i PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, MARCH 27, Y9 i4 ?AGK TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, MARC!! 27, 1954 Free Society & Free Man (EDITOR'S NOTE: The following is an ex- cerpt from "Free Society and Free Man," a talk given by Prof. George H. Sabine of Cornell University Thursday. Prof.. Sabine is a noted political philosopher.) THESE three properties of human conduct -that it should be interested and spon- taneous, that it should be done with under- standing, and that it should contribute to self respect-appear to me to be what we chiefly mean when conduct is described as free. In all these three cases conduct bridges the distinction-so commonly treated as if it were a contrast-between the private or the personal and the public or the social. This is the reason why what seems to be two subjects-the free society composed of so many self-governing groups and the free in- dividual able to act voluntarily and self-re- liantly-turns out in reality to be one sub- ject. To sum it up I shall make two points that seem to me to be vitally important in politics and especially in the politics of a society that aspires to be or remain demo- cratic. The first is this: moral conduct is not something that first develops inside a man as a quality of his individual per- sonality and is then applied to social re- lation, to his work and his place in the community. Individual inative, self-con- trol and social'responsibility come by ex- ercise, by living with people and working with people, by taking responsibility and being respected because you can -be or can do something worth being or doing. It follows that if the groups in which peo- ple work and live are weakened or disorga- nized, if the families and/neighborhoods and stable occupation groups lose their mean- ing and become casual, the lives of the persons in them are disorganized in the same degree; the persons themselves become sub- ject to a sense of furstration and futility, and to that extent they run the risk of be- coming incapable of moral activity and self- control. Moral decay and social decay are two sides of the same thing. But social de- cay does not usually mean that society stops or breaks down; society is like the play-it goes on, but it goes on by substituting coer- cive for voluntary relationships. The second point is this. In human behav- ior there is no sharp line between emotional stability and intelligence, especially as the latter applies to human relationships. If you wish for proof of this, watch people in a state of panic. They become uterly cred- ulous; they see plots everywhere; no rumor is too absurd to be believed; moral scruples vanish; action becomes violent and ill-con- sidered and ceases to. have any logical re- lation to the ends desired. And when this situation is severe or long continued it pro- vides the opportunity for the rabble-rouser and the self-appointed savior of society-the Fuhrer or they Duce, who capitalizes the apathy or the aggressiveness in human na- ture that takes over when people lose touch with the everyday matters of fact they un- derstand and the everyday responsibilities that they accept. In such cases emotional stability vanishes and social responsibility goes with it. Considerations such as these seem to me to be highly relevant to a philosophy of democ- racy but their value depends on whether they can be made relevant also to practice, wheth- er the vitality of local government really can be conserved and whether vast projects in government, industry and business really can conserve personal relations in admin- istration. I imagine that both a political radical and a political reactionary will dis- miss all I have said with flat incredulity. Both will say, I fancy, that I am merely suf- fering from nostalgia, that Iam trying to make society look the way it looked to de Tocqueville a century ago, that I want either to by-pass big organization or avoid its in- evitable consequences. To this criticism I am willing to make two admissions. First, if there is any way to personalize big organization it has to be honest; manipulation is still manipulation even when it is done with the glad hand, and manipulation is not democratic. Sec- ond, decentralized organization still has to be effective; to put a concrete case, if states' rights mean only an easier oppor- tunity for cattlemen to destroy range- land, that is not democratic either. But having made these admissions, I am stil not ready to give up the point, because the alternatives are too costly and, I sus- pect, are even less realistic. An organiza- tion that can remain adaptable without enlisting the interest or encouraging the initiative of most of the people in it seems to me pretty nearly incredable. And any conception of individual well-being that puts a man's