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March 24, 1954 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1954-03-24

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Hard To Find
Survey Research
Center Asked To Aid
The "superman survey" of the
University Admissions Office has
run into difficulties because 70
student judges couldn't get to-
gether orw which undergraduate
men have the- best personalities.
So Assistant Director of Admis-
sions Don Feather has decided to
ask the Survey Research Center
how to revise his survey technique
to come up with meaningful re-








53-3 6
LRepublicans t
Had Doubted
'52 Election
Deoerats Hold
One Vote Margin
ate defeated yesterday a Repub-
lican attempt 'to unseat Demo-
cratic Sen. Dennis Chavez of New
It voted 53-36 against invalidat-
ing the 1952 senatorial election in
which Chavez was declared the
* * *

-Daily-Dean Morton

THE SURVEY'S aim is to find
out who the "best" 10 or 20 male
undergraduate students now are.
Then Feather will-look for clues
in the high school careers of these
students which might have fore-
told their superiority.
Feather hopes to learn how to
pick out potential "supermen"
while they're still in high school,
so that more of these superior
students would be sure to get
college educations.
"Supermen" for the study would
have to be tops physically, intel-
lectually and emotionally. To pick
them, a list of all the men who
were on last year's honors convo-
cation list and had also made high
scores on their freshman aptitude
ests was mimeographed.
Seventy student judges, picked
carefully to represent various cam-
pus groups, were then asked to
check the names of all the men
on the list they knew well enough


'aming of Shrew'a
To- Open Tomorrow
Clad in Elizabethan costumes, students in the speech department
will present Shakespeare's "The Taming of the Shrew" opening 8 p.m.
tomorrow and ruining through Saturday, at the Lydia Mendelssohn

I ,


The lively coif edy, which was the basis for the musical "Kiss to rate, and then to pick the 10
Me Kate," is a play within a play. Its first production was seen in 1594. students with the best personali-
Added to this production have ties.
been new lines of dialogue which'
the directors think Shakespeare FEATHER had hoped to make
W orld TNews might have originally included in his personality judgments of the
the part of Sly. Will Kemp, who "supermen" on the strength of a
first .acted the role was permitted "popularity test."
Roun uto ad-lib the part. But the results he got didn't
Lydia Mendelssohn stage will give him the answers he want-
WASHINGTON-- Sen. McCar- also play host to a horse which ed. The most times any man
thyWAs Gst -erdayan.ouced will appear after the marriage was picked on the 63 checklists
thy (R-Wis.) yesterday announced of Petruchio and Katharina. returned by the judges was 34.
and then suddenly postponed plans Prof. George B. Harrison of the Next were two men each named
to strike out i two new investi- English department is serving as by 22 of the judges. Then came
gative forays involving alleged consultant for the comedy. PhYllis one man named by 17 judges,
fraud in Alaska and Communists Pletcher is in charge of costumes three named by 16 judges, one
in defense plants. while Jack Bender will take- care by 14 and one by 13.
McCarthy also balked at Re- of the scenery. Feather feels that he couldn't
publican efforts to put him on the I Prof. William P. Halstead of the validly pick ten "supermen" from
sidelines, without the right to speech department will direct the such low figurtes.
cross-examine witnesses, at the production. One of the reasons no ten stu-
forthcoming probe of his explo-. Tickets are on sale in the Lydia dents were picked enough is that
sive row with Army officials. Mendelssohn box office at $1.50, veage dge kne o ab
. * . $1.20 and 90c with a special stu- 25 of the approximately 150 men
OTTAWA, Ont. - Canada has dent rate of 75 cents for opening on the mimeographed list.
sent a second note to the Unit- night only. So it wasn't too surprising that
tt. IS W pLO ro s l..1 *f 41 lA - - 1 ,. .. - 1 .

