PAGE FOUR THE IMICI14GAN DAILY SUNDAY, APRIL 18, 1951 PAGE FOUR THJ~ MICU4GAN bAILY SUNDAY, APRIL 18, 1954 Building a United Front By VIRGINIA VOSS Daily Editorial Director CAMPUS INTEREST in the up-coning Clardy hearings has, of necessity shifted into the procedural gear. The roving inves- tigators who many justifiably feel have no business stopping off at state or private educational institutions will pretty certain- ly be in the area in early May. Contrary to the convictions of many of us and to earlier indications of a not-to-be-trusted Mr. Clardy, two students have been served subpoenas. 'So, the consensus says, what we should do now is overlook for the time a number of existing disagreements on issues raised by committees like Clardy's and get busy agreeing on procedures which will safe- guard us as an institution. We will act like a University community even though, as our sometimes opposed stands, indicate, we aren't one. This approach is not at all to be condemned as hypocritical-it is the only possible one available. To date, there has been genuine adminis- tration-faculty-student cooperation evidenc- ed in the formation of student and faculty groups with varying degrees of powers on handling of subpoena cases. A four-member student group has been set up to advise the President and five professors will hear pos- sible faculty cases. In short, no segment of the University is at all happy about Clardy's coming and whether the interest in safe- guards comes from a concern with the Uni- versity's reputation or individual rights or both, agreement on procedural channels of action has been forthcoming. Luckily, the Clardy hearings will be set in an atmosphere in which "respectable" protests against Con- gressional investigations are beginning to make themselves heard nationally. For this we can thank people like Mr. Murrow and, somewhat backhandedly, Attorney General Brownell, who in his recent address to the nation excluded the committees from his detailing of government actions against Communism. With the necessary groups ready to swing into "advisory" action, one gap in the pro- cedural structure remains: the two sub- poenaed students have as yet found no lawyers to take their cases. Both are at- tempting, realistically, to find "conservative" lawyers, and the fact that each student has indicated he will be an "unfriendly" witness and that one has declared previous Com- munist Party membership should not, as it has, scare such lawyers off. From a legal standpoint the two are prospective cases whose past activities and opinions will not rub off on the nearest legal counsel and will not, providing the counsel is already established as "respectable," jeopardize his position. And to appeal from a non-legal standpoint, investigations being what they are, the two will need sound advice. Provided the students find good lawyers, the procedural safeguards to all involved will be as complete as they can be. Al- though there is no sense in anticipating that these procedures will be violated, there is reason to hope that, particularly on the student level, they will not be brought into use at all. Presumably, the student advisory group will ask that the administration adhere to Student Legisla- ture's November resolution and refrain from action against students whether or not they agree to testify. President Hatch- er has indicated that no immediate action will be taken towards the subpoenaed stu- dents-"I would not want to judge them before the fact"; it must be reiterated that there is no justification for further stretching the wide-open "conduct unbe- coming a student clause" and judging them during or after th3e fact either. Other than state laws, no extenuating circumstances should disturb the prin- ciple that there is room here for students of any belief. At the risk of sounding unduly ominous, it must be pointed out that the procedures we have set up are only a facade-albeit a well- constructed one. Having accomplished this much, we wait and hope that none of the builders decides to tear his work down. Communism vs. the IFC ;LLOYD H. COCHRAN is the head of the large, powerful National Interfraternity Conference. He is dedicated to the principal that what this nation needs is a large, powerful Na- tional Interfraternity Conference. It is very disheartening to him there- fore when the trustees of the State Uni- versity of New York order the school's fra- ternities to disaffiliate. Not only does he see in the trustees' action a basic disre- gard for freedom, "something that must be battled," but it brings a pressure that "echos in some instances the Communist line of ,propaganda." By this, no doubt, he Is referring to the Communist Manifesto's closing sentence: "Worker's, throw off your chains." It is undemocratic,- "purely totalitarian- istic" to suppose that a group of college stu- dents could possible get any good simply from living together in