PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 1954 RAGE F0U3 TIlE MICIHGAN DAILY "Mom By HARRY LUNN Daily Managing Editor WITH THE revelation that two University students have received subpoenas from Rep. Clardy's sub-committee, the air-tight secrecy which has surrounded the up-com- ing May hearings has been partially punc- tured and it is expected that more infor- mation will come to light in the next weeks and days. Since Rep. Velde first Indicated early last spring that the University would be involved in hearings of a sub-group of the House Un-American Activities Com- mittee, University officials have been en- deavoring to establish procedures and policies in regard to subpoenas and evi- dence which might be produced at the hearings. Their objective has been to insure that anyone Involved would re- ceive fair treatment, that the internal situation would not be unsettled by fear or suspicion and that the University's responsibility to the state and its citizens would be recognized. Admittedly this overall objective can give rise to contradictory policies or actions, and the final test of the hearings is yet to come. In considering the hearings however, it should be remembered that the Univ.ersity administration has given long study and consultation to the problem and decisions will be made against this background of knowledge and experience. It also should be borne in mind that per- haps six faculty members and possibly only two students have received a summons to testify, a very minute percentage of the faculty and student body. Rep. Clardy con- tinually has reiterated that he realizes the University is not overrun with people who need to be subpoenaed. Although it may be hard to keep this perspective during the hearings, there should be no reason why the established procedures carefully being set up for both faculty and student cases should be ignored, and there is no reason to be- lieve they will be. A word also might be said about Daily publishing policy in regard to these cases. The Daily editors had anticipated that some faculty members or students might wish to come forward and say they had been subpoenaed, and that others might not. Any name printed here must come either from the sub-committee or the person involved, and because the sub-com- mittee will not release any names, it rests with the person to make the decision. Mere rumor or conjecture about an indi- vidual hardly warrants our using his hame. The investigations, however, are extremely newsworthy for their effect here and their ramifications on the national scene. Devel opments arising out of them, such as yes- terday's news break, are extremely signifi- cant and will be treated with as much thor- oughness as possible. At the same time, the' hysteria which has characterized situations of this sort at other places will be avoided. At Hill Auditorium .. . University Symphony Orchestra, Josef Blatt, conductor, with members of the Michigan Singers, Maynard Klein, con- ductor. Strauss: Till Eulenspiegel's Merry Pranks Debussy: Nocturnes (Nuages, Fetes, Si- renes) Beethoven: Symphony No. 6 (Pastorale) THE SPRING CONCERT of the 'U' Sym- phony opened with a very satisfying and enthusiastic performance of Till Eulen- spiegel. The ensemble was brilliant and clean, with the winds and brass particularly stirring. Robert Ricks handled the horn solo at the beginning expertly, and the other soloists, including the concertmaster, Jane Stoltz, and some penetrating E-fiat clarinet by Rolf Legband, were equally fine. Prof. Blatt had the players well drilled, and the result was exciting In the third of the three Debussy Noc- turnes the women of the Michigan Sing- ers were added. They sang beautifully, capturing the ethereal nuance for which Debussy prescribed them. Orchestrally the Nocturnes came off well. Kenneth Holm played some lovely English Horn solos throughout the pieces. The balance between the different orchestral combina- tions was sensed by Prof. Blatt and care- fully brought out, thereby insuring the work's proper impressionistic effect. There was plenty of seasonal appropriate- ness to the Beethoven Pastorale Symphony, but unfortunately the orchestra and con- ductor didn't feel in the right mood. Be- cause the Strauss and Debussy both rely heavily on winds and brass, weakness in the strings goes unnoticed. Even though the strings, primarily violas, were consider- ably bolstered for last night's concert, it would be dishonest to say the work spoke fluidly. It was too much like a reading. The University Orchestra is capable of TODAY AND TOMORROW: Is an Armistice Possible? "How About Sending Them A Flag?" By WALTER LIPPMANN1 THE FORMATION and even more so the maintenance of a common diplomatic front at Geneva depend upon this crucial question: Can the terms