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May 13, 1954 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1954-05-13

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TAI SDAY, MAY 13, 1954


Phi Kappa Phi Honors 237

Eight faculty members and 237]
students were initiated into Phi
Kappa Phi, all, campus scholastic
honorary for graduates and under-
graduates, at a banquet last night.
Stanley P. Bohrer, '54, and Gwen
R. Arner, '54, received the national
society's annual scholastic award.
Addressing the initiates, Prof.
Reuben L. Kahn, chairman of the
serology laboratory, discussed the
defense system of the body cells
against injury.
NEW FACULTY initiates in-
clude Prof. Harry B. Benford of
the engineering college, Prof. Ger-
ald S. Brown of the history de-
partment, Prof. Julio del Torodof
the romance language department
and Prof. Marvin J. Eisenberg of
the fine arts department.
Prof. Garnet R. Garrison of
the speech department, Prof.
John W. Hall of the history de-
partment; Prof. Bruce G. John-
ston of the engineering college
and Prof. Alan B. Macnee of the
engineering college complete the
list. "
Graduate and Undergraduate
Students initiated are:
Allen M. Abrams, '54 BAd., Har-
old E. Abrams, '54, Lee N. Abrams,
'55, Joseph M. Allerdice, Grad.,
Charles C. Alling, Grad., Eileen F.
Alward, William L. Ammerman,
Jr., '54BAd, Richard E. Anderson,
Grad., Sarah C. Angell, A&D, Har-
old E. Angelo, Grad., Gerald G.
Arcangeli, Gwen R. Arner, '54,
Thomas R. Arp, '54, Major M. Ash,
Grad., Dirk Baay, Grad., James W.
Baker, '54 BAd, Richard H. Baker,
* * *
John G. Batsakis, Hugh W. Bat-
ten, Betty Bayliss, '54, Gilbert H.
Beguin, Joseph J. Berke, '57M,
Gershon Berman, '54, Lillian Bick-
ert, Maurice S. Binkow, '54, Frank
N. Blanchard, Miriam E. Blau, '54,
Stanley P. Bohrer, '54, Richard H.
Boll, Mary L. Bongort, '54.
Donald W. Boydston, Peggy A.
Brainard, Ruth E. Brede, '54,
Anna M. Breyfogle, '54 Ed, Jere
H. Brophy, '55E, Irwin Brown,
Jessie A. A. Brunton, '54, Wil-
liam T. Bugler, Jr., Helen L. Bur-
ton, Antis M. Butcher, Jr., Ro-
bert W.'Butcher, Joseph T. Cas-
tagno, Lura R. Cation, '54N,
Martha Cecil, '54N, Donna A.
Chapin, '55, Elroy J. Chun,
George C. Clark, Grad., Milan
H. Cobble, Grad., Elizabeth C. Co-
hen, '55, Myrna C. Cohen, '54 Ed,
Margaret M. Cook, Grad., George
K. Cooper, Grad., Richard E. Cor-
pron, '54 D, Donald R. Cowan,;
Grad., George A. Davidson, '54E,