friendly companionship, without the stirring ideals of a national or- ganization behind them. Can the lo'cal chapter possibly develop in, its members "ability to accept responsibility, the art of self-discipline, and the basic ac- ceptance of divine guidance" without the national backing? No! "In these times," says Mr. Cochran, "when Communism is a challenge to free- dom, a cherishing of freedom means that we must fight." And with divine guidance, how can the national IFC possibly lose? -Murry Frymer A Shaky Alliance TNITED STATES strategy at Geneva on April 26 will rely heavily upon the abil- ity of Secretary of State John Foster Dulles to mend the split that has occurred between the U.S. and its Western European allies, especially France. Indo-China is the main issue at hand and there the U.S. planning has run into stiff opposition from the French. That nation, tired from the prolonged, ex- pensive eight-year war favors pulling out at any cost. The United States has indi- cated that it will take a firm stand at Geneva to prevent concessions to the Reds in the Indo-China area. A high government official has stated that should the French withdraw there is a good possibility that U.S. troops would be sent to the battlefield. The official acknowledges the fact that such action may lead to a large scale war, but he states, "the loss of Indo-China might put all Southeast Asia behind the Iron Curtain." This is essentially correct, for the achieve- ment of a negotiated peace, as hoped for by the French, could mean Communist domi- nation within a few years. However, the subject should be weighed carefully. A set- tlement similar to the one in Korea does not necessarily indicate Communist domination over the area. At least such a plan is worth a trial. Then if the Communists decide tha4 they are impatient troop action or even more drastic measures could be taken against them. As long as the Communists know that we are seriously going to deal with aggression in a given area, they are not too likely to make sudden moves. The idea of such a proposal seems to many to be a concession to the Commun- ists, but the Korea truce, although the na- tion is still not unified and there is not yet entire settlement on all issues, has curtailed military action. War in Indo- China could lead to another Korea with fighting stalemated for years and the re- sult the same. The only way that military action could be staged and yet not produce a stalemate would be to swing into a full scale war-a consequence that is not look- ed upon with favor in any part of the world. So it seems that the best we can hope for is a Korea-style peace. It is not a good sit- uation, but it is perhaps the best answer, and is certainly better than a full scale war, or even a repetition of the local conflict wag- ed in the small peninsula. The proposal would be a compromise with the French as well as one with the Communists, and would strengthen the allied position before the Geneva convention. Should the Reds decide that they need to move they would be doing so at their own risk-the risk of being recipients of the first hydrogen bomb to be used in warfare. The bomb itself has involved the U.S. in other disputes. The European nations are still living with the memory of World War II bombing and can conceive of the H-Bomb as a weapon for instituting war only-not as a threat to aggressive na- tions, thus safeguarding the peace. In addition it has involved us in a dis- pute with Great Britain, where the labor party blasted Sir Winston Churchill for al- lowing the U.S. to develop the bomb in se- crecy from England, supposedly its closest ally. The European army, although it is not a point for consideration at Geneva, affects in- directly the success of the conference. The French are still bitterly opposed to the re- arming of a nation that has three times within a hundred years overrun them. No one has blamed France for that. One must wonder, however, if the French are going to let those memories interfere with their ef- forts for present defense. In this area it seems necessary that the French do the backing down in order to keep Europe strong. The integration of troops under one uniform should prevent the Germans from resurg- ance to power and thereby give the French faith. Recognition of Red China is still anoth- er disputed point. The United States, al- most a bloc of one, is set upon a firm pol- icy of non-recognition. This is not to be condemned simply because it is in oppo- sition with the other allies. It is however, a point to be considered from the stand- point of how it will benefit us most. It might be well to note that a united front at this convention may be of most benefit to us. All in all it seems that the U.S. and the allies are going to Geneva as a shaky alli- ance. They have too much at stake to be able to afford this, and yet there is no over- all compromise that will solidify the