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April 23, 1954 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1954-04-23

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Lesson in


Legislature condemn Myron E. Sharpe
for his statement of non-cooperation with
the House Un-American Activities Commit-
tee and refuse to support him in the present
Motion number two: That SL affirm the
following fundamental principles:
1) The members of the educational com-
munity, as citizens, have all the constitu-
tional rights of any American citizen and no
special restrictions not imposed upon other
citizens should be imposed upon them,
2) Provided a faculty member, adminis-
trator, or student speaks or writes as a citi-
zen, clearly indicating he does not speak for
the educational institution with which he is
connected, he should be free- from institu-
tional or public censureship.
Sounds like some sort of a round robin
doesn't it?
The first motion came up in a lightning-
like proposal at Wednesday's Student Leg-
islature session, but time cut short dis-
cussion on it until next week.
Motion number two cites a portion of the
Legislature's November stand on academic
freedom. It was reaffirmed when Legislators
unanimously adopted a policy urging that
no subpoenaed student be subject to charges
by University disciplinary authorities "be-
cause of his refusal to testify."
Apparently the phrase "statement of non-
cooperation with the House Un-American
Activities" is the villain of the episode. It
shows an "un-American" attitude. But such
a stand lies within Sharpe's rights as a citi-
zen since the Committee's hearings are not
court proceedings. He has a right to call on
the Fifth Amendment and refuse to answer
the committee's questions.
Sharpe has "clearly indicated that he does
not speak for the educational institution
with which he is connected." It should fol-
low from the previous stand taken by the
Legislature that he should be free from
"public censureship."
So the proposal condemning Sharpe Is
in essence a turn-about motion, diame-
trically opposed. to the spirit of SL's No-
vember stand.
It is to be hoped that at next week's ses-
sion when the question comes up for a vote,
Legislators will have more than a five-
month old memory.
Becky Conrad
GOP Variety
RECENT POLICY statements made b
high Administration officials concerning
Indo-China might well cause the American
people a great deal of anxiety. Especially
interesting has been the deliberate, cleverly
engineered "education," or conditioning, of
public opinion in regard to using U.S.
troops in Indo-China.
When the Indo-Chinese question began
to take on major proportions "several
months ago, It will be remembered, there
wasn't the slightest indication that the
Republican Administration was consider-
ing an "entanglement" action in Indo-
China similar to "Truman's War" in Kor-
ea, toward which the GOP directed a great
deal of partisan criticism. Indeed, at that
time, it would have been political suicide
for the GOP to have imposed suddenly
upon the American people, without any
"conditioning," an action which they had
roundly denounced (i.e. armed U.S. in-
tervention, including use of troops, in a

far-off corner of the world).
There are reports from responsible offi-
cials that the decision to use U.S. troops in
Indo-China, if need be, was made long be-
fore Vice-President Nixon's "off-the-record"
comment to that effect. Administration
comments had been coming closer and clos-
er to outright advocation of sending troops
to Indo-China. The final step was taken by
Nixon, and it is now an accepted probability,
The significance of all this is that the
American people are being led, being con-
ditioned, into accepting a policy of utmost
dubiousness, without the careful delibera-
tion and debate vitally necessary in a true
democracy. In other words, the Ameri-
can public is having the wool pulled over
its collective eyes.
The impracticality of sending and supply-
ing troops over 5,000 miles of ocean; the in-
evitably adverse effect of such a move on the
Asiatic masses "(a sure consequence of Am-
erican men entering Indo-China before the
Chinese Reds do, combined with the already
suspicious fires of nationalism fanned by the
Communists; the morally and legally ques-
tionable entrance of foreign troops (U.S.)
into a civil war; the grave possibility, even
probability, of American troop entrance in-
to Indo-China sparking a third world war-
all these factors should be carefully weigh-
ed, publicly and fully, before any decision,
is made.

