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March 23, 1954 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1954-03-23

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Latest Deadline in the State


Poll Reveals
Heavy Curbs
On Freedom
Campus Restrictions
Shown in Six Areas
An analysis of questionnaires
sent to 50 colleges and universities
in the state of Illinois has indicat-
ed heavy curbs on freedom in six
areas of campus activity, accord-
ing to the Christian Science Moni-
Prof. Willard A. Kerr, of the
psychology department at Illinois
Institute of Technology, disclosed
the following restrictions on aca-
demic freedom:
1) Freedom to hear outside
speakers on any subject without
regard to the popularity of the.
2) Freedom of criticism by stu-
dents of the faculty and adminis-
3) Freedom to form associations
for any lawful purposes and to af-
filiate these with national organ-
izations, including political organ-
izations, provided that these are
not forbidden by law.
4) Freedom of press, such as
student newspapers and maga-
zines, with free access to staffs of
publications and with adequate
provision in case of monopoly for
the expression of minority views.
5) Freedom to petition faculty
and administration with respect to
curriculum, tuition and other con-
ditions of student life.
6) Freedom of off-campus ac-
tivity, subject'to law or community
standards of taste. In particular,
freedom to engage in political ac-
tivity with minority groups.
THE MORE than 200 question-
naires showed that lack of free-
dom to hear speakers with unpop-.
ular views catised the greatest con-
cern among students, commented
the Monitor.
Prof. Kenneth Boulding, of the
t economics department, noted
speakers with unpopular views
was "certainly very real."
Commenting that he was not too
close to student life, and there-
fore not too conscious of the other
freedoms, Prof. Boulding said that
he thought the only' striking re-
striction on the Michigan campus
was that concerning speakers.
Another point mentioned ljv
Boulding was that "it is difficult
for small groups of students to or-
ganize. The ruling that requires
campus groups to have 30 members
is a severe handicap."
* * *
THE LACK of freedom in re-
gard to campus speakers was re-
iterated by Charles Sleicher, pres-
ident of the Young Democrats.
Sleicher felt that points three and
four also held valid at the Univer-
r sity.
"We are in a good situation
with regard to the faculty," said
r Sleicher, "but this is certainly
not true on the student level."
Sleicher noted that the Students
Affairs Office is a "regulatory
group. It does not encourage the
growth of campus organiza-
See MONITOR, Page 2
IHC Launches
New Project

Inter-House Council's new pro-
ject of informing undergraduates
about career opportunities avail-
able at the University opened this
week with discussions of public
In addition to broadcasting a
daily series of Ispot announcements
about the field of public health
over the dormitory radio station
CBN, IHC has arranged lectures
to be given in each of the quads.
Today, School of Public Health
faculty members, William H. Hen-
derson and Robert Bowman, will
speak at 6:45 p.m. in South Quad
on the topic of health adminis-
tration and sanitary science.
The same lecturers along with
Prof. Solomon Axelrod and Prof.
William Gibson will talk at 6:45
p.m. tomorrow at East and West
An open house from 1 to 5 p.m.,
Thursday, at the School of.Public
Health located on Observatory St.
across from the women's residence
halls will conclude the project. All