work outside the sphere of his personal happiness seems to me a counsel of despair... . The method of peaceful and orderly gov- ernment are no more native to human beings than the tools they use. They are ways of living together and working together that have been slowly and painfully learned, and they have te be discovered. Into their mak- ing over the ages have gone good will and intelligence of as high an order as has gone into the making of machines. Their human consequences are at least as important as those of machines, but they operate in the area of human relationships. TODAY AND TOMORROW: Our National Obsession "Come Come, Now - Let's See How Clever You Are" By WALTER LIPPMANN O JAI, Calif. - A few days on the Pacific Coast have removed any notion I may have had that thinking and talking about McCarthy is a local obsession in Washing- ton, or perhaps regional on the Eastern sea- board. About affairs which are centered in Washington and concern the nation and its relations with the rest of the world nothing else commands serious and continuing at- tention. Other matters, be they the admin- istration's program, bills before Congress, or great questions of war and peace, like Indo- China, Korea, and E.D.C., are scantily no- ticed. And, if I may judge from a brief but rather varied sampling of private talk about politics, only McCarthyism is much on peo- ple's minds. There is little doubt that his bid for power is the focal point of a national ob- session, which cannot be put out of the public mind until it has been dealt with and disposed of. Nor is this an irrational obsession. The instinct of our people is right in feeling that until we know who has the key power and the last word, other matters must wait. The merits of policies and of measures cannot be truly consider- ed until the main question is decided: Is Sen. McCarthy going to succeed in cap- turing control of the Republican party, in dominating the Eisenhower adminis- tration, and in making himself in fact the big boss? In the early stages of his adventure it may have been true that the attention he got from the press helped to build him up. But it is not true now that the publicity he is getting is building him up. The national ob- session which is giving him the fullest kind of attention is having the effect which the true believers in the freedom of the press have always counted upon. It is that given prolonged and uninhibited reporting, it is not only impossible to fool all the people all the time, but it becomes progressively more difficult to fool even some of the people all the time. The breaking point in the movement of public opinion was reached when, in the ludicrous affair of the pink dentist, Mc- Carthy accused the Army of coddling Com- munists. The American people have gotten to know the Army well because so many millions of them have been in the Army. They do not exactly think the Army is perfect, nor do they love it without reser- vation. Yet there is scarcely a family in the country which does not have invest-. ed in the Army something personal and poignant. Just about the last thing they would think of compaining about is that this Army, which has just fought a mur- erous war against armed Communists, and not merely against Fifth Amendent dentists, is coddling Communists. There is a kind of prima facie absurdity, a self-evident incredibility, in accusing Gen. Zwicker of coddling Communists When on top of that the people not only heard' but actually saw the persecution of Mrs. Moss and on top of that the extraordinary solici- tude of Mr. Cohn for Mr. SEhine, something happened which can best be desrcibed as the breaking of a spell. * * * 0 THE spell that has been broken is that the McCarthy activities are a rough but a necessary and salutary defense of the gov- ernment, institutions, social order and the religion of the country against the Commu- nist eonspiracy and revolution. Although McCarthy says that that is what he is doing, less and less believe it because he says it. After he had accused the Democratic party of treason, though they had armed the free world against Communist expansion, he went on to accuse the Eisenhower administration of conniving and of softness. This has com- pelled the responsible Republicans to have another look at the claims and purposes of McCarthy's anti-Communism. When they looked, they realized that he has played no part in the great measures which the coun- try has taken to resist the expansion of the Communist orbit-and here at home he has netted no spies but only a few minnows at the cost of terrible injustice, of enormous in- jury to the good name of America, and the filling of our air with poison and stink. For one reason and another our people are realizing that advertising yourself as the world's champion anti-Communist and being the