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March 25, 1954 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1954-03-25

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Latest Dea~dline hi. the Stie

:43 ity





Pearson Fire
New Charges
Brownell Hears
Claims Of Both
> seph McCarthy (R-Wis.) and col-
umnist Drew Pearson fired new
barrages in their running feud
yesterday in a free-swinging mix-
up centering on charges and coun-
ter charges of Espionage Act vio-
These were the developments:
* * *
McCARTHY called on - Atty.
Gen. Brownell to check up at once
on what he called an espionage
case involving a representative of
Pearson retorted by inviting
the JTistice Department to let a
grand jury decide whether he or
McCarthy had, violated the Es-
pionage Act. Pearson said he
would be delighted to have the
entire matter investigated by
anyone who is "competent and
McCarthy triggered the fire-
works at a hearing before a Sen-
ate Appropriations subcommittee
on Monday when he raised the
issue of an alleged espionage case
involving one of Pearson's aides.
* * *
BROWNELL agreed to check in
what McCarthy called a "pigeon-
holed" case of alleged espionage
and said he would advise McCar-
thy on what he found.
McCarthy renewed his attack
on the subject at yesterday's
session of the subcommittee
when he -read a letter from
Brownell saying the case is still
"under active investigation" and
that consequently, because of a
long-standing policy, he could
not disclose any details about it.
Pearson, informed of McCarthy's
inquiry, issued a statement say-
"Apparently Sen. McCarthy has
heard of my forthcoming televi-
sion program devoted exclusively
" to him and is applying his usual
diversionary tactics. He. has re-
peated an old charge he made
last summer but was never able
to substantiate."
Pearson contended, among other
things, that McCarthy had made
public government documents
which should have been kept
Brownell said that despite the
fact the case had been marked
closed by the Truman administra-
tion, he had reopened an investi-
gation into "one aspect of the
Commenting on Brownell's let-
ter, McCarthy 'said there was a
confusion because two men named
Murray were involved and he was
sending the whole matter back to
Brownell for further review.
Senior Board
rV3' T,

Group To Fight
Discrim nation
SL Sets Up Nine-Man Committee
To Help End Local Business Bias
After nearly three months of committee work on the problem of
discriminatory practices in Ann Arbor, Student Legislature last night
voted to set up a nine-member committee on "business discriminationr
against University students."
Five student members appointed by the SL Cabinet and approved
by the Legislature, an Ann Arbor Civic Forum representative, two
campus businessmen, and one representative of the administration
would hold seats on the group.
T * * *t
THE COMMITTEE would work "actively for the iemoval of

To Be Held
On 'Block M
Fate of Section
In Voters' Hands
EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first
jin a series on referenda which will be
on the ballot in the all-campsee-
Tions Tuesday and Wednesday.








The future of the Block "M"
flash card section, which has been
the subject of campus controversy

World News

--4discrimination in the hiring and
serving of students in the Ann
Arbor business community," ac-
cording to the motion.
Reports of discrimination may
be submitted by students, or-
ganizations or individuals
"through personal appearance,

By The Associated Press signed letter or any other means
Charges that disloyalty has been which seem expedient," accord-
coddled in the nation's fighting ing to last night's proposal-
forces were hit with resentment
yesterday in Washington by Chair- The board will then look into
man , Leverett \ Saltonstall (R- the case and call in those persons
Mass.) of the Senate Armed Ser- necessary to evaluate the charge§.
vices Committee. If the charges are verified, the
At the same time, Democratic committee "will take that positive
National Chairman Stephen A. action which it deems desirable in!
Mitchell said in Salisbury, Md., I the light of the individual prob-
that the crusade against alleged lem." (First step would be "edu-!
communism and corruption in cation" of the discriminating mer-?
government has "fizzled out" and chant.)
this is one of three reasons why In other action taken at their
the voters are swinging back to In ote ntaensatuteir
the Dmocras. _session, Student Legislature fav-
the Democrats. ored affiliation with the Stu-
Saltonstall commended after dntDioneicean-
Pentagon officials testified 590 of- dent Discount Service or a one
ficers and men out of several mil- year trial period.
lion in the armed services have Under this system, students of
been discharged as security risks member schools can buy merchan-
with "loyalty connotations" dur- dise in 24 cities all over the coun-
ing the last five years. try (including Detroit) at a sub-
WASHINGTON-The Senate stantial discount ranging from five
voted last night to cut in half to 50 per cent.
tepee 1 eceArticles varying from automobile
the present 10 per cent excise tires to diamond rings are avail-
tax on~household appliances such able at discounts in the Detroit
as refrigerators, stoves, ironers area under the system,
and dryers.

