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April 01, 1954 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1954-04-01

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ung Demoerats Claim Liberal Policy

At least three campus political
groups claim their policy is based
on liberalism.
The Young Democrats are in an
indefinable position: they call
themselves liberal, but some others
claim they're not liberal enough.
* * *
president of the YD's until last
week, would define it saying,
"We're more liberal than the na-
tional Democratic party. You
might say we follow the liberal
Democratic wing." .
Eric Stockton of the English
department, who, with Prof.
John P. Dawson, of the law
school, acts as advisor to the
group says, "our main concern
is to preserve civil liberties. We
believe in efforts to put human
rights over property rights."
The YD's look on liberalism as
more of an approach to problems
than as an answer to them. They
don't want to be called reformers.
One student voiced it as not be-
lieving "in government control for
the sake of government control-
only when it will benefit the peo-
Not all Young Democrats sup-
port the liberal beliefs of the ma-
jority of the group. Those who
'would accept a more conservative
outlook, however, constitute a very
small minority in the organization.
Nevertheless, a good deal of effort
is directed to make the club poli-
cies satisfactory to both sides,
probably at the loss of more ag-
gressive action.
* 4 *
tied to the national YD -organiza-
tion, do not consider themselves
tied to the platform or policies of
(Further interpretive articles on
other campus political groups will
appear at a later date.)
the Democratic party. Their pur-
pose on campus, Sleicher has de-
fined, is "meant to give young peo-
ple political experience"
"We think students should
know how politics work," Sleich-
er said. "You might say we act
for our own enlightenment, and
to attempt to stimulate political
To do this, the YD's have set up
arbitrary 16 to 40 year old age lim-
its, open to all students or towns-
people with any political beliefs.
But like all campus political
groups, this does not seem to be
enough encouragement. It isn't
difficult to get students to join,
but getting them to participate is
quite another problem. With a
signed membership of 52, the aver-
age attendance at YD meetings is
about 20, often less, while a good
many of these that come are not
YD's HAVE tried to combat this
problem by varying the activities
of the club. At present a city pro-
ject to aid Ann Arbor Democrats
in their political activities and pre-
election campaigning has enlisted
about 30 people.
Not all of the city worker are
Planning Society
To Meet at Union
More than 100 persons are ex-
pected to attend the 10th annual
state-wide planning conference of
the Michigan.Society of Planning
Officials beginning at 2 p.m. to-
morrow in the Union.
Among the moderators of the
different panels will be Prof. Ar-
thur Bromage and Prof. Daniel
McHargue of the political science

-Daily-John Hirtzel
OPINION EXCHANGE-New Young Democrat president Ralph
Goldberg, '56, and new vice-president Anne Lawther, '56, listen
to Charles Sleicher, Grad., express his viewpoint during a YD
executive committee meeting.

members, however, while many
members prefer concentrating
their interest more on national
controversial problems. A good
many YD's are taking part in the
Green Feather campaign and are
clamoring for a debate with the
Young Republicans on almost
any topic, especially on Civil
Liberties, McCarthyism or Asian
Newly elected president Ralph
Goldberg, '56, has been most anx-
ious to add new aggressiveness toa
the club, but has found that no
new ideas seem to be coming forth.
Outside of the city project, the
big event of the semester for the
YD's will be a Citizenship Clearing
House, to be held in conjunction
with the YR's April 26 and 27.
Broken into Republican and Dem-
ocrat Days, the clearing house is
expected to bring top party peo-
ple to the campus and stir up
more interest in politics for the
college man.
IT IS ON large national political
issues that YD's find their great-
est strength. The club gained new
vitality in the election campaign

of 1952 when it combined with the
Students for Stevenson to stir up
support for their candidate. Last
year a Dollars For Sense campaign
to aid the Democratic leader was
very successful netting over $1,000.
The anti-McCarthy campaign
which has found some support
on campus, gets a good part of
it from the YD's.
"We think McCarthy is further-
ing his own goals and is not sin-
cere," and opinion at an execu-
tive meeting of the YD's stated. On
Communism the executives said:
"Communism is awful, but if a
person wants to be a Communist,
let him. Fanatical anti-Commu-
nism is a greater danger."
And as for the Congressional in-
vestigations due here next month:
"They're a lot of smoke, but no
fire," says club membership chair-
man Kevin Keane, Grad.
Greenberg and ex-president
Sleicher agree. "We have to ex-
press our disgust," says Goldberg.
Sleicher added: "What they
should be looking for is subversion.
Instead they're looking for heresy.
They should stay off. They have
no business investigating heresy
at a University."

