PAGE FOUR THE lhlCHIGAA _ DAILY It Li AL;SLA Y, MAX 5, 1954 PAGE FOUR TUE MIClii(~AN IPAIL~ ~EvNk~i~AY, MAY 5, 1954 The Wayne Faculty Suspensions TWo WAYNE UNSIVERSITY faculty mem- bers have been suspended "automatically and without pay" because they refused to testify Monday before the House Un-Ameri- can Activities subcommittee hearing in De- troit. Possibly the two men were at one time members of the Communist party; pos- sibly they are still in some way connected with the Communist party. The important point is that the men are temporarily unemployed and quite possibly will be fired,; the evidence for their incompe- tency will have been their refusal to an- swer the Clardy probers-today an indica- tion of guilt. The well worn argument that a man's competence in the teaching field cannot be determined by his political affiliations is being batted back and forth. Although it may seem a stale defense of retaining fac- ulty members, the argument still holds: a mathematics or physics instructor's know- ledge and capability in the classroom will not be stifled because he believes in a Marx- ist creed. The usual cycle of argument shows that the next point to be brought up is: there are some fields in which a man's political affiliations do make an important difference in his teaching. In the social sciences or literature or economics courses, Communist thinking will have a dire effect in times of internal insecurity, therefore we should not allow them to teach at all, this argument holds. And so on . . . The fact is this: in the Monday hearing, Communist Party member- ship of these two faculty members was not proved. Neither was the incompetence of the faculty men. Yet they have been sus- pended from their teaching duties because they used the Constitution's rights to keep silent. It is possible that next week when Clar- dy's committee opens another set of hear- ings in Lansing, three University faculty members will be called to testify. The question facing them and all of us is what will the University do? Today, the faculty members are operating in their classes to the best of their ability. Next week they may desire to keep to them- selves past (or present) political affiliations. And yet, by some strange quirk, the ability they have today as members of the faculty may no longer be considered enough for them to remain on the faculty. And this is the great danger of investigat- ing committees. --Pat Roelofs DREW PEARSON: Washington Merry-Go-Round TODAY AND TOMORROW: Rig Black Cloud Over Geneva By WALTER LIPPMANN HE TIME has not yet come, not nearly, to regard the big black cloud over Geneva as meaning that all is lost, that there is nothing further to do except to have a bitter quarrel about fixing the blame. This is not to deny that things are go- ing badly for the Western allies. But only if we become panic stricken, and fall to quarrelling with all our allies and with ourselves, is there any objective reason for thinking that we are headed unavoid- ably towards catastrophe. Western diplomacy had a bad set-back last week which was caused by a mishandl- ing of the question of intervention by Ameri- can naval aviation in the battle of Dienbien- phu. The crux of the matter is that the French government should never have been allowed to make the request unless it was certain that the request would be granted. Somebody blundered, as Tennyson said, in not making it unmistakably clear in Paris to Mr. Laniel and to Mr. Bidault that they mnust not put the Western Alliance on the spot. For unless we knew and had made up our minds to intervene before we were asked, it was a grievous mistake to be asked, or for us to let ourselves be asked. Quite ob- viously someone blundered and it was a cost- ly blunder. It is a blunder that cannot be repaired by some more public statements, or by some more leaks and inspired statements-be the statements bellicose or pacific or just con- fused. The blunder that has to be corrected is whatever has been done to cause a very probable misunderstanding in the minds of Mr. Molotov and of Chou En-lai. They may be tempted to think that there will be no resistance in Indo-China so long as they do not commit the kind of overt act which would precipitate "massive retaliation" and a general war. The opportunity should not be lost at Geneva, and at the key capitals of the world, to explain that such an interpre- tation would be a dangerous misreading of the temper and intentions of the West. The next thing needing to be done is to repair a diplomatic mistake which was made at Berlin. This was the agreement to leave the making even of a cease fire to the Geneva conference two months later. When this extraordinary agreement was published, it seemed to me necessary to suppose that there had been a private