ls . I 0 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1954 THE MICHIG~AN DAILY P m A V 1^ .,4 ;PIP r **~r rav, i Coeds To Petition for Class Posts / \ l Frosh Weekend... \'l r!" i+ Petitions for the central com- mittee of Frosh Weekend are due at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday. in the Undergraduate Office of the League. Interviewing of women who have petitioned will be conducted from 3 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday, Feb. 23 through Friday, Feb. 27 by members of the Panhellenic and Assembly boards. *. * * THE traditional rivalry which has always existed between the Maize and Blue teams will again reign on the diagonal, and at the floorshows and dances on the eve- Senior Positions nings of April 16 and 17. Judges i. will rate the teams on the basis of Among the 22 senior League po- the decorations, floorshow and sitions, for which petitions are due prornm design. Wednesday at the Undergraduate The head positions on the tvr Office, are the chairman of Wom- teams, Maize and Blue, will be en's Judiciary, Merit-Tutorial, the filled, making a total of 26 coeds Community Service Committee who will do the executive plan- and the public relations commit- ning, 13 on each team. tee. Positions to be filled are general The chairman of Women's Ju- chairman, publicity chairman and diciary coordinates the work of assistant, finance chairman, dec- the council which includes helping orations chairman and assistant, with the work of the women stu- floorshow chairman and assistant, dents' self-government and dele- patrons chairman, programs chair- gating certain disciplinary powers man, tickets chairman, awards to House Judiciary Councils. chairman and judges chairman. Antpf+1-ofln. i 'U' Students Will Travel To See Play Students planning to take ad- vantage of the Union-sponsored trip to the Detroit showing of "Thej Moon Is Blue" have only two more{ days to make their reservations. Scheduled for Sunday, Feb. 21, the total cost of the evenings en- tertainment, including transporta- tion and ticket, has been set at $3.50. * * * RESERVATIONS, may be made from 3 to 5 p.m. tomorrow and Tuesday in the first floor student offices of the Union. Both individ- ual students and groups are invit- ed to sign up. The buses carrying the travel- ers to Detroit will leave the side entrance of the Union at 6:30 p.m. next Sunday. SPORT HIGHLIGHTS: House Champions Will Vie For WAA Ping Pong Title Champions of seven houses will compete in the annual WAA Ping Pong tournament beginning this week. Games listed by Manager Colleen Campbell, which must be played by Wednesday, match Marcia Lu- beck, Martha Cook; against Lu- cille Stansberry, Gamma Phi Beta; and Andy Weinstein, Sigma Delta Tau; against Carol Schaller, Cou- zens. Byes were drawn by Barbara Silverstein, Jordan; Carol Cun- ningham, Kappa Delta; Carol Ris- kin, Vaughan; Clare Taylor, Kap- pa Delta; Sarah Burroughs, Alpha Omicron Pi; and Marg Smith, Gamma Phi Beta. Players are asked by Miss Camp- bell to contact each other and set the times for the matches. The same rules which governed the house contests will be used for tournament games. Play still continues in the all- campus basketball tournament. In games played last week Delta Gam- ma defeated Kappa Kappa Gam- ma 17 to 11, Charity Project The actives and alumnae of Alpha Phi sorority will give two benefit card parties for their national philanthropic project, Cardiac Aid, Tuesday afternoon and evening at the chapter house, 1830 Hill St. U 'U . #: . . Bus. Hrs. 9:30 to 5:30 Mon. thru Sat. there's news in the "custom-look knit" for spring '54 dO ies .anoin er iunci Ion o te I aJUic- iary is to hear cases referred to it by the House Judiciary Councils, the League-House Judiciary Coun- cil and the Women's Panel. The chairman of the Merit-Tu- torial Committee has several jun- ior assistants to help her in ob- taining lists of tutors for all sub- jects and recording a list of every woman student's extra-curricular activities. Coordinating all the volunteer workers on campus is the job of the Community Service Commit- tee. This group fills all requests for short-time volunteer, service and maintains a file of every wom- an's community interests and alist of areas that need volunteers. -Daily-Dean Morton BLACK MAGIC - Pharmacy students are shown here compound- ing a magic potion to sprinkle on dancers at the annual all-campus Apothecary Ball, "Mortar and Pestle," to be presented from 9 p.m. to midnight, Friday at the League. All-Campus Apothecary Bal I To Be Presented At League I L_ T l 'WT D r. rnn by L.AWREtNCEAf Students of the