Cornell University debate
team will vie with the Univer-
sity team tomorrow at 2 p.m. in
4203 Angell Hall.
Topic of the debate is "Re-
solved, that the United States
should adopt a policy of free
trade." Representatives of the
University team are Duane
Schaffner, '56 and Walter New-
ton, '57. Cornell's representa-
tives are Hugh Schwartz, '54,
and Jay Schwartz, '55.
The debate will be tape re-
corded for classroom use. The
two teams will also discuss how
to improve activities in college.
This discussion will be broad-
cast on radio station WUOM.
Brown Asked
By LEldersveld
T'o Debate Hall
With city elections only four
days away, the city hall issue is
gaining attention.
Prof. Samuel J. Eldersveld of
the Pdolitical science department,
chairman of the Democratic City
Committee, yesterday challenged
Mayor William E. Brown, Jr. to a
public debate on the proposed
city hall and the suggested site
for the structure.
* * *
IN A PUBLIC letter, Prof. Eld-
ersveld suggested that a discussion
of the issue in terms of cost to vot-
ers and relocation of E. Ann St.
merchants, if that site is favored,
be held tomorrow, Saturday or
Sunday night.
Mayor Brown could not be
reached for comment on the
challenge late yesterday.
Mrs. Florence Crane, Republican
City Committee Chairman last
night answered charges made by
the Democrats in a Third Ward
meeting. She said "I refuse to be-
lieve that the Mayor will not do
the utmost to aid in the relocation
problem, should the voters favor
the Ann Street site at this elec-
Kelly Presents
Views on Pogo
Pogo and his playmates of Ofe-
kenokee Swamp depict the lives of
human beings and the kinds of
difficulties they get into, cartoon-
ist Walt Kelly pointed out in an
illustrated lecture yesterday at
Rackham Lecture Hall.
Each character, Kelly told the
audience, typifies a particular per-
sonality trait, not merely one in-
* * *
AIDED BY a drawing board and
crayon, the cartoonist illustrated
some of his many characters and
explained 'what they 'represented.
Exemplifying so-called "do-
gooders," the Deacon "pokes fun
at the silly business of a pious
quality each one of us has, and
tries to tell everyone what is
good for them," Kelly comment-
Kelly's Beauregard Bugle-Boy,
hound dog, "is proud of being a
dog," the cartoonist said, and re-
lated it to our ego-problem of al-
ways accusing other people of the
things that are wrong with us.
Representing the braggard side
of our character is Albert the alli-
gator,aKelly went on. "He is the
character who likes to stand on
the hound dog, "is proud of being a
ing his own cigar is an achieve-


