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April 17, 1954 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1954-04-17

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Who's To Do
The Cutting
WHETHER OR NOT the movies have
grown up is stillbeing questioned and
debated with neither side admitting the
good points of the other.
The Supreme Court has ruled that the
motion picture industry is no longer in
its infancy but is a full-fledged medium
of communication. Although the question
of movie censorship came to the fore with
the case of "The Miracle" which was ban-
ned as sacrilegious by New York State,
the problem has been with us since the
movies began.
Back in the days of the "It" girl, grumb-
lings were raised because some scenes were
too suggestive to the minds of the suscep-
tible; the days of the "It" girl are over but
the grumblings are not.
The argument upon which most of the
pro-censers rely concerns the youth of our
nation, something to the extent that it will
harm 'their innocent minds. Admittedly
there might be a point here. But the re-
verse and more mature side notes that in
following such a line, the intelligence level
of films is being regulated by the supposed
standards of the village children and the
village idiot.
There seems little to back the idea that
after seeing a movie villian shoot it out
to the death with the cops a twelve-year-
old will immediately go out snd do his
level best to square things up; ludicrous
as this seems, there are many blue-noses
that use an argument along this line.
A strong counter that the movie industry
brings against this is the fact that many
newspapers, much closer at hand than mov-
ies, print the most sensational news in the
utmost detail. On this plane we have the
comic books which are printed for the juve-
nile audience and which are full of blood,
terror, murder, and life on that sordid level.
The bodies on television and radio that bite
the tust far outdo any movie damage along
this line too.
The movie industry does follow a code
that states that films will not lower the
standard of the viewers, that only correct
standards of life subject to requirements of
drama and entertainment will be shown,
and that law, human or natural, will not
be ridiculed. Most films follow this rather
loose code and few pictures have flagrantly
violented it.
There are very few persons who will
not admit that some scenes from many
pictures border on the obscene-appar-
ently some directors like to photograph
scenes from every conceivable angle. But
It also appears that the dialogue in the
pictures Is forced into an unrealistic posi-
tion. The United States is not well known
for its gentile language; therefore a mov-
ie villian or tough guy who utters nary a
'damn' or 'hell' is incongruous. And the
household words of "The Moon Is Blue"
-"seduce," "virgin," pregnant" and the
like-were attacked as vulgar when there
were probably very few in the audience
who had not heard these words before.
Certain words .have not been used, the
excessive cusswords; few are in favor of
"The Caine Mutiny" took some two years
to get an O.K. from the Navy because of
the way the captain was portrayed, and
then the script was passed only because tlv
producer agreed to include a foreward that
says a mutiny has never taken place in the
annals of U.S. naval history.
Censorship of this sort, non-political, has
been imposed before and undoubtedly will
be again, though there is no valid, basis for
censorship of this or any kind.
Eric Johnson, a leading spokesman for
Hollywood, has recently declared that a new
code must be formed and followed by all
film-makers. The immediate opposition de-
clared that Hollywood could take care of
itself via self censorship, that is, let each
producer decide what can be shown.

Under a no-code system, while there
might at first be some pictures that bor-
der on the obscene, eventual public boy-
cott would halt them soon enough, and
the way would also be open for a crop of
much better pictures with dialogue a lit-
tle closer to American speech.
Censorship of the arts is not the leading
aspect of a democracy. It is at best hypo-
critical to pretend that the obvious either
does not exist or is not seen or heard. If
this is still too strong for the maiden aunts
today, the only sensible answer would be
the Belgium one: allow no-one under 18 in-
to certain movies. It is by some such plan
and by no industry-wide code that film
production should be governed.
--Harry Strauss
On Communism
COMMUNISM, in its initial theoretical
stage, was designed primarily to serve
the workers and to provide them, not with
spiritual values-for Communism is atheistic
-but at least with a material well-being.
It is worth while to observe what has actu-
ally happened to this favored group in coun-
tries subjugated by Communist power.
In these countries the workers have be-
come virtual slaves, and millions of them are
literally slaves. Instructive facts are to be
found in the United Nations Report on Forc-
ed Labor. The authors of this report were
three eminent and independent personali
ties from India, Norway, and Peru. The re-
port finds that the Soviet Union and its sat-

Washi ngto Merry-Go-Round

"Who's Being Walled Off From What?"


