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Officers of omen's
Scholarship Winners
Told at Annual Event
League, Assembly, Panhel, WAA Officers
Announced to Audience During Installation Night
Excited coeds clapped and
cheered as they heard the names
of the new officers for the League,
Junior Girls' Play, Sophomore Cab-
aret, WAA, Assembly and Panhel-
lenic Association.
Roars of approval greeted the
announcement of the winners of
the various awards and scholar-
ships, including the Marcia Bab-
bidge Award, the Scroll, Mortar-
board and Ethel McCormick Schol-
4. * * *
League . .
The new officers of the League
are Lucy Landers, president;
Nancy Schiller, vice-president;
Helen Schwarz, secretary and
Margie Blount, treasurer.
Other officers include Sally Lor-
ber, chairman of the Interview-
ing and Nominating Committee;
f Lois Klein, secretary of Interview-
ing and Nominating Committee;
Sally Stahl, chairman of Judici-
ary and Eve Tyler, senior member
of Judiciary.
Chairmen of the various stand-
ing committees of the League are
Joanne Craft, social committee;
Barb Uebel, Merit-tutorial; Lue
DeHart, House Committee; Deb-
by Shavelson, Special Projects;
Joan Hyman, .,Community Serv-
ices; Mary Sherman, Public Rela-
tions; Charlotte Rolnick, Dance
Class chairman and Shirley Bay-
lis, Dance Class finance chairman.
Officers of the Orientation
committee are Sue Fricker,
chairman; Joyce Perry, vice-
chairman and Jackie Boggan,
social chairman.
Women appointed to League
committees include Mary Hoyt and
Pat Arrington, House Committee;
Martha Wallbillick, Barbara Wat-
son, Nancy Jaquette, Carolyn
Bahle, Erica Erskine and Betty
Jean - Kafka, Interviewing and
Nominating; Lois Mishelow, Joc-
elyn Fiengold, Virginia Cook, Sal-
ly Wilkinson and Mary Nolen, Ju-
diciary and Charnie Butman, Paula
Limberg, Carol Downes and Ursula
Gebhard, Community Service.
The list continues with Ruth
Bulderis, Janet Kendrick, Sandy
Hughes and Nancy Davenport,
Public Relations; Dorothy Clark-
son, Grace Ritow, Dorothy Swan-
son, Carolyn Moeller and Elaine
Bice, Social Committee and Mary
Lou Kierdorf and Mary Stuart,
Soph Cab...
General chairman of the 19551
Sophomore Cabaret is Mary Lee
Birmingham, who will be assist-
manager; Ruth Hayward, ush-
ers; Kathy Thomas, tickets;
Nancy Johnston, costumes;
Irene Kellogg, assistant cos-
tumes; Paula Strong, properties;
Betty Powell, programs; Sue
Garfield, publicity and Janet
Smith, Daily publicity.
* * *
WAA ..*
New Officers for the Women's
Athletic Association include Mar-
gerat Lord, president; Barbara
Burstein, vice-president (Special
Projects); Margaret Smith, vice-
president (Student Relations);
Jaylee Duke, co-recreation chair-
man; Sylvia Leach, co-rec tourna-
ment manager; Dorothy Clarkson,
secretary and Meredith Tigel,
A.F.C .W.representative.
The list continues with Pat Bu-
bel, dormitory manager; Paula
Strong, League House manager;
Joy Stanlea, Daily representative;
Peggy Moreland, public relations;
Mary Louise Sullivan, badminton
manager; Gaille Valentine, ballet;
Junjoy Barber, fencing and Don-
na Hammill and John Hall, ice
Other officers are Jennifer Al-
len and Jim Stasheff, modern
dance; Mary Lovell, golf; Mar-
ion Charvat, Michifish; Roberta
Gubbins, rifle; Margie Wyche,
coaches and officials and Patsy
Ann Gerstner, riding.
* * *
Scholarships ...
Winners of the Ethel McCor-
mick scholarships are Sally Lor-
ber, Jill Coleman, Delores Messin-
ger and Jill Merrill.
Sue Beebe was awarded the
Mortarboard scholarship and Car-
olyn Thomas was awarded the
Scroll Scholarship.
* * *
Marcia Babbidge
Award . ..
The newly-created Marcia
Babbidge award for the out-
standing cast member of JGP
was given to Rachel Byron, who
s, , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -
played one of the four secre-
taries in this year's production.
* * *
Alpha Lapbda Delta
Fourteen seniors who have
maintained a 3.5 average during
their four years at the University
were honored by Alpha Lambda
Delta freshman honorary. Hold-
ing a 3.98 average, Helen Ruth
Beatson received a book for main-
taining the highest average. Oth-
ers honored are Ann Frank, June
Granstrom, Frances Hill, Mary
Hutchins, Doreen Millman, Naomi
Lemkey, Sibly Severance, Marion
Nowlin, Barbara Petrie, Joan St.
Denis Dudd, Ann Stevenson, Shir-
ley Swinson, and Cynthia Vary.
