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VOL. LXIV, No. 146




i i

McCarthy Aide
'Doctors' Photo
Juliana Denies Intent To 'Deceive';
Stevens Reviews Monmouth Issue
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - A McCarthy subcommittee aide took full re-
sponsibility yesterday for a hotly controversial cut-down photograph
in the McCarthy-Pentagon hearings.
Climaxing a week-long row, before television cameras, over the
picture, Investigator James N. Juliana testified:
1) He supplied the inquiry with a Nov. 17, 1953, photograph of
Secretary of the Army Robert T. Stevens side by side with Pvt. G.
David Schine-after ordering the deletion of an Air Force colonel
who was in the picture as originally taken.
2) He did so because he understood the man running the hear-

Leslie Says
Racial Bias
Can Easily Place
All in 'U' Homes
"We are closer to being able to
place girls in League Houses, re-
gardless of race or religion, than
we have ever been before," accord-
ing to Elizabeth A. Leslie, admin-
istrative assistant in the Office of
the Dean of Women.
Mrs. Leslie added that she can-
not remember anything but a co-
operative attitude on the part of
house directors toward taking in
Negro girls.
* * *
THE QUESTION of discrimina-
tion in League Houses was raised
Thursday night, when two Negroes
were barred from remaining in
the League House at 1811 Washte-
naw after they went to pick up
their white dates.
While accepting all University
regulations for women students,
the director of a League House,
according to Mrs. Leslie, has all
the rights of a private individual
in his own house. This right ex-
tends to her acceptance of girls
and their behavior in her home.
One League House that has
solved discrimination in its own
way is the inter-racial and inter-
national House of Mrs. A. W.
Baker at 725 Church. Established
on a non-sectarian basis in 1945,
this League House has operated
with girls from all over the world
living together.
"Frankly I'm in favor of having
all types of girls living together,"
says Mrs. Baker, "and the Univer-
sity affords a wonderful opportun-
ity for it." Mrs. Baker added that
no restriction is placed on either
the type of girls at her house nor
their friends.
Houses questioned yesterday ex-
pressed varying opinions on the
question of social relationships be-
tween Negro and white students.
Although few League Houses in-
clude Negro girls except during
the summer months, many added
that they had received no appli-
cations from Negro girls.
A large number of League
Houses function primarily as
sorority annexes. Reports from
these houses indicated the ab-
sence of any dating between
white and Negro students.
Running her League House as a
sorority annex, Mrs. Grace Vogt of
536 Elm, commented that she "had
Isituationalthough she did not
approve of it."
Draft Exam
To Be Given
The Special College Qualifica-
tion Test will be given May 20 on
campus and is open to students
who have previously failed to take
a draft deferment exam.
Persons who applied for either
the Nov. 19 or April 22 test but
failed to take it for reasons beyond
their control may turn in their
unused application tickets for new
tickets of admission.

Other students wishing to takeI
Sthe May 20 exam must make theirI
annlication by 5 nm..May 10. at1