situa- tion. Each dispute must be treated individu- ally to aid the most groups possible, or else the Communists are going to leave Geneva with sizeable gains. All of the allies should realize that the closer we come to a united front against the Communist delegation, the better the chances for an advantageous solution, -Lew Hamburger TIHE POWER to grant our recognition, ,t some form of admission to the United Nations, and the resumption of trade are the most effective instruments available to the Secretary of State at Geneva. Whether their full value is realized will depend nortl on M.Dr uiles'' nrformnce oa . : , - f _. , _._._. r" ,, T + a ": '., , , : , , , ,', .,, , _, - "Let's See-New Zealand, Thailand, Knowland-" ''' .' .,'. s " ,, / f u 44 z rK ;i. DAILY OFf"ICIAL lr"UttErwIN THE WEEK ON CAMPUS TOP AMONG the news happenings of the week on campus was the revelation Wednesday tha ttwo University students have been sub- poenaed to appear before Rep. Kit Clardy's subcommittee of the House Un-American Activities Committee in Lansing May 10. On;- of these students, a candidate for a PhD. in economics, refused to make his name public for fear of losing his job. The other identified himself as Mike Sharpe, also a grad student in economics, and local chairman of the Labor Youth League. Rep. Clardy in confirming the fact that these students had been subpoenaed also apparently reversed a previous position maintaining that no students would be called to testify before the committee prob- ing Red acivity in labor unions and educational institutions in Michi- gan. The following day it was announced that President Harlan H. Hatcher had formed a four-member student advisory group which would concern itself specifically with cases arising out of the May hearing. The group will be on call to advise the President on proceed- uies andeactions to be taken toward students as a result of their tes- tifying before Clardy. s* * * BITTER FIGHT continued to rage throughout the week over the use of the new Salk polio vaccine in Washtenaw County. The Medical School blasted the Washtenaw County Health Department's stand not to participate in the tests charging that the action was not warranted in the light of the oncoming polio season. But the department stuck to its guns and said there still re- mained too much doubt as to the advisability of using the vac- tine here. A statement is expected this week from the Michigan Medical Society which had previously warned against the use of the Salk vac- cine. THE STUDENT AFFAIRS Committee approved the new Student Leg- islature constitution which includes a provision for the levying of a twenty-five cent student tax per semester on all graduates and undergraduates. The final test for approval of the constitution will be consideration by the Regents. The official date when the consti- * 1 p The Daily Official Bulletin is an' official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Publication in it is construc- tive notice to all members of the University. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 2552 Administration Building before 3 p.m. the day preceding publication (before 11 a.m. on Saturday). SUNDAY, APRIL 18,31954 VOL. LXIV, No, :135 Notices School of Business Administration. Faculty meeting, 3 pm., Tues., April 20, Room 164. of Appointments, 3528 Administration Bldg., Ext. 371. The Department of Aeronautical En- I gineering will sponsor a ectue by Dr. tution will come under Regents' scrutiny, has not as et been set. J. C. Hunsaker, Chairman, National Ad- visory Committee for Aeronautics, * * * * Mon., April 19, The Development of THE UNIVERSITY may be slated for a Vice-President of Student External Form Since the Wright Broth- Ah ers. Lecture to be given in the Kellogg Affairs within the week when the Regents meet. Just who this Auditorium at 8 p.m. All interested are will be has been left up in the air by administrative officials. invited to attend. * * * I SLectures The Department of Aeronautical En- gineering will sponsor a lecture by Dr. J. C. Hunsaker, Chairman, National Ad- visory Committee for Aeronautics, Mon., April 19, The Development of External Form Since the Wright Broth- May Festival Ushers. Pick up usher ers. Lecture to be given In the Kellogg tickets for May Festival at Hill Audi- Auditorium at 8 p.m. All interested are torium, Mon., Apr. 19, between 5 and invited to attend Y)I LTA KAPPA EPSILON is appealing a $1,000 fine by the Joint Judiciary. Four members of the fraternity last fall were involved in the theft of two water pitchers and some food from the American Legion post here. Other circumstances entered the case but under a new policy the Judiciary wasn't talking. -Mark Reader Xette/'J TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters ot general interest, anil will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length,- defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste wil be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. -I2~ f. 6 p.m. Seniors. College of L.S.