PAGE TW b THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY. APRIL 13. 1954 . . ..,......... .:,. mow... ,s..x +v v-s Thomas To Give Address To Sti ents, Townspeople Norman Thomas, six-time can- didate for President on the So- cialist Party ticket, will address a meeting of students and towns- people at 8:15 p.m. Thursday at Rackham Hall. Thomas will speak on "Govern- ment Without Program," which will include a view of "the current recession," the future of the wel- fare state, the "present attack on civil liberties," and world disar- mament. The talk is being sponsored here by the Student League for Industrial Democracy. Thomas is a board member of the na- -tional League for Industrial De- mocracy and was one of the founders of the American Civil Liberties Union. He has recently written two new books. The talk, is open to the public. Thomas will be introduced by Prof. Kenneth Boulding of the economics department. A general question and answer period will follow Thomas' remarks. Education School To Hold Elections Nominations will take place for the School of Education officers at 7:30 p.m. Thursday in the Ed- ucation School lounge. Elections will be held from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., April 20, 21 at a voting booth in the School of Education, according to John Black, '54Ed, president at the School of Education. NOMINATED FOR ACADEMY AWARD! "BEST PICTURE OF THE YEAR!" -National Board of Review YIOLENCEI TYRANNY! G- P CTLR I~viO OFMURDERS - - -PASSION! In Lawless, Rome! DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Publication in it is construc- tive notice to all members of the University. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 2552 Administration Building before 3 p.m. the day preceding publication (before 11 a.m. on Saturday). TUESDAY, APRIL 13, 1954 VOL. LXIV, No. 130 Notices The next Hatcher Open House House is scheduled for tomorrow afternoon, Wed~,April 14, from 4 to 6. All are cor- dially invited to meet President and Mrs. Hatcher informally and enjoy the entertainment and refreshments. School of Music Assembly, Auditorium A, Angell Hall, Wed., April 14; 3 p.m., Pi Kappa Lambda initiation; 4 p.m., presentation of student honors and awards, and lecture by Joaquin Nin- Culmeli, Chairman of the Department of Music on the Berkeley campus, Uni- iversity of California, "Spanish Key- board Music of the XVIth, XVIIth, and XVIII Centuries." All School of Music classes will be dismissed for the As- sembly at 4 p.m. College of Lit., Sci., & Arts: All stu- dents wishing to attend summer ses- sions at schools elsewhere must file approval sheets in the Office of the Di- rector of Admissions, 1524 Administra- tion Building, before June 1. Doctoral Preliminary Examinations for Students in Education. Preliminary examinations for doctoral applicants in Education will be held May 27, 28, and 29, 1954. All students who anticipate taking these examinations must file their names and fields of specialization with the Chairman of Advisors to"Grad- uate Students, 4019 University High School, not later than May 1. The Counseling Division, formerly lo- cated at 512 South State Street,- has moved to 1027 Huron Street. The Voca- tional Information Library is also now located at 1027 Huron Street. The phone number is NO-3-1511, Ext. 324. Seniors: College of L.S.