SUNDAY, MARCH 29, 1951 THE MICHIGAN DAILY rAGE SEV" STJN1~AY, MARCH 28, 1954 TIlE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SEVETi _. _ PUBLICATIONS: Four Candidates Contest Three Seats on Board Four candidates will be running for the three positions on the j Board in Control of Student Publications in the all-campus balloting Tuesday and Wednesday. All students are eligible to vote for these candidates. Victorious candidates for the three posts will serve on the board for full-year terms. Candidates names and statements follow: Britz, Harland, '56L Four years of experience in Student Publications has given me an appreciation and understanding of student problems and view- points in the publication area. Election to the Board would enable me to present these viewpoints and work for continued student freedoms. Kaufman, Bill, '54 I am interested in the improvement of the calibre of student publications and their service to the campus. As a representative on the Board I will follow a policy of promoting free expression of student opinion and financial stability for publications. My four; years experience on The Daily should assist me in service on the Board. Price, Alan, 55 I feel students who are members of any publication staff deserve } representation on the Board. In the past most members have been from the 'Ensian or The Daily. To insure just representation of the news I think the readers ,should be represented on the Board, as well as the people who produce the publications. Wells, Robert, '55 I feel that rmy business experience as Business Manager of the 'Ensian has given me a background for sympathetic understanding and intelligent consideration of problems the Board must deal with. Position, on Board o Athletics Contested by o Candidates member f theWoard inContro Contest for election of the juniorx SL Candidates Discuss Campus Issue Amember of the Board in Control of inter-Collegiate Athletics will Union Veeps To Be Chosen Fourteen candidates will vie for seven Union vice-presidential posts in the Tuesday and Wednesday all-campus elections. Running for the five positions at large are Richard Buck, 55,Fritz Glover, '55E, Jay Grant, '55, Bob Henderson, '55, Fred Hicks, '54, Hugh Kabat, '54, Stan Leiken, '55, Howard Nemorovski, '54, Santo Ponticello, '55E, and Greg Schmidt, '55. Sal Gregory '56D, and Geor,e Chatas, '56D are candidates for the Medical School and dental school vice presidency, and Bob Baker, '56L, and Harvey Howard, '55L, are running for the Law School position. center around two candidates this year. Only junior men students may vote for candidates running for the position. Winner of the election will serve a full two year term on the Board. Candidates for the Board in- clude: Branoiff, Tony, '55 I have the honor and privilege of being selected as a candidate for a position on the Board of Athletics. I would consider it a high honor if elected, and would do my utmost to fulfill the re- sponsibilities of the office. PeterJohn, Richard, '55 I wish to express my apprecia- tion for the honor of being nomi- nated and if elected, I will be at- tentive to the responsibilities of this office. It would be my inten- tion to relate the proceedings of the meetings to the student body. Continued from Page 6) now, district election plan which would make the individual Legis- lator responsible to certain voters, SL should stand up to the admin- istration showing student support in every possible way. * * * Netzer, Donna, '56I 1. yes 2. c 3. c 4. modification of women's residence rules, pos- itive action on a student book stare. 5. culture and education 6. no I believe that one of SL's major problems is lack of financial sta- bility which can only be remedied through a student tax, that the SAC study proposal is not as rep- resentative as our present struc- ture and that some allowance must be made for a committee syytem, that SL is going through one of 'the most critical phases in the history of its existance and if elected I would work to accomplish the ultimate objectives of student government. Petricoff, Nancy '56 1. yes 2. a 3. b 4. before SL takes on additional projects it must establish itself more favor- ably in the eyes of both the stu- dent body and administration. 5. international 6. yes I wish my enthusiasm for SL were contagious! I have had only limited experience with this organ- ization but I'm eager to become a member because I'm convinced SL has great potentialities which haven't been realized. The core of SL's difficulties is the imprac- tical idealism of many of its mem- bers. This idealism is blocking the road of progress for a requisite of progress is cognizance of the prac- tical side of issues. With this in mind I want to help SL help you! Rossner, Ruth, '55 1. yes 2. a 3. c 4. extension of international program through closer work with NSA and LSA, lifting of regulation preventing undergraduate women from liv- ing in apartments 5. Currently on cabinet 6. no A change in structure will be meaningless unless student gov- ernment is given more real pow- er. This has not been considered in the Laing reorganization proposal. Though its ultimate acceptance is not certain, the students must be in a strong position if we want to have a voice In the eventual deci- sion. Therefore, it is extremely im- portant that a record-breaking vote is cast, and that the Sb con- stitution, , including the student tax provision, is passed. " s Schneider, Herbert, '56 1. yes 2. a 3. b 4. don't disrupt present men's and women's housing status by establishing more coed housing such as Chi- cago and Prescott Houses, inves- tigate charges of discrimination in the International Center. 