WASHINGTON-If the loyalty committee
now probing J. Robert Oppenheimer
probes deeply enough it will find that if
the admirals and generals had followed his
advice in 1944, Russia would not now hold
the Kurile Islands, one-half of Sakhalin,
and the southern end of the Manchurian
Buried in the' secret files of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff are the debates between
generals and admirals showing why they
admitted 'Russia as a war partner in Asia;
also why they were willing to give her im-
portant territorial concessions in return
for Red Army participation.
The reason was that the U.S. military did
not have confidence in the atomic bomb.
They also figured it would take months,
if not a year to subdue the Japanese mili-
tary, so they wanted the Red Army .to be
harassing Japan from the rear.
In vigorous disagreement was Robert Op-
penheimer, now charged with having Com-
munist ties. The new atomic weapon, he
told his superiors, would end the war. Once
the bomb was dropped, he argued, the war
would be over. Neither Russian participa-
tion nor the force of the U.S. Army and
Navy would be needed.
But hardheaded Adm. William Leahy,
Gen. George Marshall, and Gen. Leslie
Groves wouldn't believe him. So the Uni-
ted States proceeded to hand Russia im-
portant territory in Asia to get the Red
Army's help.
One week after Hiroshima and Nagasaki,
however, tthe Emperor of Japan asked for
peace. Oppenheimer was right. History
might have been different had his advice
been followed.
WASHINGTON has become a city where
diplomats have become so numerous it
takes a special directory to tabulate them.
The bigger embassies, such as the British,
French, Brazilian, Mexican, have several
hundred attaches, secretaries, translators,
With so large a diplomatic population,
the smaller embassies sometimes don't
even get mentioned in the Washington's
generous and all-embracing social col-
umns where dowagers like to advertise
the fact that they had this ambassador
sit on their right and that ambassador on
their left.
Obscure but all-important to the free
world, however, is a modest embassy whose
people are fighting with their backs to the
wall in Indo-China. In it Ambassador Tran
Van Kha, representing the people of Viet
Nam, wages a diplomatic struggle to keep
his country and the other two nations of
Indo-China from going Communist.
Back in 1943, Mr. Kha was jailed by the
Viet Minh, the Communist revolutionaries
who sprang up during the Japanese occu-
pation. Finally, when the British disarmed
the Japanese, he escaped; since them has
been Minister of National Economy and
vice-president of the French Union Assem-
The Ambassador says American supplies
and technicians are all-important to the
Indo-Chinese war, but that .American mass
manpower would not be so important.
"Viet Nam will have a half million men
of her own by next year as a result of the
new conscription plan," explains the Am-
Asked whether Red China would inter-
vene with a Chinese army if the United

States intervened, the Ambassador frank-
ly admitted that there was a grave possi-
"Will all of Southeast Asia go Commun-
ist if Indo-China falls?" I asked.
"I think so," replied the man who has a
lot to lose if that happens.
THE FBI is working with Scotland Yard
to track down the author of threats
against Queen Elizabeth. The letter to the
Queen was mailed in England and was writ-
ten in red ink. A similar threatening let-
ter-also mailed in England and written in
red ink-was recently received in Wash-
ington by Director of Archives Wayne Grov-
er ... Cost of Secret Service protection for
the President, his family and the Vice-
President is $668,000 a year . . . Despite
the alertness of the customs bureau, illegal
diamonds are still being smuggled into the
U.S.A. by crew members of commercial
trans-Atlantic planes. A Sabena pilot was
caught recently with $233,000 worth of il-
legal diamonds, carried in a false bottom of
his traveling bag . . . Last year customs
agents seized 3,857 ounces of raw opium-
eight times the amount seized the previous
year . . . . Ex-Senator Brewster of Maine
has hired Edward Bennett Williams to
bring suit against a national magazine ....
The largest denomination of regular cur-
rency printed by the U.S. government is the
$10,000 bill. There are only 770 of them in
circulation . . . . It costs the government'
about $500,000 each year just to destroy
worn-out paper money . . . . Government
agent shave discovered some of the missing
$20 bills stolen from the Bureau of Printing
and Engraving last December. They were
caught in a filter screen in the Washington
sewerage system . . . . The Treasury De-
partment suspects that some well-heeled
taxpayers deliberately overpay ther taxes
in order to benefit from the 6 per cent in-
terest the government pays on overpay-
ments. Each year the government has to
pay out more than $74,000,000 in interest
on overpayments . . . . Fifty-nine' out of
every 100 federal tax returns examined con-
tains an error. The errors average $95 in
THE REPUBLICAN leadership of Congress
is now drifting away from Eisenhower's
idea of boosting judicial and Congressional
Chief reason for ducking is first be-
cause it's an embarrassing subject. Con-
gressmen don't like to vote to raise their
own pay. Political opponents use it
against them. Second, a pay boost helps
Democrats more than Republicans. The
latter are usually better heeled, have pri-
vate incomes to fall back on or even per-
sonal kitties made up for them by local
constituents, a la Dick Nixon. This is not
a widespread practice, but it does happen,
especially in California.
Result of all this is that many good men
come to Washington, stay a few years, then
drop out of Congress. They simply cannot
afford to stand the expense.
Meanwhile federal judges are among the
poorest paid public servants in the nation.
Not long ago, Judge Si Rifkind, one of the
ablest judges in New York, resigned from
the U.S. District Court for the very simple
reason that he couldn't make both ends
meet, A lot of others will have to follow
suit unless judicial salaries are increased,
(Copyright, 1954, by the Bell Syndicate)

