THE MOITeV PIOPeOSALS See Page 4 L ae ediha Latest Deadline in the State DaiIpr COLDER, SHOWERS TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, VOL. LXIV, No. 90 EIGHT PAGES Butter Price Supports Cut Eight Cents Move Designed To Reduce Costs WASHINGTON - (1) - The government yesterday announced a slash of about eight cents a pound in the federal price sup- ports for butter, which it expects will be passed on to the housewife some time after April 1. The action brought cries of pro- test from some dairy producers and some congressmen from pre- dominantly milk producing states. They called the Agriculture De- partment's move premature and discriminatory and estimated it would cost dairy farmers as much as one billion dollars a year. * * * SL Treasurer Hampton Quits Latest Move Marks Fifth Student Legislature Quitting in Past Week In an unexpected move yesterday, Student Legislature treasurer Vic Hampton, '54BAd, resigned his post on the Cabinet along with his SL seat. He was the fifth SL member to resign within a week. * * * * CITING THREE reasons for leaving the Legislature, Hampton, in 'a letter to the Cabinet, pointed out, "if I were to continue in my pres- -<'ent capacity on the Legislature, I MSC Drops New Name Proposals Hatcher Says Act Aids Education LANSING-G)-Michigan State College last night gave up the attempt to change its name to Michigan State University and j asked sponsors of legislative bills to make the change to withdraw them. President Harlan H. Hatcher told The Daily he was sure that the Michigan State move was "in he best interest of higher educa- tion in the State of Michigan." * * * Storm Hits Ann Homes, Streets Arbor; Flooded Power Line Falls; Glow Lights Sky Nearby Residents Feared Explosion I ndependents Against Fall Rushing Plan, would be unable to spend sufficient time on studies." Secondly, he claimed he was unable to to tolerate "incapacity and apathy of certain members of the Cabinet and Legislature." Hampton also explained he was preparing to take examinations for a Certified Public Accountant cer- tificate in May and much time and V j{ i IN CUTTING dairy price sup- study would be involved in prepa- ports to the legal minimum start- Assembly Association announc- rations for the exam. ing April 1 - from 90 to 75 per ed its stand on spring vs. fall sor- Hampton's resignation marks cent of parity - the department ority rushing yesterday in an of- the fifth such action by an SL aimed at reducing butter costs on ficial statement in favor of spring member in the past week. Chris- grocers' shelves and thereby stim- rushing. tine Reifel, '55, and Lorraine Bald- ulating sales and heading off an The question will be raised for win, '55, submitted resignations increase in the already heavy sur- formal discussion before the Pan- early this semester. plus of dairy products. hellenic Association today. An E g p "Nosegentofagrculureorevaluation by Panhellenic of the MISS REIFEL gave up her Leg- "No segment of agricultureo two systems will be presented at islature seat because of ill health sit quietly in the face of scuh a I the meeting in addition to a state- and MissBldwin because she left cut," said a statement by the ment by Assembly of independent Other vacacies ocuring dur- National Milk Producers Feder- women's opinion. Othe vacancs occuri n NtoaMik* * * ing the week include vacation ation. "This is particularly true posts of Keith Gordon, '55 and when the dairy farmers have ap- AN EFFORT has been made Gil Hitchock, '56E. accordiny to Panhellenic President i parently been singled out as the only segment of agriculture to take such an official out." The federation said the support slash "will drop milk producers back into the depression era prices and cost them an estimated one billion dollars in income." "It's a pity the Agriculture De- partment is so barren of ideas it can't come up with something bet- ter than this," said Sen. Humphrey au~uig wrl lltlc r-ele Martha Hill, "to weigh both sys- tems in consideration of the over- al campus picture." Information in Panhellenic's evaluation has been compiled from questionnaires sent to dormitory directors and sorority financial advisors, in addition to a statistical report contain- ing figures pertinent to spring and fall rushing. Both Hitchcock and Gordan re- ported they resigned in order tof devote more time to studies and outside responsibilities. Election of a member to fill' Hampton's Cabinet post will be held at tomorrow's SL session. The Cabinet will Interview ap- plicants proposed by present SL members for the five vacated seats at 4 p.m. today in the SL Bldg. Its recommendations will be pre-! THE REQUEST was made in a'z Detroit Edison Co. emergency letter to all members of the leg- > ; crews were working early this islature from Clark L. Brody, morning to restore broken power chairman of the State Board of 4 4...... ...lines and determine the extent of Agriculture, college governing ,. \ damage done by the sudden elec- body, and MSC President John trical storm which swept Ann Ar- A. Hannah. bo4 bringing torrential rains and Rep. Harold W. Hungerford * 45 miles per hour winds. (R-Lansing) and Senator Har- ti a' Alarmed city residents crowded ry F. Hittle (R-East Lansing) the police switchboard with calls sponsors of the bills, said that when a 24,00 volt transmission they would ask committees line fell at Miller Ave. and First studying the measures to kill .