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April 13, 1954 - Image 1

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VOL. LXIV, No. 130



Publications Heads Named'

Suspension *LftNf-CILN
Of PhysicistUf
(IViade Known
OppenheimerII II III
Out , Says Times S~~ B~



Etta Lubke, '55, way named man-
aging editor and Paul Geiger, '55,
was named business manager of
the 'Ensian last night by the Board
in Control of Student Publications.
The Board also appointed Janet
Malcolm, '55, and Ruth Mishiloff,
'55, managing editors of the Gar-
goyle and Generaltion, respective-
MISS LUBKE, a member of
Gamma Phi Beta, from St. Louis,
Mo., previously held the post of
feature editor on the yearbook.
Geiger, president of Phi Gai-
ma Delta, was formerly general
sales manager for the yearbook.
A junior in LS&A, he is from
Mrs. Malcolm, the publication's
former managing editor, is from
G New York City has worked on the
Gargoyle for three years.
Miss Mishiloff, also from New
York City, formerly held the post
of poetry editor on the Generation.
* * '*
OTHER appointments, made on
the three publications:
Robert M. Montgomery, '55,
appointed associated editor in
charge of engravings. A member
of Sigma Nu, he was formerly
Schools and Colleges editor.
Ann Cordill, '56, a member of
Delta Delta Delta, was appointed
office manager, a position which
she held this year. Frank Corn-
well, '55, was named general sales
manager. Cornwell, -a member of
Phi Gamma Delta, was formerly
promotions manager.
A member of Scabbard and
Bade, Pierre Welch, '55, was nam-
ed advertising manager. Round-
ing out the business staff for next
year, Marilyn Smith, '56, was ap-
pointed accounts manager. She
formerly held the position of con-
tracts manager.
ON THE Generation staff, David
Tice, '55SM, was appointed as-
sociate editor. Tice, formerly mu-
sic editor of the publication, has
held the .position of president of
the Inter-Arts Union. He is from
Cincinnati, Ohio. Business manag-
er of the Generation is William
Caro, '56, previously advertising
manager. A member of Phi Eta
Sigma and Zeta Beta Tau, he is
from Winnetka, Il1.
Lawrence H. Scott, 55, a
member of Phi Beta Kappa and
Phi Kappa Phi, was appointed
art editor of the Gargoyle. He
previously held the position of
assistant art editor on the pub=
lieation. John Appel, '56L, was
named associate editor.
Business manager of the Gar-
goyle is David G. Davies, '55E, a
member of Triangles and Tau Beta
Pi. He has held the position of as-
sistett business manager on the
Gargoyle previously.
Army Agrees
To Give Early
Army agreed yesterday to give in-
vestigating senators an advance
statement of its accusations
against Sen. Joseph McCarthy (R
Wis.) and of the evidence to sup-
port the charges.
The Senate investigations sub-
committee, which will conduct the
inquiry at public televised hear-!
ings starting April 22, announced
it also has asked McCarthy fori
similar statements in connection
with his accusations against top
Army officials.
SEN. KARL Mundt (R-SD), who

will preside at the investigation,
told a news conference the charges
made by each side in the bitter
' o will be made available to thg
other, and the subcommittee's
special counsel, Ray H. Jenkins,
said it would be "normal" prac-
tice to make the statements pub-i
4 lic at the same time.
Mundt described the move as
intended in part to prevent ei-
ther side from springing some
"surprise package" of testimony
at its adversary in the hear-
Mund- talked to reporters after
a 3%/4 hour meeting behind closed
doors with Stevens and Joseph N.
Welch, special counsel represent-
ing the Army in the inquirv.



NEW YORK --) - The New
York Times says famed physicist
Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer, who
directed the making of the first
atomic bomb, has been suspend-
ed on security grounds by the
Atomic Energy Commission.
A panel of the commission's
Personnel Security Board, headed
by Gordon Gray, president of the
University of North Carolina and
former secretary of the Army.
started hearings on the case yes-
terday, the Times said.
MEANWHILE, the dispatch by
TnmR P~af fn whinan

Grants Hike,1
University appropriations in-
creases by the Legislature are
"gratifying" and "essential to pro-
vide for a larger student body and:

Eden Said
To Support
Dulles' Plan
Ultimatum Seen
Improbable Now

-Daily-Chuck Kelsey




me cso rom asnmgton
O h h e-sa dLONDON - (P)- Britain of-
says, Oppenheimer has been de- salary adjustments," Vice-Presi- fered Secretary of State Dulles a
nied access to all government se- dent and Dean of Faculties Mar- compromise yesterday In a West-
curity documents. vin L. Niehuss said yesterday. ern Powers' rift over how to halt
Oppenheimer directed the Gov. G. Mennen Williams, whose the Chinese Communists from uv-
atomic bomb project at Los Al- budget recommendations were fin- errunning Indochina and South-
amos, N.M., during World War ally raised by the Legislature last east Asia.
II. He is one of the world's week is expected to sign the ap- British informants said Foreign
foremost atomic physicists. propriations measure into law Secretary Anthony 'Eden promised
Tpropiresatiorys medasuseintola ---Dail--Chuck Kelsey --Daily-Chuck Kelsey to support Dulles' plan for a ring
The Times story said most of soon. '1OM LEOPOLD RICK PINKERTON t upr uls lnfrarn
the principal charges against Op- * * * E of anti-Communist nations in the
penheimer, 50, have been reviewed ' Pacific around Red China.
by the Atomic Energy Commission, WHEN HE does, the University # *
the White House and the Depart- will get $21.052,000 for next years I . BUT THEY said Britain sll
met fJutcSat n e current operations, $636,000 less !3L eo p o ld , P in1er11 balked at any Western Big Three
ments of Justice, State andDe - than the University asked for and ultimatum tnyCWnsteB ree
fense over a period of 12 years.. Imore than a million dollars better utmGeneva ce Fr te
The newspaper said the main than the University asked for and - Geneva conference on Far Eastern
charges are that he: than th Univerity askd for aduamCm]
1.Associated fruently with more than a million dollars bet- e S China will attend that parley with
1. Asocitedfreqenty wih !ter than the governor's request.
Communists in the early 1940s, in-e the United States, Britain and
eluding his brother Frank and The current operations ap- By JIM DYGERT France, as well as some of the
Frank's wife: that he fell in love propriations represents a- s2,- Tom Leopold, '55. and Dick Pinkerton, '55, will take over the Western Allies in the Korean War.
with one Communist and married 256,000 boost from this year's Union's top posts, president and executive secretary, for 1954-55. Prime Minister Churchill,
a former Communist and that he figure. Appointment of Leopold as the Union's 50th president yesterday pleading the need of Western
contributed generously to Com- climaxed two and a half years of work on the student staff. Pinker- unity at Geneva, stepped In at
munist causes from 1940 to April Happy budget officers at the a dinner meeting yesterday to
1942 University will have to take an- tons participation in Union activities has covered a span of three urge compromise and prevent an
2. Hired Communists or former other look at the total financial years, * , open rift.
Communists at Los Alamos. situation and come up with rec- The U.S. secretary of state plan-
3. Gave perjetory testimony to ommendations to the Regents bas- THE ANNOUNCEMENT of the appointments was made last ned a final meeting with Eden to-
the Federal Bureau of Investiga- ed on the appropriation and other night by Acting Dean of Students Walter B. Rea after a meeting of day. Then he will fly to Paris to
'tion about attendance at Commu- anticipated income. - - - -------_ "> the selections committee of the pursue his talks with the reluct-
nist meetings in the early 1940s. Re-adjusting preliminary fig- j* Union Board. of Directors. ant French.
4. Rejected as "traitorous" an ures will mean the budget won't 'iUSIc Stiutci., Formal installation of the new Both countries have taken the
attmptby n alegd Cmmu bereay fr te Rgens utilofficers will take place at the stand that an ultimatum now to
attmptby n alegd Cmmu bereay fr te Rgens uti annual Union banquet scheduled Red China against sending their
nist to get scientific information May or June. Vice-PresidentNie-aforThursday in the Union's An C nd si
from him for the Soviet Union,1huss explained.dtrompsiina wou spo
but failed to report the inci- jd, «- -dderson Room. dnegotiations at the Geneva con.
dent to the government's secur- AS PASSED by both houses last nLopol marrr H- rld eark ference.
nomics major from Highland Park, * «
ity officers for many months. week, the bill met the governor's Ill., will assume the post now held OFFICIAL sources here stressed
5. Strongly opposed develop- request figure for current Univer- By DONALD HARRIS by Jay Strickler, '54. A member of that no agreement on Indochina
ment of the hydrogen bomb in 1949 ; sity operations and added $527,996 Pianist William George Dopp- Phi Gamma Delta fraternity, Leo- would be reached in London in ad-
when he was chairman of the for faculty merit increases and mann, '56SM. was one of four pold served this last year on the vance of Dulles' talks with the
Atomic Energy Commission s Gen $ ,000 extra as a general m Young artists to receive the Wal- Union Executive Council as chair- French. But in Paris yesterday
eral Advisory Committee, and lob- crease. ter W. Naumberg Music Founda- man of the Social Committee. French and foreign observers re-
bied against it, even after former y tion Award, April 6 in New York He was also chairman of the garded the British position as de-
President Harry Truman ordered idn't fare as well, however. It City. 1954 Gulantics and served on the ciding the fate of Dulles' plan.
the AEC to proceed with the pro- didn fr as $,hoee. t The award which is given on central committee of the 1953 Skit They felt that if Churchill and
je.nd up at $2,392,000. That the basis of an eight dayTcompe-fNit
het fch hhebssfaegtdy ompe-NiteI Eden stonned Dulles. ther