Washington Merry-Go-Round


"Just A Minute, Brother - I Was Here First"




WASHINGTON-The secret of the A-
bomb may have been carefully guarded
at Los Alamos, but not more so than the
present whereabouts of Dr. J. Robert Op-
penheimer, the man who presided over Los
Alamos. Five Life magazine photographers
and news-sleuths have been scouring 'the
area where Oppie is supposed to be hiding
out, but so far not one fleeting, slithering
glimpse of him.
All week the Oppenheimer loyalty hear-
ing has been taking place in Washington,
but where nobody knows. Neither the
three-man loyalty board nor the doctor
himself can be located.
Lloyd Garrison, attorney for the atomic
scientist, is just as mysterious as his client.
He shuns hotels, is hidden out in a private
residence, goes occasionally to the law of-
fice of his partner, ex-treasury counsel Ran-
dolph Paul. Photographers have finally hit
on the strategy of waiting for him at Paul's
office to tail him home.
However, though the Oppenheimer hear-
ings are a better-kept secret than the hydro-
gen bomb, word has leaked out that the
three-panel board has been giving Oppie a
rough time. First, they raised cain with him
for releasing the text of his reply to Atomic
Energy Commission charges-though it had
been specified in writing that he had every
right to do so. The White House also was
irked at the release. So now they have de-
manded that Oppenheimer be like the pro-
verbial brass monkeys-say nothing, do
nothing, see nothing.
At Lydia Mendelssohn . .
wood Award play by Eugene J, Hochman,
produced by the Department of Speech
' THEIR recent history of producing
student-written plays, the Speech De-
partment has offered what is presumably
the cream of student effort here-namely,
dramas that have been awarded Hopwood
prizes in the annual contests here every
spring. Although plays written by non-pro-
fessionals can be expected to have short-
comings, it has been sad to note that the
last four such plays (including "Shadow and
the Rock," "Live on Air," and "Summer
Solstice") have all had just about the same
faults. They have been dull. They have had
no guts. While all have centered around a
love situation, the substance of this love
was of Saturday Evening Post caliber. They
have been the kind of plays you would not
be ashamed to take your mother to see.
While they have had technical facility, this
should not be confused with technical im-
agination. All have seemed, to a greater or
lesser degree, like laboratory exercises.
Mr. Hochman's play unfortunately is
certainly no better than its predecessors.
In general, it has been handsomely mount-
ed by the Speech Department and very
well acted. Miss Claribel Beird's direction
is up to her usual high standard and she
succeeds in making fluid much of the
play's romantic dialogue. Beyond this,
however, the- production gives the aud-
ience nothing for three acts that is re-
motely dramatic; they are shown no char-
acters, only stereotypes of quaint village
folk; and, worst of all, they are expected
to accept an emotional "message"-that
the spirit of France, in the person of a
melancholic ballet dancer, can be made
to rise again-when there is nothing apart
from static dialogue to convey this.

The play is about love and hope but the
audience is offered nothing concrete, in
terms of hate and despair, with which to
find contrast. All the feeling in the play is
talk of feeling; the only real resistance any
of the characters meet is expressed by a
bomb thrown from a shadow offstage. And
even this menace is quickly disposed of in
a moment by a young girl.
Since there is no villain, the hero must
find his antagonist-that mysterious "en-
nui"-somewhere in the atmosphere. In a
ballet prologue and a couple Hameltian
soliloquies, this trick is attempted, but not
successfully. Even Hamlet needs his Claud-
ius. Communist shadows offstage will not
furnish substitute. We are never told why;
Francois does not dance, and we can only
presume that the reason he changes his
mind at the end is because of the fortuitous
arrival of a female American hostleer, who,
I really think, is supposed to represent the
Marshall Plan.
Actors Paul Rebillot and Henriette
Hermelin do their utmost to put the lead
parts across; they are the only characters

