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April 30, 1954 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1954-04-30

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FRIDAY, APRIL 39, 1954'


Thoughts on Bias Clauses



Point of Order .. .
REFORE a non-affiliated or affiliated in-
dividual or group, takes pot shots at the
frdternity bias clause, an element, of tact,
and the ability to be rational must come into
A fraternity is a group of men, who are
living in a house, and like any family, the
people who compose the organization feel
that they have jurisdiction over what takes
place in their home.
The bias clause, even though on paper
it opposes all democratic ideas, is some-
thing that the men of the fraternity have
through the years voted to become part
of the family rules.
A well mannered person doesn't tell some-
one who he or she should invite to dinner at
his home. This is the business of the fam-
ily, and those on. the outside haven't any
authority to forcefully suggest to someone
what policy their home should follow.
Too often, un-affiliated persons take it
upon themselves to decide what the attitude
of every fraternity on ,campus should be, in,
regard to restrictive clauses. These people
don't have any foundation for their opin-
ions or accusations, toward certain fraternal
Many times the clause is the result of x
religious belief, rather than cold, hard
intolerance. Every fraternity that has ay
bias clause has a reason for having one,
and in many cases the motive is quite
Unafiliated persons and organizations fail
to take this into consideration, and are just
as discriminating as the most narrow clause,
because they leap before they look.
This is as undemocratic as any clause
could be, and while this bad feeling of
independents toward the clause is admir-
able, it can get out of hand. This is a
problem that can only be settled by the
fraternity itself.
Fraternity men are just as American as
anybody, andto infer differently is complet-
ly erroneous. We are not endorsing the bias
clause, but the objection here is against
people who try to administrate in other per-
sons' hones.
-William Stone

After 90 Years ...
"A S I WOULD not be a slave, so I would
not be a master. This expresses my idea
of democracy. Whatever differs from this,
to the extent of difference, is no democra-
cy." These are the words of Abraham L.n-
coln in which he expressed the feeliig that
led to a divided Union that went to war to
reconcile such differences.
"The world will little note nor long re-
member what we say here, but it can
never be forgotten what they did here,"
Lincoln said at Gettysburg.
Never? Now, ninety years later, it seems
to be all but forgotten. The men who gave
their lives at Gettysburg, Antietam, Bull
Run, Fredericksburg, or in the Wilderness
campaigns have indeed, if not forgotten,
been ignored.
In the South decendants of those whom
the Union soldiers fought to free are still
riding in the rear of the buses. Railroad cars
are still being constructed with separate
compartments for white and black. Ku Klux
Klan activities have been surpressed but
news of their presence on the scene is to
this day leaking from the towns of the
This nation, although perhaps the freest
on earth, is still reeking with prejudice. Skin
differentiations are but one phase of it. They
are the greatest because they are more prev-
elant and obvious. But religious differences
are made issues of, as well as nationality.
On this campus arguments have been
carried on in all fields of the problem.
Restaurants have been approached on the
subject of their patronage and whether
or not they have been carrying on discrim-
inatory practices. The international Cen-
ter, which should stand as an example of
how differences can be reconciled has be-
come another subject of controversy and
rumors of discrimination have emanated
from those halls in the last month.
The most often referred to discrimina-
tory weapon, however, is the fraternity bias
clause. It has been fought both ways for
years, and lately some limited progress has
been made. This fall a few fraternity lifted
their biased limitations on membership. The
progress has been limited, but it has been
The most opposition to removal of the
clause comes from the "impracticality" of
such a move. It is argued that nothing would
be accomplished, but informal restrictions
would still be voiced.
That argument is an excuse, a stall for
attempts to postone what seems inevi-
table. It is a curtain for opponents of re-
moval to hide behind, disguised as "prac-
tical, not Idealistic liberals." Such an argu-
ment is not so practical itself. It has not
been giving a trial of any kind to removal
and is, in actuallity postponing such a
The removal of the clause seems inevitable,
for this reason. Many fraternities have par-
ticipated in removal already. On several
campuses, local non-discriminatory fraterni-
ties have been established. On other cam-
puses pressure is being applied by univeri-
ty administrations. The move today is for
removal, not for holding on to this remnant
of irrationality.
The words of Lincoln were applied to the
black and white relationship and the re-
sulting prejudice. They are words that
can be applied to any discrimination,
however. Possibly the President wrote them
to be that way. At any rate, let us not for-
get those words, "As I would not be a
Are any of us justified in keeping any-
one from membership in any American or-
ganization which professes democracy-the
type Mr. Lincoln referred to, on the basis of
biological or religious factors?
-Lew Hamburger

