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March 24, 1954 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1954-03-24

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1. :1 :TIi 1 lli\ ieD


Veterans Return to Vie
For NCAA Swim Titles a.:

Orwig To Direct Wolverine Diamond Squad
Nebraska Sp-*,oorts Rebuilds for Coming Slate
p o tBy DAVE LIVINGSTON - for the outfield spot between vet-

. I

Two defending national cham-
pions and more than half of the
1953 finalists in the backstroke and
7 breaststroke events will be among
the many swimrmers vieing for na-
tional titles in the NCAA cham-
pionship meet which starts tomor-
row night at Syracuse, New York.
Four of last year's backstroke
finalists will make another attempt
to defeat defending champion
- Yoshi Oyakawa. The Buckeye star
is the national titlist in both the
100 and '200-yard backstroke, and
holds the NCAA meet record in
both events.
OYAKAWA'S main competition
seems destined to come from Stan-
ford's parry Heim, Oklahoma's Lyn
Miering, Purdue's Fred Bautz,
Michigan's John Chase, Wiscon-
sin's Warren Heeman, North Caro-
lina's Warren Heeman, and Army's
Peter Witteried. Heim, Bautz, Hee-
man, and Witteried fought a los-
ing battle with the diminutive Ha-
waiian in last year's finals.
Bumpy Jones, of Michigan,
Bob Clemons, of Illinois, John
Dudeck, of Michigan State, and
Dennis O'Connor, of Yale, are
the best known of the men who
will be swimming for the
100 and 200-yard breaststroke
crowns. Clemons is the defending
champion at the shorter dis-
Two relative unknowns, ICharles

Douglas, of Williams, and Har-
vard's Australian import, Dave
Hawkins, show promise of provid-
ing additional competition. Hawk-
ins is the Eastern intercollegiate
200-yard titlist, while All-American
Douglas finished fifth in the 1953
200-yard national finals, ahead of
*both Dudeck and O'Connor.
IN ADDITION to competing for
breaststroke laurels, Jones will be
r defending his individual medley
crown for the second successive
year. His main challenger seems
to be teammate Bert Wardrop,
with Springfield's John Mayers,
North Carolina State's Bob Matt-
son, Yale's Sandy Gideonse, and
Northwestern's Al Kuhn as other
possible point-winners.
Ohio State's divers are expect-
ed to dominate the springboard
events again this year. Gerry
Harrison, the 1953 one-meter
titlist and runnerup in the three-
,meter finals, will attempt to
fight off the challenges of team-
mate Morley Shapiro, Michigan's
Jim Walters, Yale's Ken Welsh,
and Texas' Bobby Broadnax.
Shapiro decisioned Walters and
Harrison to capture both the low
board and high board champion-
ships during the Big Ten meet.
Broadnax was one of the top divers
in the nation last year, finishing
third in the three-meter and
seventh in the one-meter in the
1953 national finals.

... defending champ

Wins Beat
llaple Leafs
DETROIT - (A) - Low-scoring
Marty Pavelich fired a pair of un-
assisted goals Tuesday night as
the Detroit Red Wings blanked the
Toronto Maple Leafs, 5-0. to take
the opening game of their semi-
final Stanley Cup hockey playoff
Pavelich, who tallied only nine
times during the regular 70-game
schedule, started and finished the
Red Wing route. He clicked at

Bill Orwig, offensive end and
defensive backfield coach of the
University of Michigan gridiron
squad, was named yesterday to
the Athletic directorshlp of the
University of Nebraska.
He succeeds George 'Potsy"'
Clark, who resigned as athletic di-
rector on January 31. Dr. Walter
K. Beggs, chairman of the Nebras-
ka Board of Intercollegiate ath-
letics, announced that Orwig would
take over on April 15. His salary
was quoted to be $12,600.
* *
ORWIG IS a graduate of Mich-
igan and has been on the coach-
ing staff since 1946. His work has
been mostly with the offensive
ends but last year he directed the
defensive efforts of the Wolverine
backs as well.
Orwig, commenting on his ap-
pointment, emphasized the fact
that he has enjoyed his stay
here at Michigan. He told The
Daily, "I am most happy for
this opportunity although I am
equally as sorry to leave Michi-
gan. It was a golden opportunity
for me and I felt it my duty to
accept. The athletic department,
Mr. Crislervand Mr. Oosterbaan
have been very good and kind to
me and I appreciate the counsel-
ing, guidance and help that they
have offered so graciously."
Also commending on the ap-{
pointment of Orwig, Wolverine
Athletic Director H. O. "Fritz"
Crisler said, "We are very disap-
pointed at losing Bill Orwig. He
has made a fine contribution to
our coaching staff and to the ath-
letic department during the years
he has been with us at Michigan.
* - *