CHAVEZ refrained from voting,
but the 47 other Democrats in the
Senate joined with five Republi-
cans and Sen. Morse (Ind.-pre.)
-Daily-Don Campbell -Daily-Don Campbell to reject a resolution which would
because of "flagrant" irregulari-
ties in election procedure,
y crate with their one-vote edge
inthe Senate, where there are
By MURRY FRYMER 48 Democrats, 47 Republicans
tential threat to democracy" which from the spectators and the pla- er drive who was not present at and one Independent.
Green'Feathers and red herrings "McCarthyism presents." card bearers. the scene, said the whole thing The 65-year-old senator, who.
combined yesterday to provide the M * Another sign bearer confided to was "wonderful." She implied that has represented New Mexico in the
Diagonal with its loudest political HOWEVER, feather workers The Daily, "I just want to have a .it helped enliven the issue. Senate since 1935, was deluged
activity in the last few years. were surprised to find an unex- good time," but declined to give On the whole, feather workers with congratulations after the
Over four thousand green feath- pected campaign, "the Red Her- his'name. were pleased with the day's suc- roll-call vote was announced.
ers were distributed to enthus-. rings," providing competition for Blue Carstenson and David Levy, cess. All the feathers, buttons, and Among those who crowded
iastic students, along with buttons; part of the morning. Ten men, '57. two of the feather workers said literature were gone soon after around him to shake his hand
literature and asbestos bookmarks. cbearing colorful placards and 6.15- thaf they thought the herring re- three o'clock, two hours before the was Sen. Potter (R-Mich.), a
The drive was a one-day campaign tributrng red paper herrings, ar- action was valuable because it stir- diagonal booth was due to close. member of the Senate Elections
to voice student protest to the "p0- rived at the scene about 11 p.m. red up controversy. Promises were made to disappoint- subcommittee which drafted the
and for 30 minutes marched and "Reaction is the most important ed feather seekers that buttons ouster resolution. Several other
shouted their ridicule at the feath- thing," said Levy. would be available within a few Republicans who voted to unseat
M ooreheadhegerrdrive.Mrs. Catherine Ann Cook, a days, although no further diagonal Chavez came up to offer their
The signs of the herring group non-student member of the feath- distribution is planned. t congratulations on his victory.
carried such sentiments as:
resent how "Liberals Be Intellectual-Fight "THIS IS A proud and joyous
With Feathers!" and "Malenkov ELECTION ISSUE: occasion for me," Chavez said in
Tonight at H i U Wears. Green Feathers, Why a statement.
Don't You" T "I am proud of being an
Norman Burke, '54, who was n American and to live in a land
Agnes Moorehead will star i leading the sign-bearers and pass- where justice and fair play still
her one-woman show "That Fab- ing out paper herrings, said that A-e 'I, e* *,,*prevail."
ulous Redhead" at 8:30 p.m. today he was not protesting Against the Chavez' personal conduct in the
a l d ipurpose of the Green Feather campaign and election was never





eu b6ImnsP u gdnACst517 4U
before Congress for diversion of
additional water from Lake
Michigan into the Chicago Wa-
Arab nations accused Israel yes-
terday of building tension in the
Middle East and told the United
States that an attack on any{
one of them would result in re-
taliation by the whole Arab bloc.
LANSING - The McCune billj
to censor beer and wine adver-
tising on television appeared to
be a dead issue yesterday.

# 9 of tne 140 men who were pickedi
Candjdates' Open by the judges, more than half
.were "write-in" additions to the
Houses Announced original list.
Candidates' open houses for Governor Names
those running in the all-campus r rNe
elections next Tuesday and Wed -p e b
nesday will be held today at the
following houses: Three University faculty mem-
5 p.m., Chi Omega;. 5:30 p.m., Ty
Sigma Phi; 6:15 p.m., Hobbs bers were named yesterday by Gov.
House; 6:30 p.m. Collegiate Soro- G. Mennen Williams to a commis-
sis, Williams House, and Psi Upsi- sion which' will study relation-
lon; 6:45 p.m., Kappa Kappa Gain- ships between the state and fed-
ma, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, and Pi eral. government.
Lambda Phi. With a particular eye ' to the
_____ study of grant-in-aid programs,