&.A., and Schools of Education, Music, and Pub- lic Health. Tentative lists of seniors for June graduation have been posted on the Registrar's bulletin board in the first floor corridor, Administration Building. Any change therefrom should be requested of the Recorder at the Registrar's wadow number 1, 1513 Ad- ministration Building. University Terrace. A zero-bedroom unit is available now to any person who is married and has an academic appointment at the University. Con- tact G. L. Hansen, 1060 Administration Building, or phone NO-3-1511, Ext. 2662. The Activities Calendar will be clos- ed to student-sponsored events begin- ning May 23, 1954. This means that May 22 is the last date on which stu- dent-sponsored activities may be sched- uled. Applicants for the Joint Program in Liberal Arts and Medicine. Application for admission to the Joint Program in Liberal Arts and Medicine must be made before April 19 of the final pre- professional year. Application may be made now at 1220 Angell Hall. Blue Cross Group Hospitalization, Medical and Surgical Service Programs for staff members will be open from April 1 through April 16 for new appli- cations and changes in contracts now in effect. Staff members who wish to enroll, or change their coverage to in- clude surgical and medical services should make such changes at the Per- sonnel Office, 3012 Administration Building. New applications and changes 'will become effective June 5, with the first payroll deduction on May 30, 1954. Hopwood Awards. All manuscripts must be in the Hopwood Room by 4:30 p.m. on Wed., April 14. Graduate stu- dents*may compete only for the major awards. Seniors may compete for either major or minor awards but may not submit manuscripts in both contests. Freshmen, sophomores, and juniors may compete only for the minor awards. General Library. Beginning Monday, April 5, the passenger elevator in the General Library will cease operation and no service will be available until about July 1 when the installation of new equipment is completed. During this time, the self-operating elevator in the stack may be used in cases of necessity between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Access is through Room Number 20 near the east basement en- trance of the Library. MAY FESTIVAL-1954 The following persons will please pick up their May Festival Usher's Tickets today at Hill Auditorium in the lobby from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. Stanley Aizinas, Solveiga Aizinas, H. B. Anderson, Evalyn Allee, Lewis Brown, Alice Burton, Elizabeth Brede, Floyd Brinley, Anna M. Breyfogle, Ruth T. Briggs, Eleonore Becker, Elizabeth Bar- anski, Richard Branch, Helen F. Brown, Lois A. Batchelor, Ann Bartlett, Bob Chigrinski, Martha Cecil, Lee B. Copple, Laed Cappaert, Elizabeth Cohen, Janet Currie, Jane Ceslar, Carol Croak, Nielsen Dalley, Dan- iel L. DeGraaf, Sonya Douglas, Marlies Douglas, Joyce Danielson, Peter DeJa- nosi, Dorothy Donley, Tula Diamond, Cyn- thia Diamond, Ronald DeBouvner, Re- nate Dorpalen, Carol Drake, Joanne V. Ellis, Dorothy Faber, Marjorie Fairman, Elise Fiber, Jewell Foster, Emerson Fos- ter, Carol Fischer, W. A. Flenniken, Gerald Greenlick, Chas. Gebler, Bonnie Gokenbach, Lester Gyorki, Natalie Grodnik, Richard J. Heiman, Anne L. Hatch, Florence Huizenga, Dor- othea Hinderer, Gretchen Hahn, Robert L. Haan, Florence E. Huber, Claire Hammer, Bebe Horiuchi, Anne S. Haw- ley, Sonia Iltis, Agnes Imus, Carolyn Ingham, Horst Jaeckel, Betty Jackson, Tamara Johns, Sydney Kripke, S. Keck- onen, Mannie Krashin, Edward Kahn, Cynthia Krans, Nancy J. Kerslake, Kennie Keim, Robert Kuhn, Paul Kil- bourn, Mrs. Paul Kilbourn, Peter T. Lucas, Katherine C. Lucas, Klaus Loehr, Audrey Larouche, Ann Lawther, Lois [EA E ENDING TONIGHT - Starting Wednesday - I ACADEMY AWARD HONOR PROGRAM I Lehman, Markaret J. Lord, Lotta Li, S. Lorber, Ray B. Marglous, George