See Page 4
:JI r e
Latest Deadline in the State
fla ij
a a
W~ T i 1 WIm-I
U. S. Makes, 'Tax Exemptions
Stores New Defeated in House
r. W/-- ar ....,,..
t~u n r cpoll
Russia Knows
Formula for GB
DENVER-(P)--A new weapon
in the horror class with atom and
iydrogen bombs is being made
x and stored at the Rocky Moun-
tain Arsenal near Denver.
Lt. Col. S. J. Efnor, deputy com-
manding officer at the arsenal,
confirmed yesterday that deadly
GB gas, which can cause death in
30 seconds, is made behind the
arsenal's windowless walls.
IT IS KNOWN that Russia has
the gas, first developed by Hitler's
Nazi scientists. The Red army
took the German plant in its push
across the German-Polish border
in World War II.
Surrounded by elaborate saf-
2 ety precautions, the workers at
the arsenal turn out the deadly
chemicals in liquid form, packed
in finished munitions casing
ready for use.
Officials at the plant have
stressed the safety precautions and
Y say there is no need for Colorado
residents to fear the gas
In gas form, the killer can't be
seen, tasted or smelled. Its pres-
ence in an attack could go un-
discovered unless a droplet spat-
tered on a victim in liquid form.
PRODUCTION of the killing gas
first was disclosed last night by
the Rocky Mountain News, Denver
morning newspaper; and further
,details came yesterday from the
Denver Post.
"Potential military value of
GB gas," the Post said, "is
greater, in some respects, than
even the atomic weapons.
"Using it under the most favor-
able wind, weather and saturation
conditions, an invader can wipe
out life in a city and take it over
intact - its industries, utilities,
transportation and power plants!
ready to be used again in a few
hours, instead of being ruined and
The gas was described as so
deadly it could leave its victim
practically helpless after one
Rabbits and canaries along with
intricate electrical equipment are
used in the plant as safety pre-
IAU Announce
Annual Plays
Inter-Arts Union has announced
that its annual excursipn into
student creativity will include two
one-act plays, "A Cocktail Quad-
rille," by Gayle Greene, '55, and
Higher and Higher Down," by Re-
nee Kluger, Grad.
) The plays will be presented May
8 as part of the three day Inter-
Arts Festival, which will include
student work in the arts of music,
poetry, drama and dance.
* * *
"A COCKTAIL Quadrille" is a
satire, "but a rather tragic one,"
Miss Greene explained. The hero-
ine is Alice, but somewhat differ-
ent than Lewis Caroll's Alice In
Wonderland. The hero is David,
perhaps Michaelangelo's type of
David, but conditioned by 20th'
century mores.
In addition to the central fig-
ures, the cast of characters I-
elude The Wild-Eyed Woman,
The Lady Poet, The Dilettante,
A Persian Cat, An Unbearded
Archeologist and The Male
Chorus, composed of three men
in grey flannel, along with oth-
er assorted personages,
Masks will be used in the play,
particularly by Alice to suggest the
three phases of her beauty.
Tryouts for the play are being
held from 2 to 4 p.m. today in the
MSS KLUGER works her play
around a young-love theme, using
a Romeo "who just got an A in
Charles Atlas' body building
course" and a Julia for whom "the
sun-boiled clouds pour down most
< savory droughts."
The poor lass falls in a reverie
over a statue of Romeo, causing
SBoth Parties See Gains; Democrats'
Lose By Small Margin In House
WASHINGTON-(IP-Both Democratic and Republican strategists
claimed gains today after a brisk series of encounters on politically
potent tax legislation.
Democrats believe the fight they lost by a narrow margin in the
House to cut income taxes by raising personal exemptions may pay
off when voters elect a new Congress next November.
REPUBLICANS SAY their defeat of the Democratic move{
has put them in position to block the income tax slash-which Presi-
- dent Eisenhower opposes-even
though the Senate votes for it.
E s nh W r- The attempt to boost exemp-
W.7EU/U.IFUV.,~,.,,' Itions by $100, at an annual cost
of $2,400,000,000 in revenue,
C o fiden twent down in the House on an
C oni de talmost straight party-line vote of
RecoveT The House then passed an om-
nibus tax revision bill, on which
the Democrats made their move, ;
WASHINGTON - (A) - Presi- and Senate, which may not vote on
dent Eisenhower apparently re- it for two or three months.
mains fully confident that the Democrats argued the income
country will soon recover from its tax cut is needed as a shot in the;
present economic downturn with- arm to lagging business and em-
out any special government help. ployment.
The widespread impression that REPUBLICANS countered that
Disregarding that cold and
wintery weather outside, spring
came to Ann Arbor, to be exact,
at 10:54 p.m. yesterday,
Despite scarves and heavy
coats, shivers and sniffles, the
sun finally entered the vernal
equinox and promised better
Even though the weather
seems like winter today, don't
believe it. Spring is here.