ToB Made
Of Vaccine
Prof. Thomas Francis, Jr., of
the public health school is head-
ing a group of doctors who will
evaluate reports on the effective-
ness of the Salk polio vaccine dur-
ing the polio season this year.
This group will compile reports
on 500,000 to 1,000,000 children,
both those who were vaccinated
and those who weren't, who con-
tracted polio in test areas. The
team will then be able to tell whe-
ther or not the vaccine is effec-
* * *
THE SALK vaccine, developed
by Dr. Jonas E. Salk of Pttsburgh,
vill be administered by shots con-
taining more than 10 billion dead
polio viruses apiece. Each child
vaccinated will receive three of
these shots.
Since the viruses in the in-
jection are dead, they cannot
cause polio. However, they have
enough power to stimulate the
formation of antibodies.
With more than $7,500,000 pro-
vided for the tests by the National
Foundation for Infantile Paraly-
sis, the vaccine is being manufac-
tured by pharmaceutical firms on
a nonprofit basis.
If it passes the test, the vaccine
could be supplied in large enough
amounts for everyone. Scientists
working on the project have said
that, if successful, one series of
shots is all that would be required
to give children lifetime protec-
tion from the disease.
After that, babies could be vac-
cinated early in life, such as is
now done for diphtheria, small-
pox and other diseases.
NVCAA Request
flit by Crisler
University Athletic Director Her-
bert . (Fritz) Crisler expressed
regret yesterday at the Na-
tional Collegiate Athletic Associa-
tion television committee recom-
mendations for a nationally con-
trolled TV football program.
Crisler said, "I'm disappointed
they didn't adopt the regional plan.
It would meet the NCAA aims, ob-
jectives and purposes better."
The committee had favored a
plan for 12 nationwide telecasts,
with regional TV games restrict-
ed to Thanksgiving day.
The Big Ten TV committee took
immediate issue with the recom-
mendation and asked its confer-
ence members to vote against the
"We believe the colleges must
find a better way to respond to the
challenge of television," the Big
Ten committee stated.
The NCAA plan, besides oppos-
ing the regional idea, also recom-
mends a ban on televising a sell-
out game, and panoramic telecast
-taking brief shots of many
Foremen To Meet
Working with people will be the
theme of the 15th annual fore-
men's conference, to be held to-
morrow and Saturday here.
The conference will be sponsor-
ed by the University extension ser-
vice and representatives of indus-

try and labor.

Phone NO 23-24-1
HOURS: 1 to 5 P.M.
2 .60 1.34 1.96
3 .70 1.78 2.94
4 .90 2.24 3.92
Figure 5 average words to a line.
Classified deadline, 3 P.M. daily.
PARKER 51 and Norma pencil in snow
in middle of Diag. Call NO 2-6338.
LOSTSilver ID bracelet around West
Quad. Call NO 2-4401, 303 Rumsey
house. ) 127A
LOST - TEXTBOOK, Forest Pathology
by Baxter. Reward! NO 8-7651. )126A
FOR SALE '53 Buick Special, 2-Door,
Loaded, By Owner. Call NO 2-6563
Between 5-6. )382B
ICALS, Do you long to be investigat-
ed? Be the first on campus to print
subversive material. I have a 'used
mimeograph machine to sell. Good
condition, $35.00, call NO 8-8258
Merritt Green. )383B
BUICK 4-door, blue. Radio and heater;
low nmileage. See Smitty, Huron Mo-
tor Sales, 222 W. Washington, NO
2-4588. )377B
ARMY-NAVY type Oxfords-$6.88. Sox,
39c; shorts, 69c; military supplies.
Sam's Store, 122 E. Washington. )14B
A MEDIUM blue-grey gabardine suit.
Single breasted, sport style. Like new,
size 40 regular. Very reasonably pric-
ed. Call NO 3-1904 after 8 p.m. on
weekdays only. Ask for Steve. )299B
Guaranteed T-Free Installation
Liberty and Ashley -- NO 3-5113
FOLDING BABY PEN with pad-Good
condition, $15. Gray folding baby
buggy, chrome handle with white
plastic, hardly used, $50. Originally
$89. Cosco baby high chair, all chrome
and steel with blue plastic seat cover,
adjustable foot rest, $16, Folding
Nursery Chair, $3. Majestic portable
radio with inside and outside aerial,
$48. Large Baby basinet with legs;
lining and pad; $8. Phone NO 2-9020.
1949 FORD 6 with overdrive, radio, heat-
er. Good condit! Huron Motor Sales,
222 W. Washington, NO 2-4588. )380B
SPECIAL FOR TODAY! Choice of two
1949 Chevrolet 2 door. Clean, well
equipped. $625. University Motor
Sales, 907 N. Main. NO 3-0507. )373B
cars. University Motor Sales. 907 N.
Main, Ph. N03-0507. )374B

