A e1 PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 1954 Polio Lecture Delivered By Francis In the 29th Henry Russel Lec- ture yesterday, Dr. Thomas Fran- cis, Jr., chairman of the epidemiol- ogy department, described an epi- demiological community as one of "disease and abnormality." These communities may be dom- inated by either biological, social, or human factors which cause the disturbances, he explained. Man is only a "joint tenant on earth" and must struggle with parasites, according to Dr. Francis. Turning to polio as an example of a disease in which man is a dominant factor, the epidemiolo- gist told of different reactions to the disease by various racial groups. Giving the tropics as an example, he said that polio is so widespread that children develop immunity at an early age. An effective vaccine, the pro-: fessor concluded, may change sus- ceptibility not only of the individ- ual but of the entire group. Campus1 Calendar Phi Kappa Phi, national scho- lastic honorary for graduates and undergraduates, will hold its ini- tiation dinner at 6:30 p.m. today in the Union Ballroom. Speaking at the banquet, which is free to all initiates, will be Prof. Reuben L. Kahn, chairman of the serology laboratory. The origina- tor of the Kahn test will discuss "Tissue-cell Defense Strategy." * * * Ferdinand Timmermans, City Carilloneur of Rotterdam, Hol- land, will be guest carilloneur at 7:15 p.m. today on the Charles Baird Carillon in Burton Memor- ial Tower. The program will include works by Bach, Vivaldi, Mozart, Henk Badings; Dutch songs of the 17th century and four peasant dances written by Timmermans. He is in the United States to dedicate the new carillon in Wash- ington, D.C., which Netherlands' citizens have given to the United States "as a lasting symbol of friendship and goodwill." P I IT JEU NEWS 1 -Daily-Dean Morton PLEDGES TAKE PART IN PROGRAM TO REJUVENATE CAMP 0 FRESH AIR CAMP: JIFC, Junior Pan-Hel Assist VFW on Help Week Project Ii I I SL Agenda The following topics will be up before Student Legislature when the group meets at 7:30 p.m. today in Strauss Dining Rm., East Quadrangle. Motion to 'grant official recognition to student organi- zations with less than 30 mem- bers. Motion to appropriate for student suggestion box on the diagonal. Refort on discrimination dis- cussion.with Dean Bacon. NSA Congress report. All interested students and faculty members are invited by SL to attend the meeting. I T h e Junior Interfraternity Council and Junior Panhel are co- sponsoring a Help Week at the University Fresh Air Camp this week in cooperation with the Ann Arbor chapter of Veterans of For- eign Wars. The Help Week under the direc- tion of Junior Panhel president Carol de Bruin and JIFC president Mitch Zucker marks the first time that the two campus groups have cooperated on a project with the VFW. * * * . i. camp. VFW buses are trans- Dean Stanley G. Fontana of the porting 40.pledges each day this natural resources school and Dean week and another 100 this Sat- Russell A. Stevenson of the School urday 'to the camp. of Business Administration have The tools and equipment for the announced a combined study pro-. project, which ends next Satur- gram leading to degrees in both W I N Er FO4 R THE P R E S I D E N T-Theodor Heuss, president of West Germany, thanks Germany's "Wine Queen," Mathilde Macbwirth, for basket of wine she presented to him. F O R1 PANCAKE B R E A K F A S T- Shoemaker Spiro Lillios taps a maple tree on a busy street in front of his Concord, N. H.. home. It takes 35 Jars of sap to make one jar of syrup. I day, are being supplied jointly by business administration and nat the fraternities and the VFW. The ural resources. former is taking care of the small A bachelor's degree is awarded, tools while the latter is supplying under this program, by the School paint and other large items need- of Natural Resources for four ed for the repair work. years work in its courses. A stu- dent who has finished this curri- culum, and also had the proper Civil Service Post choice of electives, can then earn a Master of Business Administra- Y Caancis Lisp(d tion degree in one additional year. i 4 4 THE PROGRAM being perform- ed as a good will gesture toward the comunity is designed to pre- pare the camp for the opening of its eight-week season which starts early in the summer. Both fraternity and sorority pledges are voluntarily taking part in the rejuvenation of the Wilkinson's Luggage Shop Home of Famous Brands Director J. A. Connor of the Seventh U.S. Civil Service Region has announced six vacancies for accountants and auditors in the states of Michigan, Illinois, andI Wisconsin. Information regarding these positions and application forms may be obtained at any first or second-class post office or from the Director, Seventh U.S. Civil Service Region, New Post Office Building, Chicago 7, Illinois. Petitions Available Petitions for the Engineering Honor Council are due Friday, May 15. Four one year positions are open and the petitions for these posts are available at the West Engineering Bldg. These may be turned in at Room 320. A4 * HARTMANN . SAMSONITE * WHEARY * AMERICAN TOURISTER FOOT LOCKERS COE D Full Line of Trunks *plus 10% Fed. Tax W kinson Luggage Shop 327 S. Main St. Phone NO 3-4013 Open Mondays 9 to 8:30 - Tues.-Sat. 9 to 5:30 REMOVAL NOTICE HI-FI RECORDING STUDIO Announces its removal from 300 S. Thayer Street to 1116 SO. UNIVERSITY AVE. In conjunction with PURCHASE CAMERA SHOP ULTRA-MODERN CHURCH--New St. Albert Catholic Church, Saarbrucken, Germany, has chapel under open shire of concrete pillars and main buildine in backaround. F I B R E B 0 A R D T E N T-'Fay Thomas of Chicago tries door to a fibreboard tent designed for U. S. Army. It can hold 10 men and is claimed to be cheaper and warmer than canvas. j: ____.____ - I4 KISS-CURL CLIP- The tail of this eight-inch dia- mond cockatoo clip gives a kiss- curl effect to the gamin hairdo created by hair stylist Carita Alexandre in Paris. O V E R B O A R D - Jack Ruegger, anchor man for Long Island Agriculture School team, collapses in mire after finishing third in Collegiate Track Conference relay race at New York. I -1 :.".'li' is _ _ t ".i::. v: t: r:.}:: r ::::::....:..... .. ":: ..... "....... .,.. " ....:::..... ...:: "::::......::::::::... vi}:iii::: ":::: +".v::::":: i:fi:?:{v:.v:. :::::::....... ;.:; .:. ...., .... -1