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May 08, 1954 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1954-05-08

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Landladies Should Choose
Discrimination or Tenants
See Page 4



:4Ia ii


Latest Deadline in the State


Ends Detroit

'U' Plans Giant

A tom masher
Stay Quietly
Seven Universities To Participate
Si.le Witness in Bilding Mammoth 'Bevatroni'
Supplies Names
By JIM DYGERT The world's largest atom smasher may be built soon by the Uni-
DET~Special to TheDetoit hear versity and six other Midwest colleges.
ings of the House un-American ac- Plans for the still undesigned 'bevatron," which will be six times
tivities sub-committee came to a larger than the most powerful now in existance, were announced yes-
quiet end yesterday. terday by University Vice President Wilbur K. Pierpont, following a
Only one witness was heard meeting Thursday of participants in Chicago.
during the day's proceedings,
which took place in the after- CONSTRUCTION and research funds for the giant machine
noon. Mrs. Berenice Baldwin, an amounting to 25 million dollars must be acquired and a site determined.
undercover agent for the Federal --------- ------ .
Bureau of Investigation in - the Named the Midwestern Uli-
BunistiParty for nine years, HA YS' TALK: versities Research Associaton'
supplied the committee with the group has been in the plan-{
names of active Party members 1 ning stage for a year. With or-
during 1945-50. IU d lj f L oIL ganization now definite, the as-
* * * sociation at present will work onI
SHE NAMED the officers of T T T technical plans for the bevatron
xirnv - -n i t l Eb/i U i I I Pt I and try to obtain funds. Some

Dien Bien Phu
No U.*S. AidN

)w 'Dulles


A few tickets for today's
glee club concert are still avail-
able at the Hill Auditorium box
The office will be open from
9-12 a.m., 2-5 p.m. and 7:30
p.m. until the concert begins.
All tickets which are not being
used should be returned to the
box office.

Clardy Will
Call Three
On Faculty
Bella Dodd Also
To Take Stand

Red Sieges

Brimg 57-Day
Fight To End
Secretary Urges
CollecLive Action
By The Associated Press
Hordes of Communist-led Viet-
minh troops topped the barbed
wire fortress of Dien Bien Phu yes-
terday in their biggest victory of
the 7-year war for Indochina.
Premier Joseph Laniel announc-
ed the loss in the National Assem-

various lommunlsL cmu sii L-
troit and other Michigan cities.
When she mentioned the
Ralph Neafus Club at the Uni-
versity, committee counsel Frank
Tavenner asked Mrs. Baldwin
for details.j

As Hopeless

preliminary planning on the
atom smasher has been under
way for more than six months
by the University's Phoenix
Project staff, under the direc-
tion of Lawrence W. Jones and
Kent M. Terwilliger, both of the
physics department. Howev--r
the Project won't be financing
any of the actual construction.
"No single university can unicr-

To Address
President Lawrence M. Gould of
Carleton College. former Univer-
sity faculty member and alumnus,
will address the University's 110th
Commencement June 12, President

"In my opinion there has never
She told of writing a letter to been any movement as futile as
Ed Shaffer, Grad., who she said that of the Communist Party in
was chairman of the Ralph NeaGus the United States," said Arthur
Club at that time, 1947. She re- Garfield Hays in the final lecture
ceived replies from both Shaffe yesterday of the journasm de-
and Bill Carter, '52A, the latter partment's series, "The Press and
informing her that he was the Civil Liberties."
membership and dues chairman Hays, general counsel for the
for the Club, according to Mrs. American Civil Liberties Union,
Baldwin's testimony. became prominent as defense law-
She also named Mrs. Betty yer in such cases as the Scopesj
Houston as secretary of the Club. "monkey trial," the Sacco-Vanzet-
It is not known whether Mrs. ti case and the Strachey case.
Houston attended the University. * *
Her husband, John Houston, is HE NOTED that the present
one of four who will appear at the Communist party is receiving "un-
Lansing hearings although origin- ity and strength" through the
ally scheduled to testify here.
Neafus Club, Mrs. Baldwin said,
that it consisted of University stu-
dents and operated "like all the
other Communist clubs." It en-
gaged in "the usual club activi-
ties, disturbing students" and "dis-
tributing pamphlets."
Mrs. Baldwin was the onlyk
witness to testimy because Rep.
Kit Clardy (R-Mich.), chair-
man of the subcommittee, was
the only Congressman present.
Rules call for a quorum of two
Congressmen in order that hos-t
tile witnesses be questioned.
Rep. Morgan Moulder (D-Mo.)
was prevented by sickness to re- T
turn from Washington where the
three committee members went
Thursday for the St. Lawrence
Seaway vote. Rep. Gordon Scherer ARTHUR G. HAYS{
(R-Ohio) was on business in Cin-
cinnati. I workings of McCarthy who "has
In the morning, when no, hear- spread more hate than all the
ings were held, Rep. Clardy told Communists put together."
newsmen he has had several con- "What I fear from Commun-
ferences with University President ists is what they can make us
Harlan H. Hatcher and Michigan do to our country," he continued,
State College President John A. "and you don't fight Commun-
Hannah. Both promised his com- ism by importing Communist
mittee "full cooperation," he said. methods."