Two key witnesses at the hearing have
been Gen. Leslie Groves, head of the entire
atomic energy project; and Gen. Fred Os-
born, U.S. delegate to the UN Commission
on Atomic Energy. Both were favorable to
Oppenheimer. Osborn testified that when
he was appointed to the UN atomic com-
mission, Oppie warned him that the Rus-
sians were trying to steal the secret of the
atom bomb and to be on his guard.
* * *
PENTAGON REPORTS persist that a deal
is in the works to save face for Joe Mc-
Carthy. Roy Cohn, brilliant bubbling coun-
sel of the McCarthy committee, would get
the ax, also John G. Adams, counsel for the
Army. . . . Adams' skirts are in the clear
except on one thing. His sense of humor
has a low boiling point. He'll wisecrack at
the drop of a paper clip. And his wisecracks,
when recorded on tapped telephone wires,
don't come over as wisecracks. Some of
them are going to come out in Senate hear-
ings and may embarrass the Army.
* * *
RpOLY-POLY Senator Mundt of South Da--
kota has announced that the charges
against the Army, Roy Cohn, and Senator
McCarthy cover "no acts of corruption pun-
ishable by law."
However, the genial gentleman from
South Dakota did not study law at Carle-
ton College. Like Dick Nixon, he majored
in public speaking and is today president
of the National Forensic League, editor of
the Rostrum, and associate editor of the
Speaker. And while Mundt is using his
forensic talents in the tough job of pre-
siding over the McCarthy probe, he should
also retain a good legal expert to see how
many laws Cohn, McCarthy and the Ar-
my may have violated. If so, he will find
that they may well have volated no fewer
than 13 dfferent statutes. Here are part
of them:
SECTION 1505 of the criminal code
makes it a criminal offense "by threats or
force" to endeavor "to influence, intimidate,
or impede any witness in any proceeding
.. . in connection with any inquiry or in-
vestigation being held by either house or
any committee of either house." Messrs.
McCarthy's and Cohn's threat that the Ar-
my would get smeared and that Secretary
Stevens would lose his job if Private Schine
was not transferred back to New York,
would seem to come under section 1505.
SECTION 1913 forbids the use of govern-
ment funds "to pay for any personal service
. . . intended or designed to influence in
any manner a member of Congress." If
either Secretary Stevens or Army Counsel
Adams gave any special favors to Private
Schine, this statute might be involved.
SECTION 371, as interpreted by the Su-
preme Court in Haas vs. Hankel. 216 U.S.
462, covers any conspiracy "for the purpose
of impairing, obstructing, or defeating the
lawful functions of any department of gov-
ernment." If Private Schine's military duty
was used as a pawn in negotiations between
McCarthy and Stevens, this section may
have been violated
SECTION 201 covers offers of any "thing
of value" to influence either a govern-
ment department or a Congressional com-
mittee. If Adams was offered a valuable
law partnership,as indicated in the alle-
gations, in return for transferring Schine,
this section might have been violated.
SECTIONS 202, 215, and 214 cover the
same queston of influencing a government
official with a job offer, such as a law part-
nership. ,
SECTION 872 covers extortion. If Mc-
Carthy's charge that Private Schine was
held as a "hostage" is true, then extortion
would be involved
N* *E

SECTION 1018 covers false statements by
public officials. Cohn claims that Pri-
vate Schine needed to get special leave from
Fort Dix in order to work on McCarthy
committee reports. If untrue, and if Schine
was seen in New York night clubs as re-
ported, then Cohn may have violated this
section, provided he made the statements
in writing.
If McCarthy concurred in any false
statements by Cohn regarding Schine's
leave, then he might have been guilty of
violating section 371, the conspiracy sec-
Or if McCarthy and Cohn conspired with
Private Schine to induce him to violate any
articles of war, especially article 107 dealing
with false statements, such as week-end
passes, they might have violated section 371.
So the genial Senator from South Dakota,
who specialized in public speaking rather
than law, may have overlooked a lot of
laws. And when he said that no "treason"
was involved, he obviously overlooked section
2387 of the criminal code, which specifically
"Whoever, with the intent to interfere