4 ings, Special Counsel Ray H. Jen-
kins, and McCarthy aide Roy M.'
Cohn, wanted a picture of Schine
and Stevens only.
** *
HOTLY, Juliana, a former FBI
agent, denied any intention to
"deceive" or "trick" the Senate in-
In the wake of this testimony
about a photo which the Army
side denounced as "doctored,"
Secretary Stevens returned to
the witness stand for more cross-
examination on one of the ma-
jor points at issue: Did he try to
squelch McCarthy's investiga-
tion of alleged subversives at Ft.
Monmouth, N.J.?
Stevens acknowledged he once
sounded out Sen. McCarthy on
the posibility of removing Maj.
Gen. Kirke Lawton as commander
of Ft. Monmouth - specifically,
that he asked Army Counsel John
G. Adams to find out if the sena-
tor would make a "public issue" of
Lawton's removal.
The Army secretary said the an-
swer he got from Adams was that
"Sen. McCarthy would not be
* * *
THERE WERE these other de-
velopments as the hearings recess-
ed for the weekend:
1.)' Reports circulated that the
White House was trying quietly to
get the hearings ended quickly.
2.) Sen. McCarthy sharply pro-
tested calling witnesses "out of
order"-that is, quizzing his sub-
committee staff members about the
photo before cross-examaination
of Stevens was completed. He ac-
cused the Army side of "stalling,"
and declared he will "make every
effort" to resume his place on the
subcommittee if this sort of thing
U' Day Today,
Tours Planned
Approximately 1500 high school
and junior college students will
visit the University campus today
as participants in the annual Uni-
versity Day.
Designed to afford an oppor-
tunity to high school and junior
college students from Michigan
and Ohio to get a good look at
campus life, University Day is
sponsored jointly by the Union
Student Offices and the Admis-
sions office.
The Day's program will include
a general meeting in the Rack-.
ham Bldg., tours of the campus,
mock lectures, a visit by each stu-
dent to his chosen school, visits to
the Residence Halls, fraternities,
and sororities, and a mixer at the
Union. Several schools and col-
leges of the University have plan-
ned open houses for the day.

fWorld News
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON -Heads of un-
ions in the coal, steel and trucking
industries yesterday formed a loose
alliance to push for federal spend-
ing to combat unemployment
They also plan to act together in
seeking other legislation they fa-
That was the announced resuU
of a luncheon meeting between
Presidents John L. Lewis of the
United Mine Workers, Dave Beck
of the AFL Teamsters and David
J. McDonald of the CIO Stee-
The trio denied advance rumors
that they planned to form a third
labor federation to compete with
the AFL and CIO, or that Beck
had invited Lewis and McDonald
into the AFL.
Ferguson .,.
DETROIT - While Sen. Homer
Ferguson (R-Mich.) announced
his candidacy for re-election with
harmonious Republican backing.
a bitter split developed among
Democrats yesterday over sup-
port of an opponent.
Ferguson made his long-expect-
ed announcement that he would
seek a third six-year term at a
Washington breakfast attended by
other Michigan GOP members of
Congress. There is no indication
that he will have major opposition
in the primary.
On the Democratic side, two
candidates are seeking the Sen-
atorial nomination. And one of
them, Patrick V. McNamara,
charged in Detroit that the party
machinery was "rigged" in sup-
port of the other, ex-Sen. Blair






Oh Well!
TORONTO-P )-John Leon-
ard Smallman, 21, heir to a
three-million-dollar fortune
and termed "Canada's wealth-
iest young man," yesterday was
charged by Toronto police with
robbery with violence in a $41

Talks Likely,
Dulles, Molotov Slate
Meeting for Today

By The Associated Press
II GENEVA - A group of Vietna-
onstructlo l mese waited across the French
border in St. Julien yesterday ap-
parently ready to attend peace
talks here on Indochina with the
Communist-led Vietminh when-
ever East and West can arrange
Union officials yesterday contin- it
ued to deny responsibility for the A
walkut f mre han200caren- A private meeting between U.S. I
walkout of more than 200 carpen-f Secretary of State John Foster
ters that has temporarily stifled;Aereary ovita eiohns-
nearly every major construction Dulles and Soviet Foreign Minis-!
nearly eery.majocoter Vyacheslav Molotov was sched-
job in the city. iue o oa stedfiute
Claiming that it was not actual- uled for today as the difficulties
ly a strike, William Bowling, Busi- Air chencenfaseohe
ness Representative of Local 512 Asian conference faded. Before
ness epFrenttier'ofUnLoalex- seeing Molotov the American sec-
of the AFL Carpenter's Union,e retary will attend a meeting of



