See Page 4
Latest Deadline in the State
Ike Pledges GIs'
Stay in Europe
Statement Indicates Encouraging
Of French, Italian EDC Participation
AUGUSTA-P-President Eisenhower reassured France yester-
day that American troops will stay in Europe as long as needed to
repulse any "threat to that area."
The President's declaration, issued from his vacation headquarters
at Augusta, Ga., was addressed to the prime ministers of the six na-
tions involved in the projected European Defense Community.
BUT U. S. OFFICIALS clearly indicated it was 4imed at bolstering
the French government's politically precarious move Thursday to-j
Official Hints ..-Indo-China
War; Also Backs Oppenheimer
Rise Poses
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first
in a series of articles about the prob-
lems created by expanding enrollment
and how the University plans to meet
How big should the University
With the State's college age
population expected to double by
1970 this question has taken on
tremendous practical importance
* * *
A LOOK at enrollment and pop-
ulation trends will show just how
big the problem is. In th last
year before World War II, there
were 52,000 students enrolled in
the State's colleges. During the
"veteran's bulge" of 1948-49, to-
tal college enrollment hit 102000.
This year's figure is slightly
lower-90,000. But an estimated
enrollment of better than double
the present amount, or 200,000
Is predicted by 1970.
What's behind the big enroll-
ment boom?
Babies born in Michigan two
years ago will be ready to enter
college in 1970, and there are twice
as many of them as were born in
1936-the potential freshman class
of 1952.
A -"s
BESIDES birth rates, economic
conditions and the general appre-
ciation of higher education are im-
portant factors in determining
the size of college enrollments.
For instance, there were few-
er people of college age in the
state last year (316,000) than in
1939 (331,000) but the total en-
rollment in Michigan colleges
was 80 per cent higher last year
than in 1939-40.
From 1940 to 1950, the percent-
age of state college-age people who
actually went to college increased
from 15 per cent to 29 per cent
Experts predict that if there is
any change in the proportion of
college age students going to col-
lege by 1970, it will be an increase,
not a decrease.
These figures, plus the Univer-
sity's position as the largest high-
er educational institution in the
State, add up to this: Enrollment
at the University may double by
1970, unless the University puts or
a ceiling.
IF THE University isn't ready t
handle 30,000 to 40,000 students
other existing State schools, or new
schools will have to take care o
what's left.
That neans the University
may lose its place as the State's
biggest school, and the big ap-
proriations that go with that
status. And limiting the size of
the University would mean in-
dividual schools and colleges of
the University would have to be
willing to limit themselves--
that's not too likely.
In any event, it seems almost
certain that the University will be
called on to serve a considerably
larger student body. So University
officials, faculty members and
State Legislators are asking with
How big can the University get
without becoming administrative-
ly unwieldy, without having "pro-
duction line" education? Is it bet-
ter to expand the University or t
have several smaller institutions?
'Tmmnmrniv'ie alP w ill ri-,ih
ward action on EDC after yearsj
of delay.
EDC calls for a unified Euro-
pean army, including German
troops to defend the continent
against any Russian aggression.
France's delay in ratifying it
has been due in large measure
to fear of a rearmed Germany.
President Eisenhower's pledge
brought a prompt response from
Paris, where' a spokesman said
Premier Joseph Laniel's Cabinet
was entirely satisfied that Eisen-
hower's assurances were fully as
valid as Britain's earlier pledge of
closer ties with EDC.I
Britain promised Thursday, not
only to keep troops on the conti-
nent, but to put an armored divi-
sion and Royal Air Force units in}
EDC forces.
.* * *
IN THE U. S. Congress yester-
day there were rumblings that
Eisenhower had not consulted leg-
islative leaders on his pledge, al-
though he said the essential ele-
ments of his position had been dis-
cussed with both Republican and
Democratic leaders.
Senator Michael Mansfield
(D-Mont.) foresaw a possible
"great debate" rivaling the one.
three years ago over President
Truman's decision to send troops
to Europe. Concerning the Eis-
enhower pledge, Mansfield said:
"There may be a great deal of
merit in the proposal but why
3weren't leaders of both parties on
I the Foreign Relations and Armed
Services Committees consulted?"
Chairman Alexander Wiley (R-
Wis.) of the Foreign Relations
Committee said he knew nothing
of the Eisenhower promise until
he read news stories about it. But
he said that there was apparently
"nothing new" in the policy, and
he felt sure that if anything new
was contemplated, "the President
will come to Congress with it."
