DEPARTURE FROM U.S. CONTAINMENT POLICY See Page 4 LV-i ' 4 P ,te it an Da1i4 - -.,,, - 4 * 6 S . Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LXIV, No. 127 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, APRIL 1, 1954 PARTLY CLOUDY SIX PAGES I Frosh Pledges Top Non-Pledge Grades By JON SOBELOFFs Freshmen who pledge fraternities or sororities get better marks than those who stay unaffiliated. Results of a study just released by the Statistical Service of the Registrar's Office show that fewer freshmenpledges than non-pledges fail to make a 2.0 average, and more pledges have no marks below a B. PANHELLENIC President Martha Hill, '54, yesterday found the registrar's office figures "all very interesting." . I Vote on Bill For Hawaii. Alaska Set By JOE PASCOFF Forecasts have been voiced from Capital Hill that the Senate will pass the joint Hawaiian-Alaskan statehood bill by a "substantial margin" and that an attending amendment to limit the two ter- ritories to commonwealth status will be defeated. Statehood for Hawaii has been passed by the House of Represen- tatives but the Alaskan bill is pre- sently bottled up in the House Rules Committee. The statehood issue has been pending before the Senate since Feb. 26 but was tabled sevei~altimes for the sake of more immediate legislation. } CLAIMS for Hawaiian statehood preceded those for Alaska. Hawaii which has a population of approx- imately 500,000 became a United States possession in 1898 and was incorporated in 1900. The United States bought Alaska from Russia in 1870, and in 1914 the area was incorporated. Aside from the Pres- ident of the United States choos- ink the governor and judges for the territories, both areas are self- governing. The two statehood bills have been bombarded with non-part- isan objections as well as politi- cal. One of the main criticisms leveled against the extension of statehood to Hawaii and Alaska is that the two areas are not contiglous to continental Unit- ed States. Opponents to this charge cite, however, that with modern transportation and com-j munication, the territories are much closer than were many of the present states when they first entered the Union. Statehood opponents also claim that the possibility of Communist domination in Hawaii is serious. They advance the contention that She explained that sororities stress scholarship, especially for pledges, and that "big sisters" try to help pledges with their studies. Assistant Dean in charge of Men's Residence Halls Peter A. Ostafin said last night he was "proud of both the non-pledges and the pledges--they're all our boys, and they all live in the Resi- dence Halls." Dean Ostafin added that the fraternity pledges' "degree of ex- cellence is evident not only in their good scholastic record, but in non-academic areas too." Cook, Gilman Cop Highest SL Count Six Persons G;aill Posts On First Ballot; .76 Tallies Called I nvalid- By BECKY CONRAD As April Fool's day rang over the Union loudspeaker into the ballroom early this morning, the first six Student Legislature can- didates won SL seats. The two-day spring balloting brought in a mediocre total of 6,091 votes for a 35.2 per cent tally of the campus. Lowest in two years, absolute number of ballots is 398 votes shy of the November tally and three points down percentage-wise. COMPARED to last year's spring vote., the total is up by 93 bal- lots and four percentage points lower. Elections director Babs Hillman, '55Ed, attributed the slim balloting to the unseasonable weather. Sandra Cook, '57. in her first campaign for SL, gained first place in the elections with 348 votes. * * * * FOLLOWING on the first ballot set at a 248 quota tallied at 11.30 p.m., was Ricky Gilman, '55N, with 315 votes. Ruth Rossner, '55, garnered 284 tallies, and Hank Berliner ,56. 282 ballots. Last two on the first balloting Joel Tauber, '57, and Herb Schneider, '56, won 268 and 261 votes respectively, Three hundred and seventy-six void ballots placed the total num- her of valid votes at 5715. * * * * ACCORDING to Joint Judiciary Council chairman Lee Fiber '54, many of the ballots were in- validated because voters used X's instead of the Hare system one- two-three method. Inter-House Council President Roger Kidston, '56L, added that if the statistical report gives a true picture, the men who pledgedj and the fraternity pledge system deserve the credit. HERE ARE some of the figures: Of 1381 freshmen, men, 362 pledged fraternities last fall. For- ty-nine pledges (13.6 per cent) got all B's and A's, while almost exactly one out of four (25.2 per cent) wound up on some form of probation with less than a 2.0 average. -Daily-Chuck Kelsey BOB DOMBIOWSKI, '55, SANDRA COOK, '57, RUTH ROSSNE R. '55 AND RICKY GILMAN, '55N GIVE VICTORY SMILES FOLLOWING THE BALLOT COUNTING SESSION AT TBE UNION LAST NIGHT f om Elect Athletic, Block 'M' Fate Undecided; Ballot Count Publcation OK of SL Plan Looks Dirm-Draws Few Board Posts BULLE TIN . S ectatos Write-hi candidates for the SL balloting made an appear- ance, but Judiciary voided their votes because they hadn't ful- filled SL candidacy require- ments. No irregularities in the count ing procedure were reported by Miss Fiber. Nervous candidates lined the ropes surroundining the count a Half-way through the constitution referendum count at Tentative returns Vast night in ? a.m. this morning