" t


take such research," the group's Harlan H. Hatcher announced yes-
statement read, "because it is too terday.
costly in time andmoney."' th- President Gould is a geologist
er participating schools will be the who became a national figure when;
universities of Illinois, Iowa, ID1 - he accompanied Richard E. Byrd
ana, Minnesotaland Wisconsin and on his first Antarctic expedition
Iowa State College. from 1928-1930.
The high energy accelerator will THE PRESIDENT of the North-
manufacture synthetic cosmic raysf
to bombard any material under field, Minnesota, college holds
three degrees from the Univer-I
study with "from 20 to 30 billion shr: ders f e Uni
electron volts." The power willj sity: Bachelor of Science, magna i
eetrnots. reTe pwenry new cum laude, in.1921; Master of Arts]
be enough to create entirely new.
kinds of matter and to smash even in 1923, and Doctor of Science int
atoms of lead. 1925. He was a member of the
* # University faculty from 1921 to
1931 as a teacher of geology.
ACCORDING to Prof. H. R. Joining the faculty of Carleton j
Crane ofathe physics department;College in 1932, he has been its
the bevatron will be constructed,prsdnsic 95
"to further our knowledge of the president since 1945. c
"- ,-' The geologist was second In

Rep. Kit Clardy (R-Mich.) said
last night three faculty members
and two students at the University
would be called before sessions of
the House Un-American Activities
Subcommittee Monday in Lansing.'
However, previous reports indi-
cate that more than three faculty
members have been subpoenaed by
the Committee.
ED SHAFFER, Grad., and My-
ron Sharpe, Grad., have earlier
been identified as the two students'
to be called to testify.
One University faculty mem-
ber testified as a "friendly" wit-
ness earlier this week before ex-
ecutive sessions of the Clardy
None of the previous indications;
that six to eight faculty members
had been subpoenaed by the Com-
mittee have been confirmed for
publication at this date, but sev-
eral faculty members have told
The Daily they will release state-
ments to the press Monday night,
if they arecalled to testify at the
first day of the Lansing hearings.
* * *
ONE OF THE faculty members
is in the pharmacology depart-

bly. This nation, though long em-
bittered by the war 8,000 miles
away, was shocked at the defeat.
Uf* * *
days, the fortress fell under the
fifth massive attack launched by a
force which outnuibered the de-
-Daily-John Hirtzei fenders 6-1.
MICHIGAMUA-Braves douse their new initiates with water as There was no word on the fate
yesterday's Michigauma initiation got under way. Michigamua, of Brig. Gen. Christian de Cas-
University senior honor society, tapped 21 of this year's out- tries, nor of Genevieve de Galard
standing juniors Wednesday night and held its formal initiation Terraube, the French nurse and
yesterday afternoon. only woman in the fortress.
A dispatch from Saigon this
lDIi ' 4it f r " ID ; T' AW rVA-7_,...,.,-«....4 aat,__ _- --_



Congress Takes Initial
Steps on Seaway Project
With President Dwight D. Eisenhower's signature expected next
week on the St. Lawrence Seaway (Wiley-Dondero) Bill, Congressj
has taken the first steps to tarn the drenm of an inland wntprwn

morning reported the strong-point
called Isabella, three miles south
of Dien Bien Phu, continued resis-
tance until after midnight. Then
Isabella radioed Indochina head-
quarters, "I can no longer com-
municate with you," and went si-
lent. That apparently ended the
last resistance in the whole area.
MEANWHILE, in Washington,
Secretary of State Dulles ruled out
use of American armed forces in

atomic nucleus. -"We don't know
what practical results it will have.
he pointed out. The machine will
look something like the Atomic
Energy Commission's bevatron at
the Brookhaven Laboratories on
Long Island, second largest now in
existance, Prof. Crane explained.
The University of California
now has the biggest, which was
constructed at a cost of nine
million dollars and produces five
billion volts.
Based on descriptions of oth-
er such machines, this one will
use its power to transmute energy
into the basic elements of matter,
protons and neutrons. The oro-
tons then will be whirled around
a magnet and shot at incredible
velocity into targets of normal
matter. The protons circle ,he
magnet four million times in less
than two seconds.
Questions that may be answered