agreement to make at the very minimum tacit cease fire in the long interval between Berlin and Geneva. It is hard on the morale of any army which is not fanatical in temper-to tell the men to fight when an armistice is in sight. Men do not like to be killed or maimed in the last meaningless battles of a war. Further- more, it was only common sense to assume that for the admission of Red China to a conference of the Big Four, a price had been exacted-at the least an agreement looking to the acceptance of an armistice. To let them get what they wanted-namely to come to Geneva - without getting what France was to want-a cease fire-was a poor bargain indeed. Chou En-lai is now able to sell at Geneva at a price as yet unknown to us what he should have had to pay for a ticket of admission to Geneva. After all, in Korea we had refused to en- gage in a political conference until after there was a cease fire on the battlefield. The United States is not for the time being able to make a constructive contri- bution to repairing these mistakes. For with the military sitiation considerably worse than it was when we were in Berlin, any armistice that can be negotiated is bound to be unpalatable. We have put ourselves into a box. We do not like, be- cause of the attitude in the Senate, to join our allies in negotiating an armistice; they will not join us, assuming we really wanted to be joined, in waging war. The business of arranging at least a cease fire and, if possible, an armistice has now to be done at Geneva whereas it should have been done before Geneva. our affairs, we shall have to face the fact that there is much deeper trouble. Our for- eign policy rests upon alliances. It has to rest upon them. We are only six per cent of the people of the globe, and we cannot insure our own security or play a leading part in the world without reliable allies. There is no one so crazily ignorant of the reality of things as the American isolationist who wants to have all of Asia and Europe say yes sir when we speak, and feels deeply hurt when they don't. Now our alliances, which we began to form as the cold war proceeded, have been affected by two epoch-making developments. Both, as it happened, occurred in 1949. One was 'the atomic explosion in the Soviet Union, which ended the American monopoly of atomic weapons. The other was the de- feat of Nationalist China by the Red Chinese on the Asian mainland. : * * * The solidarity of our alliances-the Unit- ed Nations charter, NATO, our special de- fensive pacts with Japan, with West Ger- many-calls for readjustment to these new developments. The simple doctrine of con- tainment, as proclaimed under Truman, antedated and took no account of either development. Yet the situation of all our allies has been radically altered by these develop- ments. Most of them have no defense, in the sense of being able to repel or ward off atomic attack. All the Asian coun- tries, and all the European countries with organic ties in Asia, have been confronted with the enormous fact that China has become a Communist power. Since 1950 our alliances, founded upon the obsolete premises of the Truman doctrine, have had to be readjusted if they were not to become so fragile that they would break up in an emergency. But the moral climate in this country has been too full of violence and suspicion to permit American opinion to adjust itself-as I believe President Eisen- hower and Secretary Dulles have long known was necessary-to the new realities. They have been forced, especially by the leading faction of their own party, into what is an extreme and irreconcilably dogmatic version of-ironically enough-the Truman doctrine. Since in Washington there has been no true appraisal of the new situation of our alliances, our allies have had to reappraise their alliances with us. In so far as we have been inflexible, they have been pushed by their own people in the direction of being more flexible than it was wise, or necessary, or expedient to be. * * * * And so our alliances are shaken, and will almost certainly deteriorate further, as long as Congress refuses to face the facts of life. The most important of all the facts of life for us is that the solidarity of our alliances is of infinitely greater importance than what happens on this or that spot on the great surface of the globe. (Copyright, 1954, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.) THE ESSENTIAL THING is to find a way in which the energies of all of the Euro- pean countries which form a natural com- munity will be pooled in common construc- tive tasks rather than perverted to struggles by one to dominate the other. That vision is already being translated into reality. Under the leadership of France, six nations of continental Europe are establishing a