&.A., and Schools of Education, Music, and Pub-I lic Health. Tentative lists of seniors for June graduation have been posted ont the Registrar's bulletin board in the first floor corridor, Administration Building. Any change therefrom should be requested of the Recorder at the Registrar's window number 1, 1513 Ad- ministration Building. School of Business Administration. Students applying for admission to this School as juniors with the inten- tion of majoring in Real Estate are eligible to apply for the RAM's Real Estate Scholarship, Applications and The Thomas Spencer ,Jerome Lecture. 'The Architecture of Imperial Rome and Its Importance for Mediaeval Town-j Building" by Axel Boethius, Professor of Classical Archaeology and History at Goteborg University, Sweden, Tues., April 20, 4:15 p.m. Angell Hall, Audi- torium A. Academic Notices Undergraduate Speech Correction Ma- jors will meet on Tues., April 20, 7:30 p.m., at the University Speech Clinic,? 4 r' M Letter to Norman Thomas .w. 1007 East Huron. Changes affecting some To the Editor: of the courses to be taken to complete the requirements for speech correction krHIS IS an open letter to Nor- teaching certificates will be explained.,mn hoas CURREtMQ'I AJ/I_~ At the State .. . PRINCE VALIANT, with James Janet Leigh, and Robert Wagner in Cinemascope Mason, NOT HAVING had much previous expo- sure to the original comic strip (copy- right King Features Syndicate), it is very difficult to judge just how faithful Twen- tieth Century Fox has been to the millions of Prince Valiant's loyal fans. It is fairly clear, however, that in the Cinemascope ver- sion of the career of the Camelot hanger-on, there has been no attention to historical fidelity, thespian Integrity,- or elementary logic. Unsurprisingly, none of this makes much difference. There are many silly mo- ments in this movie, but few dull ones., Accordingly, "Prince Valiant" is as diverting as the best of the films from Hollywood's new King Arthur renaissance. The script traces Valiant's early days with his departure from his parents' haven in exile to the court of Arthur where he seeks to put himself in shape for a cam- paign to regain his father's throne, w*ich has, of course, been usurped by a pre- tender. The first section of the pictures touches on his adventures as a squire to Sir Gawain of the Round Table. The last part describes his exploits at the pretend- er's castle where he has been betrayed by Sir Brack, a bad knight, who pretends to Arthur's kingdom. (This is much clearer than it might seem; everything in the picture is clear.) Some shocking performances are turned In as well in the course of the movie. Stirling Hayden plays a kind of a hick knight, drop- ping his "g's" and apparently not putting much stock in the archaic dialogue em- ployed by most of the other performers. Janet Leigh in a Rapunzel hairdo is as dizzy as usual and is not much outdone by Robert Wagner, Fox's All-American boy, who does the title role with a nice lack of perception. James Mason, Brian Aherne, and Donald Crisp fill in most of the other noble gaps. Most of them are lost from sight in the At the Michigan ... IT SHOULD HAPPEN TO YOU, with Judy Holliday, Peter Lawford and Jack Lemmon N° DOUBT there are some ridiculous ideas which don't make funny movies, but this one uses one of the ridiculousest and produces one of the funniest. Judy Holliday is a nothing girl from nowhere in upstate New York who goes to The Big City To Make a Name for Herself. All the traditional methods fail her-what chahce has a nothing girl anyway? So, with barely a thousand dollars of her savings left, she comes up with a remarkable idea. She rents a billboard on Columbus Circle for three months, and has her name paint- ed on it. Still a nothing girl, but now she's got a famous name (Gladys Glover, her real natural-born name). Nobody knows who Gladys Glover is, and Gladys Glover is still nobody, but she's famous. One thing leads to another, and using her famous name and her natural endowments she soon finds her- self with a chain of signs all over New York, a millionaire soap manufacturer on the string, and her picture in every subway. But all that shines is not neon. Gladys finds too that her nothing boyfriend has ditched her, such being the price of fame and egotism. So, after a careful examina- tion of desires, Gladys throws away all' this fame business to become a nothing wife. Too bad there couldn't have been a funny ending too, but then such is Hol- lywood. Judy Holliday is just Judy Holliday, and as long as she's a novelty she'll be good. Peter Lawford, the boy soap-king, does his customary rich, spoiled snob. Jack Lem- mon ("a guy you're gonna like," the ads say) is a television comedian Gone West, and seems to prove that it's easier' to trans- plant a TV actor to films