I"AGE For TILE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, MARCH 23, 1954 I I __.__ ._.__,e. ,. ..,., Never Underestimate, U NFORTUNATELY, chickens in this area are killed on Friday. Then, all the feathers are piled up and burned. Which all explains why the green feathers being distributed today took so long to accumulate. It all began when two or three separate groups of students and townspeople de- cided to adopt the Robin Hood protest started last month at Indiana University. Some of the people were Ann Arborites, most were students.. One of the groups was led by a recent University graduate who is now teaching in this locale; another was begun by an inter- mingled group of political club members and students who were not members of anything. The movement was so spontaneous that par- ticipants in one group were surprised to hear of the other. Together they talked the whole thing over and decided they had much in common. What they were doing was important. What they were working for was a cause that far exceeded politics and individuals. They drew up a a statement of principles so that the movement would be clear to themselves and all concerned. It read: "1. Michigan students who believe that democracy is more than a cliche and who believe that McCarthyism presents a po- tential threat to democracy have joined the Green Feather movement. "2. Politically non-partisan, the movement is sympolized by a green feather. "3. Unalterably opposed to totalitarian- ism whether it be in the guise of McCar- thyism, Communism, or what have you, those who wear the green feather are merely reminding the American people that they must reexamine civil liberties and accept the responsibility they entail- despite any and all pressures that would have us abandon them." This is a movement primarily of college students. For almost a decade, the college man has been watching a building tide of fear and witch-hunting. The menace be- came associated with one man, but this movement is not directed only at him. It is directed at all who would try to put a fence around liberty The statement by a member of the In- diana textbook commission that Robin Hood is Communistic was taken in most places as a joke. But the person who said it was serious. The people that cleared the American library shelves in Europe were serious. The occusations against Lt. Milo Radulovich on grounds that his father was known to read the Daily Worker were serious. The Green Feather movement too is se- rious. Its organizers are using the motto, "Never Underestimate the Weight of A Feather!" Get your feather today and show it off. It's time for us to talk back. -Murry Frymer r Limiting Enrollment ALTHOUGH Rep. James Goulette of the State Legislature has not officially pro- posed a bill that would limit the enrollment of both the University and Michigan State College, his suggestion to that effect merits examination. It is true that the growing University population reflects the growth of the state and obviously a population increase can- not be neglected from the education stand- point. However, when the enrollment fig- ures reach up into the high 20 or 30 thousands, the effectiveness of the educa- tion process is defeated. The result when there is no limit on the size of a state uni- versity is mass production and consequent- ly lower education standards. Taking this into consideration, Sen. Goulette's plan is commendable. The population increase should not be entirely absorbed in two state schools, it should be taken care of by the creation of new four year collegelor the extension of present junior colleges to four year schools. An argument against the Representative's proposal holds that setting a limit on uni- versity enrollment would curtail the free- dom of students to select the schools they wish to attend. This is evading the issue. Actually, when enrollment is allowed to soar a student's chance of getting a strong educational foundation is hampered. It is clearly impossible for a student to get the most out of his college career if class enroll- ment is increased to the point where dis- cussion and recitation reach a minimum. The cause of this unfortunate situation is that teaching staffs and building facilities cannot be enlarged as fast as the student body because of fund shortages. The reasoning behind Rep. Goulette'w pro- posal to limit enrollment here and at MSC is not as valid as his conclusion. One rea- son he gave is that "schools are so big that the faculties have no control over the stu- dent" and thus "panty raids result." The cause and effect relationship here is absurd. Furthermore, it is an insult to the matur- ing college student and his ability to take responsibility to reason that the facalty should have control over the student body. TODAY AND TOMORROW: Strategy and Rhetoric By WALTER LIPPMANN SINCE MR. DULLES' New York speech of Jan. 12 in which he announced that the National Security Council has made "some basic policy decisions," there have been a. growing doubt and worry at home and abroad. A climax was reached this week when the Canadian Foreign Minister, Mr. Pear- son, made a