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May 13, 1954 - Image 10

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Michigan Daily, 1954-05-13

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k iUDA1, AAA k 14, 1954

PAGE FOUR 'tilE Mlt3itibAI% JiAILY

SRep. Clardy's
ALTHOUGH IT COULD conceivably be
unwise to form a judgment on a person
whom you've met but once and seen only
twice, I do not hesitate to draw conclusions
on Rep. Kit Clardy, chairman of the House
un-American activities committee. He so
easily fits into one of our favorite stereotypes.
Very few people one meets fail to fall
into a ready classification, because one
never gets a chance to know many of them
very well, whether he sees them once or
every day. Perhaps this can justify my
categorizing Rep. Clardy as a typical poli-
Like all public figures, the Lansing repre-
sentative has a keen appreciation of pub-
licity. Whether it is favorable or antagonis-
tic is irrelevant, as long as it's publicity.
This, coupled nicely with the fact that he
is a University alumnus, was probably why
getting an interview was not the least bit
The interview was arranged by telephone,
the first time you talked to him. Your idea
of his investigative coldness and auster dis-
tance was weakened by a hearty voice that
made even the telephone receiver seem
friendly. He didn't seem like a bad guy at all.
As you sat a little nervously in his 17th
floor suite in the Fort Shelby Hotel in De-
troit, his instant smile under a silvery head
of thick hair and his off-hand informality
begged you to be at ease. Nor could you
escape the impression that it was not just
superficial, that he is sincerely friendly,
almost to the point of being paternal.
You asked him questions which he an-
swered verbosely-but he rarely pinpointed
anything. As it became apparent that he
was not as sure of what he was saying as
his manner suggested, your queries became
deliberately more demanding. He never re-
fused to answer a question ,and his evasions
were as unintentional as they were inten-
tional. It was as if he hadn't convinced him-
self that he knew as little as he did about a
particular subject, despite its being obvious.
This sort of thing must have gotten tiring
after a while, for he made the mistake of
admitting that he didn't know very much
about Communism. Nevertheless his strong-
est conviction, that Communism is the
greatest menace to the United States today,
was not in any way alleviated. Problems of
definition are not his, it came out, and
socialism is the same as Communism. (This,
of course, is necessary for an effective in-
vestigation, probably arising from the old
precaution of leaving no stones unturned.)
His extrovertish nature is common to
politicians, as is his determination to go
ahead on a project such as the investiga.
tions once he has announced its tremen-
dous importance. That considerations of
political power ever entered his motivation,
is, of course, unthinkable. It is a bi-parti-
san crusade.
Heiseems to be much more fair and honest
than 'the typical investigator is assumed to
be. Yet, when he talked about the fair
breaks he gives his witnesses, you were more
convinced of his mercy than he was. He
sounded as if he would like to be kind to
witnesses, but the crucial nature of his job
prevented him.
It is ridding the country of the Communist
menace by making the public aware of it
that is the mission he has undertaken. This
is the most important part of his life. Yet,
at one time, he inadvertently refers to "more
important things in Washington."
His and other investigating committees
comprise the only effective method of fight-
ing Communism, since it informs both Con-
gress and the public simultaneously. Re-

ferring to laws already passed as a result of
investigations, he further justifies his com-
mittee's activities by revealing that he has
introduced a bill to make the Communist
Party illegal. To your surprise, however, he
shrugs as he makes known his indifference
as to whether his bill or another to the same
effect is passed.
You come to an early conclusion that he
possesses a rather odd compound of non-
chalance and determination about the
whole thing. But, after thinking about it
for a while, you began to realize that he
doesn't really know why he is doing what
he is.
His preoccupation on the Communist
menace to the nation's security creates a
curious paradox in his mind which I doubt
he recognizes as existing. His conviction
that Communism is so terrible (because it
advocates the use of force and violence)
makes him preclude primary consideration
of the individual as such, a thing he is not
ordinarily disposed to do, and a thing he
probably does not do in private life.
Since he does not recognize this paradox,
he can make no attempt to resolve it. The
committee's work remains the highest con-
cern. And individual liberties suffer, which
he will not admit because he doesn't want to
believe it. Ycu cannot doubt the funda-
mental belief of this man in individual
liberty, but it has become obscured and
transcended by the Communist menace.
Now, every person is different, and if
this analysis of Rep. Clardy is correct, it
does not necessarily follow that all inves-
tigative committee chairmen are similar,

Liberals, Conservatives Trade
Opinions of Investigations

. . eEer to th e6dior . .

