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April 20, 1954 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1954-04-20

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'Coed Reveals Herself

as Campus FBI nformant'
Dint the facts donymous letter to The Daily attacking the International Cehter?" ,, " The FBI offered to pay me on three occasions but I refused,"
"Of course I would like to know the answers to those two ques- she said.
ing strongly tions," Klinger commented. * * * *

Associate Editorial Director
"This is to certify that I........., have been giving information
on my fellow students to the Federal Bureau of Investigation."
So reads the first sentence of a notarized affidavit. It is signed
by a 19 year old coed at the University.
The affidavit is dated April 1, 1954. But the story starts early in
December, 1953.
The two principal characters are the coed and a male graduate
student-the same unnamed student who has been subpoenaed by the
Un-American Activities Committee to appear in Lansing May 10. He
has in the past avowed membership in the Communist Party.
The coed, who withdrew from the University a week ago, was a
junior majoring in political science. She is a Canadian citizen.

ant Counsellor of the International Center. At this p
become blurred.
The affidavit states: "I contacted the FBI after be
urged to do so by Mr. Robert Klinger... ."
Klinger told The Daily, she "asked me if her ass
persons of known left tendencies would endanger her
status. I told her the current law (McCarran Act) doe
anything that would appear Communistic on the part of
is a deportable offense.
"She asked me what she should do and I said I cot
her on that matter. She then asked me if she should tak
to the FBI and I told her to do as she pleased. I did
urge her to do this. I told her to do what she felt inI
her duty."

ociation with
s frown upon
an alien and
uldn't counsel
e information
not actually
her heart was

"I may have asked her to get me such information,,but I don't
remember. I have asked others for similiar information. But this is
not the kind of information I would pass on to a Federal agency."
* * * *
"I WENT TO the local FBI office." she said.
According to the coed she told the FBI agents she was dating
the graduate student. She said she asked "whether my position
would be better if I gave them information on the activities of this
and other students. They said 'yes' but did not urge me to do
anything against my will.
"I left the FBI office with a new sense of security."
CASPER H. KAST is named in her affidavit as one of the two
FBI agents to whom she reported.
Kast when interviewed by The Daily, would neither. confirm
nor deny the girl's story.

EXACTLY WHAT happened from the moment the coed says she
left the FBI office in December to April 1. when she signed the affi-
davit in the presence of the graduate student, is not clear.
"She took down the names of people who came into my apart-
ment," the graduate student claims. "This is what insensed me.
People dropped in for all sorts of reasons. Now innocent people
may get hurt."
"I assure you that is not true," she said. "That was not my job.
I took down information on only a small group of people . . . mostly
just on their conversations. I told the FBI only that which I thought
would be interesting to them."
A resident of the house in which the coed lived told The Daily
she had found her typing up notes on a conversation with the gradu-
ate student.
"She was quite flustered when I asked her what she was doing.
She never typed up such things again in the house and I thought no
more of it," the student said.
* * * *

THE STORY HAS an ordinary beginning. The graduate student "KLINGER'S STATEMENT shocks me," the coed commented. "I
asked the coed for a date. "I had heard of him and was interested in trusted him.
his ideas," she explained in a telephone interview between here and a "Klinger told me there was no danger in dating the student.
Canadian city. However, he did strongly urge me to contact the FRT ahit the

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So sne accepted. But not witnout doubts. matter. "We are a public agency and therefore in a position to take in-
"Because I am an alien and my parents are employed in Ann "It was something he said as I left his office that gave me the formation from any person who comes into our office. Our. rules and
Arbor, I wondered whether my association with him would be dan- idea to do what I did." regulations prohibit us from making a statement on whether a person
gerous," she said. "He asked me to try and get information for him on two ques- has or has not furnished us with information."
* * * * tions: 1. Who has been placing 'Communist' literature on the maga- "I can say definitely that no one by the name of Miss . . .. has

"I SPENT MOST of my time on a character study of the graduate
student," said the coed. "I know it sounds rather weird but this is
what the FBI led me to believe they wanted. No, I did not turn in
information solely on him."
See COED, Page 6

FOR ADVICE ON the matter she went to Robert Klinger, Assist- zine racks of the International Center? and 2. Who wrote. the pseu- ever been on the payroll of this office."


See Page 4




E .E .

