PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, MAR XI 31, 1954 Containment Policy Reaf firmed THERE MAY be more to Secretary of State Dulles' reaffirmaton of the "con- tainment policy" than meets the eye-and If there is, he has once more brought into the spotlight several of the most trouble- some problems confronting a successful exe- zution of American foreign policy. In calling for "united action" to stop the Communists from mopping up in In- do-China the Secretary has left unans- wered for the Communist world, as well as the Western world, precisely what this action would entail. In his speech delivered Monday at the Overseas Press Club, the Secretary said that a Communist victory in southeastern Asia would threaten "the Philippines, Australia and New Zealand." "The entire Western Pacific area, in- cluding the so-called off-shore island chain, would be strategically endangered," he con- tinued. Dulles quickly pointed out that the United States has "treaties of mutual assist- ance" with nations in ths area. Now, it may be possible that the Secre- tary is bluffing and he and the Adminis- tration intend to do nothing about Com- munist victories in Indo-China. This seems improbable. What does seem to be the case is that the Secretary has warned the Commun- ist nations in the East that a continued or increased war might bring on another major skirmish similar to the Korean con- flict. The Administration through Dulles laid the foundation for collective action being taken. The United Nations almost of neces- sity must be by-passed if such action is forthcoming. All the United States need do is to persuade its treaty allies to go into battle under the terms of mutual assistance pacts. Thus the Communist veto in the United Nations can be avoided. But if this is the Administration's thought, we must expect direct intervention on the part of the United States in Southeastern Asia. This may well include, aside from sending bombers, sending troops (an action contrary to the official statements of the President who has veered away from this course of action). The act of sending troops would bring on a situation similar to that encountered in Korea. If this Is the Administration's policy then it is nothing more or less than the "containment policy" carried to its na- tural conclusion-that of a threat of limited war to avoid war. The question then is whether or not the Western World is still prepared to engage in a limited, but costly war again in Asia. In this writer's opinion the answer, no matter how distasteful and horrendous, must be "yes." There seem to be no other satisfac- tory alternatives. We can allow the Com- nunists to slowly eat up Asia and avoid war temporarily, but one day we will eventually have to fight-and the odds will be against us; Or, we may attempt to deter further aggrandizement by demonstrating a will to fight if we must, hoping that this atti- tude will make the Communists shy away from engaging in open conflict indefinite- ly. The Administration, then, seems to have put forth a "get-tough containment policy" We should be willing to follow it, or offer a better alternative. --Mark Reader VOICE OF THE FACULTY: Ward Discusses Far East Richest Country In The World DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (EDITOR'S NOTE: The following article is an account of an interview with Prof. Robert E. Ward of the political science department and assistant director of the Center for Japanese Studies. Prof. Ward has toured the Far East extensively in recent years and is presently at- tending an International Political Science Asso- ciation conference which is discussing compara- tive politics.) 1. What advantages or disadvantages might accrue to the United States by re- cognizing Communist China and drop- ping recognition of Nationalist China at the present time? One of the major things to be considered in the recognition of any country is the sta- oility of its government. In this respect it must be admitted that the Chinese Com- rnunist government will probably endure for many years. The Communists have secured a very firm control over the Chinese peo- ples and there is little chance of their being ousted from power within the foreseeable future by any domestic rebellion. When they first came into power the Communists enjoyed, in fact, a greater popularity with the people than had any other Chinese government in recent his- . tory. This was due partially to general disillusionment with the failures, ineffi- ciencies and corruption of the Kuomin- tang government and the hope that the Communists might do better, and partially to a very prevalent feeling that almost any change would have to be for the bet- ter. The country had been ravaged by continuous warfare for eight years and desperately needed peace and extensive improvements