WASHINGTON - French censOrship has
blacked out the truth, but Gen. Henri
Navarre, the French commander, has liter-
ally been throwing away planes and para-
troopers over Cemmunist-ringed Dienbien-.
Reports have filtered back to the Pen-
tagon that airlift planes have announced
their position to Red antiaircraft batteries
below. For some unaccountable reason, the
pilots have. been reporting their exact
altitude and relaying flight istructions
in plain French without bothering to use
All the"Red antiaircraft gunners need is
a radio to get a bearing on the planes. 'Ihe
result has been appallingly accurate anti-
aircraft fire over Dienbienphu. Over one-
third of the parachuting reinforcements
have been lost before they got a chance to
go into action.
U.S. military observers urged the French
to withdraw from Dienbienphu in the first
place because it was too exposed. They also
report that General Navarre failed to pour
in enough supplies and medicine to sustain
the besieged jungle fortress. Finally they
suggested sending a relief column overland
to rescue the embattled defenders, but
Navarre dispatched such a small force that
it was ambushed and had to retreat.
Irony is that Dienbienphu was erected as
a trap to bait the Reds.
The French figured that by enticing the
Reds to attack the impregnable fortress of
Dienbienphu they could entrap and massacre
a large segment of the Vietminh army. This
was the sole purpose of the fort. Strategical-
ly, it isn't important. However, the tragic
battle to defend it is influencing the peace
of the world.
* * * * Wi
SECRETARY of Agriculture Benson is
working on a new program whereby
America's dairy cows may soon be eating the
same milk they gave.
In an effort to unload some of the 589,-
00,000 pounds of dried milk now stored in
government warehouses, Secretary Ben-
son has decided to sell a portion of it to
processors of animal and poultry feed.
The price set by the Agriculture Depart-
ment is a mere 312 to 4 cents a pound-only
a fraction of what the milk cost the tax-
payers. However, this cut-rate sale of dried
milk should act as a stimulant to the feed
industry and will probably lower the farm-
ers' feed bills a bit.
Actually the dried milk unloading
scheme is another way to "solve" the ag-
ricultural surplus problem without re-
sorting to the Brannan plan. Under ex-
Agriculture Secretary Brannan's plan,
the taxpayers would get the benefit of low-
er milk prices resulting from the sur-
plus. But 'under this latest maneuver it's
the cows, poultry, pigs and cattle, not hu-
man beings, that will consume the dried
Agricultural economists 'also expect the
new program to be a financial boost for the
nation's feed manufacturers. They will be
able to add cheap milk to their feed in place
of other, more expensive proteins.
Note-the two men who operate the na-
tion's price-support program have been very
close to the feed business. Top man is James
A. McConnell, Administrator of the Com-
modity Stabilization Service, former execu-
tive vice-president of the Grange-League
Federation Exchange of Ithaca, N.Y., one of
the world's largest mixers and distributors
of livestock feed. McConnell's deputy is Wal-
ter C. Berger, who was President of the
American Feed Manufacturer Association,
(Copyright, 1954, by the Bell Syndicate)

Area Of Agreement

The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the
Yes, Our Society . . ed a certain amount of reactionary
antagonism. If the gallery feeling
To the Editor: at the Committee hearings is of
AT IS CLEAR that Mr. Shaffer thispre-bi sd nattre and if this
has misinterpreted my letter. feelin biecomes electric and Per-


