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March 26, 1954 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1954-03-26

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j _..
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Jurisdiction Series To Tell
Of Proposed - - -D
SEC Told'

Would Combine
Presenti Groups
Outlining the functions of the
proposed Student Executive Com-
mittee, the Student Affairs Study.
Committee yesterday stepped into
scene two of its work toward a
campus student government.
Its initial decision concerned
SEC composition of 11 elected and
seven ex-officio members several
weeks ago.
THE GROUP yesterday favored
seven general areas of SEC juris-
.diction essentially coordinating
Student Legislature-SAC func-
1) to make rules governing
recognition of new and reacti-
vated organizations and the
maintenance or withdrawal of

Student High Court Jurisdiction,
Composition, Procedures Explained
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first in a series of articles on the Joint
Judiciary Council.)
Those that do, do and those that don't, don't.
What to do with those that do when they get caught?
That's the question answered by the Joint Judiciary Council. This1
series of articles will attempt to tell what some of the commonly
violated campus rules are, how the violators' cases are handled,.
and what is likely to happen to "those that do."

Lens Luck
Campus photographers who
shot pictures of Tuesday's
Green Feather-Red Herring
demonstration on the Diagonal
have a chance to get their shots,
published in a national maga-
Negatives and developed pic-
tures are being sought by the
magazine with a possibility
that one or more may be used
in an up-coming issue if suit-
able. Pictures may be brought
to The Daily senior editorial of-
fice in the Student Publications
Bldg. immediately.

Board Takes Soviet Recognizes East
Policy Stand
On Club Bias German Sovereignty;
Senior Board passed three mo-
tions concerning their policy stand
on discrimination in reference to
student speakers at alumni gath-
erings yesterday at a meeting.


o0 Holden

The situation arose recently
when, according to a letter writ-
ten by the Board to be sent to the
Michigan Alumnus for publication,
"one of the students chosen for a
speaking engagement was unable
to participate because the alumni
club was holding its meeting in a
private club which allows no mem-
biers of the Negro race to enter the
building as guests."

TO BEGIN WITH, just what is the Joint Judiciary Council
and how does it fit into the campus disciplinary setup?
The Joint- Judiciary Council, known by its friends as "judic."
is made up of five men and five women students who sit as a
"student high court" to hear disciplinary cases referred to them by

Hepburn TeBod aeB

YR's Hear

the Office of Student Affairs and
the Women's Panel.

that recognition JP i
2) approval or denial of apprq v- jE O
al for student-sponsored activities
3) coordination and delegation
of student activities carried on by
recognized student groups
4) origination of student pro-

The 10 Judiciary members are
appointed for staggered one
year terms-five terms expire
each semester. Right now, the
chairman of Joint Judiciary is
Lee Fiber, 'S4, and the vice-
chairnan is Jim Smith, '54L,
Jean Bromfield, '55, Lucy Land-
ers, '55, Norm Giddan, '55, Ruedia



jects Detroit
5) to express and to provide I Donald S.
orderly means for expression of j promised tc
student opinion a blanket"
6) to serve as an appointing Republican
body for selection of student rep- nor in a n
resentatives to joint-faculty-ad- Republican
ministration - student committees Leonardc

such as those groups with repre-
sentatives now appointed by SLf
and other groups which might be:
designated in the future
7) to make rules governing eligi-
bility of students participating in
extra-curricular activities above
and beyond a grade-point average
established by colleges.
The group later went on rec-
ord in favor of semi-annual elec-
tions at large by the alternative
vote or the Hare system now
used in SL balloting.
The study group endorsed quali-'
fications for candidacy for the 11
elected positions in the initial elec-
tion which would include present
SL requirements with the excep-
tion that a petition signed by 350
,tudents would be required.
Small College
Leadeprs MPet

the guberna
in which he
for nomina
t have beaten
he had cam
ously," the
Williams w
times becau
in the Rep
county cou
GOP could
said that
could cut
votes in thi
Saying th
"toughest p
Michigan, e
campaign i
as long as h,
ent capacity

