PAGE FOUR C.ii ji G it AL i FL f TUI:un3A . Ai k"i. 21_ ]-qrid A V A:oOJLP.MJ.,y Al 1.11. Perspective On McCarthy PROBABLY the most serious charge against Senator Joseph McCarthy is that he has distorted the issue of Com- munism and, in doing so, has endangered the basic liberties upon which this nation's existence rests. Today, when everything for which McCarthy stands is being determin- edly challenged, we are in danger of the same kind of distortion in the opposite direction. There is no doubt, first of all, that the Senator's position is being challenged. Aroused by his bout with the Army, people across the nation who viewed his career in silent disgust or who were not quite sure of their stand have come forth to show publicly their opposition to McCarthy. For instance, there are thousands of petitions now being circulated by various and un- connected groups asking Congress to cur- tail the Senator's powers or calling for his dismissal from the Senate. One group in Wisconsin has distributed recall petitions. We can not deny the growing anti-Mc- Carthy sentiment. But we can caution against the same loss of perspective that characterized McCarthyism, and which has greatly contributed to anti-McCarthyism through its being relentlessly called to the nation's attention. In McCarthy's snowballing distortion, anti- Communism be ame the ideal merely because it was against Communism. We were forget- ing why we were against Communism. Thus, the resulting disregard for freedom made anti-Communim dangerous. Now the trend is shifting and anti-McCarthyism is becom- ing more fashionable for the reason that it is against McCarthy. We are forgetting why we are against McCarthy. This too could be dangerous. What all this means is that we are not keeping the issue in the proper prospective. Whether the rise of McCarthyism has been the chief cause of this is not really import- ant. It is important, instead, to get bac in the right perspective. And that perspective is this: the basic is- sue is the retention of the basic liberties upon which the Constitution founded the Ameri- can democracy. Communism is not an issue in itself, but significant only because it threatens our nation's liberty and exist- ence. McCarthyism is not an issue in itself, but important only because it endangers our democratic principles. Keeping the problem in such a per- spective is necessary in solving it. We must deal with the threats of Communism and McCarthyism within the context of our liberties. We must not fight in such a way that we fling our freedom away in a fit of self preservation. In curtailing the Senator's power of mis- chief, we must not take away his freedom of making noise. In circulating petitions to re- move him from the Senate, we must remem- ber that we are doing so to remove a danger to our democracy, not just to dislodge some- one we have been told is a menace. As we should do with Communists, we should make him powerless but not suppress him. -Jim Dygert The Grade Problem ONE VISITING lecturer has attributed to University students a "leaping sort of vitality, just short of hellishness." It's to the credit of the campus community that it can and does offer plenty of chan- nels through which the student can project his vitality and abilities. There are, if any- thing, too many such opportunities. Ideally, each of these channels should come up periodically for a thorough ap- praisal, enabling those it affects to judge Just where it's headed and what good it's doing. This unfortunately, is rarely done-- with the result that students are usually bewildered by the respective values of the "thousand things" they've got to finish by tomorrow, or next week, or the semes- ter's end. Most prominent among these free-running channels is the universal problem of The Grade. How much significance should it have? Should the student, always subject to its power, consider it an end in itself or an incidental means to the broader goal of a well-exploited educational career? Should he strive for a high academic record at the expense of other educational facets? Or should he attend occasional classes in carefully-chosen "snap courses," giving preference to social and extra-aca- demic gains? Somewhere, we're told, there's a balance. Having located a fine point of equilibrium between his varying interests, a student can proceed to get the most from each of them. But such a point is discovered only rarely, and by exceptional students. Meanwhile, the rest search vainly for an answer to the question of how great a part grades, and all that accompanies them, should play. Tomorrow night the Literary College Conference Steering Committee will pre- sent its contribution to this question in its conference on "The Role of the Grade." The committee will draw together both student and faculty members, from both sde o te m..a rn,4v-r.. in .h hn"P TODAY AND TOMORROW: The President & the Press "And What's New