THURSDAY, MAY 13, 1954
SAC & SL's
THE CARDS were neatly stacked Tuesday
when the Student Affairs Committee sat
down to hear an SL petition for an open
meeting planned for today where the three
faculty men and two students who testified
in Lansing Monday could explain the posi-
tions they took at the hearings.
Bad handling by the Legislature in bring-
ing the petition to SAC unleashed a series
of objections which no amount of argument
about the effects on campus of forbidding
such an event could sway.
While this was not the only reason for
rejecting the petition from the Legisla-
ture's Academic Freedom S'ub-Commis-
sion, certainly the apparent disregard for
procedure in gaining approval for all-
campus meetings on University property
that had been restated only eight weeks
before prejudiced a majority of SAC
against the request at the start.
On May 5 SL passed a resolution calling
for the meeting to be held tonight. It then
became the responsibility of the Legisla-
ture to submit a petition to SAC requesting
approval of the meeting. The petition did
not reach SAC until a few minutes before
the meeting began Tuesday afternoon.
Meanwhile by Tuesday morning publicity
had already been circulated indicating that
the meeting would be held Thursday giving
the time and place and the fact that the
persons who had testified in Lansing would
Arguing against the petition SAC mem-
bers cited the case of the Green Feath-.
er drive eight weeks ago when at the last
minute the ad hoc student group that
organized the movement approached SL
and secured their sponsorship of the proj-
ect. The feather distribution was to take
place Tuesday so that SAC members had
to be polled by telephone Monday night
to secure their approval of the affair.
At that time SAC was highly critical of
the advance publicity the students released
which seemed to pressure automatic approv-
al of their plans. This repeat attempt in
the case of the Academic Freedom Sub-Com-
mission to side-step SAC approval by releas-
ing advance publicity constituted the initial
reason for denial of the petition.
Of greater significance, however, was the
argument criticizing the timing of the pro-
posed "open hearing." By permitting the
meeting to take place the position of the es-
tablished student and faculty machinery for
handling cases arising out of the hearings
would have been subverted with a strong
possibility that the outcome of the cases
would be prejudiced.
The meeting, had it been held, would have
in a sense constituted a pre-hearing with
the audience passing judgment of its own
before the Judiciary Council or the college
executive committees had reached their own
decision based on the testimony and record
of the person concerned.
For these reasons any public meeting
at which the principals in the Lansing
hearings appeared would be better held
after some decision had been reached by
the appropriate groups designated to han-
dle the problem.
In reaching its decision SAC was fully
cognizant of the fact that accusations would
be levelled in its direction to the effect that
it was trying to stifle the suspended faculty
men and two students
SAC quashed such a suggestion by indi-
cating in its motion that a petition for a
similar public meeting would be appropriate
after decision on the cases had been reached
by the proper authorities. Any meeting held
at that time would have added significance
in that not only the hearings but also action
of the University could form the basis for
-Gene Hartwig
1GSHUT out the U.S. from Asia and
take the leadership of this vast con-
tinent, the rulers of Red China are working
at top speed to build and impregnate posi-
tion of international strength. Any and all
means are enlisted for this supreme ob-
jective--Chinese arms for the Communist
rebels in Indochina, skillful maneuvers for
U.S. recognition at the Geneva conference.
--Ron G. Whitehead, World Magazine
The Russians Say No Again
To Ike's Atom-Pool .Plan
.@ .£ttsCC to the Liior* .
/ITH THE Soviet Union's notification
'' that it will not take part in the inter-
national atomic energy pool as proposed by
Eisenhower, the final "no" seems to have
been added to the long list of Russian nega-
tives on the subject.
Along with the refusal, the Soviet sent
its usual terms under which it would ac-
cept an atomic agreement. This time the
Russians are asking that a prior agree-
ment to prohibit atomic weapons be sign-
ed before any pooling take place.
Under Eisenhower's plan of last Decem-
ber, each of the states having atomic en-
exgy would contribute part of its nuclear
stockpile for peaceful purposes. This pro-
posal met with world-wide support. Agree-
ing to negotiate at least, the Russians at
the time said nothing about any weapon
agreement before acceptance would be made,
The Russians have little interest in
negotiations on the joint development of
nuclear energy for peacetime use, hold-
ing out for complete disarmament as the
only.important objective. Premier Molo-
tov also hinted recently that he believes
atom pooling will do nothing to alleviate
international tensions.