of an armistice in Indo-China be conceived which the Com- munist powers might, and that the Western powers could, accept? The schism within the Western Alliance can be closed only if agreement can be reached on a common principle of negotiation. For without that a common front will quickly be torn apart between the advocates of appeasement on the ,one hand and of unconditional surren- der on the other. Thus far no one in a responsible posi- tion has come forward with so much- as a hint of acceptable terms. The terms most frequently suggested, only to be rejected, are of two types. One is a territorial partition, presumably" at the 16th parallel. This was the line chosen in 1945 to mark the southern limits of the Nationalist Chinese occupation of In- do-China. A partition of this kind, sur- rendering Indo-China north of the 16th parallel to Ho Chi Minh, would mean a de- fective abandonment of Tonking, of the Red River Delta, the capital city of Hanoi, the port of Haiphong, the railroad to Yun- nan, and the swallowing of the kingdom of Laos within the surrounding Communist sphere of influence. The second type of negotiated settlement which is generally discussed is based on the territorial unity of Viet Nam under a coali- tion government. Manifestly this would be even worse than the territorial partition. For there can be little doubt that the Com- munists in the coalition would soon domi- nate the government and would become the masters of the whole country. This would seem to leave us with lit- tle prospect of negotiating and a most un- pleasant prospect of having to fight an indecisive war. It has occurred to me to ask why we should suppose that either of these two types of "solutions"-either D RAMA THE GLASS MENAGERIE, presented by the Arbor Players. LAST NIGHT Ann Arbor's second resident theater group in five years opened its first season. The Arbor Players have the enthusiasm which comes with a new pro- ject, but the production lacks whatever mysterious element was necessary for Ten- nessee Williams' rather unimpressive play to become a hit on Broadway. To begin a season with a mediocre play is not good business; to attempt to launch a theater group with one could prove disastrous. The success of "The Glass Menagerie" must depend to some extent on the few powerful moments of the play itself, but to a far greater degree on the experience and ability of the four actors who must over- come the weaknesses. Unfortunately the cast of this production rely far too heavily on whatever merits are possessed by the play, and do not allow themselves the free- dom to go beyond the book to the display of dramatic virtuosity which is called for. Of the four people who re-create the roles Jim Bob Stephenson, as the son Tom, comes closest to some semblance of theatrical art. He is encumbered with Williams' "narrator" passages, and con- sequently never really reaches the char- acter of the son in the action of the play. These narrative sequences are de- livered in a rather matter-of-fact tone despite Tom's own comments that this is a sentimental "memory"; it may come off as a memory, but the narrator is certain- ly not sentimental. Within the drama it- self Mr. Stephenson does manage to con- vince us that he is dissatisfied with the whole sordid business, and this, I suppose, is worth something. But-aside from the humorous exchanges with his mother-' Tom is really quite an unsympathetic character. Laura, the crippled girl who lives in a world with her miniature glass animals, is played by Nancy B6rn. Miss Born makes the unfortunate mistake of living too much in her make-believe zoo. We only know her through a set of superficial gestures and a beautific smile, and the real introverted personality hidden within is never brought close enough to the audience to be glimpsed. Only the intuition of the audience gives Laura color, and intuition is a sorry substi- tute for a quality projected by an actor. Robin Hall, who appears as the mother, is as nagging and sordid as Amanda should should be. But Miss Hall has forgotten that Amanda is a Wingfield, and through all this middle-class squalor there must shine vestiges of the dignity and graceful living that was once hers. In her most touching scenes-when she appears in her faded ball gown, for example-Miss Hall is slightly hilarious, never pathetic. She is only half what she might have been. The set is approximately what the care- ful staging directions of the play ask; there are some interesting touches, some tradi- -__A- i- -_ , _ 4-- of them a grave defeat-needs to be the terms of an armistice. Am I crazy or have we become confused by failing to realize the radical difference in the world today between an armistice and a settle- ment? We have, for example, an armistice in Germany, in Austria, in