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The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters°of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
'be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

The Co-ops .,.
To the Editor:
roomed at Nakamura Co-op
last semester while attending
the Graduate School at Michigan.
One of my friends from "Nak
House" has sent me a copy of an
article entitled "The Janus-faced
Co-ops," written for the Daily by
a Mr. David Kaplan.
Living at "Co-ops" was an en-
riching and enjoyable experience,
and I therefore will attempt to
answer the article of Mr. Kaplan,
which I know to be essentially
unfair and, in effect, untruthful.
A brief worod on technique,
morals, etc .. . There were a few
fragments of truth in Mr. Kap-
lan's article. These few frag-
ments could have formed the basis
of a constructive criticism of cam-
pus Co-ops. But to willfully con-
struct an incorrect and mislead-
ing picture of Co-op living was
quite unfair.
The author of the article pos-
sessed that certain lack of ob-
jectivity typical of many of our
more popular newspapers. His
keen insight in ferreting out and
overworking the isolated detail is
also noteworthy.
A word on content ... Concern-
ing the "responsible, paid cook ..'
quote. Our cooks are directly res-
ponsible to those who eat. In addi-
tion they eat the food themselves.
We find this direct responsibility
to be most effective. If Mr. Kap-
lan also found fault with our food,
might I suggest that he had a
preconceived case of indigestion.
The remark to the effect that
Co-ops ". . barely meet(s) the
basic living standard . . ." is utter
nonsense. In the house I lived in
three good meals were served a
day. And then there was guffing
(snacking). Where else can you
guff at all hours of the night or
day-Two eggs and bacon-cook-
ed as you please-14 cents. Can-
ned sardines 10c. Free margarine,
tea, bread, jam, cocoa, coffee,
milk. If this is barely meeting
the basic living standard, then
perhaps what we need is a return
to that good old basic standard of
The statement concerning ".. .
the mire of disorganization and
neglect . . ." in which co-opers
are supposedly groping is too ri-
diculous to deserve serious com-
ment. It is the equivalent of
making a major mountain chain
out of the proverbial mole-hill.
There are to be sure occasional
lapses, neglects, exceptions. But
on the whole the Co-ops at Michi-
gan are dynamic, efficiently run,
democratic groups of people-who
have successfully solved the prob-
lem of maintaining a good stand-
ard of living at little cost in an
expensive campus community.
-John Duane
LYL Statement.. ..
To the Editor:
League is issuing the follow-
ing press release to papers
throughout Michigan:
On March 31, the Committee on
Un-American Activities served
Mike . Sharpe, Chairman of the
Ann Arbor Labor Youth League,
with a subpoena to appear before
the Committee in Lansing on May
10. Mr. Sharpe is a graduate stu-
dent in economics at the Univer-
sity of Michigon.
The number of students who
have been hailed before Congres-
sional investigating committees