Police Commissioner Gingrass, '54, Tawfiq Khoury, '55E,
Leonard last night Audrey Rosin, '55, Janet Ruther-
o "cover the state like ford. '55, and Rog Wilkins. '56L,
if nominated to the are the other judic members.
candidacy for gover- 1
ne6ting of the Young IN GENERAL, if a student vio-
s last night. lates a University rule, his case will5
outlined his career and be handled by these 10 judic mem-
atorial election of 1952 bers. But there are some signifi-j
e was also a candidate cant exceptions.C
tion. Violations of rules which ap-
ply only to women are handled
K (Fred) Alger could by Women's Panel and the wo-
i Williams last time, if men's judiciary system, while
npaigned more strenu- most infractions in the resi-
e commissioner said. dence halls are handled by
as elected the last two house, qdad and Inter-House
use of disorganization Council judiciaries.
sublican party " And in "delicate" cases where
said that if Wayne ; a student's moral reputation is in-1
ild be won by the Re- volved, Acting Dean of Students
or "lost by less," the Walter B. Rea or. the Women's
win the election. He panel will hear the case.W
others felt that he e as
into the Democratic THE REGENTS By-Laws also
s thetofficeof providethat in cases "requiring
iattheoficeofPolice summary action," the dean of the
er of Detroit was the student's college "in consiultation
osition in the state of with the Dean of Students or the
'ven more so than the.: Dean of Women," may take dis-
Leonard said that his ciplinary steps.
s secondary to his job,I
ie remains in the pres- That's what happened whe"
some University students paint-
"" ed up the Michigan tate cam-

HOLLYWOOD - (A') - Audrey recommends that no Speakers
Hepburn, the lovely princess of Bureau Team engagement will
"Roman Holiday," and William be arranged or met unless the
Holden, hard-bitten war captive in Board or its representatives in
"Stalag 17" won the top Oscars in charge of the Bureau are as-
the academy awards tonight. sured by the sponsoring organi-
"From Here to Eternity" was zation that no eligible University
announced the best picture of 1953, student will be prohibited from
and it swept awards for supporting speaking because of his race,
players Frank Sinatra and Donna color or religious beliefs. A
Reed, director Fred Zinneman and letter shall be sent to each
writer Dan Taradsash. It won eight alumni and alumnae club presi-
awards in all, tying the all-time dent informing them of our pol-
record of "Gone With The Wind." icy stand."
Other awards were: Cinematog- 2
raphy (black and white films): 21 The Senior Board approves
"From Here to Eternity," cinema- a letter to be sent to the Michigan
tography (color film): "Shane," Club of Detroit. This letter will
motion picture story: "Roman explain our position on the mci-
Holiday," story and screenplay: dent of March 17, . .
"Titanic," best scoring of a musi- 3) "The Senior Board approves
cal picture: "Call Me Madam," of a letter to be sent to the Mich-
best music score of a dramatic or igan Alumnus magazine to be
comedy picture: "Lili," and best printed by said magazine. This
song: "Secret Love." letter will be of similar content to

Russia Plans
Of Patrols
Kre 1nli11i Control
Seen Apparent
BERLIN-/P )The Soviet Union
announced yesterday it is recog-
nizing East Germany as a fully
sovereign state.
The move was immediately lab-
eled by the U. S. State Depart-
ment as a phony gesture.
* * ge u*
THE SOVIET announcement
said Russian troops would still be
stationed in the Soviet zone, a
precaution which would assure
continued tight control by the
In Washington, the State De-
partment recalled that only nine
months ago the East Germans
staged widespread revolts, de-
manding free elections.
It said the "entire puppet re-
gime would collapse .under the
weight of hatred and hostility of
the populace" if Soviet troops were
The Soviet move was seen by
observers here as another stage
of the long-waged fight by Mos-
cow to win Western recognition
of thes East German Communist
government which was instituted
without an election after the
Western Powers had set up a cen-
Sral West German government at