Korea, and at least de facto in Formosa. But in no one of these areas is there a settlement and none is now in sight. In Korea there is an armistice based on the partition of the country but there is no present prospect of a settlement which would unite the country under one government and lead to the withdrawal of all foreign troops. Now when we talk about Indo-China, are we not trying to imagine that 'which is for the time being impossible as it is in Korea-namely, a settlement which left the whole country in the hands of the native population. * s s F WE ARE clear that what we are trying to think out are the terms of an armis- tice, does it not follow that what we are looking for are not the terms on which the great powers now engaged directly or in- directly in Indo-China would withdraw? If we are thinking of an armistice, what we are looking for are the terms on which the great powers would agree-without further fighting-not to withdraw but to stay. That is the basic agreement of the Korean arm- istice. It is an agreement to stay not to withdraw. It is an agreement to stop fight- ing where the fighting ended, with the North Koreans and the Red Chinese, the South Koreans, the Americans and the oth- er U.N. forces remaining where they are. The Korean armistice was acceptable to us because it prevented the conquest of Korea and has kept out of hostile hands the near approaches to Japan. It was acceptable to the Communist powers because, as "Pravda" has told us, the United States does not occupy the whole peninsula and does not have a "bridge~. head" for an attack on China. The point Is that neither side trusted the promises of the other and yet a cease-fire was agreed upon when each side was able to hold a physical position which made it improbable that the cease-fire would be broken. There Is, of course, no continuous front in Indo-China, as there was in Korea, at which to arrange an armistice. For this reason the problem is more complicated. Nevertheless, though there is no clear front line, the French Union holds the ports and the big cities near the sea while the Viet Minh are dominant in the hinterlands and in the villages. An armistice agreement which recognized the continuing presence of the French Un- ion forces in the cities and ports until there was a political settlement would be honor- able and it would not need to mean the sur- render of the vital interests of the Viet Namese or of the Western powers. Might it be acceptable to the Communist powers-' acceptable in the sense that they would then advise Ho Chi Minh to sign an arm- istice and would-as we have done with President Rhee-use influence and the con- trol of military supplies to discourage the outbreak of more violence? There is no telling now whether and how such a military standstill might be acceptable to the Communist powers. But what "Pravda" has just had to say about how satisfactory is the position in North Korea is at least interesting for Indo- China. It suggests that a negotiabl pro- position might be worked out which turn- ed upon the military and economic inter- ests of China in Tonking and the Red River region. This area is in some ways related to China as is North Korea. Thus long before th French conquest some seventy years ago, this area was with- in the historic Chinese sphere of influ- ence. The river and the railroad are the nearest and most feasible way that South China can have access to the sea. It is not inconceivable, therefore, that the concrete and specific interests of Red China guar- antees against the build-up of Western mili- tary power in that area and an economic outlet along the river and the railroad through the port. Such an agreement ought not to mean during the armistice period and before a political settlement the withdrawal of the French Union forces. These suggestions are, I should say, found- ed on nothing more than the old journalis- tic art of putting two and two together and then wondering out loud whether it might not turn out that they have made five. But there is an unsubstantiated rumor which, though it may be true, is the kind of fic- tion which is worth paying attention to. I found it in an article in "The Christian Science Monitor" by the assistant overseas news editor, Mr. Gordon Walker. The substance of the rumor is that the French may be exploring the idea of of- fering the Peking government the renewal of the treaty which France made with Chi- ang Kai-shek in 1946. This treaty was the price France had to pay Chiang Kai-shek to evacuate the three Chinese armies of oc- cupation which took over northern Indo- China from the Japanese. In that treaty China was granted free port facilities at Haiphong and tax free transportation on the Yunnan-Haiphong railwa vwhicah nnec nsuthni'Ch ina AVPT1 , '"« s, ', J r , t, , Y ; 'i e _ § -.. , i h a. " k 36 i i % ' I x' - s . ON THE WASHINGTON WERIRY-GO-OUND ' WITH DREW PEARSON (Continued from Page 2) versity of Kansas, Fri., April 16, 4:15 p.m., Aud. C, Angell Hall. cademic Notices Seminar In Mathematical Statistics, Thurs., April 15, from 2-4 p.m., in 3201 Angell Hall. Dr. A. B. Clarke will be the speaker. The FIsherips Seminar scheduled to meet Thurs., Apr. 15, has been cancel- led. Course 402, the Interdisciplinary Sem- inar in the Application of Mathematics to the Social Sciences, will meet on Thurs.. April 15, at 4 p.m. in 3409 Mason Hall. Dr. Leo Katz of the Mathematics Department. Michigan State College, will speak on "A Probability Model for One-Dimensional Group Organization," Seminar in Applied Mathematics will meet Thurs., April 15, at 4 p.m. in 247 West Engineering. Speaker: Professor C. L. Dolph will continue. Topic: The estimation of solutions of elliptical boundary value problems by the meth- od of Treftz and Rayleigh-Ritz. Astronomical Colloquium, Fri., April 16. 4:15 p.m., the Observatory. Mr. Eu- gene B. Turner of the Physics Depart- ment will speak on "Application of Shock Tube Techniques in Experimental Astrophysics.' The Seminar in Potential Theory will meet at 4 p.m. on Fri., April 16, in 3010 Angell Hall. Dr. J. L. Ullman will speak on ,The Maximum Principle for Har- monic Functions." Logic Seminar will meet Fri., Apr. 17, at 4 p.m., in 411 Mason Hall, when Prof. R. C. Lyndon will speak on "Un- decidable Theories." Doctoral Examination for Ronald Kay Getoor, Mathematics; thesis: "Some Connections between Operators in Hil- bert Space and Random Functions of Second Order," Thurs., April 15, East Council Room, Rackham Building, at 3 p.m. Acting chairman, D. A, Darling. Doctoral Examination for Robert Stearns Butsch, Zoology; thesis: "The Life History and Ecology of the Red- Backed Vole, Clethrionomys gapperi gapperi Vigors, in Minnesota," Fri.~ April 16, 3030 Museum, at 9 a.m. Chair- man, W. H. Burt. Doctoral Examination for William Potter Davis, Jr., Physics; thesis: "The Lateral Structure of Large Air Showers at High Altitude," Fri., April 16, East Council Room, Rackham Bldg., at 1:30 p.m. Acting Chairman, D. A. Glaser. Doctoral Examination for Alzire Block Segal, Psychology; thesis: "The Predic- tion of Expressed Attitudes toward the Mother," Fri., April 16, 7611 Haven Hall, at 2 p.m. Chairman, G. S. Blum. Concerts Student Recital: Richard Branch, or- ganist, will present a recital at 4:15 Thursday afternoon, April 15, in Hill Auditorium, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bache- lor of Music. A pupil of Robert Noeh- ren, Mr. Branch will play compositions by Buxtehude, Bach. Roger-Ducasse, and Durufle. His recital will be open to the general public. Episcopal Student Foundation. Stu- dent-Faculty led Evensong. Chapel of St. Michael and All Angels, 5:15 p.m., today. Christian Science Organization. Tes- timony meeting this evening at 7:30 p.m. Fireside Room, Lane Hall. All are welcome. Scabbard and Blade Meeting today at 1930 Hours, 212 North Hall. Kappa Phi. There will be a supper meeting today at 5:15 at the Methodist Church. Please be present. The Congregational-Disciples Guild. Supper hike, today 5:30 p.m., leaving from Guild House. Alpha Phi Omega. General meeting tonight in Room 3A,Michigan Union at 7:30 p.m. Presbyterian Student Center. West. minster Student Fellowship will join in Holy Week Noonday Vespers from 12:30 to 1:00 p.m., and in the Maundy Thursday service at 8 p.m. Both serva. ices will be held in the church sanao* tuWTy. Assembly Activity Chairmen will met at 4 p.m. in the League to evaluate and reorganize the program. Attendance to important. University Lutheran Chapel,. 5 Washtenaw: Maundy Thursday Vesper Service, with Holy Communion, at 7:30 p.m. Sermon by the Rev. A. ""helps, 'Is it I?"1 I WASHINGTON-The importance and difficulty of Secretary of State Dulles' European mission are illustrated by the backstage diplomatic conversations which occurred in Washington before he left. " What happened was that when President Eisenhower first made up his mind to intervene in Indo-China, our Western allies were immediately contacted and asked for joint cooperation. They replied in the negative. This negative word was received by the White House before Sec- retary Dulles and Admiral Radford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, had their important secret session with Congressional leaders of both parties to sound them out on Indo-China. In fact, French Ambassador Bonnet conferred with Dulles at 10:30 a.m., just before Dulles saw the Senators at 2:30 Saturday. At the latter meeting, Admiral Radford proposed military inter- vention by the United States alone. He wanted to send four airplane carriers from the Philippines to the