even to regain its pre-war standard of living. In this connection it should also be noted that before the Communists came into pow- er they had a deceptively good record. Op- erating in both Southern and Northern China for many years, millions of people had found the Communists to be intelligent, honest and apparently interested in the wel- fare of the lower classes of Chinese society. To many, the Communists thus seemed to hold out the only real hope of a better life for the masses. Millions of peasants conse- quently joined the movement to overthrow the Kuomintang government and to bring the Chinese Communist Party to power. On the strength of such support they assumed formal control of all China in October 1949. In the ensuing two years they solidified their hold or authority and made themselves secure against rebellion. Thereafter, how- ever, they began to behave more like ortho- dox Marxists and showed less interest in the popular welfare. At the present time they have seriously alienated sizeable elements of the population. Peasants have found themselves forced to live on cooperative or even state-owned farms rather than being allowed to own and operate their own small plots as they had originally been promised. Private enterprise, too, has found itself subject, to mounting and disastrous official pressure. Nevertheless the Chinese Com- munists probably continue to enjoy a strong hold on the majority of the people and, so great is their power and so extensive their control, that there seems to be small like- lihood of a successful revolt. Recently there has been considerable hope abroad,'in the United States in particular, that the Nationalist government on Formosa will be able to attack and occupy the main- land in the near future. Actually there is little chance of this. In a military sense there are excellent reasons to doubt the quality of the Nationalist troops. Over-age to begin with in many cases, they have been aging further since 1949. They have no reliable source of new recruits. For Formo- sans themselves are of dubious loyalty and are not normally recruited into the regular army, but only into labor battalions. The morale of these Nationalist troops was poor to begin .with. They were severely defeated at a time when they had many advantages over the Chinese Communist troops. They failed to fight effectively against their Com- mnunist foe then; one wonders if, under less favorable circumstances they would do any better today. Add to this the fact that they have now been on the island of Formosa for more than five years, Each year- they have been told that "This is The Year of Deci- sion," the year of a victorious return to the mainland. Yet in none of these years have any significant assaults been launched. There are about 600,000 armed men on the island, but Red China has between four and five million troops. Although only a minority of the Red troops are as well organized, armed and trained as those in Korea, they are in general loyal and able soldiers, while it is doubtful if the Nationalist troops can claim these advan- tages. There is not the slightest possibility of the Nationalists returning to the mainland without extensive United States naval, air and ground power helping them. The re- sult of this is that the Communists are not presently facing any serious challenge from either within or without. Thus it seems wise to re-examine our pre- sent position on the recognition of the Chi- nese Communist government. Our main bargaining points with Red China are re- cognition, admission to the United Nations and relaxation of the embargo on the ship- ment of strategic goods to that country. While it would be foolish to follow the Bri- tish example of recognizing Red China with- out gaining any positive results in return, if certain well-secured arrangements of value to us could be made with China recogni- seriously handicap the United Nations any more than it is at present by Russian ve- toes. 2, Can a satisfactory solution be found to the situations in Korea and Indo-Chi- na? There is a much better chance of the Ge- neva Conference or some similar future meeting being able to settle the problem of North Korea than the problem of Indo- China. The conduct of the Korean War has put a tremendous burden on Red China- just at the time they had launched their five-year plan to develop heavy industry, a project that the Communists consider most vital to their stability. The Korean War imposed a tremendous economic and finan- cial burden on them. Settlement in Korea will probably mean a semi-permanent boun- dary line at the point where the armies of the United Nations and North Korea stop- ped fighting. In French Indo-China, Ho Chi Minh and his native troops have not only not suffered a serious set-back, but have made significant advances. The