figures showed a two to one endorsemeut cent (two per cent mre) of the the contest for three places on the of the revisions including the proposed student tax. nn-pledges got less than a , Board in Control of Student Pub- nn-pledges got less tha ae.t lications gave victory for Bob The tallies on this and a second referendum asking the campus andless e got nomark cent.l per thantB. Wells, '55, Alan Price, '55, and Bill whether it favored continuing the "M" flashcard section at football S B Kaufman, '54. games remained undecided as The Daily went to press. Just how significant the small Results in the publications board * edge of the pledges is, is not sure, contest were termed tentative THROUGHOUT THE count, consternation over the fate of the but every statistic in the Statis- since some ballots of the same tical Service report shows at least color from the constitution refer-a revised SL constitution was voiced. The referendum asked, "Do you a slightly better showing by af- endum- had been mixed with the approve the all-campus student government constitution as revised?" filiates. board tallies. Leah Marks, '55L, corresponding secretary of SL summed uj . * * *+,Intercollegiate Athletics Tony the prevalent feeling among legislators when she said the major FRESHMEN women show an Branoff, '55, piled up 1824 votes difficulty was a voters' confusion of whether they were bal- even more marked scholastic di- to win by a 724 vote margin over loting for the SEC plan for student government reorganization- vision between pledges and non- his nearest opponent. being studied by the Student Affairs Study Committee or a SL pledges. Assistant Registrar Ed- sponsored revision. ward G. Groesbeck said yesterday RESULTS of the publications pTse vsin that the difference was "signifi- ! election showed 3887 votes for The voters did not know what they were voting for," she said cant" (Wells, 2909 for Price and 3403 for and pointed out "if the referendum fails it will not be a crucial set- Kaufman. The fourth candidate, back to SL due to this confusion. I would be shocked if the -referendum Of 264 freshmen sorority Harland Britz, '56L, was dropped passed." Miss Marks concluded. pledges, 52, or 19.8 per cent with 2382 votes. However, other legislators viewed a possible negative decision on didn't get their two points. But Branoff defeated Dick Peter- the referendum as a vote of "no-confidence" for student government. 24.8 per cent of the non-pledges john, '55, and Dave Carpenter The constitutional revision would give SL the right to levy a were below the 2.0 level. '56, a write-in candidate, who 25 cent tax per semester on each student enrolled at the University,j gained 1096 and 467 votes re-! -- - - Termed by one student "thej most apathetic election-l have ever attended, and this is my ninth." ballot counting dragged Cn into the morning as onlookers at, the Joint Judiciary - supervised elections became fewer and fewer. Only a small number of the esti- matec. 200 students in attendance! remained as proceedings dragged on into the early hours of the Sal Gregory, '56D, yesterday won the Medical School and Dental School Union Vice-Pres- ident position, nosing out his opponent, George Chatas, '56D, on a close 99-91 vote. Bob Baker, '56L, claimed the right to represent the Lawj School among the Unio4 Veepsi on the basis of his 155 votes to Harvey Howard's, '55L, 43. - The following candidates were elected to Student Legis- lature in this order when The Daily went to press at 2 a.m. Sandra Cook, '57 Ricky Gilman, '5N Ruth Rossner, '55 Hank Berliner, '56 Joel Tauber, '57 Herb Schneider, '56 Bill Adams, '57 Donna Netzer, '56 Larry Levine, '56 John Winslow, '54 Norm Beck, '55BAd. Nancy Petricoff, 56 Murray MacDonald, '56 Candidates still in the run- ning for SL posts early this morning were: Sheila Cummins, '55 Neal Simon, '55 Larry Harris, 5 Senior Class Seats Filled Bob Dombrowski, with 360 votes, - beat John Buck, with 232, and Bob Wells, with 194 votes, to be- e come literary college senior class s president last night. In the vice-presidential race, Jay Martin nosed out Gene Hart- wig, 396 to 351. Bob Henderson., running without opposition, tal- lied 604 ballots for secretary. Sue Beebe swept into the liter- ary college treasurer's spot with 548 votes to Malcolm Schlusberg's -173. IN THE engineering college, Bob Richardson was elected presi- dent as 315 out of 335 students eligible to vote cast ballots. Richardson polled 150 votes to best Fritz Glover, 95 votes, and (Howard Gaberson, 70 votes. With no opposition, Anne Campbell was chosen vice pres- ident (248 votes) and L. A. Burnham was elected secretary (228 votes). For engineering class treasurer, Bill Salisbury polled 164 to Jere Brophy's 104. Harry Bridges, head of the Long- On the high end of the scale, spectively. shoreman's Union and an alleged 16.8 per cent of the pledges and Carpenter had been approved as . e Communist, can virtually tie up only 12.5 per cent of the non- an official candidate for the Board 'i -U e the area when a strike is called. pledges achieved an all A and B post by Joint Judie just prior to record. the ballot counting. W iken B eals, s Voted THE SITUATION has been fur- ther complicated by partisan con-' siderations which have also con- tributed considerably in delaying the progress of the statehood bills. The fact that Hawaii is