(Continued from Page 1)
United States against subversion.
ANOTHER LIMIT is that a witness may
refuse to testify if a truthful answer may
tend to incriminate him, that is to say, plead
the Fifth Amendment. When this may and
may not legitimately be used can hardly be
determined by a layman; only a trained
lawyer can advise us on that.
Nonetheless the Fifth Amendment does
limit the investigatory power of Congress.
The First Amendment-freedom of speech
as comprehending freedom not to speak
--may be a limitation on Committee in-
quiries, though this has not yet been de-
termined by the courts.
'But the very separation-of-powers system
itself is a limit on the power of Congress to
investigate. Quite early in our history, Presi-
dent Washington refused to turn over certain
documents in connection with the Jay Treaty
which were demanded of him, on the grounds
that it was within his Constitutional right
to withhold them.
Other Presidents have on occasion fol-
lowed this policy. Recently President Tru-
man declaredi that information in loyalty
files was a confidential matter and could not
be revealed to Congress or the public. Presi-
dent Eisenhower has on the whole adhered
to this position, though his Attorney-General
recently found himself in an anamolous po-
sition on this issue in the cases of Mr. White
and Mr. X.
* * * *
ASSUMING Congress can conduct inves-
tigations, that no one may be compelled to
answer, but also that there are limits to the
investigating power, what does it all mean
in the area of politics?
Many, of course, argue that the purpose
of these investigations is salutary, though
the methodsare not. Those a bit less sen-
sitive hold that the ends justify the means.
Some hold that politics is a tough game,
one can expect a few injustices here and
there, but that on the whole the commit-
tees aim in the right direction.
These arguments all amount to about the
same thing and all fail to appreciate the
point suggested by Professor Swanson last
Friday; namely, that democracy is essen-
tially a matter of means, that he who per-

verts the means perverts democracy, and
that perverted means are not likely to lead
to an intended desirable goal.
We might even suggest that one of the pri-
mary differences between democratic and
totalitarian countries is that in the former
only certain means may be employed, where-
as in the latter force and fraud seem to be
the cardinal virtues.
* * * *
CERTAINLY some investigating commit-
tees have used means and created a climate
of opinion that is dangerous to our political
life, though one would not, I suggest, hold
that we are on the brink of disaster,
The operations of the Senate Permanent
Subcommittee on Investigations do raise
questions concerning the authority of
the President and Congress. We might
remember that after a period of co-exist-
ing with a strong President, Congress tends
to become a little restless and exhibits a
natural desire to assert itself.
Without debating whether Mr. Truman
was a strong President, we might agree that
he was unable to avoid irritating Congress
-even, or especially, some of the Democrats.
With a change of Administration in 1952,
Congress proceeded to assert itself and the
President was not inclined to assert himself
vigorously, at least not initially.
Orie could not seriously hold that the
Committee has made permanent inroads on
the authority of the office of the Presidency,
though it has seriously challenged that of-
fice on occasion through pressures on Presi-
dential appointees.
It does not seem to be true, however,
that the American people wish to revert to
the concept of the Presidency as illustrated
by a Harding or a Buchanan.
In fine, the perspective of history forces
one to look behind the claims of both liberals
and conservatives with regard to investiga-
tion committees, to attempt to evaluate the
worth of investigations as they relate to
constitutional democracy, and to be sus-
picious of those who confuse means and ends.
Only the naive believe that democracy is
here to stay regardless of what we do to
preserve it; only those of little faith would
say that the struggle is not worth the effort,
or that all is lost when one battle goes
against us.

4vast. , .