speech in Washington, saying that not only Canada but our other allies in NATO were intensely interested in the New York speech and would like to have it ex- plained and clarified. Now nobody can say that there has been any refusal to explain. There seems, how- ever, to have been an inability to clarify. The official explanations of the New Look have become so voluminous that it is al- most a career in itself to keep up with them. We have had explanations from the Jont Chiefs severally and from their ci- vilian superiors in the Pentagon, from the President and from the Vice President- and this week from Mr. Dulles himself. On Tuesday he gave out a long article, which is to be published in Foreign Affairs, and also held a lucid press conference in which he was unusually responsive to unusually cogent and well-informed questions. And at this point it may be said for the sake of the record that the only living men who can be identified positively as having read all the official explanations are- certain of the correspondents and commentators. They are the men who, in addition to re- porting what is said at the press conference and what is contained in the mimeographed handouts, know enough to know what very often the official is going to wish he had said. As the explanations and the restatements come flowing in, it seems to me fairly certain that the New York speech, which started it all, was a case of excessive salesmanship. What has caused the confusion was not theE strategic ideas which were referred to in the speech but the rhetorical distortion of those ideas by making them sound more radical than in fact they were. Mr. Pearson said of the New York speech that "it may turn out to be one of the most important of our times," and there is no doubt that the words of the text convey the impression that something momen- tous and novel has been decided. But everything that has been said since then by the Chiefs of Staff, notably by Admiral Carney, and no less so by Mr. Dulles him- self, make it plain that there has been no radical change in our strategy policy. The policy is evolving, of course, both with the changing situation in the world and with the changing technology of weapons. But there would be no such confusion and con- troversy if the new developments had been described soberly without playing to the gal. lery and without trying to smooth down the ruffled feathers of the isolationists. That the new developments can be stated quietly is shown, for example, in the Brit- ish White Paper of Feb. 19 on defense: "Our forces in Europe and in other strate- gic areas overseas, steadily strengthened by the rearmament program begun in 1950, form, with the forces of our allies, a strong and growing deterrent to aggression. . . . The primary deterrent, however, remains the atomic bomb and the ability of the high- ly organized and trained United States stra- tegic air power to use it. From our past ex- perience and current knowledge we have a significant contribution to make both to the technical and to the tactical development of strategic air power. We intend as soon as possible to build up in the Royal Air Force a force of modern bombers capable of using the atomic weapon to the fullest effect. A strong and efficient force of medium bomb- ers is of the greatest importance to us both for our own security and for the defense of Western Europe. . . . As the deterrent con- tinues to grow, it should have an increasing effect upon the cold war by making less likely such adventures on the part of the 'IMU IL_ AT AUDITORIUM A.. . Emil Raab, violin; Benning Dexter, piano. SONATAS by Brahms, Albert Roussel, and Ross Finney (of the Music School Fac- ulty) were performed with the artistry which we are accustomed to hearing in recitals of Messrs. Raab and Dexter. If the quality of ensemble was not at the same inspired level as that in the recital they gave in Rackham Auditorium last summer, Sunday's perform- ance was nevertheless one of very high cal- ibre. The Sonata No. 2 by Roussel which opened the program is an interesting work, but one which on first hearing seemed somewhat lacking in formal unity, partic.. ularly in the first movement, a rather cur- ious combination of "moderne' dissonance and Debussyian harmonies.. The other movements seemed better planned and realized, and the lively finale is quite ef- fective. The Sonata No. 1 in G Major by Brahms is perhaps one of the loveliest of all violin-piano sonatas, and it was played sympathetically. There were times when I should have liked to hear more abandon from the performers, particularly in the surging second theme of the first Communist world as their aggression in Ko- rea. This should be of benefit to us by enabl- ing us to reduce the great dispersal of effor which the existing international tension has hitherto imposed upon us." THE GREATEST "dispersal of effort" which "has hitherto been imposed upon" the United States is the Korean War, A main element in the reappraisal, which is called the New Look, stems from the feeling that that was not the kind of war which this country should let itself be compelled to fight. The Korean