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May 13, 1954 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1954-05-13

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SAC & SL's
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Latest Deadline in the State



VOL. LXIV, NO. 156
Reds Ignore
Peace Bid
Of Viet Nam
Ike Calls for Free
World To Hold Asia
By The Associated Press
GENEVA - The state of Viet
Nam, torn by war for nearly eight
years, demanded peace yesterday
-but without a Korea-like par-
tition of the country.
The Vietnamese proposals had
the sympathy if not the 100 per
cent approval of the non-Commu-
nist states represented at the nine-
nation Indonesian conferende. But
they appeared to fall on deaf ears
in the. Communist bloc.
Red China's Foreign Minister
Chou En-lai, principal speaker yes-
terday for the East, devoted most
of his talk to an attack on the
United States. He ignored any
armistice proposals except those
advanced by the Communist Viet-
minh delegation. They are unac-
ceptable to the West.
Eisenhower said yesterday the free
world should not write off Indo-
china to the Communists and he
warned against long faces and de-
featism in dealing with the con-
At a news conference the
President also declared that he
most certainly hopes that the
three Indochinese states of Laos,
M Cambodia and Viet Nam will
voluntarily join with the United
States and other interested na-
tions in forming a Southeast
Asian defense alliance.
The State Department cabled
to the American delegation at Ge-
neva and the U. S. embassy in
Paris the full text of Secretary
John Foster Dulles' news confer-
ence remarks Tuesday about Indo-
china. The unusual action was
taken in an effort to reassure the
French government that the Unit-
ed States has not written off In-
dochina to the Reds.
FRENCH Ambassador Henri
Bonnet conferred with Dulles for
30 minutes, shortly after Eisen-
hower's news conference.
Meanwhile in Indochina big
squadrons of French-manned
bombers yesterday again blasted
Vietminh troops in the Red Riv-
er Delta, which a French general
called "the route to all of South-
east Asia."
The planes, dropping 1,000-
pound high explosive bombs, hit
rebel bases in the southern and
southeastern Delta. The French
fear that the area may be the
Communist-led Vietminh's new
No. 1 target.
Engine Group
To Meet Today
The recently organized Engi-
neering Council, for the purpose
of correlating and representing all
organizations and students of the
Engineering College, will meet at
7 7:30 p.m. today in the Union.
Suggestions and recommenda-
tions for a series of faculty-pro-
posed senior assemblies for next
year will be discussed. These as-
semblies will be utilized as a
means of acquainting graduating

students with the problems they
will face as members of the in-
dustrial world.
Among the Council faculty
members are Prof. Robert E. Mc-
Kee, Prof. Robert H. Hoisington
and Prof. John G. Young. All en-
gineering faculty members and
students are invited to attend
Council meetings.
Mighty Sphinx
Grabs Slaves'
Once again the Pharaoh has
commanded his legions to cross the
great desert and invade the land
of the barbarians to pick slaves
for the Pharaoh's court.
Once again the East has learned
to fear the Pharaoh's might. ,
Into the temple, where gathers
the Court, came neophyte slaves to
the Great Court of Sphinx.
Here they learned of many
' things.
Here they learned to dedicate
themselves to Michigan, and to!




SL Acts To Make
New Bid to SAC
Approves New 'Hearing' Request
Suspension Motion Not Heard
The Student Legislature last night approved a new petition to
the Student Affairs Committee for an open hearing to allow the five
University members who testified before the Clardy Committee a
"chance to present their positions and clarify their views."
However, a motion attacking the University suspensions of the
three faculty men involved in the hearings, was not presented for a
vote when the SL voted down a rules change which would have
brought the motion to the floor before adjournment.
* * * *
THE SAC, in turning down the first SL petition for an open hear-

f a>
To Be Held
Noted automobile industry ex-
ecutive and administrator Paul G.
Hoffman will keynote the 31st an-
nual Honors Convocation at 11
a.m. tomorrow in Hill Auditorium,
with an address on "Free Minds
for a Free Society."
Chairman of the board of the
Studebaker Corporation, Hoffman
has served as administrator of the
Economic Cooperation Adminis-
tration, and as chairman both of

