orbit. As I read Mr. Molotov's proposal, it is ad- dressed to the practical problem of how to keep a grip on Eastern Germany for a long time without provoking all the Germans to violence and resistance against the parti- tion. His proposal to reduce the occupy- ing forces on German territory to "limited contingents" is, I would guess, intended to make the occupation invisible and the par- tition less obnoxious to the individual Ger- mans. The Iron Curtain of the partition would be maintained by German policemen. This might, of course, incite a civil war. But the . Germans have such strong national feelings that the effect might be just the opposite. The two German police forces might fraternize. In any event the proposal is serious in the sense that it cannot be dismissed, or dis- posed of by making debating points. It needs to be met with a serious counter proposal. All the four powers are now committed to a prolonged partition of Germany. We should not leave Berlin with Mr. Molotov the only foreign minister who has offered a concrete proposal for mitigating the hard- ships of partition and occupation. There are several Western counter proposals, some of them American, which have been ex- plored and might be brought forward now. Turning from the serious business to the talking points of the security treaty, what - speaking as Americans-is this "Europe" of Mr. Molotov's from which not only we but also the Canadians are excluded? The Molotov Europe would ap- pear to extend from Lisbon to Vladivos- tok. It would seem that the North and South Americans are out of Europe but that Turkestan and Mongolia are in it. That is a kind of geography that will not do at all, and we can recognize no division of the world on such a line. If there is a line of division, it is not between Europe and the Americas but between Europe and the realm of all the Russias. The Ameri- cas are in their origins, in their culture and their religion, in the vital interests of their security and their commerce an integral and inseparable part of the Western community of nations. It includes now as it has from the beginning-not in terms of power poli- tics but in terms of the imponderable human affinities-all of Europe to the frontiers of the Soviet Union. The Americans are not alien intruders in the vital affairs of European order and se- curity. We are engaged in them by necessity and of right Assemb y-Panhellenic Controversy "You Know And I Know, But Does Your Dog Know?" "I -- - DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN l By HELENE SIMON Daily Associate Editor ASSEMBLY supposedly represents the ma- jority of women on campus. Panhellenic represents the minority. There is nothing astounding in these two facts since most University women are in- dependent. Yet Panhel has gone through the motions of carefully considering the perma- nent enactment of a plan which will effect the whole campus-fall rushing. Two years ago fall rushing was first tried on a tempo- rary basis and is now, perhaps on its way to becoming a long-lived institution of the Uni- versity. Fall rushing brings little benefit to ei- ther the individual or the sorority, but it was started more as an almost desperate attempt for survival by the Greek organi- zations which were not fulflilling their membership quota. The faults of such a plan are all too evident when swarms of confused first semester freshmen descend upon eqaully confused sorority women who find it quite difficult to get to know their prospective pledges. Most sorority women probably find spring rushing less of an or- deal. Assembly has not had much to boast about for the past two years concerning the rush- ing problem. At the beginning of last semes- ter it seemed to feel that because independ- ent women had a stake in the final decision Assembly should have a voice in the matter -even if that voice was a feeble one. An agreement was made that the two organiza- tions should work together, although Pan- hel, of course, would have the ultimate word on fall rushing. Somehow Assembly was lost in the shuf- fle. For all practical purposes Panhel took over complete command of the project. Pan- THE FOREIGN STUDENT: hel distributed questionnaries to house di- rectors and took a poll of sorority opinion. Assembly prepared its own questionnaire with emphasis on how fall rushing affected the individual, but it was turned down. Be- cause the deadline for independent opinion was drawing near and Assembly wished to make itself heard, it accepted the question- naire drawn up by Panhel