Only France and Italy have notI
yet ratified EDC.
Merchants Fear
Bogus Twenties
Several local merchants have
been warned by Detroit whole-
salers to be on the look-out for
an influx of counterfeit twenty-
dollar bills in Ann Arbor from the
motor city, it was learned yester-
The counterfeit twenties alleg-
edly have serial number identifi-
cations beginning with the letter
"B" and ending in "D". They sup-
posedly are currently circulating
t in Detroit and vicinity.
S I ---
Says Top Physicist
'ot Security Risk'?
Adds If Not Subject To Blackmail,
Should Have Right To Work for U.S.
WASHINGTON-(-0)-A high Administration official yesterday
expressed the opinion that J. Robert Oppenheimer "is a loyal Ameri-
can and should not be barred from government work if he is not a
security risk.
"If the man is not a security risk, if he is not subject to black-
mail." this official said, "he should have a right to work for the
TALKING TO newsmen with the stipulation that his identity
not be disclosed, he said it is up to a special panel to decide whetherf
Oppenheimer is a security risk. -
Credited with having played T
a leading role in developing theI7 0ao
physicist was barred from fur- dB
ther access to U. S. atomic re- I1R evea
ports last December pendingreview of his case. The Atomic
received information that he
was a security risk.
Oppenheimer denied he was a By LEW HAMBURGER
risk and asked for a hearing. HisA
seo GI's
Would Hinge
On French
No Withdrawal
Seen by Source
WASHINGTON -- (M) -A high
Administration official expressed
belief yesterday that American
forces should be used to save Indo-
China in what he called the un-
likely event that all other means
fail to hold it against the Com-
The anonymous statement
brought an immediate Congres-
sional storm and statements from
Senators Bourke Hickenlooper (R-
Iowa) and Hubert Humphrey( D-
Minn.) that it went beyond Ad-
ministration policy as they know
* * *
THE OFFICIAL said he did not
believe French troops would pull
out of Indo-China but if they did
so, the U.S. government would be
obliged to send military forces into
the feninsula He talked to news'
-Daily-John Hirtzel
National IFC head
IVY College
Action Hit
By Cochran
-Daily-John Hir tzel
"The State University of New case is now being reviewed by a Michigan's present lack of a men with the specification that he
York Trustees' action, banning special panel headed by Gordon swimming coach because of the , A F41 should not be identified by name.
fraternities from having any ties mray, former Secretary of the retirement of Matt Mann II is ex- ranII'rIe -t er nIaY S ran
with their national organization Army. pcted to end today.enator Mchael Mansfield
by a certain future date, is some- The Administration official said Unofficial reports have includ- . (D-Mont.) denanded that the
thing that must be battled," Lloyd the big question is whether the ed the names of Stanford's Tom TCe ts Le"iss icofficial be identified "so that
H. Cochran, chairman of the Na- government should take the posi- Haynie; Fordson-Dearborn's Gus Congress can question him to
tional Interfraternity Council, tion that past association with Stager; Matt Mann III, son of the find out who and what he is
told fraternity and sorority leaders Communists, even if foresworn, retiring mentor and coach at Lan- By MARY ANN THOMAS speaking for."
last night should forever after preclude gov- sing Sexton this season; Bob Mow- "'The grea , real issue facing the world today is the conflict be- "The United States as the lead-
Addressing a banquet of the Big ernment service. erson, coach at Battle Creek; and tween law and force," Justice Felix Frankfurter of the U.S. Supreme er of the free world," the inform-
Ten Interfraternity Council-Pan- "I do not believe it should." he Dave Robertson, coach of New Court advised University law students, faculty and Lawyers Club mem- ant said, "cannot afford further
hellenic Conference, the leader in said. "I believe each case should Trier high school in Winnetka, Ill., bers at the 26th annual Founder's Day banquet yesterday. retreat in Asia"-a phrase used
fraternity work attacked the New be considered on its merits, par- as possible successors to Mann. Speaking on "Observations on Supreme Court Litigation," Justice recently by President Eisenhower.