ing, had criticized the SL Aca-
demic Freedom Subcommittee for
failing to comply with procedures
requiring groups to secure Com-
mittee approval before going ahead
on advance publicity on such
Ned Simon, '55, SL vice presi-
dent, in presenting the new pe-
tition said that the procedural
mix-up should not have stopped
the hearing. As for the SAC be-
lief that such an open hearing
might prejudice or infringe on
the work of the Judiciary Coun-
cil investigating the case, Si-
mon said, "To say that no forum
should be held before the Ju-
diciary makes its decision is
killing freedom of speech."
"The Judiciary is not supposed
to be in a position to be preju-
diced," he said.
The new petition does not in-
clude a date for the open hear-
ing. Simon indicated that the date
be left to the SL representatives
on the SAC, making it "as soon as
possible," and when it is conven-
ient to those who testified. A spe-
cial meeting of the SAC may be
requested, he said.
* * *
A SPECIAL motion, formulated
by the Culture and Education
Commitee, condemning the sus-
pension of the three faculty mem-
bers who refused to cooperate with
the Clardy committee, was not
acted on by the SL because of
lack of time. A new motion chang-
ing the order of agenda to allow
the motion to be heard was de-
The proposal said: "We . .
maintain that these faculty
should not have been suspended
prior to a hearing by their peers.
We believe that implicit in this
is the assumption that these
faculty are guilty until proven
In other action, the SL passed
a motion endorsing the Crary cal-
endar plan which was heavily fa-
vored by a student referendum
vote last week. Cabinet membgr
Ruth Rossner, '55, presented the
motion requesting the Calendar
Committee to re-open discussion of
the plan.
In support of her motion, Miss
Rossner said that the SL should
go along with student opinion,
especially when it is so decisive,
whether the SL members agree
with it or not.
Jay Martin, '55, was appointed
chairman of the Homecoming
Dance. The resignation of mem-
ber Bob Henderson, '55, was ac-
cepted. C,

Daily Bills
Credits will be withheld from
students who have not paid
their Daily subscription bills.
The last date on which these
bills may be paid is Wednesday,
May 21.
'U' Decision
Not Reached
On Students
No decision has been reached
on University action on graduate
students Mike Sharpe and Ed
Shaffer, President Harlan H.
Hatcher announced last night.
The two economics students ap-
peared as un-cooperative witness-
es before Rep. Kit Clardy (R-
Mich.) and his House Un-Ameri-
can Activities Committee sub-
group Monday.
* * * -
followed a two-hour meeting with
the special four-member student
committee set up to advise him on
University policy toward students
called to testify before the Clardy
President Hatcher said that
hasty action would be avoided
and the fullest possible deliber-
ation given in the matter.
If any action were undertaken,
it most likely would be a presiden-
tial request for a hearing of
charges of conduct unbecoming a
student arising from the Sharpe
or Shaffer appearance, or both.
It seemed generally agreed that
the Joint Judiciary Council would
hold hearings on whatever charges
might be raised.
Serving on the advisory group
are Bob Neary, '54BAd., former
Student Legislature president;
Lee Fiber, '54, and Jim Smith,
'54, chairman and vice-chair-
man of the Joint Judiciary
Council, and Harry Lunn, '54,
Daily managing editor.
Along with administration and
faculty members they listened to
the tape-recorded testimony of
Sharpe and Shaffer Tuesday night
at which time a brief discussion
was initiated on possible Univer-
sity policy in the two cases.
Final decision on whether or not
action will be taken is expected
to be delayed for several days,
pending further consideration by
the President.
Coller Awarded
Fellowship Honor
Dr. Frederick A. Coller, chair-
man of the surgery department
and former president of the Amer-
ican College of Surgeons, was
awarded an honorary fellowship
in the Royal College of Surgeons
of Edinburgh.
Dr. Coller was honored at Edin-
burgh prior to the London meet-
ing of the American College of
Surgeons in conjunction with the
Royal College of Surgeons of Eng-
land, at which he will preside over
the cancer symposium.!

