T ). C I , 4r t 4ig-au :43 a t t IT SEEMS TO ME See Face 4 %- f I.-' Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LXIV, No. 143 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2, 1954 CLOUDY, COOL SIX PAGES SAC Passes Constitutions rOf 4 Groups Facts Withheld Says McCarthy 'Cropped' Picture Showing Schine C T ! 7Ai 7 '^ Ch A7 C G !"' 7 1A7C7 Opera Petitions for the executive committee of the 1954 Union Opera will be due Monday, May 3, at the main desk of the Union. Petition forms can be obtain- ed at the Union desk. For fur- ther information, interested students may contact Gordon Epding, '55, Mimes president. Britain 'With Cl upports France ease Fire New Engineering Group Approved' wIunI 4Levens 'ai By GENE HARTWIG WASHINGTON-(P)-Sen. M Passage of foUr group constitu- retary of the Army Stevens face t( tions and a protracted debate on the facts" in their bitter dispute. a request by Pershing Rifles mili- Stevens heatedly denied it, and tary society for a coed sponsor heardings ended on that angry note marked yesterday's meeting of the * * Student Affairs Committee. IT WAS A day of storm and str Constitutions submitted for SAC lawyer accused the McCarthy fo approval included those of the en- photograph they put into evidence, gineering. council; the Student Stevens ordered the picture taken League for Industrial Democracy; a camper on his investigation of Charivaria, a group organized for the Army.I purposes of literary criticism, andI the Foester's Club. McCarthy's chief counsel, Roy * * * M. Cohn, took the stand and THE ENGINEERING Council got in some testimony on this constitution had previously re- I and a number of other points. ceived approval of representatives! The picture showed Pvt. G. of engineering college organiza- David Schine, the drafted Mc- tions.at a, meeting April 15. Carthy aide, side by side with Purposes of the new Engineer- Stevens. The Army secretary'si ing council are outlined in the counsel, Joseph N. Welch Jr., pro- constitution as follows: duced an uncropped version show- 1) To coordinate the activities ing two other men were standing of this organization and groups with Schine and Stevens when the within the engineering college, picture was taken. 2) To gather and formulate stu- Off and on, disputes over these dent opinion on policies of the en- and poster-size photographs flar- gineering college affecting the ed up all day, while TV cameras student body. recorded every maneuver in the 3) To provide a liaison between fast-shifting probe by the Senate the student body and the faculty, investigations subcommittee. and between the student body and * * * the administration. THEN, TO cap it all, McCarthyF 4) To undertake service projects tangled with Stevens over a re- for the general good of the engi- port the Army made last month neering college and the University accusing the senator and twoI and to stimulate, interest in the aides, Cohn and Francis Carr, ofI student activities of the college. bringing "improper pressure" to get special treatment for draftee MEMBERSHIP in the new 16 Schine. man group will be drawn from "You're not giving us the professional societies, activities facts, Bob," McCarthy chided groups and the college at large. Stevens at one point. uses controversy cCarthy, (R-Wis.), accused Sec- o face yesterday of "not giving us dthe fourth day of televised public * * ress from the outset, when Stevens' rces of "shamefully doctoring" a and the McCarthy forces retorted to butter up McCarthy and put Nelson Hits Disinterest In Politics By MARY ANN THOMAS "I can not see how 18 year olds can be allowed to vote when they can't participate in political acti- vities," said Richard Nelson, ad- ministrative assistant to Adlai Stevenson in the principle Demo- cratic Party Day address here yes-, terday. Deploring high schools and uni- versities that discourage political thought and participation, Nelsonj World News Roundup By The Associated Press WASHINGTON-Vice-President Nixon sought yesterday to reas- sure America's governors disturb- ed over the possible political dyn- amite lurking in talk about send- ing U.S. troops to Indochina. Nixon presided over a meeting, of the governors of the 48 states and the territories. * * * WASHINGTON - The Eisen-i hower Administration won a vic- tory in the Senate yesterday when -a proposal to support major crops at 90 per cent of parity for an- other year was defeated 48-40. * * * WASHINGTON - Sen. Byrd (D-Va.) called on the Justice Department yesterday to startj "immediate legal proceedings against Clyde L. Powell," the former housing official whom he described as "the key official" in current investigations of ex- cessive FHA-guaranteed loans. Attem pt, * Korea Talks S how Unity, f: As Unlikely' GENEVA-{'P)-Britain is sup- porting France in an effort to ob- tain a cease fire as the first step at the Geneva conference toward solving the bloody impasse in In- dochina, a British source said last night. The 19-nation conference debat- ed Korea