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April 23, 1954 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1954-04-23

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Latest Deadline in the State CLOUDY AND COOLER



Joint Judis
Council Ups
Nu Sig Fine


Miehigras Here
For Gay Holiday








GYroup Involved1
In Illegal Party
Joint Judiciary Council has in-
creased to $500 the fine levied on
N4 Sigma Nu professional medical'
fraternity for serving intoxicants
to minors at a party held the night
of Caduceus Medical School Ball,
it was learned yesterday.
The fine was increased upon
recommendation of the Subcom-
mittee on Discipline, which re-
views all Judiciary cases. Original
fine levied was between 100 and





Study Group Ends
Public Hearings

of the Law School, chairman of
the three-man Subcommittee on
Discipline admitted that the com-
mittee "suggested that Joint Ju-
diciary review the case," but de-.I
clined to comment on what con-
siderations were involved in the
Another member of the Sub-
committee, Prof. Joseph E. Kal-
lenbach of the political science
department said "there were
other factors involved in the de-
cision. It wasn't just a matter
of serving drinks to minors."
Prof. Kallenbach did not say -Daily-Don Campbell
were considered in the recom-
Reportedly, however, among theB
"other factors" was that wom- , With a splendid procession, of color, Michigras will invade Ann
en under 21 years old had been Arbor at 3:30 p.m. today, lighting the fuse for a weekend of gaiety
found on the third floor of the and excitement.
fraternity house when police of- Students were working to the small hours of the morning today,
ficers walked in the night of the finishing floats that will carry out the Michigras theme, "Life is a
party, Feb. 20. Alcoholic beverages Book," in the spectacular parade. The parade will be divided into
were being served at the time., four groups of floats depicting four distinct stages of life.
ALTHOUGH such a request for THE FIRST GROUP, with such float titles as "Alice in Wonder-
a reconsideration on a fine levied land," is called the Pre-School group. Titles of books appropriate
by Joint Judiciary is not unprece- to the Grade School Division will* ----
dented, it is quite infrequent, be featured in the second group.
"About 99 per cent of the cases are, Chronologically, the third group S e is
left the way Judiciary settles will portray books considered in ors
them," according to Judiciary the High School Division and the
Chairman Lee Fiber, '54 .fourth group is entitled Adult
Missl Fiber reiterated the Joint Division.O n L te

The Student Affairs Study Committee wound up five months of
conducting public hearings on countless suggestions for forming a
newly constituted student government yesterday and set a date for
drawing up a draft of its findings and recommendations.
The group will reconvene May 6 and begin writing a brief con-{
taining information gathered since last November on student activi-
ties on campus for the purpose of '-'
co-ordinating them under a new
student government organization. nd
The final committee report will
be submitted to President Harlan
H. Hatcher for further action. Instructors
CHIEF accomplishment of the
group to date has been the crea-.K
tion of an 13 man Student Execu- L~
tive Committee (SEC) which
would probably supplant the Stu-
dent Legislature as the top stu-I Director of University Relations c
dentgLergislatureyastheftptu- Arthur L. Brandon said yesterday s
dent governing body if put intoh nwntig bu eot
effect.! he knew nothing about a report;
that three University instructors
The committee, chaired by have received subpoenas to appear STUDE
Prof. Lionel L. Laing of the po- before the sub-committee" of the
litical science department agreed House Un-American ActivitiesI
that recommendations submit- Cn ycC ai
ted to the President will consist Committee in"The University has made no
of decisions already reached by official announcement and as far
the group during its open hear- ofca noneetada a
as I know all information is stillf ause
ings. in the hands of the persons sub-
Yesterday's discussion centered poened," he concluded.
about considerations of: * * * "There are

Called False
(laims Force
Was Not Used
WASHINGTON- (P)--Secretary
of the Army Robert T. Stevens
gave the lie to Sen. Joseph Mc-
Carthy Thursday as the McCar-
thy-Pentagon row flared up into
stormy hearings before a nation-
wide television audience.
The Army secretary first accus-
ed McCarthy and his chief aides
of waging* a "persistent, tireless'?
campaign-the most strenuous one
in his official experience-to get
special treatment for Pvt. G, Da-
vid Schine.
* * *
THEN STEVENS labeled as "ab-
solutely false" McCarthy's charge
that Stevens urged,'him to "go af-
ter" the Navy and Air Force in-
stead of looking for Communists in
the Army's ranks.
"I never made any such state-
ment," Stevens declared. And
he denied, too, McCarthy's
charge that he tried to use the
Schine case as "blackmail."
And so ended, in the kind of di-
rect conflict that can lead to per-
jury charges against somebody,
the first day of hearings in the
short-tempered atmosphere of an
overcrowded, overheated hearing