York Trustees' order for bringing ticularly when dealing with an * * * Frankfurter outlined the history of. - - "I think we can do it without
pressures that "echo in some in- ideology which during the 1930's LEADING candidates appear to the Court's functions' and em- American boys," he added.
stances the Communist line of had such an appeal among the be Stager and Haynie. The two phasized the importanc e of tIJOPIEA D But if there is no other way,
propaganda." intelligentsia and various other have been constantly mentioned Bar in those processes. "we must take the risk of putting
* i * groups." throughout the season as out- * * American boys" in Indo-China,
COCHRAN cited last year's * * standing possibilities. ALTHOUGH a 1925 law making- Po t rr.even though it would put the Ad-
Trustee move when he stressed THE OFFCIAL, who has been srministration in a "politically n-
that one of the aims of frater- familiar with the Oppenheimer It has been rumored among the nation's highest court master Mwlne popular position."
nities and sororities is "to develop case since 1948 when the scientist ichian wimksieser in oit own w orlset epea JNsIic*
in their members a cherisaing of was questioned aby a CongressionalHy ws eredrehetbusndcetnkirmembeg"NOWIS the time for all of us
the principles of freedom." committee, said he had found O- Haynie was offered the job and Frankfurter explained that bring-toakafimpsintoecr
~h rcpe ffedm"cmite adh a on p refused. It is said that he want- ing a case to the Supreme Court1 to take a firm position to secure
penheimer to be cooperative, im- reVisiting lecturer Katherine Anne Indo-China," in view of its stra-
"In these times when Com- pressive and responsive" under ed better salary and assistant takes time because of the number Porter has been designated to be
munism is a challenge to free- questioning. coaches. of cases it must hear and the de- this year's Hophead lecturer and g positin as gateway to
do, esis , "aquestioning.of ofbcaseiton tisvyar'sHophedaletureendSoutheast Asia, he said.
dom," he said, "a cherishing of More recently, he said he has Haynie was a Michigan swim- liberation given to each one. will speak in this capacity and
freedom means that we must had an opportunity to see the mer in 1936, '37 and '38. During The prominent author and give the Gargoyle sponsored Hop- "If we don't," the official
fight for it." full file on the physicist and it those years he led teams to Big statesman added that increased. head lectures at which awards will - added, "it is going to be too
presents "an extremely difficult Ten and collegiate titles and was problems have brought between be given for the winning funny late two or three years from now
leawdingmen"infraegrnity wuo r problem." named "best collegiate swimmer 1200 and 100 cases a year to stories entered in the Gargoyle's to take the risks."
who saw the banning of ties with "Oppenheime.r, at least on the of the year" in 1938. the Court. sponsored humor-writing contest Senator umphrey, a. member
national organizations as "Coi- evidence I have seen, in my opin- Stager has developed quickly, "Responsibility of the Bar in the to be used in a subsequent issue of of the Foreign Relations Commit-
ion is a loyal American," he said. having been a member of Michi- shaping of litigation is immense," agin g to afr e sation policy, i ges fa
mn ailatini "uand "On the other hand the informa- gan's last National Collegiate .54, managing editor of the afore- Admistration policy, it goes far
and racial totalitarianism," and the associate justice emphasized.
"pure totalitarianism" a tion in his file is voluminous and championship team in 1948 and mentioned magazine and one of beyond what we have been told in
Other alms for Greek organiza- makes a 'prima facie' case of se- this year produced a team that is Giving tips to the law students the Hophead judges. the Senate," including recent
curity risk. ranked by many as the best high and attorneys, the eminent jur- The contest will close April 30. briefings by Secretary of State
develo s s by "an were to "But I am sure Oppenheimer school team in the nation. ist warned, "Ours is the calling Pike urged that all literary hop- John Foster Dulles.
ep in affiliates an ability to will get a fair hearing." Haynie has coached Stanford to that administers to the moral heads and all would-be humor Senator Hickenlooper said in a
accept responsibility, the art of The same official said disclo- national prominence, and several health of society." writers enter and therefore be eli- separate interview: "I have no in-
self-discipline, and the basic con- rb a fhssimr lcdwl nte
cept of divine guidance." sure of the security probe was of his swimmers placed well in the Justice Frankfurter addressed gible to receive the good prizes dication that it would be Adminis-
;made on the initiative of Oppen- recent NCAA meet. A. ..1May 11 when Miss Porter will de- tration policy to send troops into
resented at the banquet was
the Indiana Help Week Award to
the Illinois IFC.
Dedication Ceremonies
To Mark Pool Opening!
After 25 years of planning, the new women's pool, located at N.
University and Forest near the present Women's Athletic Bldg. will
be formally dedicated at 2 p.m. today.
Attendance at the dedication is by special invitation. University
President Harlan H. Hatcher will act as master of ceremonies and
introduce speakers on the program.