Latest Deadline in the State


VOL. LXIV, No. 136




It Iw ull lM1lll 1 1 1 I d11A 114111 11161 s






Salk Tests Okayed
By Medical Society
'Will Cooperate with State Health
Commissioner in Experiments
Late yesterday the Michigan State Medical Society said it would



*[ *[

Un itBurns

School Bureau
Director Named

Fire rushed through a Univer-!
sity. air research building at Wil-!t
low Run Research Center late last
night, causing an estimatedd$300.-
000 loss of equipment as it destroy-
ed the building.
Possibilities of sabotage were dis-!
counted by Prof. Frank Schwartz

oratory. A routine security in- owned T41 tank used for testing
spection had been made at 10 p.m. and valued at $100,000 formed the
Alarms to surrounding comn- biggest part of the loss while the
mAnities brought firemen who remaining $200,000 included equip-
fought two hours in the dark ment owned either by the govern-
before bringing the fire under ment or the University.
control. A valuable .power plant at the
Firemen continued to-probe the east end of the building was
smoldering ruins early into the saved by fire fighters.
morning. !*The damage was believed to be
* * *fully covered by insurance.I

"not withold approval" on the tests of the Salk polio vaccine on local of the mechanical engineering de-
school children and that it "will cooperate" with the state health I partment although the exact ori-
commissioner in conducting these tests. gin of the fire was undetermined.
In a radio broadcast Dr. William Bromine, chairman of the * *

executive committee of the state medical society, said that the THE BLAZE was discovered at CLASSIFIED government re-
vaccine, though not endorsed by the U. S. Public Health Service 10:20 p.m., and quickly engulfed search work was being carried on
because of lack of information either way, will be allowed to be the entire 10,000 square foot lab- in the building. A government
_ used for experiment in Michigan.
HE STATED that the state American Troo s n e
W (orb 1 'Vews health commissioner accepts the -1
responsibility for the experiments
Roundup as does the national foundation. To.Go ITo Indochina -D Dules
The responsibility, he emphasized,
lies on the parents in their deci-
By The Associated Press sion concerning their child's par- By The Associated Press
LANSING - Gov. Williams has ticipation. Parents must be well President Dwight D. Eisenhower and Secretary of State John
arranged for television and radio informed and the family doctor Foster Dulles evaluated "the menace of Soviet Communism" in
time at 10:30 p.m. today to make should be consulted, he added. Augusta, Ga., yesterday and the Cabinet Officer later declared it is
the long-awaited announcement of "unlikely" American troops will be sent to Indochina.
his political plans This decision follows a series Dulles said the violent battles being fought in Indochina are not
of events of the past few weeks.
S* " *ePlans were at few weeks';creakting a spirit of defeatism. On the contrary, he said in a prepared
* Pll ninhia 'ha1afnswere made to begin inocu- ----e-e-t-i-s--d sfaerantho
HJANTfI d h.Ai T .i it t statement issued afer an hur

A new $40,000 dynamometer,
being stored in the building be-
fore being moved into the planned
North Campus automotive labora-
tory, was destroyed. In addition,
a small wind tunnel was lost inI
the blaze.
Flames from the fire were
spotted from the airport control
tower across the field. It is be-
lieved the fire started in the
attic of the large frame struc-
The building housed ice re-
search projects, a combustion lab-
oratory and a dynamometer lab-
oratory used for testing jet en-
It was one of the original build-
ings acquired from the govern-
ment when Willow Run was turn-
ed over to the University after'
the war.

The research work was con-
tracted from the government as New Position Will Coordinate
part of the Engineering Re-
search Institutenprogram.U ni- I UMnil-iA'eademic Student Activities
versity security officers were on
hand to check the ruined build- By JON SOBELOFF
ing early this morning. James A. Lewis, director of the University's Bureau of School
Willow Run Airport trucks rac- Services, has been named by, the Regents to a newly created post as
ed to the blaze and calls for help Vice-President for Student Affairs, President Harlan H. Hatcher
brought fire equipment from announced yesterday.
Wayne, Van Buren, Canton and The new job, which will start July 1, will include administrative
Nankin Township departments. responsibility for "the coordination and development of non-academic
Searchlights played against the asects of student life," President Hatcher said.
gutted lab as University officialss*s*,i H *
and research workers stood by P.fen
helplessly. Twisted steel equip- PRAISING HIM as "a friendly and sympathetic person with rich
ment stood out against the gap- administrative experience, highly respected in academic circles," Presi-
ing holes in the building. dent Hatcher said Lewis will "bring an imaginative and constructive
approach to the development of student government and responsi-
bility in these new and changing,
Petitions times.
Peiti ti are nons available The Office of Student AffairsINew14e' y
Petitions are now- available will be abolished in name, and
for the three to five member- ms fisfntostknoe
at-large positions on the En- by the Dean of Men's and Dean g r C ienPla ni
g(ne Conciorew hen of Women's offices. Any leftover
a new constitution was passed OSA duties would be distributed
latPeek.k by Lewis after he confers with E X 8'11
near bulletin boards in West dents here.s y
x 'Engineering and East Engi-
neering Bldgs. Deadline for Lewis, until last fall superin-, Student members of the Uni-
petitions is 5 p.m. Friday, Rm. tendent of the Dearborn school versity's Calendaring Committee
313 West Engineering Bldg. j.yesterday seemed happy with a
new calendar revision plan ex-

nvv, in ocn na - he em-
battled French fortress of Dien
Bien Phu shrunk into a heart-
shaped network of defense last
night as the French fought
desperately to stem onslaughts
by fresh waves of Red-led Viet-

iatrons wit hthe yak vaccine on
about 8,000 Washtenaw County
school children around the first
of this month