With You?" fettePJ TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste wil be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. By WALTER LIPPMAN1 " DO most earnestly believe," said Gen. Eisenhower last week speaking to the American Newspaper Publishers Associa- tion, "that the press should give emphasis to the things that unite the American people to that it gives to the things that divide them." This carries in it a serious criticism and manifestly it was meant to be one.j "News of events which divide may be .more1 spectacular than news of developments which unify. But a free press can discharge its responsibility to free people only by giv- ing all the facts in balance .. . could not reader-understanding be as powerful a cri- terion in newspaper offices as reader- in- terest?" This brings out into the open where it can be discussed the complaints, long current in high administration circles, that the newspapers made McCarthy powerful by giving too much space and too many headlines to him. If only the news editors would pay less attention to McCarthy and much more attention to news of events ahd of speeches on which all the American people are agreed, the McCarthy headaches would go away. I would like as an old newspaper man, who has worked with news editors but has never been one himself, to show why I think Gen. Eisenhower is quite mistaken. McCarthy's charges of treason, subversion, espionage, corruption, perversion, are news which cannot be suppressed or ignored. They come from a United States Senator, now the chairman of one of the big committees, and a politician until recently at least in good standing at the headquarters of the Re- publican party. When he makes such at- tacks against the State Department and the Defense Department, it is news which has to be published. Gen. Eisenhower feels that the news of these charges, which are notoriously unfair and in the great majority of all the cases unfounded, should be put "in balance" by the newspapers. That, I suppose, is what he means because it is difficult to imagine that he can ,mean anything else. But with what are the news editors to balance 'the news of McCarthy's charges? Not, I take it, with news of inspirational talks to the girl scouts. If the news of McCarthy's charges is to be balanced, it can be balanced only by news. about the truth or falsity of those charges. But where is the news editor to get the balancing news? He can print the answers of the accused, and of course the respon- sible newspapers always do. But the unsup- ported denial of an accused man will not balance a charge by a United States Senator operating with the whole apparatus of a Senatorial committee and of a staff and of! a whole reservoir of paid and voluntary in- formers. So the question remains, where is the news editor, seeking to have his paper "dis- charge its responsibility to free people by giving all the facts in balance" to get the facts to put in balance? He can get such facts only if the ma- 'Ia chinery for investigating the allegations of a McCarthy will bring out the facts should come from a government. It cannot be supplied by private citizens. The Iart of the evil is that an investigation by McCarthy is a persecution and it has not a judicial inquiry intended to develop the whole truth and to do justice. The news that would unite the American people, who have become so dangerously divided by McCarthy, would be the news that come out of full, fair, judicial investiga- tions in the whole field of subversion and security. The news editors cannot substitute themselves for good Congressional commit- tees, and out of their own resources provide the balancing facts which are not provided by these committees. NOR is that the whole of it. Gen Eisen- hower himself has a heavy responsiblity for the things he complains about-namely, that the news which would unite us has been overwhelmed by the news that divides us. It is the President of the United States, who is supposed to unite us, and it is from him, more than from any other source, that there must come the words and the deeds which are the news that unites us. But on the specious plea that he must "cooperate with Congress" he has allowed himself to be persuaded that that means cooperating with the abuse of the Congres- sional power. Thus the President has re- fused to make the news that would balance McCarthy's assault on the Executive branch of the government. Had the President stood up for the prerogatives of his office, had he done from the beginning what Secretary Stevens tried to do, had he refused to co- operate with this gross perversion of the Congressional power to investigate-that would have been news that the news editors would have been only too pleased to pub- lish. For they are Americans who would like to see the dignity of this government upheld. But what the tickers have been bringing into the newspaper offices has been the long but