House Postpones
Vote. on Seaway
Temporary Shelving Causes
Comment Among Congressmen
WASHINGTON-(0)-St. Lawrence Seaway legislation got a tem-
porary shelving in Congress yesterday but the Republican leadership
discounted proponents' fears it might be permanent.
The House Rules Committee, after a two-hour hearing on whether
to send the Senate-approved bill to the floor for a vote, adjourned
until April 1 after listening to only a few of the many witnesses
scheduled to be heard.
PROPONENTS OF the bill, which would authorize the United
States to join with Canada in building a 27-foot-deep channel to the
Great Lakes waterway, took a dim
view of the delay.
K atona Sees Min.Rep).John A. ma.
Minn.) who, like many seaway
supporters had expected the
Rules Committee to act Monday,
Du said: "This action to postpone
is a double shuffle in which they
(the opponents) are taking ev-
Econo ery advantage to delay."
Chairman Leo Allen (R-Ill.) of
the Rules Committee, who has an-
By RONA FRIEDMAN nounced that he is not only for
The results of the 1954 Survey the measure but expects its pas-
f . sage by the House this session,
of Consumer Finances indicate a said "There is no intention on the
"downturn" in our nation's ecop- part of the House leadership to
omy, George;Katona, program Di- delay."
rector of the Survey Research Cen- "I am personally in favor of it,"
ter which conducts the yearly sur- Allen told a reporter, "and it will
vey said yesterday. be out of this committee in time
However the decline is a rela- for passage this session.
tively small one and our economic CHAIRMAN George D. Dondero
level is still high, he added. (R-Mich.) of the House Public
* * Works Committee, one of the few
THOUGH THERE has been a witnesses heard by the Rules Com-
decrease in economic activity since mittee yesterday, said he was not
1953, it is at the same level as the. sure whether the delay would af-
1952 level,.Katona pointed out. The fect the bill's chances on the floor.
difference is, however, that last It was approved by the Public
year our economy was expanding, Works Committee on Feb. 3 by a,
he continued. 23-6 vote.
Dondero, in urging the Rules
While consumers are purchas- Committee to send the bill to the
ing more home goods, such as House floor, reiterated that if
washing machines, the sale of the Congress fails to act at this
new automobiles and television session Canada will build the
sets have decreased. Katona ex- waterway on its own side of the
plained that this is due to the St. Lawrence River.
large purchase of automobiles Rep. Otto Passman (D-La.), a
and. television sets last year. former opponent of the project,
Since the articles are still fairly told the committee in which he
new, consumers have decided to described as a "confession rather
wait until a more promising time. than a statement" that he had
-+ , ,.A been wrong in his opposition.

World News
By The, Associated Press
Debt Limit
WASHINGTON - Secretary of
the Treasury Humphrey said yes-
terday he thinks "weare almost
sure to break through" the pres-
ent 275 billion dollar national debt
limit ceiling before the end of the
Loyalty.. .
disclosed yesterday it has order-
ed all officers to sign new loyal-
ty certificates and has put a new
speedup system into effect to no-
tify the Pentagon high command
of any cases involving "Fifth
Amendment" incidents.
H-Explosion,. ..
NEW YORK-Rep. Chet Holi-
field (D-Calif.) said yesterday the
March 1 hydrogen explosion at
Bikini Atoll "was so far beyond
what was predicted that you might
say it was out of control."
War Games.. .
IWO JIMA -- Marines fan-
ned out over volcanic Iwo Jima
yesterday in the third day of
the biggest U. S. war games in
the Pacific since World War II.
State Budget .
LANSING-Legislative commit-
tees were told yesterday they will
have to get along without a re-
vised budget by Gov. Williams to
take into account a 6 to 10 mil-
lion dollar pay raise imposed by
the Civil Service Commission.
The appropriating committees
asked for the new budget to replace
the balanced budget submitted last
January before the pay raise was
- * * *
Pakistan Mission .
KARACHI, Pakistan-An Amer-
ican military mission arrived last
night from London to survey Paki-
stan's military requirements for
the' purpose of U.S. military aid
to this country.
The 11-man mission will spend
two weeks in Pakistan touring
military establishments.
Coffee ,Boycott.. .
CARACAS, Venezuela - Sam-
uel Waugh, U.S. Assistant Secre-
tary of Commerce, told the 10th
Inter-American Conference yester-
day no one can keep housewives
from boycotting coffee sellers if
they thought the price was too