-Daily-Lon Qui
rthy Proceedings
Various Opinions
more important things going on in the world, but theI

1) Financing the new SEC and
an examination of the current
methods by which campus groups
support their activities.
2) The creation of a forum
regulated by the SEC for the pur-
pose of airing student opinion reg-
ularly and making the group more
responible 'to its constituents..
3) Considerations of Regents by-
laws which might be outmoded if
the plan went into effect.
4) Discussion of the possibility

THE REFUTATION was in ref-
erence to a story appearing in yes-
terday's Detroit Free Press. The
story said that University officials
had released the information
about the instructors.
Brandon's denial is the sec-
ond in recent weeks concern-
ing alleged subpoenas to Uni-
versity instructors. On February
8, University Vice-President
Marvin L. Niehuss refused to

McCarthy hearings are interesting" a political science major said
yesterday, getting up from his front row seat in the packed Union
lobby where he had been watching the hearings for two hours.
~uro +110"lnn Jui,, inc hlf of -1 eta ibJtI l~iaroom-wihTVloodlghtslarid


More thnan jou persons, hailf oztnem standing, observeda the aay- 4ro-ihT lolgt lrn
long sessions on television in the Union. The cafeteria in the Union and spectators jammed together
abasement was- also crowced with in a perspiring mass,
TV spectators most of the day. McCarthy got in some licks, too,
Freud T aR - - -keven though he has removed him
REACTIONS of students includ- self from the Senate investigations
ed "Secretary Stevens was mas- subcommittee for purposes of this
gXA" APA {terful, especially when he made inquiry.

Judiciary policy of refusing to
discuss reasons for levying par-
tieular fines on groups or indi-
viduals and declined to comment
on considerations involved in the
original Judiciary decision on Nu
Sigma Nu or the review of the
Philip Anderson, '55M, president
of Nu Sigma Nu had "no com-
ment" yesterday on the increase in
the fine or the reasons involved.
Officers Make,
Union Council
Nine appointments to the Un-'
ion Executive Council for 1954-55
were announced yesterday by Tom
Leopold' '54, president of the
Keith Pohl, '56, and Merrill
Kaufman, '56E, were named co-'
chairmen of the Personnel and
Administration Committee. From
Muskegon Heights, Mich., Pohl is
a Phi Gamma Delta pledge. Kauf-
man is from Washington, C. H.,
Ohio, and a member of Sigma
Alpha Mu fraternity.
* * *
APPOINTED chairman . of the,
Publicity Committee, Jon Collins,
'56E, is a resident of Hayden
House, East Quad. He is from Flint.
The new Public Relations Com-
mittee chairman, is Todd Lief, '56,
a member of Zeta Beta Tau fra-
ternity from Glencoe, Ill.
Bob Blossey, '56BAd, from
Detroit was named chairman of
the Campus Affairs Committee.
The Dance Committee chairman
is Harvey 'Rutstein, '56. Rut-
stein, also from Detroit. is

Besides the floats, seven high'
school bands and several specialty
groups will lend a colorful variety
to the hour and a half affair.
To be televised by WPAG-TV
from Maynard and Liberty, the
parade will pass the Union where
the judges' reviewing stand has
been erected. The judges will
pick the first, second, and third
best float.
In case of rain, the parade will
be held at 10:30 a.m. tomorrow.
After the gala parade, festivi-
ties will resume at '7 p.m. today at
Yost Field House where shows,
rides, and prizes await everyone:!
Students finished decking out thes
usually drab Field House in gay
colors at 12:30 a.m. this morning
in preparation for the frolicing
carnival today and tomorrow.
New Route
A change in the Michigras
parade route was announced
yesterday by the Michigras Cen-
tral Committee.
The parade will stay on Main
Street to William where it will
turn toward Fourth Avenue. ItI
will then proceed on Fourth toj
Liberty and on Liberty to State.
Previously, the parade was
planned to turn from Main onto