for the house di- rectors. This questionnaire was discussed at meetings of independent housing groups. As an attempt to get an expression of in- dependent opinion, the questionnaire was inadequate and completely evaded the ma- jor issue. The questionnaire asked for the effect of fall rushing on various dormi- tory activities such as Lantern Night. This has very little to do with the actual prob- lem because what is important is what happens to the individual. The response was overwhelmingly pro-spring rushing. Now Assembly has finally taken a strong stand on the issue. It has firmly come out against fall rushing and recommended that Panhel take independent opinion into con- sideration. It is indeed gratifying that As- sembly has at last felt its responsibility and is exercising the power it can. In a decision which will have repercus- sions for the whole campus and not merely sororities, Assembly should ideally have the right to vote at the March 9 meeting where the final decision will be made. A clause in Panhel's constitution forbids this. In this case an amendment would not be out of order because the effect will be campus wide. This, however, is too much to hope for. For the good of the University community, Panhel should seriously consider the opin- ion of Assembly. This is a time for coopera- tion. Assembly has done its part. Now the matter is in the hands of Panhellenic. 1 _ ,' r--" -~. e V . , -t~. c.o r 1171 ON THE WASHINGTON' MEBURY-GO-ROUND WITH DREW PEARSON Needed:* A Survey (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the fourth in a series of articles on the foreign student written by a graduate student in Journalism from Am- sterdam. Today's article deals with the foreign student at this University.) By EDDY LACHMAN "IN THE beginning, students were friend- ly to me, but I seldom got any personal invitations. A little more warm attention and hospitable cordiality would help to ad- just foreigners. Now I have just as many friends as in my own country and feel more at home-but I had one long lonely year." (Quoted from "This is What They Say" by Mary V. DeWitt). Ever since President Angell brought the first Far Eastern students to this Univer- sity, Michigan has loomed large on the itinerary of foreigners who wanted to study in America. This year, more than one-thousand foreigners are enrolled on the 'campus. The greatest single group comes from the Far East. Forty-six per cent of the foreign students get their funds from public or private institutions on the assumption that an exchange of students from many lands will bring those lands closer together and thus further peace. The foreign student who arrives here is received by the International Center, a club-like institution in one of the wings of the Union. On entering the door of the Center he receives a few pamphlets in which a cordial welcome is extended to him . . . on paper. Most of the staff is too busy organizing the intricate details of the arriv- al and the settling-down process to be able to speak with individual students. An ap- pointment is made for the foreigner and a few hours or a day later he is received by the foreign students' advisor who talks with him personally for a few minutes. Not more. To to his job, Robert B. Klinger has to see a student every three minutes, all year round. There is no time for a leisurely talk. The Seas Around Us W HY ENROLL in a zoology or oceanic ge- ography course when you can go to the movies? Any student who wants a workable in- sight into the foibles of aquatic monstrosi- ties need no longer search through Univer- sity catalogues: local theaters, alleged mec- cas of entertainment, have stepped in to re- lieve the University in this area. Ann Arbor's cinema-inclined citizens have no excuse for an ignorance of super- natural mutations. We have been gracious- ly ushered (for just eighty cents a throw) through ten thousand fathoms, the black lagoon and countless other crannies of the deep. Via "The Thing," a few years back, we got a glance at terrestial freaks. Local theater managers merit all the bou- quets, orchids and wrist corsages we can af- ford to give them, as tiny tokens of our grat- itude. A dull weekend in Ann Arbor is ines- timably brightened by the prospect of ad- mittance to one of their establishments. Meanwhile, screen fan magazines whis- per subtle hints that elsewhere in our en- The student is given a list of available rooms or he is put down to enter one of the quads. Most of them take a private room, some of them share one with a friend of