Perhaps this was because of my ments the entire attitude of the
difficulty with the language. I hope events. s has transpired in past
he will understand this letter. investigational hearings, I feel
But perhaps I am too generous that the proper function of Con-
to Mr. Shaffer. I have seen writ- gressman Clardy's group will be
WAR ers of his caliber before, pulling perverted.
s quotations out of context and dis- The Student Legislature of the
c tu-A torting them to fit their own pur- University of Michigan believes it
i- ' " poses. His tactic is the old propa- especially desirable at this time to
ganda standby of fascists and com- affirm that the maintenance of
munists-playing on the reader's academic freedom is of import-
emotions rather than appealing to ance both to the educational com-
his reason. munity and to society as a whole.
- Yes, I did speak of our society. This stand was explicitly stated in
And by "our society" I was and am the Culture and Education Com-
referring to a non-totalitarian so- mittees policy last year. This was
ciety where leadership is provided the stand of your Student Gov-
by the freely elected representa- ernment.
tives of the people rather than by Thus, I deem it particularly nec-
a Hitler or Stalin. I am referring essary for all those conscientious
TODAY AND TOMORROW: to a society where the word "de- members of the student body who
mocracy" has the meaning gen- are conceivably able, to be in East
erally understood by the peoples Lansing on May 10. The presence
of the Western world, including of students at this hearing of a
the West Germans. student, students who have not
I emphatically do not refer to a come with partisan aims in mind,
By WALTER LIPPMANN society where the word "democ- but rather to see their rights as
THE WESTERN position at Geneva has been weakened during the! racy" has the meaning understood American citizens upheld, will be
past week, and the immediate and critical business is to repair the by the Comintern, Politburo, and of national significance,
damage. What new development has there been which has affected for Mr. Shaffer (Mr. Shaffer, I under- -David Levy, Member of
the worse our calculations? stand, some years ago acknowledg- Culture and Education
There has been no unforseen and unexpected military develop- ed membership in the Communist Committee Student Leg-
ment. It was known a week ago that Gen. de Castries and his Party and has never disavowed islature
heroic garrison at Dienbienphu are fighting against fearful odds. that affiliation).
It was known then that in the Red River delta the big perimeter, Behind the "democracy" in the
which the French Union forces hold, is infiltrated to a dangerous Iron Curtain countries is the whip Love Call
degree. It had been known, too, for many weeks, ever since the of the MVD and the concentration To the Editor:
visit of Mr. Pleven and Gen. Ely to Indo-China, that the allegiance camps. America is, for the mother-
land of Mr. Shaffer's ideology, rul- Last Monday night about 11:45
of the Viet Namese army cannot be counted upon surely if it is ed by a clique of imperialistic, I heard some men singing as they
severely tested in the hard battle. fascistic, degenerate Wall Street walked on Church street towards
bankers, which somehow includes the Delta Gamma Sorority house.
Our effort at Geneva had been designed to prevent this bad, President Eisenhower. I assume that this love call, which
but not entirely lost, military position from turning into a diplo- If Mr. Shaffer has any doubt could be heard a block away, ,%
matic and political collapse. Mr. Dulles was working under hope- concerning which kind of democ- used to tell the girls that the men
lessly dificult political conditions here in Washington and at a time racy is preferred by the people of of Sigma Chi aro coming. This
when American opinion had not yet begun to be informed about the the Iron Curtain countries, I would article is not directed toward any
true position in Indo-China. call his attention to the June 17 particular fraternity, but concerns
Mr. Dulles' policy was to organize a united front which was to riots in East Berlin, when the peo- serenading and those select indi-
mean, in effect, that though the battle at Dienbienphu was lost, ple of my homeland made it clear viduals who feel that it is their
this would not mean that the war was lost. The bringing up of what they had learned from two duty to yell from quad windows.
this reserve strength was to show that Ho Chi Minh cannot obtain a totalitarian systems. are assumed to have left your high
complete victory and the uncontested mastery of Indo-China. Proving I would also refer Mr. Shaffer toe school attitudes behind and that
this would strengthen the negotiating power of the Western nations the unending flood of escapees o l de in a ta
from all the Iron Curtain coun- yo will develop into a mature and
at Geneva. tries. If Mr Shaffer prefers the sensible person. Apparently there
What has happened, then, in the past week to impair this Comintern variety of democracy to are a few "quadders" who have
fundamentally sound calculation? The appeal made by the French Com, I for one would e very hap- not grown up. A sterling example
government for immediate intervention in the battle of Dien- py to contribute one dollar toward is the disgusting habit of explod-
bienphu. This subjected American, and British policy as well, to paying his passage to Moscow. ingrfire-crakers inthe qha
an impossible test. The policy was designed to save, not Dien- In regard to Mr. Shaffer's refer- "courts. Parallel to this is the
bienphu but, the non-Communist position in Southeast Asia. ence to my national background, shouting aofcrudeand obsene re
The French appeal, which may have had some encouragement I would like to remind him that as they serenade the sorority girls.
from American sources, has put London and Washington in the all Russians are not Communists, One of the troubles lies in the
painful and dangerous position of refusing to come to the aid of neither were all Germans Nazis. fact that the fraternities occa-
a hard-pressed ally, and of having made, therefore, a gigantic If he had sent his letter to me, fhta
bluff which has been called, instead of to The Daily, I would sionally do more an jus seren-
There is no denying that almost every high official from President not have troubled to answer it. It dect atcal and other remars
Eisenhower down has been talking too big, has allowed more to be is a waste of time to argue with a a lack of consideration on the part
inferred than was intended, and that thbre has been an element of robot. But since it is being print- of the fraternities. Sometimes a
bluff in their statements. Therefore we must not be surprised that ed in the campus newspaper, I feel fraernity overdoes the singing, and
the desperate politicians in Paris were misled into believing that we an obligation to point out the dan- all suffer including the girls who
were on the point of entering the war. I do not know whether the gerous distortion in even this puny must shiver in the cold of the
French government had been told fully and clearly what our real po- specimen of a Communist style night.
sition was, whether they had been reminded that under the Constitu- plemic The trite defense for such noises
{ ~---PeterKalink The ,t rnt defene fo ruch lnis