5. public relations 6. no The purpose of Sb is to reflect student opinion However, this is impossible because of the low stu- dent vote in elections. Thus the people elected do not represent campus opinion. SL should strive toward a more intensive program of- communicating its views to the students. If we get SL to do this then student interest and higher voting will result, and once again make it the true representative of campus opinion. Seltzer, Carol, '57 1. yes 2, a 3. c 4. more stu- dent participation and publicity of SL's activities. 5. culture and education 6. yes. Every campus needs a represen- tative body that will express stu- dent opinion and work for the goals the students want. I feel that it should also be SL's function to carry on service projects such as the book exchange and Cinema Guild. Both must be incorporated in a strong student government. Through closer contact with the student body SL can become an integral part of campus activity representing the student's ideas, Simon, Ned, '55 1. yes 2. no opinion 3. c 4 "Little Lecture Series" to bring distinguished figures of art, science, education and industry to speak on campus. 5. I would like to work on the cabinet. 6. no SL's contact with the student body continues to be a great prob- lem. Many students do not desire contact with SL because they feel it is ineffective and meaningless. The administration regards S lightly because of "lack of student support." In short there is a vi- cious circle. If students want an organization to represent their opinion, co-ordinate activities, rep- resent them on faculty committees, and carry on certain projects, they should support SL for it is their only wholly elected student orga- nization. Otherwise the vicious cir- cle can never be broken. Skala, Charles E., '55BAd. 1. no 2. a 3. d 4. no answer 5. campus action 6. yes. Student Legislature has done many positive things in the past year. However, through a lack of good campus public relations they have failed to gain all the essen- tial support of the.campus. There- fore I feel that before SL can ful- ly live up to its claim of reflecting campus opinion it must improve its two-way communication with the students. Summer, Bob, '57 1. yes 2. a 3. c 4. SL should initiate a committee to promote a friendlier atmosphere around the campus, that is to get stu- dents to give a friendly greet- ing to students they do not know. 5. culture and education 6. no Theoretically, the function of Student Legislature is to gather students' opinions, co-ordinate them and present them to the ad- ministration. But the Student Legislature has failed in this re- spect because of lack of recogni- tion from both the student body and the administration, I believe that the problem concerning the Student Executive Committee should be voted on by the students. I think SL should continue its ef- forts to lift the driving ban. I strongly believe in the principle that underlies student government. That principal is that students should share in the formation and determination of their education. This principle can be carried out most effectively through the Stu- dent Legislature. * * * Tauber, Joel, '57 1. yes 2. a 3, b 4. discussion of a student non-profit bookstore, better relations with the student body, the termination of co- educational dorms. 5. campus action 6. no I believe the arbitrary Univers- ity driving ban contravenes ex- pressed student opinion, and therefore should be modified. It certainly should not be disregarded by the Regents. SL's major handi- cap is financial uncertainty, which can only be remedied by a stu- dent tax. The Laing Committee's alternative proposal to the present SL structure raises more problems than it solves - it decreases the student government's size, it sets above the student government a strangle hold review board, and it burdens the student government with seven organizational repr - sentatives. TWinslow, John II., '54 1. yes 2. a 3. 'no opinion 4, modification of the driving ban', better football seats for students, a panel for student grievances. 5. public relations 6. yes Student Legislature has failed primarily because it is controlled by pseudo-liberals, who do not represent general student opinion. It lacks the respect of both stu- dents and administration and, therefore, is impotent, accomplish- ing little but petty legislation. SL should concern itself with legisla- tive problems and not activities such as SL dances and movies. Such innovations as a panel for student grievances which could publicize exhorbitant prices in Ann Arbor should be instituted. Eight Senior . Class Officers to be Eleted In the running for eight senior class officer positions in the Tues- day-Wednesday balloting are 15 candidates. Only juniors in their respective schools are eligible to vote for candidates to these offices, Three of the eight students on the literary college ballot com- peting for senior class president are John Buck, Bob Oombrowski and Robert Wells, Gene Hartwig and Jay Martin are running for the vice-presiden- tial position and Bob Henderson is the only candidate for secretary. Competing for senior class treas- urer are Sue Beebe and Malcom Schlusberg. For the post of engineering col- lege senior class president How- ard Gaberson, Fritz Glover and Bob Richardson are in the run- ning. Anne Campbell is on the ballot for the position of vice-president. L. A. Burnham is in the run- ning