David Greer Davies, '55E, David
James Davies, Grad., Nancy J. Da-
vis, '54 A&D, Philip Diskin, Grad.,
Lt. Paul Dow, Jr., Grad., Joan M.
Dudd, '54SM, John E. Dudd, Grad.
James H. Dunbar, Thomas R.
Dyckman, '54 Bad, Harry A. Eas-
om, '54, Janice L. Everett, '54, Da-
vid Faigenbaum, Grad., Irving
Feller, John H. Fildew, '55, Ross
L. Finney, III, '54, Charles D. Fish-
er, '54 NR, Morton R. Fleishman,
'54E, Peter B. Fletcher, '54, John
V. Fopeano, Jr., Grad., Ann L.
Frank, '54.
* * *
LOUS GALAN, Grad., Louis C.
Garby, Richard W. Gates, '54, Bur-
mill M. Getman, Jr., Grad., Ralph
F. Gilden, Thomas B. Gilmore, Jr.,
'54, David T. Goodell, Grad., Ralph
R. Goodman, Grad., Leonard
Goodwin, Howard L. Cordy, Jr.,
'54, Lee A. Peter Gosling, Grad.,
John W. Grace, Myles M. Gray,
'54, Alvin Green, Grad., David M.
Green, '54, William M. Green, Jac-
queline G. Greenhut, Grad.
Richard K. Grover, '54, Har-
old W. Guthrie, Grad., Leslie E.
Gyorki, Grad., Donald W. Haa-
pala, '54, Mary E. Hall, '55, Ro-
bert Hamilton, Grad., Gerald E.
Harburn, '54, Frances V. Henry,
Grad., Perry C. Herman, '54, Ed-
win H. Hicks, Lois W. Hoffman,
Grad., Robert G. Hoffman,
Grad., Stewart C. Hulslander,
Grad., Donald R. Hunt, Grad.,
Mary C. Hutchins, SM, Helen
M. Hyry, Grad.
Charlotte Y. Ives, Grad., Benson
Jaffee, '56, David A. Jewell, '55E,
Lucille A. T. Johns, Allan M. Jo-
kela, '55, Edgar L. Jones, Jr.,
Grad., Joyce A. Kanser, '54D, Wil-
liam J. Kelly, '54E, Tawfig N.
Khoury, '55E, Thomas L. Kinney,
Grad., Sylvia H. Kinnunen, Grad.,
Lois I. Klein, Sidney C. Kleinman,
'54, Richard G. Knapp, '54 BAd,
Edward G. Koch, BAd, Herbert
Krickstein, '55, William S. Kris-
tofetz, '54E, Richard A. LaBarge,
James E. Labes, '54, Charles M.
La Due, '54, Mary S. Ladue, '54,
Robert G. Landen, Jack A. Lar-
dis, '54 A&D, Roger A. Law, '55,
S. Marilynn Leathers, '54, Nan J.
Leavy, '55N, David S. Levenson,
Ralph L. Lewis, Grad., Donald E.
Liedel, David C. McClung, '54 BAd.,
John W. McClymont, Grad., Vivi-
on MacLeod, '54 A&D, Frank D.
McNeill, '54E, Lawrence R. Mack,
'54E, Arnold Marx, '54, W. Frank
* * *
gar P. Menning, '54NR, Marjorie
L. Merz, '54, William M. Mihalyi,
Grad., Bruce E. Miller, Grad., Do-I
reen K'. Millman, '54 Ed, Redmond