dreary and almost unbroken news of giving in, of men sacrificed under in- timidation, of surrenders, withdrawals, of bold words followed by weasel words, or appeasement and of retreat-of Stassen humiliated, of Dulles badgered, of the De- fense Department put in an uproar, while the White House has complained that the newspapers were not making it all look better than it is. Gen. Eisenhower is right in realizing that the news all this produces is not uniting the American people. But the remedy, the only sure and prompt remedy, is in his hands, if only he would use it, and not in the hands of the news editors. They cannot by an act of creative imagination paint a picture of a united and lucid and resolute people. But they would treat it as very big news indeed if it were reported reliably from Washington that a President had raised a standard to which the wise and honest can repair, know- ing that then, the rest is in the hands of God. (Copyright, 1954, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.) . -ichgr Float... To the Editor:{ ACCUSATIONS of hyper-sensi-1 tivity are the reactions that we expect from this letter, but this is not the case. We want to ex- press our resentment of the recent! Michigras float on Uncle Tom's Cabin, because the display given was symbolic of an unpleasant Period in Negaro history and A meet to discuss this question, as well as others pertaining to the present situation precipitated by the subpoenaing of students. All students are welcome to partici- pate and all campus organizations are invited to send representatives. -Etta Gluckstein, Chairman, Aca- demic Freedom Sub-commission * ' * Hfome-( rownt Fascism,, . , *' ; -,I'T r ;' t _ d 1 _ ,:r ?'. 1 y f _ j 5 / y _ t 1 !7 J y 2 - 1 .srio in N11 p'V C6 viatnvy U LAa! period well worth getting away To the Editor: from-a period of stereotype and +A~j su.' i a DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN prejudice. We found the presentation of such a serious problem, in such+ a ridiculous manner, to be in very bad taste. The performers and white onlookers, may have foundl this display amusing or "cute" or "fun to do," but slavery was neither cute nor funny. It was and still is serious, and will remain so, as long as prejudices are felt and stereotypes exist.+ We experienced a similar reac- tion three years ago, when wej saw a picture of a Negro child in+ a Chicago paper eating a slice of watermelon with an ol' straw hat< on his haid" and a big grin on his{ face. The photographers of this, newspaper had apparently thoughtJ this "cute" or "funny" but we found it in painfully bad taste. It is hard to explain the feel- ing that a Negro gets from this kind of dsiplay, but it seems as ifj he has been placed in a particular, peculiar, far-removed position. He is no longer a member of the3 human race, but specifically, a laughable buffoon for the white, ALICE SILVER'S editorial of last Tuesday states that the high- est cost of secret police activity is fear. But if this fear-fear to think, fear to inquire, fear to de- part from accepted opinions-so paralyzes the mind, that the body subsequently becomes helpless: then the highestcost is not fear It is fascism. Before our own eyes we are wit- nessing the establishment of a system to police political think- ing under the pretext of ferreting out espionage and subversion. The case of Daphne Price is an in- stance. Remember that she said: "The talk was really not what you would call of a subversive nature, but it did indicate a different phil- osophy of life than most Ameri- cans have, and that's what I was interested in." If your views correspond to those of Messrs. Velde, Clardy and McCarthy, you are within the area of safety. If not, your thinking lies with the area of "treason." Isn't The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Publication in it is construc- tive notice to all members of the University. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 2552 Administration Building before 3 p.m. the day preceding publication (before 11 a.m. on Saturday). TUESDAY, APRIL 27, 1954 VOL. LXIV, No. 142 Part 11 Actuarial Review Class will .meet '.ues., April 27, 3:30 p.m., 3201 Angell Hall for a calculus test. Doctoral Examination for Stanley Emanuel Seashore, Social Psychology; thesis: "Group Cohesiveness as a Factor in Industrial Morale and Productivity," Tues., April 27, 7611 Haven Hall, 2 p.m. Chairman, Daniel Katz. Doctoral Examination for Sister Helen Daniel Malone, Speech; thesis: "Ain Analysis and Evaluation of Phonemic Differences in the Speech of Boys and Girs at the Kindergarten, First, Second rirlsi i L y anct 1'.lirtirade Levels,. Tues. April man's amusement. This is a re- 27, East Council Room, Rackham Bldg., A limited number of University Ter- 2 p.m. Chairnian, H. H. Bloomer. trace of steps; we thought we race Apartments will be available be- were going forward. ginning in June for non-veteran Mich- "Mammies" and "pickininnies igan residents who expect to enroll for toncertas notammies am"e iine, the Summer Session and will be reg- are not to be ashamed of, because istered students for the academic year student Recital: Yvonne Schilla, stu- we are in a position of being 1954-55. Applications may be filed in dent of violin with Gilbert Ross, will "more sinned against than sin- the Student Affairs Office, 1020 Admin- be heard in a recital at 8:30 Tuesday . istration Building.