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February 14, 1954 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1954-02-14

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Mr. Molotov
and the Fifty-Year Plan

AFTER THE DEATH of Stalin almost a
year ago and the subsequent easing up
of pressures on the Soviet people by the
Malenkov regime, many people of the West-
ern world, perhaps from their desperate
search for some improvement in the status
of world condition, began to speculate on
the possibility of more friendly relations
with Russia.
This new wave of opinion reached its
climax with the decision at the Bermuda
conference to hold a Big Four meeting
in Berlin which would try to relieve ten-
sion in the Cold War and perhaps be a
stepping-stone towards a lasting world
From the results of that meeting which
is about to close, we can now realize the
illusiveness of our friendship-with-Russia
thinking and recognize that the outcome
of the Berlin conference means little con-
structive good for world peace, but in fact
has been of some benefit to the expansionist
aims of the East.
Molotov, using his clever diplomacy which
has brought immense gains for Russia in
the past, introduced a new plan for Euro-
pggn peace which by its appeal to many
Europeans can cause costly damage to
American efforts. The essence of the plan
was to abolish NATO and European Defense
Army, and withdraw American forces from
the continent, allowing the United States
to participate only as an observer in con-
junction with Communist China. Along
with these objectives all countries would
sign a 50-year non-aggression pact which
would supposedly end all future wars in
No Western power could naively accept
this pr6posal upon remembering how
Russia has nonchalantly scrapped prev-
ious treaties in the past to attain expan-
sionist gains. Russia has used such trick-
ery skillfully for its advantage against
not only the United States and Britain,
but against an old master of this same
technique, Nazi Germany.

for that nation because of its indispensable
participation in World War II, the new
plan for peace appears very favorable for
four main reasons.
First, to a people who have been plagued
for decades by the aggressions of Germany,
Russia's plan for preventing this nation's
rearming and therefore limiting its complete
restoration satisfies Europeans' fear of Ger-
many. Second, the thought of limiting
arms would solve many of the financial
difficulties of European nations. Third,
eliminating U. S. commitments on the con-
tinent and NATO, which for months has
been struggling for success, has a great
appeal to Europeans who are tired of U.S.
occupation forces. The stationing of our
troops in Europe and our projection in
many of their affairs has bred a strong
anti-American feeling as exemplified by the
frequent pleas of "Ami, Go Home" and
"Leave Europe for Europeans." Lastly, an
act of all nations of one continent joining
together for peace captures the gratifying
idealism of international peace and the
dream of a United Europe. This competes
strongly with President Eisenhower's recent
lofty speach, "Atomic Energy for Freedom."
- Thus we see how Molotov has used the
conference, "dedicated for peace," to spread
propaganda that will drive the friendship-
destroying wedge a little deeper between
America and Europe.
In effect, the new plan for peace has
made pro-Soviets more sympathetic to-
wards Russia, while those who recognize
the aims of Russia against the West have
become more aware of the Red's opposi-
tion to the United States.
Our experiences at the Big-Four meeting,
therefore, including the stalemated Aus-
trian question and conference over Far
Eastern problems, should make it apparent
that the breach between the East and the
West is as large as it ever was, even though
internal changes in Russia have occurred.
It should now be obvious that any treaties
in the future will find little realization if
based on non-existent goodwill but must
depend on the presence of Western strength.
-Paul Ladas