Yanks, Dodgers Favored
To Cop Pennants in'54
Associate Sports Editor
Major League baseball, as sure a harbinger of spring as young
love, makes -its appearance today with all sixteen teams seeing action.
And once again, the dreaded duo from New York-the Yankees
from the Bronx and the Dodgers from Brooklyn-are in the favored
roles for the pennant chases that get under way this afternoon.'
AFTER THIS 'PAST injury-plagued exhibition season, the Brook-
lyn team, fed by young ballplayers from its own minor league affil-
iates and the Yanks, with their talent for importing established stars


'County Drops
In .Polio Tests
Dr. Thomas Francis, Jr., chair-
man of the department of epi-
demiology, School of Public
Health, said yesterday that to his
knowledge no other arca in the
country had cancelled participat-
ing in the new polio vaccine tests
besides from Washtenaw County.
Washtenaw Country dropped out
of taking part in the Salk polio
vaccine tests scheduled on a na-
tion-wide basis for this month
last Friday when Dr. Otto K. En-
gelke, County Health Director said
he was calling off the experiments
here because of "delays and con-
IN A PREPARED statement
which was endorsed by about 50
doctors attending a meeting of
the Washtenaw County Medical
Society Dr. Engelke said he had
"'eceived word from a very reli-
able source that vaccine will not
be available to complete the five
week program of vaccination with
a sufficient margin of time before
the polio season or the closing of
The move came in the wake
of a news release issued by the
State Medlical Society and a
broadcast by Walter Winchell
discussing the polio vaccine.
Winchell said that "live" polio
virus was found in some of the
vaccine being tested for safety,
and the state medical group said
the conditions of its safety pro-
gram had not been met by the Na-
tional Foundation for Infantile
Paralysis which is conducting the
Dr. Engelke emphasized, how-
ever, that he did not lack faith in

*from other major league teams,
rule as favorites.
But that isn't to say that
they won't be challenged. The
elderly Yanks, held together for
several seasons by the adhesive
mastery of Casey Stengel's man-
agerial talents, stand the great-
er chance of failing 'over the
154-game route.
The Boston Red Sox. the
Cleveland Indians and the Chi-
cago White -Sox will provide New
York with its greatest opposition.
CLEVELAND has stood still un-
der the general managing of
Hank Greenberg, and the failure
to make important trades has
hurt the Indians-but they still
have a fine pitching nucleus in
Bob Lemon, Early Wynn and Mike
Paul Richard's White Sox
have class and speed but the
pitching is pretty thin once you
get past Billy Pierce and the
aging Virgil Trucks.
So the Yanks, despite their
poor spring record and their in-
creasing age and the injured
Mickey Mantle, are expected to
win. They have the depth and
the talent needed to outclass the
See MAJOR, Page 3

OPPENHEIMER, described as a
sensitive, soft-spoken man, has ad-
mitted association with various
Communists in the late 1930s and
early 1940s. He has flatly denied.

LUS,uu less r anx ne governor
asked, and compares with an
original University request of
$14,337,200 for new construction
and improvement of existing fa-


tition and four auditions, carries
with it a debut at famed Town
Hall under the auspices of the
Naumberg Foundation. Doppmann
tentatively plans his recital for
next December.
* * *
ONE OF THE youngest recip-
ients in the award's thirty year


however, that ne was a member of Also appropiiated by t
the Communist party. lature was $1,000,000 1
He lives with his wife and two state hospital bond issue
small children on the grounds of construction of a Childr
the Institute for Advanced Study pital psychiatric unit.
in Princeton, N.J. He is a direc- T
tor of the institute. . The Legislature last
In addition to his work at j propriated the other ha
Princeton, he was, until his sus- cost of the $2,000,000 str
pension, a member of President be built soon in the medi
Eisenhower's Science Advisory area+
Committee and consultant to the IC-

he Legis-s
from the
fund for!
en's Hos-
year ap-
lf of the
'ucture to
cal center

PINKERTON succeeds ' Phil
Flarsheim, '54, in the executivel
secretary position. Also a memberj
of Phi Gamma Delta fraternity, he
is a 21-year-old economics major
from Detroit. During the past year,
he was chairman of the Secretar-
iat Committee of the Union Coun-
cil, .
His work in student activities
and in the Air Force ROTC has
earned him membership in1
Sphinx, junior men's honorary,j
Scabbard and Blade, and the
Arnold Air Society.