sial letters to the Daily by the
state police (Arthur Miller in
Holiday, December 1953), and the
surveillance of meetings by the
FBI (Redbook, April, 1953). The
subpoenaing of students adds to
the fear which already exists.
The idea that a student's pur-
suit of truth, and his writing and
speaking the truth as he under-
stands it, constitutes an "Un-Am-
erican Activity," is a grotesque
distortion of the concept of lib-
eral education, and indicates the
contempt which the Un-American
Committee has for such educa-
Once a Congressional commit-
tee attempts to penalize students
for adopting this interpretation of
history, that outlook in economics,
or some other point of view in any
given field, then education be-
comes sterile and dies.
It is inconceivable that univer-
sities can be dynamic and pro-
ductive, that new, bold and ima-
ginative ideas can flourish, if the
Grand Inquisitor sits in the class-
room, making servility the cri-
terion of truth.
If education should wither as a
result of Congressional "investiga-
tions" and other practices which
give rise to fear and conformity,
every student will suffer, not only
those who are under immediate
If students fear to investigate
all ideas-popular and unpopular,
and if our present educational
method is replaced by one which
permits only the teaching of ac-
cepted dogma, approved by Velde,
Clardy and the like, then society
itself will also suffer, for no so-
ciety can go foreward which per-
mits the stultification and de-
basement of knowledge. In such
an atmosphere, the advancement
of knowledge and of society, each
of which is necessary for the oth-
er, is in mortal peril.
The Labor Youth League there-
fore considers this subpoena as a
serious attack on the entire aca-
demic community. It calls on all
individuals and organizations to
demand that the Un-American
Committee quash this and other
subpoenas on students, teachers
and youth in general, and to de-
mand that the Un-American
Committee keep out of Michigan.
-Mike Sharpe, Chairman
Labor Youth League
* * * ge
Track Team Victory...
To the Editor:
ALL OF YOU in the University-
faculty, students, et al., and
all the citizens of Old Ann Arbor
have good reason to be proud of
the twenty-one members of the
Maize and Blue track and field
team, who made such a success-
ful invasion of California the past
ten days and I sincerely hope you
give Coach Canham and his boys
a grand reception when they reach
the banks of the Huron.
Starting on Saturday, April 3rd,
at Palo Alto, the Michiganders
trimmed the Stanford Indians by
a score of 86 to 35, taking eleven
firsts in the fourteen events. Then
they dropped down to Edwards
Air Base for an exhibition meet,
finally winding up last Friday at
Los Angeles, where they took
fourteen firsts in fourteen events,
scoring ninety-six (96) points, to
the University of California at Los
Angeles "Bruins" twenty-six (26),
with every one of the twenty-one
Wolverines scoring points. (Ac-
tually, Michigan scored ninety-
nine points, but three were taken
because Roy Christiansen, who

The Daily Off icial Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 2552
Administration Building before 3 p.m.
the day preceding publication (before
11 a.m. on Saturday).
VOL. LXIV, No. 134
School of Business Administration.
Students applying for admission to
this School as juniors with the inten-
tion of majoring in Real Estate are
eligible to apply for the RAM's Real
Eastate Scholarship. Applications and
detailed information can be obtained
in 150 School of Business Administra-
tion. Applications must be submitted
by May 1..
School of Business Administration.
Students intending to enroll in this
School in the summer or fall for the
first time as MBA candidates must take
the Admission Test for Graduate Study
in Business. Next test will be given
May 13. Applications are available in
150 School of Business Administration
Building. Applications must be received
in the New Jersey testing office not lat-
er than April 29.
May Festival Ushers. Pick up usher
tickets for May Festival at Hill Audi-
torium, Mon., Apr. 19, between 5 and
6 p.m.
Life Memberships are now available
to all students who have been on the
campus and paid full tuition for the
equivalent of eight full semesters. In-
quire at Business Office, 1st floor
Michigan Union.
Residence Hall Scholarships. Wom-
en students wishing to apply for Resi-
dence Hal Scholarships for the sca-
demic year 1954-55 for Helen Newberry
Residence and Betsy Barbour House may
do so through the Office of the Dean of
Women. Applications close April 23. Stu'
dents already living In these two res-
idence halls and those wishing to 1ie
there next fall may apply. Qualifications
will be considered on the basis of acar
demic standing, need, and contributioin
to group living.
Detroit Edison Light's Diamond Ju-
bilee scholarships. Three of these schol-
arships, carrying a stipend of $200 eachj
will be available for the 1954-55 aca-
demic year. They are not renewable.
Applicants must be February or June
(1954) graduates of Michigan high.
schools and must live within the area
served by the Detroit Edison Company.
Applicantion blanks, which must be on
file by May 15, 1954, may be secured at
the Scholarship Office, 113 Admins-
tration Building.
Application blanks for the Elmer Ge-
deon Memorial Scholarship may be cb-
tained at the Scholarship Office, 1;13
Administration Building. The follow-
ing are eligibile to apply: Undergradh-
ate men students showing: (1) mra'l
character and good citizenship; 2)
scholastic ability and intellectual a-')
pacity and achievement; (3) physical
ability, vigor, and vitality; and (4) ca-
pacity and promise of leadership and
success. All applications must be on
file by May 15, 1954.
Present holders of the Elmer Gedeon
Scholarship should file applications for
renewal on or before the same date.
Beginning Mon., April 19, the follow-
ing School Representatives will be at
the Bureau of, Appointments for Iter-
Monday, April 19
River Rouge, Michigan-Carroll 1Mun-
shaw-Teacher needs: Elementary:, Vo-
cal Music, first, second, third grades;
High School: Eng. and Soc. Studies,.sev-
eral other fields.
Great Neck, L.I., New York -Helen
Flynn-Teacher needs: Elementary:; first,
third, fourth grades. Jr. High: English,
Math., Social Studies, Science.
Dexter, Michigan - Wayne Webb-
Teacher needs: High School English and
Spanish; Vocal Music (Elem. and-H.S.)
Instrumental Music (Band).
Fenton, Michigan - George Peterson
-Teacher needs: High School: Math.,
Commercial, English, French and Jr.
High: Math, English. Jr. and Sr. High
Art. Jr. and Sr. High Band.
Tues., April 20
Cleveland Heights, Ohio-A.B. Harvey
-Teacher needs: Elementary; Second-
Clarkston, Michigan-L. F. Greene-
Teacher needs: Early and Later Ele-
mentary; Jr. High; Shop.

