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April 13, 1954 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1954-04-13

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Dulles Asks Aid for IndoChina Plat Interviewed
By DAVE BAAD ony is to escape eventual Com- Both Churchill and Laniel I

Secretary of State John Foster
Dulles meets with French Pre-
mier Joseph Laniel today as he
continues an attempt to garner
both French and British partici-
pation in his 10-nation 'united
front' against Communist aggres-
sion in Southeast Asia.
Yesterday Dulles conferred with
English Prime Minister Sir Win-
ston Churchill and Foreign Sec-
retary Anthony Eden.
WITH FULL presidential back-
ing Dulles made public his 'unit-
ed front' proposal last week. It
calls for a joint statement among
the interested nations warning
Red China against entering the
Indo-China fighting and an agree-
ment to take such collective steps
necessary to keep Indo-China
from falling to Communist forces.
Although no official govern-
ment announcement has been
made, Washington political ex-
perts are almost certain that
the collective steps include dir-
ect military aid to the anti-
Communist forces.
Thailand has already accepted
an invitation to join the agree-
ment and it is believed Dulles
hopes to add New Zealand, Aus-
tralia, the Phillipines, the Asso-
ciated States of Viet Nam, Laos,
and Cambodia as well as France
and England.
This firm administration policy
is apparently a result of its fear
that France, tired and economi-
cally famished from seven years
of fighting the Communists, is on
the verge of giving up the battle
in Indo-China.
THE FRENCH cabinet report-
edly is pressing for a treaty with
the Communists to end hostilities.
Even if the war is continued it is
becoming increasingly obvious
that the French military machine
is slipping and that more aid is
needed if its Southeast Asia col-

munist domination, agree in substance with Dulles' 111 Al t
'nnn.nron hib uai+t mn"zuie "c nr-

. t

The United States is present-
ly sending material aid to the
Indo-China defense forces, but
the French feel that saving the
important Far East country re-
quires assistance in the form of
Since both Eisenhower and
Dulles feel that Communist an-
nexation of Indo-China will lead
to further losses in the Far East,
they believe the country must be
saved at any cost.
Eisenhower said in a news con-
ference last Wednesday, that the
fall of Indo-China would pave the
way for Red domination of all
Southeast Asia including Thai-
land, Malaya, Burma and India.
Not only would the Free World
lose access to this rich source of
raw materials but Australia and
New Zealand would be placed in
precarious situations.
S* * *
DULLES, however, is expected
to have difficulty on his current
trip, convincing French and Eng-
lish leaders of an immediate an-
nouncement of .joining his 'unit-
ed front.'

cupuziac ouL ouen cuunarieb, pre-

fer to withhold any decision
until after the Geneva Confer-
ence two weeks in the future.
They want no unnecessary ob-
stacles at Geneva to a free and
open discussion of the world situa-
tion which might culminate in
the settlement of some world
Meanwhile, the proposal has
been causing a considerable con-
troversy in the U.S. Senate. Ma-
jority leader William F. Know-
land of California has suggested
holding up foreign aid appropria-
tions toour leading allies if they
refuse to allign themselves with
Dulles' policy.
John Strachey, former British
war secretary, summed up British
opinion on this course of action
with a curt, "If that is so then
the sooner it is cut off the better.
Britain is not for sale."
Senators Wayne Morse (Ind.-
Ore.) and Alexander Smith (R-
N.J.), are also opposed to what
Morse called Knowland's 'black-
mailing' policy.
tv Hall Voted

Found window-shopping last
weekend between sessions of two
major conferences held in Chica-
go, Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt had
time only for a brief interview.
The late president's widow off i-
ciated as honorary chairman for
the seventh annual convention of
Americans for Democratic - Action
and as keynote speaker for the
United Nations Review Confer-
ence. * * *
statement that "liberals are an
ineffectual minority in the Re-
publican party and reactionaries
the strategically placed minority
with the Democrats," Mrs. Roose-
velt termed her own party's re-
actionaries, "Senator McCarran
and the Dixiecrats, for example, a
harmful party element."
The UN Charter, subject to
revision every ten years, may
be altered in the fall of 1955.
Plans aiming for an eventual
world government occupied most
of the Review Conference's
time.. Mrs. Roosevelt, however,
warned: "A careful study must
be made before any revision of
the UN charter is attempted.