than take a suc- cessful Hollywood star and expect him to thrive in a New Yolk television studio. Note to the Watch, and Warders: In one shortseduction scene Gladys and her soap magnate present a total eclipse of "The Moon Is Blue." detailed information can be obtained cteauet iromaton anoe otane English 150 (Playwriting) will meet at On the evening of April 15, you in 150 School of Business Administra- five minutes to seven instead of 7:30 spoke to a University of Michigan tion. Applications must be submitted Maon Tues., April 20 audience. The express purpose of The Seminar in Complex Variables your talk, you stated, was to get School of Business Administration, i me Mon pr. 19 x 3 pm people to "take an intelligent in- Students intending to enroll in this 3011 Angell Hall. Professor A. J. Loh- terest in their own fate." first time as MBA candidates must take water will speak on "The Schwarz Re- The evasions, half truths, and the Admission Test for Graduate Study lection Principle" complete negation of important In Business. Next test will be givenfatwhc pem tdyoral May 13. Applicationsare available in Geometry Seminar, Wed., April 21, facts whic permeatedas induc 150 School of Business Administration ' 7 pam., 3001 Angell Hall. Mr. W. Al-mcn t be cepe asninduc- Building. Applications must be received, Dhahir will present "A Theorem Con- ments to the clear thinking which in the New Jersey testing office not lat- cerning a Desarguesian Property of is required if people are to take er than April 29. the Pappian Configuration." "an intelligent interest in their -sown fate." In this talk, as you The J. R. Nelson House is no n Mathematics Colloquium, Tues., .. ail terviewing applicants for the position 20, 4:10 p.m., 3011 Angell Hall. Dr. Kurt have done for over twenty-fiv of house parents for the coming school Strebel, from Zurich and the Institute years, you proposed tinkering with year, 1954-55. Married couples, with or for Advanced Study, will speak on "Ex- the effectshof an economic system witoutchidre, re nvied o pply.j tremal Distance and a Theorem on Con- through the media of social in- Phone NO - 3-8506 for appointment, formal Mapping." stitutions createdyby and subser- Applications will be accepted until May Patj cura eiwCaswl vient to that system. Yet, you 22 Part II Actuarial Review Class will lmtob mytfdby urnt meet Tues., April 20, 4:10 p.m., 3010 claim to be mystified by current Mortgage Loans. The University is in- Angell Hall. Discussion of Integral cal- public apathy. Whether intelli- terested in making first mortgage loans culus problems. gently or not, most people instinc- as investments of its trust funds. The ~ - I tively recognize the futility of Investment Office, 3015 Adminisrration Doctoral Examination for Charles Ed- such an approach, Futility breeds Building, will be glad to consult with ward Vann, Education; thesis: "Inter- suha prah uiiybed anyone considering building or buying relationships between Language Guid- apathy. a home, or refinancing an existingo ance Used by Teachers and the Social The situation Is akin to that of mortgage or landcontract. Appoint- and Developmental Status of the Child," theycolonists in pre-revolutionary menits may be made by calling Exten- Mon., April 19, Michigan Union, at days. The colonists were subject sion 2606, noon. Chairman, W. C. Olson. to social institutions which grew for stM -out of afid served the economic Placement. Abroad. Nigeria, West Af- Doctoral Examination for Lester Mar- oto n evdteeooi rica, is seeking the services of a s -vinWolfson. English; thesis: "A Re- and feudal interests of England. ence instructor for the 1954-55 school reading of Keats' Odes: The Intrinsic As long as the colonists thought year. Candidates should be qualified in Approach in Literary Criticism," Mon., in terms of solving their difficul- two of the following subjects: physics, April 19, East Council Room, Rackham chemistry, and biology. Interested per- Bldg., at 3 p.m. Chairman, C. D. ties within that framework, there sons may contact the Bureau of Ap- Thorpe. was no solution. But, as soon as pointments, 3528 Administration Build- they became aware that new re- ing, telephone NO-3-1511, Ext. 2614, for Concerts1lationships and new institutions additional informationas of their own creating were the _______Stanley Quartet, Gilbert Ross and' Detroit Armanian Women's Scholar- I Emil Raab, violinists, Robert Courte, answer, they cast off their sense ship. Two of these scholarships are violist, and Oliver Edel, cellist, will be of futility and lost their apathy. available to undergraduate men and heard in a concert at 8:30 Tuesday It was especially inappropriate, women of Armanian parentage whose evening, April 20, in the Rackham Lec- Mr. Thomas, for you to decry (in residence is in the Metropolitan dis- ture Hall. The program will open with Ann Arbor) the apathy caused by trict of Detroit. The amount of