Indo-Chinese coast. The Senators immediately demanded that the British, French, and our other West- trn allies cooperate. What the Senators and Congressmen did not know, and what Secretary Dulles did not tell them, was that the allies already had been approached and had declined to cooperate. RICHEST MAN THE RICHEST MAN in the U.S.A., H. L. Hunt of Texas, recently received a call from the man who loaned him his first dollar. Hunt was stopping at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington when Emory S. Avant, manager of a much more modest hotel, knocked on his door. At first Hunt didn't answer. He was talk- ing on the long-distance phone. Finally he came to the door, but did not open it. "Who is it?" he asked cautiously. "Emory Avant of El Dorado, Arkansas," was the reply. Hunt unlocked the door and let his caller in' Avant had been publisher of tjie El Dorado Times back in the days before Hunt drilled his first oil well. Now he is manager of the Manchester Hotel on 14th and M streets in Washington. Hunt re- membered him, though he didn't seem too enthusiastic about seeing him, perhaps because Avant was peeved over the fact that he had written Hunt in Texas and received in reply merely some literature on the Bricker Amendment. "That's not the kind of brush-off to give an old friend," said Avant. "Do you remember when I used to take you out to the cafe- Coming Events Phi Beta Kappa. Initiation Banquet, Michigan Union, Thurs., April 22. at 6:30 p.m. Prof. David Riesman, Profes- sor of Social Science at the University of Chicago, will be the speaker. Reser- vations should be made at the office of the Secretary, Hazel M. Losh, Observa- tory, by Monday afternoon, April 19. Members of other Chapters are invited. Fluid Dynamics Laboratory Planning Group will meet Fri., April 16, 3 p.m., 244 West Engineering Building. Pro- fessor John McNown, of the State Uni- versity of Iowa, will discuss laboratory developments. Interested parties In- vited, Work Day at the Fresh Air Camp for all those who have attended Fresh- man Rendezvous, Sat., April 17. Come to breakfast at Lane Hall at 7 a.m. Transportation provided. We will be- back in Ann Arbor at 7 p.m. Call Lane Hall for reservation. Lydia Mendelssohn Box Office will open Mon., April 19, at 10 a.m. for the sale of tickets for the Department of Speech premiere production of Eugene Hochman's 1953 Hopwood winning play, veranda on the Highway, which will be presented in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre April 22, 23 and 24, at 8 p.m. Tickets are available for $1,20-90c-60c, with a special student rate of SOc In effect opening night. All seats are re- served. Episcopal Student Foundation. Three- Hour Service (12-3) with coffee and hot-cross buns following at Canter- bury House, Fri., April 16. Episcopal Student Foundation. The Way of the Cross, 8 p.m., Fri., Apr. 16. Coffee hour following at Canterbury House. Skiers - UJLLR members and Aspen, group. Everyone is invited to ULLR Ski Cub banquet to be held 6:30 p.m., Wed., April 21 at the Union. Call Ellen Brown, NO 3-1561 for information or send res- ervation price of $2.75 to 398 Jordan Hall. GROUND lost in the "cold war" during the last year can be regained if, in the free world, the leadership, contained in President Eisenhower's two great speeches is revived, the implications of the proposals fullyhworked. out and the Communists challenged to follow his lead or expose themselves for what they are-the enemies of peace. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN { Carillon Recital. Percival Price, Uni- versity Carillonneur, will be heard in the first of a series of spring recitails at t7f15 Thursday eving s sprg ream wil include a South German Pilgrim's Song, "O Du Allerheiligste," seven Passion Week hymns, and Bach's "In Tear of Grief," from the St. Matthew Passion. I teria and buy you meals?" StudentRecital. Diana sims, student of violin with Gilbert Ross, will play a Hunt said he did remember. He also remembered how he had recital in partial fulfillment of the re- come into the El Dorado Times office to borrow stationery, and didn't quirements for the Bachelor of Music know when he could pay it back. I degree at 8:30 Thursday evening, April Avant had an oil painting he was trying to sell, and hoped pogramu will inuude Vitali Chaconner Hunt might be interested, but his old friend felt he had enough in G minor, Copland's Sonata for Vio- to do without going into the art business. lin and Piano, and Brahms' Sonata in So Avant went back to his modest Manchester Hotel while Hunt Aminor for vioant and ano pth went on to the Waldorf-Astoria in New York where he's busy operat- lic is invited. ing the Facts Forum radio-TV program, State of the Nation, Re- porters Round-up, and Answers for Americans; together