At Hill Auditorium ...
Ormandy, Conductor: Lily Pons, Soprano
THE OPENING concert of the sixty-first
annual May Festival gave promise of a.
successful' series of concerts this weekend.
The orchestra displayed precision of attack,
extreme sensitivity of phrasing, and dynamic
contrasts that were almost too slick. Two
Beethoven works were played: the Overture
to Egmont, and the Seventh Symphony. It
seemed somehow that neither of these com-
positions was given a thoroughly worked-out
conception-both of them seemed merely to
fall into beautifully tailored sections. Re-
sphighi's The Pines of Rome was the only
fully realized work that the orchestra played.
Miss Pons' contributions were projected
extremely well. In her singing there was
an occasional tendency to flat and a lack
of control of the chest tones. However, the
ease with which her high tones came and
the feather-like facility of her coloratura
completely overrode the faults. Her selec-
tions were, Lo! Here the Gentle Lark by
Bishop, Vocalise by Rachmaninoff, Chere
nult by Bachelet and "Cara nome" from
Rigoletto by Verdi. For her encore she
sang Les Filles de Cadix by Delibes.
The Overture was an exciting experience,
with the finale taken at a faster tempo than
usual. The first movement of the symphony
was marked by beautiful ensemble playing
and a great deal of intensity which was
achieved without loss of control. The wood-
winds were careless at .times with their
phrasing. This fault was corrected in the
second movement which was the best per-
formed of the work. The third movement
lacked the brightness it should have, but the
contrasting sections showed the beautiful
phrasing of-which the orchestra is capable.
The Pines of Rome performance was a
brilliant success for both Mr. Ormandy and
the orchestra. In this work the ensemble was
at its best. Each phrase was carefully con-
sidered and in spite of the fact that all the
stops were pulled at the ending each line
was still heard.
-Fred- Coulter
RATIFICATION OF the European Defense
Community is not logically conditional
on the Saar settlement. They are quite dif-
ferent questions, except as both are related
to the movement for European unity. A "Eur-
opean" solution of the status of the Saar, like
a European Army, would be a long step in
that direction. This is the reason men of
European mind, in France and Germany,
would like to see one issue dealt with in the
context of the other. The common army,
surely a revolutionary link between historic
enemies, could get off to a better start if
the most conspicious source of friction were
The French and Germans are about to
resume their frequently interrupted nego-
tiations on the Saar. Since the French have
announced that agreement must preceed
ratification of E.D.C., these discussions may
be prolonged as an excuse for further post-
niorr Anicn'ncf. + (1nni.nr n' s+, +- -1nn , n