1951 CHEVROLET-4-door, grey. Radio
and heater, power-glide. A nice car!
Huron Motor Sales, 222 W. Washing-
ton, NO 2-4588. )381B
FOR SALE-TUXEDO, good condition,
$35. Call NO 8-9645. )376B
Minolta 35 (Japanese Leica) with F2.8
lens, Telephoto, flash, filters, etc.
Used, $125. Purchase Camera Shop,
1116 So. University, NO 8-6972. )386B
PARAKEETS make delightful, inexpen-
sive pets. Need little care. Mrs, Ruf-
fins, 562 S. 7th. NO 3-5330. )385B
1941 DESOTO-Good motor, new clutch
and brakes, $175. NO 3-2225. See at
508 Elm. )390B
1940 LA SALLE 8 motor, $50. Call NO
2-9020. )389B
1948 BUICK-4 door, super; radio, heat-
er, low mileage, one owner, beautiful
green finish. Huron Motor Sales, 222
W. Washington 2-4588. )388B
194's KAISER-4 door, one owner, low
mileage, new tires. Huron Motor Sales,
222 W. Washington, NO 2-4588. )387B
Rooms by Day or Week
Campus Tourist Homes. T h. NO 3-8454
518 E. Williams St. (near State)
SINGLE FRONT ROOM for men; nice
and quiet. Also two doubles, will rent
either as single or double. Centrally
located between U. Hospital and cam-
pus, 1346 Geddes, NO 2-6629 after 5
p.m. or between 1 and 2 p.m. )62D
end meals. NO 2-2333 after 7 p.m. )81H
MAKE $20.00 DAILY -- Sell luminous
name plates. Write Reeves Co., Attle-
boro, Mass. Free samples and details.
WANTED - Ladies with transportation
for light delivery in city. Pay daily.
Apply 308 S. State, 2nd floor, Office 27.
) 83H
House Manager Sigma Phi. 3-4707.
CHURCH CAMP-Needs couple for kit-
chen work; cook and helper. June 20
to September 5. Located 32 miles N.E.
of Grand Rapids. Write: R. M. Aug-
ustine, Manager. Presbyterian-Confer-
ence Camp, Greenville, Mich. State
your qualifications. )85H
GOING TO ASPEN? Have one sack open
there. Call Marc Rubenstein, DI 1-1242
Detroit, right away. )91F
WANTED-Ride home to Ft. Lauderdale,
Florida. Willing to share expenses.
Call 201 Cooley E.Q. )55G

WANTED - RIDERS to share expenses
and driving to California. Leaving
April 7 or 8. Call NO 3-2807.)610
NEED RIDE to Chicago. Share expenses
and driving. Call 220 Tyler. )65G
WANTED-Girl riders to Florida. Late
Mod. convertible. Share expenses.
Leave Fri. 2-3291. Ask for Hal. )66G
WANTED - Rider. Leaving Friday for
Arlington, Virginia by way of Turn-
pike to Philadelphia. NO 3-2225. )67G
NEED 2 RIDERS to Washington or
Baltimore. Reg Hall, NO 3-1430. )69G
TYPEWRITERS! Portable and Standard
for rent, sales, and service.
PIANO SERVICE -- Tuning, repairing.
Work guaranteed. Call University Mu-
sic House, NO 8-7515. )271
Service and Sales.
Free Pick-up and Delivery
Fast Service - Reasonable Rates
Ann Arbor Radio and T.V.
"Student Service"
1217 So. Univ., Ph. NO 8-7942
1, blocks east of East Eng. )401
WASHING, Finished Work, and Hand
Ironing. Buff dry and wet washing.
Also ironing separately. Free pick-up
and delivery. Ph. NO 2-9020. )21
TYPING-Prompt, accurate service on
term papers. NO 2-9214. )381
SERVICES-Bibliographies, photostats,
reprints, etc. Subject areas include
Engineering, Business Administration,
and Education. Work done by exper-
ienced company librarian. Joan Wiese,
214 Packard St. NO 8-8620. )37I
time, at home or out. Call NO 8-9712.
TYPING - Reasonable rates, accurate
and efficient. Phone NO 8-7590 830
So. Main. )31
ALTERATIONS on ladies garments. Ph.
NO 2-2678. 510 Catherine Street near
State. Alta Graves.