community. Already, the Coal and Steel Community exists. The same six countries have signed a treaty to create a defense community, and other aspects of community association are being actively explored. We have welcomed the steps which the United Kingdom has taken to associate it- self with and support this community. The United States also, although not itself a European power, would associate itself durably with the community through the North Atlantic Treaty, which, I recall, is much more than a mere military alliance. -John Foster Dulles. WASHINGTON - Busiest backstage hud- dler in the effort to call it quits-on the McCarthy-Army hearings has been GOP Sen. Everett Dirksen of Illinois, close friend of McCarthy. He has talked with Len Hall, GOP National Chairman; Vice-President Nixon, also friendly to McCarthy; and to Assistant President Sherman Adams. Chairman Hall is especially anxious to put a quietus on the McCarthy probe. He has booked the rambunctious Senator from Wisconsin for three months of political speeches prior to the elections-despite Ike's disapproval of Joe-so he doesn't want Joe's political value depreciated. At this writing, Sen. Karl Mundt, acting chairman of the McCarthy Subcommittee, is the only one who's come up with a way out. He proposes announcing that he will have to preside over an Appropriations Sub- committee beginning Thursday; therefore, the McCarthy hearings will have to be sus- pended for a few days. Then, if public reaction is not too critical, the hearings will either not reconvene at all or else convene intermittently, after which a compromise report would be written two or three months hence when people have forgotten. Whether Democratic committee members will stand for this Republican face-saver remains to be seen. BEHIND THE SEAWAY Most interesting feature of the St. Law- rence Seaway Bill, being voted on in the House of Representatives today, is the back- stage reason why, after 25 years of haggling, it is on the verge of being passed. The rea- sons are twofold: 1. Two of the President's most potent friends, one of them in the cabinet, want it passed. They want it passed because they represent big steel, and because the iron ore of the future must come from Labrador, not Minnesota. 2. The present St. Lawrence Seaway is not the real seaway proposed by Herbert Hoover by which ocean-going vessels could steam all the way to Duluth. Th current seaway bill will take ocean-going vessels only to Lake Erie, which will take care of the Labrador ore needed by Buffalo, Cleveland and Youngstown. Going farther west than Lake Erie does not interest the steel companies, since their plants are largely in the Ohio- Pennsylvania area. IKE'S CLOSE FRIENDS The record of lobbying fees filed in Con- gress tells part of the backstage St. Law- rence Seaway battle. The private confes- sions of certain Congressmen tell the rest. In brief, Secretary of the Treasury George Humphrey, most potent adviser to the President; and James Black, one of Ike's closest friends, put the seaway across. Black gets over $100,000 a year to act as Washington representative of Republic Steel, partly because he has access to the White. House at almost any hour of the day or night. Secretary of the Treasury Humphrey, head of the giant Hanna Holding Company, also head of National Steel, Hollinger Steel and closely associated with Wheeling Steel, is credited with being the first to foresee that Minnesota's once rich ore deposits were run- ning out and that American Steel must im- port from Labrador. So his companies bought tremendous deposits in Labrador, along with Republic Steel, ARMCO and Youngstown Sheet and Tube. PROBE OF HUMPHREY?? It's also why some of the lower Mississippi and New England opponents of the Seaway are talking about a probe of Secretary Hum- phrey on the ground that he did not sell his stock in the Hanna Company before entering the government. Actually the Wiley-Dondero Bill now before the , House was virtually written by Humphrey's attorney, Ed Schorr, form- er Republican State Chairman for Ohio. Between Humphrey, Schorr and Black, terrific political pressure was put on Ohio Congressmen to change their position a'nd vote for the seaway. GOP Congressman Harry McGregor of West Lafayette, Ohio, for instance, has al- ways been depended on by the railroads and anti-seaway interests to bottle up the sea- way bill in the Public Works Committee, of which he is a high-ranking member. LIGHTNING SHIFT But this year, McGregor told Republican colleagues that Jim Black had warned that if he didn't switch, he would defeat him for re-election. So, apologetically, McGregor told his anti-seaway friends: "I've got to get the heat off me." He also went around to every Republican on the Public Works Committee and said in