TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1954 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Pwr. m--w~ L ()JI L 1ZLLr ' I (PAID ADVERTISEMENT). cCarthyism Is the Clear and Present Danger Hearings to outlaw the LYL under the McCarran Act are being resumed today in New York. In a previous session, the LYL, invoking the First Amendment, moved to terminate the proceedings, and offered to prove that McCarthyism, rather than the League, presented a clear and present danger to America. The League's offer to prove its charges in open hearing before the McCarran Board-with the right to subpoena McCarthy, Jenner, Velde, etc.-was rejected. On this page are excerpts from the legal document (offer of proof) submitted by the League to the Mc. Carran Board. THE LABOR YOUTH LEAGUE IS PREPARED TO PROVE THE FOLLOW- ING STATEMENTS OF FACT: These proceedings which seek to outlaw an organiza. tion of young people will, unless terminated, GREAT- LY INTENSIFY THE DANGER, CLEAR, PRESENT AND IMMINENT, OF A SUBSTANTIVE EVIL THREATENING THE HEART OF DEMOCRATIC SOCIETY. This substantive evil is McCarthyism, defined by former President Truman as a "horrible cancer .. . eating at the vitals of America." A The Labor Youth League is prepared to prove that this substantive evil is recognizable and well defined, and will call to the attention of the Board the publicly stated expert opinions of Americans of all creeds, faiths, and political persuasion, including among others, the opinions: FORMER PRESIDENT HARRY S. TRU- MAN: "... the corruption of truth, the abandonment of our historical devotion to fair play . . . the abandon. ment of the 'due process' of law ... the use of the big lie and the unfounded accusation against any citizen in the name of Americanism or security ... the rise to power of the demagogue who lives on untruth ... the spread of fear and the destruction of faith in every level of our society." GENERAL COUNCIL OF THE PRESBY. TERIAN CHURCH: "The shrine of conscience and private judgment, which God alone has a right to enter, is being invaded. Unamerican attitudes towards ideas and books are be- coming current. Attacks are being made upon citizens of integrity and social passion which are utterly alien to our democratic tradition. They are particularly alien to the Protestant religious tradition which has been a main source of the freedoms which the people of the United States enjoy." An integral and central objective of McCarthyism is the creation in this country of A GENERATION OF UNTHINKING, MILITARIZED, BRUTALIZED YOUNG PEOPLE, WHICH CAN BE A READY PROP TORECKLESS DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN MILITARY ADVENTURES. The Labor Youth League will prove that the results of this proceeding will be to intensify the already serious effects of McCarthyism upon America's young people. EDUCATION A The Labor Youth League will prove that this pro. ceeding encourages McCarthy's threat to the funda. mental right of young people to learn and study and its aim to mold a robot-like generation of unthinking, un. inquiring, frightened youth. 1. The Labor Youth League will bring to the at. tention of the Board, the following publicly stated expert opinions, among others: "Public education in America is under the heaviest attack of its history." -Arthur D. Morse, "Who's Trying to Ruin Our Schools?" McCall's Magazine. September, 1951. 'Principals become detectives; the students, the parents, the community become informers. Ears are cocked for tell-tale signs of disloyalty . . "What happens under this Feinberg law is typical of what happens in a police state. Teachers are under con- stant surveillance; their pasts are combed for signs of disloyalty'; their utterances are watched for clues of dangerous thoughts. A pall is cast over the classroom." -Mr. Justice Douglas of the Supreme Court of the United States. 2. The stifling of free inquiry has been greatly accel. erated by the conduct of CONGRESSIONAL INVES- TIGATING COMMITTEES. Expert public opinion proving this will be called to the attention of the Board, including: "' have been present at the Jenner hearings. They are of a character to make any honest American sick to his stomach regardless of whether he thinks the vic. tim may be or may have been a fellow-traveler. I have seen only one sight to be compared with it-a Spanish bull fight where half a dozen men stick sharp knives into the bull to enrage him before the matador-in this case, the committee chairman-closes in for the kill . .. Our Congressional inquisitors will attack any or all professors whose opinions they dislike. That will be the moment when McCarthy will move into the bull ring to do his stuff. As in the past, he will produce his professional ex-Communists such as Budenz to say that Professor X was known to them as a fellow. Communist." -Mrs. Agnes E. Meyers, a director of the Notional Citizens Commission for Public Schools. 