I FAGEST T HE MICUIGA DAILY THURSDAY, MARCH 25, 1954 I SL Films StudentLegislature's Cinema Gyild features for the weekend are "A Run for Your Money" and "The Male Animal" English film comedian Alec Guinness will star in "A Run for Your Money" at 7 and 9 p.m. today and tomorrow in Architecture Auditorium. Henry Fonda will play the leading role in "The Male Ani- mal" at 7 and 9 p.m. Saturday and 8 p.m. Sunday. Ar~~micc~in is M PI4 1Aeidents Discussed Arcidei prevelnion and tuber- culosis were discussed during the opening sessions of the two day conference for public officials held yesterday at the University School of Public .Health. Theme of the conference. "Plan- ning Ahead to Save Lives and Money," will be continued in the discussion of dentistry at 9 a.m. POST-GRA) SYSTEM: Joiner Predicts Legal Specialization 1 l 1 I By MARY ANN THOMAS Prof. Charles W. Joiner of the Law School predicts the begin- ning of a post-graduate program of legal specialization in the na- tion's law schools within the next two years, Recently returned from the March national meeting of the; American Bar Association in At-# EDWARD H. ARMBRUSTER, PUBLIC HEALTH INSTRUCTOR, C. TO SEE IF THE DISHES ARE CLE IHC Project To Conclude With Public Health Lecture : Adamission is au cents. I toda y and the symposium on coin- lanta, Prof. Joiner revealed the bar1 unit prbles shedledforassociation would like to see a sys-' e U 10:1 5 az.in. Chronic diseases will te mn of specialized legal educationDi p a sb i , c t 2 p m. od yan pr t ce w ch ou d l t a - P .V and practice which would let law- Yetorday' s meetings were fol- yers specialize the way doctors do. lave i'an lowed by a dinner at the Union * * attended by Gov. G. Mennen Wil- AT PRESENT attorneys are for- ,. .- a ,i.hm Sn riho .Cla bidden by the legal Canon of Eth- 1r{ AO1e11011 and President Harlan H. Hatcher. ics to advertise either to the public ;.U"Michigan has been a leader in or to fellow practitioners as being By the fight to control tuberculosis specialists in a particular field off from the very beginning," said law. "Our Tibetan art collectionJhnACwa.drcoofhehe "Pr J ranks with one of the best in the John A. Cowan, director of the "Nevertheless," Prof. Joiner -Daily-Dick Gaskill country," Mrs. Kamer Aga-Oglu division of tuberculosis and ve- iNSULTS A GEIGER COUNTER, said yesterday, describing the cur- nereal disease 'control during yes- AN rent exhibit in the rotunda of the terday's panel discussion. 5ebit- r& 7 UL Jniversity Museums building. Health Plan associate cur Conservation Scholarships the anthropology museum, cx-t A idplained that the exhibit is one ofPeedSix high school student finalists Iy'Athe few such collections in Ameri- 1 yesterday debated the question ca. The University acquired the "Resolved, the President of the Study of community voluntary material in 1934 from Walter N. That resources are not able to United States should be Elected byI health plan possibilities by the Koelz, who spent many years in keep up with the increasing the Direct Vote of the People" dur- School of Public Health's bureau Tibet as collaborator in Asiatic growth in population is an ex- ing competition for Detroit Free of health economics is now being research. ample of the problem facing con- Press scholarships totaling $2800. financed by a $54,000 grant to the 4 * * servation, Prof. Stanley A. Cain President Harlan H. Hatcher school from the Health Informa- ON DISPLAY for the first time, of the School of Natural Resourc- was chairman of the debate in tion Foundation of New York City. the exhibit consists of Buddhist es stressed in a lecture yesterday. which three students defended the Investigation of claims by many paintings and sculpture, ceremo- Concerning the role of natural present system of the electoral col- medical and health experts that nial objects, jewelry made of tur- iesources in an ever-expandmg lege and three advocated a change such a plan would result in infer- economy, he said that "the prob- to the direct vote of the people. ior care of the patient will in- quoise, coral and silver and uten- lem itself is one of allocation oftohedrcvteftepol. sils representative of the minor art gom asevi es from Sixteen-year old Howard Suber, dude interviews with a sampling of Tibet. goods and ervices from