THOUGHTS ON THE SUSPENSIONS See Page 2 iteta i na Latest Deadline in the State Daitiir 4L FOUR PAGES I T. U 'UY YV7 T- I Q A ~YU A VT~lW ,,r/' T/wr A- - ou,-. i - - - -.- - - FAIRWARME 17 VOL. "IV, No. 158 A1~N ARBOR1, MVICHt1WIGN, SATURD~iAY, MAY 15, 1954 i Secrecy Lid On Meeting Gets Protest Counsel Claims Adams 'Silenced' WASHINGTON - (P) -- The Eisenhower administration yester- day clamped a secrecy lid on a now-famous meeting which helped prepare the way for the Army's challenge to Sen. Joseph R. Mc- Carthy (R-Wis.). The "don't talk" edict brought swift protests from Democrats on the McCarthy-Army investiga- tions subcommittee. They demand that top federal officials-up to but not including President Eisen- hower-be called if necessary to find out whether the Army's ac- tions were masterminded at the highest level of government. THE MEETING in question was held Jan. 21 and was attended by Sherman Adams, the Presi- dent's top assistant; and Atty. Gen. Herbert Brownell. Army Counselor John G. Ad- ams testified Wednesday that Sherman Adams advised him at this meeting, held in Brownell's office; to keep a written record of the Army's troubles with Sen. McCarthy's office over Pvt. G. David Schine. Later publication of the record led to the present blazing row. Yesterday Democrats on the subcommittee pressed for more de- tails of the meeting, and down over the televised hearings camne the Administration's secrecy lid. Joseph N. Welch, counsel to .the Army officials, said. Adams had ben instructed to say no more about the meeting. These instruc- tions, he said, came from the act- ing head of the Defense Depart- ment, Robert Anderson. Welch added that he understood Ander- son was transmitting them for somebody else. THAT POINTED to the White House. And at the White House, Asst. Press Secretary Murfay Sny- der, when asked if the order orig- inated there, would say only: "I have no information to give out." The subcommittee Thursday gave the green light to sponsor- ship of telecasts of the hearings. Sen. Karl E. Mundt (R-N.D., chairman of the subcommittee, asked the networks to use "good judgment in the types of sponsor- ship which they secure, since these televised hearings will be going rooms." So far as could be determined, into homes and some school class- this is the first time a Congres- sional committee 4ias ever permit- ted commercial sponsorship of TV broadcasts of hearings. FIRE! Small Frame Shed Burns A small, wooden warehouse own- ed by the Martin Haller furniture company burned last night. Located on Fourth Ave. next to the Montgomery Ward warehouse, the building was almost complete- ly destroyed. Police reported re- ceiving a call at 10:40 p.m., and within a short time after midnight the fire had been put out. There was no damage reported to other buildings. No estimate has been made of the cost of the damage but police officers on the scene stated that the building housed little of great value. It had been used chiefly to store carpet matting and rubber goods. 'U' Faculty Senate Will Meet Monday The University Faculty Senate will hold a meeting at 4:15 p.m. Monday. The agenda, a copy of which members of the faculty received two weeks ago, does not include any consideration of the faculty suspensions, since the agenda was made up before the three faculty men appeared before the Clardy committee. However, the suspensions may Kresge Portrait Leaders All men interested in .beconi- ing orientation leaders for the fall semester are urged to sign up in the Union Student Offi- ces. Those with -previous ex- perience in the position are es- pecially urged to sign up. Deadline for signing up is Friday, May 21. NU Retains Bias Clause In Balloting EVANSTON, Ill. - UP) - North- western University students have voted to keep racial bans prac- ticed by some fraternities and sor- orities. The issue came up for a vote Thursday at a Student Govern- ing Body election. THE STUDENTS turned down by a vote of 1,573 to 910 a pro- posal to disband any fraternity -or sorority that does not remove discriminatory clauses because of race or religion by 1960. The pro- posal was placed on the ballot by student petition. Of 28 fraternities on campus, eight have clauses which limit membership. The vote was taken only at the Evanston campus, where 7,116 stu- dents are enrolled. Northwestern had a fall registration of 18,443 in iall its schools. SC Downs Set High-level Talks I Nine, 6-4 Holds Lead To Plan Possible Allied I Peter john Stars In Relief Role By STEVE HEILPERN Special to The Daily EAST LANSING - Michigan §tate's baseball team strengthened its grip on first place in the Big