--Daily-Chuck Kelsey
PLEDGE AWARD-Ronald Clarke, '56, vice-president Jr, IFC
and Mitchell Zucker, '57, president, present the Sigma Chi founda-
tion scholarship trophy to president of Sigma Phi pledge class,
William Simons.
South Quad, Junior IFC:
Give Honors to Students
University s, holars got the spotlight yesterday when South Quad
and Junior Interfraternity Council held honor convocations com-
mending students for their high scholastic attainments.
At the Pledge Convocation held by the Junior IFC at, the Union,
Sigma Phi pledge class president William Simons, '57 accepted the
Scholarship Trophy awarded to the pledge class earning the highest'
scholastic average.
South Quad students who attained a 3.5 average or better in

ATo Curb

the one sent to the Michigan Club
of Detroit with the exception that
no specific names will be men-
tioned." -

7TL c L1.L THE LETTER to be sent to the
Michigan Alumnus reads in part:
A new plan to curb "the twin "The members of the Senior
evils" of recruiting and subsida- Board recognize that a change has
tion in the nation's colleges and I developed in many of the social
secondary schools is being forma- ideals and mores of the post-
lated by athletic committee of the World War Two .generation.
North Central Association of col- "But we feel strongly that the
leges and secondary schools. University of Michigan Alumni
Chairman of the committee, program should be open to all
Prof. Ralph W. Aigler, of the law graduates of the University, re-
school, said yeste'day that there gardless of race, color or creed."
was a distinct possibility that sim -s _r,___ed
ilar action might be adopted by Willwe

Ju k..n 1 Iukpus ls ertercleevul s" acruwi agen 'nx "v
deans puslastyaReh llege cies. However, he said that Mich-
Tl HiewsR ,mdeans and Dean Rea had them igan would probably not adopt the The Wolverine Club will provide
mearmediately suspended unt code since the Big Ten code is special bus service for students
1: they cleaned up the paint. stronger. to and from Willow Run airport
'The Intellectual Quarterly In Since the MSC painting incident, The NCA's decision to curb all for spring vacation, according to
a Non Intellectual Society," a lec- .IJoint Judic has put itself "on call athletic scholarships brought pro- Martha Himmelhoch, '54, of the
ture by Phillip Blair Rice, associ- Prof. Robert A. Dahl of Yale immediately" in such cases, Miss test from college presidents in the special trips committee.
ate editor of the Kenyon Review, Unive'sity discussed the task , of Fiber said yesterdgy. 17-state area who said the NCA Buses will leave the Union frofn
will highlight the second day of coordinating foreign policy y'ester- "An understanding has been code was more stringent than that 10:45 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. April
the 58th annual Academy of Sci- day at the Political Science Round reached that the Joint Judic of the American Council of Edu- 2. Returning students will have bus
ence, Arts and Letters. Table. chairman and vice-chairman, cation. service from 5:15 p.m. to midnight
In mentioning the three main and the whole judiciary if pos- A vote is expected April 11 on April 9. Tickets are $1 one way
The lecture will be held at 8 control processes in the formula- sible, will be consulted by the the formulated plan, and $1.50 round trip.
p.m. today in the Rackham Am- tion of foreign policy, the Yale 'deans in future summary disci- ---- - --- -------- . . .
phitheater instead of the Lecture professor listed the popular con- ' pline cases," Miss Fiber added.
Hall as previously announced and j trol of non-leaders over leaders, The Women's Panel, mentionedt
as is all the academy's functions, the hfierarchial control of one over before as the body which refers ; ers T o C onsi er Student
will be open to the -public, many and thirdly the control dif- cases involving women to the Joint
ferent leaders have on each other, Judic, is now composed of the T
THE MEETINGS of the Acad- or the bargaining control. Dean of Women, the chairman ofX I
emy bring together members of Prof. Dahl commented that be- Women's Judiciary (Barbara Bos,
faculties of the smaller state cause an overwhelming number of '54) and the ranking woman mem-
schools who present their ideas to citizens take no action in political ber of Joint Judiciary. (EDITOR'S NOTE': 'hi is the second of three articles concerning ref-
specaliss. jerenda to -o before the campus for a vote in all-campus elections 'l'es-
specialists. affairs, the popular control over The Joint Judic member of Wo- day and Wednesday.)
Addresses to be given today foreign affairs isn't. too important. men's Panel was added just last By BECKY CONRAD
are "Anglo-American Under- Concluding, Prof. Dahl noted week in an action by the Wo- Most important change in the revised student government con-
standing and Misunderstand- that bargaining to achieve a satis- men's Senate and the Student AfI stitution tip for student approval in the balloting Tuesday and Wed-
by Prf. Athurfactory foreign policy is not merely fairs Committee.
ing," by Prof. Arthur W. Brom- the only feasible means in light of Women Panel metes out k nesday is the problem of a student tax.
age of the political science de- the diverse character of the United penalties, while judic sticks mostly Probably the question foremost in the voter's mind at the elec-
Atme broad fow rFei ve s States but is also desirous in that to fines and warnings. So a mem- tions will center around the purpose of this levy, not to exceed 25
Sdys broa for Freign St- it gives power to the minority to ber of Joint Judic was put on the cents per semester for each student.
dents?" by John 1'seem of Mich- protect themselves and prevent the Panel to allow. more cooperation
gan State College. majority from running roughshod between the two groups in deter- MAJOR EXPENDITURES of Student Legislature will top $6,000
Panel discussions include land over them. mining fair penalties. this year. Breakdown of the 1954 budget shows $1,750 will go toward
policy of the states at 10 a.m. in -~~~-- -- administration costs, $700 for elec-
Rm. 2082 Natural Science and POLITICAL I T A E ons, $1,750 for public relations
-The Bricker Amendment: Safe-t 2 p m. orJl cofern and publications, $1,000 will pay
f guard or Strait-Jacket?" at 2 p.m. for conferences and National Stu-