*Ptk !5

(Continued from Page 2)
gan-Teacher needs: Elementary: Anl
grades. High School: Mathematics;
General Science. Located just north of
Detroit proper. Carson City Michigan-
Teacher needs: Librarian; Football and
Baseball Coach; Girl's Physical Educa-
tion. Located 45 miles N.W. of Lansing.
Thurs., April 29-Fremont, Michigan
-Teacher needs: Elem. Art; High
School Phys. Ed. for Girl's; Jr. High
Math; Located 25 miles N.E. of Muske-
if you would like to be interviewed
by either or more of the above School
Representatives, contact tle Bureau of
Appointments, 3528 Administration
Bldg., NO 3-1511, Ext. 489. It is advis-
able to call at least a day in advance
to be sure there will be time available
for you.
Tuesday, April 27
Mandel Brothers, Chicago, Ill., will
have a representative at the Bureau of
Appointments on April 27 to interview
June men and women graduates in
Bus. Ad. or LS&A for the department
store's training program.
Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co. In
Detroit will visit the campus on April
27 to interview June and August men
graduates in Bus. Ad. or LS&A for life
insurance sales positions.
Tues. and Wed., April 27 and 28
Michigan Bell Telephone Co. will
have a representative at the Bureauon
April 27 and 28 to talk with June wo-
men graduates in all fields about the
company's various administrative and
supervisory training programs.' Women
who are expecting degrees in Math.,
Physics, or Chemistry will be inter-
viewed for Technical Aide positions in
the Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Wednesday, April 28
The LaSalle & Koch Co., Toledo, Ohio,
Division of R. H. Macy & Co., will be
on the campus on April to interview

The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
geveral interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