yesterday but the initial arguments foreshadowed the doom of efforts to unite and pacify that country. * * * ON INDOCHINA, Prime Minis- ter Churchill said Britain had re- fused to commit troops to fighting there while the conference is in n Morton progress. In the House of Com- e nation mons at London, he held out the Edward hope that the conference might rad., and work out a cease fire. A widely circulated report here was that Soviet Foreign i Minister V. M. Molotov and Red EC China's Chou En-lai planned to propose a cease fire within the - next few days. A French spokes- ok "Ameri- man regarded it as untrue. tory" con- A top conference source said --Daily-Dean PRO AND CON--One of the few cheerful moments at a hectic debate on the value to th4 of Senator McCarthy is enjoyed by Prof. Edwin Moise, Charles Sleicher, Grad., and Rev. Redman, on the opposition to McCarthy side; and Prof. Bennett Weaver, Ken Mackness, G Prof. Louis J. York, speaking for McCarthy. U' .Panel .Discusses McCarthy Top urged that it is the responsibility * * * of every young citizen to join a political organization such as the WASHINGTON-A surgeon who Young Democrats or some citi- spent four years in a. Japanese zens group. prisoner of war camp testified yes- * * * terday at the court-martial of NELSON termed the stress that Cpl. Edward S. Dickenson that high school teachers place on vot- 98 per cent of complaints made by ing for the man and not the party, POWs against one another "are ,ifalse." and the bans some universities i By MURRY FRYMER A panel discussion which quick- ly became a warmly-contested de- bate battled the question: "Has McCarthy's term as a public ser- vant proved to be an -asset to the country?" at a Young Democrat meeting last night. Speaking for the affirmative, Prof. Bennett Weaver, of the Eng- McCarthy has done a service to whether McCarthy's bo P. k . l 4 !; h ' i i r SAC also approved two chang- McCarthy contended Stevens es in the constitution of the filed the charges against the Mc- senior class executive commit- Carthy side to halt their hearings tee providing that class officers on alleged espionage at Ft. Moni- must be undergraduates of sen- mouth, N. J. for standing able to serve in of. fico throughout the. academic year preceding the June gradua- M onsoons H it tion exercises and that election. of class officers take place dur- Dien Bien Pu ing the period beginning two weeks before and ending three weeks following the spring all- MANOL, Indochina-P)-Under campus elections, pelting rains and despite heavy Pershing Rifles' request for a rebel mortar and artillery fire the coed sponsor provoked discussion French flung up new "last ditch" of the University's traditional pol- fortifications yesterday in the icy with regard to the selection of heart of the Dien Bien Phu. I campus queens and resulted in The long-awaited big seasonal SAC's voting to withhold approval monsoon rains turned the north- until such time as the policy is west Indochina fortress area into altered. lakes of red mud and crippled have against political events and participation, to be .prohibitiveato the development of a politically conscious citizenry. Speaking on "Responsibility and its Discharge in National Politics," Nelson listed several signs of irresponsibility on the i , * *, * BELGRADE-The Yugoslav Ex- ecutive Council, the country's top, '3 , the country," Weaver said. Prof. Edwin E. Moise, on the negative side, said that McCar- thy's contribution to the govern- ment has been "a program whose chief ingrediant is slan- der." Moise charged McCarthy has taken the role of "a corruptor of the public morals." He said that an attitude has developed of con- doning slander as a political wea- pon by those who accept Mc- Carthy. cerning the Senator's views on B'itain was prepared to back up George Marshall was educational. the French in seeking quickly a "Do you endorse it? Is it a text- cease fire to be followed by nego- book," Pr~of York was asked. tiations with the Communist-led The engineering instructor Vietminh. said he could see nothing in the The position of the United book which is wrong. "He (Mc- States is that while a halt in the Carthy) did not at any time ac- fighting is desirable, it should not cuse Marshall of being a traitor," be at the price of concessions Prof. York said. He added that which would ultimately prove of others may have interpreted it high cost to the Western powers. as such. * * * can Retreat from Vic , n s~s~nn f n C'nv~n~v ' { I parliamentary body, yesterday ap- i lish department, charged that the proved a proposed military alliance State Department from 1950 to of Yugoslavia, Turkey and Greece. 