The Fraternity
WITH THE biannual period of fraternity
rushing set to begin its two week round
of hand-pumping and questioning it has
become traditional for an editorial to ap-
pear in these columns regarding the merits
or demerits of life as an affiliate.
Actually as most fraternity men are
quick to realize there are two sides to the
story. But the merits and demerits of the
system are not the real problem here.
What is really at stake is the individual's
finding the right living quarters for his
remaining years in college whether these
be in the residence hall, fraternity, co-op
or private apartment. It is obvious that
these "right" places to live vary like the
size of clothing different people wear.
Rushing then involves a sort of paradox,
for on the one hand fraternities are de-
scribed as providnig the best place to live
on campus while at the same time a selec-
tion process is carried on preventing some
men from belonging to one house or an-
The decision for each individual is wheth-
er or not fraternity life is what will best
suit him. Fraternities can be a source of
great social satisfaction to the man willing
to accept the restrictions of living in a
closely knit group. The fraternity man has
the opportunity to make warm and lasting
friendships, to share in the success of the
group but also the obligation to participate
when the group demands he sacrifice a de-
gree of his individuality for the benefit of
the whole.
For the cynic, the rebel, the non-con-
formist this type of living can become in-
creasingly disagreeable until he becomes
a virtual outcast from the group. By ap-
preciating the responsibilities of fraternity
life before joining such a man could avoid
the mistake and possibly have a much
fuller college career under other circum-
Bearing in mind that a certain willing-
ness to become a part of the fraternity and
to accept its obligations is the primary
consideration in joining, it is also profitable
to examine some of the criteria in making
a decision between several houses.
The rushee should be prepared to ask
questions about the houses he visits. Wide-
eyed acceptance of everything he sees and
hears can be the basis of later disillusion-
ment when the hard facts of fraternity life
make themselves felt. Questions about the
finances of the house, monthly bills includ-
ing the extras often glossed over, mort-
gages, the soundness of the alumni group
directly responsible for the property and
the demands made on the member by the
"cost of living" in the house should all be
aired by the rushee.
Bias clauses in some fraternity con-
stitutions are still an issue and informed
rushees will do well to quiz the houses
they rush about their selectivity practices.
Knowledge that this is influencing the
rushees" decision can have a healthy effect
in forcing chapters into action on the
Of course the rushee owes it to himself
to meet as many men as possible and make
an attempt to get to know them.
There is no doubt that the experience
gained in a college fraternity can be re-
warding both now and in the future for
some men. Much the same can be said of
the residence halls and co-ops for others.
The difference lies in the men themselves
and the type of living surroundings in which
they . can best develop those elements of
personality and social poise which academic
learning alone can not give.
-Gene Hartwig
s * . .

S. .And In This .
I Corner

CONFUSION was the order of the week.
Classes opened Monday with 16,120 students enrolled. Bands
of these students roamed the spaces of Mason and Angell Halls
in quest of a classroom which once attained was overly crowded.
Similar scenes of a class of forty meeting in a seminar room were
repeated time and again.
Frantic messages between the faculty and the Administration
Bldg. continued through the early portion of the week and by its close
the business of teaching was going on as usual-both students and
faculty having been settled in more suitable accommodations.
* * * *
THE BIGGEST FIRE Ann Arbor has witnessed since Haven Hall
burned in 1950 raged for five hours Thursday morning and provid-
ed everyones with a topic of conversation.
The blaze, which ripped through four stores on the corner
of Liberty and State in the heart of the "campus town" shopping
district, caused an estimated damage of a quarter of a million dol-
Fire fighters battled the flames for five hours before bringing them
under control. First reported at 5:20 a.m., the blaze probably started
some hours earlier according to Harold Gauss, assistant Fire Chief.
The cause of the fire has not yet been determined.
* * * ,
NO ONE seemed quite sure what would happen if MSC became MSU-.
Few students seemed concerned although the Regents, administra-
tion and alumni were getting hotter under the collar over the possibil-
HAVE ANY members of the faculty been subpoenaed to appear be-
fore Congressional probers? University Vice-President Marvin L.
Niehuss who reportedly discussed the possibility at a meeting of the
local chapter of the American Association of University Professors
wouldn't say.
But on Tuesday Rep Kit Clardy who is to head an investiga-
tion into Communist activities in Michigan was stricken with a
heart attack and the opening session of the probe seems to have
been postponed again
Campus observers believed no information as to who has been sub-
poenaed would be forthcoming until the investigation opens in Detroit.
* * * *
HE DAILY-Joint Judiciary tangle over revealing all cases ruled on
by the student solons immediately after they were settled came to
light this week.
The Daily claimed the judiciary is not justified in suppressing in-
formation and the-council answered that it had eery right to do so.
However, to top off the hectic week it was revealed Saturday that
an independent sorority, Sorosis, was clipped for a 100 dollar fine for
a drinking violation at a pre-pledge formal.
-Mark Reader