world's champion anti-Communist ate not necessarily the same thing. The fact that he denounces everyone who disagrees with him is pot proof that he is more Ameri- can, more loyal, and a greater patriot than anyone else. Our people have a long expe- rience with advertisements of cures-cures for cancer, for baldness, for deficient sex ap- peal, and for deficient incomes. They are all in favor of curing canter, of being beautiful and irresistible, and of getting richer as quickly as possible. But they do not believe that the label or the prospectus is true because it is printed in big bold type. They know that the most desirable objects, such as chari- ty and the relief of suffering and the pre- vention of the calamities of life, are pre- cisely those which quacks use to ex- ploit the gullibility of men and women. When the nostrums are exposed, they do not suppose that the doctor who has ex- posed the quack is himself an advocate of cancer, of baldness, or of spinster- hood. The people are, in short, becoming aware of the difference between the appearance and reality, between the claims and the facts, between the label and the contents of the package. (Copyright, 1954, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.) ~~LL- 4$ n fir; , h i iette, TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from ts readers n matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. Three MonkIes ... To the Editor: THE three legendary wise mon- keys sat on a very shaky politi- cal fence. The one who, as a rule, speaks no evil, deemed his posi- tion untenable, opened his mouth, and spoke evil. "The Green Feath- er Campaign, now being conduct- ed on this campus is a disgrace to the liberal movement," he said. "Hate peddling" he termed it. Doomed to negativism, he prophe- sied. "Tolerance," he told us, "is a social attitude rather than a political conviction." Are we to tolerate everything? Is it unworthy of a liberal to raise a hand against forces which seek to destroy liberalism itself? If for a liberal to act when the course of action is clear is negativistic and a "perversion of the liberal cause, what then is positive?-what is the leberal cause? And wherein lies the distinction between "social atti- tude" and "political conviction?" Was Thomas Jefferson the less a liberal for holding pplitical convic- tions in accord with his social at- titudes? Apparently our heretofore si- lent monkey is not a social scien- tist. A first rate navel contempla- tor perhaps-hardly qualified as a spokesman for the liberal move- ment. Far wiser would it have been had this silent simian remained sj- lent and had the unseeing monkey uncovered his eyes to see the evils which beset us. Academic freedom, as well as other freedoms, stands in real danger from McCarthyism. It is with regard to this danger that Dr. Conant of Harvard says, "The col- leges of the United States have nothing to hide, but their inde- pendence as corporate, scholarly institutions is of supreme import- ance. One need hardly argue this point in view of the dramatic examples of what occurred under the Nazi and Fascist regimes as well as what is now going on in to- talitarian countries." In view of this danger, when even chickens are contributing to the fight, it would be a disgrace for a liberal to back out. --A. Norman Klein Francis R. Dixon ** * Three Cheers . . To the Editor: ON THE WASHINGTON WITH DREW PEARSON HAVE just read about the "Rob- in Hood Feathers" distributed to the students on your campus to protest McCarthy "totalitar- ianism.." Good luck to you all! It was time somebody with guts started such a move. If you can spare about half dozen of those feathers I would be happy to get them and also some green lapel pins. Those ignoramuses on the Indi- ana Textbook Commission may have ruled that Robin Hood has been a Red, but he may yet prove to be the green hope of liberty and self-respect for the American peo- ple. I am proud that my daughter is a student at your University. Three cheers for the University of Michi- gan! -Lee H. Gregory I .4 ECURRENT OVIE At the Orpheu e THE FRANCHISE AFFAIR, with Michael Denison and Dulcie Gray A MYSTERY NOVELIST named Josephine Tey, from England, captured the atten- tion of the addicts a few years ago with a story about two spinsters who are accused of kidnapping and manhandling a young girl in an old manor house. Miss Tey fol- lowed this book with two or three other per- formances, equally well received, and at the time of her death a few months ago was regarded by the inner circle as virtually without peer in her field. The British film industry is currently showing posthumous respect for the first of her widely-known works with the re- lease of "The Franchise Affair," the one about the queer goings-on in the manor house. In the process of filming, one of the spinsters