* * *
Earthquake * *
ATHENS, Greece - Greece's
second major earthquake in less
than a year brought shattering de-
struction and death in the central
mountainous area yesterday.
First official estimates said 1501
people were killed or injured and
more than 25,000 made homeless.
Hundreds of homes were shaken
down like flimsy stacks of cards.
Tornadoes.. .
Tornadoes or high winds swirled
through Texas, Arkansas, Oklaho-
ma and Louisiana yesterday, kill-
ing one person and causing sev-
eral hundred thousand dollars in
property damage.
At least 25 persons suffered in-
juries. In all, at least 25 south-
western cities and towns felt the
brunt of the winds.
A cold front caused the trouble.
It was moving eastward, and dur-
ing the day it extended along a
line from the upper Great Lakes
to Texas. The front was preceded
by what meteorologists called an
area of "instability."

their jobs to hunt work elsewhere. the 16 nations which fought in Ko-
b to h t rea for the United Nations.
THE REASON for the walkout. DULLES and Molotov will meet
according to union members, was.i UaoEwadeson tamenI°
the failure of employers to sign a in accord with a decision taken
new contract after promising to at Tuesday's conference on Pres- SL BUILDIN
do so. Carpenters working for em- ident Dwight D. Eisenhower's recently vac
ployers under the new contract, atomic pool proposal. There is being razedi
which includes a 19 cent pay raise nothing to prevent the two men tunnels for t
and insurance benefits have re-.from broadening today's discus-
anmained on their jobs. sions to include other maters. Dul-
les plans to leave Geneva for
Countering reports that the Washington on Monday stopping E. Pf
radou wlng comnted, oI en route in Milan for a conference
spread, Bowling commented, "I with Italian Premier Mario Scel- Ic
don't see why it should." How- a on "international questions."
ever, a spokesman for the Wash- bao itrntoa uetos i u
Molotov. Britain's Anthony Eden!
tenaw County General Contrac- and Red China's Premier-Foreign,
tars Association contended thatMinister Chou En-lai had a long
the walkout was a "carefully en- Prof. Paul
gineered strike." lunch session in Molotov''s villa'hstidpa
Friday. Presumably the three talk- his third plan
The University Phoenix Memo- ed over both the Korean and In- meeting yester
rial Building, under construction dochinese problems. Both British Under this p
on the North Campus, was includ- and American sources described as one to two we
ed in the list of six major build- "nonsense" reports that Eden was proposal made
ing projects struck by the walkout. acting as mediator between Red
The Board of Supervisors of China and the West. AFTER TB
Washtenaw County nas approved After the French had obtained day through W
a $290,000,000 tax base this week, the approval of Viet Nam's Chief next day. A fc
an addition of $30,000,000 to the of State Bao Dai for the Geneva-
1953 figure. meeting with Vietminh represen-
* * *tatives, the principal obstacle was
TWO MEMBERS of the Annagenntnthcmpstn f O IS
Arbor Board of Education have agreement on the composition of
announced their candidacy for re- the Conference. o r 1T
election, but Prof. Donald L. Katz, THE FRENCH appeared to be
chairman of the chemical engi-
neering department of the engi- optimistic that Molotov would not C
neeringcodegearsenoftedenie press his earlier request that India
neerig college has not yet decided be included. This was not accept-!
if he will run again. Prof. Katz is able to the United States Two program
at present President of the Board. rrable.to theUnitedmStates
TfhP Pf nf to 4tff1 tt hP bl di Brahms coner

-Daly-Dean Morton
NG - The red brick building next to the Union,
ated by the Student Legislature is in the process of
in order to provide for the construction of heating
he addition to the Union.
Iuwyer Proposes
I Calendar Change
S. Dwyer of the mathematics department brought forth
for modification of the University calendar during. a
day of the University Calendaring Committee.
plan, registration for first semester classes would begin
eks after Labor Day, instead of the next day as the
by Prof. Dwyer last week would have done.
* * * *
HREE DAYS of registration, which would be held Mon-
Nedhesday, the first class period would take place the
our-day Thanksgiving recess beginning on a Wednes-
- -day afternoon would be followed
later by a vacation starting ap-