Mack, Robert Maitland, Janet Mason, Jane Manning, Winifred Martin, Barb- ara Mattison, Mary A. McPherson, Doro- thy Maloney, tricia Mallett, Douglas McLennen, J. Francis Ogozalek, Brewster Earl Pea- body, Ralph Price, William Price, Rich- ard Pierce, William Peer, Susan R. Pop- kin, Gerald Prucha, Kenneth E. Pres- ton, Nancy Preston, Elaine Platt, Alice A. Pletta, James H. Rasbasch, Eugene L. Re, Dave Ragone, David Rahm, Laura Rahm, Carol Rush, Joan Rubin, Janet Reinstein, Marisa Reguz- zoni, Betty Jo Richter, Eunice Ruff, Edith Risman, Mary Richards, Arthur Schwartz, Lawrence Scott, Marlene Schoen, Elaine Shepherd, Tom Skrent- ny, Barbara Sklar, Mary Jane Soper, Priscilla Stockwell, Eleonore Swope, Ruth Skentlebury, Carol Stuart, Wil- 11am Sickrey, Mary J. Spaulding, Bon- nie Silberman, James Sabal, Joyce Shadford, Doris Soule, Alexander Sarko, Ralph Smith, Margaret Sherwood, Mary K. Sloan, Eva Sievertsen, David W. Tay- lor, Allison Thomas, Lawrence W. Thomas, Jane Townsend, Margaret Takagi, Vera D. Uetrecht, Charles Van Atta, Justine Votypka, Cynthia Vary, Henry Van Dyke, Marilyn R. Veldman, John C. Vandervelde, Margaret D. Vogel, W. A. Wolk, Ron- ald E. West, Hans Wagner, Marjorie Wyche, Margaret White, Katherine Wei- ner, Sue West, Melvin Wachs, Shari Wachs, Thomas Welton, Helen Whit- aker, Patricia Wright, Helen Wong, Wass, Ann Woodward,'Edwin Von Boe- Wass, Ann Woodard, Edwin Von Boe- venter, Norman A. Zilber. Male Camp Counselors. Mr. Dick Ed- dy of the Flint, Michigan, Y.M.C.A. will be interviewing those persons inter- ested in camp counseling at the Bu- reau of Appointments on Wednesday, April 14. He is interested in obtaining the services of a program director, wa- terfront director, business manager, cook, and general counselors. Those persons interested please contact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin- istration Building, telephone NO-3-1511, Ext. 2614, for appointments. Mr. Glenn Bartoo, College Secretary of the American Friends Service Com- mittee, will visit campus Tuesday and Wednesday. Students interested in talk- ing with him about Workcamps and Summer Projects may call Lane Hall for appointments on either day. Teacher Candidates: The following school representatives will be on cam- pus starting today: Tues., April 12 LIVONIA, MICHIGAN-Teacher needs: Elementary; Secondary. SOUTH LYON, MICHIGAN-Teacher needs: Early and Later Elementary; Choral Music (4-12); Sr. High English; Sr. High Soc. Studies; Jr. High Soc. Studies; Jr. High Sci.; Jr. High Sci and Math. Wed., April 13 BLISSFIELD, MICHIGAN - Teacher Needs: Sr. High Eng. & Speech; Sr. High Chem. and Physics; Sr. and Jr. High Math; Sr. High Eng. and Soc. Studies; Elem. Vocal Music. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS-Teacher needs: All fields. BATTLE CREEK, MICHIGAN-Teach- er needs: Elementary; Secondary (esp. English and Soc. Studies). MARSHALL, MICHIGAN - Teacher needs: Elementary; H. S. English. Thurs., April 14 GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN- Teacher needs: Elementary; Elem. Instr. Music; Jr. High Gen. Science; Jr. High, Sr. High English; Jr. High Vocal Music. CLIO, MICHIGAN - Teacher needs: Later Elementary; Jr. High Sci, and Math; Jr. High Eng. and Soc. Studies; Sr. High Basketball Coach. GRAND RAPIDS - Godwin Heights P.S.-Elem; Elem P.E. (W); H.S. Li- brarian; H.S. Math; Jr. 