turns out to be a quietly attrac- tive young woman, just suitable for the re- tiring solicitor-hero of the piece, and the other, an acid-tongued dowager, would be comfortable not only in Miss Tey's story, but in practically any other English movie in recent memory. This is to say that the novel needed no radical treatment to fit perfectly into the familiar catalogue of British film mysteries. It is a polite, charming, and unsurprising movie, re- plete with fine character touches and a nice, if rather antiseptic, problem. The strongest part of the film is the early section in which the story the young girl tells about her detention is placed against the opposing account by the spinsters which totally denies the girl's tale. Since all these people are "respectable" and there is a lot of careful British reticence about jumping to conclusions, it is possible to share the young solicitor's painful problem-are his clients, the women, really innocent of the kidnapping as he would like to believe? Unfortunately, the issue is solved emo- tionally for both the lawyer and the aud- ience a little too early in the film, and most of the subsequent advances toward the full answer are achieved by fortuitous circumstances, not by detective effort; and the film must rely on some polite mob violence and tepid romance to keep the plot moving. At the Michigan .. GENEVIEVE THAT THE British have a knack for film humor is clearly manifested in Gene- vieve, a movie about a young married couple and an old-time car. John Gregson is the proud owner of a 1904 Darracq which he calls Genevieve. Of course, his wife (Dinah Sheridan) thorough- ly detests the monstrosity, and is much more interested in going to parties. Mostly to please her husband, though, she consents to go along on the annual Commmemoraion Run of the British Veteran Car Club. Also making the run is Kenneth More, Miss Sheridan's ex-flame. Actor More wants to combine the trip with a "beautiful emo- tional experience"-Kay Kendell. However, Miss Kendell has an excellent chaperone 'in Suzi, an enormous St. Bernard, who man- ages to keep More from becoming too "emo- tional." Gregson and More quarrel over Greg- son's wife, and the result is a race back to London. What happens on this return trip is complete slapstick, a category in which Genevieve really excels. Many of the situations (such as the sheep herd roadblock) are "old hat" which have been used again and again. While such a heavy leaning to the obvious could prove detre- mental, the film manages to sidestep all the pitfalls. It is really the actors who make the old seem new and fresh; and under the restrained direction of Henry Cornelius, they always keep the upper hand. Perhaps Hollywood would have turned Genevieve Into just so much more "corn"-a not very uncommon thing. But director Cornelius proves that the fa- miliar, old jokes can be lots of fun if handled carefully. Moreover, Cornelius does not rely solely upon slapstick for humor. He knows how to use character actors, and employs them with complete mastery. The hotel receptionist and the newsreel photographer are individuals who remain with the viewer-a tribute to a director who can get the best even out of "one line" players. The film includes several comic touches about sex. But these are done in true British tradition, never vulgar and always in perfect taste. W ASHINGTON - Senator McCarthy is one of the most skillful political tacticians ever to operate in Washington. A strong be- liever that the hand is faster than the eye, Joe can shift to a new field of operation quicker than any other man in politics. This week from the safety of the Senate Appropriations Com- mittee he made accusations against me which he never would have dared make had he not been protected from the libel laws by Sen- ate immunity. He used this immunity in exactly the same way he inserted a 60,000-word speech in the Congressional Record accus- ing Gen. George Marshall of being Communistic, then incorpo- rated his speech in a book on Marshall, The timing of McCarthy's charges was interesting. In the first place he knew I was preparing a factual and devastating review of his Senate record for a television broadcast this week end. Second, Joe needed some diversionary headlines to take the play away from the Senate investigation of himself and the Army which is not going at all well as far as he is concerned. As for McCarthy's charges that I violated the espionage act and that one of my assistants blackmailed a Pentagon official, they are of course serious to anyone who doesn't know McCarthy. For those who don't, here are the facts: --THE PEARSON RECORD- 1. The Pentagon official to whom McCarthy refers was Don Murray, an assistant to the chairman of the Munitions Board, whose job it was to handle press relations. As such he frequently saw one of my assistants, Fred Blumenthal, but at no time did Fred threaten, black- mail or try to intimidate Mr. Murray. Fred is a friendly guy who just doesn't operate that way and I would fire him if I had the slightest suspicion that he did. However, to make absolutely sure, I talked with both Murray and Blumenthal after McCarthy circulated this rumor last summer and I am convinced no such thing happened. 