for secretary of the engineer- ing college senior class, while Jere Brophy and Bill Salisbury are candidates for the position of treasurer, Another of heeriu t. t-. Tree an onehalfounes of sheer tissuenet and satin elastic-clevery 4 designed-offers maximum *'&in smoothing. White. Sizes VS.M.L. $8.95 ) ooo8NILS ARCADE Voters' Note On this and the preceeding page The Daily presents a com- prehensive survey of candidates running for 50 positions in the all-campus elections Tuesday and Wednesday, Take this issue to the polls with you: use it in making your decision. Polling booths will be open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at con- venient locations on campus. In addition to the 8$ candi- dates in the running, two ref- erenda will appear on the bal- lot. Interpretive articles on both of these: the Student Govern- ment Constitution and the Block M section referendum have appeared in previous is- sues of The Daily. 21 Seek Nine -Hop Posts Sophomore voters will be pre- sented with a slate of 21 candi- dates for the nine positions on the J-Hop Committee in the all campus elections Tuesday and Wednesday, For the second successive year voting for these candidates will be conducted by the Hare System of proportional representation. In the running for seats on the nine man committee are: Jo Sar- ah Brown, Carolyn Bryant, Gene Cohen, Bill Diamond, William Ec%^ erman, Mark Gallon, Bob Gillow, Robert Ginsberg and Patricia God- dard. The list continues with Peggy Hubbard, Lou Kwiker, Earl Lun- din, Dick Plunkett, Jerry Pesrcott, Darlyne Ann Sabor, Dave Smith, Peter Solar, Jan Voorheis, Jim Wills, John Wolfe and Edward Zako. Cinema Guil Student Legislature's Cinema Guild will feature "The Male (Continued from Page 1) speaker not cleared by the Uni- versity appeared. THIS SERIES has described Joint Judiciaries jurisdiction-all violations of University rules which apply to both men and women plus a few other kinds of cases. And yesterday's article fol- lowed a typical case-a com- pliant was received by the Of- fice of Student Affairs, the stu- dent was interviewed by a dean and then by Judic, and a letter stating Judiciary's decision was sent to the student's parents and the dean of his college. A couple of other issues are worth mentioning. One is the ques- tion of how much of its proceed- ings the judiciary should make public. Last month, Joint Judic issued a' Women Favor U' Curfews (Continued from Page 1) SEVENTY-MWE point seven per cent of junior women and 77 per cent of seniors also thought nine an adequate allotment of' late nights, with 19.5 and 11.5 re- spectively checking the "too few" column. In the upper classes only a negligible percentage thought nine long evenings too many. The breakdown showed that 2,374 respondents were dormitory residents, with 1,683 freshmen comprising the bulk of this group, Nine hundred forty-one live in sorority houses, with 404 League house residents and 148 women living in cooperatives. On its next question, "would you prefer a schedule where per- missions were spaced once a month, twice a month, or not at all?" women were largely divided etwpen rdvonte.s of tw atr 1 Judie Problems and Fines For Violations Discussed formal statement recommending that any reports on cases be with- held until the end of the semes- ter. Then a list of offenses heard and penalties imposed would be printed in the Daily Official Bul- letin. * * * NO NAMES of groups or indi- viduals penalized would be re- vealed. 4 A front page editorial by The Daily's senior editors protested the judiciary position. The Uni- versity Sub-Committee on Stu- dent Discipline later adopted the Judie plan for limited disclo- sure. The other problem is that Uni- versity officials may take action instead of Judie in "cases requir- ing summarl action," and it is just these cases where the most crucial problems of student rights and obligations may be invloved. However, Judic has been assured it will be consulted if any cases like the recent MSC painting inci- dent occur in the future. And Uni- versity President Harlan H. Hatch- er has said that if any cases. of "conduct unbecoming a student" arise in a Congressional investiga- tion, he will use "usual discipli- nary channels." Hearst Oratorical olntest To Begin Undergraduate students will compete in the local section of the Hearst Oratory Contest at 4 p.m. tomorrow in 4203 Angell Hall. Sponsored by the speech de- partment and the Hearst newspa- pers, the speakers will discuss pha- ses of Abraham Lincoln's life in competition for a $50 defense bond, hairstyling to please!! Try our: Personnel - Workmanship Animal" withUUVUenry FoLIWU lateservice - 1 0 Hairstylists Olivia DeHavilland at 8 p.m. to- nights a month (35.7 per cent) NO WAITING A nim al" w ith H enry Fonda and O iv a e~ vll nd at 8 ". o- ni ht m nt { 5. er ce t)N O WI TIGfrdyivrhi e t r u i o i mrad t o e w o s w n n e e h a sc lao Br ers day in Architecture Auditorium, and those who saw no need foi Tue Dascola Barbers Admission is 50 cents. any planned spacing (48.2 per neor Michigan Theatre cent),.g A NEW SEASONS-A NEW HAIR STYLE! Long or short; straight or curly; there's a fresh, desirable style for every- one. Let the experienced advice of our stylists help you make the right COME IN SOON 0 decision. Ask for ¢Y3 Miss Frieda-16 years of experience Miss Jean-6 years of experience THE OBSERVATORY BEAUTY SALON 1402 Washington Heights Observatory Lodge NO 2-3413 1 block from the University Hospital .-at fscher's 1-'"" I . 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