'High Arithme- tic; Mech. Drawing; Jr. High English. CENTER LINE, MICHIGAN - Teach- er needs: Elementary; Elem. Art; Jr. High Art; Phys. Ed. (M & W); Shop. If you would like to be interviewed by either one or more of the above school representatives, contact the Bu- reau of Appointments, 3528 Admin. Bldg., NO 3-1511, Ext. 489. It is advis- able to call at least a day in advance to be sure there will be time available. PERSONNEL INTERVIEWS Week of April 12 Friday: Washington National Insurance Co., Evanston, Ill., will have a representa- tive at the Bureau of Appointments on April 16 to interview June men and women graduates in Bus. Ad. or LS&A (Continued on Page 4) , MICHIGAN DAILY Phone NO 23-24-1 HOURS: 1 to 5 P.M. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES LINES 1 DAY 3 DAYS 6 DAYS 2 .60 1.34 1.96 3 .70 1.78 2.94 4 .90 2.24 3.92 Figure 5 average words to a line. Classified deadline, 3 P.M. daily. LOST AND FOUND LOST-Red leather wallet, approximate- ly March 30. Contains valuable pap- ers. Reward. Call NO 2-5587. )131A' LOST-Red and white model airplane, near campus. Reward. Call NO 2-1618. )130A FOR SALE BUICK 4-door, blue. Radio and heater; low mileage. See Smitty. Huron Mo- tor Sales, 222 W. Washington, NO 2-4588. )377B ARMY-NAVY type Oxfords-$6.88. Sox, 39c; shorts, 69c; military supplies. Sam's Store, 122 E. Washington. )14B A MEDIUM blue-grey gabardine suit. Single breasted, sport style. Like new, size 40 regular. Very reasonably pric- ed. Call NO 3-1904 after 8 p.m. on weekdays only. Ask for Steve. )299B BATTERIES $5 EXCHANGE Guaranteed - Free Installation BATTERY STORES ASSOCIATION Liberty and Ashley - NO 3-5113 )329B 1949 FORD 6 with overdrive, radio, heat- er. Good condit! Huron Motor Sales, 222 W. Washington, NO 2-4588. )380B GUARANTEED SAFETY TESTED used cars. University Motor Sales. 907 N. Main. Ph. NO 3-0507. )374B 1951 CHEVROLET-4-door, grey. Radio and heater, power-glide. A nice car! Huron Motor Sales, 222 W. Washing- ton, NO 2-4588. )381B "PURCHASE FROM PURCHASE" Minolta 35 (Japanese Leica) with F2.8 lens. Telephoto, flash, filters, etc. Used, $125. Purchase Camera Shop, 1116 So. University, NO 8-6972. )386B 1941 DESOTO-Good motor, new clutch and brakes, $175. NO 3-2225. See at 508 Elm. )390B 1940 LA SALLE 8 motor, $50. Call NO 2-9020. )389B 1948 BUICK-4 door, super; radio, heat- er, low mileage, one owner, beautiful green finish. Huron Motor Sales, 222 W. Washington 2-4588. )388B 1947 KAISER-4 door, one owner, low mileage, new tires. Huron Motor Sales, 222 W. Washington, NO 2-4588. )387B PARAKEETS - All ages and colors. Canaries. Bird supplies and cages. Mrs. Ruffins, 562 S. 7th. NO 3-5330. )393B all chrome and steel with blue plastic seat cover, adjustable foot rest, $16. Folding nursery chair, $3. Majestic portable radio with inside and out- side aerial, $48. Phone 2-9020. )392B FOR SALE MAN'S WRIST WATCH in good condi- tion, repaired and cleaned, Merril, 17 jewel, originally $83.71-now $50. Up- holstered reclining tapestry chair, wooden arms and sliding footstools, fair condition, $8.00. Folding baby pen with pad, good condition, $15. Gray folding baby buggy, chrome handle with white plastic, hardly used, $50, originally $89. Cosco baby high chair, EASTER SPECIALS 1950 Dodge Coronet 4-door Radio, heater, turn signals -- A Very Sharp Car, One Owner. $549.00 BENZ MTRS, INC. 331 S. 4th, Phone NO 2-5523 )397B TWO MEN'S SUITS-Grey gabardine, 40 long; grey plaid tweed, 42 long. Reas- onablei Phone NO 2-4047 after 7 p.m. )396B RECORDS-33, RPM, new, RCA, Co- lumbia, London. Call NO 3-8541, ext. 359, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. ) 398B GIRL'S English Bicycle-Good condi- tion. Call NO 3-3696 after 6 p.m. )399B TUXEDO "AFTER SIX" - New. Also white linen jacket, both size 36, reas- onable. Call NO 3-8541, ext. 359, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. )400B FOR RENT GARAGE with storage space. On Pack- ard near State. Call after 5:30. NO 2-3983. )42C FURNISHED-One room studio apart- ment. Close to campus. Call after 5:30. NO 2-3983. )41C ROOMS FOR RENT OVERNIGHT GUEST ROOMS Rooms by Day or Week Campus Tourist Homes. Ih. NO 3-8454 518 E. Williams St. (near State) )25D ROOM for 2 older women-April 15-25. Notify Hillel Foundation NO 3-1429. )63D PERSONAL IF YOU CAN'T give a sonnet or an Easter bonnet, how about a maga- zine? 