1952. did not discharge one per- First steps in forming such an son for disloyalty.' alliance were taken during the * . mid-Auril visit by President Mar- "IF RIDDING the o u. Pons To Sing In Festival Tomorrow With soprano Lily Pons sched- uled to arrive early today by train, the 61st May Festival is ready to begin. Miss Pons will sing during the first concert at 8:30 p.m. tomor- row. She will be accompanied by the Philadelphia Orchestra which; T under the direction of its regular conductor and guest conductor Thor Johnson of the Cincinnatti Symphony, will perform during all six concerts. Other performers during the' Festival include soprano Lois Mar- shall and Zinka Milanov, contralto Blanche Thebom, tenors Kurti Baum and John McCollum, bari- tone William Warfield. pianist Ar- 7 tur Rubinstein and cellists Lorne Munroe and Leonard Rose. The University Choral Union and the Festival Youth Chorus, French air strikes at the Commu- nist-led Vietminh besiegers. But the French carved out more trenches and flung up thick mazes of barbed wire barricades in their main defense area, now reduced to a little less than a mile in diame- ter. They exchanged artillery blows with the Vietminh but there was no sign as yet of any mass rebel infantry assault. For the French the task was to tighten the defense bulwark as, much as possible.I part of the Republican Party, shall Tito to Turkey, of Communists is an asset, Sen. On the affirmative side,. Prof. Weaver asked the nega- businessmen in government, Louis J. York, of the engineering tive side why, if McCarthy's ef-j state legislatures, the Demo- school, called the Wisconsin sena- forts to get Communists out eratic Party and young people, f r tor an educator who has made the of government have been more With reference to irresponsibil- Com)o 1iio ,.ro e ures public aware of Communist in- harmful to the government than ity on the part of the GOP, Nelson . . ". . . filtration in government, who has to Communists, how did they ac- asserted, "President Eisenhower is1 'b lt BOard Reviewed championed the position of gov- count for Communist opposition not giving this country the type of ernment employees, no matter m. leadership that it needs." --what their position as "trustees." Prof. Moise answered that the Summing up the purpose of (EDITOR'S NOTE: This article at- and a de stad f it * ENG Communists attack him because tempts to give a factual picture of E AKESGa. loo they want to prove that American the two-day Citizenship Clearing theuniversity's athletic eligibility cedure as seen through the exper- eN afmative grp ls Mc dem y is a raud "ThAeyiar House, Nelson urged all young peo- board through the experience of a ience of a student who was be- the affirmative group listed Mc- lemocracy is a raud . hey ae ple to "do something" in politi- student. It does not intend to in- fore the board are helpful. Carthy's achievements as reveal- like muckrakers who have found cal activity and "never compro- terpret or evaluate the board or its ing 30,000 pro-Communist vol- a muck-mine," he said. mise your ideals." policy.) FIRST OF ALL, the eligibilityumes in American libraries in Ger- In the morning session Prof. By JIM DYGERT b s omposed of sigiaclty many, and withdrawing trade be- John. Dawson of the Law School ard is composed of six faculty tween 327 Greek ships and the. Gar g M akes moderated a panel discussion on Because of the recurrent excite- p Russians. "ThePlae o Yoth n PrtyOr-ment over the de-emphasis of ath- of Registrar Ira W. Smith. Each~ - . "The Place of Youth in Party Or-m vrted-mp s'ee eitt or w ee Former YD president, Charles Loud O uitcry ! ganiatio." anelMemers ereletics, some may wonder whether semester the board reviews the rec- Fre T rsdnCal ganization.'PanelMemberswereh U rss o rd of every student who partici- Sleicher, Grad., speaking against Neil Staebler, Democratic State ;the University follows its ownjthprosincagdM a- proclaimed ideal of the predom- pates in intercollegiate sports. Al- the proposition, charged McCar- Central Committee chairman, V inance of scholarship over ath- so each student, regardless of thy with wholesale, indiscrimin- "Hurry, hurry, for crying out1 torletics. grade-point average, is interview- ate techniques. ud." Michigan Young Democrats, Frank ed by the board each semester "Anyone who makes a charge So bellowed Larry Pike, Gar- Blackford, administrative assist- To get an idea of the Univer- should be able to substantiate," he goyle managing editor, darting en-1 ant to Gov. Williams and Mrs. sity's actual policy, both a view The whole matter is more or said. "This McCarthy has never strangedly around the office, flail- Louis Cain, of the eligibility board in action less routine for the athlete been able to do." ing his arms, realizing closing time, MOLOTOV and French Foreign Minister Georges Bidault met Tuesday at Bidault's lakeside villa. They reached a measure of agree- ment on invitations to be issued for the coming talks on Indochina. Bidault meets Molotov again today for further discussions. A French spokesman said they did not take up a cease fire at their first meeting. This was the situation on Korea* South Korea's Pyun Yung Tai called for free elections in Korea under the supervision of the Unit- ed Nations. This would result in a victory for the South Koreans, since they