-St. bathing the city in bright red them. glow as it arched for a full two "In view of the situation that mnts has arisen and the misunderstand REALLY WET-If you thing Ann Arbor's puddles are bad, take a look at this. Before the rains minutes. ings that exist," the college letter came during the weekend, these autos were parked neatly along a street in the Westwood section of SETTING a tree on fire, the said, "we have come to the con- Los Angeles, Calif. A clogged storm drain brought a flood I1 feet deep and moved the cars around in wire sent off a continual shower elusion that the attempt to pro- this fashion. of sparks cutting through a tree j cure legislative action approving branch and sending upa new py- the change in name of Michigan F ist, rotechnic display as it struck a State College should not be pur- Modification Daily ins FrsmnPlace-ho;:o:r and charred sur- sued further at this time,.V...w 7 l .'. rounding pavements. "Tle State Board of Agricul- ture will give the entire matter Lights continued to blaze In ~~Bytu~i-.-w I Jyp gra ftynearby homes, not affected by of the name of the college ad- B Y OV olOt j 1 ~es 'tyhoentasetdb ditional consideration and will the power line which linked up hope to arrive at a satisfactory BERLIonP)-Russia's V. M. Special To The Daily son Co.sffscialscouldns. Edie oelteh Molotov last night offered "modi- CHICAGO-The Daily took top honors yesterday as the best- estimate of when damage could have two uiversities hat othestates fications" of the Soviet proposal looking newspaper in its class in the 15th Annual Inland Daily Press be repaired. i e n for a European security system. by side without confusion and Association Typography ContesSmaller power failures were re- that the University of Michigan. BWinning out over 65 other newspapers in the 10,000 and under and the proposed nane of Michi- the European army must be ban- circulation class, The Daily was in competition with papers from 19 ! rted outside the city where sevy ned, Germany neutralized andI eral 4,800 volt wires fell. They gan State University would not be American troops sent home states and one Canadian province. were being serviced this morning confused. . * * * * by repairmen. "It appears, however." the let- j France's Georges Bidault and . A PANEL OF THREE typography experts judged the papers on Latest reports connected the vio- ter said, "that officials of the Britain's Anthony Eden charged appearance of headlines,, the "body" type used in news columns, lent storm with tornado disturb- University of Michigan are ap-I the Soviet plan would outlaw the avriigtpgahtegn >-acscneigi rass "a " m :m e*E "1acetake advertising tyepogaphy, the gen- ,>anehs centering n inrAdkansas prehensive that confusion might North Atlantic Alliance as a key- ;crar layout of the entire paperE The weatherman offered little result and that in some way the stone of Western defense. They ea ywenrp rbetter prospects for today with prestige of the University of Mich- said they would never agree to and the press work. W orld NewS more rain and colder temperatures igan might be affected. this. Editions of last Nov. 17, 18 ! forecast. and 19 were entered by 223 When the 24,000 volt line 'first d newspapers in five classes of Rou nLip lit up the city at 12:28 a.m., ex- competition and Michigan ,a cited townspeople at first thought pers fared well in the judging. By The Associated Press it was a large explosion. Police i1TANSIN Th MinhinmEm- cars rushed to the scene to form ()-Minn.). As representatives of indepen- s rnte ao e Legisaturef He said the cut will cost dairy dent women, Assembly will present morrow. farmers 600 million dollars a year. the results of a questionnaire sent At least, Humphrey commented, to house presidents. It will also the Agriculture Department should present its reasons for supporting Loses have preserved the status quo un- sbring rushing- _ or to- til Congress acts on current price support legislation. The National Milk Producers Federation announced it will ask Congress to limit the cut to near- ly three cents a pound. This, it said, would be in line with Presi- dent Eisenhower's farm message that downward price support ad- justments would be gradual, limit- ed to 5 per cent of parity a year. kPanel To Afir Civil Liberties threats today I .' Garris, Keyes Win IIn City Primaries Jack J. Garris received 133 votes to Michael Lenio's 57 in yester- day's Third Ward Democratic nominations for Board of Super- visors. In