resources of China have not been directly involved here, so there is no pressure on them from that source to stop the war. If Ho Chi Minh were offered a coalition government he might be willing to take it so that he could maneuver the Communist, Party into power within a few years. Given the genuinely nationalist nature of a portion of the revolutionary movement, however, one wonders here whether Communist China has sufficient control to turn this movement on and off at will, If the French were willing to set up a completely independent nationalist govern- ment in Indo-China without any Commun- ist Party members in it, there might b some chance that Ho Chi Minh might lose some of his supporters, gving the new gov- ernment some chance of success. S. Many political leaders today blame the fall of Nationalist China on past Uni- ted States mistakes In the area. Do you consider such reports to be valid? No serious amount of the responsibility for the Communist rise to power belongs to the United States. If one examines closely the life of the average Chinese citizen in the latter years of the Kuomintang ,Gov- ernment, one comes to understand the true desperation of the country's circumstances. He was poor, ridden by war and these con- ditions had persisted for over a century. Inflation further ruined China. The people were anxious for change and had little faith in the ability or good intention of their Ku- omintang rulers. Furthermore, the Chinese Communists had a good record before they took com- mand of the government. They had been honest, fair and friendly toward the peo- ple. More and more people come to ac- cept them even if they didn't know what Marxism or Communism was. The Na- tionalists were far more lavishly equip- ped in the war than the Communists, but the troops lacked the will to fight the Communists. Had the United States been able to bring about a strong movement for better rule by the Kuomintang, then there might possibly have been a chance for the Nationalists to stay in command, but it seems unlikely that we could have done this. 4. What possibility is there for Mao to become a second Tito? There is very small chance in the near future. Those who think Titoism is possible have pointed to Manchuria and other areas where the Russians have tried to assume control for years. But the Russians are withdrawing now from this area in favor of the Chinese Communists. Others say the USSR has thousands of Russian advisers in China and that the nationalistic, jingoistic, anti-Caucasian Chinese people will start friction. Still others point to personal fric- tion between Mao Tse Tung and Malenkov a causes for Chinese Titoism, However, the only significant factor that might cause friction is the struggle for power over other Asian Communist Parties. Before China fell to the Com- munists, new Communist Parties always looked to Russia for their leadership, but now the rising Asian Communist Parties are taking more guidance from Peking. It is doubtful If this jealousy will cause any overwhelming amount of friction in the near future, however. If it were possible to split the alliance it would be easier for the United States to deal with Russia and China separately, but China is very dependent upon Russia for economic reasons and Russia also needs Chi- na at the present time. 5. Is it likely that in the near future other "Koreas" and "Indo-Chinas" will break out under Red China's leadership? The Chinese Communists would be quite willing to supply and assist other Com- munist rebellions in other countries in Southeast Asia, and it is quite likely that they will do so in the near future. But the Chinese don't want another Korea, for such a war is far too expensive for their present economy. The Chinese are aggressively minded, but their time sche- dule of attack is an uncertain factor. However, just the threat of China's pow- er is a powerful force in Asia today. The Southeastern Asian countries greatly fear China and can be forced quite far just by Chinese threats, Unless the United States t' R l its. ' t 'lc } A ILI (Conti nued rom Page 1) Lectures University Lecture in J1ournalism. Walt Kelly, nationally syndicated car- tonist, will be the fifth speaker in the series "The Press and Civil Liberties in Crises," on Wed., Mar. 31, at 3 p.m. in the Rackhamn Lecture Hall. The title of Mr. Kelly's address is "Pogo on In- nocence by Assciation." The public is invited, University Lecture, auspices of the Geological and Mineralogy Journal Club, "Chubb Crater," Dr. Victor B. Meen, Di- rector, Royal Museum of Geology and Mineralogy, Tronto, Thurs., April 1, 4 p.m., 2054 Natural Science Building, Academic Notices The Seminar in Applied Mathematics will not meet this week. Registration for the Second Series of Reading Improvement Classes will be in Room 306, 512 