Foreign Aid
Hits Record
Of 61 Billion
'Trade Debts'
Repaid to U.S.
eign aid hit a record high of over
61/ billion- dollars last year, en-
abling foreign countries to pay
their trade debts and tuck 2% bil-
lions into their gold and dollars
savings, the Department of Com-
merce said yesterday.
Foreign countries were able to
build up their gold and dollar re-
serves even though they received
about 2% billion dollars less than
they spent in commercial trans-
actions with the. United States in
FOREIGN reserves outside the
Iron Curtain reached an all time
high of 23 billion dollars in readily
available gold and U. S. and Ca-
nadian dollars at the end of 1953,
the Commerce Department report-
But to what extent other coun-
tries were approaching the point
where they could get along with-
out U. S. aid was still uncertain,
the department's report on the
balance of payments for 1953 in-
dicated. This despite the big ad-
dition to gold and dollar reserves
The picture was clouded by the
fact that foreign countries get two
direct types of aid from the Unit-
ed States, plus another big injec-
tion of dollars which might or
might not be considered aid.
Allies getting direct military
help in the form of equipment
made in this country received $4,-
300,000 worth of such equipment
in 1953.
Additionally, friendly countries
received approximately two bil-
lion dollars worth of nonmilitary
governmental aid. That made a
direct aid total of $6,300,000,000.
The highest previous total was six
billion in 1949.
Stason SpearKs
On Legal Side
Of Atomic Act
Presenting four legal problems
created by atomic energy, Dean E.
Blythe Stason of the Law School
participated in a panel discussion
on "Atomic Energy-Where Are
We. Where Are We Going?" for the
Detroit Economics Club luncheon
Dean Stason emphasized that
the existing Atomic Energy Act
must be amended if private in-
dustry is to undertake extensive
private development of atomic
power. Since patent rights under
this law are very limited, he sug-
gested giving broader patent
rights to encourage private devel-
opment and research programs.
Further difficulties, he stated, lie
in the state rate regulation of
atomic electric power plants and
damage to persons and property by
atomic radiation.
As part of the University's Phoe-
nix Memorial Project, Dean Stason
and faculty members conducted an
intensive study of the Atomic En-
ergy Act of 1946, the background
and its influence on traditional
roles of private industry and gov-
ernment in the development of
peacetime uses of atomic energy.

Pre-Med Meeting
The Pre-Med society will meet
at 7:30 p.m. today in Angell Hall,
Auditorium C.
A movie entitled, "The Doctor
and the Patient," will be shown in
addition to a talk by Dr. Bob
Goldsmith, intern at University
Hospital. The public is invited.

Potter Blasts Proposed
Use of Lie Detectors
I n McCarthy Inquiry
IABA Chief

-Daily-Dean Morton
ROBIN HOOD'S MERRY MEN, University of Michigan branch,
ready their green feathers for distribution on the Diagonal today.
Students and townspeople are participating in the drive.
Green Feather _-Drive
rr O
I 0To Open Here Tdayv
Four thousand green feathers will be distributed from 9 a.m.
to 5 p.m. today on the diagonal in a one-day drive designed to issue
a student protest to "totalitarianism, whether it be in the guise of
McCarthyism or Communism."
Approval for the campaign required a special polling of mem-
bers of the Student Affairs Committee last night, and sponsorship by
the Student Legislature to enable the drive.
SINCE THE STUDENTS working on the green feather drive
did not constitute a recognized organization, University grounds
could not have been given to the

Many people, the survey dis-
closed, believe that prices of dur-
able goods which are too high now
will decline later. Prices generally
are expected either to drop or hold
* * *
CONSUMERS, for the most part,
are less confident about their per-
sonal financial outlook than a
year ago, the survey showed. The
nation's overall economic prospect
was regarded as generally good.
Some, however, pointed out that
the national business outlook
seemed like their personal money
The percentage of consumers
planning to buy new houses
dropped from 8.8 per cent to 6.8
this year but the proportion
planning home improvement rose
approximately two per cent to
19.2 per cent.
Families planning to buy furni-
ture and major. house-hold appli-
ances such as refrigerators declin-
ed from 31.9 last year to 26.8 per
cent this year.
The purchase of new cars is ex-
pected to be 7.8 per cent as com-
pared to 9 per cent determined by
last year's survey. However the
percentage is higher this year than
in early 1951 or 1952.
Used car sales, the survey re-
ported, will be the same as last
year, but consumers expect the
prices to be lower.
Boys and G
To .Be Sold

