See Page 4
Latest Deadline in the State
Under Fire
By Lawyers
Hit Investigating
Group's Actions
Anticipating the scheduled De-
troit hearings of the House Un-
American Activities Committee, 75
Michigan attorneys issued a state-
ment Friday, criticizing the pro-
cedures of congressional and other
legislative committees investigat-
ing subversive activities.
The group jointly declared that
"no thoughtful person will con-
demn any person, or his attorney,
who appears before such commit-
Case Asked
Stevens Recalled
For TV Hearings
By The Associated Press I
WASHINGTON -- Sen. Mundt
(R-S.D.), hunting ways to speed
up the McCarthy-Pentagon dis-
pute, said yesterday, he may re-
state the issues in the angry con-
troversy in an effort to keep ques-
tioning to the point.
The acting chairman of the
Senate Investigations subcommit-
tee said he felt such a restatement
might expedite matters. He said'
he felt there had been a tendency
Talks at Geneva Center
Korea, Atomic
GOP Leader
Urges Action
In Indochina
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-Senate Major-
ity Leader Knowland of California,
tees and seeks legitimately to pre- of all concerned to drift away from voicing obvious criticism of Brit-
serve his rights and receive the '...the basic questions. ish policy, yesterday called on the
fair treatment to which all citi-
denswarehentitled." -Daily-Chuck Kelsey THE SUBCOMMITTEE is to ye- United States to move at once for
* * * PAYOFF PUNCH-Michigan catcher Dick Leach is greeted by his , sume its televised hearings tomor- a coalition defense against Com-
THE FIRST hearing is schedul- teammates as he crosses the plate after pounding a homerun in row, with secretary of the Army munism in Asia, even if this means
ed tomorrow in Detroit, with an- the fourth inning of yesterday's first game. Leach's blow, with Stevens called back for further acting without one of our major
other on Monday, May 10, in Lan- teammate Howie Tommelein on board, sewed up the contest. questioning. He has been in the allies.
in witness chair off and on since the Klda
first day, April 22. Knowland said in an interview
Friday the committee reveal- I -, lI D efeat-Sen. Mundt threw cold water that the Reds have laid down at
ed that one University faculty on the idea of calling Sen. Mc- the Geneva conference "abjectl
member alleged to be a former Carthy as the next witness after e
had testified before its session. Il--i The Army's special counsel, Jo- if it wants peace in Southeast
Communist by the Detroit News, ; w c Sees surrender" terms for the free world
Committee chairman Rep. Kit Tn11seph N. Welch, said Friday that Asia. But Britain's Prime Min-
Clardy (R-Mich.), refused to in the interest of expediting the ister Churchill has balked at any
confirm or deny the report, or By PHIL DOUGLIS proceedings he was willing to have1"united action" against Commu-
to identify the faculty member. Michigan's onrushing Wolverines charged to the top of the Big McCarthy follow Stevens rather nism in Indochina until after the
Two Wayne University faculty Ten baseball standings yesterday afternoon by slugging out a twin than going ahead with the pre- Geneva conference.j
"members and two Detroit public victory over Illinois on Ferry Field. sentation of the Army's case.
school teachers also revealed last Ray Fisher's nine combined two masterful pitching jobs with However, Mundt said he and
week that they have been sub- some timely long ball hitting to sweep the double header, taking the Ray H. Jenkins, the subcommit- WHILE NOT mentioning Brit-
poenaed. opener, 6-1, and the nightcap, 3-2, before over 2,000 fans, the season's tees special counsel, agreed that
Lawyers, including William R. it would be better for the Army "I don't believe we should give
largest crowd.tocmltprsnain fis
.Leslie of Ann Arbor and Charles *agxrdto complete presentation of its any single nation a veto over the
C. Lockwood, attorney in Milo Ra- side before evidence was taken vital security interests of this
dulovich's "security risk" case MICHIGAN thus moves into undisputed possession of first place from McCarthy and his aides. country. It would be unthinkable
~last fall, adopte the conclusions in the Big Ten standings, as both Ohio State and Michigan State * * sr
drawn by General Counsel William divided double headers yesterday. Ohio State divided with Wisconsin, IN OTHER developments, Mundt the power for its rime minister
T. Gosset of the Ford Motor Com- MSC split with Purdue, while two other challengers, Iowa and Minne- said the subcommittee expected to sha
pany. sota also dropped down in the standings, the Gophers taking two a y th sides ears thi should do."