Ten race here yesterday, by squelching a ninth-inning Michi- gan rally and defeating the visi- tors, 6-4. The two teamshmeet again to- day in a doubleheader at Ferry Field in Ann Arbor. The first con- test is scheduled to get under way at 1:30 p.m. * * * ED HOBAUGH, State's starting' pitcher, had a 6-4 lead going into the last frame, but ran into trouble. After one man had been retired, he walked pinch hittei' Tony Bran- off and catcher Dick Leach. Mac Finch, batting for reliefer Dick Peterjohn, laced a grounder between third and short which had base-hit written on it, but Spartan shortstop Johnny Mat- sock flashed to his right, gloved it beautifully and forced Leach on a close play at second. Dan Cline then grounded out to end the ball game. MSC solved Jack Ritter's deliv- ery early in the contP t_ Right- Far East Intervention Frechlly -Daily-John Hirtzel DEDICATION--A life sized portrait of the originator of the Kresge Foundation, Sebastian S. Kresge, will be unveiled at 12:30 p.m. today when University President Harlan H. Hatcher presides over the dedication of the Kresge Medical Research Building. Dr. Detlev W. Bronk, president of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research of New York will be the principal speaker at the dedica- tion luncheon. PROiVI1NFN'Ll FXFf;i1TTVF. PATtT.. I-- unIMMA .T annuiwcQVQ z PROTEST: Local Group To Picket Armed Forces Parade A small group of men, women and children will picket the Armed Forces Week parade here today. "In absence of a Disarmament or Peace Day we will register a peaceable and good-natured protest today," said Tresa Hughs, amem-; ber of the group which will picket the parade. ' "THE PURPOSE," Mrs. Hughs continued, "is to make the cu a a .ilv CyUly ilnal cles . Mgil - v"- ---I- -. 2m, Ul1V Jr aA U . IlUk r mAN ADREEnS Two proposals also dealing with fielder Bob Powell clouted one of HONORS CONVOCATION racial or religious bans were ap- the Wolverine lefty's pitches for a; proved. home run with one man on basePa l G.Hoffm ONE REQUIRED that Greek loaded the bases in the next fam om an peaks letter societies with restrictive on a single by Jack Risch and safe AU. clauses must "submit yearly proof" bunts by Jack Zeitler andGeorge tonors C onvocation .their national governing bodies to After Hobaugh fouled out to E Feopdrnation. ortwesernbVt-e Leach, first sacker Chuck Mathews By FREDDI LOEWENBERG F a o o e n ed Vo I . hu ate y REDIL WEBEG freedom is the great driving force ers. it was approved 1,28'7 to 1,210. lined a one-baser to right field. Advocating "free minds for a of this' society has been most The second proposed that in- Risch scored, but Zeitler was call- free society," noted administrator acute." dividual organizations determine ed out at the plate on a fine throw Paul G. Hoffman said yesteiday. their own course regarding ra- by Paul Lepley. Matsock then that "the common denominator of14 Discussing what he termed the cial and religious policies. Sup- bounced out to end the inning. all our dangers is fear." "monumental task" of winning ported by the Interfraternity The formr d t of the E peace, Hoffman urged that the Council, governing body of fra- RITTER had no trouble in the n emi r ei a.i n A mrnot United States be prepared to use ternity groups, it passed 1,488 to third frame, but failed to surviveo military force, give economic aid 886 the fourth. With two outs-and was addressing the 31st Annual and persist in its efforts to under- Neither of the approved propos- Zeitler on third, Hobaugh helped Honors Convocation at Hill Audi- stand other nations. In spite of als are binding upon the student his own cause with a single to left- torium. Seven hundred under the "possibility that our high board. center;.Mathews advanced him to graduates were recognized for their hopes may be blasted" the ad- third when he drove deep to right high scholarship at this years as- ministration said that the last half Sfor a double, the ball barely elud- sembly. rof the twentieth century holds the Tag Da ing Lepley's grasp. Both runners possibility of being the greatest tallied on Matsock's single. "COURAGE immunizes us'yet. Tag Day contributions will Dick Peterjohn took over the against those who exploit our fears Later in the day, President and pitching chores at this point and for political purposes," Hoffman be solicited romboh scattered was greeted by Ray Collard's base explained. "Today we are passing Mrs. Harlan H. Hatcher entertain- over the campus. hit. This was the last safety off through a period in which freedom ed honorees and their families with ts See NINE, Page 3 to think, freedom to inquire