(Continued from Page 2)

But to many.
wholly convinced
domination and



Europeans who are not
of Russia's goal for world
who still have sympathy

Academic Co unselling -
Some Changes Needed

W1TH A NEW semester just getting into
full swing it would be an appropriate
time for the University to take another look
at its system of academic counseling.
The present set-up has many. flaws
which leave a large part of the student
body floundering through their four years
of college taking the wrong courses or tak-
ing them at the wrong time. At a large
University, which offers a bewildering
number of courses in a large variety of
departments guidance from an experienced
person is almost a necessity.
Yet at present real help in the planning
of an academic program is scarce.
In the literary college, for instance, the
undergraduate has two academic advisors in
the course of his four years. As a freshman
his advisor is assigned arbitrarily, and it is
simply a question of luck if this person
should have some understanding of the stu-
dent's particular set of problems. The aca-
demic counselor should be equipped to dis-
cuss not only the merits of specific courses
with the freshman and sophomore, but also
the relationship of these courses to the stu-
dent's goals and in many cases what these
goals will be. Yet the counselor often serves
as little more than a watchdog for the Uni-
versity to prevent anyone taking a course
without the prescribed prerequisites.
Having somehow gotten through his
freshman and sophomore year and chosen
his area of concentration the supperclass-
man is.in a somewhat more fortunate posi-
tion. His concentration advisor usually has

a fairly adequate knowledge of the spe-
cific courses offered in his department. But
most departments fall down in the very
worthwhile area of suggesting related
courses in other fields. In too many cases
a student walks into the advisor's office,
fills out a card listing the courses he would
like to take and presents it for the official
signature. Except for the periodic delinea-
tion of the requirements he still has to fill,
most students would be surprised to hear
the advisor make specific, concrete sug-
gestions. They have grown so used to be-
ing self-sufficient in this area that many
of them would probably resent interfer-
If individual colleges and departments de-
voted greater care to the planning of advis-
ory programs, however, many of the hit and
miss elements in the present set-up could be
eliminated. It is time that officials realized
that academic advising is a skill which re-
quires a great deal of knowledge about what
the University has to offer and some ex-
perience in the area of human relations.
Without these the advisor cannot have even
a superficial understanding of the variety
of problems which face the large number of
students who visit him each semester. Unless
there is some extensive revision in the pres-
ent set up, both in the number of advisors
and the amount of training given them, it
will continue to be impossible for a large
and growing student body to take maximum
advantage of the great variety of education-
al opportunities offered by this University.
--Phyllis Lipsky