tion we could not intervene suddenly, and that we were not as a *
matter of fact in a military posture to intervene immediately in what r l g
might become a wide and prolonged war.,
Be that as it may, a policy designed to discount the consequences To the Editor:
of Dienbienphu haq been made to look like a mere, bluff because it ON MONDAY, May 10 when My-
cannot save Dienbienphu. This is very damaging to the Western po- ron Sharpe is called before the
sition in the negotiations at Geneva. For at bottom Britain and Clardy Committee in East Lansing
America are not bluffing about the decision not to surrender South- there will be, once again, a far
east Asia to the Communist orbit. The damage done by the appeal greater ^question at hand than the
and by our own loose talk is that it may cause the Communist pow- Committee hearing itself. The es-
ers and the uncommitted Asian countries to equate the non-interven- sence of this question is whether
tion at Dienbienphu with non-resistance in Southeast Asia.t h or not Mr. Sharpe will be given
This bad stumble at the threshhold of the conference might the just privileges his American
cause the Communist powers to raise the price and to propose im- citizenship and the Bill of Rights
possible terms for an armistice. To repair the damage it will entitle him to. Both Republican
be necessary for the Western powers to agree on the terms of an ndzeocrastets recog-
nize, of course, the vital import-
armistice which they could accept, which in the opinion of respon- apce of these privileges and theirI
sible but uncommitted Asian opinion, the Chinese and the Viet non-partisan reponsibility to up-
Minh ought to accept. hold them.
Unfortunately it is almost impossible, owing to the political sit- It is current hearsay in Ann Ar-
uation in Washington, for Secretary Dulles to participate in this bor that the American Legion of
effort. Congress has deprived him of the means to negotiate. He can East Lansing has planned to
make no concessions to the Viet Minh or to Red China; at the same "pack" the gallery at the Clardy
time he is allowed to talk of military intervention in the war only hearings on May 10. I think it
if first he can show that there is a coalition of powers all prepared to may be said that the American
intervene too, and prepared to share with us the military effort and Legion has, in the past, exhibited
the casualties. a decidedly partisan attitude to-
(Copyright 1954, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.) i wards such hearings and present-


as come from the quad resiaences
is that the fraternities interfere
with the "quadders" study efforts.
First of all the effort is sometimes
very small, and second is the fact
that after four hours of television
and bull-sessions 15 or 20 minutes
more will not greatly hinder the
(conscientious?) attempt to study.
For those who have had their
noses in the books all evening, the
break would probably do them
good. What is overlooked is the
fact that the "quadders" make as
much noise as the singers.
Serenading is an old and ac-
cepted custom and when a fine
group of singers such as the men
of Sigma Chi sing to the sorority
girls, the least that can be ex-
pected of the quad men is to be
--Charles S. Reed III



Architecture A uditorium
LAURA, starring Gene Tierney, Dana
Andrews and Clifton Webb
LAURA may be approaching middle age but
it is still one of the better suspense stories
with as hero, one of the most popular Ameri-
can phenomena-the quiet police detective.
What the film lacks in moments of great
acting and tasteful subtlety, it makes up in
intricacies of plot.
If I remember correctly, back in the days
when this film was issued, the advertise-
ments urged viewers not to reveal the end-
ing to their friends and assuming every-
one has managed to keep the secret, to
these many years, I shall attempt to sum-
I didua lLiberty
The danger to our country is not repre-
sented by McCarthy or by any potential or
would-be dictator. In fact, these days, Joe
McCarthy seems to be pushed.aside just as
Oppenheimer was pushed aside. The danger
to our country is of a tyranny without a
tyrant - an ever-mounting, impersonal,
thoughtless oppression. There is no "Mein
Kampf" lying around ready to be translated
ii +n ... TY .11f hn anfc nra nii 1' +l n li hnh