command in Byrd's expedition ! ment another in the mathematics
that made world-wide headlines department.
President Gould was also with thef
first University expedition to Rep. Clardy has not identified
Greenland in 1926 and the Put- the University faculty members,I
nam Baffin Island expedition the but has disclosed that the star
following year. witness in Lansing will be Bella
On his return to America after Dodd, former New York City
the Byrd trip, he was awarded the school teacher who recanted her
David Livingston Medal of the Communist beliefs some timet
American Geographical Society. ago.
President Gould was recently hon- It has been reported locally that
ored with an appointment byPres- two of the faculty members to be
ident Eisenhower to the National called were former members of
Science Foundation Board. the Communist Part fh

into reality Indochina at this time but de-
clared saving Southeast Asia from
Although the bill passed by the House Thursday has been de- Communism may yet demand "ser-
scribed as "merely a foot in the door," its importance lies in the ious" military commitments by the
fact that the United States is now definitely committed with Canada free world nations.
! to build the international seaway. "Free peoples will never re-
* *f * * main free unless they are will-
THE PRESENT BILL calls for the creation of the St. Lawrence, ing to fight for their vital inter-

Seawav IDevelopmnt Coort (fVion11wnd the hnilirnaof thr pP . )7-fnt

ests," Dulles asserted in a radio.

locks and two lateral canals in th
be financed by a 105 million dol-
lar treasury bond issue,
Completion of the 2,340 mile


ilu Uilu uuilullig Ul Ulllee G I-lum


Tickets to Drama
Season Available

"fairly recently," but this report seaway from Duluth to the At-
has not been confirmed. lantic is expected to take more
than eight years.
But when completed the project
M ichigam ua will open up the midwest to ocean
going ships, provide huge supplies
C' 1"a VPCof hydro-electric power and pie-

ie International Rapids section to TV report to the American peo-
-_ple. He expressed firm confi-
dence that coHective action by
anti-Communists powers will be
able to block a Red drive for the
rich resources of Southeast Asia,
"I feel confident that unity of
Rdup purpose persists, and that such a
tragic event as the fall of Dien
By T'he Associated Press Bien Phu will harden, not weaken,
WASHINGTON - --The Sen- our purpose to stay united."
ate viitually killed a major section Dulles delivered his 30-minute
report on the Asiatic crisis within
of the administrations' legislative hours after Indochina Reds over-
program yesterday by shunting whelmed French Union defenders
aside President Eisenhower's pro- at Dien Bien Phu after a bloody
gram for revising the Taft-Hartley 57-day struggle.

Season tickets to the 1954 Dra-
ma Season, as well as tickets to the
individual plays are now on sale
at the Lydia Mendelssohn Thea-
ter box office.
For "The Trip to Bountiful,"


'U' Alumna

Earlier in tne day, Hays spoke
to some 1300 high school journal-
ists and their advisors at the an-

nual convention of the Michigan.
Faces ThreaL Interscholastic Press Association,
saying that there is nothing more
Of D eportation important than the right of the
Si to be himself and to
IT express himself,

by studies on the machine include starring Lillian Gish, Kim Stan-
what holds the universe and atoms ley, and John Conwell, opening
Monday, tickets at all prices are
together, how far man can go in still available for the Thursday
actual manufacture of matter, and; and Saturday matinees and the
what the possibilities are of crea- Friday and Saturday evening per-
tions of entirely new kinds of mac- formances. Some seats can be ob-
ter. tained for other performances

t 3a la"V s ;vent wartime blocking of lanes.
Economially the Seaway will
To W igwam provide a booster for mid western
prosperity. The lower transpor-
Listen to this tale of romance tation costs will enable the high
Tale of Indian warriors bold-- grade Labrador and South Amer-
In the early moon of green leaves i can iron ore deposits toreach the
Camethyfrhthstisvl Midwest industry. With the Lake
a they forth, the stoics val- Superior deposits not expected to
Iant; last for more than 20 years the
Forth they romped to paleface developments of these foreign de-
wigwam p mnts of th oren
Wigwam one of friendly Great posits is of vital concern.
Chief, A rise in production and de-