south State Street (Stu- dent Legislature Building), from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. from Monday, Mar. 29, through Fri., April 2. The classes will begin the week following spring vaca- tion. April 2 is the last day for regis- tration. Swimming, Sports, and Dance In- struction--Women Students. Upper- class women whose physical education is complete may register for instruc- tional classes in tennis, golf, modern dance, archery, riding, lacrosse, swim- ming, life saving, and posture, figure and carriage-in Barbour Gymnasium from 8 a.m. to 12 noon on Tues., Mar. 30, and Wed., Mar. 31. Geometry Seminar, Wed., Mar. 31, at 7 p.n., in 3001 Angell Hall. Professor N. Kuiper will speak on the "Kummer Configurations." Course 402, the Interdisciplinary Sem- inar in the Application of Mathematics to the Social Sciences, will meet oar Thurs., April 1, at 4 p.m. in 3409 Mason Hall. Mr. William L. Hays of the De- partment of Psychology will speak on "Multidimensional Unfolding." Doctoral Candidates who expect to re- ceive degrees in June, 1954, must have three bound copies of their dissertations in the office of the Graduate School by Friday, April 30. The report of the doc- toral committee on the final oral exam- ination must be filed with the Re- corder of the Graduate School together with two copies of the thesis, which is ready in all respects for publication, not later than Monday, May 24. Doctoral Examination forTJohn Wallis SCreighton, Jr., Wood Technology, thesis: "The Relationship between Lumber Quality and Conversion Cost in Furniture Plant Rough Mills," Wed., Mar. 31, 1048B Natural Science Bldg., at 1 p.m. Chairman, F. E. Dickinson. Doctoral Examination for Roswell John Ruka, Chemistry; thesis: "A Study of Nickel Surfaces Employed in the Catalytic Decomposition of Formic Acid vapor," Wed., Mar. 31, 2024 Chem- istry Bldg., at 3 p.m. Chairman, L. 0. Brockway. WASHINGTON-On direct orders of President Eisenhower, the veil covering the H-bomb will be lifted next week and the public will get its first glimpse of a hydrogen explosion. However, this column is able to give a word preview of the horrible holocaust, which must be seen in technicolor to be fully appreciated. What the public will see is a tremendous fireball, filling the horizon with flame and smoke. This was the world's first hydro- gen blast, the one that plunged a rocky atoll 175 feet down through the ocean floor on Nov. 1, 1952. Yet it was a mere firecracker compared to the latest hydrogen explosion exactly one month ago today. The public will be shown the feverish preparations for the first H-blast. They will see a black, two-story structure atop a lonely atoll. This was known as the H-house, which housed the hydrogen device. Then the cameras will show a control ship about 10 miles out to sea from the archipelago, about 35 miles from the fateful atoll. The public will watch while the control switches are pulled. The horizon flames up, and a monstrous fireball takes shape. The announcer explains that the fireball,. alone, is three miles in diameter, though it is only the red eyeball of the blast. It is then superimposed over New York City, showing how the center of Man- hattan from Washington Square to Central Park would be turned into a fiery furnace, and the rest of the city would be devastated by shock and heat waves. sent tonight at 7:30 a soclo-drama illus- trating a second stage grievance. Dis cussion and refreshments follow the presentation. All are invited. The Congregational-Disciples Guild. Discussion Group at Guild Huse, 7 p.m. Discussion Group at Guild House, 7 p.m. Pershing Rifles. All Pershing Riflemen report In uniform to T.C.B. at 1925 hours. Bring gym shoes. Student League for Industrial De- mocarcy, 7:30 tonight at the Union. Continued discussion of "The Future of Socialism." Panel speakers. Also, prep- aration for the coming SLID analysis of the current recession, including the April 15 Norman Thomas meeting. All members and interested people are cor- dially invited" Tryouts for a one-act comedy 'to be presented May 8 as part of the Inter- Arts Festival will be held from 7 to 9 p.m. today and tomorrow at the Stu- dent Publications Bldg. Kanjincho (The Subscription List), a Japanese kabuki play on film, will be presented at the Rackham Amphi- theater, this evening at 8 p.m. Auspices: Department of Far Eastern Languages and Literatures. Open to the public; no admission charge, Roger Williams Guild. Tea and Chat this afternoon, 4:30 to 6:00, at the Guild House. S.R.A. Electorate, Lane Hall, 8:30 p.m. Election officers for Student Reliious Association and vote on constitutional amendment. Episcopal Student Foundation. Silent Luncheon for students and faculty members. Canterbury House, 12:10 today. Episcopal Student Foundation. Stu- dent-Faculty led Evensong, Chapel