Iout of three games in yesterday's-- -- -- - -hwdkny trnscred npoe ns they hol d.
In an -address before the Mich-! triple header. _ a .o. oitrdteehnecn Knowland's statement was the
-Daily-Dick GaskillI
YESTERDAY provided a preview of University atmosphere for
the 1,500 high school students from all over the state who visited
campus for the annual University Day in their honor. Studentj
guides pointed out major places of interest.I
-W T
University Day Intr1igues'
Guests From High School
"Fellows here with their Bermuda. shorts, Princeton haircuts and
'matter of fact' walk have a really different style," commented Carol
Barberi of Detroit Pershing High School.
One of approximately 1,500 high school and junior college stu-
dents visiting the University yesterday ror the twelfth annual Univer-
sity Day, Miss Barberi noted the "huge" percentage of students who
use bicycles for transportation.
* * * *
PHYLLIS PHILKO of Port Huron High School confessed, "the
bigness of everything sort of scares you-to think that we might
Dulles Ready
To Withdraw
From Talks
Ref uses To Take
Notice of Chou
By Thbe Associated Press
GENEVA - East-West negotia-
tions for setting up peace talks on
Indochina entered a decisive phase
yesterday as United States Sec-
retary of State Dulles prepared, to
leave tomorrow without having ex-
changed a word with Red China's
foreign minister Chou En-lai.
Representatives of the Big Four,
North and South Korea and Red
China met for 2% hours yester-
day on Korea. Assistant U.S. Sec-
retary of State Walter S. Robert-
son described the discussions as
"an informal exchange of views"
and said no decisions were reach-
ed. He added that the group prob-
ably would meet again on a later
* * *
was decided upon at a meeting
of the 16 nations which fought in
Korea. The conference has been
unable to reach any agreement on
unification of Korea.
Dulles has refused to take
any recognition of Chou at the
conference. In regular sessions
he is seated behind Chou but
studiously ignores him. Dulles
never has been introduced to
Chou or spoken a word to him.
Dulles met with Soviet Foreign
Minister Molotov on the proposals
by the United States to establish
a pool of atomic materials for
peaceful purposes. It was the sec-
ond such meeting this week.
A communique issued by the
U.S. delegation indicated no con-
clusions had been reached. The
communique said a reply to an
earlier American note handed over
by Molotov at the first meeting
with Dulles will be studied further
in Washington.
* * *
NGUYEN Quoc Dinh, the Viet-
namese foreign Minister met with
igan Judges' Association, Gosset
stated that it is not essential to
the investigative process that a
person summoned before a legis-
lative committee be deprived of
constitutional rights, the right
to cross-examine witnesses or
the right to call witnesses in his
own behalf.
Signers of the statement in-
luded Probate Judge Patrick H.
O'Brien of Wayne County, Harold
Cranefield, general counsel for the
UAW-CIO and Edward Turner,
president of the Michigan branch
of the National Association for
"Advancement of Colored People.
UAW Chiefs
Blast Clardy
Hit Publicity
Drive of Group
Top leaders of the United Auto
Workers yesterday charged Rep.
Kit Clardy's House Un-American
Activities Committee, which opens
hearings in Detroit Monday, with
being politically motivated by the
According to Detroit Free Press
reports, the strongly-worded nine-
page statement was signed by Wal-
$er P. Reuther, president of the
IUAW and CIO; Emil Mazey, UAW
secretary-treasurer; John W. Liv-
ingston and Richard T. Gosser,
UAW vice-presidents.