College of Phar- macy will present their annual Apothecary Ball, "Mortar and Pestle," from 9 p.m. to midnight Friday in the Vandenberg and Hussey Rooms of the League. Tickets for the all campus dance are $1.50 per couple and may be I 4ct,,Pjj Caonpu4 ~1 "Frappe"... . a fabulous new knit that'looks even better after hand washing. It's a miracle blend of 45 % orlon, 5$% wool that keeps its beautiful shape through sudsing...needs no blocking. The deep-V top is framed with fine ribbing-the skirt has stop-and-start pleats. Pink, candy mint, blue, white, beige, turquoise or maize. SIZES 10-13 CO-OP COUNCIL - There will be a meeting of the League, Co-op- erative House Council at 4:30 p.m. tomorrow in the League. * * * DORM COUNCIL - Assembly Dormitory Council will hold a' meeting at 4 p.m. tomorrow in the League. ASSEMBLY BALL - All inde- pendent women interested in working on decorations for Assem- bly Ball are requested to come to the Publicity Room of the League at any time from 7 to 10 p.m. to- morrow. There will be a meeting every weekday at these hours. All independent women interest- ed in working on publicity are re- .quested to attend an organization- al meeting at 7:15 p.m. tomorrow in the League. MICHIGRAS - The Petition Sub-committee of the Michigras Booths Committee will meet at 7:15 p.m. Tuesday in the Michi- gras office in the basement of the Union. purchased at the College of Phar- macy office and at the dance. AMIDST an atmosphere of dec- orations depicting various phar- maceutical techniques in the Van- denberg Room and charactures of the graduating class in the Hussey Room, couples will have an oppor- tunity to dance to the strains of Paul McDonough and his orches- tra. "Dressy" attire is in order for coeds attending the dance. Surprise favors contributed by' one of the country's largest phar- meceutical houses will be given to each guest. PAT PAULING and Dick Allen, co-chairman of the committee in charge of the affair stated that the purpose of the dance is to provide an all campus event which will give students in other schools of the University an insight into the College of Pharmacy. Profits from the dance will go to the University's Fresh Air Camp. Last year's dance, "Drachm and Scruple," proved so successful, Al- len said, that the students of the College of Pharmacy instituted it as an annual affair. PHARMACY organizations spon- soring this year's dance are Phi Delta Chi, Lambda Kappa Sigma and the American Pharmeceutical Association. Assisting Allen and Miss Paul- ing in making arrangements for the dance are the co-managers, Kay Osborn and Jim Richards. Other members of the committee include Bruce Gillespie, programs; Joan Rosenberg, tickets; Dan Kor- nacki and Sandra Brauman, dec- orations; Shirley Swinson, patrons and patronesses; Fred Swart, pub- licity; and Mona Roesner, favors. Closing Out Our Entire Stock of Bijou Hosiery After many years this well-known manufacturer is retiring from business. This is an opportunity to stock up on fine, first quality hosiery at substantial savings. Regularly 1.50 to 2.25 Now 1.00 per pair, 3 pair for 2.85 MAIN AT LIBERTY ANN ARBOR Advertised in MADEMOISELLE in full color. ONE OF MANY AT $25.00 SIZES 10-18 I I 8 NICKELS ARCADE PHONE NO 2-2914 r FRUIT - FLAVORED LIPSTICK. MILKMAID'S fresh, bright exciting colors. PYXIE PINK (the teen- agers own true love), CHERRY PINK (lively rosy pink), RED CURRANT (never changes color under changing lights). Contain- ing 15% sweet cream for satin- smoothness. Exclusive at The Fischer Pharmacy - Liberty at Fifth Ave. On Forest Between S. Univ. and Washtenow PATRON PARKING IN REAR m 0 f f I i ..... I / f * They're Washable Rayon and Dacron Gabardine * They're Proportioned - Tal/, Medium, Short JjJ / 7 _e.Y ./ _ A Y A- j ZING!o IT'S SPRING! s' * ' -N.---. AND TIME FOR PETTI-LIN They're the most carefree slacks you could own. A blend of Miracle dacron and rayon fabric, they're wonderfully washable and they keep their trim good looks forever. The Snugtex waist band keeps your blouses and sweaters neatly in place. There's just the perfect size for you . . . short, size 10 to 16, medium size 10 to 18, and tall size 12 to 20. Navy, brown or black. Small wonder suits in wonderful Burley linen, a Rayon-Cotton blend that looks really lovely, packs so perfectly. Lots of shape in their nar- rowness ... subtlety in the quiet detail of their contoured jackets ... I I (left). 'Peter Piper', touched with red and white. (right). 'Spellbinder', edged with matching ribbon. Navy, Marlin Blue, Charcoal Gray, Coral, Natural . . . Sizes 7 to 15. surprisingly priced at 51695 : ::x,; :x;.