K. Molz, Michael M. Morisaki,
Bruce L. Nary, Grad., Robert M.
Newsom, E, Jean E. Ockerman,
Morris S. Ogul, Grad., George W.
Oliphant, Maurice H. Oppenheim,
'54, Warren S. Owens, Miles R.
Palmer, Grad.
Luella G. Partee, Grad., Jacque
L. Pell, '54E, Barbara A. Petrie,
'54, Larry C. Pfeiffer, "55NR,
Kent L. Pickard, '55, Donald E.
Potter, '55, Kuo-Chiew Quan,
'55E, Patricia R. Raney, Donald
P. Redfern, '54D, Catherine M.
Reid, Grad., Robert E. Reid,
'54, Rosalie M. Roberts, Grad.,
James L. Roof, '54E, Raymond
K. Rowley, '55, Jean A. Royer,
'55, Janet T. Rutherford, '55.
Jeanne W. Salsbury, Constance
I. Sanchez, Grad., Daniel G. Sayles,
Carol J. Schaller, '54N, Leo Schen-
ker, Grad., Robert J. Schoenhals,
'55E, Wanda G. Schoonover, Karl
F. Schroeder, '55, Laurence H.
Scott, '55, William O. Scott, '54,
Martha R. Seger, '54BAd., Ragnor
J. Seglund, '54BAd, William S.
Seiden, '54, Bertram M. Shapero,
Joseph J. Shea, Gilbert F. Sievert,
Rose M. E. Simonton, A&D,
Diana F. Sims, '548M, Thomas E.
Slykhouse, '55, Ole M. Smeby, Don-
ald R. Smith, '54PbH, Hugh L.
Smith, '54E, J. Keith Smith, Grad.,
Mary M. S. C. Solem, '54, John R.
Sommerfeldt, Betty G. Sowers, '54,
Mary G. Spaulding, Grad. SM,
Eloise E. Spencer, Preston J. Ste-
genga, Anne K. Stevenson, '54.
Marilyn J. Stokstad, Grad., Ben-
jamin A. Stolz, '55.
ALAN R. STUART, Shirley A.
Swinson, Ph., Wirojana Tantra-
porn, Caesar F. Toles, Edward X.
Tuttle, Jr., '54A&D, Rev. Herbert
J. Vandort, Grad., Neal A. Vanse-'
low, '54, Cynthia E. Vary, '54, Ed-
ward G. Voss, Grad., Edward C.
Weber, Grad., Irvifng B. Weiner,
'55, Howard A. Welch, Lois M.
Wellock, Grad., Arthur S. Weston,
'54M, Johan G. Westra, Grad., Ar-
thur J. White, Jr., '54, Marian E.
White, '54.
Donald E. Wilcox, '54E, Law-
rence P. Wilcox, Edward N. Willey,
James T. Woolf, '54BAd, Deil S.
Wright, Grad., Ted W. Wuerthner,
'54, Phillip A. Yantis, Grad., Jo-
seph G. Yope, '54E, Joseph S. Za-
pytowski, Rev. Walter J. Ziemba,
Marvin L. Zuidema, '54E.

Ml~usic Meet,
To Be Held
Some 60 student composers and
performers from four universities
will gather here tomorrow through
Sunday for the Midwestern Music
Students' Symposium.
Student composers from the
University of Illinois, Iowa State
University, Northwestern Univer-
sity as well as Michigan, will have
the opportunity of hearing their
works performed in public con-
certs and then discussed by a
panel of faculty members from
the various schools.
Members of the discussion panel
will be Prof. Ross Lee Finney of
the music school, Prof. Burrill
Phillips from Illinois, Prof. Thom-
as Turner from Iowa and Prof.
Anthony Donato from Northwest-
Highlights of the three-day
meeting are several chamber
music concerts, a special con-
cert by the Stanley Quartet at
9 p.m. Saturday in Auditorium
A, Angell Hall, a carillon recital
by University Carilloneur Prof.
Percival Price at 9:30 a.m. Sun-
day and a concert by the Univer-
sity Symphony Orchestra, Prof.
Josef Blatt conducting, at 10
a.m. Sunday in Hill Auditorium.
A special feature of the Sym-
posium will be a performance of
"The Legend of John Henry," a
modern dance composition, follow-
ing a dinner on Saturday at the
Baptist Church, 512 E. Huron.
Music for ballet is by Donald Har-
ris, Grad., with choreography by
Robin Squier, '54.
All concerts of the symposium
are open to the public without
Klyver To Speak
on Biochemistry
Dr. A. J. Kluyver, of Delft, Hol-
land, will speak on comparative
biochemistry at 4:15 p.m. today in
Auditorium A, Angell Hall.
Sponsored by the bacteriology
department, Dr. Kluyver is one of
the founders of comparative bio-

International Students
Shown VariedActivitie


The proclamation of Interna-
tional Week which will be high-
lighted by the 12th annual Inter-
national Ball has created a flurry
of activity on the campus.
When Gov. G. Mennen Williams
named the week of May 10 to 16
International Week in Michigan,
he recognized one of the largest
concentrations of foreign college
students in the country.
Among the first in foreign en-
rollment, Michigan has about
1,000 students from all parts of
the globe. Most of the students
are in graduate courses and about
60 per cent major in engineering.
* * *
feel at home in a large, strange
place is a problem for any univer-
sity but with -the International
Center and the International Stu-
dents Association the University
provides many opportunities for
the student to enjoy his stay in
the United States.
The International Center and
the student-run International
Students Organization cooperate
to present a program of, activi-
ties by which foreign students
may get to know American stu-
dents as well as each other.