Of Teacher
Kept Secret
Brandon Lauds
Frank Testimony
A University faculty member
testified yesterday before a sec-
ret executive session of the House
Un-American activities subcom-
mittee in Detroit.
Although the Detroit Times re-
ported him to be a former mem-
ber of the Communist Party, Rep.
Kit Clardy (R) of Lansing, chair-
man of the subcommitte, last night
refused to confirm or deny the re-
the faculty member, or the other
ex-Communist who testified. He
also failed to distinguish the wit-
ness' status on the University fac-
ulty, restating his committee's
policy of releasing no information
on those whom it subpoenaed. In-
formation, he said must come
from the persons themselves.
Director of University Rela-
tions Arthur rL. Brandon also
refused to comment on the iden-
tity of the witness. "Such infor-
mation would have to come from
the person himself," he said.
On the testimony given in sec-
ret session, Brandon commented
that it is "fortunate that the testi-
mony was given willingly. I hope
that anyone else from the Univer-
sity who may have been subpoen-
aed will be as frank with the com-
mittee." He declined to confirm
or deny reports that members of
the University faculty had been
Clardy has been holding secret
executive sessions this week in
which cooperative witnesses have
been interviewed. When contacted
by phone at 7:40 p.m. yesterday, he
was interviewing a witness. How-
ever no witnesses will be called
into the executive session today,
according to Clardy. Public hear-
ings are scheduled to begin Mon-
* * -*
THE SECRET interviews give
the committee time to check on
names mentioned by the witnesses,
Clardy said. The committee could
then strike from the testimony
any name which would be subject
to unjustified publicity if brought
out unexpectedly at the hearings,
according to Clardy.
The Lansing representative
added that it was "very doubt-
ful" that witnesses called into
executive sessions would testify
again at the public hearings.
Some testimony, however, will
be used, he said.
In answer to rumors that only
certain groups, supposedly patri-
otic groups, would be admitted to
the hearings, Clardy emphasized
that admittance to the small
courtroom in the Federal Bldg. in
Detroit would be on a "first come;
first served" basis.
He said, however, "An effort
would be made to accommodate
a few people who requested spots
at the hearings quite a while ago."
CLARDY ALSO revealed yes-
terday that three or four Detroit
teachers subpoenaed to appear be-
fore the committee had jointly
contracted counsel to advise them
at the hearings. Clardy said that
the right of counsel would not be
denied witnesses.

Ed Shaffer, Grad., one of two
University students subpoenaed,
refused to confirm reports that
he had obtained a lawyer for the
Myron Sharpe, Grad., summon-
ed to appear along with Shaffer
before the committee in Lansing
May 10, is also seeking counsel.
Amid attacks on the committee,
its methods, and the motives be-
hind its investigations, two Wayne
University faculty members and



ns, the first an all-
rt and the other


Government To Initiate,
Probe of Auto Industry
Attorney General Herbert Brownell Jr. revealed this week that
due to a "developing pattern of concentration" the Justice Depart-
ment is starting an investigation into possible anti-trust violations in
the automobile industry.
His disclosure came only a few days after the department's
Anti-Trust Division announced that it was looking into four specific
phases of the auto field. The division did not disclose what these
fields were.

' e e iorti so se~u e eiooay
jungle fighting in Indochina
loomed up as the great issue of this
conference as the debate on Ko-
rea slowed down to a trickle for
lack of speakers.
Gift To China
NEW DELHI, India - As a
"friendly gesture" India has de-
cided to make a present of its hold-
ings in Tibet to Red China, a For-
eign Ministry source said Friday.
Under a nonaggression agree-
ment signed in Peiping Thurs-
day Red China asked India to
hand over "at a reasonable price"
the posts, telegraph and tele-
phone service equipment and 12
rest houses India had owned and
operated within Tibet.