() li~'11 C (I'
Antique Autos
To Runi Today,
Local parade watchers can re-
live the past today as the 20 circa-
; 1900 automobiles comprising the
Genevieve Junket chug into Ann
Arbor from Detroit in the fashion
of old cross-country auto races.
Hailing the local opening of the
motion picture "Genevieve" the
motor parade, also featuring 1954
models, will roll into Ann Arbor
at about 4 p.m.
AFTER parading through the
campus area the cavalcade will
come to a halt on State Street
where the automobiles will be left
on display until 6 p.m. None of
the old models can be run after
dusk, manager Jerry Hoag of the
Michigan Theater pointed out
since they employ acetelene lamp
headlights, now illegal.

their first semester were honor- THE WEST GERMAN govern-
ed at a dinner to which Univer- ment, based on popular elections
sity officials and members were and a Parliament, has been grant-
invited. ed authority over nearly all its
Attending the ceremony and de- internal affairs and its foreign
livering brief speeches were Uni- policy by the Western Powers, but
versity Vice-President Marvin Nie- it is not yet a sovereign govern-
huss, Acting Dean of Students ment.
Walter B. Rea and Assistant Dean The West has consistently
of Men's residence Halls Peter Os- maintained that any unification.
tafin. South Quad Council presi- of Germany must be on a, basis
dent Charles Turner,.'54.served as of free, nationwide elections.
toastmaster of the event. The announcement said the So-
Reeves House took top awards, viet Union considered that closer
receiving the Slater Memorial and ties between East and West Ger-
South Quad Council Scholastic many were necessary for the re-
trophies for achieving the highest unification of Germany.
grade average in the quad. The agency indicated that Vladi-
-_- --- - mir Semyenov, who is ambassador
#ortei (;oi itioii as well as Soviet high commission.
- r t 1rer to East Germany, would func-
5j Id, '' Be'r(;oo . tion about the same as before.
Katherine Anne Porter, author
and visiting English lecturer, was ree
reported in "good condition" yes-
terday by staff members of the 1s
University Hospital, where Miss
Porter has been since her attack
of a heart or vascular nature Wed-; e t eTest