since its inception two years ago.
will be decided by a referendum
vote in the all-campus elections
Tuesday and Wednesday.
The Wolverine Club, which
sponsors the flash card section,
has come out in favor of the stu-
dent poll and will base its decision
on whether to continue flash card
activities on the outcome, of the
* * *
THE referendum reads "Do you
favor continuation of the 'M'
flash card section, which is located
between the 35 and 20 yard lines?"
It also has a space for students
to indicate their year in school,
If the Block "M" is to remain
in existance it must operate
from its present position in the
football stadium, according to
Bob Golten, '54, president of the
Wolverine Club.
Moving the block out of the stu-
dent section to the other side of
the field would interfere with
ticket sales to the public. and
placing it in a section of the field
where it would be on a curve or
divided by an aisle would lead to
mechanical difficulties, Golten,
The suggestion that the "M" sec-
tion be put in the end zone has also!
been rejected. Golten pointed toI
an attempt several years ago to
set up such a section, which met
with failure. e ,
* * *

Fraternity stewards last night
heard Manager of Service Enter-
prises Francis C. Shiel outline five
steps in intelligent food purchas-
ing and make several suggestions
toward improving kitchen opera-
tions in campus houses.
Sonny Goldstein, '56, steward of
Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternity ex-
plained a proposal calling for es-
tablishment of a central price list-
ing office for fraternities which
would tabulate food and commod-
ity prices locally and in Detroit to
enable stewards to find where the
best deals can be made.
ACCORDING TO Goldstein the
proposed service, once organized3
and manned by a staff of fra-
ternity stewards, could also serve
as a central buying agency for
houses, placing orders for frater-
nities as they are called in.
Goldstein pointed out that
participation in the proposed
price listing and buying plan}
would be on a purely voluntary
basis and would be designed to
Imaximise the bargaining pvower
in quantity purchasing.
At present houses operate inde-
pendently in purchases of food andz
other commodities. The food buy-
ing proposal is scheduled to be"
discussed in fraternity district
meetings next week.
Shiel said the plan looks like al
workable one which would be
particularly effective in the pur-
chase of meats., ,
POINTING out ways In which
stewards can improve operating
efficiency of their board tables,
Shiel stressed the importance of
carefully checking and weighing
each item on an order before put-
ting it in stock.l
Discussing the problem of in-t
come tax on board paymlent to
student kitchen help, Shiel saidl
he has heard that the Internalj
Revenue department in Ann Ar-
bor plans in the near future to
look into whether houses and
students are reporting this in-l

Bomb Blast
Bigger Than
Doesn"'t discuss
Witness Policy
Eisenhower said yesterday when
the subject of Sen. Joseph McCar-
thy (R-Wis.) and his row with
Army officials came up that in
America a man doesn't sit in judg-
ment on his own case.
Eisenhower refused at a bi-
weekly news conference tq talk
specifically about McCarthy's In-
sistence on cross-examining wit-
nesses at forthcoming public hear-
ings in the dispute or moves by
Senate Republican leaders to have
McCarthy remove himself com-
pletely from the conduct of the
HIE ALSO expressed a belief

-Daily-Chuck Kelsey

Mloorehead Appeai
Enthralls Crowd al
Running the gamut of emotion from humor to
Moorehead last night held a packed Hill Auditoriu
rapt attention.
Although the famed actress portrayed her many
ease, much hard iwork lies behind her selections.
* * '* *
"THERE IS an awful lot of research before I
Miss Moorehead explained in an interview. "To get
tion I had to read five books," she; -
added. r1yrim _

during the conference that Amer-
+ry ] can scientists may have gotten
f .G U i2more than they bargained for
when they set off the giant hydro-
gen explosion in the Pacific
March 1.
Something must have hap-
pened which surprise4 and as-
tonished the scientists, Eisen-
traedynes nhower commented. He said,
im audience in things happened in the test
which hadn't happened before.
characters with Rep. Holifield (D-Calif.), who
was an official witness of the tre-
mendous blast, has reported it
get the story," was "so far beyond what was pre-
a Proust selec- dicted that you might say it was
out of control."
* * *

* * *


JERUSALEM -- Israeli Prime
Minister Moshe Sharett yesterday Campu Clubs
called for tightening Israel's bor-
der fenses. H ld Meetings


t LONDON-The Churchill gov-1
ernment has formally warned A group of 35 persons met last
Egypt to stop attacks on British night on campus to discuss fol-
s soldiers or face indefinite occupa- lowup plans for the green feath-
tion of the Suez Canal base by the ers campaign.