I * * *
THE BLAST accused the Com-
mittee of "conducting a reckless
drive for headlines and personal
political advantage and carrying
on an immoral campaign of in-
Noting that the Committee's
three other visits to Michigan
were timed either to elect
Republican candidates or to
"smear" Democrats, Reuther
charged that this investigation
is timed for the "convenience of
; Rep. Clardy's reelection cam-
The UAW considers the Com-
mittee's Detroit hearings "regret-1
table" and unnecessary. Continu-
Ing, it said that they will not pro-
dpce anything that will weaken
Communism or strengthen the na-
Reuther and his UAW aides
said they would "sincerely urge"
any witnesses called before the
Committee to avoid the use of
the Fifth Amendment "if it is
A sharp six hitter by Marv
Wisniewski coupled with home-
runs by Paul Lepley and Dick
Leach, easily gave the Wolver-
ines the opener and a four hit-
ter by Jack Corbett along with
Don Eaddy's bat, won the see-
The first game was all Michigan.
The Wolverines jumped on hap-
less Illini hurler Jim Bickhaus for
five runs in the first four innings
* * *
THE BIG GUNS of the Michi-
gan first game attack were unload-
ed in the first and fourth innings,
as Lepley smashed a homer with
Dan Cline aboard in the first,
while Leach hit his fourth inning
j clout with teammate Howard
Tommelein aboard.
The Maize and Blue nine pick-
ed up single tallies in the second
inning, on two successive doubles
by Leach and Wisniewski, and
in the eighth, when Moby Bene-
dict walked, stole second base,
and scored as Wisniewski pound-
ed a single to centerfield.
The second game, which gave
Michigan a 5-1 record in the
Marvelous Mary
Ma FestivalI
Ends Today
Concerts at 2:30 p.m. and 8:30
p.m. today will close the 61st an-
nual May Festival.
With Thor Johnson guest-con-
ducting the Philadelphia Orches-
tra, soprano Lois Marshall, con-
tralto Blanche Thebom, tenor John
McCollum, baritone William War-
field and the Choral Union will
perform Mendelssohn's dramatic
oratorio "Elijah" during the first
THE EVENING concert will fea-
ture pianist Artur Rubinstein and
Eugene Ormandy conducting the
orchestra. Rubinstein will play
Grieg's "Concerto in A minor, Op.
16, for Piano and Orchestra" and
Rachmaninoff's "Rhapsody on a
Theme of Paganini."
During the program, the or-
chestra will also play Bach-Or-
mandy's "Toccata and Fugue in
D minor" and Landre's "Sym-
phony No. 3."
Violist Roens
Dies in Flint
Philadelphia Orchestra first vio-
list Samuel Roens, 60 years old,
died of a heart attack late Friday
One of the oldes+ members of
the orchestra, Roens had been
given the day off from perform-
ing in the May Festival here.
versations bearing on the issues.
He said he assumed those sub-
mitted by the Army would in
elude two telephone talks be-
tween Stevens and Army Coun-
selor John G. Adams late last
November about McCarthy's re-
action to the possible removal
of Maj. Gen. Kirke B. Lawton
as commander of Ft. Monmouth.
He said these and another mon-
itored call between StevensdandE
McCarthy last Nov. 7 should be
"very illuminating." ,
HE WAS referring to Pvt. G.!
David Schine, scion of a wealthy'
family who was an unpaid con-
sultant of the subcommittee until,
he was drafted last November.
The Washington Evening Star
said, meanwhile, that Vice
President Nixon had told one of
its reporters that the hearings
were getting to the ridiculous,
Nixon could not be reached im-
mediately for comment, but the
Star quoted him as expressing con-'
latest evidence of great congres-
sional anxiety over the whole Indo-r
china question, especially on the
point of whether the United States
should dispatch its own armed!
forces to aid the embattled French
and Indochinese.
Rep. Vorys of Ohio, a senior
GOP member of the House For-
eign Affairs Committee, predict-
ed that committee would write re-
strictions on the use of American
troops in combat zones despite
President Eisenhower's opposition
due to the strong pressure.
Sen.Flanders of Vermont, said'
the idea of direct U. S. interven-'
tion in Indochina is unpopular in
Congress, but he said this coun-
try and the United Nations may be
forced to act if the Communists
threaten to overrun Indochina.
Meanwhile in Indochina war-
planes Saturday plastered Red-led
Vietminh coiled around Dien
Bien Phu for the third straight .