To The Editor:
T SEEMS to me The Daily
should represent student opin-
ion on campus in its editorials. I
would like to respectfully suggest
your handling and opinions con-
cerning the Price story and all
surrounding personalities like Ed
Shaffer does not represent the vast
majority of Michigan students. !
The average student does not
in any way agree with the ideas
you have expressed and almost to
a man disagree with Mr. Shaffer
and all he represents.
There is absolutely no reason
why any LOYAL citizen should
fear a committee and its questions.
The power of Congress to investi-
gate is unquestioned and its ques-
tions go to the heart of citizenship
-either you are or are not a loyal
American. Only those in doubt are
called and by refusirig to answer{
they remove all doubt of their loy-
alty-it is to something other than
American Democracy.
We all khew what Ed Shaffer is
long before he was subpoenaed but
he has shown it to the world now.
I too would like to help by con-.
tributing my $1, to see Mr. Shaffer
get transportation to the "Peo-
ples Paradise"-away from this
bad land of ours, and will forward_
it as soon as I know he will use it.,
Also would like to see The Daily1
sponsor such a drive, but if not1
that at least represent student
opinion which is anti-Communis-
-Bob Johnson 7
,* * *
Un- merican Activity .
To The Editor:

"Quick, Officer - They Went That Way"
- {1
- ----

style of their high school news-
papers, I fail to see the need for
this material. I presume Sapient
Sandalwood Sobeloff might be just
as happy to send the folks back
home a clipping which mentioned
his full name without the sylvan
-David Kessel
Educators or Politicians
To The Editor:

..s., ..,..,..a..a+ -.,.,..a.....


ward a citizen could be displayed
by representatives of the people of
this country seems impossible.
The only un-American activities
brought to light Monday were
those displayed by the Committee
--Harlon Joye, NR'54
* * *Ie


Washington Merry-Go-Round


_ 4

HOW CLOSELY Senator Dirksen of Illinois
has been working with the White House
in trying to end the McCarthy hearings was
indicated -by some backstage by-play Moiz-
With the committee having already re-
jected Dirksen's plan to end the hearings
after McCarthy testified, the soft-spoken,
persuasive negotiator from Illinois went
into a noon-hour huddle with White House
During that huddle they came up with the
second Dirksen compromise-namely, to end
public testimony after hearing McCarthy,
but continue secret cross-examination by
Counsel Ray Jenkins.
What worried Chairman Mundt about this
second compromise was that the Army might
reject it. So it was arranged that the Com-
mittee not vote until next day, thereby giv-
ing the White House time to call off the
Secretary of the Army. Though Stevens has
undergone two weeks of grueling cross-ex-
amination, he has insisted that the hear-
ings must go on until every scrap of evidence
is heard.
Last month he was bawled out by Ike
for not standing up to McCarthy, and now
he's got his back up so much that Ike

can't reverse his own earlier advice. How.
ever, the White House wanted to make a
try at pacifying him on Monday night.
But Stevens did not wait for Monday
night. He told the Senators immediately
after lunch that he was dead opposed to the
second Dirksen compromise.
"I hope you will make no precipitous
judgment at this time," Chairman Mundt
interrupted. "Think it over during the
However, Stevens would not be side-
"This committee undertook this series of
hearings," he said. "You made the rules.
One of the rules was that the hearings
would .be public. You later said they would
be televised. I see no reason to change the
rules at this time."
Note-What McCarthy and his friends on
the Senate Committee want to get away
from is testimony by Army counsel John
Adams and legal adviser Struve Hensel, both
smart attorneys. Also, they don't want the
telephone recordings between McCarthy's
staff and the Army to be made public. These
are loaded with dynamite.
(Copyright, 1953, by the Bell Syndicate) ,