the Second Ward Republican alderman primary Ralph C. Keyes1 defeated Thomas A. Hunter, 1841 to 77. According to the City Clerk's office, the two ward ballot total was unusually light. SL Books Court Fight DETROIT-(P)-The Michigan Labor Youth League, which had been summoned to appear before the House Un-American subcom- mittee hearings here this month, lost out yesterday in a Federal , f r 3 court suit in which it challenged Congress' authority to have such j 'Ieting for I'IiA W orkers AlthoughTheDaily' was the Federal Judge Frank A. Picard Detroit Free Press carried off sec- quashed a suit challenging the d gs ond honors in the 75,000 and1 committee, authority to issue sub- Student Legislature's Executive > Wing will hold a mass meeting of takes care of the many office and above circulation class, while theE penaes and hold hearings. all students interested in work- research projects now carried on Jackson Citizen Patriot and Pon- Charles C. Andrews, a Detroit ing the group at 4 p.m today in by the Legislature. tiac Press took second and third' attorney, who was retained by the SL Bldg., 512 S. State. place respectively in the 25,000 to committee under a resolution pass- MANY of the more than 80 sec- 75,000 group. ed by the House of Represent- Reorganized this fall from the rtracmite aipbi tives, told theucourt it "has no -Administrative Wing, the group and licity poshtons a dThe South Haven Tribune gain- right nor power to grant an in- -now open, according to Donnaed honorable mention in the flat- junction against Congress."C FTS. Netzer, '56, Wing Coordinato:. bed press category, and the Iron Attorneys for the Michigan; Mountain News was awarded third "Present Threats To Our Civil Today is the last day Liberties," will be aired tonight in picking up checks and un a forum of five speakers at 8 pAi. books at the Student BookI in the Wesley Lounge of the Meth- change. ? odist Church. The exchange, open fron Prof. Kenneth Boulding, of the a.m. to 5 p.m., is located in economics department; Charles C. north corridor on the first f Lockwood, the defense attorney of Angell Hall. for Milo Radulovich; Prof. Wesley Maurer, chairman of the journal- ism department; Ernest Mazey, OVEREMPHASIS? Secretary-Treasurer of the Citi- zen's Committee Against the Trucks Act; and Rev. I. Paul Tay- L ocal O f for of the St. Matthews Methodist Church, will speak and later par- ticipate in a discussion among the 5U s I group. Gto + st i Included in the subjects of dis- cussion will be the present dangers "Not us," was the answer of the Trucks Act, the Velde Com- ity High School officials toa mittee hearings, and a general pie- school sports by the National ture of academic freedom. A 116-page report, releas The forum is being sponsored by cies Commission and the Am the Ann Arbor Chapter of the tors, charged secondary scho American Civil Liberties Union sary importance for its athle and the Citizen's Committee Against the Trucks Law,"WHEN THE VARSITY the athletic program usually Bd r -Skoda personnel," said the report. B adur -~oua to excuse athletes fi'om reg T P y ustandards." o lay ere The report further hita er gate receipts, interscho Paul Badura-Skoda, 26-y, a)"-old elementary schools, lack of Viennese pianist, will present the manship and other faults w seventh concert in the Choral While commending the NE. for sold Ex- group and Bolza Baxter of Battle ,m 9 'Creek, its chairman, asked that the the subpenas be quashed and that loor an injunction be issued to bar the public, press and radio from the' committee's Detroit hearings. Design Course To Be Given Self-styled home decorators no longer have to make shift with their own tools. With the addition of the Uni- versity Extension Service Design Workshop, Local "amateur" de- Organized on three levels, the streamlined Wing is topped by a Wing Coordinator. At the highest level are the comptrol- ler, secretariat director, assist- ants to the SL president and $ vice-president, speakers' bureau director and radio, publications and publicity director. !Also on this level are the board place in the 10,000 to 25,000 cate- gory. The Daily was the only col- lege student newspaper to win honors in the contest, scoring a victory over the Daily Illini, one of its competitors in the colleg- iate field, which was also en- tered. The Daily has won con- sistent top awards for general ployment Security Commission re- ported to Gov. Williams today that unemployment compensation claims in the state increased 16,198 during the week ending Feb. 11.