Blasts GOP'
Special to The Daily
DETROIT - At the largest Jef-
ferson-Jackson Day dinner in
Michigan's history, Senator Stuart
Symington (D-Mo.) lashed out
at Republican policy in areas of
defense, farm and business.
He also gave a special welcome
to former Senator Blair Moody
who was criticized Friday by Pat-
rick V. McNamara. McNamara
come to a place this large. It fills
you with a challenge and a desire
to come here."
Sponsored by the Union Stu-
dent Offices and the Admissions
office, University Day is "a good
will gesture of the University to
acquaint Michigan and Ohio
high school and junior college
cern over what he regarded as The bastion's crumbling de- claimed the Democratic Party ma-
extraneous issues brought into the fenses now measure less than a chinery was rigged in support of
cross-examination of witnesses. I mile in diameter. They are being Moody.
Scott, c............4 0
Wiman, rf ..........5 1
Sabalaskey, cf .2 0
West, If ............4 0
Ultes, 2b ............4 0
Hester, 3b ..........3 0
Dudas, ss ...........4 0
Hooper, b..........4 0
Bickhaus, p ........2 0
Koestner, p.........1 0
Maksud, cf ..........2 0
*Fort........ ...1 0
**Graves...........0 0
Totals ...........36 1
*popped out for Koestner
mran for Hooper in 9th
2 0
1 0l
0 0
1 0
0 0
0 0
1 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
1 0
0 0
0 0
6 0
in 9th
0 0
0 1
2 0
0 2
1 8
i 0
0 0
2 0
2 0
0 1
8 4
He suggested, the Star said, that
it would help to shorten the in-
quiry if all sides were to stipulate
that only certain issues would be
gone into and if cross-examina-
tion were limited to subcommittee
SSen.McCarran (D-Nev.) said?
yesterday that Communists "are
gloating today in the fact that
Sen. McCarthy is being held down"
by his row with the Army.
McCarran was cheered as he
praised the Wisconsin Republi-
can as "the symbol of Communist
whittled down bit by bit by the * * *
rebels who are trying to close off SENATOR Symington pointed
the narrow zone in the fortress out the Democrats would have to
into which men, food and muni- { work for the right to know Repub-
tions are parachuted. lican policy toward Indo-China.
students with the campus," ac- French Foreign Minister Georges
cording to Herbert A. Karzen, Bidault yesterday. They were be-
'57, member of the Student Cam- lieved to have discussed the del-
pus Affairs Committee of the icate diplomatic problem of seat-
Union. ing Viet Nam representatives at
Arriving at 9 a.m. yesterday, the the same table with spokesmen
students were divided into groups for the Communist-led Vietminh
headed by former orientation lead- regime.
ers. First on the agenda was an Bao Dai, Vietnamese chief of
assembly in Rackham Bldg. at state, has insisted that any for-
which University president Harlan mula for calling or accomplish-
H. Hatcher welcomed the visiting ing the peace parley which gives
students. national recognition to his Viet-
South Quadrangle and seven- minh enemies will be rejected.
teen fraternity houses served He has agreed in principal to
lunch to the male visitors while meeting with the Vietminh in an
the coeds dined at two sorority effort to stop the bloodshed in
houses and at the womens' Viet Nam.
dorms. Dulles, after meeting with Molo-
Each schoolhoftheaniver tov to discuss again the atomic
held an open house, and counsel- pool, went to the lakeside villa of
ing service for the visitors at 2I his French colleague for lunch
p.m. yesterday, with students se- I with Bidault and Lord Reading,
lecting the school they wished to'wunheBsdcretand ordtae ding,
tour. Delta Tau Delta fraternity undersecretary of state in the
glee club entertained from 3 to 4 British Foreign Office.
Gen. Nguyen Van Hinh, chief
of staff of the Viet Nam army, said
Friday American naval-air inter-
vention in the Indochina War,
would cause retaliation by the Chi-
nese Reds.
Reports say a swarm of Chinese
MIG 15 jet fighters and bombers
are poised on airdromes close to
He said that we have a right
to know what defense policy is
both at home and abroad. "The1
period of total danger is deep-.
ening and we may expect that
Detroit is the strategic tkrget,"
he explained.