* * *
Assembly .. .
New president of Assembly As-
sociation Is Hazel Frank, who will
be assisted by executive vice-pres-
ident Sonny Orenstein and ad-
ministrative vice-president Mary
Jo Park. Taking minutes for As-
sembly will be Grace Riteau, while
Judy Jennis will look after the fi-
nancial end of the job.
Assembly's big sister chairman
is Judy Veeb; personnel, Sylvia
Levy and public relations, Sue
Blau. Social chairman this year
will be Lois Yandell and special
projects chairman, Lois Shine.
as follows: president, Jean
Bromfield, Kappa Kappa Gam-
ma; first vice-president; Bar-
bara Heider, Alpha X1 Delta;
second vice-president, Virginia
Abbey, Delta Gamma; secretary,
Becky Ninness, Chi Omega and
treasurer, Jeralee Fox, Pi Beta
Taking over the position of pub-
lic relations chairman for the sec-
ond semester will be Marlene Jaffa,
Sigma Delta Tau; she will be as-
sisted by Peg Hubbard, Alpha Chi
Omega; Jean MacRae, Alpha Del-
ta Pi and Alice James, Kappa Kap-
pa Gamma.
Other new Panhel officers are
Rushing Chairman Margie Spind-
ler, Alpha Phi; Nancy Briggs, Al-
pha Delta Pi, assistant rushing
chairman; Chairman of rushing
counselors Debby Townsend, Gam-
ma Phi Beta and Parliamentarian
Irene Kellogg, Alpha Omicron Pi.
The Panhel secretarial commit-
tee includes Barbara Barker, Col-
legiate Sorosis; Janet Maas, Alpha
Epsilon Phi; Laura Portz, Alpha
Phi and Carol McMacker, Alpha
Omicron Pi.
4-Daily-John Hirtzel
VICTORY SMILES-Noise and laughter resounded throughout Prescott House last night as their
residents captured a majority of the positions in Assembly Association. The new administrative
vice-president, Mary Jo Park, and president, Hazel Frank, are shown with gifts they received from
the president and director of East Quad-bright red T-shirts with Prescott printed on them. Names
of most of the women's organizations office holders were announced last night.
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ed by Nancy MacDonald. Secre-
tary will be Sharon Callahan,
with assistant Mary Rupp.
Treasurer will be Mary Jean
Crocker; assistant, Marilyn
In charge of the script for Soph
Cab is Sunny Everett, while Mary
Gronberg, floorshow chairman and
Laura Portz, assistant, will take
over the entertainment portion of
the two-evening show. Other
members of the central committee
of Soph Cab are dance chairman,
Doris Linton; assistant, Pat Drake;
decorations, Sharon Shantz; as-
sistant, Ann Reichart; publicity,
Pat Sackandy; posters,. Beth Ro-
senberg and stunts, Diana Cook.
Also helping to make the new
Soph Cab a success next year will
To those students living
and eating out of the dor-
mitories - it would pay
you to see.. .
Mr. Armstrong at
Home of Good Food
928 S. State St.
be programs chairman, Ruth Bas-
sikis; make-up, Cindy Gold; as-
sistant make-up chairman, De-
lores Sloan; refreshments, Jeanne
Newell and stage manager, Con-
nie Butler.
Selling tickets for the per-
formances will be chairman Wil-
ma Larmee and assistant, Mar-
jorie Rout. Hostess chairman is
Kathryn Luhn, while Sue Sul-
Gym Instructors
Formulate Plans
For Workshop
Five staff members of the Wom-
en's Physical Education Depart-
ment will attend the national con-
vention of the American Associa-
tion for Health, Physical Educa-
tion and Recreation during the
week beginning Sunday, April 19.
Prof. Laurie Campbell has been
active in the planning of the El-
ementary School Physical Educa-
tion Workshop, which will be held
the first day of the convention.
She will also participate in the
Legislative Board meetings of the
National Section of Girl's and
Women's Sports.
livan will be in
charge of the
* * *
Junior Girls' Play *. .
Central Committee members for
the 1955 Junior Girls' Play in-
clude Alice James, general chair-
man; Marilyn Miller, assistant
general chairman and Dawn Wal-
dron, director.
The list continues with Edith
McCluskey, secretary; Mary Slaus-
son, treasurer; Louise Blanchard,
assistant treasurer; Libby Gar-
land, music; Barb Backler, com-
poser, arranger; Eileen Schu-
maker, choral director; Carol Ford,
make-up; Sarah Hayden, assist-
ant make-up and Cathy King,
stage manager.
Other committee members are
Yvonne Cousins, assistant stage
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BADMiNTON - Susan Arm-
strong won the women's all-cam-
pus badminton tournament spon-
sored by the Women's Athletic
Association recently.,
Second place honors were earn-
ed by Margaret Penny.
In women's doubles matches
Phylis Peterson teamed with Mar-
garet Penny to capture the title
while Dorothy Allaben and Sue
Brown finished second.
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