Four Students

Two weeks ago Washtenaw To Be liear
County Health officials withdrewj
from the program. This action Four University students will fly
followed reports questioning the to Chicago tomorrow to address

long session with the President,
"they are rousing the free nations
to measures which we hope will be
sufficiently timely and vigorous to
preserve these vital areas from
Communist domination."
Meanwhile, speaking in Wash-
ington last night, Sen. Styles



SL To Hear Two Motions

Ii '

WASHINGTON-- The Defense safely of the vaccine. 'University alumni there as part of
WepaSHIentOplans-then e ---the alumni speaker's bureau pro-
Department plans to bring more gram.
troops back from the Far East, ac- a pbellTo lThe four, including John Black,
cording to testimony on the new '54Ed, president of Senior Board,
defense budget released by the James H. Campbell, vice-presi- Howard Nemerovski, '54E, Union
House appropriations subcommit- dent of the Jackson Consumer vice-president, Bob Schrayer, '54,
tee yesterday. Power Co. will be guest speak- retiring 'Ensian managing editor
* * « er during the Tau Beta Phi engi- and Dick Balzhiser, '54E, member
WASHINGTON - Clyde L. neering honorary initiation din- of the '53 football squad, will dis-
Powell, an assistant chief of the ner at 6:30 p.m. today at the cuss their respective activities andI
scandal-rocked Federal Hous- Union. answer questions on student-ad-
ing Administration, refused to Names of new initiates will be ministration and student-alumniI
answer questions at a Senate announced. problems.
Inquiry yesterday,
UN Disarmament Commission yes- ,
terday set up a Big Power subcom-
mittee for a new look at ways to
control the hydrogen bomb and
other weapons. S: -..

Bridges (R-N.H.) said that the L5y MIwrpe onlR.to fli tes
Joint Chiefs of Staff fear that1
the United States could not hold
a defense line from Hawaii to By BECKY CONRAD
the Aleutian Islands Mike Sharpe, Grad., will bring two "procedural" motions con-
The loss of Indochina, Bridges cerning any students called before Congressional groups to the Student
said. "would most certainly bring Legislature floor during tomorrow's meeting.
all of Southeast Asia into the Com- One of two University students subpoenaed to appear at the
munist orbit" rendering the Pacd- House Un-American Activities Committee hearings in May, Sharpe,
fic chain of islands, which are now discussed the proposals with the SL Cabinet yesterday.
"strongholds" assuring us com-
mand of the Western Pacific, "in-
defensible," in the opinion of the THE FIRST MOTION will request investigating committees forj
Joint Chiefs of Staff. a "bill of particulars" indicating just what the student will be expect-1
_ __ ead to know at the hearngs.


(^~(,.{, UV a111V W AU U11G ll l Gil llajj U. '

Destroys Plant

Russia hinted she would boycott
the subcommittee because 'Red
China, India and Czechoslovakia
were omitted.
Child Killed, Three
Inj ired i Wreck
A one-year old girl was killed
and her mother, sister and brother
seriously injured in an auto acci-

Sharpe, the chairman of the
local Labor Youth League, ex-
plained the first motion would
"let the student know where he
stands with any Congressional
investigating group."
He claimed that "to the extent
of a hearing's similarity to court
trials in certain aspects, a bill of
particulars concerning what the
committee wants to know would
be helpful to the student."
Sharpe said he had not yet ask-
ed the 'Clardy committee for any
"bill of particulars."
SECOND MOTION on the dock-
et for tomorrow's session calls for
SL to ask the University to ap-
proach the Law School for legal
counsel. 1to ad~visep the studnrt wit-


system, is now on leave from his
University post working toward a
doctor's. degree in education at
Harvard University.
Telephoned in Cambridge last
night, Lewis said he'll be back in
Ann Arbor June 1. He said he'd
like to "wait and see until he gets
back" and talks to student lead-
ers, faculty and administrators be-
fore making any reorganization
HE UNDERSTANDS "after sev-
eral conversations with the presi-
dent," that the president "wants
more coordination of student ser-
vice," Lewis reported.

plained to them by its author, Prof.
Paul S. Dwyer of the mathematics
The Dwyer plan would end first
semester classes before Christmas
vacation with final exams follow-
ing a two or three day study period
after New Year's Day.
THE PLAN would include the
whole school year, except com
mencement, between Labor Day
and Memorial Day. It would also
allow for commencement,- with
official lists of graduates, in the
first week of June.
Prof. Dwyer's proposal will be
discussed by the full calendar
committee at its meeting Fri-
day and will be placed on the
ballot for the May 5-6 special
all-campus referendum to de,
termine student opinion on var-
ious calendar revision propos-
Saturday classes would not be
"discriminated against" under the
plan, Prof. Dwyer explained-
there would be 15 a semester.
Spring vacation might begin on a
Wednesday. and would last a week.
A NINE-DAY exam period, plus
the two or three day study period
just before exams, would be pro-
vided each semester.
One possible hitch was seen
in tfactfp that registratin

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