the same nationality. The work of the International Center does not end there. Mr. Klinger has to continue his personal counselling on mutiple prob- lems. "Where do I get my money; where is my luggage; can I send a television set to Pakistan; can I marry an American girl?" Also, the Center has to arrange get-togeth- ers with American students, lectures about the registration system at the University; international teas, trips for weekends, etc. Klinger comments: "A foreign students' advisor's main job is to work himself out of a job. When the foreigners do not appear at the Center any more, it means that I have done my job. They are integrated in- to American student society." The first part of that statement is true, but the second part needs some qualifications. It is a long and difficult job even for an American to integrate himself into new surroundings within his own country. Coming from Detroit as a freshman here, he might find a few people from his high school, he might get to know some of his classmates at a coffee hour. But how long does it take him to find the social group, the circle of friends or the small community ofrpeople living at the same house, which really gives him the feeling of belonging? Now, would a student from Japan, living In a rooming house with a countryman of his find in one year his American circle of friends? His natural shyness may be a barrier. But how many American students try to break through that barrier? One Japanese student told us rather rue- fully: "In three months time at Ann Arbor I have collected about thirty names and telephone numbers of people I met at offi- cial mixers, get-togethers and coffee hours. They were awfully friendly and nice when I met them. But none of them has ever troubled to ring me up. When we meet on the campus we say 'How are you doing' and then we say 'Fine,' and that is all there is to it." * * * T HE CASE OF the Japanese boy is not iso- lated. But it is difficult to appraise how many such cases there are. The for- eigner knows about the peculiar American need to be loved and therefore it will take yo uquite some hours of talking before he tells you what he does not like about this country. There are many other cases. Many for- eigners have made American friends al- most immediately. They have been in- vited to their homes during Thanksgiving or Christmas. Or they have found a cir- cle of American friends who share their worries and thoughts. But we cannot know how many of the foreigners are in- tegrated and how many are not. We do not know what the 34,000 foreign students in American universities really think about this country. No scientific sur- vey has ever been made to determine wheth- er the millions of dollars spent annually on the foreign students is really money well spent. Whether a majority of them returns home to interpret America more correctly than it is generally interpreted abroad or whether half of them go back spreading a WASHINGTON-Believe it or not, but Rollis "Speed" Nelson, who was caught speculating on the commodity market while work- ing for the Senate Agriculture Committee, is now a $10,800-a-year consultant to Secretary of Agriculture Benson. The secret records of the commodity market show that Nelson was speculating in soybeans in 1950 at exactly the same time he was surveying world market conditions for the Senate Agriculture Com- mittee. This no only gave him inside tips, but put him in a position to influence the futures market which is sensitive as a hair trigger to the slightest maneuver of Congressional committees. What is even more shocking, however, is Nelson's close asso- ciation with Ralph Moore, a shady speculator who was both in- dicted and suspended from trading on the commodity market after he delivered phony press releases to the Agriculture Depart- ment press room in an abortive attempt to influence lard prices. - Moore was a speculating partner of ex-Senator Elmer Thomas, Oklahoma Democrat, during Thomas' heyday on the commodity mar- ket. After Thomas was defeated for re-election largely because of his commodity deals, Moore lined up deals for Senator Joe McCarthy and Louie Kung, bank-roll man for the China lobby. As for Secretary of Agriculture Benson's new consultant, this col- umn can reveal that Nelson, while still a staff member for the Senate Agricuture Committee, lived in the same house with Ralph Moore. It is an interesting coincidence that Moore was also speculating heav- ily in soybeans in 1950, along with his China lobby friends. Nelson's soybean speculations