MAIN SPEAKER of the event will be Regent Vera Baits. An ad-
dress by Prof. Marcus L. Plant for the Board in Control of Inter -
Collegiate Athletics, will follow.
Florence Lafer, representing the women's alumnae, will intro-
duce Lola Hanavan, chairman of the Alumnae Committee of the
pool, who will unveil a portrait of Dr. Margaret Bell, women's
physical education department chairman.
Other speakers include Dean of Women Deborah Bacon: Dr. Bell;
Susan Riggs, president of the League; and Marion Swanson, repre-
sentative of the Women's Athletic Association.
Michifish, a swimming group of the WAA, will present a water
show at 4 p.m. today and at 3 and 5 p.m. tomorrow at the pool, as
See related story, Page 5
heimer and his friends, and not on
the Administration's initiative.
It therefore is obviously un-
true, he said, that the news was
made public in order to offset
1possibly more sensational treat-
ment of the case by the Sen-
ate Investigations subcommittee
headed by Senator Joseph Mc-
Carthy (R-Wis.).
The official said he could not
tell the extent to which Oppen-
heimer and his advisers might
have been influenced by the pos-
sibility of McCarthy disclosures,
"but it did not influence the exec-
utive branch."
Reported for
Bomb Delay
WASHINGTON - (R') - Sena-
;tor Bourke Hickenlooper (R-
Iowa) said last night there were
several years' delay in development
of the hydrogen bomb because of
"definite and powerful objec-
The former chairman of the
Joint Atomic Energy Committee
was asked in a radio interview if
.1 __ ,_ _ - , 1....a - A , . ,-
an audience of more than 450 liver her speech. Indo-China under any circum-
gathered in memory of William W. The prize is money. stances.
Fr ch H o d Cook, founder of the Lawyers Club T p
ene lO a and donator of the Club building
Guests at the dinner included Y as o e ,
Ground; Halt landt LatShool buings. d Hulel To iibserve Passover;
Regent Joseph Herbert; Univer-
Red Atacks ity President Harlan H. Hatcher;
Herbert W. Clark, tpresident of theCeremonial Dinner Planned
Law Club's Board of Governors;
Leader of Fotiress Prof. Ralph Aigler of the Law---"
D'Ol teOJ i C ' School: Hugh Harness, Executive The Festival of Passover ob- The eight-day festival held
se'leCouncil president; Judge George served by Jewish people all over yearly in commemoration of the
HANOI Indo-China - Bushnell of the Michigan Supreme I the world will be ushered in by freedom of the Israelites from
French tanks, artillery and infan- Court; and David P. Wood, senior the Seder, ceremonial dinner at bondage in Egypt and their exo-
try kept the Vietminh rebels from member of the Law Club's Boaid7:30 p.m. today in the Hillel rooms dus from Egypt under Moses' lead-
widening their foothold only 800 of Governors. I'on Hill St. ership, will end at sundown April
yards from the heart of Dien Bien ; 25.
Phu yesterday. GOOD FRIDAY: During the eight day Jewish
The French Union forces clash- festival, no leavened bread will
ed with the rebels at all points { be eaten. Instead, matzoh, the
around the northwest Indo-China Easter s A rriwaial Marked Hebrew word for unleavened
fortress. bed ilb etni eoy
* * * eof the unleavened bread eaten
DESPITE constant harassment, 'i d iti na Se vi es by the Jews in the desert after
the Communist-led rebels clung to their hasty retreat from Egypt.
the trenches they carved out of
the trenches sthey carvhed os t of *- - - -~ ~~- - ~ Following the Seder this evening
the main airstrip in their closest' The Easter holidays began yes- lion and consequently classes will be the reading of the Hag-
approach to the 'fortress head- terdasy with well attended 'tre ore"'Iandhnarrative oftheevents
quarters of Brig. Gen. Christian (three hour) services in many are not he l a,
de Castries, French commander Because the religious holiday of the Passover.
-- churches and special evening ser- fell on a school day this year, Jewish fraternities and sorori-
In Paris, the Defense Ministry vices in some student chapels. many instructors did not meet ties are planning to hold indi-
last night announced de Cast- A community service was held with their classes. vidual celebration of the Seder
ries' promotion from colonel to from noon to 3 ptm. in the FirstS
brigadier general. Methodist Church and according One professor strongly denounc- also In addition to the sundown
ed the practice of holding classes services today, worship services
Under cover of darkness the to a spokesman from the Ann Ar- - ;nnn o,* ,m,- u ni will be conducted at 9 a.m. and at