UnvriyGe lbTo Begin Extended Tour


A guided tour through a St.
Louis brewery is one of the few
things the Men's Glee Club hasn't
accomplished during its yearly
spring tours in the past.
However, during past trips the
club, directed by Prof. Philip Du-'
ey of the music school, has toured
a shoe factory and several paper
mills in addition to other factor-,
ies, according to glee club vice-
president Don Smith, '54.
* * *
THIpS YEAR'S tour will begin
with a concert tomorrow night at
Wilmington, Ohio, as part of Wil-
mington College's Artists Series.
Saturday a joint concert with the
University of Indiana Singing
Hoosiers will be given in Bloom-
ington, Ind.
The group will leave Bloom-
ington about 5 a.m. the next
morning for a long bus ride to
Rocky River, Ohio, a suberb of
Cleveland, where they will be
sponsored by the high school

choir. Monday night they will
appear in Canton, Ohio, spon-
sored by the University alumni
club there and the Signet Club,
a service organization.
Leaving thelevel plains of Ohio
for the Appalachian Fountains,
the glee club will sing the next
night in Warren, Pa., under the
sponsorship of the Junior Cham-
ber of Commerce there.
Alumni clubs will sponsor the
remainder of the concerts, which
will be held in Binghampton,
N.Y., Wednesday; Schenectady,
Thursday, Rochester, Friday and
Buffalo on Saturday, April 10.
Featured during the tour will be
the Novelaires Quartet, which in-
cludes glee club president Robert
McGrath, '54 SM, Constantin Gi-
anakaris, '56 Ed., Thomas Schill,
'56 and-Reid Wagstaff, '56. Solo-
ists during the concerts will be
Russell Christopher, Grad., Tho-
mas Lester, Grad., and McGrath.



The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 2552
Administration Build"ng before 3 p.m.
the day preceding publication (before
11 a.m. on Saturday).
VOL. LXIV, No. 128

requested to report to 100 Hutchins
Hall at 8:45 Saturday morning.
Students, College of Engineering. The
final day for DROPPING COURSES
WITHOUT RECORD will be Fri., April
2. A course may be dropped only with
the permission of the classifier after
conference with the instructor.

Angell Hall Study Hall will be open
10-12 a.m., 2-4 p.m., Monday through
Friday; and 10-12 on Saturday. The
Graduate Reading Rooms will be open
from 9 a.m. to 12 noon and from 1 to
5 p.m., except on Saturdays, when they
will close at noon. Library Science
Study Hall will be open 1:30 to 5 p.m.
Monday through Friday, April 5-9,
closed mornings and Saturdays. ThereI

will become effective June 5, with the
first payroll deduction on May 30, 1954.
Veterans who expect to receive edu-
cation and training allowance under
Public Law 550 (Korea G. I. Bill) for
March must report to 555 Administra-
tion Building, Office of Veterans' Af-
fairs, between 8 a.m. Wed., Mar. 31,
and 5 p.m. Tues., April 6, to fill in and
Form 7-1996a.
Students interested in applying for

Students, College of Engineering. The will be no Sunday service on April 4
final day for REMOVAL OF INCOM- and 11.
PLETES will be Fri., April 2. Petitions The Divisional -Libraries will be clos-
for extension of time must be on file ed on both Saturdays within the vaca-
in theSecretarv's ffice on or before +- 4---4--