War has always been in- tensely unpopular among the people, and as a strategic undertaking it has been an anom- aly-almost impossible to reconcile with the fundamental lines of American military in- terests and capacity. Until the very week when the Army was sucked into the ground war in Korea, it had been a basic American policy-almost one might say a dogma among men like Gen. Eisenhower, Gen. MacArthur, Gen. Bradley, that the American army should not become involved in a massive land war on the Asian mainland. After the fateful decision to occupy the whole of Korea, and to march to the Yalu, which is the frontier with China, the war became a massive land war on the mainland. It was a very costly war and it was indeci- sive. The emotion which has inspired the New Look is in great part that Korea is not a. precedent which we can afford to follow all over the world. We are, I believe, the only great power in the world today, perhaps the first nation in history, which thinks it can and thinks it should make a public declaration of how it, intends to solve its strategic problems. It has yet to be shown that this can be successfully done. It is one thing, for example, to make up our minds not to repeat the Korean prece- dent elsewhere on the Asian mainland. But if we announce that officially, we. are run- ning the risk of having given a green light to aggression by promising not to oppose it. The older diplomacy knew that, and was at pains to avoid mortgaging its own free- dom of decision under unknown conditions and in the future. When President Monroe decidbd to take a stand against the recon- quest of the Spanish colonies in Latin Amer- ica and against Russian colonization in Western North America, the most threaten- ing words he used were that we would con- sider such action "dangerous to our peace and safety" and that we could not "behold" it "with indifference." It is a question wheth- er the much more violent language, which Mr. Dulles thought it necessary to use, has impressed the Soviet Union as much as it has frightened our allies. But the underlaying trouble with the Jan- uary speech was that it indulged the Amer- ican propensity to make a general doctrine of what should be local, specific and empiri- cal decisions. The attempt to mak a gen- eral formula, to have a kind of diplomatic panacea which is equally good for Korea, Formosa, Indo-China, Iran and Guatamala must lead to confusion. Just as the courts prefer to decide no more than they have to decide in a spe- cific case before them, indulging not too often in the pleasures of the obiter dicta; so it should be in the conduct of foreign policy. Be empirical and specific about the problem that has to be dealt with, not gen- eral and universal for all problems that might in some way resemble it. We have had one Truman doctrine, which worked very well in Greece and Turkey, and did nothing but raise totally false expecta- tion in China. Let us not now add still an- other instalment to the unending :story of verbal diplomacy by saying that we now have a Dulles doctrine. The long experience and high competence of the Secretary of State do not need, and can only be cluttered up by, an overproduc- tion of words. (Copyrght, 1954, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.) playing seemed under too much control. But the final movement, which Was taken faster and more crisply than is usual, was given one of the best performances I have ever heard. The concluding work was Prof. Finney's recently completed Sonata No. 3, which was given its first performance. For me it is the most compact and forceful of his recent compositions. A twelve-tone work, there is nothing particularly forbidding about it, des- pite the quality of austerity which seems to pervade all three movements. Prof. Finney seems to have been intimately concerned with the beauty of pure line and intervals, and thus the instrumental texture is lean, lacking in padding of any sort. The sonori- ties are clean and pungent, and they never get in the way of the expressive content of the music. The tonal basis of the sonata was unmistakable, although I have not seen a tonal analysis. As a result, one never had the feeling of being on uncharted waters that one often gets from the first hearing of an atonal or twelve-tone composition. Analy- sis would probably reveal more consonant than dissonant intervals in the music. The first movement is as clear a sonata-allegro as "'Okay. Amigo. Now Hlow About The Ship To Go Under It?" \ A.l i 1 E q te t'teP TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN F 7 7 i!