of St. Michael and All Angels, 5:15 p.m. Lutheran Student Association. Lenten Vesper Service toight at 7:30 p.m. at the Student Center, corner of Hill St. and Forest Ave. Wesleyan Guild. Wednesday morning Lenten matin worship in the chapel, 7:30-7:50. Mid-week refresher tea 4-5:30 In the lounge this afternoon, Plan to comel The Generation Poetry Staff meets to- day at 7ep.m.tin the Generation Office, Student Publications Building, Coming Events Deutscher Verein-Kaffee Stunde will meet on Thursday at 3:15 in the Union taproom. Prof. H. Penzei of the Ger- man Dept. will be present. All inter- ested in speaking German are cordially invited. Kappa Phi. There will be a business meeting Thurs., Apr. 1, at 7:15 p.m., at the.Methodist Church. Please be pre- sent. The International Tea, sponsored by the International Center and the Inter- Rnational Students1 Association, will be held Thurs., April 1, from 4:30 to 6 o'clock, third floor, Rackham Building. Roger Williams Guild. Yoke Fellow- ship meets Thursday mrning at 7 a.m. in the church Prayer Room. Episcopal Student Foundation. Stu- dent Berakfast at Canterbury House following 7 a.m service of Holy Com- munion, Thurs., Apr. 1. Episcopal Student Foundation. Stu- dent-FacultysledeEvensong, Chapel of St. Michael and All Angels, 5:15 p.m., Thurs., April 1. Christian Science Organization. Tes- timony meeting Thurs., April 1, at 7:30 p.m.Fireside Room, Lane Hall. All are welcome The Congregational-Disciples Guild, Thurs., 5:05-5:30 p.m., Mid-week Med- itation in Doughlas Chapel; "Manhood of the Master," The Congregational-Disciples Guild. Freshman Discussion Group at Guild House, Thurs., Apr. 1, 7 to 8'p.m. Topic: "Death and Immortality." I _I i . . . Doctoral Examination for Barron Brainerd, Mathematics; thesis: "An Al- POISONOUS GEYSER gebraic Theory of Probability with Ap- plication to Analysis and Mathematical HE FIREBALL finally erupts into a geyser of smoke 25 miles high Logic," Thurs., April 1, East Council and forms the familiar mushroom cloud. Some scientists have Room, Rackham Building, at 3 p.m. iActing..cna.rm.n, ww-A., Are ' RAMA At Lydia Mendelssohn .. PRODUCED as part of the Spanish Club's annual fiesta at Lydia Mendelssohn theater last night, "Sueno de Una Noche de Agosto" was an admirable example of what can be done by an amateur group. The plot of G. Martinez Sierra's comedy concerns a young woman, Rosario, who wants desperately to be "emancipated" but can't resist indulging in romantic n vels. One evening while she is soulfully absorbed in a 19th century counterpart of True Confessions, a hat sails in through tle window, immediately followed by a 1vsterious Stranger. Although there are a few unnecessary and insipid speeches, most of the dialogue vir- tually flies along with its quick retorts and humorous comments on the place of wo- men in Spanish society. Despite the handicap of performing in an unfamiliar language, the actors succeeded in conveying an appearance of ease in their roles. Carolee Dickie, who expressively plays the bewildered heroine, gives a considerable amount of spirit and vitality to the role. Daniel Testa is thoroughly charming and convincing as El Aparecido. Eugene Holcombe, however, might have shown greater flexibility in his portrayal of brother Mario, and Ernest Klein played Pon Juan fairly straight where the part c !led for a stock character. On the whole, the performance was co- ord'nated with an excellent sense of rhythm Eni pacing, providing a satisfying and en- t- t'aizing evening. --AliceSitman suggested that it ought to be called a toadstool cloud, because it is deadly poisonous. Most fearful result of a hydrogen explosion, scientists say, is what they call a heavy "falling off." This means the shower of radioactive ash that rains down over the area. In an atomic ex- plosion, the radioactive residue is scattered in a fine spray that has a tendency to stay up in the atmosphere until it dissipates. A hydrogen blast, however, not only throws the radioactive poison over a wider area, but the particles are heavier and fall as literal fire-drops from the sky, searing whatever they touch. As the final scene of the 28-minute hydrogen film, the camera returns to the site of the grim, black H-house. The atoll on which it once stood has disappeared, and the audience is told all that remains is a 175-foot hole in the ocean bottom. The announcer's voice des- cribes the hole as large enough to swallow up 18 Pentagon buildings. This sobering film was cleared by the Atomic Energy Com- mission six months ago. President Eisenhower, himself, approved of its release to the public. But the Army and Navy raised such a clamor that the President changed his mind and kept it classi- fied. The generals and admirals didn't want it' released before their appropriation hearings, for fear