natural a junior in Owosso High School. of the participants of the Wind- resources awjn irsinscwossoshighaScho won t~he first schlrship award of declared. "the increasing com- plexities of the law and the de- mand of the public for more ex- pertness on the part of the law- yer has brought about speciali- zation on an increasing scale. But there is no way of knowing whether a person who professes special ability really is a special- ist." Appointed chairman of the com- mittee on specialization and spe- cialized legal education of the ABA, Prof. Joiner studied law practice demands and the Canon of Ethics and recommended changes that would allow lawyers to specialize and .provide certain standards to be met before a lawyer could qual- ify as a specialist. Attorneys practicing when the law goes into effect would have to meet specific standards before they would be permitted to adver- tise as specialists. IN ORDER to prepare law stu- dents for specialization, law schools would have to provide op- portunity for obtaining special proficiency in the various legal fields. Courses now offered in the three year law program give the student the fundamentals for handling all problems. Existing post-graduate courses in the law schools are primarily for those who want to become teachers. New post-graduate courses would further develop legal theory and explain particular problems. Prof. Joiner emphasiz- ed the necessity of not diluting regular three year training to accommodate more studies. Although the plan would mean believes that it will save time, wear and tear by formalizing training so that in a few years a person can reach the proficiency that now takes years .of practice. Prof. Joiner's committee be- lieves that lawyers will see the advantages of becoming more proficient in certain fields in order to aid other attorneys to render more proficient public service. In this month's meeting the ABA House of Delegates approved the principle of the report but left the details of organization, im- plementation and financing to the Board of Governors. Prof. Joiner expressed no doubt that the house will give complete approval to this or a similar plan recognizing specialists who have met certain required standards of practice and additional education- al background by this fall. NA ACP Meeting To Be Held Today The recently reactivated chap- ter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored Peo- ple will meet at 7:30 p.m. today in the Union. Chapter president Willie Hack- et, '56, anno'unced that the meet- ing is open to all students and faculty wishing to join the organi- zation. The program includes a discussion of NAACP problems. - By PAUL LADAS "Opportunities in public health" has been the subject covered this week by Inter-House Council's new project of informing undergrad- uates about careers for which the University offers preparation. Having held lectures and set up exhibits throughout the quads, IHC's program will be concluded when the School of Public Health holds an open house frpm 1 to 5 p.m. today allowing students to view its facilities and research ac- tivities. Public To View Speech Facilities Facilities of the speech depart- ment will be open to the public from 2 to 5 p.m. today during the department's open house. Visitors will have the opportu- nity of viewing class and labora- tory activities in Lydia Mendels- sohn Theater, the speech clinic at 1007 East Huron, the television studio at 310 Maynard and the ra- dio studio located on the fourth floor of Angell Hall. ACCREDITED as one of the top pulblic health centers in the na- tion, the school, located across the street from the women's dormi- tories, possesses the latest teach- ing and laboratory equipment for training students to fill numer- ous openings in this field. According to a recent report by the school, graduates in pub- lie health are vitally in demand by government and industry at starting salaries ranging from $4,000 to $5,000 a year. ONE OF THE more interesting research projects, brought on by the Atomic Era, is conducted in a second-floor room whose entrance warns passers-by with the sign 1 "Do Not Enter."j In this room, equipped with geiger counters and atomic ra- diation detector tubes, tests are made seeking the efficiency of various cleansing agents and processes. Clothes and dishes are contam- inated with a mixture composed of bacteria, dirt and radioactivel isotopes and are then processed by various cleansing methods, sor Medical Services Plan. a In operation since 1939, this, plan covers almost three-fourths of the total population of Wind- sor, Ontario, and uses the ser- vices of more than 95 per cent of the city's physicians.