were at the same time, though no connection can be proved between their soybean accounts. What can be proved, how- ever, is that Moore opened an account in cottonseed oil for Nelson shortly after he left the Agriculture Committee. It was ex-Secretary of Agriculture Charlie Brannan who first sounded the alarm about Nelson. Though the commodity market records are strictly secret, Brannan was so alarmed at finding a speculator on the Senate's Agriculture Committee staff where he could influence market prices, that he tipped off Nelson's sponsor, conscientious Senator Milt Young, North Dakota Republican. As a result, Young quietly dropped Nelson. Afterward, Nelson went into business for himself as a commo- dity dealer, renting office space from his pal, Ralph Moore. When questioned by this column, Nelson admitted his speculating past and stated: "I am not in the market now. I sold out the day I came over to the Agriculture Department." *s * * * INDO-CHINA WORRIES T HE CRUCIAL battle to save Indo-China is being waged on two diplomatic fronts in addition to the jungles of Laos. Front No. 1 is Berlin where John Foster Dulles has had two talks with Foreign Minister Molotov in an effort to get him to call off the Indo-China rebels. All Dulles has got so far is a slavic shoulder shrug. And undoubtedly that's all he will get; for the Kremlin is encouraging the Indo-China war at this particular time as pressure on the discouraged French to stay out of the United European Army. If the French stay out, they can get peace in Indo-China-though how long that peace will last is problematical. In Berlin also, French Foreign Minister Bidault. has given Dulles a blunt warning that the French Chamber of Deputies is almost sure to vote an end of the war within the next three months. Dulles has relayed this warning to the White House, in fact cabled Eisenhower a half-dozen times last week urging that every aid possible be rushed to Indo-China. Front No. 2 is in Washington where there's a division of opinion regarding American aid to the French. *s * .s * AIR FORCE OPPOSES MOST VIGOROUS supporter of aid to France is dynamic Admiral Arthur Radford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who has leaned toward sending American troops; also wants to blockade the China coast; is also the man who put through the sending of Ameri- can mechanics to repair American planes. General Nathan Twining, Chief of Staff for the Air Force, was opposed to sending these mechanics, but was overruled by Radford and Eisenhower. The group inside the Pentagon which supports Radford has worked out a plan to send four divisions of U.S. troops to Indo- China, along with American artillery, tanks and jet fighters. But the opposite faction points out that the minute American fighting men show up in the Indo-Chinese jungles, Chinese Com- munists are certain to intervene-as they did in Korea, and all-out war would explode. Meanwhile, the Joint Chiefs of Staff have urgently warned the President that Indo-China must be saved from the Communists or all of Southeast Asia, including rice, rubber, tin, will eventually fall under the Kremlin's wing. The President has ordered an emergency reevaluation study chiefly to see whether the gloomy warning should be as gloomy as indicated. Actually the present atmosphere is one of frustration, * * * * CAPITAL CAPSULES THE PANAMA CANAL COMPANY has reported to Delaware's cru- sading Senator John Williams that 99 Senators and Congressmen, ac- companied by 147 relatives, have taken government-subsidized cruises to Panama in the ist thre vears Rpn.. hlinn nNtinnn Chirman (Continued from Page 2) E periods per week. (Elementary Engineer- ing Drawing I, three hours of under- graduate credit.) $27. Instructor: Philip . Potts, Associate Professor of Engineering Drawing. Tuesday and Thursday, Feb. 16 and 18, 7p.m.. 445 Engineering Building. Descriptive Geometry. (Engineering Drawing 2, three hours of undergraduate1 credit.) $27.1 Instructor, Philip . Potts, Associate Professor of Engineering Drawing. Tuesday and Thursday, Feb. 16 and 18, 7 p.m, 445 West Engineering Building. Germany Since 1870. Bismarck and the formation of the Empire; Germany as the first continental power; the First world War, the collapse of the Em-R pire, and the tragic destruction of the European balance; the attempt at democracy and its failure under the Republic; . the Nazi revolution and World War II; postwar Germany, its problems and basic importance to the West in the East-West conflict. The em- phasis will be placed