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April 28, 1954 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1954-04-28

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After Wide Sainlin* Mitts Picks IFC

Crib Hears
D1wson T- 11


' T




Legacy: a year of group spirit.
A friendly yet forthright man-
ner has given C. A. Mitts, retiring
Interfraternity Council president,
the unusual ability to make
friendsalmost as quickly as ene-
mies. But when working toward
a particular end, this same char-
acteristic has the effect of pro-
moting a remarkable degree of
* * *
"YOU ALWAYS know where you
stand with C.A.," they say. And in
the Interfraternity Council this
has meant giving a new. measure
of responsibility to all members.
The Sigma Chi fraternity
member has sampled quite a
few campus activities before de-
ciding to cast the die with IFC.
As a freshman he worked on
Student Legislature, IFC and
sandwiched in afternoon work-
outs with the swimming team.
One summer he worked at The
Daily as advertising manager.
But IFC was the big activity
for him, and after working as
rushing chairman, he was elect-
ed to the presidency.
C.A. has been referred to as a
"natural" for the office. He is a
person with outspoken interests,
and with IFC the interests clicked
with the office. According to Mitts,
the fraternity system gives a group
of.men an opportunity to get to-
gether and assume the responsi-
bilities of organization.
* * *
CLASSIFYING himself as a
"liberal Republican," C.A. believes
in a general policy of evolution
rather than revolution. On the
bias clause issue, for example,
Mitts feels that elimination of
discrimination must be a gradual
process. "In two years," he says,
discriminatory clauses in frater-
nities will have almost disappear-
ed, but we can't force the process."
Along these lines, ,the Inter-
fraternity Council on this cam-
pus set up a Big Ten Counseling
Service which will help all in-
terested fraternities in removing.
national bias clauses. "The serv-
ice has been set up for those
that want it," Mitts explained,
"but we're not forcing them to
use it. Elimination of discrimin-
ation is up to the men them-
Clifford Allen Mitts III, as he
signs his law school applications,
Children GetI
For Diseases
More than 7000 children who
participated in the thirteenth an-
nual disease control program of
Washtenaw County Medical So-
ciety are receiving renewed protec-
tion against diphtheria, smallpox
and tetanus.
Dr. Paul Barker, president of
the society, emphasized the im-
portance of continued protection
aaginst these diseases. He men-
tione dthat diphtheria and small-
pox "will not return to this com-
munity if parents secure immuni-
zation of their children early in
infancy and at proper intervals
In Ann Arbor Medical Society
Clinics, out of the 1700 children,
participating 954 have been vac-
cinated for smallpox and 1364
were given diphtheria tetanus
protection. In Ypsilanti, 981 were
vaccinated for smallpox and 1229
were given diphtheria and tetanus
shots out of 1519 children partici-
Including other areas of the
county 7258 children participated
in the program and of these 4424
were vaccinated for smallpox and
5889 received protection from

diphtheria and tetanus.-

On Inquiries
Speaking to members of the
Michigan Crib, pre-legal society,
yesterday on "The Purposes and
Limitations of Congressional In-
quiries," Prof. John P. Dawson of
the Law School emphasized that
legislative powers of inquiries are
almost unlimited.
"No court can review the powers
of legislative assemblies," he warn-
ed. Since legislatures need to be
fully informed, Prof. Dawson
pointed out that the power of leg-
fi islative investigation is extremely
important in a democracy.
{ 4" Discussing the use and scope of
the Fifth Amendment in Congres-
sional inquiries, Prof. Dawson ex-
plained that the idea behind the
amendment began in England as
2: a common law reaction to the
High Churches' practice of forcing
people to incriminate themselves
under oath.
"Its history is the history of
protest against invasion of per-
sonal rights." Commenting on its
present use, Prof. Dawson observ-
Daily-Chuck Kesey ed, "When people plead the fifth
ITTS amendment, tney are inferring
sident leaves legacy that they have something to ex-
tables. He enjoys the work be- pose that would lead to the con-
cause. he enjoys metg eobe, viction of a public crime.
cause he enjoys meeting people' " Any restraints on the inves-
and most of them feel the same "Ayrsaitonhene-
way about C.A. hhtigating committee," he concluded,
"must come through its own self-
Whether its been IFC, waiting restraint and pressure exerted by
tables or just talking with the conscientious people."