Feeling in higher U.S. circles is that even
though disarmament might not be attained,
it would still be advantageous to pool tech-
nicians and data for developing non military
uses of the atom,
It is believed that now the Soviet will
present a tnodified form of its long stand-
ing disarmament proposal to the UN Dis-
armament Commission's meeting today in
London. Under the new view, use of atom
and hydrogen bombs would be prohibited,
but stockpiling the weapons would still be
However, the same problems of policing
and control which have plagued negotiations
thus far still remain. Since the United States
will give no pledge not to use nuclear wea-
pons unless there is a comprehensive, spe-
cific agreement, it is doubtful that the So-
viet's new proposal would be acceptable.
However, Washington is believed to be
considering submitting a proposal which
would drop provisions for international
ownership and operation of the produc-
tion facilities for nuclear weapons. If the
Russians hold to their previous demands,
this too would have no effect.
Thus with the U.S. apparently unwilling
to accept the Russian proposals, which are
termed by persons familiar with the pro-
ceedings Molotov's final word; a world ato-
mic pool, at least in the near future seems
-Freddi Loewenberg
Supportfor for Ivis . .
To The Editor:
been a member of the Mathe-
matics Department for almost four
years. In our opinion, he has done
his job faithfully and well. To the
best of our knowledge, he has
never abused his university posi-
tion. We feel that his refusal to
answer questiofis about his poli-
tics is not, in itself, a proper rea-
son for his dismissal.
--R. C. F. Bartels, W. S. Bicknell,
R. Bott, A. B. Clarke, D. A. Dar-
ling, C. L. Dolph, B. Dushnik,
P. S. Dwyer, W. C. Fox, E. L.
Griffin, F. Harary, J. Jans, P. S.
Jones, C. Kilby, K. B. Leisen-
ring, G. R. Livesay, A. J. Loh-
water, R. C. Lyndon, I. Marx, J.
McLaughlin, E. E. Moise, S. B.
Myers, G. Piranian, G. Y. Rain-
ich, M. 0. Reade, R. K. Ritt, R.
M. Thrall, C. J. Titus, L. Torn-
heim, J. L. Ullman, E. Weiss, R.
L. . Wilder -- Members of the
Mathematics Department.
* * *
Petition Today . .
To The Editor:
' ' ) 4
thanks to the editorial team__
of Silver, Voss and AuWerter. In
a. splendid editorial they cleared the second part of this answer was is telling the great number of peo-
up a number of confusing matters omitted entirely. ple in the University that they
and took an intelligent position Mr. Owens' speech, as announc- cannot hold an open meeting to
deserving of our support. ed in his introduction, and as hear the witnesses. This action is'
Some of us who are in sympathy actually presented, dealt almost one vast gagging. Can SAC claim
with this position have drawn up exclusively with a discussion of that the witnesses are against this
reactions to watching Sen. Mc- meeting? Or can SAC deny that
a petition which reads in part as Carthy's investigating committee if they dared to protest actively
believe that the existence of edu- and with the dangers inherent in for it now, Mr. Hatcher would note
cational institutions independent McCarthy's tactics and in what is it down in his to-be-made-report,
o political and governmental con- generally known as McCarthy- as conduct unworthy and unbe-
thol is essential for the mainten- ism. coming a teacher during a Uni-
ance of a free society. Consequent- Concerning his answer to the versity hearing?
ly, we deplore the action of the, question, "Do you feel that refusal This is the pattern: shove in the
University in suspending three fac- to answer questions of a Congres- gag until the axe falls, then take
ulty members for refusing on legal sional Committee under the Fifth it out and let the crowd wail for
sional character may be considered
an equivalent of this qualification.
"c. Successful direction of the
work of doctoral candidates."
(Probably there is also an im-
plicit assumption that professors
will be law-abiding citizens of good
moral character.)
The issue, however, with which
I am concerned is this: "Shall
there be inserted in the "State-
ment of Qualifications"
'd. Acceptable political beliefs.'?"