f. S


Inter-House Council at its meet.-
ing last night voted unanimously
RT to again sponsor a "cloth patch"
experiment among quad residents
S u r e hOw s s "in conjunction with the Universi-
tyo sInstitute of Industrial Health.
The "harmless" test which was
? r alsogiven last fall involves t~e.
D o minated. ,C io 1 Itaing ;fa fi'e of clothf'or a
riod of 48 hours on a student
lBy JIM DYGERT skin for a fee of six dollars. The
Many college students are afraid to "think for themselves" experiment is for the Air Force
because of the climate of "suppression and suspicion and fear" on which seeks to determine the i4-
collge' ampues.ritating effects of certa'n textiles.
many Requirin tee h edan
r This is the conclusion of a survey c'onduc'ted by Andre Fontaine, Reurn thehnddad
and the theme of his article entitled "Fear on the Campus" in thei twenty-five residents, IHC voted
latest issue of "Redbook."t to apportion that number equally
among the vaiious men's quad
* * * *houses.
ALTHOUGH HE talked to professors and college officials, Fon- Also passed at the meeting was a
taine spent most of his survey interviewing students. Reporting what motion by Greg Schmidt to create
was told him, he concludes that a committee, to make a "thorough

in the East Lecture Rm., Rackham
An art exhibit will open at 4
p.m. in the Rackham Galleries.
Additional information as to lec-
ture times and places can be re-
ceived in the lobby of Rackham
inhere the Academy's program,
booklet is available.
Paycheck Thle.f-ts
Itemma Mystery
Ihe University Hospital pay-
check thefts remain a mystery.
according to Detective Claude
Dameron of the Ann Arboi De-
tective Bureau.

Sabine Evaluates Free Discussion
"A free sdciety is one In which;
p'ivate interests find their place disorganized and demoralized. For counts for one and nobody counts
by a process of negotiation, of give the original structures of volun- for more than one.
and take, to which they and their tary association and local units
are parties," said Prof. of government had been pulver- "UNFORTUNATELY, when each
George H. Sabine of Cornell Uni- ized and a coersive organization Iman counts for one," Prof. Sabine
emphasized, "nobody counts for

dents Association membership,
and $400 for capital improvements.
SL derives its 1954 income for

t rs a y at .a yeswraay on the!
'Free Society and Free Plan."
"If you wish to render people
powerless in the hands of the gov-
e nment, reduce society to a rab-
ble. Take away from them the
spontaneous and voluntary kinds
of social organization that ordin-
arily provide the avenues through
which they communicate"

much and a; government that is
only conf'onted by individuals can
do as it likes."
The free society according to
Prof. Sabine is composed of
many self-governing groups with
a free exchange of ideas. The
groups themselves such as
churches, professional and trade
organizations and the family


the most part from five sources:
1) Homecoming Dance-$3,100
2) University appropriations -
$1,200 (for supplies)
3) elections fees-$300
4) merchants' advertising in
various SL publications----$200
5) Cinema Guild-$1,200 .
IF THE constitution referendum
with the student tax receives en-
dorsement of the student body,
the levy would bring in a maximum
of approximately $8,000 under
present enrollment figures.
Probably, SL would collect this
fee at registration if the Univer-

students are becoming afraid to
ask questions on controversial
subjects, to join or support unpop-
ular causes even when they believe
in them, or to criticize our political
and economic ways.
IHoward Willens, 195:-53 prey-
ident of Student Legislature, is
quoted as saying, "Today a stu-
dent goes out of college with a
textbook adherence to the U.S.
system, instead of having con-
sidered other systems and found
ours best. In a healthy democ-
racy, everybody ought to be po-

student who attends a meeting of
a liberal or leftist organization
here at the University.
He even takes down the li-
cense numbers of all cars parked
in the vicinity of the meeting,j
checks with the motor vehicle
bureau, and records the owners'
R.n'n 't i'ncr t ,c arx i ,11 nn,'-it.i_

TO ILLUSTRATE this last point, investigation of the quad radio
he tells about the investigator for network and to make recommen-
the Michigan State Police who dations for building clqser.connec-
takes down the names of every tions between the station and

IHC." The motion came subse-
quent to a report on CBN by its
business manager Bob Kirchep
who cited a need for greater sta-
bility in the organization of its
business staff.
Wallace S eaks
Before NAACT

..... ' 7 ', ~r<

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