Star of stage, screen and radio paign but "against the method."
iss Moorehead is famed for her "We're a little bit smarter than
resentation of "SorryWrong that,'he said. "How the heck can
you fight anything with feath-c
mers!" t*
THE FEATHER workers ran a
poor second in getting attentionj
while the Red Herring men weret
demonstrating, but continued to1
shout their slogans and hand out
their wares. One feather distribu-t

A motion proposing the creation tive problems and questions of the
of a five man board "to work ac- practicality of the plan it was r
tively for the removal of discrimi- neece pn
nation in the serving of students; Students endorsed the stickers
in the Ann Arbor businesscom- idea by a vote of 2,754 to 2,510 in a
jmunity" will bring a major elec- referenda vote in last November'sc
tion issue before the student legis- all campus elections.-.
lature today. Two motions, proposing anti-
Conflict over the question of an- discrimination boards of different;
ti-discrimination action by SL has compositions, one of them includ-

But a majority of the three-
man subcommittee reported after
more than a year. of investigation
that there Naas so much vote-
stealing and other irregularity of
an "appaling" nature that nobody
could tell which candidate had a
majority of the honest mtes cast.
Chavez defeated Republican
Patrick J. Hurley, onetime see,
retary of war and ambassador,

JERUSALEM - Israel walked 'Poor Risk'Seeks
out on the UN's Israel-Jordan Ar- Con ressional Aid
mistice Commission yesterday aft- n es n tA
er the American Israeli motion to
condemn Jordan for a desert at- WASHINGTON-0")-A Michi-
tack that killed 11 Israeli bus pas- gan man sought Congressional As-
slast Wednd sistance yesterday to block his
*g* y. scheduled dismissal from the Air
NEW DELHI, India - Prime Forc'e today as a security risk.
Minister Nehru yesterday pro- He is S. Sgt. William Aulisio, 34,
claimed a "hands off" policy for of Pontiac, a 9%-year veterans of
India in connection with efforts to the Air Force.'
end the Indochinese war.
WASHINGTON - Secretary ofx
Defense Wilson yesterday proddedj r s
France to adopt a "more aggres-
sive" training program to help~
win the war against Communist- I
led forces in Indochina.
SLID Constitutioli I
Approved by SAC
The constitution of the newly
organized campus chapter of the n
Student League for Industrial
Democracy gained Student Affairs
Committee approval yesterday,
and the group was granted tenta-
tive recognition pending SAC re-1
view of the national SLID and
LID constitutions.
SLID will meet tonight at 7:30 a
p.m. in the Union to discuss "The
Future of Socialism," and plans

the commission will cooperate with
a similar federal group which has
selected Michigan as one of the
test states in E nationwide survey.
Named to the commission were
Prof. Aithur W. Bromage of the
political science department, Dean
Fedele Fauri of the School of So-
cial Work and John Kohl, director
of the transportation institute.
Also a member is John Huss of
Ann Arbor, director of the Michi-
gan Municipal League.
aSale Today