effect: "As you know, I've long led the opposition, but now I think we have a compromise that is satisfactory." On top of this, GOP Congressman Clar- ence Brown, also a seaway opponent, told Republican colleagues in brief: "These fel- lows are our friends. They were heavy contributors to the campaign. I can't say that I'm really for the seaway, but at least we should get it out on the House floor for full debate." And when the seaway bill got deadlocked in the Rules Committee some time ago, Sec- retary Humphrey used persuasion on GOP congressman Leo Allen of Illinois, chairman of that committee, to pry it loose. The funny part of it is that Humphrey himself used to be against the seaway. And when his Ohio friend, Congressman George Lei; "'+ :2-2] Excitemehat ofFirst World War Endangers Freedom (Continued from Page 1) public schools who belong to the Communist Party. We have no room in the public school system for any members of that organization. We won't have their doctrines circulated or preached in the class- rooms." An article by Howard K. Beale in the January, 1934, issue of "Progressive Education" reports many of the incidents con- cerning academic freedom after the First World War. He tells of teachers who attempted to apply to the war the intelligence and critical standards which education purports to inculcate and were silenced and persecuted. Fear of the charge of disloyalty kept many teachers silent against their will, he wrote, and penalties for failure to support the war followed some teachers through the years. Beale reported, "After the war came a long period of hysteria when anything which could be labeled 'radicalism' was sought out and punished in teachers." He went on to describe new laws pre- scribing religious exercises in the schools, laws in many states pro- hibiting the teaching of evolution, and constant attacks on attempts to discuss peace views and internationalism in the schools. According to Beale, an edict was issued in Washington, D.C., that no teacher might mention the League of Nations even in current events classes. Summarizing, he wrote, "There are countless cases of suppression of peace views and internationalism." * * * ALTHOUGH MANY of the controversies revolved around ele- mentary and secondary schools, the colleges and universities did not escape their share. A number of battles over dismissal of professors made the headlines, but most of them were fought in magazine articles. Few college presidents stood behind their teachers, for the trustees held the pursestrings and, as The Nation said in 1921, "Trustees of American universities are overwhelmingly on the side of reaction." Notable among the few who did fight for academic freedom was A. Lawrence Lowell, president of Harvard University, who defended two of his professors against attacks and refused to dismiss them. Of Lowell, The Nation said, "In President Lowell's general position there is that admirable note of liberalism which he almost alone among American university presidents during the past five or six years has had the courage to strike." Perhaps the most extreme example of suppression was the Lusk Committee of New York, set up by the legislature in 1919 to investi- gate seditious activities and report to the legislature. The committee, headed by Senator Lusk, effected the passage of two anti-subversive bills in 1919 which were vetoed by Governor Alfred E. Smith. * * * * THE MOST FAMOUS case that arose from the committee's raids on "radical" institutions was the Rand School case. The Rand School of Social Science was a Socialist and labor college maintained by the American Socialist Society in New York City. A suit was brought against the school, but since no statute then on the books had been violated, the suit was dropped. The Committee, alarmed by the num- ber of "radicals" on the teaching staff of the school and the revolu- tionary character of some of the books and pamphlets on sale in its store, pushed through some new legislation in 1921 after Governor Smith had been defeated for re-election. The new legislation required private schools, other than parochial or denominational schools, to apply for a license without which they could not teach. The Rand School refused to do so, and when an injunction barring it from teaching was issued, took the case to court where it suffered its first loss. While the appeal was pending, Governor Miller, who had signed the Lusk bills, was defeated in November, 1922, by Governor Smith, who had vetoed them. Smith's return to office was followed by the repeal of the Lusk legislation, and the proceedings against the Rand School automatically lapsed. In his book, Free Speech in the United States, Prof. Zechariah Chafee, Jr., Langdell Professor of Law at Harvard, wrote, "The cause of liberal