Cases Heard
By Executive
Lit School Interviews
Faculty Members
Two of the three faculty mem-
bers who were suspended for re-
fusing to answer questions before
the Clardy committee Monday
were given hearings yesterday aft-
ernoon by the executive commit-
tee of the Literary College.
The two men are Prof. Clem-
ent Markert of the zoology de-
partment and Chandler Davis of
the mathematics department.
Prof. Mark Nickerson of the
pharmacology department has not
yet been interviewed by the Exe-
cutive Committee of the Medical
* * *
asked the two Executive Commit-
tees to conduct an investigation
and make recommendations to
The President will then either
reinstate the three faculty mem-
bers or recommend dismissal.
If their dismissal is asked the
cases will go before a special
committee of the Faculty Sen-
That committee's recommenda-
tion will then go to. the Board of
Regents for a final decision.
Charles Odegaard, Dean of the
Literary College and chairman of
the Executive Committee of the
Literary College, declined to com-
ment last night on the interviews
with Prof. Markert and Davis.
He said the Committee is still
in the course of a preliminary
investigation. "We will make our
recommendations shortly but I
cannot say exactly when," the
Dean added.
The other members of the Lit-
erary College Executive Commit-;
tee are Associate Dean Burton
Thuma, Assistant Dean James
Robertson, Prof. Richard Boys of
the English department, Prof.
Frederick Test of the zoology de-
partment, Prof. Otto Laporte of
the physics department, Prof. Wes-
ley Maurer, Chairman of the
Journalism department, Prof. Wil-
liam Frankena of the philosophy
department and Prof. William Ha-
ber of the economics department.
MEANWHILE, two campus or-
ganizations, the Student League
for Industrial Democracy and the
Students for Democratic Action
will sponsor a booth today on the
Diag for the purpose of circulat-
ing petitions calling for the re-
instatement of the three faculty
The petitions state that edu-
cational institutions should be
free from political and govern-
mental control. ". . . we deplore
the action of the University in
suspending three faculty mem-
bers for refusing on legal and
Constitutional grounds to co-
operate with the . . . Committee,"
the petitions continue.
Other petitions supporting the
competency and integrity of the
three faculty members are being
circulated in their respective de-
Despite startled screams and
threats of riot, Prof. Morris
Greenhut, noted man about

town, will deliver the annual
Hophead lecture at 4:15 p.m.
today in Kellogg Auditorium.
Prof. Greenhut's talk is lab-
eled "Humor, And Then What?"
but he strenuously denied all
implications. Everyone is invit-
ed, and soft drinks will not be
' P 61''' /l '1TA

Falk Defies Hearing
On Red Accusations

-Daily-Chuck Kelsey
'U' Student Variety Acts
Entertain .Ward Patients



the Committee for Economic De-
velopment and of the Automotive
Safety Foundation.
Recognized at the Convocation
will be 700 undergraduates with
outstanding academic records.
Special invitations have been
sent to James B. Angell Schol-
ars, who have an all-A record
for two semesters; sophomores,
juniors and seniors with aver-
ages of at least half A and half
B for two semesters, and recip-
ients of special awards and
The entire campus will be dis-
missed at 10:45 a.m. to attend the
Honored students and their
families have been invited to a re-
ception at the home of President
and Mrs. Harlan H. Hatcher from
3 to 5 p.m. tomorrow.

Ward Four East of University
Hospital was crowded to capacity
yesterday as over 75 patients on
crutches, in wheelchairs, in beds
and chairs gathered to watch Uni-
versity students twirl batons, sing
and perform other variety acts.
Held in the bone and joint ward,
the show featured University
Marching Band baton twirler,
Floyd I. Zarbock, '54A&D. Warm
rounds of applause followed the
ISA Proposes
New Direction
Over Funds
A student and faculty board of
five will become administrators of
the Foreign Students Emergency
Fund under a plan unanimously
approved yesterday by the Inter-
national Center Board of Gover-
nors and members of the Executive
Board of 'the International Stu-
dents Association.
President of the ISA Edward
Planchon, '54, said that the newly
established board was advisable
since the money in the fund is
substantially maintained by the
ISA. The fund has been formerly
under the control of the Center's
assistant counselor to foreign stu-
dents, Robert Klinger.
Planchon said other reasons
for the requested change were to
halt resentment from both stu-
dents and faculty because of the
one-man rule and to prevent the
future granting of certain non-
emergency funds.
The new board would have a
chairman ex-officio appointed by
the International Center director
from the Center staff. The second
member would be the faculty ad-
visor of the ISA or his representa-
tive, and the three student mem-
bers would be selected by the ISA.