Auu~il bIDUP7CU JNUXA , Ur
would be little for him to dis-
cuss with French leaders be-
cause the f'rench already agreed
with Britain on the issue.
But if Dulles was able to get
agreement on some united action
before the Geneva meeting, France
saw little chance of holding out
against both her major Western
In his talks with Eden yesterday,
Dules was reportedly presented
with this British position:
1. IF THE Communists spurn
negotiated settlements of Indo-

Atomic Energy Commission. HeI
was also adviser to the Depart-
ments of State, Defense and the
National Security Council on ar-
maments and their regulation,
continental defense, civil defense
and the use of atomic weapons in
support of ground combat.
The Times said that in a 43-
page answer to the charges, Op-
penheimer denied he lobbied
against the hydrogen bomb after
President Truman had ordered its
developmept or that he gave any
secret information to any iunau-
thorized persons.

raising Gov. G. Mennen
$20,019,000 operations re
out a prediction by Vice-]
Niehuss that the Senate v
money for faculty merit
and for supplies and add
ers to meet next year's
C ichigtrcs To
A meeting for all R
booth representatives wil
at 7:15 p.m. today in Rr
the Union.

z The appointments were decided china, Korea and Southeast Asia
by the selections committee after problems at Geneva, then France
action in interviewing the candidates. Es- and Britain would be ready to help
Wilaspecially hectic was the time be- sponsor the hands-off warning to
quest bore tween the interview and the an- spng, ands-onewarnng o
-President, I pecly eticwnsa th t t e-Peiping, and a new defense or-
would addnoncedent, whreneoswthtltheganization in the region,
increaseshv ndieendt werenh eroswn. But a declaration of corn-
ed teach- Leopold's interview lasted one mon aims the Far East cannot
expanded hour, and his petition filled 24 be rushed. The British are wary
pages: of anything that looks like an-
x__other Korea, and public opin-
y ~ion would have. to be prepared
Meet Seandal S neeii for any united front moves.
3. Nearness of the rainy seaso
Michigras in Indochina would slow military
L1 be held _ After FH - operations and allow time to plan
n. 3-G of a careful program of action dur-
GEORGE DOPPMANN ds ning the summer.
___ ._. i "r scops award H a e i n
history, the 19-year-old DoP- WSIGO - 'n-Th jj0 ~ O tlw
htor dDPP- A HINGTONrk dwThe on't Outlaw
mann follows in the footsteps of administration cracked down on
such celebrated concert artists as the Federal Housing Administra-CB
telt Wila Kaplclit to yetra letn it bosr - P Daniel Saidenberg, pianists Jorge sign but forecasting a number of
Bolet and Leonid Hambro, violin- dismissals and possibly some crim- WASHINGTON-Attorney Gen.
ists Carroll Glenn and Louis
assCrolGen n oi nal prosecutions. eral Her'bert Brownell said yes -
ting the Kaufman, contralto Carol Brice. President Dwight D. Eisenhower terday he was against outlawing
i's 'Union
'ommittee Two'former University stu- accepted the resignation of FHA the Communist Party on the
pera will dents, pianist Dalies Frantz, Commissioner Guy T. 0. Holly- grounds it would drive the Reds
aril. '30SM, and contralto Jane Rog- day. That announcement set off a underground and make it harder
ers, '37SM, have been winners round of disclosures of alleged to deal with them.
-jin the competition -but neither "fleecing" of householders by According to United Press re-
Sold received the honor while stu- home-repair crews and profiteer- ports, Brownell was expressing the
ncements dents. ing by apartment-house promot- , Administration's position on the
nersnts issue. He told the House Judiciar'y
.m. today Commenting on the significance es*.Subcommittee the'e are consti-
a ,lm ni- I , F f1..:.. _-.- 'i,., ..7 ST , .. -- : Tn. - nl r rvs.. ~ rr}nn c - - - ' -t-

Talks Conferences Highlight W4

Slavic Lecture,
Svatava Pirkova-Jakobson, not-
ed Harvard lecturer in Slavic
languages and literature, will talk
on "The Life of Slavic Folklore in
America" at 4:15 p.m. today in
the West Conference Rm., Rack-
ham Bldg.
_ One of the few woman instruc-
tors at Harvard, Mrs. Pirkova-

Ten Interfraternity Council-Pan- in the process of sele
hellenic ConferenceI book for the next year
Most business of the conference Opera. Petitions for c
will be conducted in workshop chairman for the 1954 o
discussion sessions Friday and be due by the end of Ap
Saturday. Chairman of the Na-
tional Interfraternity Conference Auti n e ills
Lloyd S. Cochran will be the I
speaker on the main banquet Commencement annou
program in the Union Friday, will be sold from 1-5 p
+1 hrn>pmA ni , n the+s



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