{ evening. April 27, in Auditorium A of ning." These character manifesta- Angell Hall, when she will play works tions are direct results of white All veterans who expect to receive by Beethoven, Mozart, Corelli, Bach, and supremacy and discrimination. education and training allowance under Lasr Ms Schili issmajoringin strin We should think, however, that 1instruments and studies viola with SOi Public Law 550 (Korea G. I. Bill) must Robert Courte, cello with Oliver Edel, "liberal, understanding" white etsctorssignatures ToiFa and is playing the recital in partial ful- people of the twentieth century, turn DEAN'S N D HLYCERIFICA-filmment of thesrequirements for the would want to avoid this period TION in to Dean's office before 5 p.m. cel of Meuicd. Iw be awe May 3.BacelortoftheMubic dge.Ivwl e'ecause it is one of which, they i that the meaning of McCarthy's attempt to label the Democratic Party as the party of treason? Mrs. Silver states that her name was turned in because she visited Ed Shaffer in her capacity as a reporter. Was that an accident? Or is it an indication that a per- son these days can be considered suspect for conversing, exchanging ideas and associating with others? I I4 If we do not stop this trend, I believe we will have more than fear to cope with. In millions of copies, millions of i Have you thought of social work as a The University of Michigan Wolverine career? Here is an opportunity for you Band will present its annual Springa to learn about social work in a job Concert Wednesday evening, April 28. with a social agency. 8 p.m. in the Union Ballroom. Under Twenty-four summer jobs of ap- the direction of its conductor Mr.a proximately eight weeks' duration are George Cavender, the Band will presentl available in the Detroit Metropolitan a varied program which is sure to in- Area to interested junior and senior terest most everyone. There is no ad- college students. Compensation varies mission charge. from $20 to $35 per week. Some of the - jobs require residence on the premises; others are on a straight hourly basis. A variety of work Is available: A Parliamentary Procedure lecture 1. Recreational social work programs and discussion sponsored by the Union' 3. Programs for children in child care and League will be held tonight in Rooms 3-KLMN of the Michigan Un- institutions ion. Professor Edd Miller of the Speech 4. Service to members of the Armed Department will lead the meeting.j Fores ad thei familie Everyone is invited. Refreshments will 5. Work with mentally-ill patients and their families. should be ashamed. times a day, the newspapers drum We hope that fifty years from into our heads the external dan- now, some fraternity will not feel ger." Repetition takes the place that enough time has passed to of proof. Meanwhile an actual, im- resen Meim a n suh a minent, palpable internal danger mnner, ,is taking shape. manner.,ESae -Bret Hayes Hitler also thumped the tub Irene Stone about an "external danger." He publicized himself as the savior of the world from Communism. In No Rest for the Weary .. spite of what Hitler said about Communism, and in spite of the To the Editor: fact that many Germans believed (ON the Michigan Merry-Go- it, the world was forced to save Round with "Grew Wear'- itself, not from Communism, but snrrvv,&, from fascism. I4 I1 A ON - THE Washington Merry-Go-Round with DREW PEARSON *------- Attention Ye Young Progres- sives! Pause momentarily, defy' WASHINGTON. -- President Eisenhower tried to do a quiet favor for the' rail- roads the other day which backfired. A delegation of railroad presidents call- ed at the White House and asked him to do something about the "time-lage" bill, a proposal to force the Interstate Com- merce Commission to act on rate inicreases within sixty days. The man who did most of the talking was personable Bill Faricy, head of the American Association of Railroads, one of the ablest business representatives in Washington and a golfing friend of the President's. Faricy made some common-sense arguments that appealed to Ike regarding delays inside the ICC on rate increases. Wage increases are frequently granted well before the commis- sion grants rate increases, and it was argued that the ICC should speed up its work. So Ike promised to use his influence on Capitol Hill to get the time-lag bill through the Senate, and promptly phoned GOP Senate leader Bill Knowland of California. Knowland in turn talked to Senator