$ j+3 f i 3 t 1 I i I (Continued from Page 2) PERSONNEL INTERVIEWS General Electric Co. will have a rep- resentative on the campus on March 25 to talk with June Bus. Ad. or LS&A men graduates about trainee positions in all phases of Employee and Plant Community Relations. Friday, March 26: Eli Lilly & Co., Indianapolis, Indiana, will visit the Bureau on March 26 to in- terview June men graduates (BA or MA) in Economics, Bus. Ad., Market- ing, Statistics, or Management for the company's Executive Training Program. In addition, the interviewer would like to talk with Junel women graduates I with secretarial degrees and/or train- ing for Secretarial Trainee positions. Jones & Laughlin Steel Corp., Pitts- burgh, Pa., will be on the campus on 1March 26 to interview June and August men graduates, Bus. Ad. or LS&A, for training programs in Sales, Industrial Relations, Personnel Relations, and Accounting. Students wishing to schedule appoint- ments to see any of the companies list- ed above may contact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Administration Bldg., Ext. 371. National Security Agency application blanks have been received at the Bur- eau of Appointments for those students who were interviewed by the Agency on March 9 and 10. PERSONNEL REQUESTS. Bowers Printing Ink Co., Chicago, Ill., is interested in hiring a young man or woman with a chemical background to learn color-matching and ink-making in relation to printing ink. The East Lansing Savings & Loan Association, East Lansing, Mich.. will have a position open for a young wom- an whose duties will be that of a teller, taking care of insurance policies, op- erating adding and posting machies, and typing. Some knowledge of short- hand is desirable. Fairbanks, Morse & Co., Chicago, Ill., has announced a list of personnel needs for Engineering students at sales and manufacturing units *of the company throughout the country. Potomac River Naval Command, washington, D.C., has released a new publication covering positions in En- gineering and the Physical Sciences in the activities of the Naval Command and Ft. Belvoir, U.S. Army. A Local Doctor has a position open for a woman to be full-time office re- ceptionist and typist. Knowledge of medical terminology is desirable. The National Gypsum Co., Buffalo, Well . .. ;the second vetoed bill might jeop- ' ardize Congressional authorization To The Editor: for the official plebiscite which jN THE PA,9T WEEK several let- Puerto Rico is seeking." ters have appeared in the letter The New York Times, on March column of The Daily in re Wesley 5, 1946, stated: "The insular Leg- Robert Wells case in California. zislature by a 41 to 4 vote overrode When cases such as these appear today Governor Rexford G. Tug in The Daily, one has the right to well's veto of bills designed to give ask, iat is there about this par-Puerto Rico a voice in choosing its ocular case of "miscarriage ofp next Governor and to arrange a tc"ar at casofn"icarrnsme os plebiscite to decide the future sta- justice" that concerns me, a stu- tus of this island possession of the dent at a university some 2500 U S ~ miles away? Tugwell then had a choice: (1) In answer to the above question' He could sign the bills; (2) He there are two basic issues which ould forward the bills to the should be a concern to persons President of the U. S., who could having values of decency and fair- ersin the bill wh 90d play. The two points are, Wells er sign e b within 90 days play Thetwopoins ae, Wllsor veto them. He did what is cus- as an orphan and a Negro. tomary in Puerto Rico. He for- Twenty-five years ago, Wells, a warded both bills to the President youth of nineteen years, was found of the U,S guilty of stealing an automobile theNw r i , M in the state of California. The The New York Times, on May youth faced the court alone: with- 17, 1946, stated: "President Tru- out family or backing to demand man vetoed today a measure by justice for him. As a result, the the Puerto Rican Legislature orphaned Wells was sentenced to which provided for a plebiscite on an indeterminate sentence at San the permanent political status of Quentin penitentiary. Wells, then the country. He also vetoed a a first offender, would ordinarily companion measure, providing a have received probation if he had poll of Puerto Rican voters for the someone in whose custody he could purpose of recommending a Puer- have been remanded. Instead he to Rican for appointment as Gov- was sent to an institution for har- einor in the event of a vacancy dened, multi-offender, and adult before the permanent political criminals, San Quentin. status of the island was decided." Once in prison, the second issue,. It now becomes clear. We would Wells as a Negro, comes into play. give the Puerto Ricans their inde- Wells, left to shift for himself pendence if they would just ask since orphaned at an early age, us. However, because the over- was forced to struggle for his very whelming majority of the Puerto survival against the wide-spread Ricans realize that to become po- racial discrimination in his area. litically independent would be eco- After being committed to prison, nomically disadvantageous (so I Wells was further subjected to a have been told) they willingly ac- two-fold anti-Negro persecution; cept the present relationship. from his fellow inmates on one Uncle Sam, being a good sport, hand, and the prison guards and carries the burden. officials, on the other. -John Leggett Now what else can society de- mand from Wells. THEY WANT No One Reason ... TO TAKE HIS LIFE. The statute To The Editor:. under which Wells is to be execut-o ed does not apply to his case be- CANNOT agree with the rather