While I am not well-acquainted
with the suspended faculty mem-
bers or their cases, it seems to me
that if criterion "d" ever should
become an implicit or explicit part
of the Faculty Code, the students'
right to the best-possible educa-
tion would be limited, for the stu-
dents could no longer have confi-
dence that the faculty consists of
the best teachers and researchers
whom the University can attract.
Although I have confidence that
the faculty committees which will
make recommendations on these
cases will not let this issue influ-
ence their judgments, it seems im-
portant to me that the students
and the public who support the
University should also understand.
-W. J. McKeachie
'Subversion' Broadened
To The Editor:
UNTIL RECENT times, I, like
many young Americans, have
always tacitly assumed that this
country wa's the citadel of indi-
vidual freedom. But in the press
of current events I have begun to
doubt this assumption. When the
phenomenon of government sup-
pression strikes so close to home
as it has in the case of our three
suspended professors, one's confi-
dence is shaken in the rationality
of men and in the efficacy of our
democratic institutions. This is
not a comforting emotion. Admit-
tedly, "suspension" or public dis-
approval is in no way as serious
as execution or imprisonment in
Communist fashion, but is this an
adequate compliment to pay to
our much-vaunted democracy?
It seems to be an obvious obser-
vation that this action is not dir-
ected at professors who are in some
manner indoctrinating their stu-
dents, since by no stretch of the
imagination could instructors of
pharmacology, embryology, and
'mathematics be effectively inject-
ing politics into their lectures
without serious diversion. At the
least the whole implication of "in-
doctrination" by any professor irr
the University is a deliberate in-
sult to the intelligence to students
in general. But protection of gul-
lible students is not, of course, the
motive involved; alleged "Come
munist affiliations" are presently
construed to mean that the party
in question is a social leper who
cannot be trusted in any capacity
It cannot be stressed too much
that this broadening of the defini-
tion "f "subversion" is not a minor
WASHINGTON-The average person who
watches Perspiring Karl Mundt of
South Dakota preside over the McCarthy
investigation probably doesn't realize some
of the private proplems Mundt faces.
In the first place, his wife, Mary Mundt,
is an ardent McCarthyite. She belongs to
the little group, including Jean Kerr Mc-
Carthy and Bary McCormick Tankersley
(niece of the Chicago Tribune McCorm-
icks), who ,help to plan Joe's moves and
give him moral encouragement.
Senator Mundt himself is not that close
to the group, though almost. It was Joe
who tipped Mundt off, about a year ago, to
a good stock deal in Texas when Gulf Sul-
phur did some amalgamating. Clint Mur-
chison, the big Texas oilman and friend of
McCarthy's, was interested and tipped Joe
off. Karl admitted to newsmen that he
bought more than 200 shares.
On the other hand, Mundt has reason to
be friendly to the Army side, for John G.
Adams, the Army counsel, is a South Dako-
ta Republican, the state in which Karl must
run for re-election in November.
Adams was once an official of the Young
Republicans, also worked for Sen. Chan
Gurney of South Dakota, then went into
the Defense Department. He can't very
well be accused of Communist leanings
and will be a much smarter witness than
Secretary Stevens. In fact, he's one of
the witnesses McCarthy and Dirksen would
like to keep off the witness stand.
These are some of the problems genial
Chairman Mundt has to face and one rea-
son why he sometimes vacillates as he rules
over the turbulent McCarthy hearing.
* * *
THOSE WHO watched the bitter battle be-
tween Taft and Eisenhower at the Chi-
cago Convention recall that its crowning mo-
ment of bitterness was a diatribe by Sena-
tor Dirksen of Illinois against Gov. Tom
Dewey, leader of the Eisenhower forces.
Seldom in a political convention' have
political tempers been so frayed, has so
much vitriol poured from the lips of any
one man as that from able orator, Ever-
ett Dirksen. He did his best to defeat
Eisenhower-and lost. Afterward, salt was
poured into Dirksen wounds when Eisen-
hower--understandably-refused to take
him as Vice-Presidential running mate.
However, the public's memory and Eis-
enhower's are short. For today the same
Senator from Illinois is rated as one of the
top advisers at the White House. Some even
place him higher than Vice-President Nixon,
partly because Dick fell from favor after
that "Use of American troops in Indo-China"
speech before the editors; partly because
Dirksen has been using soft words to try
to heal wounds in the McCarthy squabble.