education was won, not in the courts but at the polls." * * * * THE STRUGGLE for academic freedom was fought in many in- stances by the students. In the spring of 1923, two foreign students asked President Burton of the University why there was a Board in Control of Student Publications. Burton's reply was to assert his faith in "the ability of a democratic people to shape and to admin- ister the education of its children." Earlier that year, on January 14, readers of The Michigan Daily found the usual Sunday magazine section missing. The 14 members of the editorial staff of the magazine section had re- signed after arguments with the administration on what should and what should not be published. In the early fall of 1921, the publication of articles by outspoken G. D. Eaton in any student periodical was forbidden. Eaton was a University student. And in May, 1922, the editors of Gargoyle were forbidden on pain of dismissal to publish any more jokes on prohibi- tion or coeds., These incidents evoked a surging wae of student protest in defense of academic freedom. In the March 7, 1923, issue of The New Republic, John Rothschild summed up the situation saying: "These illustrations could be multiplied many times over, and they leave no doubt of the fact that the morale of college admin- istration in America has ebbed a great deal. "But there is no reason for hysteria. When the institutions of1 learning have got the money they want from business and the public -when the era of endowment drives is over-they will return to the old fearless conception of the university. "How Would You Like To Be A Good-Will "~ / . - t 00Pi 1 . jetter TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. Vote on Calendar.. CISION IS LEFT UP TO THE To the Editor: STUDENTS-it would be unfor- ODAY AND tomorrow the stu- tunate if they failed to do their ~DAYANDtomorowthe tu-duty. VOTE-(even the lawyers). dents of the University willdy Owar-( em ersi have the opportunity to go to the Lucy Landers polls to express their opinion on Ruth Rossner a future academic calendar. The John Black results of this election will be pre-Eric BetBer sented to the Calendar Committeec for serious consideration and will play an important role in the deci- OnLeague Houses .. sion of this committee ON ONE To the Editor: CONDITION: the vote must be DEAN BACON is surely to be heavy enough to indicate student commended for declaring that interest. There are many students she doesn't like discrimination. In- on this campus whose major claim deed, a noble stand! However, this to fame is a loudly-voiced com- impression is quickly dispelled by plaint that students government her apparent intention of not do- is silly, stupid, ineffective, etc. They ing a thing about the recent in- should realize that effective stu- cident at one of the League dent government depends on an Houses. appreciable demonstration of stu- Her reasons seem to be these: dent interest at the polls. Unless 1) since League Houses are pri- there is a large turnout, the ad- vately owned and since private ministration can easily u homes set their own standards, any complaints from student rep- eionswhchar resentatives with the time-worn then there is nothing which ought phrase that they don't really rep- to be done to force League Houses resent student opinion. In fact, the to accept one particular outlook, students on the Calendar Commit- and 2) because there are not tee have been advised that if the enough women's residences she usual poor turnout at the polls (Dean Bacon) "needs every single occurs today and tomorrow, the high quality place for girls to live results of the Calendar Refer- that (she) can find" endum will not receive much con- The first reason might be con- sideration by the Comittee. t sidered valid if the League House will be interpreted as an obvious were a family in the common lack of interest by the students. meaning of the word. We could It is our fervent hope that such and would not force any family to will not be the case; the support of do things to which it objected. But the entire campus population is the League House is not a family, essential in this election. EVEN IF it is more nearly a hotel at which A STUDENT FEELS THAT NO accommodations are made on a CHANGE IS NECESSARY, HE long term basis. In many states SHOULD CAST HIS BALLOT IN hotels are forbidden to discrimi- THE ELECTION, since the PRES- nate. Moreover, the university has ENT SEMESTER SYSTEM is of- within its power the right to forbid fered as a choice. It is obvious that such discrimination by refusing the decision of the Calendar Com- approval of such houses. Not only mittee will affect the entire stu- can 'the university do this but it dent body; the time for the famous should for the matter is no longer Michigan