consisting mainly of arias, will be
given during the May Festival at
2:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. today.
With Eugene Ormandy leading
the Philadelphia Orchestra dur-
ing both concerts, violinist Jacob'
Krachmalnick, violoncellist Lorne
Munroe, and the Festival Youth
Chorus directed by Prof. Mar-
guerite Hood of the music school,
will perform during the afternoon
Soprano Zinka Milanov and ten-
or Kurt Baum will be featured in
the second concert. The orches-
tra will play selections by Wagner,
Hindemith, and Yardumian.
Tickets for the concerts will be
on sale in the Hill Auditorium box

proximately a week before Christ-
Two weeks of classes would be
held after the vacation, with
exam periods starting on Tues-
days and ending 10 days later.
After a four-day vacation pe-
riod, classes would begin the
first week in February. Follow-
ing a week's spring vacation
they would end between the last
five days of May and the first
two days in June,
With exams ending on Fridays
during the second week in June,
commencement would take place
eight days later, making the com-
mencement date later than at
Prof. Dwyer said that if this
plan were adopted, summer school
would begin later than under the
present plan, and be helpful for
students transfering here from
otherother universities for the ses-
sion. A full 15 weeks of classes each
semester would be given under
this plan, he added.

THUS FAR THIS YEAR 84 percent of automobile sales have
sbeen made by Ford Motor Co and

B rownDesi
To Ease Jan
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the third
i n a series of articles discussing cal-
endar revision proposals and their
Faculty, administration and stu-
dent members of the Calendaring
Committee who attempt to design
the ideal University calendar run
into many snags and pitfalls.
Many varied factors have to be
taken into consideration. First,
there are certain basic things that
must be provided. Each semester
must be fifteen calendar weeks, a
ten day finals period must be pro-

Yns Calendar
uary Rush
often complain of end of semester
quizzes which entail more than the
usual amount of work.
Dean George Granger Brown
of the Engineering College has
a proposal aimed at correcting
the problem. In order to do this
Dean Brown proposed that fall
semester classes begin the first
week in October, thus pushing
the school year two weeks ahead.
This would enable four weeks of
classes to be scheduled after
Christmas vacation.
A four-week class period would
be more meaningful than the pres-


uc xau uy t vuu . .al

General Motors Corp.

"We do not
the explanation
ing pattern of

know what is
of the develop-

Browneli told. ameeting of the
Economics Club of New York,
"We want to know whether this
pattern is nothing more than the
consequence of competitive forces
or whether any one or more of
the facts which amount to collu-
sion or the suppression of compe-
tition has been at work."
Ford and GM spokesmen have1
maintained that their production
has merely reflected public de-
mand. Both denied charges in a
resolution introduced in the House
by Rep. Shepard J. Crumpacker
(R-Ind.) that independent car
producers have suffered from
what he called highly competitive
practices of these two companies.

Bill Proposed To End FHA Scandals

The Senate Banking Committee
announced yesterday that it plans
to submit a new housing law de-
signed to eliminate a reoccurance
of racketeering and scandals
which it has uncovered in its two
week probing of the Federal Hous-
ing Administration.
The committee also intimated
that it will tighten up some of the
services of the FHA, eyeing par-
ticularly the program of govern-
ment loans for home repairs.
*j *

The Senator's remark was no
doubt prompted by the fact that
the Committee heard testimonies
revealing that some of these home
repair loans were used for tennis
courts, pig pens, television aerials
and even alimony.
Another Eisenhower plan that'
appears jeopardized by the revela-]
tion of FHA scandals is a pro-
posal to extend 100 per cent FHAI
insurance on $7,000 homes for
slum dwellers.

lars by "gypping" on specifica-
tions and plans, the committee
The investigation also revealed
that a letter from Housing and
Home Finance Administrator Al-
bert Cole, requesting the FHA to
refrain from extending benefits to
program builders who allegedly'
participated in undesirable prac-
tices, went unheeded.
Moreover, the committee has
been unable to discover whether



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