Senior Board members yester-
day discussed a letter from Michi-
gan "Alumnus" managing editor
Harold M. Wilson alluding to "dis-E
crepancies" in the communication
the Board had previously asked
the "Alumnus" to publish.
The Board's letter concerned the'
Negro student recently barred
from speaking at a Detroit alum-
ni meeting. Wilson's note. address-
ed to John R. Black, '54Ed, presi-
dent of Senior Board, acknowledg-
ed receipt of the Board's letter.I
IT ADDED that T. Hawley Tap-
ping, editor-in-chief of the alumni
magazine wished to see Black in
order to correct certain errors in!
the letter. Tapping was unavail-
able for comment on the nature
of the errors.j
In accordance with previouslyj
passed motions, it was reported
that letters also have been sent
to the Detroit Alumni Associa-
tion and all alumni groups to
the same incident.
A motion was unanimously pass-
ed at the Board meeting in favor
of a modern stainless steel case
containing a map of the Univer-
sity area as the senior gift.
To be located on the southeast
corner of State and North Univer-I
sity streets, the case will have a
bronze M imposed upon it with a
plaque beneath naming the class
of '54 as the donors.

xyl v Ull ixul c

his closing statement in such a

* * *

of securing student support of the confirm or deny reports that forceful way that 'The Army has HE DENIED any "improper
SEC if it is okayed by the Presi- four to six instructors had been The profoundest accomplish- never coddled Communists'." pressure" by himself or his staff,
dent. subpoenaed to appear before the ment of Freud was that through ' One junior said he "hoped on Schine's behalf.
sub-committee headed by Rep. his psychoanalytical method he And he bitterly objected to
THE GROUP noted that the re- sub-comity h.)e bRdh psychspaltica met le something important comes out Stevens' speaking "for the Ar-
Kit Clardy (R-Mich.), made introspection a respectable o hs erns"Ohr e y"H lse h rysc
Gently approved twenty-five cent pris adPof ai esa of these hearings.~ Others de- my." He blasted the Army sec.
cetyapoe!tet-iecn At the same time he also de- ;process, said Prof. David Reisman Glared they were "glad some of retr soeo h Pnao
tax per semester on each student Aine comment on an asserdo of the University of Chicago.r" retary as one of the Pentagon
might help finance the SEC. clined comment on an assertion -tMcCarthy's lies will be brought politicians" who are trying, he
however, no final agreement by radio columnist Walter Winch- Discussing "Freud and the Good out in these hearings." said, to block investigation of
was reached on this plan. ell that five University faculty Life" at the annual Phi Beta Kap- "communism in the Army."
The SASC also agreed it would members would be called before pa initiation banquet last night, Where television sets were not Mn, thoh it th
be h Ahl als i hee stuou the subcommittee. Prof. Reisman agreed with the; available, students crowded around Armydh Te Pentwas ohe
de higovee abwou sonsoI a Although an indeterminate method rather than the content of radios to listen to on-the-scene cials embroiled with McCarthy
forum monthly for the "discussion number 'of faculty merbers have the famous scientist's philosophy. broadcasts of the hearings. When- were called on first to back up, If
and expression of student opinion" notified University authorities of "The good life according to ever Sen. McCarthy interrupCed±they could, their charge that Mc-
on campus issues. receipt of subpoenas in confidence, Freud was an idle dream," said 1 with a comment, listeners chck Carthy and aides Roy. M. Cohn
Regents' by-laws which might the University has not been in- Prof. Reisman. "He thought that led a little according to one ob- and Francis Carr sought by "im-
eventually be outdated if the SEC formed of the number of names of man should not aim for a life of server. "Few people seem to be in proper means" to get favors for
plan-goes into effect are those cur- names of those subpoenaed by Rep. i adjustment, for it is impossible. the Wisconsinite's favor" another Schine.
rently regulating the powers of Clardy. Preceding Prof. Reisman's talk, said m Maj. Gen. Miles Reber was the
the Student Affairs Committee. Anne Stevenson, '54, and Richard ont th in - lead-off witness. He testified that
The group also expressed opin ~ D 1 Wolf, '54. represented the Phi terested spectators during the in 10 years of dealing with Con-
in that itroul bex helpfu ite ro . .)oeL 1us Beta Kappa initiates in two brief ashingto eains will be Pat gress he couldn't recall any great-
Student Legislature would co-op- heOppenheim, 54. Claiming iie er pressure" than McCarthy's of-
erate in sounding campus opinion Talk LITy s eRARCLLGE. UN# is a "close friend" of Roy Cohn, Iflce turned on to get a quick comn-
on itsuplans. To Today chief counsel of Mc aith'sSen mission for the about-to-be-draft-
Following the compilation of the . IORS: Lee N. Abrams, Donna A. ate investigating subcommittee, ed Schine,
first SEC draft it will be up for Prof. Axel Boethius of the U i- Chapin, Lois I. Klein, Herbert I- Miss Oppenheim said yesterday * * *
discussion at an open meeting, the versity of Goteborg, Sweden, will Kiickstein, Joyce M. Leonhard, she was intending to watch all of THE ARMY SIDE also called
committee decided. talk on "The Golden House of Leonard M. Loren, Kent. L. Pick-' the hearings closely. "I'm pulling Walter Bedell Smith, acting secr-
Nero" in the last of the Jerome ard, Janet T. Rutherford, Jona- for him (Cohn) all the way" she tary of state, who said Cohn once
_ Lectures at 4:15 p.m. today in the than H. Sobeloff, Irving B. Weiner. sse.approached him in quest of a
Forestry asserted.
H orestry Honors Rackham Amphitheater. * t*-commission for Schine. He said
r The annual Jerome Lectures, LITERARY COLLEGE S E N - Miss Oppenheim went on to Cohn asked, among other things,
To Be -Presented provided for by the will of Uni-I1 IORS: Harold E. Abrams, Gwen- say that "Roy Cohn is one of about the possibility of getting
versity alumnus Thomas S. Jer- dolyn R. Arner, Richard H. Baker, the finest men I've ever met. Schine commissioned through the
The annual honors convocation; ome, deal with some phase of an- Betty Bayliss, Gershon Berman, I'm sure the truth will resolve Central Intelligence Agency.
of the School of Natural Resources cient civilization and are present- Maurice S. Binkow, Miriam E. substantially in his favor" the Cohn's reply, he said, was
will take place 11 a.m. today in ' ed at the American Academy in Blau, Stanley. P. Bohrer. Mary Lou Sigma Delta Tau sorority mem- that the CIA was "too juicy a
the Rackham Bldg. Rome as well as the University. See REISMAN, Page 2 ber from Detroit concluded. subject" for future investiga-
~-~ ~~As the hearing goes into its sec- ! tions-that it wouldn't be right
ond day, "breathing room only" to place Schine in the CIA and
signs may have to be hung not then investigate it.
only in the crowded Capitol cauc- Stevens later repeated a charge
~ us oy whin the rwe aitolae e Cohn has denied-that Cohn once
erowePhilosophy of Livingn told Army Counsel Adams it would
ing held, but also in the League rwreck the rmas.hStevens,
efle ts hil sop y o Li ingsorority and dormitory television' if Schinelike many draftees-
y- need only direction and mater- rooms was sent overseas.
'ials, both of which the archi- I - - 717' At the end of his statement,