WASHINGTON-Igor Gouzenko, the Soviet code clerk who exposed
the spy ring in Canada, had some potent advice to offer duringJ
my second interview with him. The advice should be particularly
appropriate now that the U.S. Army in Japan has wooed and won
another high-up member of the Soviet espionage apparatus, and
now that purges are taking place in two important parts of the
Soviet Union.
What Gouzenko told me boiled ,down briefly to the following:
1. There will be war between the United States and Russia in
10 years if it's left to the Soviet military and unless the United States
does something 'to penetrate the Iron Curtain.
2. Scores of highly placed Russians would be glad to desert
Communism and join the West if they were given proper security.
3. The way to convert American Communists away from Com-
munism is by persuasion rather than terrorism before the spotlight
of Congressional committees.
4. The free world hasn't begun to scratch the surface in wooing
the peoples behind the Iron Curtain. This is the real Achilles' .heel
of Communism and the way to prevent war.
Gouzenko also said that he had never heard the name of
Harry D. White mentioned while he was coding and decoding
cables for the Soviet spy ring in Canada. This is probably one
reason why the Senate Internal Security Committee has said so
little since coming back from interviewing Gouzenko in Canada.
The Senators went up to Canada after various public statements
about rooting out American spies, but have been strangely silent
since their return.
Gouzenko did tell me, however, that he had heard from one of
his coleagues returning from Moscow that the Kremlin was cooper-
ating with an assistant to Secretary of State Stettinius during the
San Francisco conference. Alger Hiss was chief assistant to Stettin-
ius at that time.
GOUZENK6 IS A SINCERE, volatile, somewhat nervous gentleman
who talks with his hands to supplement his sometimes imperfect
English. Incidentally, he objected strenuously at first to wearing a
mask during the television interview even though failure to wear a
disguise would have increased the hazard of Soviet recognition and
revenge, under which he lives constantly.
"The best way to reach the people behind the Iron Curtain is by
radio," Gouzenko insisted, despite Senator McCarthy's constant be-
littling of the Voice of America. "Of course only a few people hear
American radio broadcasts, but they tell other people. The news'gets
around. All people behind the Iron Curtain," he said, "are hungry
for news. You must not neglect this."' E
W HEN I ASKED HIM what he would suggest to encourage more
Russians, Poles, Czechs and others with important military or
diplomatic information to come over to the free world, he talked at
some length.
This, incidentally, was the chief point he emphasized to
Senators Jenner and McCarran when they went to Canada to
interview him for the Senate Internal Security Committee. So
far, their report has not been made public.
"In front of every potential escapee there is a problem," Gou-
zenko told me. "He has to think, 'will he be accepted as a-member of
society in the free world?' So you must give him assurances in ad-
vance. He must be sure of a job, of police protection, and of material
I told Gouzenko of my experience in Germany where I found
various high Russian escapees had been shunted back and forth
between Frankfort and Washington. by the U.S. military, milked dry
of their information, then allowed to sit and rot in concentration
camps outside Frankfort.
TWO YEARS AGO I persuaded 14 Senators to introduce a bill to
study the whole problem of Russian escapees but, like most
legislation of this kind,tit got lost in the shuffle.
Gouzenko emphasized that this was one thing the United
States would have to pay much more attention to 'if we wanted