con- sidered primarily Republican and and Alaska Democratic is partially reflected in the parlia- mentary maneuvering that' has taken place thus far. Fearing that the Republicans might be able to push Hawaiian statehood through Congress, the Demo- crats attempted and were suc- cessful in joining the two state hood bills so that if one were passed soswould the other hence, keeping a balance of power in the Senate. This move was also aimed at getting the House Rules Commit- tee to take action on Alaska. If the joint bill passed the Senate it ,would go to Conference Committee and as a result force the Rules Committee to give up Alaskan statehood which to date it has bot- tled. Commenting on the situation, Prof. George A. Peek of the po- litical science department said, "Passage looks fairly good in the Senate but this is not the last, hurdle. The joint bill will have to April Fool To Head SRA Marge Frogel 56, and Ted Beals, '56, were elected president and vice-president of the Student Re- ligious Association last night at Lane Hall. Secretary of the Association for the next year will be Marylen Wil- kens, '57. Toni Tamburro, '56, was elected member at large to the SRA Executive Committee. BECOMING interested in SRA } activities when she attended Freshman Rendevous, Miss Fro- gel has served the organization in many capacities and is past secre- tary of the group. An all campus association of religious guilds of every faith, SRA sponsors Freshman Ren- devous, intercultural outings and other activities to promote un- derstanding between religious organizations. Vice-President Ted Beals serv- ed as counselor of Freshman Ren- devous, was co-chairman of the J-Hop Open House, and is a mem- ber of the Lane Hall Board of Governors. SRA members also passed an i Buses Tickets for the "Willow Hop- pers," Union's bus service to and from Willow Run Airport, may be obtained from 1 to 4 p.m. today in the Administra- tion Bldg. Buses will begin leaving the Union at 11:45 a.m. tomorrow and continue to -leave almost hourly until 5:15 p.m. Return- ing, on April 11, buses will leave Willow Run every half hour from 5:15 p.m. to midnight. od Neu ,morning. Those candidates still in, moernning se a testl i Diana Hewitt, 5 IN THE J-Hop Committee bal- slumped in chairs and pacing the David Levy, '' loting, Mark Gallon was elected canvas covered floors of the Union1 Sa Hosfan, '55 A on the first ballot with 195 votes. cavscvrdfor fteUin Charles Skala, '5Ad. The quota was 156 then, with 1552 ballroom, munching hamburgers Bob Sommer, '57T and sipping black coffee. Ellen Loveland, '55Ed. ballots castd Jan Voorheis made it on the By the time the firt count was Gene Axelrod. '56 fifth ballot with 155 votes, completed the area was littered Nan Howe, '56 Also elected to J-Hop positions with cigarette butts and empty Etta Gluckstein, 6 were Gene Cohen, Pat Goddard, coke bottles, remnants of impa- Carol Seltzer, '57 Bill Diamond, Lou Kwiker, Ji tience over one of the slowest bal- Wills, Dave Smith and Jerry Pres- lot counts in the history of the I the tallying wore on into the eve- cott. Legislature. ning. Some paced the floor, chain- A number of write-in candidates smoked while the unusually slow NT - however had to be invalidated be- count progressed.XTo VI1sit cause of failure to comply with SL rules concerng campaignig pro- Watchers gave apathetic rounds1 r3 1 rues cgof applause as the count direc- eI cedures. tor Steve Jelin, '55, listed winners on each successive ballot. -Vi ce-President Richad Nixon Bill Adams '57, and Donna Net- will make a short public appear- rer, '56, won Legislature seats on ante at the Willow Run Airport at ,a _P x Q Lthe second ballot with 268 and 259111 a.m. Saturday. tallies respectively, The Vice-President is arriving _her. from Washina ton en route t, a r x , , t 1 , By The Associated Press Playwright Denied MOSCOW-The Soviet Union yesterday offered to join the North ' Fo *eg Atlantic Treaty Organization if the Western Powers would join a Forelgl Passport Russian-sponsored European security system from which Germany P would be barred. Playwright Arthur Miller, for- As part of the same deal, the Soviet Union also called on the mer University student, was yes- Weste'n Powers to junk their plan for setting up a European De- he is believed to be supporting the fense Community to which a rearmed West Germany would con-i Communist movement tribute troops. Miller requested a passport to The State Department announced in Washington last night Brussels, Belgium to open a play.- that it had rejected the Soviet proposal. The request was denied under reg- ulations refusing passports to per-! WASHINGTON - President HANOI, Indochina - Thous- sons believed to be backing the v a.. -, ands of Vietminh troons smash- Communist movement whether ors to Detroit where he will speak at two receptions, Ann Arbor Mayor William E. Brown, Jr. will extend official greetings from local citizens to. Nixon and Sen. Homer Ferguson who will accompany the Vice-, President. Accommodations for nearly 4,500 persons are available at the airport for those persons interested in seeing Nixon, airport officials have reported. University Regent Roscoe 0. Bonisteel will be the toastmaster for a Republican dinner at which' Nixon will sgnek on Saturday 4 25# ....,.::;..... j.:a a.... r::. .. :. . :.. ...... .. ... ..; ... .. '- : ' v .xaL.