Building System R

a pledge of Alpha Epsilon Pi R. Buckminster Fuller, the man tsains, that is forced by the need
faent.'whose "function is that of a cata- frsaiiyo h part of both
Chairman of the newly-named lyst" to speed up progress has de- organized large industry and gov-
University Relations Committee is veloped a system of building that ernment. "The needs of man how-
Jerry Hays, '55, from Detroit. The reflects his philosophy of living, ever are growing rapidly and these
committee was formerly known as Originator of the dome type of needs for change can't be met too
the Secretariat Committee. shelter, Fuller's aim might best be adequately on a large scale basis.
Gus Gianarkaris, '56E, was ap- described as mobility-mobility of "We must determine what these
pointed chairman of the Social the individual to work as he wants needs are and work on them," Ful-
Committee. A member of Lamb- and of people to live as they want. ler continued.
da Chi Alpha fraternity, Gianark- * * *
aris hails from nearby Ypsilanti. ON CAMPUS for a week, the ."INDIVIDUALS can through ex-

tect provides.

Planned Swap

Stevens took up McCarthy's fre-
rv nt ri+ir 71-+up, f~~l

"If you show a man a better quentUassertionUthat so e o iciaLs
thing he can be excited to do better Of t' are "protecting" or "coddling"
things," Bucky believes. -heA y," Communists in the Army.
Materials for this new type of T "The Army," declared Stevens,
Mateial forthi~newtyp ofdoes not coddle communism."
building consist largely of card- 1Fd s tzzes "
board covered with a strength g iv-
ing plastic substance. The pre- The switch of presidents that Faculty Iembers
vailing shape is spherical because Michigan State College had report-'
rounded structures give the most edly asked the University to par- T k n Prejudice
efficiency per unit of materials #ticipate in seems to have evapor-
used. ated. Two faculty members related


MARK GALLON, '56, was nam-

famous architect is guiding the perience qualify themselves to
senior design class of the School take the initiative and.determine

4,, ,',.

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