"Today the Administration is
recommending fewer trained per-
the Indochin
Cline, cf...........3
Ronan, 2b ...,,,,,..4
Lepley, rf......
Eaddy, 3b.......,.3
Corbett, lb........,.4
Tommeiein, If. 4
Benedict, ss ..,...?
D. Leach, c........4
Wisniewski, p ......4
Pavichevich, lb ....0
* * *
Illinois . ..000 010
MICHIGAN ...210 200
Committee WeigsQuarter.
a border. sonnel and further restrictions in
-- air power despite the fact that
last year they cut air power by1
five billion dollars and that in the
meantime they have recommended
a stronger air force. This policy
is not right nor is it frank. It may
mean destruction of our country,"
----he- Senator declared.
'U' Sail
Takes Se
In Local
p.m. at a mixer in the Union Ball-
room. Meanwhile, a faculty coffee
hour was held in the Union forj
accompanying faculty members
and University faculty.
World News
Al U ) By The Associated Press
NEW YORK-May Day, once a
1cond Red day, was a red, white and
blue Loyalty Day in New York.
M eet Thousands of persons marched
II Vin parades on Fifth Ave. and in
Brooklyn under auspices of the
000-1 6 0
Oix-6 8 4
(Editor's Note: This is the fourth
in a series of articles discussing cal-
endar revision proposals and their
The ballot facing voters Wednes-
day and Thursday in the special
all-campus referendum will be
lengthy and detailed but accord-
ing to student members of the
University Calendaring Commit-
tee this is necessary in order to ex-
plain all the proposals.
Switching to the quarter system
is one of the plans which the 16-
member committee has considered
in its study this year.
mer quarter would run from the
fourth week in June to the last
week in August.
Advocates of the quarter system
claim that it enables students to
ANOTHER proposal which will
appear on the University-financed,
Student Legislature-sponsored bal-
lot will be the plan characterized
as the "reading period two semes-
league standings, was a thriller
from the very first inning. Tony
Branoff, the first Michigan batter1
of the game, teed off on Jim
Flynn's fourth pitch and sent it
screaming over the fence 360 feet
* * *
get out of school in the middle of ter plan."
June, yet leaves time to schedule In actual scheduling this pro-
a total of 30 weeks of classes. They posal does not differ radically
also assert that having finals be- from the present calendar. Reg-
fore Christmas prevents splitting istration would be the second
instruction periods in a meaning-,week of September and school
less manner. would finish one week later than
On the opposing side, it has been at present. However, at the endi
pointed out that while the sys- of the two fifteen week class
tem has many merits, putting it periods. there would be a one
into operation would be a com- week "dead" period before fi-
plex problem. Other schools con- I nal examinations.
Governor G. Mennen Williams
attended the annual banquet and,
delivered a short talk. Moody was;
at the dinner although McNamara The University Sailing Club Veterans of Foreign Wars to show
was absent from the speakers' ta- played host to five midwest cob- that they gave their allegiance to
ble. leges this weekend at the area the United States.
eliminations for the Midwest* * *
Dinghy Championships. SOUTH ORANGE N. J.-J. R.
New The schools entered in thre-
w eapon were rin, Jack Poppele, 56-year-old radio
gatta wee enn, Oberlin, Bald-j
win-Wallace, Bowling Green, Pur- and television pioneer, yesterday
said he had accepted an offer to
Pow erswTolddue, and Michigan. Purdue placed become new head of the Voice of
frtwith 72 points, and Michigan Aeia
SPRINGFIELD, Mo.-iP)-Gen. came in second with 711/2 points. America.
Matthew B. Ridgway said yester- Baldwin-Wallace, Fenn, Oberlin, I Poppele said the offer was made
day the Army's new atomic can- and Bowling Green had 48, 47, 44, a month ago by Theodore Strei-
non can fire a shell with nearly and 37%/' points, respectively. bert, head of the U. S. Information
nc mto+,+ci -trfirvnu rnr n,' od +an NrA,. msn - ._w.c high- Agencv.