Grand Rapids, Michigan - Jay Pyl-
man - Teacher needs: All grades ele-
mentary; some secondary.
Wed., April 21
Wyandotte, Michigan - Monguagon
Twp. P.S. - Teacher needs: Elemen-
tary: first, second, third grades, Music
and Art; Elem. and H.S. Vocal Music;
Social Science (4th-7th).
Van Dyke, Michigan-Marjorie Carl-
son-Teacher needs: Elementary: All
grades. Jr. High; Sr. High subjects.
Detroit, Redford Twp., Michigan - M.
D. Roe - Teacher needs: Elementary;
Kdg. thru sixth. Jr. High: Core, Math.,
Science, Language, Commercial, Health
Ed., Art, Music, Audio-Visual, Librar-
ian, Driver Training, Remedial Read-
ing, Counselors.
Thurs., April 22
Northville, Michigan - E. V. Ellison
-Teacher needs: High School: Instru-
mental Music, Art, Science, English,
Accellerated Reading. (Northville is
about 23 miles from Ann Arbor.)
Davison, Michigan-C. J. Thomson-
Teacher needs: Band, Machine Shop,
English and Latin, English and French,
If you would like to be interviewed by
either one or more of the above School
Representatives, contact the Bureau
of Appointments, 3528 Admin. Bldg.,
NO-3-1511, Ext. 489. It is advisable to
call at least a day in advance to be
sure there will be time available for
The Department of Aeronautical En-

ers. Lecture to be given in the Kellogg
Auditorium at 8 p.m. All interested are
in'tited to attend.
Academic Notices
Graduate Examination in Zoology.
Thae first two parts of the Graduate
E Lamination in Zoology will be given
oti Sat., April 17. Part 1, 9-12 anm.;
Part 2, 2-5 p.m. Room 2091 Natural Sdi-
ence. All students working toward the
etctorate in Zoology are required to
tsae the examination once each year
antil it is passed at the preliminary
.Doctora4 Examination for John Pat-
emson, English Language and Literature;
thesis: "The Return of the Native: A
Student in the Genesis and Develop-
ment of a Novel," Sat., April 17, East
COuncil Room, Rackham Bldg., at 9
am. Chairman, A. L. Bader.
Doctoral Examination for Charles Ed-
ward Vann, Education; thesis: "Inter-
relationships between Language Guid-
ance Used by Teachers and the Social
and Developmental Status of the Child,"
von., April 19, Michigan. Union, at
'noon. Chairman, W. C. Olson.
Doctoral Examination for Lester Mar-
vin Wolfson, English; thesis: "A Re-
zeading of Keats' Odes: The Intrinsic
Approach in Literary Criticism," Mon.,
April 19, East Council Room, Rackham
Bldg., at 3 p.m. Chairman, C. D
Student Recital. Esther Miller Reigel,
pianist, will present a recital in par-
tial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree of Bachelor of Music, at
8:30 Saturday evening, April 17, in Au-
ditorium A, Angell Hall. A pupil of
John Kollen, Miss Reigel will play com-
positions by Bach, Beethoven, Bartok,
Debussy, Chopin, and Mendelssohn. Her
program will be open to the general
Events Today
The Inter-Arts Union will hold its
weekly meeting 2 p.m. today in the
League. All interested persons are in-
U. of M. sailing Club members will
be driving to Base Line Lake for the
Michigan Invitational Regatta this
week end. Cars will leave from the side
door of the Union at 7:30 a.m., 8 a.m.,
9 a.m., 10 a.m., 11 a.m., 1 p.m., and 1:30
p.m. on Sat., April 17, and 8:30 a.m. on
Sun., April 18.
Coming Events
Trip to VanAGogh Exhibition at To-
ledo, Thurs., April 22. Bus will leave
side door of Union at 1 p.m., returning
about 6 p.m. Cost per person $2.00, in-
cluding entrance fee. All students de-
siring to make this trip should sign up
at the Department of Fine Arts, 206
Tappan Hall, by Tues., April 20. Please
be prepared to pay for reservation in
Psychology Club. The meeting sched
uled for last Thursday was postponed
because of its conflict with other cam-
pus activities. The next meeting will
be on Thurs., April 22, at 7:30 in the
League, at which time Dr. Schneider.
clinical psychologist for the Bureau of
Psychological Services, will speak on
"Projective Techniques and Theory."
The room will be posted on the League
bulletin board. Refreshments will be
Michigan League Dancing Class that
regularly meets on Tuesday evenings
in the Michigan League ballroom will
not be held this week. The next class
will be held on April 27.
Lutheran Student Association. Easter
Sunday services at the Lutheran Stu-
dent Chapel, Hill and Forest Avenue,
6:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.
Freshman Rendezvous Counselor ap-
plications may be picked up at Lane
Hall. The deadline for applying is noon
on Sat., May 1.
The Congregational - Disciples Guild.
Breakfast meditation-study group at
Guild House Chapel, Tues., April 20,
7 p.m.
~j t