justify her sacrificing others to June men ad wmen grduesi
.Bus. Ad. or LS&A for Its Department
A "the cause." Or she could refuse to Store Training Program.
To the Editor: see her friend, on account of his Argus Cameras, Inc., Ann Arbor, will
i Communist connectin-the moral have a representative at the Bureau on
"INFORMANT" is a nasty word; equivalent of -refusing to be seen April 28 to talk to June and August
it is in that respect like "stool- with a person because he is a Ro- men gheptics fin sicsd,and tograduates
pigeon" and "quisling." Who will man Catholic, say, or a Negro. in Engineering and LS&A for various
dare to defend one that the whole trainee -positions in such fields as Sales,
campus seems to condemn? If I She has decided that the alter- Quality Control, Accounting, service,
may, I shall. Let those who are native she chose was morally and Engineering.
presently afraid of persecution re- wrong. She would have felt the , I. Cse Co., LnsAg ich., will
sameabot eiherof te ohervisit the campus on April 28 to inter-
call t h a t criminal prosecutors same about either of the other view June men graduates in Bus. Ad.,
must have some source of evidence. choices. The trouble was that, for LS&A, or Engineering for its Sales
Many just cases would have failed hr. Communism was itself not a Training Program. The company, who
hadno soeoe trnd i vlu moral issue but just somethingi are manufacturers of power farm ma-
had not someone turned in val-hat couldmaketrublefothinery, would prefer that candidates
able information. Does the fact tfor positions have a farm background,
that a girl betrayed her date dis- you got too close! Had she made Students wishing to schedule ap-
gus you? Does it seem immoral? a personal moral decision for or pointments to see any of the com-
Then remember that true liberty is against Communism, she would panies listed above may contact the
founded not on loyalties to per- have been spared her other indeci- Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin-
sons but on loyalty to ideals. Re- slion. Had she been for Commun- istration Bldg., Ext. 371.
member that her date has rece-tlyism, she could have followed the SUMMER EMPLOYMENT
been an admitted card-carrying second alternative with a clear The Vita Craft Corporation will have
member of the Communist Party, conscience. Had she been against a representative on the campus on
fact, not a charge If he does it. she could have told her friend: Wed., April 28, to interview undergrad-
"I hearyou'vehaen!a Cohmunest. suates who are Michigan residents about
not subscribe to Communist poli- I hear you've been a Communist. summer sales positions. There will be
cies, he would have quit long ago. You know that I'm not one; that a group meeting on Tues., April 27, at
Which is the stronger loyalty, to I'll tell the FBI if I ever catch you 4:15 p.m. in 4051 Administration juid-
a man who brands himself "sub-plottin against the government; ing. For further information contact
versive" or to free elections be- and that in any case I'll take ev- the Bureau of Appointments, Ext.'371.
tween more than one candidate, to ery opportunity to show you how PERSONNEL REQUESTS
the very freedom of speech and ttmy faith offers more than Com- U. S. Navy Underwater sound Lab-
thought you support? Remember munism can. If, knowing this, you oratory, New London, Connecticut, is
still want that date, I'll be honor- offering career opportunities in elec-
whatrightsyou would hav ed to accept your invitation" She tronics research and development to
express your views in the U.S.S.R.y n interested graduating and graduate stu-
The Communist, like any other might lose her man, but not his dents in electronic or mechanical en-
potential lawbreaker, deserves at repet As it is, sheha lost boh gineering or physics.
Sheenhad not makerpdhsrvminatson Francisco Naval shipyard, Call-
all times to be watched-and that She had not made up her mind fornia, is interested in hearing from
is for your protection, not McCar- about Communism as a moral is- graduating engineers for job openings
thy's. sue. But can we blame her alto- in its Design Division.
Mrs. Silver is afraid. She admits gether for that negligence? The The American Society of Heating &
si s he am facts one needs in making such a ventilating Engineers, New York City,
it by saying she was in the same ahas two openings for graduates in
room with "the graduate student," decision are not always readily Mechanical Engineering, Physics, or
and her name got sent to the available in a state university. It Electrical Engineering in its Research
F.B.I. But it is not this which is not a university's business to Laboratory in Cleveland, Ohio.
raises doubts about her; rather it make up students' minds for them Ridge Farm, Lake Forest, Ill., a Child-
ren's Residential Treatment Center, is
is her own lack of courage. Yes, -it is a university's business to interested in hiringrmen or women for
Mrs. Silver, coward you are for provide them with full informa- its houseparent staff at the present time
joining the persecution of a girl tiOn on major issues, so that they! or at the close of the semester.
who needs mnore sympathy than may make up their own minds s Atlas Poder Coh, Wlmington, Del.,
-ethat our country's future leader- (has job opportunities for a Chemist
Judgment,(MS. or Ph,' D.) and a Chemical En-
Ah, you say, well can be afford ship may have strong convictions gineer (M.S or Ph.D.).
to write, for he is not among those based on sound understanding. The Engineer Center, U. S. Army,
whose names were turned in. This State iniversities should have Fornt Bor Va will accept applica-
is true. Let me then say that I Departments of Religion to furnish engineers.
believe my lack of contact with information about the major reli- West Side Community House, Cleve-
the persons subpoenaed (and oth- gions, including Communism. land, Ohio, is offering its Fifth Annual
Summer Workshop in Group Leader-
ers like them) is one of the seri- Teaching religion (which must be ship from June 28 to August 13. Stu-
ous deficiencies in my own educa- done by believers-not necessarily dents majoring in sociology, education
tion here. No one can well oppose good scholars) has no place in a and psychology are particularly urged
what he does not understand, and state university, but teaching adife College, Cambridge, Mass.,
every believer in western demo- about religion (which must be done will conduct an intensive six weeks,
cracy should know Communist by good scholars-not necessarily summer course in Publishing Proced-
doctrine inside out. The issues- it believers) is a very different mat- ures from June 23 to August 3. The
presents are essential to an under- .ter, and a proper activity for any program is designed for college grad-
uates who wish to prepare themselves
standing of our time. As a past school. for employment in book or magazine
president of the campus UNESCO --Helen M. Kuhns publishing. Applications must be filed
Council I had the valued oppor- - ------ - ------------ by June 1st.
tunity to discuss Communist be- Smith College School for Social Work,
liefs with some of the Komsomols Northampton, Mass., has announced its
1954-55 programs for graduate study.
working with me in the organiza- j Needham, Louis & Brorby, Inc., Chi-
tion. Moreover, I have been ex-;1 + + cago,' Ill., an advertising agency, will
posed to subversive literature, for tf l Uhave a number of office positions open
for women June graduates I nacp fteCmuit;Jcmay n all de-
I own a copy of the Communist partments of the company.
Manifesto, given to me by Ralph For additional information concerning
Muncy of the Socialist Labor Pat- Sixty-ourth Year - the opportunities listed above, contact
ty (a party which once participat- IEdited and managed by students the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Ad-
ed in the Commintern). I have; the University of Michigan under the ministration Bldg., Ext. 371.
read and annotated it four times.i authority of the Board in Control of
Capital and Stalin's essays on Dia- student Publications Lectures
lectical Materialism are other The Thomas Spencer Jerome Le-
works in my possession; every Am- Editorial Staff ture, "The Golden House of Nero," by
erican should read them. How else Harry Lunn..........Managing Editor Axel Boethius, Professor of Classical
can one know and smash the in- Eric Vetter..............City Editor Archaeology and History at Goteborg
tellectual seduction that Commun- Virginia Voss.........Editorial Director University, Sweden, Fri., April 23, 4:15
ism represents? My wish, Mrs. Sil- Mike Wolff........Associate City Editor p.m., Rackham Amphitheater.
Alice B. Silver..Assoc. Editorial Director
ver, to have been in on some of Diane D. AuWerter....Associate Editor Lecture. Professor C. G. J. Vreeden-
those apartment bull-sessions is Helene Simon .........Associate Editor burgh, of the University of Delft, Hol-
more "damning" than your ad- Ivan Kaye................Sports Editor land, will lecture on Mon.. April 26,
that iPaul Greenberg....Assoc. Sports Editor at 4:15 p.m., in 329 West Engineering
Marilyn Campbell......Women's Editor Building, on "The Moire Method for
nocent bystander. Let the F.B.I. Kathy Zeisler....-Assoc. Women's Editor Experimental Study of Structural Slabs
clip this letter. Its writer has noth- Chuck Kelsey,....Chief Photographer and Domes." This lecture is jointly