PARTICULAR attention will beF
payed to the vote of sophomore{
students who will be juniors next
year since they are the group
whose football seats are most af-
fected by the prisent location of
the block.
"If 50 percent of the studentj
body or 50 percent of next
year's junior class votes against
the section we will abolish it,"
Golton said.-
Opponents of the section argue
that the only segment of the stu-
dent body that benefits from it are
freshman and sophomores who get
better seats from participating in

80,000-man British garrison.
* * *
ture Department was back in
the business yesterday of trying
to support grower prices of po-
* * *
NEW YORK-The old Interna-
tional Longshoremen's Assn. (Ind.)
yesterday sanctioned New York's
multimillion dollar wildcat dock
strike and threatened to tie up
the whole East Coast.
Affairs of State

A decision was made to hold an
informal discussion tomorrow aft-
ernoon. The place and time will be
announced in tomorrow's Daily.
The purposes and names of the
group will be publicized through
Donald S. Leonard, Detroit Po-
lice Commissioner and Republican
candidate for governor of Michi-
gan, will speak to the Young Re-

4JNAET4§ :

Shiel also suggested that some
publican Club on the "Responsi- ;}}ilasosgetd htsm
itiaof Citizenhip at8 pns iH eart Attack unified policy on wages and hours:
today in the Union. for personnel in fraternity kit-
* * * Katherine Anne Porter. noted chens be set up in view of the com-
THE STUDENT League for In- author and visiting English lec- ing labor problem.
dustrial Democracy. tentatively turer at the University collapsed'

0 xam ine The Political Science Round Ta- recognized yesterday by the SAC, I from a possible heart attack w
ble will meet at 7:45 p.m. today at met last night to discuss their teaching a class yesterday,
D" r.*. a"o the Rackham Amphitheater. plans for the Norman Thomas was reported "doing well"
D iscrimniiiation Prof. Robert A. Dahl of Yale rally here April 15. ;night by University Hospital
University will speak on the prob- The group also had an informal ficials.
Senior Board will discuss a pol- lem of coordinating foreign policy, discussion on "The Future of So- Doctors said, however, thatI
t icy stand on the alumni speakers The public is invited. cialism." Porter will remain at the Host
program as it relates to the dis- -- ------ -- for 10 days for diagnostic stu
crimination question at a meeting 1 ' FIELDS REPRESENTED The well known author of
at 8 p.m. today in the League. short stories Flowering Ju
The problem arose from an in- and "Pale Horse, Pale Rider"
cidetnt last week when a Negro stu- Sctef ~has been at the University s
dent leader was barred from ad- 1 September, suffered the heart
dressing. a Detroit Alumni Club tack at 2:20 p.m. while cond
meeting because the private club /y3/ T o ing her Major American Wri
where the meeting was scheduled A C + n T o JM eet h ere class in Angell Hall.
had a "gentleman's agreement"
' against Negroes.
k, e By HARRY STRAUSS Q '14" Dyd r

while Madd'v Protests
but .1
last Base Near- Canp
o f-


TRAVERSE CITY --R') -- Prof.
Joseph E. Maddy of the Univer-
sity music school, founder and di-
rector of the National Music Camp
at Interlochen near here, has sent
a protest to President Eisenhower
against proposed establishment of
'an Air Force jet base here.
Sound of planes that would use
the base would ruin the music
camp, Prof. Maddy said he wrote
the President.


i t

The titian-haired actress re-
gards her role as that of a story-
teller-"a lost art in America,
but like the old Greek idea such
as Plato's rhapsos," she elabor-
"It's an entirely new medium for
me. A kind of colossal task-like a
poduction." Smiling, she admit-
ted, "It's rather scary."
As the production is devoid of
props or scenery. Miss Moorehead
explained that she uses books and
a bench "for eye relief."
TERMING acting "a hazardous
profession," the star said the only
way for young actors to learn is
to get lots of experience.
"You might haie all the talent
and 'never get to show fIt," she
commented. A national theater
in every state might alleviate
this situation, she added.
The actress decried the star sys-
tem in America as "treacherous."
It allows for young people to be-
come stars overnight, but they can
disappear almost as quickly. "Let
them win their spurs first," she
Commenting on television,
Miss Moorehead shrugged, "It's
a medium of advertising. The
great percentage of shows are
mediocre, . the best things are
news and sports programs."
"There's not enough tiue to
make a show great. You can't
make a great piece on an assembly
line," she declared.

Aged Autos 1
Will Parade
Sixty automobiles will comprise
the Genevive Junket, scheduled to
arrive in Ann Arbor around 4 p.m.
A total of 30 old automobiles}
borrowed from the Detroit Old
Car Club, the Henry Ford Museum
and the Ann Arbor Old Car Club
will combine with thirty of the
newest General Motors models to
form a procession.
The parade, which will be con-
nected with the local showing of
the film "Genevive" will come to
a halt on Liberty Street.
Garg Yet
"Gargoyle sold out, all but
five thousand copies," snarled .
Jim Labes, Business Manager,
as he matched pennies with L.
H. Scott, Assistant Art Editor, i
ltyesterday afternoon,
"Anyone who didn't get a ]
Garg can buy one at the Un-
ion, the League, or at campus
bookstores and drugstores,"
added Labes while winning five,