staff. Both he and Nebraska are toj
be congratulated."
AS A STUDENT at Michigan,
Orwig earned letters in football
and basketball. While playing bas-
ketball, he was a teammate of
Bennie Oosterbaan, playing on
championship squads in 1927-29.
After his graduation in 1930,
he became football and basket-
ball coach at Benton Harbor,
teaching a social science course
as well. Six years later, he moved
to Libbey High School in Toledo,
Ohio, as football and basketball
coach. He remained there until
His football teams at Libbey were
tops, copping three state crowns.
He developed Ed McNeill, who
starred for Michigan for four sea-
sons, playing under his former high
school coach as a Wolverine.
Army appointed Orwig to be ath-
letic consultant to the Army of Oc-
cupation in 1944. After the war he
became head football coach at the'
University of Toledo. During his
two year stay there, his teams won
15 games while losing only four.
After coming to Michigan; Orwig
developed many gridiron stars.
These included All-American Dick
Rifenberg, Harry Allis, Ozzie Clark,
and Lowell Perry. He also fostered
present stars such as Gene Knut-
son, Tad Stanford, and Bob Topp.
Orwig also has handled many,
major scouting assignments for
the Wolverine football squad.
Action on a successor to Orwig
will not be taken upon for several
days, according to Les Etter, Wol-
verine Sports publicity director,
I-M Scores
Fraternity Water Polo
Alpha Tau Omega 3, Pi Lamb-
da Chi 0
Chi Phi 4, Beta Theta Pi 0
Sigma Alpha Epsilon 2, Delta
Tau Delta 0
Sigma Alpha Mu 1, Theta Delta
Chi 0

Coach Ray Fisher faces the un-
enviable task of building a dia-
only as a coach and a scout, but moid squad capable of defending
as a fine representative of our the only NCAA baseball title Mich-

igan has ever held.
A couple of departments of no
little import-infield strength and
hitting-pose the major problems
that the veteran Wolverine mentor
4 nust solve.
* * *
MISSING from the current dia-
mond picture is three-fourths of
the infield that last year paced
the Big Ten defensively, plus sev-
eral key figures in the batting or-
der that pounded Conference
pitching for a league-leading 288
Fisher must find replacements
for All-American shortstop
Bruce Haynam, second baseman
Gil Sabucco, and first-sacker
Bill Mogk, as well as hard-hit-
ting centerfielder Frankie How-
Reno Bertoia had been counted
on heavily to take up the slack
both in the field and at the plate
left by the graduation of Haynam,
but the brilliant shortstop drop-
ped out of school as a freshman
last year to sign a contract with
the Tigers.
AS IT IS now a pair of sopho-
mores, second baseman Frank

erans Paul Lepley in left and Dan
Cline in right. Dick Leach is a
fixture behind the plate as is Don
Eaddy at third.
- * *
THE ADDITION of three prom-
ising sophomores to his hurling
corps gives Fisher added strength
at a position already bolstered by
the return of five lettermen.
Marv Wisniewski and Jack Rit-
ter, from last year's champions,
plus sophomores Mark Ferrelli and
Dick Peterjohn, all toss from the
portside, while Corbett, Bob
Woschitz, Garby Tadian, and
sophomore Mike Bellows give the
staff a quartet of topflight right-
handed talent.
that is sure to please
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8:21 of the first period and at
14:01 of the final.
Ted Lindsay, Tony Leswick and
Gordie Howe scored the other
goals as Detroit jumped away to
a fast start in the best-of-seven
Montreal Wins

Members of the varsity base-
ball team, heretofore not allow-
ed to participate in tomorrow
night's social fraternity track
meet, may compete for their
--Earl Riskey



f 1


$4.00 to $11.00

MONTREAL - (R) - A brilli-
ant goaltending performance by
rookie Jacques Plante and goals by
Lorne Davis and Bernie (Boom
Boom) Geoffrion enabled the de-
fending Stanley Cup champion,
Montreal Canadiens, to defeat the
Boston Bruins, 2-0, Tuesday night
in the first game of their National
Hockey League semifinal playoff

WHILE WE dislike losing him,
we are proud of the fact that a
member of our staff was chosen to
the position of athletic director at
a fine institution like the Univer-
sity of Nebraska. Both he and Ne-
braska are to be congratulated and
we, at Michigan, wish them every
success in their new relationships."
Head football coach Bennie
Oosterbaan also commented on
Orwig's appointment. He said,
"We are sorry to lose Bill Orwig
but we also are happy for him
in his new position.
All of us here at Michigan who
have closely been associated with
him on the staff regret very sin-
cerely the -fact that he is leaving
us. His contribution to Michigan
football has been a fine one, not

Ronan and shortstop Mibry Ben-
edict, are expected to form the
new Wolverine keystone combina-
The first base job is wide open,
as is the vacated center field
spot. Jack Corbett, a veteran
pitching ace who is equally valu-
able with a bat in his hands,
may see duty at either pos:±jon
when he isn't on the mound,
while Ray Pavichevich has de-
veloped into an excellent defens-
ive performer at first.
Howard Tommelein, Bob Leach,
Tony Branoff, John Kuchka, and
Will Perry are all top prospects
Read and Use
Daily Classifieds


1/fC-oe Sort Skrf


It was Plante's sixth shutout
since he was recalled from Buffalo
of the American League in mid-
February. The Montreal defense
was at its best, permitting only 12
shots to be fired at the young net-
minder, who showed to particular
advantage when Boston put on the
pressure in the third period.

Chicago (A) 9, Detroit (A) 7
Washington (A) 3, Philadelphia (N) 2
Boston (A) 2, Cincinnati (N) 0
Brooklyn (N) 10, Philadelphia (A) 2
Saint Louis (N) 6, Milwaukee (N) 5
New York (N) 5, Chicago (N) 0
Creighton 93, Rio Grande 75

711 N. University - Harold S. Trick - South State





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