Bricker of Ohio, chairman of the Senate Interstate Commerce Committee. This was what caused the backfire. Bricker is so sore at Eisenhower for blocking his Bricker Amendment that when he heard Ike personally was inter- ested he hit the ceiling. The time-lag bill, he let it be known, would continue to gather cobwebs. In fact, he indicated he would hold up any other bill the President favored. Bricker did this despite the fact that the Bricker law firm is paid a retainer by the Pennsylvania Railroad of around $35,000 to $40,000 annually, and despite the fact that he has done various favors for the railroads in the past. Hatred of Ike, it was all too evident, had surpassed the interests of hisI law firm. to make a last-minute deal to head off the Army-McCarthy showdown. Summerfield warned has cabinet colleague, Secretary of Defense Charlie Wilson, that McCarthy was preparing to blast Assistant Secretary Struve Hensel. McCarthy would "forget" the charges against Hensel, Summerfield said, if Wilson would call off the Army-McCarthy hearings . . . . But McCarthy's compromise move failed. Wilson found that the internal Revenue Bureau had already investigated the same charges and had given Hensel a clean bill .... Before McCarthy's broadside at Hensel, the Navy had launched an un- dercover campaign to promote him is Wil- son's eventual successor . . . . Senators are outraged over the tactics of McCarthy's private gumshoes, Don Surine and Jim Juliano. In their attempt to get the goods on Hensel, they browbeat his business part- ner, Arthur Pierson, for five hours, threaten- ing to subpoena, him if he refused to talk, But it was the way they located him that has the Senators furious. -COBALT SMUGGLING- NTELLIGENCE agents have received dis- turbing reports that an international smuggling ring is selling cobalt behind the Iron curtain. This is disturbing because cobalt is a magnetic metal that can be highly charg- ed with radioactivity, and scientists claim that an H-bomb, coated with cobalt will throw off such a poisonous dose of radio- active dust that it would kill everything in its path. If this type of cobalt bomb were exploded off the West Coast, the prevailing winds wouuld carry it across the United States and scientists estimate it could devastate a wide area from California to the East coast. That's why the Pentagon is alarmed over the cobalt smuggling. -JAPANESE FISHERMEN DYING-- HE twenty-three Japanese fishermen who aon r with rniintiua -, fvrn 6. Work with handicapped children Michigan Crib, Prelegal Society, nature, and glance to the rear. Write for an interview to:. Meeting tonight at 8 pxm., Mich- Oeo orms rzdaaei " Carers n Socal:Wrk" One of your most prized academic 'Carers n Soial ork"igan League. Speaker Prof. John Daw- Community Information Service son, of the Law School. "The Purposes platforms is being filched from 51 West Warren Avenue, Room 208 and Limits of Congressional Investiga- beneath you. Detroit , Michigan tions." All are invited. Following frugality to its rigid Indic aerthe most convenient tune finality, University utilitarians for an interview in Detroit. ]Political Science Rfound Table will have seen fit to further impress meet tonight at 7:45 p.m., Rackham PERSONNEL INTERVIEWS., Amphitheater. Prof. Ta for Cole ofj the student body with softly E TNhursday, April 29 Duke University will lecture on the Sprung 10,000 psi concrete and at- National Bank of Detroit will be at topic "Communism In Italy." The meet- mospheric backrests. Must the the Bureau of ppointments on April ing is open to the public. 29 to talk with June men graduates in ___ comparatively more comfortable LS&A about Management Training Episcopal Student Foundation. Tea old diag benches yield to their en- Programs in such fields as credit, trust, from 4 to 5:30 at Canterbury House. croaching substitutes-those mod- and general bank management. All students invited. ernistic mortuary slabs? If so, Bower Roller Bearing Co., Detroit, will thnwhotcrrhersugs have a representative on the campus The Congregational-Disciples Guild, then why not' carry their sugges- on April 29 to interview June men grad- Tea at Guild House, 4:30-6:00 p.m. tive theme to its ultimate conclu- uates in Bus. Ad, or LS&A for sales po- sion? Delicately engraved, with sitions. Museum Movies. "Carbon Fourteen" undersides completely enclosed Friday, April 30 and "Salmon Story" free movies shown they might be additionally em The Wurzburg Co., Grand Rapids, at 3 p.m. daily including Sat, and Sun. Mich., will visit the Bureau on April and at 12:30 Wed., 4th floor movie al- ployed as the last resting place for 30 to interview June men and women cove, Museums Building, April 27-May 3. the sacred bones of their beloved graduates in Bus. Ad. or LS&A for its IIdesigners. Sooner might the stu- Department Store Training Program. Young Democrats. Tonight at 730 dent body be able to sprawl cor- Students wishing to