Open House
Open houses for candidates
running in the all-campus elec-
tions March 30 and 31 will be
held today at the following
6:15 p.m. Chi Phi; 6:30 p.m.,
Chi Psi; 7:45 to 8:15 p.m., Al-
pha Gamma Delta.

Lecture Committee Makes
Decisions on 'U' Speakers.
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is an interprertive article on the function and
background of the University Lecture Committee.)
In a year, the Lecture Committee has shifted from the object of a
raging controversy to a position of comparative obscurity.'
An unofficial survey taken yesterday showed that over half
the students questioned on the Lecture Committee did not know the
function of the committee. Some had a vague idea that it sponsored
the Oratorical Association Lecture Series while one student described
the function of the committee as "giving dinners for visiting $celebri-
GIVING DINNERS for speakers is one of the duties of the com-
mittee, but it is not intended to be the primary reason for its exist-
Established in 1935 by the Board of Regents, the group was
originally set up to clarify jurisdictional disputes over who should ap-
<prove campus speakers. But in in-
terpreting the Regents' bylaw, the
committee began in 1947 to make
policy decisions.
rIn that year the group banned
avowed Communists from speak-

However SL President Bob
Neary, '54, agreed to give Legis-
lature sponsorship so that the
drive could go on as had been
"Our sponsorship is not meant
to imply that either the Univer-
sity or the Student Legislature is
anti-McCarthy," Neary said. "It is
merely an act to allow students
to voice their protest if they want
to. The SL is sponsor only in that
* * *
ACTING DEAN of Students
Walter B. Rea, who made the
last-minute poll of the SAC said,
"The Student Legislature is an
enabling agency with the under-
standing that the opportunity pro-
vided for individual expression will
in no sense be considered repre-
sentative of the Legislature or the
The drive, an offshoot of sim-
ilar movements begun at In-
diana University, Purdue, and
Wisconsin will include the dis-
tribution of over 1,000 pins. Leaf-
lets and blank post cards which
students can send to their Con-
gressmen voicing their senti-
ments will also be provided. The
pins were received from the
Robin Hood club at Indiana and
more are expected.
Later in the week asbestos book-
marks will also be distributed to
students. The bookmarks, a pro-
test against book burning, have
printed on them a poem by Mrs.
Bonario Overstreet, wife of the
author of The Mature Mind, H. A.

SL Building
To Start Soon
The first step toward the reali-
zation of the planned addition to
the Union will be the demolitign
of the Student Legislature Bldg.,
approved by the Regents last Fri-
day and scheduled to. begin April
Removal of the SL Bldg. will
permit the relbcation of the heat-
ing tunnel that services West
Quad. The tunnel now runs under
the circular side drive of the Un-
ion, where the proposed addition is
to be built.
According to Union General
Manager Franklin C. Kuenzel,
moving the tunnel will entail an
approximately 60 or 70 thousand
dollar expense.
It is hoped that the tunnel proj-
ect will be completed in time for
construction on the Union wing
to begin July 1.'
However, approval of the Re-
gents is still necessary before con-
struction can begin. The Union ad-
dition was authorized by the, Re-
gents on Jan.15 only to review and
revise plans that had been approv-
ed in 1950.
Present plans call for expansion
of food facilities in the basement
and on the first floor at an esti-
mated cost of 2/2 million dollars.