outnumber their coun- trymen in the north. North"Korea'srGen. Nam Il speaking after the South Korean, presented a formula for "free elections" which was along the pattern of Soviet proposals for elections in Germany. These have been rejected by the West on the ground they would pave the way 'DAMES AUX CHAPEAUX: French Comedy To Be Shown Today Le Cercle Francais, University," French Club, will present its an- nual play, "Ces Dames aux Cha- peaux Verts," today at 8 p.m. in, Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. The play, a modern French co-: medy by Albert Acremant, will be given by an all-student cast speaking only in French. Prof. Charles E. Koella will direct the> production assisted by Bruce Hen- ry. Robert Mellencamp is in charge of the scenery with costumes by.......' Phyllis Pleycher. a> conducted by Prof. Marguerite Hood of the music school will also perform. On Miss Pons' program will be whose cumulative average and previous semester record is 2.0 or above. He is merely asked a few questions that may or may not pertain to his eligibility. But the athlete mentioned above, who found himself a couple honor points down after the fall semes- ter, had things somewhat tougher. When his average fell below 2.0, he automatically became ineligible. In order to have any chance at all of playing his sport, he had to petition the board for eligibility in the form of a letter to Smith ex- plaining all the factors involved. According to this particular ath - lete, there weresextenuating cir- cumstance which the board subse- quently took into consideration. NEXT, HE relates, he was re- quired to obtain from each of his current instructors a report of his progress in their respective courses for the first five or six weeks of the semester. This, he complains, was pro- bably the most difficult aspect of the whole process, because not all of his instructors were co- operative. After obtaining these reports, he had to file them with the board before his scheduled interview. Finally, after waiting in a line of athletes at Yost Field House, he appeared before the eligibility i' } * * for the annual Hophead Contest IforLomuist dominion. PROF. MOISE asked Prof. York is almost here. "Write funny stor- In this atmosphere there ap- ies and submit them, for crying peared to be little liklihood tha, out loud," he added. 'Bring them the 19 nations could come to any no lou hem ad. ri ng them agreement on unifying Korea. Ed- In or mail them in or send them uardo Zuleta Angel of Colombia, Sby a messenger or whatever!" reflecting the view of U.N. mem- M~ore than two hundred rep- Although Katherine Anne Por- br rsnsi a lspo resentatives from the faculty Atog ahreAn o-bers present, said Nam I1's pro- and student body will gather ter will be unavailable because of posal "doesn't correspond to real- at 7:30 p.m. today in the Stu- poor health, a famous lecturer is ity." aetaut y L:0pm oauneo thet promised for the May 11 presenta--_________ dent-Faculty Lounge of the tion of awards. There will be a $20 League for the Literary College (istpiz, 1 dllrseon rie Steering Committee's confer- first prize, $10 dollar second prize, ence on "The Role of the and a third prize of travel. Contest Grade," to which the public is cses Fiday midnight. also invited. He who enters may very likely win," Pike confided. "Aeeeeh!" WASHINGTON-P)-A special court of inquiry yesterday recom- Carver Receives Award mended against disciplinary ac- tion for Col. Frank H. Schwable, - -~ I45, flying Marine, but said, his false confession of gei'm warfare in Korea had "seriously impaired" his military career. Bishops Lo! Here the Gentle Lark," Rachmaninoff's "Vocalise, Op. 34, No. 14," Bachelet's "Chere Nuit" and Verdi's "Caro Nome" from "Rigoletto." The orchestra r wil play Beethoven's "Overture to Egmont" and 'Symphony No. 7 in A major, Op. 92," along with Res- y pighi's "Pines of Rome," during the concert. Five other concerts .will also be a given, coming at 8:30 p.m. Friday, 2:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. Saturday and 2.30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. Sun- day. Tickets for the concerts may be purchased in the University Mu-! MARGARET GOEBEL, '57 will play the young, lively Parisian who comes to live with her relatives,I four old maids whose household' is pious and dull. The capricious girl shocks the sisters with her gay and worldly ways. Convinced that the eldest sis- ter, Telade, played by Lois Bin- etsky, '56, dominates and re- presses the others, the young girl, Arlette, decides to revive some interest in life for the oth- er old maids. Secretary of Defense Wilson, Navy Secretary Anderson and Gen. Lemuel Shepherd, Marine Corps commandant, approved the court's recommendation. ShepIer said in a statement he accepted the court's opinion that Schwable's conduct was "excus- able on the ground that it was the result of mental torture." WTolverineClub The Wolverine Club will hold f- 1n nrnv n' n . 3 ! ; !' < ?:. " s: _ I ; :;; ;