C. A. M
.,.. retiring IFC Pres
says that he has three responsi-t
bilities on campus: "IFC, studiest
and Martha." Martha being Mar-f
tha Hill, the retiring president of
Panhellenic Association. During
busy weeks, sometimes the two
presidents only have time to meet
over the conference table.
Like a long history of campus
leaders before him, C.A. finds that
grades and activities mix some-i
what like oil and water. But he
likes people, and finds that thist
justifies his activities.I
"I don't regret anything," saysi

G I F T F R O M AB R O A D.--Mrs. Richard Nixon holds
a tiger-skull combination cigarette holder and ashtray presented
k to the Vice President in Thailand during their world tour.

B I T E, F R OM. PA S T- A worker touches up teethlIn res-
toration of Jaws of a prehistoric shark in the new fossil 'and fish
alcove of American Museum of Natural History in New York.


bays at tile house, U. A. has got-
ten the most out of speaking to.
When he was in office he made
it a practice to encourage discus-j
sion between the president and
the committeemen and brought a
more informal note to IFC meet-
Law school and the service are

Band Concert
Tonight Led
By Cavendar




* * * slated for the next few years, and Conducted by George Cavender
THE RED-HAIRED Grand Rap- after that the future isn't too defi- of the music school, the Wolverine
ids senior with the wide smile nite. But whether he chooses poli- Band will perform at 8 p.m. today
spends his spare time at a local tics of law, the Mitts smile hints in the Union Ballroom.
campus restaurant - waiting at things to come. First on the program will be
"Voice of the Guns" by Kenneth
Alford, known as the "march
ew Cty Directory Opens king" of Great Britain. A trans-
cription of a work originally scored
for orchestra, Mozart's "Im-
With Aagenas, Ends with Zyblet presario Overture" will be the next
selection on the program.
By LEE MARKS Morrissey's "Vieux Carre," a
tellectual atmosphere of a univer- musical sketch of the New Orleans
Now being delivered $o homes in sity town, Ann Arbor even has French quarter, will also be
the Ann Arbor area, the 1954 edi- Wisdom. played. It consist of four parts,'
tion of the City Directory contains In order to prevent bulkiness. "Patio," '"French Market," "St.
30,914 names, according to R. L. the combined names of men and Louis' Cathedral" and "Congo
Polk & Co., publishers of the di- their wives are treated as one Square" which vary in intensity
rectory since 1886. name and the minimum age need- from slow and dreamy to fast and
Beginning and ending the new ed to obtain a listing is 18. frenzied.
directory are Owen K. Aagenas There are 434 separate listings Mussorgsky's "Cortege-Scherzo"
and Louise Zyblet, while unusual of business enterprises in Ann Ar- and Eric Coates's "London Again"
surnames include Mustard, Good- bor ranging from "Abrasive Mater- will follow "Vieux Carre" on the
speed, Silverthorn, Whitechurch, ials," to "Yarns." Newer classifi- program. Thomas Crisselle's "Two
and Goofy. In keeping with the in- cations include "Frozen - Food American Sketches" will also be
Lockers," "Dairy Bars," "Motels," played. This composition was
and "Laundries-Self-Service." named the outstanding contempo-
Hlevator Special features of the directory rary American work during a con-
[land test in 1937.
are the designations of owner-oc- .Silven Koltyk, '575M, will be ac-
(I IBe Re laced cupied and rented homes, marital cordian soloist during the next
households, and a story about the La G 's "Sequoia," t
A new automatie passenger ele- "Seat of the University of Michi-assea one
vator, which will be ready for use gan," contributed by the Ann A- pin te and o the ''d-
on July 1, is now being installed in bor Chamber of Commerce wood trees and Richard's "Hail

a "

lands' Queen Juliana views painting of scene in Ottawa, Canada,
where she lived during World War I, at art exhibit in The Hague.

of Long Beach, Cal., 110-pound mother of two children, paints
name on plane in which she'll try for solo round-the-world record.

uul 11G~i1111 Vt*v 11111G1 4.