and a tea at the Hatcher home. American objectives. inevitably+ ed." people reconsider our The means employed effect the ends achiev- Going under the slogan "Opera-i tion Peace Power" the parade will begin on Huron and State Sts. and proceed as follows: west on Huron to Main, south on Main to Wil- liams, east on Williams to Fourth St., north on Fourth to Liberty, and east on Liberty to State "Thus true peace can never be brought about through the threat of weapons of mass oblit- eration," she concluded. The picketers, including Univer- Adfmh ola e sity students and townspeople, will Aside from the local parade, all distribute green sheets quoting ex- military installations in the great- cerpts from "Steps to Peace," a er Detroit area will hold open report prepared for the American houses. The largest, a combined Friends Service Committee. all-service air and ground show, will take place today and tomor- These excerpts stress the need row at Selfridge Air Force Base. for negotiation and diplomacy in - -- eaorviy an0'lWv'ela + nfri. wii t hpr? I From Fort By The Associated Press The United States and France have arranged high-level talks to discuss specific conditions under which American and other Allied forces might intervene in the war in Indochina. Diplomatic officials said these secret conversations would start within the next few days, probab- ly in Paris, an answer to an ur- gent Frenen appeal for hard in- formation about American inten- tions. BOTH FRENCH and American authorities say France has not yet asked direct United States in- tervention American authorities empha- sized that the agreement to talk with France did not con- stitute a United States com- mitment to enter the war. President Eisenhower, with the approval of Congress, will decids this, they said, if and when France meets conditions Secretary 'of State John Foster Dulles laid down in a speech on Indochina a week ago. Sec. Dulles has informed French Ambassador Henri Bonnet, it was said, that the views' set forth in this address were not just his own but represented clear-cut Ameri- can government policy. * * * THE SECRETARY said flatly that "the present situation does not provide a suitable basis for the United States to participate" in the seven-year-old fight in In- dochina. Foreign Minister Georges Bl- dault will represent the French government and Ambassador Douglas Dillon, and possibly other top officials, will speak for the United States in the forthcoming talks. The first of seriously wounded French Union soldiers were evac- uated from captured Dien Bien Phu last night, the French Com- mand announced. The first eight men of the 450 who are expected to be brought out by agreement with the Com- munist-led Vietminh arrived by plane at Hanoi just before 11 p.m. THE FRENCH command said the helicopter which flew to Dien Bien Phu to bring out the first load was "blocked in" by stovry weather for hours after landing, delaying the evacuation opera- tion. The delay had caused rumors that the Vietminh was placing fresh political demands as its price for carrying out the evac- uation agreement reached at Dien Bien Phu Thursday when a French doctor headed a mission to the former French fortress 175 miles west of Hanei. At Geneva, Soviet Foreign Min- ister V. M. Molotov moved slight- ly yesterday from the rigid pos- tion taken by the Communists to- ward ending the war in Indo- china. But formidable obstacles still stand between the Indochina conference and peace. Molotov proposed an amend- ment to the Communist armistice plan presented earlier by Viet- minh representatives. The amend- ment provided for supervision 'of' the armistice by a neutral nation's commission. BOTH UNITED States and French spokesmen declined com- ment, but one French delegation source said it was "a concession of one of the points which we re- garded as most important." Molotov, yesterday's chairman, announced a two-day recess in Indochina talks. He said that a meeting restricted to delegation heads and three advisors each would be held on Monday. c 3 _ lrr "aU / underprivileged boys to Fresh Air Camp. Tag Day is spon- sored by Assembly and other campus organizations. y g;I:YIV Vn n~U1 ~,1U+ nations and in achieving our in- ternational goals. THE PARADE, composed of more than 30 units including the local National Guard and the Uni- versity ROTC units, will start at 10:30 a.m. Quad Officers Art Kangas, '55, and John Har- lan, '55, were elected president and vice-president respectively of South Quad Council. Treasurer and secretary of the Council will be elected next semes- ter. Canadian Cabinet Divided St. Lawrence Plans