To The Editor:
WITNESSING the Monday hear- AM WRITING t s tetter in be-
ing of the House Sub-Commit-hIAMWIN thfeerie
tee on Un-American Activities has half of some close friends of
really made me wonder what is mine in the Philadelphia Orches-
happening to this country. tra. I, as well as they were quite
Yesterday's hearing was a prime upset at the atrocious behavior of
example of the injustice of this Ann Arbor audiences at this year's
sort of investigation. The "wit- May Festival. Why is it that at
ness" had to sit and suffer Clardy's the end of every concert, before
slurs and Scherer's sarcasm. He Mr. Ormandy has even left the
could not defend himself; he could stage, people jump out of their
not make statements; he could not seats to rush out? Can they be
question any member's motive for in such a hurry that they wish to
asking certain questions. If he deprive the rest of the audience
did not want to be cited for con- of encores which Mr. Ormandy so
tempt of Congress, he had to an- graciously plays? There were sev-
swer yes or no or refuse to answer, eral concerts in this year's series
invoking the Fifth Amendment- where encores by the orchestra
but only the Fifth. The others were cancelled because people were
were not a protection against be- already leaving at every exit.
ing cited. The concert which disturbed us
Throughout the hearing, there the most was Saturday afternoon'sI
was evidence of comedy. Kit Clar- at which Jacob Krachmalnick and
dy, that fearless prosecutor of Lorne Munroe gave such an
thinkers of evil things, managed outstanding performance of the
to inject his scathing wit into the Brahms Double Concerto. It seems
hearings at every opportunity. His that between the second and third
benign, fatherly attitude was a movements, Mr. Munroe looked up
most comical type of hypocrisy, and saw a large group of people on
Scherer, one of Clardy's comem- the main floor get up and walk
bers, tried to compensate for his out. The only possible explanation
lack of wit by projecting a search- haeseenforoupsof highischool
ing intellect into his questions. He have been a group of high school
asked such questions as the follow- students here for University Day
ing: Didn't the Communists use who had to make bus connections.
violence in the Spanish Civil War? If this was the case, could they
As if there ever was a war without not have left at intermission, or
violence. To him the use of vio- waited another ten minutes?
lence in Spain (during a war in I hope that in future years Ann
which Markert allegedly fought) Arbor audiences will learn to con-
is proof that Markert believes in duct themselves as well-mannered
violent overthrow of this govern- individuals and show respect and
ment. Scherer also made many courtesy towards any orchestra or
comments about the- "witnesses'" solist coming to perform here. It
education background. Such re- isna disgrace to the community of
marks as the following: "You Ann Arbor to have behavior like
should be able to answer that ques- we witnessed last week.
tion; you have a PhD." were fre- -Ruth Strauss
The entire episode, was enough Grow Up, Lawyers . ..
to make a person ashamed of his'
country, his government, and the To The Editor:
persons who represent him. That AM REVOLTED. Who do these
such disregard for the rights and lawyers think they are sitting
privileges of a citizen of this coun- up there in their ivory tower
try and such lack of courtesy to- (Lawyers Club) ? They have in-

sulted the undergraduates inten-
tionally. I am referring to the
series of letters beginning with Mr.
Swift's letter of April 30 and end-
ing with the letters by Messrs. Al-
kema and Ghareeb of May 8 in
which they discussed the pros and'
cons of putting a horse in the
court ofHutchins Hall before
Crease Ball. They well referred'
to it as the Unicorn in the Garden,'
a figment of the imagination. This
is exactly what it was. I have
since learned that the whole thing
was a hoax. They didn't mean
what they said, and they only
wrote those letters to mock the
undergraduates of the campus.
This was truly, to quote Mr.
Ghareeb, "A waste of mental re-
sources." Perhaps Mr. Alkema had
a tenable position in maintaining
that, even the most studious need
some sort of diversion, but isn't it
going a little too far in trying to
make suckers of the entire student
body? Frankly, I'm disgusted.
Come lawyers. Don't be so ju-
venile. Why don't you grow up?
-Elaine Borkowski, '56
* * *
1Block That Octopus...
To The Editor:
IF YOU PEOPLE are seriously
going to attempt to put out a
serious newspaper and even tem-
per the admittedly confused con-
tent of Gargoyle publicity with
the wisdom of your journalistic
experience, it seems to me that aj
much needed improvement would
be the deletion of the moronic
high scpool nursery rimes which
accompany the induction of cam-
pus big shots into honorary soci-
eties. I note a steep gradient of
maturity in the Daily this morn-
ing: from the coverage of the
Clardy hearings on page 2 to the
Druid Drivel on page 1. If the
ivy of tradition has choked the
editorial orifice to such an extent
that you find yourself unable to
cast off the leaden chains of an-
centor worship, is it not time that
we clipped the wings of this deep-
rooted octopus? Do the campus
big shots have you intimidated in-
to publishing these pallid poems?
Without taking a poll, I state with
a fair degree of certainty that 99%
of your readers would not object
if a simple statement of fact sup-
planted this verbose verse. Aside
from recalling to freshmen the