Preliminary Examinations in Lin-
guistics. The next series of preliminary
examinations for the doctorate in the
Program in Linguistics will be given
on Fri., May 14, and Sat., May 15. Stu-
dents intending to take any or all of
these examinations are asked to report
to Professor Yamagiwa, 2021 Angell
Hall, before April 30.
Graduate Examination In Zoology.
Parts 3 and 4 of the Graduate Exami-
nation in Zoology will be given on Sat,
April 24. Part 3. 9-12 a~m; Part 4, 2-
p.m., Auditorium B. Angell Hall,
Doctoral Examination for John Wal-
lis Creighton, Jr., Wood Technology;
thesis: "The Relationship between
Lumber Quality and Conversion Cost
in Furniture Plant Rough Mills," Fri..
April 23, 1048B Natural Science Build-
ing, at 1:30 p.m. Chairman, F. E. Dick-
Doctoral Examination for Gaylord
Kirkwood Finch, Chemistry; thesis:
"The Effect of Alkyl Groups in Nitro
and Nitroso Phenols," Sat,, April 24,
3003 Chemistry Bldg., at 11 a.m. Chair-
man, W. R. Vaughan.
Composers' Forum, 8:30 Friday even-
ing, April 23, Auditorium A, Angel
Hall. Compositions by Leslie Bassett,
Fred Coulter, David Tice, Wayne Slaw-
son. Roland Trogan, Fred Fox, and Ed-
ward Chudacoff. Performers: University
Woodwind Quintet, Nelson Hauensten,
flute, Albert Luconi, clarinet, Lare
Wardrop, oboe, Ted Evans, French horn,
Lewis Cooper, bassoon; Andrew Bro-
kema, baritone; Leslie Bassett, trom-
bone, John Dudd, clarinet; Diana Sims,
Jane Stoltz, Carolyn Lentz, violin, David
Ireland, George Papich, and Jean Boni,
viola; Camilla Heller, cello; Anita Ba-
sett, Fred Coulter, Bruce Wise, and
David Tice, piano. The program will
be open to the general public without
Student Recital. Carol Van Asselt,
pianist, will be heard in a recital at
4:15 Sunday afternoon, Apri 25, in
Auditorium A, Angell Ball. The pro-
gram will include compositions by
Bach, Griffes, Mozart, and Chopin,
and will be open to the public. It is
being played in partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the degree of
Bachelor of Music. Miss Van Asselt is a
pupil of Ava Comin Case.
Student Recital. Jule Foster, pianist,
will present a program in the Fack-
ham Assembly Hall at 8:30 Monday
evening, April 2, at partial fulfill..
ment of'the requirements for the Mast-
er of Music degree. A pupil of Mary
Fishburne, Mr. Foster will play com-
positions by Bach, Beethoven, Roy
Harris, and Brahms. The general publie
is invited.
Events Today
Forum on College and University
Teaching. Fourth Session, April 23, 3-
4:30 p.m. Auditorium C, Angell Hall
Topic: Teaching the Individual.
Symposium: "What Research Shows
About Variations in Student Abilities"
Warren A. Ketcham, Assistant Profes-
sor of Education; "Challenging the Su-
perior Student-Methods Used in the
English Department"-Warner 0. Rice,
Chairman of the Department of Eng-
lish Language and Literature; "Exam-
pIes from Other Institutions of Ways
to Individualize Instruction and Learn-
ing"-Algo D, Henderson, Professor of
Higher Education.
Department of Astronomy. Visitors'
Night, Fri., April 23, 8 p.m. Dr. Free-
man D. Miller will speak on "The So-
lar System." After the illustrated talk
in Auditorium "B," Angell Hal, the
Students' Observatory on the fifth floor
will be open for telescopic observation
of Jupiter and Saturn, if the sky is
clear, or for inspection of the telescopes
and planetarium, if the sky is cloudy.
Children are welcomed, but must be
accompanied by adults.
Deutscher Verein. All members are
urged to visit the "Pfefferkuchenhaus"
booth at Michigras Friday and Sat-
urday nights. Members of the Ger-
man Club will present a Hansel and
Gretel puppet play, and gingerbread
will be sold,
Acolytes. Meeting tonight at in the
East Conference Room of Rackham
Building. Professor Virgil C. Aldrich
of Kenyon College will read a paper
entitled "Modes of Awareness and Ex-
S. R. A. Coffee Hour, Lane Hall, after
the Michigras Parade. Display of oil
painting, etchings, and lithographs by
Bong-Yol Yang continuing in Lane
Hall Lobby. Everyone welcome.
The Inter-Arts Union will hold its
weekly meeting 2 p.m. at the League.
Committee chairmen are requested to