the Mozart's K. 575 in D major. This will be first scholarship is $150 and amount followed by Milhaud's Quintet, No. 2, inR muddy thinking It was in Ann of the second is $100. which the Quartet will be joined by or in pri, , y ou Further information and application Clyde Thompson, doublebass (a cor- forms may be obtained at the Scholar-sy rection in the previously announced shi Ofice 11 Ad~nstrtio Buldigprogram). After intermission the group Breakfast at Canterbury House follow- ship Office, 113 Administration Building. porm.Atritriso h ru ing the 7 and 9 a.m. Hold Communion Applications must be in the hands of will play Beethoven's Opus 132 in A ingvthe. and C a, Hopym.,mmunion the Detroit Armenian Women's Club minor. The concert will be open to Serv Su Committee by May 15, 1954. the general public without charge. terbury House, PERSONNEL REQUESTS. Exhibitions Coming Events Arthur D. Little Inc. an industrial consulting firm in science and engi- Museum of Art, Alumni Memorial Trip to Van Gogh Exhibition at To- neering, Cambridge, Mass., has an- jHall. Accessions 1953, Paintings by Jo- ledo, Thurs., April 22. Bus will leave oune the opportunis it has for sef Albers, Original Drawings for Book side door of Union at 1 p.m., returning granedatei ppMecnicals EIneeasor Illustrations, all showing through May about 6 p.m. Cost per person $2.00, in- graduates ih Mechanical Engineering' 2. Hours: 9-5 weekdays; 2-5 on Sundays. cluding entrance fee. All students de- Chemistry, and Chemical Engineering. The public is invited. siring to make this trip should sign up, The Maryland Casualty Co. is inter- '_at the Department of Fine Arts, 206 esterd in contacting June and August Tappan Hall, by Tues., April 20. Please men graduates about its training pro- Events Todfybe prepared to pay for reservation in gram in the insurance field. advance. N. WV. Ayer & Son, Inc., Philadelphia, Michigan Christian Fellowship. Dr. Pa. isAyeri& sorn g.,rPhadatespi 'Frederick Aston will speak on "Old Tes- Annual Joint Meeting of the Wom- ter sted in making a business career tament Messiah." 4 p.m., Lane Hall. All en'sReseartheClubwithterResear in the field of advertising, students invited. Refreshments will beI Club and the Science Research Club served. on April 21 at 8 p.m. in the Rackham Ronningen-Petter Co., Vicksburg, WESLEYAN Guild. Supper 5:30, Wor- } Amphitheater. Subject: The Nature of Mich., has an opening for a graduate hip and program 6:45 p.m., Dr. Ken- Research in the University. Mechanical or Electrical Engineer toj neth Goulding will speak on "The Holy work as a Sales Engineer throughout the Spirit. Michigan League Dancing Class that states of Indiana and Ilinois.regularly meets on Tuesday evenings Haviland Products Co., manufactur- Evangelical and Reformed Student in the Michigan League ballroom will challenged the author of this let- ter to debate "What is Social- ism?". You subsequently confirm- ed your publicly made challenge in writing. Before your audiences can be in a position to evaluate your pro- posals intelligently, they must be in a position to judge the merits of your authority. For over twen- ty years, theeSocialist Labor Par- ty has challenged your right \ 'to speak or to write as a Socialist. The right to represent Socialism is a privilege which we of the S.L.P. have claimed for over sixty years. Until the Working Class ma- jority of the United States (wage workers of brain and brawn) re- cognize their enslavement to the Capitalist system and its institu- tions and, by voting for the pro- gram of the Socialist Labor Par- ty, declare their right to erect their own administrative institu- tions there can be no rational method of dealing with internal or external problems. The longer you use your influ- ence, Mr. Thomas, in the present crisis (like the Pembertons and other Tories of earlier days) to encourage the American people to be loyal to worn out institutions and to "petrified opinion," the greater will be the sense of futil- ity and the deeper the apathy. And in their apathy, the Ameri- can people may let the revolution- ary hour and means of social sal- vation slip through their hands, -Ralph W. Muncy Sixty-Fourth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Harry Lunn..........Managing Editor Eric Vetter..................City Editor virginia Voss......... Editorial Director Mike Wolff........Associate City Editor Alice B. Silver. .Assoc. Editorial Director Diane D. AuWerter.:..Associate Editor Helene Simon........Associate Editor Ivan Kaye...............Sports Editor Paul Greenberg....Assoc. Sports Editor Marilyn Campbell......Women's Editor Kathy Zeisler....Assoc. Women's Editor Chuck Kelsey ......Chief Photographer Business Staff Thomas Treeger.......Business Manager William Kaufman Advertising Manager Harlean Hankin....Assoc. Business Mgr. William Seiden.......Finance Manager Don Chisholm.....Circulation Manager Telephone NO 23-24-1 I. t.