cause Wells wasn't serving a life broad generalization in last Fri- term, but an indeterminate sen- day's Daily that "People living in tence. co-ops are generally those who If we don't express our indigna- cannot afford to live in a residence tion of this matter to Gov. Good- hall or apartment." Must one in- win J. Knight of California, we are fer from this that students who endorsing two very serious and live or board at co-ops are driven improper actions by the State of into them by pure economic neces- California. sity and the lack of any better al- 1. Giving defenseless juvenile ternative? I don't think so. There offenders the indeterminate sen- is no single reason for joining a tence, which can as is illustrated co-op, and no two students have by the Wells Case, just "THROW exactly the same reasons. While AWAY THE KEY." the financial savings cannot be 2. Continuous persecution be- overlooked, at the same time they cause he is Negro and has continu- should not be overemphasized. ously fought for equality and jus- For myself and many other co- tice for Negroes (both in and out opers I have talked to, it was of prison), more a case of not wanting to live Wesley R. Wells will die April in a dorm than not being able to 9th unless Gov. Knight commutes afford it that caused us to move the death sentence. Please re- out. The disadvantages of the co- spond to this appeal for justice. op pointed out in the article are For if Wells should die, there too problems we have yet to solve; would perish another part of the however, they are certainly no American tradition of "Justice For worse than the perennial com- All." plaints against the dorms: crowd- -Sidney B. Weiner ed rooms, poor study conditions and consistently bad meals. The co-op may not be a SouthQuad, Puerto Rico . but neither is it a Palace Flop- To The Editor: house and Grill. N.Y., will be glad to accept applica- tions from Engineers and technical graduates for the company's training programs in the Research Department and Production Division. For additional information about these and other employment opportunities, contact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Administration Bldg., Ext. 371. Summer Personnel Requests. (The Wurzburg Co., Grand Rapids, Mich., is interested in employing un- dergraduate women to serve' on its College Board this summer.vPositions will be in the fashion departments. For further information contact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin- istration Bldg., Ext. 371. Lectures Agnes Moorehead, one of America's most distinguished and versatile act- resses, will be presented tomorrow at 8:30 p.m. in Hill Auditorium as the closing attraction on the 1953-54 Lec- ture Course. Miss Moorehead will give an entertaining and colorful theatrical program of readings from Thurber, Shakespeare, thesBible, Congreve and de Maupassant. She will conclude her program with her sensational radio hit, "Sorry, Wrong Number." Tickets are on sale today and tomorrow at the Audi- torium box office, which opens at 10 a.m. Academic Notices Recreation Swimming-Women's Pool. Any woman student may swim at the following hours: Tuesday, March 23- 4:15-5:30 p.m. Friday, March 26-4:15- 5:30 p.m. Saturday, March 27-2:00-4:00 and 7:30-9:30 p.m. Sunday, March 28- 3:00-5:00 p.m. Men students may swim only on in- vitation of women students at the fol- lowing hours: Saturday, March 27- 7:30-9:30 p.m. Sunday, March 28-3:00- 5:00 p.m. I.D. cards must be shown. Please bring your own non-wool suit; women must wear caps. A limited number of women's suits will be available at the pool. Mathematics Colloquium, Tues., Mar. 23, 4:10 p.m., in 3011 Angell Hall. Profes- sor Frank Anscombe of Cambridge Uni- versity will speak on Fixed-sample-size analysis of sequential observations. Part II Actuarial Review Class will meet Tues., Mar. 23, 3:30 p.m., 3201 An- gell Hall for a test on analytic geome- try and trigonometry. Geometry Seminar, Wed., Mar. 24, 7 p.m., 3001 Angell Hail Prof. N. H. Kuiper will continue his talk on "Lin- ear Families of Involutions and Trial- ity." Seminar on Fluid Stability will hear Professor J. R. Sellars speak on the work of Dr. C. C. Liu on Tues., Mar. 23, at 3 p.m., 1504 East Engineering Build- ing. Events Today Freshman Engineering Council will hold its weekly meeting tonight at 7:30 p.m. in 1042 East Engineering Bldg. Committee projects to be formed at meeting. The meeting is open to the public. Senior Society. Meeting tonight at India. Group discussions on the topic will follow. All students and faculty members cordially invited. Lydia Mendelssohn Box Office will be open today from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. for the sale of tickets for the Depart- ment of Speeh production of Shakes- peare's THE TAMNG OF THE SHREW, which will be presented in the' Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre at 8 p.m. Thurs., Fri., and Sat., Mar. 25, 26 and 27. Tick- ets are available at $1.50-$1.20-90c with a special student rate of 75c on open- ing night. All seats are reserved. Museum Movies, "Indian Canoemen" and "Canoe Country," free movies shown at, 3 p.m, daily including Sat. and Sun. and at 12:30 Wed., 4th floor movie alcove, Museums Building, Mar. 23-29. Westminster Student Fellowship. Bible Study of Romans, from 7 to 8 p.m. in 205 at the Presbyterian Church. Everybody welcome. S.R.A. Council meets at Lane Hall, 5:15 p.m. Square and Folk Dancing to fit all levels of experience. Everyone welcome. Grey Austin, caller. Lane Hall, Tonight, 7:30-10:00. Coming Events The English Journal Club will meet Wed., Mar. 24, at 8 p.m. in the East Conference Room of the Rackham Building. The meeting willb e devoted to a Faulkner discussion centered around papers read by student mem.