"i l . r ...a .,

the General Library. -Miami march will conclude the
Replacing the hand operatedOweconcert.
Relear the eatdor x- w n NameThe program is free to the pub-
elevator, the new elevator will ex- W i 1 6 U
tend up one floor more, to facili-
tate access to the ninth floor attic Election Heads
of the library in which books are
ct~U dA.


s iorea.
According to Samuel W. Mc-
Allister, associate director of the
library, the Stock elevator will be
replaced after the installation of
the passenger elevator is complet-
Both elevators have been in use
since 1920, when the Library was

i 7

SL Agenda
Student Legislature will discuss
the following motions and reports


at 7:30 p.m. today in the Strauss-
Harrison To Give Anderson dining room of East
Third English Talk Motion requesting a "bill of par-f
ticulars" from Congressional in-
Prof. G. B. Harrison of the Eng- vestigating committees to students
lish department will deliver the subpoenaed.
third of the department's reading- Motion asking the University to
lectures "Songs and Monologues," approach the Law School concern-
at 4:10 p.m. tomorrow in Aud. A, ing legal counsel for students call-
Angell Hall. ed to testify before Congressional
The well known Shakespearian investigating committees.E
authority will include in his read- Appointment of committeei
ings some of the "best poems of chairmen and committees.
the best English writers," includ- Appointments to fill vacancies
ing works by Shakespeare, Milton on SL.
and Thompson. Report on special election on!
Prof. Harrison came to the Uni- University calendaring.
versity from Queens College, Can- Motion to change membership
ada, in 1949, where he was chair- requirements for student organi-
man of the English department. zations desiring University recog-
Previously, he had taught at nition.
King's College, University of Lon- SL invites all interested students
don. and faculty members to attend.
. .I .

Henry Owens, candidate for the
Democratic congressional nomina-
tion in the Second Congressional
District, yesterday announced the
leaders of his campaign committee.
Prof. John P. Dawson of the
Law School, Democratic candidate
for Congress 'in 1950 and 1952, will
head the drive while Talbot Smith,
candidate for the Michigan Su-
preme Court in April, 1953, will be
the finance chairman.
The committee also includesj
John Carr, publicity; Mrs. Gerald,
McCarthy, treasurer; Prof. George;
Peek of the political science de-
partment, research; and Mrs. Kip
Miller, secretary.
Linguis ies Lecture
To Be Presented
Prof. Joseph H, Greenberg ofI
the anthropology department oft
Columbia University will speak on
"Learning Theory and Linguistic
Typology" at 4:15 p.m. today in
Auditorium A of Angell Hall.
Sponsored by the program in
linguistics, Prof. Greenberg willI
also discuss the evidence for a
Chad family of Afro-Asiatic lan-
guages during a meeting of the
Linguistics Club at 8 p.m. today in
the East Conference Rm. of the
Rackham Bldg.
The public is invited to both lec-

To Hear Talk
By Newburn
H. K. Newburn, president of the
Educational Television and Radio
Center located in Ann Arbor, will
address approximately 250 people
on the subject "Educational Ob-
jectives of Television" at the
spring meeting of the Michigan
College Association, 12:30 p.m. to-
morrow at a luncheon in the Lea-
The organization consists pri-
marily of college administrators in
the state of Michigan. Its function
is to foster good relationis between
the colleges, promote the import-
ance of higher education in the
state and study any arising prob-
The topic under discussion at
the meeting will be "Prospects for
the Utilization of Television in
Education." In addition to Prof.
Newburn's talk, there will be two
sessions of discussion on the sub-
ject in greater detail.
At 10 a.m. in the Rackham Am-
phitheater, a demonstration will
be given on the use of television in
the classroom. Following the
luncheon, at 1:30 p.m., another
meeting will be held in the Amphi-
theater to discuss the subject of
television for education.
At 3 p.m. the groups will have an
opportunity to attend an open
house at the University television
Interested parties who wish to
attend the luncheon or either or
the meetings should contact Ed-
ward G. Groesbeck, University As-
sistant Registrar.



Johnson, of Glendale, Cal., for-
mer Deputy Assistant Secretary
of State, is the new Ambassador
to Czechoslovakia, succeeding
George Wadsworth.


W H A T A R E T H E Y? Air pipes put beneath water to prevent ice damage to flasla
board of Gulf Island Dam. Lewiston, Me.. cause ice to build un on surface in these formations.







,fit? "

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