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April 01, 1954 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1954-04-01

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THURSDAY. APR-111- L 19.50


League Questionnaire
Shows Use of Facilities











Studying, coffeeing and eating,
in that order, appear to be the
favorite League activities of the
2,526 women polled in the Lea-
gue's recent questionnaire.
As well as showing decisively
that most women students are
satisfied with current closing hour
regulations, the questionnaire sur-
veyed the use made of League fa-
cilities. Results indicated that the
all-female Library is the best-
frequented part of the building,
with 46.3 percent of women stu-
dents using it at least once a
RANKING NEXT in popularity,
Lowe Speaks
On Forgeries
Of Docunents
Showing the detective work done
by handwriting experts, Prof. E. A.-
Lowe, instructor of palaeography
at the Institute for Advanced Stu-
dy at Princeton University showed
four examples in a talk on "Mod-
ern Forgeries of Biblical, and
Classical Studies."
One case was that of a supposed
discovery of an original document
among the papers of Ovid in 1884
which was refuted as a forgery 20
years later when handwriting ex-
perts found that the manuscript
had been traced. "The mistakes
were so gross that it's hard to see
how 20 years could have gone by
without it having been discover-
ed," commented Prof. Lowe. "The
forger must have had a great sense
of humor to attempt something
like that."
" "
A fourth century fragment of
Plautus written in purple ink
and placed in a German library
was discovered to be fake when
chemists analyzing the ink
found that it could not have
been composed before the 19th
E. S. Buchanan, a third forger
mentioned, was esteemed by Prof.
Lowe as having a great imagina-
tion "belonging to morbid psy-
chology." Buchanan deemed that
he could see undiscovered gospel
writing underneath the writing of
known Bible works. "The trouble
was that no-oe else could see it,"
said Prof. Lowe.
' * 9 *
THE FORGER asserted that the
'hidden words had been washed
out and new ones written over
them. He could see the letters by
the indentations left by the pen
aftei the ink had, been removed.
In 1923 it was discovered that the
indentations were made by Bu-
chanan himself.
In 1923 another fraudulist an-
nounced to the world that he had
found the 107 lost books of Livy.
Suspicion arose when he used the
newspaper as a means of commu-
nication instead of the usual
scholarly channels. Later investi-
gation of the script proved the
documents to be false "saving Lat-
in students further agony of trans-
lating other works of Livy," con-
cluded Prof. Lowe.
No New Action
On Gale Post
No further action has been tak-
en to find a successor to Esson M.
Gale, director of the International
Center, who is to retire June 4,
according to Robert S. Wood, as-
sistant dean of the Horace H.
Rackham School of Graduate Stu-

At the last report, the advisory
committee, which is headed by
Dean Ford and makes recommen-
dations to University President
Harlan H. Hatcher, had narrowed
the list down to three men.
One of these men, Richard
Heindel, chairman of the United
States National Commission to the
United Nations Educational Scien-
tific and Cultural Organization,
had formally announced that he
will not be able to accept the po-
sition, an International Center
source said. .
Teachers' Forum
"The Freedom to Teach" will
be discussed during a public meet-
ing sponsored by Local 284 of the
American Federation of Teachers
which will be held at 8 p.m. today
in Rm. 3-B of the Union.