2. It is a fact, as McCarthy states, that some production figures were discussed by Murray with Blumenthal, but as McCarthy also admits, they were not published. It is not uncommon-in fact, it is almost a daily occurrence-for government officials to discuss confidential matters with responsible newsmen. But this obvious- ly does not constitute a violation of the Espionage Act. If it did, almost every newspaperman in Washington would be in trouble. McCarthy's intimation that the figures were "used for other purposes" is absurd and untrue. 3. McCarthy's claim that a Justice Department official named Murray called me in and gave me all the facts on an espionage case just doesn't make sense. I never heard of the official in question, nor of any such case. However, it should be noted that ev'en if McCarthy's piece of fiction had happened, it is no violation of the Espionage Act for a newspaperman to receive information from a government official. The American Society of Newspaper Editors at this very moment is fighting for a broadening of this right of the press for freer infor- mation, -ROY COHN'S HAND-- DURING the Truman Administration, when Roy Cohn, the Mc- Carthy counsel now under investigation, was working for the Justice Department, he processed a case against me based on the above information which he tried to get superiors to okay. They rul- ed there was no case When Attorney General Brownell took over the Justice Depart- ment, McCarthy demanded that he review the case again. It was reviewed, and my understanding is that the new Justice Department officials came to the same negative conclusion-"no case." However, last December, when Vice-President Nixon and deputy Attorney Gen- eral William Rogers met with McCarthy in Miami in order to persuade him to lay off the Eisenhower Administration, he renewed his demand that I be prosecuted. It was reported to me later that he was then told the Justice Department still believed there was no case but to please him the matter would be put before a grand jury. So far as I know it has not been put before a grand jury, though personally I think it would be an excellent idea. -CASE AGAINST MCCARTHY- MEANWHILE, I suggest to Senator McCarthy that he ask the same grand jury to consider various allegations that he violated the Espionage Act and the corrupt practices Act as follows: 1. The Army publicly stated, Sept. 11, 1953, that McCarthy vio- lated the Espionage Act when he published a 75-page restricted Army intelligence report on Siberia. On the outside the document was clearly stamped: "This document contains information affecting the national defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage laws, title 18, U.S.C., Sec. 793 and 794. The transmission or the revelation of its contents in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law." Yet despite this McCarthy made the document public. 2. Senator McCarthy also violated the Espionage Act in a speech Jan. 22, 1951, in which he made public "Document No. 3019 dated Dec. 15, 1950," this being a military report radioed from Korea. Revelation of the date of a radioed coded message makes it easier for a foreign power to break the code. 3. McCarthy collected $10,000 from Congressman and Mrs. Alvin Bentley for the express purpose of fighting Communism. According to an official Senate report he used the money not to fight Commu- nism but to speculate on the soybean market. 4. During four years as a Senator McCarthy deposited $172,623 in the Riggs Bank-a lot of money for a Senator with a salary of $12,- 500. The Senate report which details his finances states that $19,000 was deposited in cash from unidentified sources; $40,562 in checks from DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bunetin is an The Hawaii Club will have a meet official publication of the University ing at the Methodist Church to of Michigan for which the Michigan night. Plans are being made for Daily assumes no editorial responsi- square dance followed by a tirty billty. Publication In It is construe- minute colored film on Hawaii fro tiye notice to all members of the the United Airlines. Refreshments an University. Notices should be sent in sushi will be served. Members an TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 2552 guests are welcome. Administration Building before 3 p.m. the day preceding publication (before Episcopal student Foundation. Stu 11 a.m. on