'Phone our personal shopper, NO 2-3061. )92F HELP WANTED WAITER SUBSTITUTE to work week- end meals. NO 2-2333 after 7 p.m. )81H MAKE $20.00 DAILY -- Sell luminous name plates. Write Reeves Co., Attle- boro, Mass. Free samples and details. )82H EXPERIENCED WAITER WANTED. Call House Manager Sigma Phi. 3-4707. )84H A MARSHALL FIELD OWNED COM- PANY has summer openings through- out Michigan for college men and women. Enthusiasm and self confi- dence required. Exceptional earnings while functioning in service field. Ask for Mr. Gibson, Summer Placement, Michigan Union, Thursday, April 15, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. )86H WANTED-STUDENT to work for room coming school year. No furnace, most- ly yard work. Nice room, private bath. Call NO 3-5206. )87H BUSINESS SERVICES TYPEWRITERS! Portable and Standard for rent, sales, and service. MORRILLS PIANO SERVICE - Tuning, repairing, Work guaranteed. Call University Mu- sic House, NO 8-7515. 1271 RAD IO-P H ONO-T.V. Service and Sales. Free Pick-up and Delivery Fast Service - Reasonable Rates Ann Arbor Radio and T.V. "Student Service" 1217 So. Univ., Ph. NO 8-7942 1% blocks east of East Eng. )401 WASHING, Finished Work, and Hand Ironing. Buff dry and wet washing. Also ironing separately. Free pick-up and delivery. Ph. NO 2-9020. 21 TYPING-Prompt, accurate service on term papers. NO 2-9214. )381 TECHNICAL & BUSINESS RESEARCH SERVICES-Bibliographies, photostats. reprints, etc.BSubject areas include Engineering, Business Administration, and Education. Work done by exper- ienced company librarian. Joan Wiese, 214 Packard St. NO 8-8620. )371 APPLICATION PHOTOGRAPHS While you wait at SNIDER STUDIOS 213 S. Main St. 4 )16I TYPING SERVICE-Prompt and accur- ate. Call YP 3375-W. )411 WANTED TO RENT ARCHITECT wants unfurnished two or three room kitchenette apartment available May 1 or June 1. Will, re- decorate on 1 year lease or longer if desired. Phone NO 8-6007. )11K LAW STUDENT and wife want 3 room unfurnished apartment in vicinity of law school for occupancy June 15. Reply Box 7, Michigan Daily. )10K ALTERATIONS ALTERATIONS on ladies garments. Ph, NO 2-2678. 510 Catherine Street user State. Alta Graves. 1yI i R 1"; READ DAILY CLASS IFI EDS I M For the Sharpest EASTER CARDS in Town -- Buy Panda at FOLLETT'S State St. at North Univ. 1 1 THE ARBOR PLAYERS present TENNESSEE WILLIAMS' "1yE GLEASS MENAGERIE" Directed by TED IIEUSEL Al ( I i starring f Best Actress AUDREY HEPBURN in "Roman Holiday" Best Actor WILLIAM HOLDEN in "Stalag 17" SERVICE Radios, Phonographs Television, Portables The TV Studio 1317 South University 4 II :i k 1i . I r to present Hear Eartha Kitt Sing "Monotonous" * * All the Fun, Stars, Songs, Dances, Gags that Had Broadway Cheering With Delight! .in ,NE . II Jim Bob Stephenson Robin Hall written by Sir William Gilbert G & S Socir with music by Gerald Bilik, '55, School of Music. 1~~ Also, the Gilbert and Sullivan comedy, "THE SORCERER" at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theater THURSDAY, APRIL 15 ... 75C AND 90C APRIL 16 AND 17 . . . 90C AND $1.20 TICKETS MAY BE PURCHASED AT THE BOx OFFICE it III ,< ,.; <> .> it 1 I if