chalk talk of Jon D. Collins, '56E,
and the singing of Delores L.
Evens, '57, accompanied by Jua-
nita Anderson on the. piano. A
combo, "The Rhythm Rascals,"
also performed.
The spectators, many of them
fracture cases or respiratory pa-
tients, hope to continue the va-
riety acts as a regular event be-
ginning next fall. This first show
was largely the idea of Univer-
sity Hospital patient, William
Priest. He and Louise B. Shep-
herd, recreational -therapist at
the Hospital, contacted various
student entertainers and asked
their assistance in putting on
the show.
The acts pointed out the need
for such recreational diversion,
Priest commented. He also explain-
ed that student interest is neces-
sary in order for the variety acts
to continue.
Bronk To Talk
At Dedication
University President Harlan H.
Hatcher will preside Saturday at
the dedication of the new three
and one-half million dollar Kres-
ge Medical Research Building.
Principal speaker at the dedi-
cation luncheon will be Dr. Detlev
W. Bronk, president, of the Rdck-
efeller Institute for Medical Re-
search of New York.
The three scientists taking part
in the medical scientific program
following the luncheon will be: Dr.
Charles Huggins, director of the
Ben May Laboratory for Cancer
Research, University of Chicago;
Dr. Wesley W. Spink of the Uni-
versity of Minnesota School of
Medicine; and Dr. Sidney Farber,
director of research at Harvard
Medical School's Children's Can-
cer Research Foundation.

FBI Agent
Cites 'Plant
UAW Suspends
Local Officials
FLINT-(/)-A college-trained
electrical engineer refused to tell
congressional investigators yester-
day whether he has done produc-
tion work at an auto plant for five
years to help "colonize"--organize
--for the Communist party.
Howard Falk, a graduate of the
College of the City of New York
balked at the question asked by
a House Un-American Activities
"Where you sent to Flint as a
Communist emissary?" Falk was
asked bluntly by Rep. Harold Vel-
de (R-Ill.), chairman of the par-
ent Un-American Activities Com-
mittee who joined in Michigan
hearings today as a sub-committee
An earlier witness, Mrs. Beatrice
Churchill, identified Falk as one of
more than half a dozen well-edu-
cated "colonizers" sent into Flint
in the late 1940s to help rejuve-f
nate ebbing Communist activities.
FALK referred to Mrs. Church-
ill, a Communist undercover agent
for the FBI, as a "stool pigeon."
Subcommittee chairman Kit Clar..
dy (R-Mich.) accused Falk of 'far
exceeding the bounds of decency"
and threatened him on several oc-
casions with a contempt citation,
Mrs. Churchill told the sub-
committee that the 'coloniza-
tion" effort was not very sue.
cessful because factionism devel
oped between the old-time Com-
munists already in the plants
and the newcomers.
Mrs. Churchill said she was a
paid government informer and
was chairman of the party's AC-
Fisher group, which contained
members in GM's AC Sparkplug
and Fisher Body plants.
* * *
been clamped over local 659 and
its officers were suspended Tues-
day by International UAW head-
quarters in Detroit. One of the
charges against the officers was
that "The Searchlight" published
'anti-union" matter.
Meanwhile, the Detroit Board
of Education upheld the firing
of two teachers who defied tie
House Un-American Activitie
The seven man board unani-
mously upheld the firing of Har-
old Rosen and Sidney W. Graber
by Superintendent Arthur Don
Drilling Plans
To Begin Soon
Drilling operations for oil be-
neath the 4,315-foot deep gas well
that thundered into existance
Monday in Salem township might
get underway, oilmen said yester-
Even though the well, loated on
the Charles Nerreter farm near
Northville about 32 miles from
downtown Detroit, is estimated to
produce a potential 20 million cu-
bic feet per day, William Albers,
head of the drilling, wishes to drill
deeper for oil because high-pres-

sured Michigan wells have the
reputation of extinguishing quick-
The state conservation laws lim-
it one gas well to 160 acres. With
only a small mineral rights lease,
Albers would have to give three-
fourths of his gas production to
competitors. However, he could re-
ceive full profit from an oil well.
Oilmen are confident that a
huge oil pool stretches across the
northwestern section of the coun-
try, and they will drill wells as
rapidly as they can find financial
Annual Teachers'