upon the most re- cent course of events. (History 138, two hours of undergraduate credit.) $18. Instructor: Karl H. Reichenbach,.As- sistant Professor of History. Tues., Feb. 16, 7:30 p.m., 170 Busi- ness Administration Building. Introduction to Literature of Music. Brings to the layman a practical meth- od of listening to Instrumental music and familiarizes him with the signifi- cant forms and styles of music com- position heard currently in the concert hall and over theradio. Its aim is prac- tical, and its approach is nontechnical; no previous knowledge of music is necessary. (The 1954 May Festival Lec- ture Series is included in this course). Sixteen weeks. $18. Instructor: Glenn D. McGeoch, Pro- fessor of Music Literature, History and Criticism. Tues.,Feb. 16, 7 p.m., 206 Burton Tower. Practical Public Speaking. For the' student who desires a course devoted exclusively to training in public speak- ing rather than a basic course in the. whole field of speech. Study, analysis, practice, and criticism designed to pro- mote the acquisition of proficiency in extemporaneous speaking. May be taken for credit or without credit. (Speech 31, two hours of undergraduate credit.) $18.' Instructor, Paul E. Cairns, Instructor in Speech. Tues., Feb. 16, 7:30 p.m., 1429 Mason Mason Hall. Social Forces in Human Behavior- Material from the three disciplines of psychology, anthropology, and sociol- ogy will be integrated into a single ap- proach to the problem of understand-1 ing man ad the soco-cultural forces that affect his behavior. At the same time, the lectures will introduce the student to the problems, aims, meth- ods, and techniques that are charact- eristic of each of the three fields. Six- teen weeks. $18. Lecturers: David F. Aberle Associate Professor of Sociology and of Anthro- pology; Ronald Freedman, Associatet Professor of Sociology and Ford Founda- tion; Theodore M. Newcomb, Professor of Sociology and Psychology; Milton J. Rosenberg, Instructor in Psychology; Guy E. Swanson, Assistant Professor of Sociology; Edward L. Walker, Associate Professor of Psychology; Alvin F. Zan- der, Associate Professor of Educational Psychology. Coordinator: Milton J. Ros-J enberg.I Tues., Feb. 16, 7:30.p.m., 171 Business Administration Building. Concerts Paul Badura-Skoda, distinguishedI young viennese pianist, will make his Ann Arbor debut in the seventh con-1 cert of the current Choral Union Series, Wednesday evening, Feb. 17, at 8:30, in Hill Auditorium. He will play the fol- lowing program: Bach Partita No. 2 In C minor; Beethoven Sonata in C minor; Bartok Suite, Opus 14; and the Brahms Sonata in F minor, Op. 5. Tickets are available at the offices1 of the University Musical Society ineI Burton Tower, at $3.00, $2.50, $2.00, and $1.50 each; and will also be on sale at the Hill Auditorium box office after 7o'clock on the night of the perform-l ance. _ Events Today Deutscher Verein will have its firstI meeting of the semesterttonight at 7:30 In rooms 3K and L of the Union. t Dr. James Pollock, Chairman of thee Political Science Dept., will speak on the Berlin Conference. Dr. Pollock was recently in Germany. Everyone wel- come. The Congregational-Disciples Guild. Tea at Guild House this afternoon from 4:30 to 6 p.m. Pi Lambda Theta, Xi Chapter wilF meet in Rackham'Lecture Room, this evening, at 8 p.m. Eileen Lay will give an illustrated talk on "The Real Ja- pan." All University women who are interested are invited to attend. Hillelzaoppin. Tryouts for Independ- ent Women group at the League be- tween 3-5 and 7-9 p.m. Hillel-Reservations for the Friday TO TH E EDITOR Even Fatheads . .. To the Editor: IF LEE MARKS' editorial were on something as inconsequential as fraternities or football teams his error could be considered merely amateur. But Mr. Marks is writing about freedom of the press. He quotes U of Georgia Regent Roy Harris: "Everytime I see some of these sissy-squirts writing editor- ials, I think we need more he-men playing football and less sissies working for newspapers!" The actual quotation in Time magazine: "Every time I see one of these little sissy boys hanging around some college, the more I think every one of them, ought to be made to play football. What we need today is more he-men and Evening Kosher Dinner must be made by calling the Hillel Building before Thursday at 5 p.m. Cancellations must also be made before Thursday. Westminster Student Fellowship is sponsoring a Bible Study class "Christ Through thetEyes of Paul." The second meeting of the semester will be held from 7 to 