THE HASTY suspension of three
faculty members based on their
refusal to answer certain questions
asked to them by the Clardy Com-
mittee raises some serious ques-
tions as to the freedom of the Uni-
versity. The faculty members in
question have not been accused of
any crimes and their refusal to
answer questions are based on the
Bill of Rights. As these men are
all serious scholars their loss would
impair the ability of the university
to carry out its academi fun-
Will the University maintain its
freedom to run its internal affairs
or is it going to be subjected to
the political pressure and criteria
of governmental bodies - criteria
which are often detrimental to
scholarship and which are subject
to immediate change with a shift
in the administration?
If the University allows govern-
mental agencies to influence it with
regard to the personnel it may em-
ploy is not the precedent set for
influence and eventual control
over the curricula and other mat-
In short who is to be the master
of the University, competent edu-
cators and administrators trained
for the purpose or politicians and
an emotional press whose under-
standing and sympathy with the
educational process leave much to
be desired?
Universities thrive on sharp dif-
ferences of political, social, philo-
sophical and religious ideas. If the
'University should falter in its pri-
mary objective of providing the
best possible education for its stu-
dents then the amount of funds
it receives or buildings it erects
will seem a hollow consolation
The great majority of students
and faculty already see these is-
sues clearly. Were they to bring
the issues before the people of the
state I am sure they would receive
a most understanding reception.
The reiitkatement of the three
faculty members would win for the
University the right to maintain
control over its own house. It
would serve notice on politicians
that there is nothing to be gained
by dabbling in the field of educa-
I believe that a concerted effort
by students and faculty is capable
of winning these objectives. To
submit to injustice now would not
only be cowardly but would serve
as a precedent for further and
more serious encroachments on our
*-Robert Schor
S* *
For Prof essors.. .
To The Editor:
tive in the Department of
Zoology and as an employee in the
Department of Pharmacology, my
association with both Dr. Clement
L. Markert and Dr. Mark Nicker-
son has convinced me of their high
personal integrity as scientists. To
the best of 'my knowledge they
have in no way made use of 'the
classroom or their positions on the
faculty to exert political influence
on any student. I consider them
both to be of great value to the
University of Michigan and to the
field of scientific endeavor.
-Kaye E. Fox







IArchitecture Auditorium
PYGMALION, with Leslie Howard and
Wendy Hiller
SHAW'S Pygmalion exemplifies the trend
in English social thought since the days
of the Oxford idealists and the Fabian So-
cialists. The central idea stated being that
the differences in social classes is a result
of external conditions in the environment
rather than the inherent distinctions long
attributed to such class differentiation.
The elegance of Professor Henry Higgins
is mirrored against the low status of Eliza
Doolittle, a London flower girl. Their story
is the classic one.in which the artist creates
a masterpiece so beautiful that le fall in
love with it, and then it comes to life.
Using this as a framework, Shaw builds
his play on English morality. At first Eliza
is but the object of a bet between the Pro-
fessor and his friend. He is going to make
this common girl into a lady. Higgins is
eminently successful in his venture, but Eli-
za during the reconstruction process finds
that her feelings are as genuine as those of
her instructor.'PHer indempndene make 'Piv-

gins realize the hypocrisy of his position. In
the end he dutifully climbs down from his
pedestal of self-esteem to express his love
for Eliza, the woman he has helped to cre-
There .is really little opportunity for
any well-rounded character development
since the people represent social classes
rather then individuals. Higgins is the up-
per class, while Eliza is the mass. Leslie
Howard, however, manages to convey the
human elements of his role without de-
stroying his symbolic position. He is, per-
haps,.more sensitive to the changing so-
cial conditions then the average person of
his class, but his experiences are too per-
sonal for him to remain objective.
Wendy Hiller as Eliza creates the only
full personality in which the successive
stages of her maturation are shown. She
manages to remain both the flower girl and
the cultured young woman while still dif-
ferentiating the two roles, thus maintaining
a consistent character development.
This film stands as an excellent chron-
icle of the change between nineteenth and
twentieth century mores.