teachers. Anyone interested in making
an appointment to speak with Mr.
Tyndall should contact Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 3528 Administration Bldg.,
NO 3-1511, Ext. 489.
Camp Counselors. Mrs. Edythe Cugell
of Camp Q-Gull, Charlevoix, Mich., will
be interviewing prospective women
counselors on Tues., Feb. 16. In addition
to general counselors, Mrs. Cugell is in-
terested in employing a camp nurse.
For appointments for interviews please
contact Bureau of Appointments, 3528'
Administration Building, Phone NOrm-'
andy 3-1511, Ext. 2614.
Coeducational Camp Counselors. Mr.;
Stanley Michaels Director of Camp
Naehlu, Perry Lake, Ortoville. Michi-
gan, will be interviewing prospective
camp counselors and specialists Tues.,
Feb. 16. Those persons who are inter-
ested may contact the University Bu-
reau of Appointments 3528 Administra-
tion Building, Phone NORMANDY 3-
1511, Ext. 2614, to make appointments
for interviews.
Teaching Candidates. superintendents
from several California Public Schooi
Systems will be on campus starting
Feb. 18 to interview teaching candidates
for 1954-55. Their teacher needs are
primarily on the elementary level; how-
ever, they will be happy to speak with
a interested persons, as they do have
some secondary vacancies. For further
information or an appointment, contact
the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Ad-
ministration Bldg., NO 3-1511, Ext. 489.
Secondary Teachers. The Mid-Pacific
Institute in Honolulu, Hawaii, a private
secondary institution, has vacancies In
High School Mathematics (Algebra and
Plane Geometry); Biology and General
Science; Chemistry and Physics; Am-
erican Problems and American History.
Teachers with some experience are pre-
ferred. For further information, contact
University Bureau of Appointments,
3528 Administration Bldg., NO 3-1511,
Ext. 489.
The Western Union Telegraph Co.,
New York City, has announced its cur-
rent job openings for graduates in Elec-
trical or Mechanical Engineering.
The Board of National Missions of the
Presbyterian Church, U.S.A., is offering
a Spanish Scholarship to a woman grad-
uate who is interested in perfecting her
Spanish and learning about Latin Am-
ericans through residence in Cuba.
Alpha Gamma Delta International
Women's Fraternity and the National
society for Crippled Children and Adults
are sponsoring fellowships for special-
ized training in counseling handicapped
students. The training will be given
at the Institute of Physical Medicine
and Rehabilitation of the New York
University-Bellevue Medical Center from
June, 1954, to July, 1954.
The Office of Research & Liaison,
USAF Aeronautical Chart & Informa-
tion Center, Washington, D.C., is cur-
rently recruiting to fill vacancies in the
field of Cartography.
The Navy Overseas Employment Of-
fice (Pacific) urgently needs engineer-
ing and technical personnel for posi-
tions in Guam, M.I. Applications will
be accepted until Mar. 14, 194.
For additional information about
these and other employment opportun-
ities, contact the Bureau of Appoint-
ments, 3528 Administration Bldg., Ext.
Academic Notices
Mathematics Colloquium, Monday,
Feb. 15, at 4:10 p.m., in 3011 Angell Hall.
Professor A. W. Tucker of Princeton-
University will speak on "Minimizing a
Convex Function under Linear Con-
straints." Tea and coffee at 3:45 in the
lounge, 3212 Angell Hall.
Seminar in Hilbert Spaces will meet
on Tuesdays at 7:15 p.m. in 247 West
The University Extension Service an-
nounces openings in the following
classes: (Registration for these classes
may be made in 164 School of Busi-
ness Administration, on Monroe St.,
6:30-9:30 p.m., or in 4501 Administra-
tion Building, 8:00-5:00 through the
Electronic Circuits and Controls. Pro-
vides additional material for students
who have taken courses in Industrial
Electronics of Television Circuits in
previous semesters. Subjects covered
are: design of amplifiers, advanced con-
trol andregulating circuits, servos, and
computer circuits. Laboratory exer-
cises. Open to anyone With previous
background in electronics. Sixteen
weeks. $18.
Instructor, Kenneth A. Stone, In-
structor in Electrical Engineering.
Mon., Feb. 15, 47 p.m., 1504 East En-
girreering Bldg.
Personnel Administration. An intro-
ductory course dealing with the develop-
ment and direction of people as dis-

tinguished from the management of
things. Employee attitudes and morale;
recruitment, selection, placement, in-
duction, and training; grievance ad-
justment, merit rating, discipline; wages
and hours; effective supervisory tech-
niques. (Business Administration 142,
two hours of undergraduate credit.) $18.
Instructor, Leonard R. Sayles, As-
sistant Professor of Industrial Rela-
Mon., Feb. 8, 7:30gp.m., 170 Business
Administration Bldg.
Secretarial Procedures. For employed
secretaries and office stenographic em-
ployees. Reviews such matters as the
elements of an employable personality,
work hapits, the scope of secretarial
work, telephone etiquette, filing pro-
cedures, preparing business itineraries,
and general office procedures. Twelve
weeks. $15.
Instructor, Irene Place, Assistant Pro-
fessor of Secretarial Practice.
Mon., Feb. 8, 7 p.m., 176 Business Ad-
ministration Bldg.
Student Recital. Helen Poterala, pian-
ist, will present a program in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the
degree of Master of Music at 8:30 Mon-
day evening, Feb. 15, in the Rackham
Assembly Hall.' It will include works by
Bach, Finney, Schubert, and Chopin,
and will be open to the general public
without charge. Miss Poterala has been
a pupil of Joseph Brinkman.
Museum of Art, Alumni Memorial

