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March 28, 1954 - Image 8

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Michigan Daily, 1954-03-28

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SUNDAY, MAR 28, x.954


m _ _ _ _V__ ,.a v. .,

Student Travel Available

Th rough

Tours, Study


Students Offered Varied Routes

With the barrage of colorful
brochures again urging students to
come to Europe travelers will have
a choice of varied routes and
means of going abroad this sum-
Four different routes through
Europe will be offered by the
Brownell Tours. The College Sce-
nic Motorcoach Tour, which leaves
from Quebec June 29, includes ten
weeks of sightseeing for $1227.
* * .*
ARRIVING in Havre July 6,
train will carry the group to Paris
for four days of sightseeing. In-
cluded in this visit to the 2,000-
year old city, will be Rue de la
Paix, Luxembourg Gardens, the
Bastille, Sacre Coeur, Notre Dame
Cathedral and a half-day motor
trip to the palace of Versailles.
Travelers will also have the
chance to visit Arles, once capi-
tal of Gaul, Avignon, the old Pa-
pal city and Strasbourg, in Al-
A two-day'side trip will be taken
to the rugged mountain country
of Switzerland. Interlocken will
provide opportunitids to view some
of the country's world - renown
natural beauty, as well as quaint
cities. Near Montreux, the Castle of
Chaillon, best-preserved Medieval
castle in Europe, will be visited.
GENEVA, seat of the League of
Nations, will be the last stop in
Returning to France, the tour
heads south for two days at the
famous vacation land of the
French Riviera.
Continuing on to the Italian
Riviere, the tour procedes to
Florence, where students will get
a chance to estimate the angle
of the leaning tower of Pisa.
On to the "Eternal City," Rome,
the tour will stop for three days of
sight-seeing. The program will in-
clude St. Peter's, Vatican City, the
Forum, the Catacombs,, Hadrian's
Tomb, the Colosseum among otla-
er points of interest in this capi-
tal of the ancient world.
* * *
AFTER A SHORT stop in Na-
ples, the largest city in Southern


Near East
Tours Visit
o ly Lands
Incorporating the ancient land
of the Bible and the countries of
the Near East with such interna-
tional centers as Rome and Paris,
the University Travel Company
will feature a special tour this
This 42-day trip, leaving from
New York June 9 and July 7, will
cost $1,575.
* * *
ARRIVING in Cherbourg, the
tour will spend ten days in France,
Switzerland and Italy. At this
point, the group will be divided
into two sections, one concentrat-
ing on Israel, while the other will!
take in Lebanon, Syria and Jor-
dan, as well as the Holy Land.
The Israel section, which de-
parts from Rome, will journey
first to the modern city of Tel
Aviv. Spending four days here,
they will view the new industrial
sections and the old Jaffa port
After a short visit in Haifa, the
group will proceed northward to
ancient Acre and, via Galilee to
Safed and Tiberias, on the Sea
of Galilee.
* * *
THE STEAMER will continue
to Capernaum to visit the ruins of
the very well-preserved old syna-
gogues. Continuing along the Arab
border through the Plains of Shar-
on, travelers will arrive in Jerusa-
lem for an extensive sightseeing
tour of the new part of the city.
Mount Zion and David's Tomb
will be visited during the four-
day stopover:
Flying to Beriut, the second
section of the tour will spend
two days sightseeing in this
Lebanon port. Ruins of ancient
temples will be viewed at the
next city--Baalbek.
In Damascus, capital city of)
Syria, visitors will see the oriental
bazaars, the Ommayad Mosque
and Saint Paul's Window.
The capital of Jordan, Amman,
will be the next stop in the tour.
Traveling via Jerico, the group
will next arrive in old Jerusalem.
The stay in the old city will in-
clude visits to the Church of the
Holy Sepulchre, the Wailing Wall,
the Mount of Olives, the Chapel
of the Assension, and the Garden
of Gethsemane.
Joining again in Rome, the two
sections will spend some time in
the Italian capital, before return-
ing to Paris and New York.