- bers. All graduate students and fac- ulty members of the English Depart- ment are invited to attend. Deutscher Verein-Kaffee Stunde will meet on Thursday at 3:15 in the Union alcove. Dr. A. Brown, Professor in the German Department, will be present. All welcome to practice spoken German in an informal atmosphere. Economics Club, 8 p.m., Wed., Mar. 24, West Conference Room, Rackham Building. Professor Tjalling C. Koop- man,s Research Director of the Cowles Commission for Research in Economics, will speak on "The Allocation of Indi- visible Resources." All staff members and graduate students in Economics and Business Administration are es- pecially urged to attend. All others cor- dially invited. The 48th Annual French Play. Le Cercle Francais will present "Ces Dames aux Chapeaux Verts," a mod- ern comedy in one prologue and three acts, by Albert Acremant, on Wed., April 28, at 8 p.m. in the Lydia Men- delssohn Theater. Linguistics Club. There will be a meeting on Wed., Mar. 24. at 7:30 p.m. in the Amphitheater, Rackham Build- ing. Prof. Waldo Sweet, of the De- partment of Classical Languages, will discuss "Does Latin Grammar Fit Latin?" and Mr. Rud Meyerstein of the Department of Romance Languages, will speak on "Correlation or Transla- tion?" All faculty and students Inter- ested in linguistc studies are invited to attend. All Wives of Students and Faculty of School of Conservation and Natural Resources will meet for the last social evening of the year at the home of Mrs. S. A. Graham, 1718 Hermitage Place, at 8 p.m., on Wed., Mar. 24. Bring a gift of 25c or less wrapped, for an evening of fun! We will also plan the family picnic at this meet- ing. Student League for Industrial Democ- racy. Regular meeting on Wed., 7:30, in Room,3-G of the Union. Topic for dis. cussion will be "The Future of Social- ism." Also discussed will be plans for the forthcoming Norman Thonas Rally. All interested students and faculty are cordially invited. Episcopal Student Foundation. Stu- dent-Faculty led Evensong, Chapel of St. Michael and All Angels, 5:15 p.m., Wed., Mar. 24. Episcopal Student Foundation. Stu- dent Breakfast at Canterbury House following 7 a.m. service of Holy Co- munion, Wed., Mar. 24. Episcopal Student Foundation. Silent Luncheon for students and faculty members, Canterbury House, 12:10 p.m., Wed., Mar. 24. Wesleyan Guild. Lentin matin wor- ship, 7:30-7:50 a.m., Wed., Mar. 24. Mid- week refresher tea Wednesday, 4-5:30 in the lounge. Do come Congregational-Disciples Guild. Dis- cussion Group Wed., Mar. 24, 7 p.m., at the Guild House. Sixty-Fourth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Harry Lunn.........Managing Editor Eric Vetter..........:......City Editor Virginia Voss.........Editorial Director Mike Wolff......Associate City Editor Alice B. Silver..Assoc. Editorial Director Diane Decker........... Associate Editor Helene Simon..........Associate Editor Ivan Kaye.................Sports Editor Paul Greenberg.. ..Assoc. Sports Editor Marilyn Campbell...Women's Editor Kathy Zeisler....Assoc. Women's Editor Chuck Kelsey ......Chief Photographer Business Staff Thomas Traeger......Business Manager William Kaufman Advertising Manager Harlean Hankin.. .Assoc. Business Mgr. William Seiden.......Finance Manager Don Chisholm.....Circulation Manager Telephone NO 23-24-1 Member r. I r { I N REFERENCE to Puerto Rican Robert Palmer the League at 9 o'clock. Important that --obr -pPle fall members be present. Nationalism, it seems necessary Owen Co-op to point out a few facts which The * * *Congregational-Disciples Guild. Tea Daily and most other newspapers Green Feathers . . .at d House, 40-6 p.m. have conveniently ignored recent- To the Editor: Episcopal student Foundation. Tea ly. The New York Times, on H m from 4 to 5:15 at Canterbury House, Maich , 946 sate: 'Goernr HE Green Feather campaign1 followed by Student-Faculty led Even- March 3, 1946, stated: "Governor no!en odce nti oowd eSofetFia1ede Rexford G. Tugwell vetoed today 1 now being conducted on this i song, Chapel of St. Michael and All bills which would have given Per- campus is a disgrace to the liber- Angels. to Rico a voice in selection of its al movement. The Pre-Medical Society will meet next governor and authorized a The campaign is based 'on the j this evening at 7:30 p.m. in Angell Hal plebiscite next year to decide the fallacy that a hate-McCarthy cru- Auditorium C. A movie, "Handling and ilanra Z1P ant n -nl centat ade is the same thing as a cam-Care of the Patient," will be shown fol-