An alumna of the University mu-
sib school and her husband face POEMS DANCESA
departation to South Korea this P
spring despite their protests that
their "livesare being threatenedA
at the hand of Syngman Rhee."r- F s
Mrs. Choon Cha Kwak, '42 SMLt
came to the United States in 1938 With poetry reading, one-acts,
on Barbour Scholarship. After and a dance composition, the In->
graduating from the University she ter-Arts Festival goes into its third
married Chungsoon Kwak and day of events today.
worked with him as head of the With 11 student poets, includ-
Korean Unit of the Information ing several Hopwood winners, the
and Educational Division of the Inter-Arts Union and Generationh
Army and later for the Voice of are sponsoring a poetry reading
America. session at 2:30 om in the Union

Came they forth to take their crease in the cost of living in this
token area is also expected to result


Then to the mignty oaK of tap- f
gal Enters Third Da pan -
a EDashed the screaming, yelling RCcrasen

Labor Law. II H
.IF THE Geneva coiference fails
'to yield an Indochina armistice
WASHINGTON - Sen. Dirksen "on honorable terms and under
(R-Ill.) said today he will ask the proper safeguards," Dulles declar-
Senate Investigations subcommit- ed, the need will be "even more
tee for a showdown vote Monday urgent" for united action to de-
iffend the area. But, he added:
on a concrete proposal which, if "In making commitments
adopted, should end the McCar- which might involve the use of
thy-Army hearings very soon." armed force, the Congress is a
full partner. Only the Congress
can declare war."
A rb0retum In ruling out any armed inter-
vention in Indochina now, Dulles
said, "Present'conditions there do
Rno H ejjortednot provide a suitable basis for the
United States to participate with
its armed forces."
In an obvious move to reassure
en on the streets and in the Ar- worried legislators, Dulles pledg-
boretum." ed that Congress would be "a full
* * * partner" in any move President
WORD FROM a police officer, Eisenhower decides upon "which
however, indicated that the youth- might involve the use of armed
ful "gangs" might actually be Uni- 'force."

To the tree of Indian legend
Where the white men pale and
Stood around the mighty oak tree E
Warriors choice of paleface nation R
Choie oftribe to run the gaunt- inRecent reports indleate a serious
Choice of trb orntegut increase of high school or college
let. hp"gangsterism" in the Arboretum.
Down the warriors, painted de- Both police and official admin-
mons istration sources confirmed the
Swooped and caught their prey nur ourescondire tye
like eagles numerous reports, and police say
Loud the war cry stirred the still- they are "checking the Arb more
ness frequently because of them."
Ac the -izd thir ha e ran -

In 1949 Kwak was dismissed
from the Voice of America and
soon after a deportation procedure
was initiated by the Immigration
Office. The Kwaks maintain that
these actions stem from the fact
that they have been opposed to
President Sygman Rhee's policies
They assert they are citizens of
the Democratic People's Republic
of Korea and deportation to South
Korea would mean certain perse-
The Immigration Office stated
the grounds for deportation was

. 0 1 1 u (.V k~. .1 V l ll l.
Mimeographed copies of the poems
will be available, and an informal
coffee hour will follow.
* * *
"HIGHER and Higher Down,"
a one-act play by Renee Kluger,
Grad., and "A Cocktail Quadrille,"
. by Gayle Greene, '56, in addition
to "The Legend of John Henry,"
will be presented at the evening
program. Beginning at 8 p.m. in
Barbour Gymnasium, the plays
and ballet are written, produced
and acted by students.
, Directed by John Fisher, Grad,
"Higher and Higher Down" is


versity students.

i S ley sel ec Ilel lupl6 sCUP 1
Forth they bore them to theirI
There to torture at their pleas-
There around the glowing bonfires
Heard the words of mighty wisdom
Smoked the pipe of peace and
Thus there came to Michigamua:
John Baity, Fred Baer, Ted
a.ohov TDn Cline. Pet nom nDon

"WE WERE driving in the Arb
I with our dates when another car'
forced us off the road," reported
one University student.
"A bunch of high school kids
got out and started insulting our
dates and using abusive lan-
guage," he said, continuing "no
one was hurt but there was a
flurry of excitement and a few
punches were exchanged."

"Just last weekend we had
three or four complaints of
trouble in and around the Arb
drive, and on checking we found
numerous tiles broken in the
area," the officer continued.
When informed of the incidents.
Nicholo Schreiber, principal of
Ann Arbor high school said, "I,
suppose some of that (gangster-
ism) goes on and it's too bad.:
Something should be done about
c it.Niwit.c nnia n-nhl m not

Weir Predicts
New Trends
In Advertising
Predictions that advertising is
now in the early phases of a ma-
joy revolution were made yester-
day at the University's one-day
Advertising Conference.

- ~4 'U

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