(Continued from Page 2)
Logic Seminar, Fri., May 14, at 4 p.m.,
In 411 Mason Hall. Dr. Jesse Wright will
speak on "An Analysis of a Logical Ma-
chine Using the Polish Notation."
The Department of Biological Chem- #
try will hold a seminar in 319 West
Medical Building at 8:30 a.m., on Sat.,7
May 15. The topic for discussion will be
"Some Aspects of Vitamin B12 Metabo-
lism" conducted by Dr. M. Toporek of1
the Simpson Memorial Institute. j
Doctoral Examination for Annetta
Rosaline Kelly, Pharmacology; thesis:
"Studies on the Sites of Metabolism,;
Distribution and Tolerance Develop-
ment to4Certain Thiobarbiturates,"
Fri., May 14, 103 Pharmacology Build-
ing, at 10 a.m. Chairman, M. H. Seevers.
Doctoral Examination for Richard
Montgomery Ihurber, Germanic Lan-
guages and Literatures; thesis: "The{
Cultural Thought of Karl Emil Fran-j
zos" Sat., May 15, 102D Tappan Hall,
at 9:30 am. Chairman, W. A. Reichart.
Doctoral Examination for Lee Bigger-
staff Coppie, English Language and Lit-;
erature; thesis: "Three Related Themesr
of Hunger and Thirst, Homelessness,
and Obscurity as Symbols of Privation,_

Health Perceptions of Children in Ele-
mentary School," Sat., May 15, West .~
Council Room, Rackham Building, at Department of Astronomy. Visitors
1:30 p.m. Chairman, M. E. Rugen. Night, Fri., May 14, 8 p.m. Dr. Fred-
erickP. Thieme, Asst. Prof. of Anthro-
pology, will speak on "Man and Mam-
mal." After the illustrated talk in Aud-
Midwvestern Music Students Sympos- itorium "B", Angell Hall, the Students'
iuMidaerMSicurdents Sundas-Observatory on the fifth floor will be
m, r14,dy S16.sardayrogram winday open for ,telescopic observation of the
given at 8:30 Friday evening in Audi-M ndJper f the tky isclear,
torium A, Angell Hall, when composi-p or for inspection of the telescopes and
tions by Michigan students will be I planetarium, if the sky is cloudy. Chil-
played. Works by students of the Uni- dren are welcomed, but must be ac-
versity of Illinois will be performed in companied by adults.
the same auditorium at 10:00 Saturday Hillel Foundation, Fri., May 14, 1954.
morning, University of Iowa at 1:30 Reservations or cancellations can be
p.m. The Stanley Quartet will conclude made for Sabbath Dinner. Call Hille
the Saturday activities with a concert NO 3-4129.
at 9:00sin Auditorium A. On Sunday Wesleyan Guild. We are leaving for
morning The University Symphony Or- the Planning Conference this afternoon.
chestra, Josef Blatt, Conductor, will be See you Sunday evening!
heard in a concert of orchestral com- ec
positions by students of the four uni- Supper H , lerationa frD ilsd Hous
versities. This orchestra concert, con- 5:20 p.m. Will return for All-Guild
clu ding the three-day symposium, will la n WilrtnfoAl-ud
be played at 10:00 in Hill Auditorium Planning Conference at Guild House
Sunday morning. The general public Episcopal Student Foundation. Tea
will be admitted. from 4 to 5:30 at Canterbury House.'
All students invited.
Student Recital. Robert McGrath,
Tenor, will be heard at 8:30 Sunday Episcopal Student Foundation. Can-
evening, May 16, in Auditorium A, An- terbury Club, 7:30 p.m., Canterbury
gell Hall, presenting a recital in partial ((House. Father John Bradley will speak

Sixty-Fourth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harry Lunn...........Managing Editor
Eric Vetter.. . .............City Editor
Virginia Voss......... Editorial Director
Mike Wolff........Associate City Editor
Alice B. Silver. Assoc. Editorial Director
Diane D. AuWerter .... Associate Editor
Helene Simon . ....Associate Editor
Ivan Kaye.............Sports Editor
Paul Greenberg... Assoc. Sports Editor
Marilyn Campbell......Women's Editor
Kathy Zeisler. . ..Assoc. Women's Editor,
Chuck Kelsey_...Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Thomas Treeger...;.. Business Manager
William Kaufman Advertising Manager
Harlean Hankin. ...Assoc. Business Mgr.
William Seiden . . Finance Manager
Anita Sigesmund Circulation Manager
Telephone NO 23-24-1



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