away were showered with nuclear
ashes and burned. American tech-
nicians and Marshall Islanders 100
miles from the flashpoint also felt
the effects of radiation to a milder
There have been estimates
that the explosive power releas-
ed in the test was between 600
and 700 times greater than that
of the atomic bomb which killed
60,000 persons in Hiroshima, Ja-
pan, near the end of World
War II.
A reporter remarked to the
President that in Japan and else-
where in the Far East some anti-
American newspapers were mak-
ing anti-American propaganda
out of ,cases of radioactive poison-
ing reported to have been suffered
by people far from the blast scene.
The President replied that he
knew nothing about the details,
but he has been told that the re-
ports were far more serious than
the actual results justified. This
was taken to mean that, according
to the President's information, the
reports of injury were exaggerated.
REFERRING to the McCarthy
incident, the President did say,
and the White House permitted
him to be quoted directly:
"I am perfectly ready to put
myself on record flatly, as I
have before, that in America, if a
man is a party to a dispute, dir-
ectly or indirectly, he does not
sit in judgment on his own case,
and I don't believe that any
leadership can escape responsi-
bility for carrying on that tra-
dition and that practice."
The President's meaning, as it
might relate to the immediate
point in the McCarthy controver-
sy, was not 100 per cent clear.
McCarthy, in the other hand,
said he and Eisenhower "agree
with each other completely,"
Tour Planned
To New York
American and foreign students
alike are invited by the Interna-
.tional Center to participate in the
Center's Spring Vacation Tour to
New York City from April 3
through April 10.
Reservations with a $15 deposit
are due at the Center totorrow.
The tour includes for $50 all

+- U .ra .w..+a wr .a M a AYa V l.,l 1..T


A NUMBER of alternative pro-
posals are expected to come up for
discussion, and may feature one
or a combination of the following
1) A policy that no student
speaker shall attend an alumni
meeting unless any speaker could
2) A letter to the Detroit
Alumni Club criticizing last
week's incident and outlining
future policy.
3) A letter to the Michigan
Alumnus discussing the problem.
4) A letter to all alumni clubs
on the question.
Harold M. Wilson, secretary of
the class officers' council of the
Alumni Association will discuss the
purpose )f the Association, alumni
clubs and reunions.
NCAA Agrees
'-* ru-i- 7' .

Professors, instructors, and a ON THE THIRD and final day,"
graduate students are congregat- a genieral Academy meeting is '
gaduate tentmsarhcongwegkandcalled for 8:30 a.m., at which time#
ing on the campus this weekend the Academy's work and positions
for the 58th annual meeting of the are Aoabedscussedk
Michigan Acdemy of Science' "How Effective Is Study
Arts and Letters. Abroad for Foreign Students," is
The three-day affair provides a an address to be given by John
meeting ground for both the estab- Useem of Michigan State at a
lished and the amateur scientists luncheon at noon tomorrow at
in the 18 fields that are being dis- theonm
cussed. The public is invited to at- the Union.
tend all functions beginning to- Two panel discussions are set fo'
tendallfuntios bginingto-tomorrow. At 10 a.m. Prof. Stan-
morrow morning. j G
* * * ley G. Fontanna, Dean of the
SUBJECTSrangefrSchool of Natural Resources, will
SUBJEtS range riom anthro- moderate "Public d a Private For-
pology to language and literatui'e stLnOwehiadPocyn
to zoology, and the papers being MschLanin
read, or the lecture given, are as At 2 p.m., Joe L Norris of Wayne
short as five minutes to as long as University will moderate a discus-
the discussion will last. sion of "The Bricker Amendment:
This year's featured speaker Safeguard or Strait-Jacket?"
will be Philip Blair Rice who At a noon Union luncheon pre-
will speak on "The Intellectual ceeding this discussion an ad-
Quarterly in a Non-Intellectual dress titled "Anglo-American
Society. Mr. Rise is nasoiate -rt.-.-2:- n -- l.!-.:_

Horse To Appear in Comedy Today

Shakespeare's "Taming of the Shrew" which opens at 8 p.m. to-
day and continues through Saturday, March 27 in Lydia Mendel-
ssohn Theater is really good for a 'horse-laugh.'
After the marriage of Petruchio and Katharina a horse will
appear on the stage of the speech department sponsored comedy,
Robert Armstrong, Grad., the back half of the horse, says this
is one horse that would welcome those green and grassy pastures of
ARMSTRONG and his forepart, James Umphrey, Grad., have to1
learn not only how to keep together in their movements but howf
to do the Charleston as well.
This educated horse also has to bow and to carry the actors
on its back. A harness has been especially built for this purpose.
It fits over the actors' backs and rests on their shoulders. The
carrvin of oneP nerson inot ton had Armstrn- snv s.ut when

MR, <r<>?>


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