marie the plot with this -one accepted
This is a story of a tough and somewhat
moody member of the local police depart-
ment-Dana Andrews who fiddles with a
pocket size game of skill (jiggling a sealed
box trying to maneuver ball bearings into
designated holes) whenever his job arouses
internal tension. His job is to find the mur-
derer of Laura Hunt, a "real fine lady" as
a number of the minor characters in the
film are wont to remind him,
Joining the quest at various stages are
Clifton Webb at his most Clifton Webbish
as the too-possessive Pygmalian; Vincent
Price, more Southern and less diabolical
than in recent films and Judith Anderson as
a pathetic lady who writes checks.
Unfortunately a fine detective story falls
prey to the demands of box-office necessity
and one too many love interests are intro-
duced. Admittedly it would be a shame to
waste the talents of an attractive young man
like Andrews when wandering about in the
same film is a charming, fragile (yes, frag-
ile despite an awesome efficiency as a career
girl) and very lovely heroine like Miss Tier-
It's a bit difficult to accept the idea of a
curt, businesslike sleuth falling for a corpse,
but since.Mr. Webb, who in the picture
doesn't care for anybody, likes Laura, how
can we condemn even the most objective of


The Daily official Bulletin is an A limited number of University Ter-{
official publication of the University race Apartments will be available be-'
of Michigan for which the Michigan ginning in .'une for non-veteran Mich-
Daily assumes no editorial responsi- igan residents who expect to enroll for
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tive notice to all members of the istered students for the academic ye r
University. Notices should be sent in 1954-55. Applications may be filed i.h
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 2552 the Student Affairs Office, 1020 Admin-
Administration Building before 3 p.m. istration Building.
the day preceding'publication (before
11 a.m. on Saturday). Women's swimming Pool-Faculty
Family Night. Faculty families are cor-
FRIDAY, APRIL 30, 1954 dially invited to swim in .the women's
VOL. LXIV, No. 145 new pool on Family Night, Friday,
. April 30, from 7:30 p.m. to 9:20 p.m.
N tc sBring only your own children.
NottCes Freshman Rendezvous Counselor ap-_
Faculty of the College of Literature, plications must be turned in at Lane
Science, and the Arts. The May meeting Hall before noon, Sat., May 1. Appli-
of the Faculty will be held Mon., May 3, cation blankssmay be picked up at the
at 4:10 p.m. in Angell Hall Auditorium Lane Hail desk.
Isral Institute of Technologv. The Is-

8th grade Math and Science; High
School Phys. Ed. for Women; Early
and Later Elementary; Elementary Vo-
cal Music.
Wed., May 5-Romulus, Michigan--
Teacher needs: Jr. High English and
Social Studies; Jr. High Science; Jr.
High English and Journalism; Sr. High
Men's Phys. Ed. and Football Coach;
Jr. High Girl's Phys. Education; Ele-
mentary grade teachers.
Allen Park, Michigan-Teacher needs:
Early and Later Elementary teachers
If you would like to be interviewed
by either one or more of the above
School Representatives, contact the
Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin-
istration Bldg., NO 3-1511, Ext. 489. It is
advisable to call at least a day in ad-
vance to be sure there will be time
available for you.
NOTE: All those people who have not

Sixty-Fourth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staf
Harry Lunn ...........Managing Editor
Eric Vetter........,......,..City Editor
Virginia Voss......,..Editorial Director
Mike Wolff.......Associate City Editor
Alice B. Silver.. Assoc. Editorial Director
SDiane D. AuWerter. . ,Associate Editor
Helene Simon........Associate Editor
Ivan Kaye..............Sports Editor
Paul Greenberg....Assoc. Sports Editor
Marilyn Campbell......Women's Editor
Kathy Zeisler.... Assoc. Women's Editor
Chuck Kelsey .....Chief Photographer
Business Staff
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William Kaufman Advertising Manager
Harlean Hankin....Assoc. Business Mgr.
W;,illiam Seiden....,... ,Finance Manager
Anita Sigesmund. .Circulation Manager
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