tor shouted at the student onlook- centered around whether the issue ing a sticker campaign, were pre- by about 5,000 votes. There were
ers: "Are you just gonna stand should be attacked via a sticker sented to the Legislature in De- two recounts in the hotly disput-
there and let them cloud the issues campaign or an anti-discrimina- cember. ed election.
for you?" tion board and what the powers Because of questions as to the Chavez expressed his gratitude
This brought a roar of laughter and make up of such a board composition of the boards pro- for the support given by the 53
- should be. posed, the amount administrative senators, including Republicans
Yoc* * * work involved, and the desirability Aiken of Vermont, Cooper of Ken-
/Ou LsemI ra is THE CURRENT motion, spon- of 'a sticker campaign the motionsj tucky, Payne and Margaret Chase
rOsored by SL's Human Relations were referred back to the Human Smith ,of Maine and H. Alexander
C oose Officers Committee Chairman, Tom Bleha,' Relations Committee. Smith of New Jersey,
'56, would set up a board compos-----___________
Ralph Goldberg, '56, and Ann ed of three Human Relations
Lawther, '56, were chosen to pre- ' Committee members, one member Student D irectory h istor
side over the Young Democrats as of the Ann Ar'bor Civic Forum and
AGNES MOOREHEAD president and vice-president for one Ann Arbor business man.
.-. . to perform the next year at the club meetlng The board would investigate
yesterday in the Union. reported instances of discrimi-
Number" which she has performed The office of treasurer will be nation as well as initiate inves-
26 times on the radio. filled by John. Brand. '55, and tigations of its own and would B' SHIRLEY KLEIN
LAST SEASON, Miss Moorehead Lois Steinberg, '57, will act as 'take that positive action which Petitions will be due on April 1 for the summer '54 and the fall
secretary. it deems necessary in the light
appeared on campus as Donna An- Following the elections a panel of the individual problem." 54-'55 editions of the Student Directory.
na in Charles Laughton's produc- of Prof. Marshall Knappen of the The question was first discussed The Board in Control of Student. Publications will award the
tion of Bernard Shaw's "Don Juan political science department, Dr. by the Legislature in January contracts for the two Directories at the next meeting on April 12.
in Hell." Esson Gale, director of the Inter- 1953 when a plan to "make avail- * * *
Of her present production national Center, and B. V. Govin- able 'fair play' stickers to non- THE UNIVERSITY'S first Student Directory, a bright, yellow-
Brooks Atkinson of the New daraj, Grad., of India discussed discriminating merchants" receiv- backed booklet, appeared Dec. 2, 1910. Published under the auspices
York Times said she "acts the American foreign policy in Asia. ed SL approval. Due to administra- ! of the Students' Christian Association by Gordon W. Kingsbury, II,
respectability and propriety with -. the booklet contained, in addition
tongue-in-cheek humor,.and has GR EEN FEAmTE CA MPAIG r to the list of names and telephone
caught the vivacity of the whole !GREEN-FEATHER CAMPAI GN: numbers of the students, a list of
occasion." officers and faculty and their ad-
Miss Moorehead will present se- dresses and phone numbers.
lections from Congreve's "Way of SAC Cites Rules for .Iroperty se During the 192's The Daily
the World," James Thurber, Guy 'compiled the Directory. The pub-
de Maupassant and Damon Run- - - -- --- - - -___._____-lication conflicted with their fall
- Attempts by unorganized groups !rushhowever, and The Daily
yon. o.. publicity of a nationwide char- tunity for expression of indi- as' oe an e y
Tickets for the performance may students to gain acter must be cleared through vidual opinion which was to besb
be purchased from 10 a.m. to 8:30 for Green Feather activities drew the Director of University Rela- considered in no sense represen- jest.
p.m. today at the Hill Auditorium a reproach from Student Affairs tions and the Office of Student- tative of the University or SL. The later than usual appearance
box office. Committee members at their meet- Affairs. A of the 1934-35 Directory caused a
Commtteememers t thir eet-AffSAC members were critical of delay in class elections as the
ing yesterday. The Green Feather movement the advance publicity the students booklet was used as a;"voters' list.
SAC Approves 14 'was organized informally by -a 'released which assumed automatic Freshmen were practically "un-
c "number of students and gained au- approval of their plans. located" until the publication of
Late Per issiis gencies used to ask waiver of thorization for use of the Diagonal They also said the second rule the 1935-36 Directory. The 308
University rules regarding such yesterday only after a series of cited above had been ignored by o aMAa .ia +a

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