Advice to Travelers:
'Avoid Beaten Track',

I L7y L)JUAIX"R A. "O JL x JA+ 1

(EDITOR'S NOTE-Julian Foster' is
a visiting lecturer in political science
from England.)
Most American tourists now
seem to visit Europe as part of a
highly organized tour.
Certainly there are many advan-
tages in this method of travel.
There will be no language difficul-
ty-with luck you may nct have
to speak to anybody who has not
learned some English. or will there
be any danger of wasting even a
single day.
* * *
SURROUNDED by the same
twenty or thirty people every day
of the trip, there will be no chance
of being lonely, or of missing any-
thing-anything at all. If you pho-
tograph constantly and keep a di-
ary, it may even be possible to
distinguish one memory from an-
other after returning home.
If you want to save money,
however, do as you like and get
to know something of the people
who live in Europe. If you do
not mind extricating yourself
from occasional minor difficul-
ties, it is much better to travel
Prices in Europe are low. Only
in France, Belgium and Switzei -
land does living cost as much as
in America. In Britain, Italy, Hol-
land and Portugal prices are about#
twenty-five per cent lower; in Aus-
tria, Spain and Yugoslavia, per-
haps forty percent. Only cars and
gas tend to be more expensive. I
spent five weeks with two friends
last summer motoring from Lon-
don to Gibraltar and back, about
5,000 miles, sleeping out and
spending as little as possible, and
the trip cost about $130 each.
ON A CHEAP holiday it is usual-
ly possible to get a room for $1
a night, a meal for rather less.
Youth hostels are numerous and
mostly pleasant, although in parts
of France they can be quite hor-
Camping is popular in Europe,
but generally more difficult as
you penetrate farther south and
bicycling also, although only ad-
visable in countries like England,
where distances are compara-
tively short. A car is a great as-
set, but self-drive hire costs from
$5 a day up. If you are staying
long it is better to buy one and


bring it home (many manufac-
turers pay the cost of transport-
ing it) or resell it on leaving.
In Europe the driver should be
adaptable. In France complex laws
lead everyone to believe they have
the right of way when the road
is not actually blocked by an ac-
cident. In Britain they drive on
the wrong side, in Italy on all
sides, for Switzerland you need
iron nerve and for Spain or Yu-
goslavia a jeep.
* * *
OTHERWISE the cheapest,
transport is by coach. Long dis-
tance trains are more frequent
than in America and as efficient,
except in Spain and Southern ie-
land, where railroad travel pro-
vides excellent opportunity for
really living with the native inhab-
All guidebooks recommend
hundreds of places you must
visit and contain much useful
information, but they have their
limitations. They all try to make
the best of their material. You
might not guess that Belgium,
for instance, apart from Bruges
and a green bit in the southeast
corner, looks rather like Detroit.
The books ignore the weather
when it suits them and will not

Guide Books
Give Advice
To Tourists
For use as either reference ma-
terial, handy guides or good read-
ing for the arm-chair traveler are
a variety of up-to-date travel
books for tourists.
An all-around guide to Europe
which includes information on
where and where not to go and
what and what not to see, is
Fielding's "Travel Guide to Eur-
For the person traveling in other
parts of ;he world, including Eur-
ope, a good guide is "World-Wide
Travel Guide" by Richard Joseph.
Joseph also has two other books
for travelers, on the market,
"World-Wide Money Converter"
and "World-Wide Travel Regula-
tions," the latter written in colla-
boration with Muriel Richter.
Another general book about
Europe is Richard Dodge's "A
Poor Man's Guide to Europe,"
which describes how to go farther,
live better and have more fun
for less money.
Other specialized books are
David and Marian Greenberg's
"The Shopping Guide to Europe."
"Let's Halt Awhile," by Ashley
Coutenay, which covers hotels in
Europe, and various books which

mention that in Eire a cool misty 'ranslate useful phrases into Ital-
rain falls much of the time (this ian, French, German or Spanish.
is described locally as a "grand There are also series of books
soft day"). They are. bound by out which cover the many coun-
convention, so all Americans are tries in Europe, the Near East and


. and get paid for it
There's a job waiting for you some-
where-on a ship, with an airline, in
overseas branches of American firms,
in foreign firms overseas-even ex-
ploring if you're adventurous.
The full story of what job you
can fill is in Norman Ford's new
book How to Get a Job That Takes
You Traveling. Whether you're male
or female, just entering college or
graduating soon, whether you want
a lifetime of paid traveling or just
hanker to roam the world for a
short spell before settling down to a
job in your career, here are the facts
you want, complete with names and
addresses and full details about the
preparations to make, the cautions
to observe, the countries to head for.
You learn about jobs in travel
agencies (and as tour conductors),
in importing and exporting con-
cerns, with mining and construction
companies. Here's the story of jobs
in the Red Cross and UiN organiza-
tions, how doctors get jobs on ships,
the almost-sure way for a young girl
to land a job as airline hostess, the
wonderful travel opportunities if
you will teach English to foreigners,
and the fabulous travel possibilities
for those who know stenography.
"Can a man or woman still work
his or hex way around the world to-
day?" Norman Ford asks in this
book as you might ask today. And
he replies in 75,000 words of facts.
"The answer is still a very definite
To travel and get paid for it, send
today for How to Get a Job That
Takes You Traveling on a money
back guarantee if not satisfied.
Mail $1 with your name and ad-
dress to TYCO Inc., Box 2042, Ann
Arbor, Michigan.