8 p.m. in Room 205 at the First Presbyterian Church. The study tonightwill be on Galatians. Everybody welcome. J. G. P. Costume Committee. There will be a meeting of all Junior women interested in working on costumes for Junior Girls Play at 7:15 p.m. today at the League. If you are interested and cannot attend please call Joyce Perry at NO 8-6246 or Carolyn Thomas at NO 2-2569. Lydia Mendelssohn Box Office is ac- cepting mal orders now for season tickets for the Department of Speech 1954 SPRING PLAYBILL for $3.25 - $2.60 - $1.90. Student season tickets are available for opening nights at $1.50. Included on the season tickets are Rich- ard Strauss' comic opera, ARIADNE O? NAXOS, produced with the School of Music, March 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6; Shakes- peare's THE TAMING OF THE SHREW, March 25, 26 and 27; and Eugene Ioch- man's 1953 Hopwood' award play, VER- ANDA ON THE HIGHWAY, Apri 22, 23 and 24. The Varsity Debate Squad will meet this afternoon at 4 p.m. in 4203 Angell Hall. The complete semester schedule will be announced. All interested stu- dents are invited to attend. Episcopal Student Foundation. Tea from 4 to 5:15 at Canterbury House. All students invited. Square and Folk Dancing. Tonight and every Tuesday. For this time only, dancing will begin at 8:15 and the place will be the upstairs auditorium, Lane Hall. Everyone welcome. Coming Events Forum on. College and University Teaching. First session, February 19 3-4:30 p.m., Auditorium C, Angel Hall. Topic: The Intellectual Role of the College Teacher Presented by Harold M. Dorr, Profes- sor of Political Science and Director of the Summer Session. Panel: Ernest F. Barker, Chairman of the Department of Physics; Raymond L. Garner, Associate Professor of Bio- logical Chemistry; Donald G. Marquis, Chairman of the Department of Psy- chology; Dudley M. Phelps, Professor of Marketing. Professor Algo D. Hen- derson will serve as chairman. Faculty of the University and grad- uate students are invited. American Chemical Society Lecture, Wed., Feb. 17, 7:30 p.m., 1300 Chem- istry Building. Customary dinner for the speaker prior to the talk will be held at 5:45 p.m. Dr. Herman F. Mark of the Polytechnic Institute of Brook lyn will speak on "Block and Graft Copolymers."~ The Literary College Conference Steer- ing Committee will hold an important meeting on Wed., Feb. 17, at 5 p.m. in Dean Robertson's office in Angell Hall. LeCercle Francals will hold its first meeting of the semester on Wed., Feb. 17, at 8 p.m. Ip. the Michigan League. Mr. Meyerstein will speak on Renais- sance Music in France, with examples to demonstrate. A coffee-hour will follow. Everyone welcome J.GP. Central Committee. There will be a meeting of the JGP Central com- mittee at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow at the League. Wesley Foundation. Wednesday morn- ing matin at 7:30. Regular Mid-Week Refresher Tea in the lounge, Wednes- day, 4-5:30. Students for Democratic Action. First Meeting of the Spring Semester Wed., Feb. 17, 7:30 p.m., at the Michigan Union. Speaker: James Farmer of the Student League for Industrial Democ- racy. Subject: The Unfinished Tasks of Democracy. This topic will include a discussion of the pending Supreme Court decision on the "separate but equal" school issue. The Congregational-Disciples Guild. Discussion Group at Guild House on Wed., Feb. 17, 7 p.m. Subject: "The Church in Modern Society." Student Affiliate, American Chemical Society, will meet on Wed., Feb. 17, at 7:30 p.m. in 1400 Chemistry Build- ing. Dr. R. C. 'Taylor of the Chem- istry Department will speak on "Spec- troscopy in the Study of Molecules." Episcopal Student Foundation. Stu- dent Breakfast following 7 a.m. service of Holy Communion, Wed., Feb. 17, at Canterbury House. Sixty-Fourth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Harry Lunn.......... Managing Editor Eric Vetter....... .. City Editor Virginia Voss.........Editorial Director Mike Wolff......Associate City Editor Alice B. Silver..Assoc. Editorial Director Diane D. AuWerter.....Associate Editor Helene Simon........Associate Editor Ivan Kaye...............Sports Editor Paul Greenberg.. .. Assoc. Sports Editor Marilyn Campbell...Women's Editor Kathy Zeisler....Assoc. Women't Editor Chuck Kelsey ......Chief Photographer Business Staff Thomas Traeger......Business Manager william Kaufman Advertising Manager Harlean Hankin....Assoc. Business Mgr. William Seiden......Finance Manager Don Chisholm.....Circulation Manager Telephone NO 23-24-1 r ,.' A< !^ A .,