At the Orpheum . .
THE LAST Shapespearean effort of MGM
was the ill-fated (financially and artist-
ically) Romeo and Juliet. The inclusion of
"additional dialogue by" in the list of screen
credits so infuriated the Bard's devotees
that no producer would tackle Shakespeare
for years. Now, several decades later, MGM
has filmed Julius Caesar, by all means an
unprecedented event. Several gossip column-
ists have suggested, perhaps rather face-
tiously, that the studio wished to make use
of left-over costumes and props from Quo
Vadis; but MGM Vice President Dore
Schary insists it is the timeliness of the story
that perpetuated this filmization. Regardless
of the validity of the former reason, the lat-
ter suggests a keen awareness on the part
of Schary. For Julius Caesar is a play with
an important message for the dictator-rid-
den Twentieth Century. It speaks of cor-
ruption, assassination, and the struggles for
power with fierceness and truth. And as a
film, it comes near to being an outstanding
The selection of actors seems, at first
glance, excellent. James Mason (Brutus) and
Louis Calhern (Caesar) are talented and ex-
perienced performers and they read Shakes-
peare with fine perfection. John Gielgud as
Cassius is brilliant. His flawless reading and
distinguished interpretative ability highlight
much of the film.
Pm~. ha .ncth ,-trrcinrof th. v-.

performancewhich is the major fault of
the film. Actor Brando has enormous tal-
ent which he has used previously with ex-
cellent results; but it is not sufficient for
the role of Anthony. Advance publicity for
the film indicates that Brando spent weeks
with Shakespearean coaches to effect the
clean enunciation demanded. For this, his
non-slurring speech, he deserves credit.
But his "Friends, Romans, Countrymen" is
just so much more "clear" screaming.
Brando is not a Shakespearean actor, and
Anthony demands precision that is en-
tirely different from that required for
Streetcar Named Desire's Stanley Kowal-
ski. Brando's acting style is in direct con-
trast with that of actors Gielgud, Mason
and Calhern.
Somewhere between the two schools of
emoting is Edmund O'Brien as Casca. The
greatest compliment that one may pay him
for his performance is that, despite his ex-
tensive "private eye" background, he man-
ages not to look like Dick Tracy in a toga.
MGM deserves much credit for not taking
advantage of the spectacle offered by 44
B. C. Rome. It would have been easy to
turn the film into a Technicolored costume
picture. However, the use of Actresses Greer
Garson and Deborah Kerr in the minor wo-
men's roles is but an attempt at added "box-
office value." Miss Garson, dripping with
jewels and with her classic profile forever
turned to the camera, is slightly out of place.
The battle of Philippi, obviously planned


Sixty-Fourth Year
Ecdted and managed by students of
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Student Publications.
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