{ The commission estimated Mich- igan now has 220,000 unemployed. * * * * SAIGON, Indochina-French forces beat off a fierce two- pronged Vietminh attack eight miles north of imperiled Luang Prabang yesterday. * * ,t LANSING--Sen. Donald W. Gilbert (R-Saginaw) yesterday lost the fight to keep his lobby- ist control bill away from a Sen- ate committee which refuses- to release it for debate. * * * LANSING-A record S4,288,- 200,000 was paid in all forms of taxes by Michigan residents in the year ending June 30, 1953, the State Revenue Department reported yesterday. * * *I a continual guard. Officers watch- ed as the white-hot wire caused asphalt below it to steam and sizzle despite the rain. * * * AT LEAST three anxious home owners called the fire department to report their homes, ablaze, but only one, on E. Washington St. turned out to be a real fire. The otheis were reflections of the nearby wire break. Firemen put I out the small E. Washington St. blaze quickly. Only a few homeowners re- ported flooded basements in the first morning hours, but sewers were backing up in Ann Arbor and Dexter, and it was expected that many would wake up to find their cellars awash. More than a foot of water col- lected at the First and Kingsley intersection, police said, and slightly lower levels were registered at Miller and Chapin, and Murray and Huron. Liberty Road in Dexter was flooded almost -continually along a mile-long stretch. ficials Answer' I SIN E A signers may take advantage cf shops and instruction provided by the architecture college. r yesterday from Ann Arbor and Univers- a blistering attack upon overemphasis in I Education Association. ed Sunday by the NEA's Educational Poli- erican Association of School Administra- ols in the country with creating unnecs-j tic programs and setting false values. team is overemphasized, other parts of suffer because of limited facilities and "Teachers are sometimes under pressure ular assignments or to lower academic at night games for the purpose of high- lastic competition in junior high and equal facilities for girls, lack of sports- which it termed "bad athletic policies." A report, local educators claimed that no j j* 4*AE BEGINNING today, classes will be held from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Tuesday in the Architecture Bldg. Prof. Donald B. Gooch and Charles J. Botero of the architec- ture college will teach the 16-week non-credit course. According to Prof. Gooch, pri- mary aim of the Design Work- shop is "to assist the individual from design stage to finished project," using facilities of the University. He explained Worshop students could design and make their own furniture, lamps, printed fabrics, "even mobiles, murals and print- ings for the modern home." chairman and senior special proj-; excellence in the Associated ects position. Collegiate Press contests. Posts of office buyer, manager, library manager and office service Convention delegates yesterday director fall under the direction of heard Vice - President Richard secretariat director, Staff mem- Nixon deliver an off-the-record' bers of various committees and talk on his recent world-wide boards serve under their respective ! tour. groups. Managing Editor Harry Lunn, Students interested in filling '54, and Shop Supervisor Kenneth any of these positions may sign up Chatters accepted the award for1 at today's meeting. The Daily. SHOWS POLICE OPERA TIONS: i , LANSING-The House yesterday was asked to authorize a legisla- tive investigation into Mackinac fit Qf See Bridge activities and former Gov. Murray D. Van Wagoner. Compromise With George I ' _e a --0 l@ rw A tx Detective Mtory' o pen, Tonorrow How police operate in a de- mocracy will be shown by the St'i- dent Players in their production of Sidney Kingsley's "Detectivex Story" opening its four day run at Union series at 8:30 p.m. tomor- such difficulties existed here. row in Hill Auditorium. "We have practically the situation that the report recommends." A student of the piano since the said University High Principal John M. Trytten. "Our student activity age of six, Badura-Skoda will play fund pays for athletics. Gate receipts amount to very little," Bach's "Partita No. 2 in C Minor,' * * Beethoven's Sonata in C Minor, TRYTTEN DID, however, agree that the faults outlined should Op. 13," Bartok's "Suite, Op. 14" be corrected. and Brahms' "Sonata in F Minor, "As soon as the athletic nrogram heeomes ton exnensive anda !' WASHINGTON - (RP) - Sen. Bricker (R-Ohio) said yesterday it may be possible for him to join forces with Sen. George (D-Ga.) in pressing for a constitutional amendment to fence in the Presi- dent's treaty-making powers. Bricker told reporters he and George, each proposing different amendments, are in "substantial agreement" on the need to curb the scope of treaties and other pacts. Neither version is approved by the White House, however. Debate on the issue was resum- Use of wood and metal shops in ' 6. p.. tomorrow in Lyala .Mi the architecture college will be in- delssohn Theater. cluded in the $25 instruction fee I Director Ted Heusel has worked and $5 laboratory cost, which may diligently with a cast ranging from be paid at the first session today. freshmen to seniors and music No prerequisite is required for majors to medical students. Susan registration in the course. Goldberg, '56, props, has collected J E1.A;