3. In conclusion, the Labor Youth League will prove that a proceeding which seeks to outlaw an organization of young people, working youth, and students, because of their exercise of the right to learn and study and to engage in free inquiry, will inevitably encourage the Mc- Carthyite plan to mold a generation of unthinking, un. inquiring, frightened youth. MILITARIZATION B The Labor Youth League will prove that this pro. ceeding will encourage the plan supported by the McCarthyites to create a militarized young generation under the domination of the drill sergeant, as recruits for a world destructive atomic war. 1. The McCarthyite-backed plan to place the entire young generation under military control is unfolding at a time when the United States is already the most heavily militarized country in the world. Reports and official documents will reveal the following facts: Over 3,500,000 young men are in the armed forces. Of the total United States population, 2.32% are in the armed forces, compared with 2.04% in England, 2.12% in France, and 1.25% in the U.S.S.R., according to U.S. NEWS AND WORLD REPORT, June 12, 1953. 2. The perspective of the administration and big business circles is to maintain the 'garrison state' as a permanent American institution. Such statements will be shown to include: The Federal Security Agency which places the life span of the garrison state' as "five years, ten years, or indeed the rest of our lives." 3. The keystone of the 'garrison state' is the plan to place the entire generation of American youth under military control. The Labor Youth League will prove that this plan will center around the attempt to enact Universal Military Training during the next year. The National Council of Churches of Christ in American states, "U.M.T. would be a signal to the whole world that Congress had abandoned hope of a peace. ful settlement of International differences." 4. The military threatens to take over and CON. TROL ALL THE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS of this country. The Committee Against Militarization in Education, headed by Albert Einstein, warns against "military training units, increased use of schools and colleges as recruiting grounds, and military propaganda directed towards students and faculty." Armories are replacing liberal arts buildings, as happened at New York University. Whole schools are converted to military establish- ments, as was done with Champlain College. 5. The past and present administrations plan to create ARTIFICIAL WAR SCARES to bolster the econ- omy and impose regimentation upon all aspects of Ameri- can life. The United States Department of the Navy speaks of "the psychological aim" of producing "controlled anxiety" among the population. The UNITED STATES NEWS states "The cold war is the automatic pump-primer. Turn a spigot, and the public clamors for more arms spending." 6. The attempt to create a militarized, brutalized generation has as its main objective the creation of cannon. fodder for an atomic third world war. The circles dom- inating the present administration and in control of the great monopolies, spear-headed by the McCarthyites, con. template new, reckless and bloody military adventures which threaten to lead to the catastrophe of a third world war and atomic destruction. 7. This McCarran Act which seeks to outlaw an or. ganization of young people, in part because of its opposi- tion to Universal Military Training and atomic war, will have the inevitable effect of deterring and intimidating young people from continuing their op position to U.M.T., the total militarization of youth, and the catastrophe of a third world war. JUVENILE DELINQUENCY C The Labor Youth League will prove that this pro. ceeding will encourage the McCarthyite design to create a brutalized, degenerate and amoral generation of youth. 