student apathy is over an individual problem but reflects -FOR ONE OF THE FEW TIMES badly on the moral make-up of IN THE HISTORY OF THE UNI- the University as long as such dis- VERSITY-AN IMPORTANT DE- criminatory actions are uncon- demned and nothing is done to prevent recurrences. .Dean Bacon's second objection is in reality not valid since expedi- OFFICIAL ency, as far as we are concerned, can never be a criterion. However, since it seems to be a chief deter- BULLETIN rent to action it must be discuss- ed. Our suggestion is: more senior girls be allowed to leave the girls' (Continued from Page 2) dormitories and the girls from the League Houses take their place Pershing Rifles: All Pershing Rifle- i.e., if the obnoxious policies are men erport to T.CB. at 1925 hours. Uni- forms need not be worn. Attendance is not dropped by the League owner. requised for briefing on bivouac. All in- Only through strong student in- terested cadets are to attend also. terest will the university take a L____w mtd stand. We would surely not expect aLe pCercie Francaish wil meettoday modern university students to put at a p.m. in the Michigan League. In mdmuiest tdnst u answer to many inquiries on how a typi- up with such nonsense-or are cal Frenchman views America, we have people too concerned with studies invited Etenne Thil, a Parisian French- to worry about such "trivial" mat- man, to tell of his "Humorous mpres-t Evervone is invited ters as these? 501 n11 iu . Zv V lu1 l vt'L. All members are urged to attends The 48th Annual French Play: The picture of the cast of "Ces Dames aux Chapeaux Verts" is ready. Call for it in 112 Romance Language Bldg. Xi Chapter, Pi Lambda Theta, willf hold initiation for new members at 7:45, in the Assembly Hall, Rackham Bldg.! Coming Events All Music Education students are urg- ed to attend the Student M.E.N.C. meet- ing Tues., May 11, 7 p.m., Hussey Room, League. Election of officers. Literary College Conference Steering Committee meeting Thurs., May 6, at 4 p.m. in Dean Robertson's office in Angell Hall. Fourth Laboratory Bill of Plays will be presented by the Department of Speech Thursday and} Friday, May 6 and 7, at 8 p.m. in the Women's Athletic Building. No admission, and seats are not reserved. Arena-style staging will be used for this bill of plays staged, di- rected and costumed by the students in the advanced theatre courses. Pro- gram: Wen Shun T'ang's Chinese play, THE DRAGON; scenes from Eva Le Gal- lienne's dramatization of Lewis Car- roll's ALICE IN WONDERLAND; and Anatol France's THE MAN WHO MAR- RIED A DUMB WIFE. Christian Science Organizationo. Tes- timony meeting Thurs., May 6, 7:30 p.m. Fireside Room, Lane Hall. All are welcome. Deutscher Verein-Kaffeestunde will meet Thurs., May 6, 3:15 p.m., in the alcove of the Union taproom. Prof. H. Penzl, of the German Dept., will be present. All students wishing to make active use of their German are urged to come. Everyone welcome. The International Tea, sponsored by the International Center and the Inter- national Students' Association, will be held Thurs., May 6, from 4:30 to 6 o'clock at the International Center. The National Association for the Ad- vancement of Colored People presents Prof. Harold Levinson, Economics De- partment, discussing "The Economic Costs of Discrimination," 7:30 p.m., Thurs., May 6, Auditorium B. Angell Hall. Orthodox Students Society. Meeting, Thurs., May 6, at 7:30 p.m., Lane Hall. Rev. Harry Magoulias, Pastor of St. Con- stantine and Helen of Detroit, will give a lecture illustrated with slides, on the Orthodox Liturgy. Refreshments to fol- low. Public invited. la -,. _____ -Dave Darsky Art Olelnick Tag Day Thanks... To The Editor: 1HE American Cancer Society wishes to thank the many Uni- versity of Michigan co-eds for their part in making Tag Day in Ann Arbor a success. The students who were stationed in both cam- pus and Main Street areas col- lected $700.00 during the last day of the American Cancer Society drive for funds. -Irene Lashmet s l 1. Sixty-Fourth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Harry Lunn..........Managing Editor Eric Vetter. ........... . City Editor Virginia Voss..... ... ,Editorial Director Mike Wolff........ .Associate City Editor Alice B. Silver. Assoc. Editorial Director Diane D. AuWerter.... Associate Editor Helene Simon........ .Associate Editor Ivan Kaye.................Sports Editor Paul Greenberg.... Assoc. Sports Editor Marilyn Campbell. Women's Editor Kathy Zeisler. .. .Assoc. Women's Editor Chuck Kelsey ......Chief Photographer Business Staff Thomas Treeger.:...Business Manager William Kaufman Advertising Manager Harlean Hankin....Assoc. Business Mgr. William Seiden. .......Finance Manager Anita Sigesmund.. Circulation Manager Telephone NO 23-24-1 Y j Member