President Eisenhower's signature on the St. Lawrence seaway Bill after 30 years of controversy does not assure Canada's acceptance of United States participation in the project to open the Great Lakes to ocean shipping. While the Canadian cabinet is divided on the question of whether to give up the plan for an all Canadian seaway- or the one proposed in the Wiley-Dondero Bill, they made it clear that the power project in the international rapids section of the river will not be delayed by negotations over the seaway. * * * * THE NEW YORK-ONTARIO waterpower project awaits only the 7action of the Supreme Court on Prison in East Germany Sets Jarecki Free Henry Jarecki, former Univer- sity student, was released three days ago from an East German prison after being confined for two weeks by the Russians. Reason cited by the Soviets for Jarecki's imprisonment was that he was making too many purchas- es in the Russian Zone. In defense Jarecki claimed he had made only one purchase, a camera. Released with Jarecki were Wil- liam Koslow, an American stu- dent and John Deull, a tourist. Both were being held on similar charges. Intervention by the American Government resulted in the release of the triod Jarecki, now a medical student in the University of Heidelberg, West Germany, attended the Uni- versity from 1949 to 1951. His home is Asbury Park, N. J. I freedom to speak are in consider- able jeopardy." According to the administra- tor, it is up to the young peopleI of the nation to keep the free mind alive. Commenting on freedom of speech, Hoffman stressed that al- though there are no thought po- lice here, freedom can still be stifled. "It would be tragic if our institutions would become in the smallest way Russianized," he said. The automobile industry execu- tive pointed out that nothing is, more terrible than having "to bel afraid of being one's self amongj one's neighbors."1 * * * TURNING to academic freedom, Hoffman said it is important to teach what Communism is so that1 it can be recognized. The academic world has put up a courageous and1 successful fight in defense of aca- demic freedom, he continued. 1 He expressed the belief that this nation has surged forward most during those periods in which "our consciousness that Bank Robbery Suspect Held By Local Police Detroiter Nathaniel Burdette, 32 years old, was arrested at 715 Granger by city and state police and sheriff's officers here less than an hour after he allegedly robbed a New Boston Bank. Shortly after noon two state troopers spotted Burdette's car, believed to have been stolen here before the robbery, and pursued it on the Willow Run Expressway toward Ann Arbor at 100 miles an hour. He was captured by Ann Arbor Police Captain Rolland Gainsley and Patrolman Arthur Meggison. Approximately $2,900 was found nearby, wrapped in a colored scarf. State police said the bank reported $4,300 stolen. No trial date has been set. Operation Dictionary appeals from the opponents of the plan. The bill that Eisenhower sign- ed Thursday, provides for con- struction by the United States of a 46-mile seaway between Cornwall and Lake Ontario at a cost of $105,000,000. The legislation becomes opera- tive only if Canada will bear the cost of everything but the 46 miles that the United States will build on its side of the river. Before accepting the proposed United States participation, the Canadian government wants cer- tain assurances. PRESENT treaties providing fcr use of each other's canals and wa- terways can be abrogated on a year's notice. Therefore, Canada will insist that the rights of both parties in the seaway, wherever situated, shall be equal and in per- petuity. Foote: Actor Turned Writer_ By PHYLISS LIPSKY Horton Foote, author of the Drama Season's current produc- tion "The Trip to Bountiful," had theatrical ambitions at an early age but only turned playwright af- ter several years of acting exper- ience.. The author, whose play ends its local appearance at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theater with per- formances at 2:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. today, left Ann Arbor yester- day after an overnight stay.x FOOTE'S ACTING career began attempt to explain the part acting experience has played in his career as an author. THE FRIENDLY Texan, whose southern accent is evident only sporadically, offered 'an analogy; "How does it help a composer to have played an instrument?" he asked. Actors, he said, are in a sense the playwright's instrument. Once a play is out of the play- wright's hands, Foote observed, "it belongs to the actors." The author becomes adjusted to the