An extremely able and persuasive nego-,
tiator, Dirksen has been on a good many
sides of a good many different fences.
He was strong for Dewey at the Phila-
delphia Convention in 1948 and helped
get him nominated. He called Dewey the
"most cold-blooded, ruthless and selfish
political boss in the country" at Chicago
in 1952. Dirksen was against the Chicago
Tribune's Colonel McCormick in 1948 and
was backed for President by McCormick
in 1952. He was dead against Eisenhower
in '52; but Is one of his close advisers in
BUT NO MATTER which side he is on for
President, Dirksen has been a consistent,
faithful friend of Joe McCarthy's.
One of the most significant things Dirk-
sen ever did regarding a McCarthy probe
was send a public-relations man in no way
connected with the Federal Government to
attend a top and secret hearing of the Mc-
Carthy committee.
He is Harold Rainville. onetime assistant
to Dirksen, but now drawing pay from
the GOP elections committee for the re-
election of Republican Senators. This is
a purely party organization and its mem-
bers have no FBI clearance and no right
to attend closed Congressional hearings
as representatives of Senators. Yet Rain-
ville was sent by Dirksen to attend some
of the secret hearings on Fort Monmouth
which heckled Brig. Gen. Ralph W. Zwick-
This is the kind of cooperation Dirksen
has given his friend Joe McCarthy.
If any of the witnesses appearing before
the committee with Rainville present want-
ed to challenge its proceedings, the courts
undoubtedly would uphold them. For the
presence of a private public relations man
substituting for a Senator and given the
privilege of cross-examining witnesses, in-
cluding an Army general, undoubtedly made
the hearing invalid. It also showed what kind
of closed shop McCarthy operated during
the Fort Monmouth hearings and the close-
ness of the Dirksen-McCarthy tie.
(Copyright, 1954, by the Bell Syndicate)
and constitutional grounds to co-'
operate with the House Committee
on Un-American Activities. We
strongly urge the University to re-
instate these mpen and declare it-
self independent of political pres-
All students and faculty mem-
bers will have an opportunity to
sign this petition, which will be
sent to the President of the Uni-
ve'rsity and the Board of Regents,
today on the diagonal in front of
the library. The Young Democrats
and the Students for Democratic!
Action have declared themselves
in support of the ideas embodied'
in this petition.
Students currently soliciting sig-
natures on copies of this petition:
will please turn them in at thej
table on the diag sometime today.
-Dave Kornbluh
Martin Gaynes
* *I *
Owceis lTalk ~. ..
To The Editor:
WE WONDER if others who at-
tended Prof. Owens' speech to
the YD last night were as disturb-'
ed by the account of the speech]
as published in the Daily article'
as we were. We feel that this
article is a misrepresentation ofI
Mr. Owens speech on two counts.
First, that the title of the Daily
article "Owens Talks on Trucks j
Law" is misleading since it gives
the impression that the entire
speech was concerned with this
law. when actually his discussion
of it was only the first part of an
answer to a question from the
floor, which he stated at the out-
set would be given in two parts.1
The second case is the fact thatl
Amendment should by and of it-
self be sufficient reason for dis-
missal from a university post?"
Mr. Owens began his answer as
follows: "I prefer to answer this
question in two parts." The first
part was, then, his interpretation
or understanding of the Trucks
Law. The second part, which we
feel was an integral part of the
answer, was that aside from the
a day, blow off its anguish, and go
home. SAC knows these things,
and that is why it tried what it did.
It will not fool anybody. Halve
the inside meetings? Then, let's
double them outside.