in_____'y vtin period and will be open on short student teaching and related instruc-
Fri., April 2. schedules, i.e., 10 to 12 a.m. and 2 tion in Flint for one semester of 1954-
Notices Jn to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. Ex- 55 may secure blanks at the Record-
June Teacher's Certificate Candi- ceptions are: East and West Engineer- er's Office, 1437 University Elementary
Faculty, College of Literature, Science dates. The Teacher's Oath will be ad- ing Libraries open 9 a.m. to 12 noon School.
and the Arts. Midsemester reports are ministered to all June candidates for and 2 to 5 p.m., Monday through Fri--
due Fri., April 2, for those students the teacher's certificate during the day; Bureau of Government Library Oxnard, California. A representative
whose standing at midsemester is "D' week of March 29, in 1437 University open 9 a.m. to 12 noon and 1 to 4 p.m. from the Oxnard Public Schools will be
or E." Elementary School. The office is open daily, Monday through Friday and 9-12 on campus Thurs., April 1. He would
Report cards have been distributed to from 8 to 12 and 1:30 to 5. The Teach-- on Saturday. Mathematics-Economics like to interview all elementary candi-
all departmental offices. Green cards er's Oath is a requirement for the Library open 8 to 12, Monday through dates interested in California. He will
are provided for reporting freshmen teacher's certificate. Friday; the Physics Library open Mon- also be happy to speak with any see-
and sophomores and white cards for day, Wednesday, Friday, 9 a.m. to 12 ondary person specifically interested in
jtmiors and seniors. The reports for General Library. A University regu- noon; Fine Arts Reading Room open his area. For appointments please con-
Freshmen and Sophomores, 1210 Angell lation requires that all students leav- from 1 to 5 p.m., Monday through tact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528
sent to the f aculty Counselors for ing Ann Arbor for extended vacations Friday; Museums Library open 1 to 4 Admin. Bldg., NO 3-1511, Ext. 489.
Fershmen and Sophomores, 1210 Angell must return library books before their p.m., Monday through Friday, Saturday
Hall; those for junior and seniors to departure. The purpose of the regula- 9 a.m. to 12 noon; Music Library open Lake Forest, Illinois. A representa-
the Faculty Counselors for Juniors and tion is to insure the availability of from 10 to 12 noon and 1 to 3 p.m.; tive from the Lake Forest, Illinois
Seniors, 1213 Angell Hall. books for scholars who wish to use the Study Hall at Willow Run which willP yecSh l aFo sT ois,
Students not registered in this Col- them while the University is not in be open the regular hours, 7-10 'p.m., April 1, to itrw eachmps thy
lege butwhoelecedLSAsession. Monday through Thursday, and Sunday pr nterview teachers in the
Ieg ut whon eeted LS&A courses sessionmelementary grades, primary music teach-
should be reported to the school or col- In accordance with this rule, students 2 to 6 and 7 to 10 p.m. er, and Elementary Phys. Ed. (Woman).
lege in which they are registered. planning to spend Spring vacation out- Schedules will be posted on the doors All interested persons should contact
Additional cards may be obtained in side of Ann Arbor must return library of the Divisional Libraries, and infor- the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Ad-

sidering YMCA work as a career on Sat.,
April 24, at the Lansing, Michigan,
YMCA. Freshmen and sophomores as
well as upper classmen are invited to
The Civil Aeronautics Administration
of the Department of Commerce has a
continuous need for Aeronautical, Elec-
trical, Electronic, Mechanical, and Civil
Engineers, GS-5, 7, 9, and 11. In addi-
tion this office has a current need for
an Aircraft Structural Development En-
gineer, an Aeronautical Power Plant
Engineer, and a Physicist.
Sarkes Tarzian, Inc., Bloomington,
Indiana, has a vacancy in its Rectifier
Division for a selenium rectifier engi-
neer. Recent or June graduates with
degrees in Electrical Engineering are
eligible to apply,
The Pennsylvania Electric C., Johns-
twn, Pa., has several openings for
Mechanical Engineering and Electrical
Engineering graduates who are inter-
ested in public utility engineering work.
For additional information concern-
ing these and other employment op-'
portunities, contact the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 3528 Administration Bldg.,
Ext. 371.


ADMATNO. 114 1 COL x 2" (28 LINES)
> .... A t.AtICEAL ARSV 1 AE

University Lecture, auspices of the
Geological and Mineralogy Journal Club,
"Chubb Crater," Dr. Victor B. Meen, Di-
rector, Royal Museum of Geology and
Mineralogy, Tronto, Thurs., April 1, 4
o.m. 2054 Natural Science Building.





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