In charge of all foreign students
at the University the International
Center counsels them and mainly
sees that they don't lose their
status in the country. Dr. Esson
M. Gale, director of the Center
and Robert B. Klinger, assistant
counselor look after the legal af-
fairs with the Department of
* * .
FAMILIARIZING the new stu-
dent with the campus is one of
the main duties that the Center
and the ISA accomplish. In the
orientation program, representa-
tives of the ISA greet all new for-
eign students and arrange for
housing facilities.
As a part of their program to
acquaint the foreign student
with American culture as well
as that pf other nations, the
Center and the ISA sponsor
weekly teas on Thursdays and
Sunday movies.
In. order to introduce the stu-
dents to American business the
Center and ISA also provide tours
to such places as Greenfield -Vil-
lage, New York, Cranbrook and
the Argus Camera plant in Ann
side of the foreign student's stay
at the University are the annual
Monte Carlo Ball held in the fall
and the International Baliin May.
Profits of these and the Interna-
tional Bazaar, at which native
products are sold, go towards the
Foreign Student Emergency Fund.
Since most students are allowed
to take only a certain amount of
American money from their native
country and are allowed just so
much within six months, they
often are caught with unexpect-
ed expenses. The Fund helps them
until they receive their next al-
The Madelon Pound House
allows foreign students and
American students to relax in
a home-like atmosphere. Here
they can cook their own native
dishes, watch television or have
jam sessions. The TV set was
donated by the ISA and the Ann
Arbor Civic Clubs in 1952.
In addition to the two large in-
ternational organizations, there
are approximately ten foreign stu-




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Mellencamp Directs Scenery
Designs for Drama Season


Constructing sets for five shows
that are running successive weeks
is not an easy job, according to
Robert Mellancamp, Drama Sea-
son art director.
Drama season shows use scenery
as close to the original designs as
possible. This is necessary because
several of the actors have appeared
in these same shows before. By
constructing the sets similar to
the original ones, it is not neces-
sary for these actors to learn the
stage plan over again.
* * *
THIS IS ALSO true of the props
and furniture. However they must
also be adapted to the individual
theater, in this case the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre. Simplicity
is also important to remember in
the selection of the props and
other stage apparatus.
Mellancamp, the art director
of the Drama Season shows,
works with a crew that is re-
sponsible for the complete sea-
son of shows at the Mendelssohn
The scenery is built at a special
shop on Newport Road. Mellan-
camp supervises the setting up of
Quetico-Superior Wilderness. Only
$5.00 per man day for complete
outfit, aluminum canoe and food.
For free folder and map write: Bill
TERS, Box 717 C Ely, Minnesota.

this scenery and the completion
of the stage for each play.
Painting scenery, gathering
props, supervising lighting for the
stage must all be done proficiently
before the play can go on.
* * *
"THIS TO ME is the toughest
work in the theater" said Mellan-
camp, who has a long record of
work concerning stageing and set
design behind him.
After graduating from high
school in Ypsilanti, Mellancamp
entered the University. After his
graduation in 1938 he taught
stage design here for about ten
years. Army life interrupted his
Bob has also taught at the Uni-
versity of Texas. He has done work
with the Civic Light Opera in De-
troit, served as a TV consultant,
and has done much summer stock
He presently works with com-
panies in Detroit who do commer-
cial shows announcing new cars.
These films tour the country and
show car dealers the latest auto-
mobile models.
This work is pleasing to Bob
but he finds it hard and the
hours are long. He has little
time for diversion, but likes to
work around the yard of the
new home he has built in the
little spare time he does have.
His wife Emma is also a Univer-
sity graduate and works on cos-
tuming for the Drama Season pro-
ductions. The Mellancamps have
two children, both boys.
Bob says the most interesting
part of his work are the people he
works with and the people he
I I-











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