-Bill Livant
Earl Mandel
Art Oleinick
Steve Smale
Trucks Law, there was no excuse INew 'udification? ..
whatsoever on a moral basis forNe aiic io?...
the dismissal of anyone for refusal T
to . answer a Congressional Com- oThe Editor:
mittee. He said that it is most APPARENTLY the announce-
important to realize that once you ment of the suspension ofI
answer one question you thereby three members of the UniversityI
waive your rights under the pro- Faculty has been received with
tective amendments. se explain- apathy by a large portion of the
ed this position at some length student body. This, to me. is a
ending his answer with the state- commentary upon our ability to
ment that "finally, it is nobody's communicate to students the goals
business what your political beliefs of an educational institution.
are or have been." Whether or not students support
-Marguerite A. Smith or oppose the temporary or perm-
Edward R. Baylor anent removal of these men.from
* * * their teaching duties, all students
should be concerned, for the de-
SAC Gaigging * * termination of the issues involved
To The Editor: affects the quality of education
which students now, and in the
THERE WAS deceit in The Daily future, receive. mIatterV which will p1s1Uaided
yesterday, and we will not swal- Admittedly there are many Is- It is a frequent cultural device
low it. We do not think the Uni- sues involved -- cooperation with which is employed in times of ex-
versity will swallow it either. The governmental authorities, public ternal danger; but this fact in no
Student Affairs Committee tells attitudes toward the University, I excuse;itthlerac by n
the people they cannot have a and others. But implicit is a re- p ex sohave wisely establishe
meeting "before the machinery vision of the present Literary Col- a porewohgvenmely esined
a form of government designed to
has a chance to go into action." lege "Statement of Qualifications" eliminate or effectively curb such
This machinery doesn't even stir of a Professor. The present state- totalitarian abuses of the rights
until after Mr. Hatcher recoin- ment is as follows: of individuals by both the right
mends demotion or dismissal. Even "a. Acknowledged record of indih dleft.
then, says SAC, we are to wait teaching success. and the left. F. Stefen Dean
with decorum until this machinery "b. Outstanding record in pro- F
has finished, ductive scholarship and other
There are two weeks to finals, scholarly activities or their equiva-
three to the terms end. So SAC lents. Original work of a profes-
At the Michigan
THE WILD ONE, with Marlon Brando.
THIS IS one of the more important movies
of the year. Produced by Stanley Kra-
mer, it deals wit ha gang of young hoods,
who completely terrorize a small California
town. Led by a big, sideburned, bop-talking
youth named Johnny, they roar into town
on motorcycles, take over the local tavern,
and proceed to hold drag races on the streets
and sidewalks, raid some of the business es-
tablishments, and make life a general hell
for the residents; and the sheriff, a weak
man afraid of annoying anyone, stands by
and does nothing as the gang takes over
the town,
Just as things reach a fever pitch, a
militia. Johnny is tried, cleared by two
men who sheepishly admit having seen
someone else throw a tire iron that caused
the accidental killing, and the youths roar
away from town, leaving one with the feel-
ing that nothing has been solved, nothing
accomplished, everything is as it was, and
an old man has died for nothing.
The story, admittedly a. powerful one in
its own right, has been made more power-
ful by a combination of three things; the
acting, the photography, and the musical
score. In the first category, Marlon Brando's
portrayal of Johnny is a fine piece of act-
ing, although reminiscent of Stanley Ko-
walski. Mary Murphy, as the cop's daugh-
ter, is a new film face, and she does as mov-
ing a job as has been seen on the screen in
the past few years. Robert Keith is pro-
perly ineffectual as the man who should
is cornered in an alley by half the gang,
who roar in mad circles arnund her as she
makes frantic little attempts to escape.
And musically, the picture deserves spe-
cial mention in that it is the first time a
completely jazz background has been used
in films. It sets a driving, intense mood
from beginning to end, punctuated by
the more insanely gay jazz on the tavern
juke box. Shorty Rogers, Shellye Mann,
Russ Freeman, and Maynard Ferguson, to
name a few, figure predominantly in the
music; and I hope this is the beginning
of a trend towards more progressive jazz
As extra-musical background in films.
This is a very auspicious start.