Italy, the trip will continue to the
Isle of Capri-18 miles from Na-
ples-and Pompeii, ancient buried
During a three-day stop in
Venice, students will tour the
city by gondola, seeing St.
Mark's Square with it's Doges
Leaving Southern Italy, the
group will travel north to the
mountain town of Innsbruck, Ty-
rolian capital, Maximialian's Tomb
and the Triumphful Arch.
FEATURE of the trip to Ger-
many will be a steamer trip down
the Rhine, from Coblence to Bad-
en-Baden, located in the Black
Forest. A stopover at Heidleberg
will include a visit to the old Uni-
versity and Castle.
Motoring from Germany' to
Belgium, the group will stop
first in Brussels, followed by
trips to The Hague and Amster-
dam, in Holland
Catching a night steamer, the
group will cross the channel to
Harwich. After spending a day in
York, tourists will motor to Edin-
burgh via Newcastle.
* * *
ON THE WAY to London, a spe-
cial motor excursion will be taken
to Stratford, and the Shakespeare
In London, the very heart of
the British Empire, sightseeing
'will include Westmister Abbey,
Trafalgar Square, Parliament,.
Buckingham Palace, Piccadilly
Circus and Tower Bridge.
Departing from Southampton,
the tour will arrive in Quebec on
Sept. 4.
different and shorter routings
through the same areas, with ten
sailings to choose from. The Col-
lege Popular Scandinavian Tour,
which includes in addition to the
countries listed above, nine days

leaves June 11 and June 29 from
Quebec. Return is scheduled for
July 30 and August 16. This tour
averages $1100.
One of the nine tours to Eu-
rope sponsored by the Students'
International Travel Association
is the "Argosy" Tour. It covers
the land of the Mediterranean
by rail, boat, motor and camel
and is a complete circuit of the
ancient world from Portugal in
the West to the Holy Land and
Turkey in the East. It is priced
at $1475 for those crossing the
ocean by steamer and $1695 for
those flying,
SITA's "Grand Cycle" Tour in-
cludes journey by rail, boat, motor
and bicycle. The fee ranges from
$1500 to $2050, depending upon the
types of transportation abroad.
The trip includes extensive trav-
el through Spain and Scandinavia,
and bicycling through England,
France, Italy, Switzerland, Ger-
many, Holland and Belgium.
Four tours are being offered this
summer by the University Travel
Leaving New York by boat
June 29, the "Vacationer Tour"
offers 53 days in England, Switz-
erland, Italy and France, for
The "Traveler Tour," priced i
$1415, includes 81 days in England,
Germany, Switzerland, Italy,
Spain and France. Departure for
this trip is also June- ?9 from
New York,
The "Explorer" Tour, priced at
$1400, leaves June 29 from New
York. This tour covers England,
Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Hol-
land, Germany, Switzerland, Italy
and France.
The Marsh Tours are offering
two plans for summer travel in
Sailing from New York June 23, a

in Norway, Denmark and Sweden, 62-day tour will cover the Benelux

nations, France, Spain, England,
Switzerland, Austria and Italy.
The price for this trip, which
ranges from $1660 to $1880, in-
cludes transportation, hotels,
meals, taxes and tips, baggage and
Another 62-day Marsh Tour will
travel through Italy, Austria, Ger-
many, Switzerland, Belgium, Hol-
land, England and France.
The trip will leave from New
York by boat June 30, and the
fee ranges from $1630 to $1850.

sent to Stratford-on-Avon when
the university city of Oxford or
even Cambridge contains much
more to see and many English
towns and villages are as attrac-
tive. They glory in the oldest,
the highest, the longest, yet driv-
ing up the highest road in Europe
(in the Spanish Sierra Nevadas)
is like climbing a vast slag heap
and the longest beach (in south-
westren France) is swept by a
constant 50 mph gale.
And when the guidebooks fail
completely, as in much of Spain,
Eire, Yugoslavia or southern Italy,
it is often an indication that while
the area is not a tourist one, be-
cause of bad roads or few hotels or
railroads, the scenery is unspoilt
and the people are interested in
talking to travelers. Anyone who
is not going to be disappointed
because foreign countries are un-
like his own and wants to get to
know them and the people who
live in them, should often avoid
the beaten track.

South America separately. The
most popular of these are the Fo-
dor Modern Guide Series, The
World in Color Series by Dore
Ogrizek, All the Best in Travel
Series by Sidney Clark and the
three ' books "Footloose in Can-
ada," "Footloose in Italy" and
"Footloose in France."
All of the books in these series
are illustrated and many have de-
tailed maps.

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