with his Events Today campaign for the Bricker Amendment, for Joe McCarthy, and against so many other things that Hunt himself can scarcely remember them. The Literary College Conference C4®rtier l nmg . A.m ilt ewu± nw"i. n ni_- , MERRY-GO-ROUND WHITE HOUSE strategists are wooing Sen. Stuart Symington, the able but sometimes politically naive Democratic Senator from Missouri. They figure they can switch him over to the GOP on some issues, also fear his effective attacks on military budget reductions . . . That's one reason Stuart was out on the golf links with Ike the other day when fellow Senators were trying to get his vote on the McCarthy committee counsel , . . Ike's brother Milton, president of Penn State, has been having trouble with the 'Daughters of the Am- erican Revolution. The ladies are quoting his 1947 statement that UNESCO marks "very real progress toward the genuine goal of world government." . . .Milton had to write a letter to Congressman Mer- row of New Hampshire explaining that he wasn't for world govern- ment, though he was strong for the United Nations . . . Milton served some time as chairman of the U.S. delegation to UNESCO during the Truman Administration, and in the days when he made the state- ment it was more fashionable to talk about world cooperation. Today the isolationist wave has sent various people running for political foxholes. portant meeting this afternoon, at 4 p.m. in Dean Robertson's office. Psychology Club. Dr. Schneider, clin- ical psychologist for the Bureau of Psy- chological Services, will speak on Pro- jective Techniques and Theory this evening at 7:30 in the League. The room will be posted on the League bulletin board. La p'tite causette will meet today from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. in the wing of the Michigan Union Cafeteria. This in- formal group is open to all those wish- ing to speak French. Student League for Industrial Democ- racy. NORMAN THOMAS, famous au- thor and lecturer, and Socialist Presi- dential Candidate, will speak in Rack- ham Hall at 8:15 p.m. tonight. The address is entitled "Government With- out Planning" and will start off the forthcoming SLID series of discussions on the current economic recession. ALL -The New York Times -I I -I, Sixty-Fourth Year { I q Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. TAFT-HARTLEY DEBATE interested persons are cordially invited. TO UNDERSTAND why the House of Representatives is tightening the Taft-Hartley labor act rather than liberalizing it as Eisen- meet this afternoon at 3:15 In the Union howei requested, you need only examine the philosophy of Congress- taproom. Dr. F. A. Brown, of the Ger- man Ralph Gwinn of Bronxville, N.Y., second ranking Republican on man Department, will be present. Ex- the House Labor Committee. cellent opportunity for all to speak Gwinn, an ultra reactionary and proud of it, is about 100 mosphere miles to the right of most conservatives in his own party, though he has some worthy rivals among the Democrats, including wing- U. of M. Sailing Club important meet- collared Congressman Howard Worth Smith of Broad Run, Va. eeinng Buidin. l5ians will best mE The New Yorker also is an inveterate user of his free mailing for Michigan Invitational regatta this frank for propaganda purposes and has achieved the record of mail- week-end. Accommodations for girls ing 2,500,000 letters against housing, aid.-to-education, etc., largely and boys are needed for both Friday and Saturday nights. If any members on behalf of business lobbies. can provide accommodations, call Joan Long ago, Gwinn refused to recognize organized labor except as Sundquist, at NO 3-1531, Ext. 104. a "socialistic" menace to the United States. To Gwinn, a trade union Weekly Graduate Record Concert will is not an organization of working men and women struggling for bet- be held in the west Lounge of Rack- ter wages or working conditions. It is "organized violence" against ham this evening at 8. Program: Mo- employers. zart, Concerto for Piano and Orchestra employers.~11 0..f ...i..-, J, %d. K ~rA0, .1-.ahlor no Editori Staff Harry Lunn............Managing Editor Erie Vetter.. ........... City Editor Virginia yoss....... Editorial Director Mike Wolff.......Associate City Editor Alice B. Silver..Assoc. Editorial Director Diane Decker......... .Associate Editor Helene Simon.........Associate Editor Ivan Kaye. ..............Sports Editor Paul Greenberg.... Assoc. Sports Editor Marilyn Campbell......Women's Editor Kathy Zeisler..,.Assoc. Women's Editor Chuck Kelsey...Chief Photographer Business Staff Thomas Treeger ...... Business Manager William Kaufman Advertising Manager Harlean Hankin.....Assoc. Business Mgr. William Seiden........ Finance Manager Don Chisholm.C..irculation Manager Telephone NO 23-24-1 I