1. Experts unanimously publicly warn against a grave and impending disaster threatening the moral health of American youth. These include: A national survey by the Associated Press, January, 1953 states: "It is difficult to think of children as burg- lars, gangsters, drug addicts or murderers. Such has become the reality, however." The National Association of Training School and Juvenile Agencies warned that youth delinquency, which has "increased twenty percent since the start of the Korean War" has now reached "the crisis stage in Ameirica." Justice John Warren Hill commented that juvenile delinquency is affected by "the derangements of the Cold War." 2. The big business aimed at demoralizing American youth includes the publishing of "comic books." Comic books, said a recent legislative report, are largely "devoted to the dehumanized, concentrated and repetitious showing of death and destruction." They de. pict only "murder, blood andasex," said a UNESCO committee. A New York Legislative Committee reports: "During 1952, more than 100,000,000 copies of comic books were sold each month in the United States-a total of well over a billion copies for the year." 3. The McCarthyites are openly inciting young peo. ple toengage in FORCE AND VIOLENCE in an effort to destroy democracy. Rev. Dr. Ralph Sockman has stated that recent events have "left the way open for mob rule and mass hysteria, with McCarthyism as a major political force." The testimony of the Chief of the Operations Re- search Office stated: "In a life-and-death struggle, it sometimes is necessary to lift the curtain of morality and civilization from men's souls to expose the brute be. neath." And compare the statement of the former German Reich-Fuehrer: "A violently active, dominating, intre- pid, brutal youth-that is what I am after. Youth must be all those things. It must be indifferent to pain. I want to see once more in its eyes the gleam of pride and independence of the beast of prey... In his way shall I eradicate the thousands of years of human domesti. cation." UNIONS D The Labor Youth League will prove that this pro- ceeding encourages the McCarthyite design to create a defenseless generation, deprived of trade union protec- tion and at the mercy of employers and fascist dema- gogues. The following is indicative: Senator Butler, a well-known McCarthyite, indicated his target when on May 15, 1953, he defined what he called "crypto-socialists." He said, "They are always liberals, and it is in the name of liberalism that they speak and act . . . in the field of labor, which next to foreign affairs is the -most sensitive and fertile field of socialist infiltration, collectivist attitudes manifest themselves primarily in a pre-union, anti-management bias." DISCRIMINATION E The Labor Youth League will prove that this pro. ceeding will encourage the aim of McCarthyism to mold a generation of divided, prejudiced, hate-filled youth. The following is indicative: The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, in 1953, stated: "Already there is discernible a pattern which tends to link the advocacy of full equality for Negroes and other minorities to subversion or 'un-Americanism.' In some communities, textbooks, courses of study and teaching techniques dealing with human relations and minority group situations have been condemned or eliminated on the ground that these are not 'American' ... It is conceivable that any organization working for inter-racial democracy may be challenged for its cam. paign against race prejudice, discrimination and in. equality." YOUTH ORGANIZATIONS F The Labor Youth League will prove that this pro. ceeding will encourage the McCarthyite design to hamper, if not destroy, the right of young people to asso. ciate together in organizations of their choice. Many important youth organizations throughout the country have already been subjected to attack, among others, the SDA. Republican Congresswoman St. George stated in Congress, June 4, 1953: "1 have been interested for some time in the Students for Democratic Action and am grateful that Mr. (Fulton) Lewis has given us some of their history and background. This is another case of a front organization masquerading as an innocent cultural organization, while it is quietly and effectively doing yoeman service for the fellow travelers, who are infinitely more dangerous than avowed Communists." G THE LYL WILL PROVE THAT ITS OWN AC. TIVITIES, FAR FROM CREATING ANY DAN. GER OF A SERIOUS EVIL, ARE AND HAVE BEEN DEVOTED IN LARGE PART TO HALTING THE DANGER, CLEAR, PRESENT, AND IMMINENT OF THE SERIOUS EVIL OF McCARTHYISM. In coming weeks, the LYL will again seek the oppor. tunity to prove the above propositions in an effort to have the proceedings terminated. For us in Michigan, the forthcoming Un-American Committee hearings can also only be viewed as a further intensification of the clear and present danger of McCarthyism. URGE ATTORNEY GENERAL BROWN- ELL TO DROP HIS UNCONSTITU- TIONAL ATEMPT TO OUTLAW THE LYL. URGE REP. CLARDY TO KEEP THE UN-AMERICANS OUT OF MICHI- GAN. I