± Dr. Solomon J. Axelrod. asso- ciate director of the bureau con- ducting the research, has said that a community health plan such as the one in Windsor does not func- tion like University Health Service1 because the community plan is1 voluntary, no extra charges arei added for special services and the3 patient has a choice of doctors, Objectives of the study are the1 determination of attitudes of per-s sons participating in the Windsor plan, the organization of their1 plan. Several Tibetan-painted ban- ners represent Buddha and his spiritual son Bodhisattva, Mrs. Aga-Oglu said. Tibetan monks reproduced the banners by means of transfers printed inI black and red ink. The banners s,,s are difficult to date, she added, because these transfers consist of exact copies of ancient mod- els. "We are certain they are from the 17th, 18th and early 19th cen- tury," she said. "but it is almost impossible to date any individual banner. Aside from an apprecia- tion based on antiquity, however, the banners have a. deep religious and artistic value." The exhibit will continue throughout this month. I zdian ciDancers To Entertain ISA East Indian dancing and music presented by the Indian studentl group will be the entertainment at Pledge Trophy To Be Presented A scholarship trophy will be pr'e- sented to the pledge class with the highest scholastic average dur- ing the spring pledge convocation to be held at 7:30 p.m. today inf the main ballroom of the Union. Speaking at the meeting will be former fraternity field secre- tary Kennedy Shaw, Grad., In- terfraternity Council president John Baity, '55, Junior IFC presi- dent Mitchell Zucker; '57E, Junior Panhellenic Association president Carol DeBruin, '57 and Peter Dow, '55 BAd, president of Delta Kappa Epsilon. Philosophy Talk I"Free Societies and Free Men"x will be the subject of alecture by Prof. George Sabine of Cornell Nvxx uxxc xxiav a .xxvxfx .axujt "W".u vx $1200. Second prize of an -$800 a few months to a year of school- scholarship went to 17 year old ing in addition to the present sev- Miriam Wittlinger, a senior at en year requirement, Prof. Joiner Flint Central High School while third prize of $500 went to 17 year C Ca o Cllegeo old Joe Aubel, a senior at Lansingcg Eastern High School. The scholarships are good for O the college of the student's choice. (Fully Accredited) Students winning $100 defense Excellent opportunities for bonds were Ann Carland from qualified men and women. Owosso High School, Wilson Hay- Doctor of Optometry degree in den and Robert Eleveld from Lan- three years for students enter- sing Eastern High School. ing with sixty or more semester credis-inspeciYedYiberl Art I t MORRILL'S i~ LIREPAIR FREE DELIVERY SERVICE 9-10-11 EVERY EVENING. Hamburgers, Sandwiches Home-baked Pies and Cookies - DAIRY QUEEN PRODUCTS JEAN'S SNACK SERVICE Phone NO 8-6076 credits in specified Liberal Arta courses. REGISTRATION NOW OPEN FOR FALL, 1954 Students are granted profes- sional recognition by the U. . Department of Defense and Selective Service. Excellent clinical facilities. Athletic and recreational activi- ties. Dormitories on the campus. CHICAGO COLLEGE OF OPTOMETRY 1851-C Larrabee Street Chicago 14, Illinois .M.- -- - i "9; Guaranteed servicefor ALL PENS by factory. trained technicians. Complete stock of fain os writing equipment, featuring Sheaffer's new Snorkel Pen. } I r on University sponsored by the phil- osophy department at 4:15 p.m. I MORRILL'S 314 5. State Ph. NO 8-7177 Open Saturday 'til 5 P.M. I I the International Student Asso- ciation tea' tomorrow. The tea, which will be held from 4:30 to 6 p.m., is open to all stu- dents of the University so that American students can become acquainted with those from other lands. *1learn asyou go! to ro pe - on student ships oaay in KacKnarn 1'lmpriancaLer. ... ITS KALL A MATTER OF TASTE bk'S VOk~snloaettes pCe t. 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