with a weekly patronage of 38.7
percent of women, is the Round-
Up Room in the League basement.
Sophomores, the survey showed,
are the Round-Up Room's most
enthusiastic patrons: 48.5 percent
go there weekly or more often. The
cafeteria is used third most often,
with 11.6 percent of the women
utilizing it weekly.
Not as much advantage, how-
ever, is taken of other League
facilities. On a weekly basis,
6.8 percent of women asked said
they used the Barbara Little
listening rooms, while 8.4 per-
cent frequent the Undergradu-
ate Office that often. Thirty
percent of the women patronize
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
once a month.
League Dance Classes, too, rank
in the low-use column. Eighty-
five percent of the women report-
ed they didn't come out at all for
the mixed lessons. Maximum pat-
ronage came from freshmen wo-
men,' according to survey results
-3.7 of the first-year students
attend the classes once a week.
Greatest participation in the
bridge classes, too, comes from
freshmen, 17 of whom reported
weekly attendance. In the "class
projects" category, the 26 juniors
who reported weekly participation
in these activities took high hon-
* * *
COMMITTEE rooms are used
once a month by 10.4 percent of
the women, while 6.4 said they're
there once a week or more often.
Aiming' next for figures- on
League activities participation,
the survey showed that 389 of
the 2,526 women have petition.
ed or tried out, with 188 current-
ly holding positions.
Those inactive in League affairs
were polled for their reasons, with
"lack of time" the basis used by
1,255 of the non-participants.
"Lack of interest" was the rea-
son given by 473 women for their
absence from League activities,
while 409 others attributed theirs
to "lack of information." Eighty-
one cited a "fear bf being inter-
viewed," and 308 gave various oth-
er reasons for non-use of League
'Joe Must Go'
Gets Support
At Wisconsin,
A chapter of the "Joe Must Go"
movement currently sweeping the
state of Wisconsin has been form-
ed on the University of Wisconsin
campus, according to the Daily
An attempt to have Sen. Jo-
seph McCarthy recalled by peti-
tion, the "Joe Must Go" club has
asked the Wisconsin Robin Hood
club for support and "aid in cir-
culating petitions," noted.the Car-
The Wisconsin Merry Men, a
branch of the anti-McCarthy pro-
test group started on the Indiana
campus, have tentatively indi-
cated that they will give their
support to the "Joe Must Go"
club, but the Cardinal said that
official approval would have to
wait until the club met.
An editorial in the Cardinal sup-
ported the "Joe Must Go" club
and asked the Merry Men to lend
their support. The editorial said,
"This is the chance the club
should be waiting for. It provides
the Merry Men with an oppor-
tunity to prove to one and all that
their motives are more than those
of a mere publicity grab."
An estimated 30 Wisconsin stu-
dents attended the meeting held
in Sauk City last Sunday at which
the "Joe Must Go'' club was form-

ally organized by Leroy Gore, edi-
tor of the Sauk Prairie Star.
Hillel To Serve
Passover Meals
Passover meals will be served at
the Hillel Foundation beginning
with the traditional Seder on Sat-
urday, April 17 and ending with
lunch, April 25.
A total of 16 meals including
two Sedarim will cost $20 for Hil-
lej members and $24 for other stu-
dents. Individual meals can also
be bought. All meals will be pre-
pared in accordance with tradi-
tional dietary laws.
Reservations may be made in
advance for all meals by calling
NO 3-4129 or in person at the
Hillel Foundation at 1429 Hill.
Deadline for reservations is 5:00
p.m. April 12.


I N N E W R 0 L E - Former heavyweight boxing cham-
pion Jersey Joe Walcott talks with a youth in Camden, N.-J..
{ after starting as special aide to combat juvenile delinquency.

HERE ' S LOOKING AT YO U-joyce van Dulst
sights down barrel of mid-eighteenth century flintlock blunder-
buss at Michigan Gun Collectors Association show ,in Detroit.


T C H IN- T C HIN MOD E L -Tchin-Thin's thename
of this Indochina-inspired-straw hat for spring by Paris milliner
Marthe. It is trimmed with reddish-brown and white flowers.

- Men's styles lose ground to
the ladies on this two-piece
spring suit, complete with hip
pocket and handkerchief, by
Paris designer Maria de Kers.

A M E R I C A N - S T Y L E -Venezuela's President Marcos Perez Jiminez officiated at opening
of this super market in Caracas. Store features native products alongside foods from U.S.A.

BEST AMONG J UVEN I LES;--Muldoon, a "small
scale" St. Bernard, won first prize for puppies in dog show of
Marines in'Korea. Its master, Sgt. T. L. White, holds the champ.



E L E C T E D - Dr. Walter
Schreiber, above, 69, Christian
Democrat, was elected:Lord
Mayor of West Berlin by the
City Parliament, succeeding the
late Ernest Reuter, Socialist.

PRINCESS AT PARTY _.Y princess Margaretha of
Sweden, chatting with Cadet Anders Forsberg, seems to be enjoy -
ing party in her honor at the Naval School near, Stockholm.

B E F OR E N I GHT C L U B A R I A.-.Helen Traubel, who broke with the Metropolis
tan Opera to tour concert halls and cafes, talks with associates in show at Copacabanur New York.


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