schedule ap- ' p.m. in Auditorium D of Angell Hall a pointments to see any of the companies thrilling debate will ensue on "Has fortably cross-legged on the yield- listed above may contact the Bureau McCarthy's term as a public servant ing tar of Route 66. of Appointments, 3528 Administration proved to be an asset to the country?" Granted! Vandals, tornadoes, BIdg., Ext. 371. Debating the pro side will be Prof. and snow ploughs frequently up- Bennett Weaver, Prof. Louis York, and SUMMER EMPLOYMENT Ken Mackness; con: Rev. Edward Red- root our old-time artistic eye-sore The Vita Craft Corporation will have man, Prof. Edwin Moise, and Charles benches, (not to say the amount a representative on the campus on Sleicher. Everyone is required to at- of paipt they must consume an- Wed., April 28, to interview undergrad- tend. nually,) thus keeping University uates who are Michigan residents about help on overtime pay, but now summer sales positions. Thererwill be La Sociedad Hispanica will meet to- R on ovime ay, bt ow- a group meeting on Tues., April 27, atI day at 7:45 p.m. in the Henderson 1 oh our aching backs! It looks as 4:15 p.m. in 4051 Administration Build- Room of the League. Mina Winslow if officials, following Mr. Benson's ing. For further information contact will show sides and alk on Peru. lead, are "Yanking" more than the Bureau of Appointments, Ext. 371. portant plans will be made for the picnic, poetry contest, and Mexico price supports. H. J. Heinz Co., Holland, Mich., is scholarship. Refreshments and dancing. Remember! Sticks and stones interested in hiring undergraduate men All members and anyone interested urg- may break our bones, but concrete for summer positions as station masters ed to attend. will surely provoke groanĀ§-or is? of receiving, salting and pickling sta- it smiles9 Because the people were so blinded by propaganda about Com- munism, they did not understand soon enough the need to unite against Hitlerism. It was only at the last moment that the United States, Great Britain and the So- viet Union got together to defeat fascism in World War II. Let us not wait until there is bloodshed before we put an end to the incipient, home-grown var- iety of fascism. -Mike Sharpe, Chairman Labor Youth League A A Sixty-Fourth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff .i 'I 4 tions in northern Indiana' and Michi- gan. For additional information con- tact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Administration Bldg., Ext. 371, Lectures University Lecture, auspices of the Program in Linguistics, "Learning Theory and Linguistic Typology," Jo- seph H. Greenberg, Professor of An- thropology, Columbia University,, Wed., Apr. 28, 4:15 p.m., Auditorium A, Angell Hall. Linguistics Lecture, auspices of the Linguistics Club, "Evidence for a Chad Family of Afro-Asiatic Languages," Jo- seph H. Greenberg, Professor of An- thropology, Columbia University, Wed., Apr. 28, 8 p.m., East Conference Room, Rackham Building. Academic Notices All Political Science Concentrates are --Harry Lunn..........Managing Editor invited to a coffee hour in the Hussey -V. A. Peckham Eric Vetter................City Editor Room of the Michigan League this aft- M. M. Fergusson Virginia Voss......Editorial Director ernoon at 4. Professor Taylor Cole, of Mike Wolff........Associate City Editor Duke University, and faculty members * * * Alice B. Silver..Assoc. Editorial Director of the Political Science Department will . . Diane D. AuWerter....Associates Editor be present. IA COIf lSSiOl . . . Helene Simon........ .Associate Editor Ivan Kaye..............Sports Editor SRE-CRC open meeting to plan the To the Editor: Paul Greenberg....Assoc. Sports Editor fall all-campus religious program, Lane Marilyn Campbell.....Women's Editor Hal Auditorium, 8 p.m. NUMBER of weeks ago, the Kathy Zeisler....Assoc. Women's Editor Academic Freedom Sub-coi- Chuck Kelsey ......Chief Photographer Inter-Guild Electorate meeting, 71____________________ p.m., Lane Hall. All delegates please mission of Student Legislature dis- attend or send a substitute. The meet- cussed the idea of a public meet- Business Staff ing will be short but very important, ing at which any student or facul- Thomas Treeger.....Business Manager ty member subpoenaed by the William Kaufman Advertising Manager S.R.A. Council supper meeting, Lane Clardy Committee would have the Harlean Hankin....Assoc. Business Mgr. Hall, 5:15 p.m. Installation of new offi- cers, opportunity to speak. The general William Seiden .,.....Finance Manager feeling of those present at this Anita Sigesmund..Circulation Manager time was that such a meeting ts would be of value, giving the cam- Telephone NO 23-24-2 The 48th Annual French Play. Le pus a chance to hear these stu- Cercle Francais will nresent "Ces Dames rdnts andi /n fonflty members A1 4 -ARMY VS. MC CARTHY- ENATOR McCarthy's chief advocate in- side the Eisenhower Administration, i