During the week of University
vacation, the City Council voted
to replace all of the city's two-
hour parking meters which now
take only nickels.
They will be replaced by meters
that will accept either pennies,
nickels or dimes.
AT THE same meeting, two lo-
cal taxicab firms asked the Coun-
cil to allow them to boost passen-
ger rates by increasing the basic
fare figure from 30 to 40 cents
and basing the meter rate onj
time and mileage rather than on
mileage alone.
The County Health Depart-E
ment last week announced aI
rise in the number of measles
cases in Washtenaw County lastx
month. The figures showed 286
cases during March as compar-
ed with 19 during the same
month last year.
The Police Department will ini-
tiate a Youth Bureau as the re-
sult of City Council approval last
week. The branch is being install-
ed to combat the rising percent-
age of juvenile delinquency and to
promote better handling of cases
in which teenagers are involved.
Sergeant George J. Simmons.
formerly detective with the local
Police Department will head the


Summer Training in Industry
(Military training or practice courses wit not prevent participation)

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Long Beach, Cal.

Plan for New Ci
Down in Ann Ar
Twenty-eight per cent of Ann
Arbor's registered voters last weekk
went to the polls and a majority
of them voted against a proposal
to issue bonds for the construction
of a new city hall.
The vote on the bond issue was
2,756 "no" to 2,154 "yes."
*~ * *
ALSO OPPOSED by the voters
was the accompanying advisory
ballot on an Ann St. site for a
proposed city hall.
The Lakewood subdivision an-
nexation was favored by 3,243
voters and opposed by 2,248 in
the city election. The vote
brings 43 homes located near
the west boundary of Ann Arbor
into the city.

Unless great caution is used, new Youth Bureau.
o B she added, "the basic charter may
r allo ng be weakened instead of strength- Ann Arbor witnessed hea
ened." wind and rain storms and con
Mrs. Roosevelt also asserted siderable tree and wire damagei
The light turnout caused little that college political groups such an electrical storm last Wedne
activity in the City Council and as Students for Democratic Ac- day following high temperatur
Board of Supervisor races. tion Which is affiliated with ADA of 70 degrees during the day.
Biggest upset of the year was are "'making a good contributiontewih
the election of Democrat Jack J. to American politics. When youth
Garris from the Third Ward o toAmericar politicWhnython Langer T
the Board of Supervisors by a an prepare for political action oSpeak
margin of five votes. The ratio of through channels like these," she On Theory of Art
six Republicans to one Democrat continued, "they can increase
was maintained however as Dem- their political usefulness." Te first of a series of thr
ocrat George Cross, Ward Five * * * lectures dealing with "Pivot
incumbent, lost the Board race to "YOUNG PEOPLE shouldn't be Concepts in Philosophy of Ar
Republican Elas Rehberg. Mrs. swept away by emotional pleas, will be presented on the topic "Ex
Rehberg tallied 231 votes to her but should inform themselves so pressivenessn
presivenss"by visiting professc


Sign up for interviews, to be held April 19.
See Mr. Young, Room 248, West Engineering Building.

ee -



Read and Use
Daily Classifieds

Use the
1-Hour Service
Or we will do it for YOu the same day.
510 East William

opponent's 227.I
The Board ratio was almost
upset again when the two
Fourth Ward candidates C.
Ludwig Schneider (R) and Or-
val Bunton (D) were deadlock-
with 252 votes each. The un-
precedented tie was broken yes-
terday however when Schneider
drew the "elected" slip in a
supervised drawing.
Republican candidates for the
City Council were all elected by
voters from the seven local wards.
The only close contest was in the
Sixth Ward where Prof. A. D.
Moore . of the engineering college
was nearly upset by Louise G.
Cain. Prof. Moore however was
the victor by 75 votes in the final

they can better learn to express of philosophy Susanne K. Langer
their points of view intelligently, at 8 p.m. tonight in Kellogg Aud.
she emphasized.
Asked about her statement to
an ADA meeting that the present
Administration "has not shown
the capacity to govern," Mrs.
Roosevelt. replied she thought,7
President Eisenhower has had Toda'
sufficient opportunity to pysle' s C
ability as a leader, but hasn t used
:itto advantage. _


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To Give Program
The University Symphony Or-
chestra, conducted by Prof. Josef
Blatt of.the music school, and the
]Michigan Singers under the di-
rection of Prof. Maynard Klein
will perform at 8:30 p.m. tomor-
row in Hill Auditorium.
Among the selections will be
Richard Strauss's "Till Eulenspie-
gel's Merry Pranks," Debussy's
"Nocturnes" a n d Beethoven's
"Symphony No. 6, in F major."
Porter Recovers
Katherine Anne Porter, visit-
ing lecturer in English, has recov-
ered from her agina attack and
has resumed teaching her classes.
The famous short-story writer
collapsed during one of her class-
es on March 24 and spent a week
at University Hospital.
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