(Continued from Page 2) tonight in 311 West Engineering Build- meeting tonight at 5:15 p.m. at the
_____- -ing. Plans will be made for attending home of Mrs. Katz, 2011 Washtenaw.
Doctoral Examination for Wallace Wil- the regatta at Purdue this week end. If a ride is needed, meet at the Metho-
11am Gardner; Business Administration: There will be sailing at Base Line Lake dist Church at 5:15.
thesis: "The Leontief Interindustry Re- this week end.
lations Analysis," Thurs., May 13, 616 Gilbert and Sullivan Society. Gen-
Business Administration Building, at j Ukrainian Students' Club. Meeting eral meeting for all members of the
2.30 p.m. Chairman, P. W. McCracken. will be held this evening at 7 p.m. Society tonight, 2402 Mason Hall, 7
in the Madelon Pound House (1024 Hill p.m. Elections for next semester's of-
Doctoral Examination for James Gil- St.). Guests are welcome. ficers will be held, records distributed,
bert Berry, Engineering Mechanics; the- # and some general business discussed.
sis: "On Non-Symmetrical Problems La p'tite causette will meet this Everyone must be there.
of Hemispherical Shells," Thurs., May afternoon from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. in the
13. 222 'West Engineering Building, at wing of the Michigan Union Cafeteria. The Congregational-Disciples Guild.
2:30 p.m. Chairman, P. M. Naghdi. This informal group is designed to give Mid-week Meditation in Douglas Chapel
students practice in speaking French.Ithis afternoon from 5:05 to 5:30. Fresh-
Doctoral Examination for Richard Everyone welcome! man Discussion Group at the Guild
Montgomery Thurber, Germanic Lan- - - House tonight from 7 to 8. Topic:
guages and Literatures; thesis: "The ; Faith."
Cultural Thought of Karl Emil Fran- Deutscher Verein-Kaffeestunde will
zos," Sat., May 15, 102D Tappan Hall, meet today at 3:15 p.m., Union taproom. Rife Club. There will be a business
at 9:30 am, Chairman, W. A. Reichart. With oral finals soon to come, this !RfeCu.Teewl eabsns
group will provide excellent practice in meeting tonight at 7:30 p.m. In Room
Doctoral Examination for Annetta speaking and hearing German. All wel- on
Rosaline Kelly, Pharmacology: thesis: come.
"Studies on the Sites of Metabolism, Coming Events
Distribution and' Tolerance Develop- Lane Hall Seminar, "What the Jews
ment to Certain Thiobarbiturates," Believe," led by Rabbi Jacob J. Wein- Department of Astronomy. Visitors'
Fri., May 14, 103 Pharmacology Build- stein, K.A.M. Temple, Chicago. Lec- Night, Fri., May 14, 8 p.m. Dr. Fred-
ing, at 10 a.m. Chairman, M. H. Seevers. ture, discussion, coffee. Lane Hall Li- erick P, Thieme, Asst. Prof. of Anthro-
brary this evening. pology, will speak on "Man and Mamn-
Con ertsTheInternationalTeaponsoe imal." After the illustrated talk in Aud-
,Th eai asponoredbyitorium "B", Angell Hall, the Students'
Concert Cancelled. The program by' the International Center and the Inter- Observatory on the fifth floor will be
national Students' Association, will be open- for telescopic observation of the
the Arts Chorale and Woinens Glee hl hsatronfo :0t
d for Th held this afternoon from 4:30 to 6 Moon and Jupiter, if the sky is clear,
Cay 13peviouly anudntoru m, has ureno'clock at the International Center. or for inspection of the telescopes and
a 3, irThe forshow will be put on by the planetarium, if the sky is cloudy. Chil-
cancelied. Tuirkishstdn.
dren are welcomed, but must be ac-
, . ----companied by adults.
, irkug~t t1
Sixty-Fourth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harry Lunn . .......Managing Editor
Eric Vetter...... .....City Editor
Virginia Voss.........Editorial Director
Mike Wolff........Associate City Editor
Alice B. Silver..Assoc. Editorial Director
Diane D. AuWerter....Associate Editor
Helene Simon........ Associate Editor
Ivan Kaye........ ...... Sports Editor
Paul Greenberg....Assoc. Sports Editor
Marilyn Campbell......Women's Editor
Kathy Zeisler.....Assoc. Women's Editor
Chuck Kelsey ....Chief Photographer
$uswness Staff
Thomas Treeger.:..Business Manager
William Kaufman Advertising Manager
Harlean Hankin.. .Assoc. Business Mgr.
William Seiden....... Finance Manager
Anita Sigesmund..Circulation Manager
Telephone NO 23-24-1
A preface at the1
says it is shocking.
it wholeheartedly.
beginning of the picture
I agree, and recommend
YT___.. iY_. __l.____ _.