Saturday). dent-Faculty led Evensong, Chapel o St. Michael and All Angels, 5:15 p.m SATURDAY, MARCH 27, 1954 today. VOL. LxIV, No. 124 Notices Coming Events Foreign Language Group. There wi President and Mrs. Hatcher will hold be a meeting Mon., Mar. 29, at 8 p.m. the third of a series of monthly open In the Assembly Hall, Rackham Build houses for University faculty, staff, and ing. Prof. warner G. Rice will talk 0 townspeople on Sun., Mar. 28, from "The Place of Foreign Literatures 1 4 to 6, at the President's House. Translation in the Graduate Program of Students of English." All members C The Eita Krom Prize. The Department the teaching staffs of the languag of Sociology will award the Eita Krom departments, together with graduat Prize for the besthpape on any of the students, are cordiallyinvited. topics listed below. The prize carries a cash award of $100. The contest is A DC-6 Icing Flight Test Film will b open to juniors and seniors in the shown in the Auditorium of the Coole College of Literature, Science, and the Building on Mon., Mar. 29, at 3 p. Arts of the University of Michigan. for all members of the Icing Researc Term papers dealing with relevant Group and interested persons. topics may be entered in the contest. Schedule of Open Houses for CandidatE Such papers should be submitted Spring ElectIons, 1954 through the instructor of the course Sp Mrn c iosr9- 5 for which the paper was written. Other Alpha Xi Delta :15 entries should be submitted to the See- Alpha Epsilon Phi 5:00-6:00 retary of the Department of Sociology Tyler Hous E :30 (5602 Haven Hall). Papers may be sub-j Zeta Beta Tau-6:45 mitted in competition any time up to Anyone interested in speaking at din April 1, 1954. They will be judged by a ner may do so by calling the followin departmental committee by May 31, houses in advancg 1954.Phi Gamma Delta - All entries should be typewritten and Phi Kappa Tau i be between 2,500 and 8,000 words in Sigma Phi Epsilon length. The papers must deal with Sigma Alpha Mu topics which fall within the following sigma Delta Tau categories: 1. The Analysis of a Social Group Newman Club will sponsor a Com 2. The Analysis of a Sociological Hy- munion Breakfast afterthen9:30 Ma pothesis Sun., Mar. 28. Mrs. Justine Murph, 3. A Case Study of Social Change co-director of the Catholic Worke 4. The Analysis of a Social Institu- will speak on "Applications of ChriE tion tian Social Living." Tickets may b 3. The Study of a Community or obtained at the Center. Community Segment 6. The Analysis of a Social Process. Informal Folk Sing at Muriel Leste Coop, 900 Oakland, Sunday, Mar. 21 Travel and Summer Projects Room Is at 8 p.m. Everyone invitedI now open at Lane Hall daily, 9 a.m. to 10 p.m., under the auspices of the SL International Committee and SRA Social Action committee. Information on schedules, costs, and opportunities for work, study; and travel in all parts iia of the world. _7 Academic Notices Sixty-Fourth Year Required Physical Education-WomenSiy-othYa Students. Registration for the next Edited and managed by students c eight weeks classes will be held in the the University of Michigan under th fencing room of Barbour Gymnasium authority of the Board in Control o on Sat., Mar. 27-8:00 a.m. to 12 noon. Student Publications. Doctoral Examination for Harold Eitorial Staf Hendlowitz, Physics; thesis: "Theory of an Electron in a Magnetic Field with Harry Lunn............Managing Edit Applications to the Measurement of the Eric Vetter.................City Editc Gyromagnetic Ratio of the Free Elec- virginia Voss........Editorial Directc tron," Mon., Mar. 29, 2038 Randall Lab- Mike Wolff........Associate City Edit oratory, at 1:30 p.m. Chairman, K. M. Alice B. Silver..Assoc. EditorialDirect d Case. Diane Decker .........Associate Editcr Helene Simon.........Associate Edit Aeronautical Engineering Seminar on Ivan Kaye.................Sports Edit SHOCK WAVE INTERACTION by Pro- Paul Greenberg.... Assoc. Sports Editc lessor Otto Laporte, Physics Department, Marilyn Campbell......Women's Edit Mon., Mar. 29, at 4 p.m., in 1504 East Kathy Zeisler.... Assoc. Women's Edit Engineering Building. Chuck Kelsey ......Chief Photgraphel Seminar in the History of Mathe- matics. Mr. Norman Frisch will continue Business Staff his discussion of "The Beginnings of Thomas Traeger .Business Manage Modern Mathematics" Mon., Mar. 29, William Kaufman Advertising Manage at 4 p.m., 3231 Angell Hall. Harlean Hankin....Assoc. Business Mg: William Seiden.......Finance Manage Concerts Don Chisholm....Circulation Manage May Festival Tickets. At this time a limited number of tickets for several Telephone NO 23-24-1 of the May Festival concerts are still available, and will remain on sale so e long as they last, at the offices of the Member , Id Id I., tit 1t. d- In Of Of go to be e? a. I4 I. I