Turns Down
Probe Task
McCarthy Seeks
To Quiz Brownell
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - Sen. Charles
Potter (R-Mich.) last night des-
cribed as "a lot of poppycock" the
proposal of Sen. Joseph McCar-
thy (R-Wis.) to conduct lie detec-
tor tests in the probe of accusa-
tions exchanged by McCarthy and
the Army.
Potter, a member of McCarthy's
Senate Investigations subcommit-
tee, gave his views in a transcrib-
ed radio interview, "Reporters'
* * *
HE SAID FBI Director J. Edgar
Hoover has expressed doubts as to
the value of lie detector tests and
that they are not recognized in
most courts.
Use of the device by the Sen-
ate subconumittee would "estab-
lish the precedent of a three-
ring circus" in the group's hear-
ings, Potter said.'
McCarthy proposed Sunday that
the tests be given to all of the
witnesses in the investigation. The
Army charged that Roy M. Cohn,
the subcommittee's counsel, used
improper pressure to try to get
favors for Pvt. G. David Schir,
and that McCarthy joined in this
effort.8echlne was formerly anun-
paid consultant on the subcom-
mittee staff.
said last night the president of
the American Bar Assn. has turn-
ed down a request to act as special
counsel in the investigationof the
sizzling fight between Sen. Mc-
Carthy and the Army.
Mundt disclosed that ABA
President William J. Jameson.
of Billings, Mont., a Republican,
had been asked to take the job
as "a public service."
He said Jameson had consulted
with members of the bar associa-
tion's Board of Directors and re-
ported it was their opinion that
"it would not be app'opriate" for
the ABA president to assume the
role of chief counsel or maybe "ad
judicator" of such a controversial
McCARTHY sought yesterday
to question Attorney General
Herbert Brownell about what
McCarthy called a "pigeonholed"
case of "prosecution for espion
age" of an unnamed newspaper
Brownell said he hadn't heard
of the case.
McCarthy also told reporters
last night he will ask the subcom-
mittee to summon as a witness in
the inquiry H. Struve Hensel, as-
sistant secretary of defense for se-
curity matters.
Moorhead Set
To Perform
"The Fabulous Redhead" star-
ring" Agnes Moorhead will be the.
last Lecture Series presentation of
the season at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow
in Hill Auditorium.
Miss Moorhead in her one-wo-
man show will portray a whole
gallery of characters from the fear-
ridden protagonist of "Sorry
Wrong Number" to the grand-
mother in James Thurber's "Lay-
endar With a Difference."
Tickets for the performance may

be purchased from 10 a.m. to 4
p.m. today and 10 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
tomorrow at the Hill Auditorium
box office.
Young Democrats
To Elect Officers


REPEATEDLY students haveI
voiced strong disapproval of theI
rnrnmittar *

..__ .. _ ._ _ _. _ __ _ \l.

The Children's issue of Gargoyle A ding to Prof Carl B dt ELECTION PROCESS
will be on sale to children tomor- According toProf. Carldrandt PROCE
row. ;of the English department, one
According to assistant art editor of the five faculty members, " "
of the magazine, L. H. Scott, '55, "the committee is working very W eighted Ballot Method Viewed
pictured at right the Gargoyle smoothly and lately there has
staff is "a bunch of boers who are beenrnothing in the way of a (EDIzR'__NTE-Ths__s__e__st_
not aware that the rest of the ~~ major controversy." n(DTW OETi stels
not aware that the rest of thesy.ina series of three articles concern- balloting, March 30 and 31, have resentative's election merely on the
campus is full adults." *.L° The chairman of the board is ing various methods of election on put their endorsement on the quantity of lower place votes math-
* * Prof. James K. Pollock, chairman campus.) weighted ballot in a Daily poll of er than the "quality" of fewer first
THE CURRENT issue, he point- of the political science department, By BECKY CONRAD candidates. place votes.
ed out, "was written by a bunch - and committee members include Twelve favored the Hare system This method increases the
of demented children for dement- Prof. William Wirt Blume of the Some opponents of the present and 11 liked some method of dis- chance for "name" voting where
ed children." Law School, Prof. Carl H. Fischer Hare system of proporional tricting. a host of publicity posters can

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