guests. Evening prayer 8 p.m. with Cof-
fee Hour following at Cantebury House.
Evangelical and Reformed Stud nt
Guild. Bethlehem Church, 423 S. th
Avenue. 7 p.m. Guest discussion leader:
Prof. William Alston, of the Philosophy
Department, on the subject "Christian
Responsibility for Academic Freedom."
Roger Williams Guild. Student Class
discusses "What Students Can Believe
About the Second Coming," 9:45 a.m.
Guild Cabinet meeting, 6 p.m. Eening
program, 6:45 p.m. Dr. Herman Jacob,
Director of Hillel Foundation, will speak
on "Contemporary Judaism."
The Young Friends Fellowship will
meet at 6:30 p~m. today at Lane Hall,
The discussion topic is "What is the
place of Christ in our thinking, and in
Quakerism?" All are welcome.
Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student
Club. Supper program at 6 p.m. "Re-
ligion in the Modern American Novel,"
the Rev. A. Ulbrich of Detroit, guest
Michigan Christian Fellowship. Wil-
bur Sutherland, general secretary of the
Canadian Inter-varsity Christian Fel-
lowship, will be speaking 4 p.m., Lane
Hall. All students invited; refreshments
will be served.
Lutheran Student Association. Luth-
eran Student Center, Hill and Forest,
7 p.m., Dr. Conrad Bergendoff Presi-
dent, Augustana College, Rock Island,
Ill., will speak on "The Lutheran Church
and Higher Education."
Unitarian Student Group. Square
Dance at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Wayne Whitaker, 406 Lewanee Drive,
7:30. Transportation will be provided at
7:15, Lane Hall.
Gilbert and Sullivan Society. FINAL
tryouts for "Thespis" and "The Sorcer-
er" in the League today and tonight
from 2 p.m. to 10 p.m. Everyone urged
to come.
Hillel: 6 p.m.-Sunday Nite Supper
featuring corned-beef sandwiches, to-
mato juice, potato chips, mixed vege-
tables, and peaches or pears.
.Grace Bible Guild. Sunday School
Class at 10 a.m. Dr. Pike teaching. Guild
supper at 6 p.m. Welcome,
Coming Events
"Techniques in Bettering Human Re-
lations," a workshop sponsored by Lane
Hall and open to all the University
family. Leader: Dr. J. Oscar Lee, Chair-
man of the Department of Racial and
Cultural Relations of the National
Council of Churches. Feb. 16, 3:15 to
5 p.m.: "Educational Procedures for
Bettering Human Relations." Feb. 17,
4 to 6 p.m.: "Legislation Influenced
from the Local Level." Feb. 18, 4 to 6
p.m.: "Group Methods and Individual
Attitudes on the Campus." Register at
Lane Hall. No fee.
Brotherhood Banquet sponsored by
Student Religious Association will be
held on Tues., Feb. 16, at 6 p.m. at Lane
Hall. Dr. J. Oscar Lee, Chairman of the
department of Racial and Cultural
Relations, National Council of Churches,
will speak on "The Status of Human
Relations in the Nation and in the
World" Buy tickets at Hane Hall.
The Varsity Debate Squad will meet
Tues., Feb. 16, at 4 p.m. in 4203 Angell
Hall. The complete semester schedule
will be announced. All interested stu-
dents are invited to attend.
The Kaffee Stunde of the Deutscher
Verein meets Mon., Feb. 15, at 3:15 in
the Union taproom. Excellent oppor-
tunity for all to practice and improve
their conversational ability. Everyone is
welcome to this informal group.
Deutscher verein will have its first
meeting pf the semester on Tues., Feb.
16, at 7:30 in rooms 3K and L of the
Dr.UJames Pollock, Chairman of the
Political Science Dept., will speak on
the Berlin Conference. Dr. Pollock was
recently in Germany. Everyone wel-
The Department of Speech announces
the following productions in it 1954
3, 4, 5, and 6, Richard Strauss' comic
opera, ARIADNE OF NAXOS, produced
with the School of Music; March 25
26 and 27, Shakespeare's THE TAMING
OF THE SHREW; and April 22, 23, and
24, Eugene Hochman's 1953 Hopwood
All performances are in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre at 8 p.m.
La p'tite causette will meet tomorrow
afternoon from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. n the
wing of the Michigan Union Cafeteria,
Everyone is invited!
Museum Movie. "Sampan Family,"
free movie shown at 3 p.m. daily in-