some congressmen might get the idea that the H-bomb had out-mioded massive land armies and navy task forces. At the prodding of civil defense boss Val Peterson, however, the President finally overruled the Army and Navy, What makes the film shocking, however, is the fact that it shows only a baby H-bomb. The March 1 blast was four to five times more powerful with a fireball larger than the entire area of destruction at Hiroshima and Nagasaki., McCARTHY-GO-ROUND ESPITE HIS bland denials, Senator McCarthy has passed out poli- tical favors to Pvt. David Schine's millionaire papa, J. Myer Schine. For example, McCarthy interceded to expedite action on a construction permit for a Schine TV station in Albany, N.Y. In re- turn, McCarthy has flown around in Schine's private plane and stay- ed at his fashionable hotels-without paying a dime . . . . It used to be considered unethical for a government employee to accept a 12- pound ham .... The State Department is sitting on a report more explosive than the 34-page Army document on Roy Cohn and David Schine. The State Department report gives the real lowdown on the sActing chairman, A. B. Clarke. Concerts Student Recital. Mary Spaulding, pianist, will present a recital in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Music degree at 8:30 Wed- nesday evening, Mar. 31, in the Rack- ham Assembly Hall. A pupil of Joseph Brinkman, Miss Spauldilng will play works by Schubert, Chopin, Beethoven, and Honeggar. Her program will be open to the general public. Choir Concert Cancelled. The Univer- sity of Michigan Choir concert, pre- viouslyrannouheed for April 1, in Hill Auditorium, has been cancelled, The new date will be announced later, Events Today Kindai Nihon Kenkyu Kai. A Japa- nese film, Kanjincho- (The Subscrip- tion List) will be presented at the Rack- ham Amphitheater tonight at 8 p.m. Also open to the public; no admis- sion charge. Parkes Luncheon. Due to the illness of Rev. James Parkes, the Faculty Luncheon scheduled for this noon has been cancelled. Speech 31 Public Speaking Demon- stration will be presented in Auditorium A, Angell Hall, this afternoon at 4 'clock. Five-minute speeches will be given by Michael Bellows, Robert Cre- vier, Richard Degowin, Robert Jewett, William Rexford, and Joseph Whiteman. One-minute introductions will be giv- en by Robert Mahion, Harry Mayhew, Blossom Lehrman, Homer Nahabetian, John Ryan, and Charles Turner. This demonstration is open to the public with no admission charge, Industrial Relations Club will pre- TO T HE EDITOR 1 I strange adventures of McCarthy's two junior G-men during their whirlwind, amateur spy hunt through Europe, telling how they were Silent Siman Speaks.. oaken in by Communist agents. Secretary of State Dulles is saving To The Editor: this as ammunition in case McCarthy decides to pick on him ... ESSRS. A. Klein and F. Dixon Biggest mystery in Washington still is why the supposedly fearless chose to refute my letter op- McCarthy is deathly afraid of pint-sized, 27-year-old Roy Cohn. On posing the Green Feather Cam- several occasions, McCarthy called Schine a "pest" and a "nuisance" paign by referring to me as an behind his pal Cohn's back, then literally begged his listeners not to unseeing monkey," a heretofore tell Cohn about it . .. . The Wisconsin Progressive magazine (no con- nsientm aat "f nection with the left-wing Progressive Party) has put out a devas- S edly theree Feathe tating booklet on Senator McCarthy's record. now hot off the presss Sixty-Fourth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Harry Lunn..........Managing Editor Eric vetter.,...............City Editor virginia voss..........Editorial Director Mike Wolff.......Associate City Editor Alice B. Silver..Assoc. Editorial Director Diane Decker..... .. Associate Editor Helene Simon..........Associate Editor Ivan Kaye...............Sports Editor Paul Greenberg.... Assoc. Sports Editor Marilyn Campbell......Women's Editor Kathy Zeisler....Assoc. Women's Editor Chuck Kelsey ......Chief Photographer Business Staff Thomas Traeger...,.. Business Manager William Kaufman Advertising Manager Harlean Hankin....Assoc. Business Mgr. William Seiden.......Finance Manager Don Chisholm...C.Circulation Manager Telephone NO 23-24-1 Member ASnCATEmDC OLLEGIATE, P in Madison, Wis. . . . . McCarthy is frantically trying to head off the Senate showdown on his battle with the Army. First, he tried to sell' fellow Senators on getting rid of Roy Cohn and Army counsel John1 Adams as convenient scapegoats, then quietly dropping the whole1 matter. The only Senator who fell for this whitewash, however, wasI Campaign which t ese two gen- tlemen champion is aimed at curb- ing name-calling and character assassination. Yet, Messrs. Klein and Dixon see no contradiction in resorting to the same smear tac- I