:Cornplete Waterway Still in Future

- 1 ./

EDITOR'S NOTE-This is an interpre-
tive article discussing the effects of
the St. Lawrence Seaway.
President Eisenhower will sign
the Wiley-Dondero bill today thus
making the long-awaited St. Law-
rence Seaway a legal reality.
The 1954 bill differs substantial-

ject. The bill sets up a Govern-
ment firm to sell the $105 millions
in bonds needed to finance the+
elimination of a 114-mile naviga-
tion bottleneck on the St. Lawrence+
WITH THE completion of this
job, five or six years from now,

THE CHIEF new source is the
vast ore deposit's in Labrador pres-
ently being developed at a cost of
more than $200 millions in Ameri-
can capital. The seaway would
provide a protected route to bring
Labrador ore to the steel mills of
the Middle West.
The first pha-e of the St.

IWorld News Roundup


ly from its predecessors in that it there will be a 27 foot waterway Lawrence Seaway calls for the 17 1) Irower Carthy-Army hearin
is divorced from the idea of pow- from Montreal to the mouth of construction of power dams near
er development and concentrates the Detroit River. At this time New York designed to eliminate Be terday it is reprehe
chiefly on the construction of a the Great Lakes states will no natural barriers to the 27 foot give away secret m
route from the Great Lakes to the doubt press for completion of the channel hence reducing the cost Eisenhower clas.
Atlantic navigable to ocean vessels. third stage-the Upper Channel enormously. The proposed plants The current Armed Forces Week for one second woul
* *Development Program. This would will also furnish some 14 billion provides citizens of Detroit and The President c
DETROITERS have good reason Ideepen both channels of the D~e- kilowats a year, most of which surrounding areas an opportunity by name. He sought
to rejoice the momentous victory troit River to the 27 foot standard will go to feed the power-hungry to witness a panorama of Ameri-
in Congress for it has been esti- thus opening the waterway to ships industries in New England. can military power. W A SHIN G TO N
mated that completion of the sea- 1 650 feet long and carrying as much; All military installations in the chiefs plan to bui
way will cause a doubling of in- as 14,000 tons. Meanwhile, Congressional ap- greater Detroit area will hold open fleet of vessels able
dustry and commerce in the area. The Upper Channel Develop- proval of the St. Lawrence Seaway houses for the public. One of the in the frozen Arctic,
There is, however, the inevit- ment also calls for the deepening has touched off a port development largest of these will take place closed yesterday.
able hooker which hasn't been of the St. Clair River and Lake controversy in Detroit. Saturday and Sunday at a com-c
fully recognized. The Wiley- Sinclair to 27 feet; the enlarge- Top men on port development bined all-service air and ground This was. new ev
Dondero bill calls for a 27 foot ment of three locks at the Soo; commission claim that due to the show at Selfridge Air Force Base. the Arctic may be
channel on Lake Erie only to and the chiseling down to the apathy of city and county offi- The Selfridge show will include tegic area if Wor

By The Associated Press
-In emphatic terms bearing directly on the Mc-
ags, President Dwight D. Eisenhower said yes-
nsible for an individual officer or civilian to
formation involving national security.
sed such action as insubordination and said not
Id he think of condoning it.
didn't mention Sen. Joseph McCarthy (R-Wis.)
to discuss proprieties in general terms.

-- Defense
ld a special
e to operate
it was dis-
vidence that
a vital stra-
ld War III

ISTANBUL, Turkey-U.S. As-
sistant Secretary of State Hen-
ry Byroade told newsmen yes-
terday that Russia is increasing
its activity in the Middle East.
Byroade is presiding at a four-
day conference here of Ameri-
can diplomatic chiefs in an area
exvfalinio rom Tihv i toAfohan.-



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