eluding Sat. and Sun. and at 12:30
Wed., 4th floor movie alcove Museums
Building, Feb. 9-15.
Sixty-Fourth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harry Lunn............Managing Editor
Eric Vetter.................City Editor
Virginia Voss...,... .. Editorial Director
Mike Wolff.......Associate City Editor
Alice B. Silver..Assoc. Editorial Director
Diane D. AuWerter....Associate Editor
Helene Simon........ Associate Editor
Ivan Kaye...............Sports Editor
Paul Greenberg.... Assoc. Sports Editor
Marilyn Campbell...Women's Editor
Kathy Zeisler... .Assoc. Women's Editor
Chuck Kelsey ......Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Thomas Traeger.... Business Manager
William Kaufman Advertising Manager
Harlean Hankin....Assoc. Business Mgr.
William Seiden......Finance Manager
Don Chisholm.....Circulation Manager
Telephone NO 23-24-1




HERE ARE two reasons for rushing
fraternity today.



Architecture Auditorium
Gable and Claudette Colbert
THE TWENTY-FIVE or thirty years that
have elapsed since this movie was made
have been enough to make it seem consid-
erably dated. One would classify it as some-
thing between a period piece and .a mu-
seum piece. 'The dialogue seems peculiarly
other-worldly: this was the era of the ever-
bubbling wisecrack, when lovers never de-
clared their affection and bus-drivers never
asked for tickets without a jocular little
insult. ;
The plot is an extremely romanticized
version of a familiar theme. Clark Gable
plays an erratic newspaperman who
stumbled onto Claudette Cobert, a run-s
away heiress. Miss Colbert is fleeing her

Thrown together in bus seats, motels, and
haystacks, it's no time at all before the
two stop being antagonists and start re-
gretting the obstacles that lie between
their romance.
As might be expected, the talents of
Gable and Miss Colbert were fresher, if not
quite so finely finished in those days. The
characters they play contain contradictions
which almost annihilate them as charac-
ters, but the actors have a vitality that keeps
porter that he is, has for ideal a somewhat
porter that he is, has for ideal a someyhat
hackneyed picture of himself and his mate
romping through the surf on an isolated
Pacific isle. And Miss Colbert, spoiled brat
that she is, is represented as being pure-
minded as a cloistered nun. But if one
swallows these rather dffiicult donnees, one
is rewarded with a consistently high-spirit-
ed performance.
Thaen _ . unla..nrann norwth

1) According to informed sources Com-
munists find it difficult to infiltrate into
the fraternity system.
2) Since the administration has begun to
crack down on apartment dwelling the fra-
ternity provides for four-year visitors to the
campus the next smallest housing unit.
--Mark Reader
New Hooks at Library
Caldwell, Erskine - Complete Stories. New
York, Duell, Sloan & Pearce, 1953.
Hooke, Wilfred D. - The Channel Islands.
London, Robert Hale Ltd., 1953.
McPhedran, Marie - Cargoes on the Great
Lakes. Toronto, Macmillan of Canada, 1952.
Pettersson, Hans - Westward Ho with the
Albatross. New York, Dutton, 1953.
Teale, Edwin Way - Circle of the Seasons.
New York, Dodd, Mead & Co., 1953.
Waltari, Mika - A Stranger Came to the
Farm. New York, Putnam, 1953.



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