Wesleyan Guild. Meet in the lounge
tonight at 8 p.m. if you want to go to
Michigras with a group. Hope YOU
The Congregational-Disciples Guild.
Graduate-Professional Group at Guild
House, tonight 7:55 p.m. Professor Wed-
dige, "Modern Art."
Episcopal Student Foundation. Tea
today from 4 to 5:30 at Canterbury
House. All students invited,
Episcopal Student Foundation. Can-
terbury Club, 7:30 p.m. tonight at
Canterbury House. Professor William
Alston will speak on "The Christian and
Morality: Is There an Absolute Moral
Coming Events
African Union will meet Sun., April
25, in Room 3F, Michigan Union, at
8 p.m. Professor Stanley A. Cain, Chair-
man of the Department of Conserva-
tion, School of Natural Resources, will
speak on problems of development in
Africa. The public is cordially invited.
Kindai Nihon Kenkyu Kai. Udon
Party. Japanese noodles, beef teriyaki.
and green tea. Lane Hall Basement, 204
S. State, 6 p.m., Sat., April 24. Every-
body welcome. Small charge for all you
can eat. Purchase tickets at the Cen-
ter for Japanese Studies Library, H-
618, Haven Hall, or at the door.
Graduate Mixer, sponsored by the
Graduate Student Council on Sat., Apr.
G ') -F- -~-,. n . finlrh I.-... mh A




ing to hide, and, despite the fact
that he seeks a career as a federal
civil servant, he has nothing to
fear. He has faith in the ultimate
justice of the American people,
their representatives, and their
-Richard La Barge, '54r
*M* *
(nnysitipr IMis Prie'p - -

Business Staf
Thomas Treeger......Business Manager
William Kaufman Advertising Manager
-Harlean Hankin. ...Assoc. Business Mgr.
William Seiden-.----Finance Manager
Anita Sigesmund - 4Circulation Manager
Telehhone NO)23-24-1

sponsored by the departments of Aero-
nautical Engineering, Civil Engineer-
ing, and Engineering Mechanics. All
who are interested in structures are
cordially invited.
Academic Notices
The Department of Biological Chen-
istry will hold a seminar in 319 West
Medical Building at 10 a.m., on Sat.,
Argi 94 h nni fnrriirimin m

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