W orldN
i By The Associated Press
CARACAS - The Intern-Amer-
ican Conference yesterday voted
down a proposal for immediate
creation of a special committee on
"the freedom of labor'to organize."
Durr Attacks Senate Subcommittee
Former Red
At Hearing Taps Counsel To Head
hen Collases McCarthy, Army Probe
Of Heart Trouble
Sv.AT YV T -- (PV-- r11
mer federal official, Clifford J.
Durr, yesterday tried to attack an
ex-Communist witness, then col-
lapsed in the final stormy session
of a three-day Senate subcommik-
tee inquiry into possible Commu-
nist activity.
Durr said: "He can't talk
about my wife that way. I'll kill
* * *
FRIENDS grabbed Durr as he
lunged at Paul Crouch of Honolu-
lu, a former Communist organiz-
Eisenhower is thinking of trigger- the proposed exem
ing a big new government-aid an election year p
plan unless the unemployment sit- er and an irrespo7
uation improves in March seems view of continued
to be a mistaken one. They said the GO
m *a balanced tax
IN HIS TAX speech to the both consumers an
country this week, counselirig Democratic stra
against Democratic efforts to re- is how they exp
duce personal income taxes, the fight to react to1
President said: the coming cong
"Economic conditions do not The all-out De
call for an emergency program which saw all butr
that would justify larger federal the minority party
deficits and further inflation increase in exempt
through additional tax reduc- Republicans to pu
tions at this time." on their side.
This statement, made only a
few days after the government re- ,
ported unemployment had in- ,U.A
creased in February to 3,671,000, n
indicated some people had over-dKnee1 Is
drawn the meaning of what Ei-
senhoWer had told a news confer- "Blaggedyglu." c
ence a month earlier, five-month old Her
On February 17 the- President in response to ane
said he considered March a key the forthcoming ch
month. He said the usual spring Gargoyle.
upturn in employment normally "Bwa," she adde
begins to make itself felt in March. "This is the issu
If that didn't happen this year, explained her mot
he said, it would be a definite sythe, "which will
warning calling for government sale this Wednesde
measures. Larger tax concessions a keen issue. Ha!"
for consumers, he added, would be "Keen issue
possibly considered, Henrietta.
"She can talk!"
IT'S important to note the Forsythe. "She ca
President referred to an employ- talk! She said 'kee
ment upturn. Because larger num- tle baby can talk!'
bers of people look for jobs when - -_--_ -_
the weather warms up, and hiring
increases too, it could be that em- H are SY
ployment would increase consider- a e
ably without any substantial
change in over-all unemployment. 1E e
At any rate, the government In ELecE
estimates of employment and
unemployment for March won't (EDI'VoRs N
r[m t til n a i m r- nil r~rin nci nc
ption boost was
)olitical maneuv-
nsible gesture in
federal deficits.
P has presented
program aiding
id business.
ategists say this
ect the House
their benefit in
gressional elec-
NEW YORK - Adlai F. Steven- Crouch had testified that
son said yesterday he will not reply Mrs. Durr, sister-in-law of U.S.
to Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy's "20- Supreme Court Justice Hugo
count indictment" of the Demo- Black, had known of a pre-war
cratic party, declaring, "I will not Communist espionage ring,
stoop to the senator's level." A few minutes later, Durr be-
* * came ill with what was said to be
WASHINGTON - Gen. Paul a heart condition. He was wheeled'
Ely, chief of staff of the French from the room.
armed forces, said yesterday After Durr's threatened attack
crushing Vietminh losses in the Crouch asked for police protection.
crucial battle for Dien Bien Two detectives were assigned to
Phu give hope of a major French guard him until he left town late
victory in Indochina. yesterday.
* Earlier Myles Horton of Mont-
KARACHI-Prime Minister Mo- eagle, Tenn., was ejected from the
hammed Ali declared yesterday the courtroom after refusing to answer
recent elections in East Pakistan a question about a former instruc-
in which his Moslem party was for at the Highlander Folk School.
heavily defeated, would not affect Horton attempted to read al
the central government. statement and shouted:
emocratic drive.**
nine members of VIENNA - Austria and Com
Y supporting the munist Romania yesterday agreed
tions, forced the on a 28-million-dollar trade ex-
ull out all stops change pact, the Austrian, govern-
ment announced.
'. * *
LONDON -- The Netherlands
Talti and Turkey yesterday shrugged
off Russian protests charging
the two nations were heighten-
ing world tension by participat-
ing in Western defense plannng.
commented little * *
nrietta Forsythe UNITED NATIONS - Arab na-
advance copy of tions complained to UN Secretary.
hildren's issue of General Dag Hammarskjold here
yesterday that Israel is concentrat-
ed, burping, ing troops on the borders of her
ue of Garboyle," Arab neighbors.
,her, a Mrs. For-
be on general RIPON, Wis. - President Ei-
lay. It looks like senhower ignited a "freedom
flame" yesterday to mark the
repeated little 100th anniversary of the birth of
the Republican party and urged
screamed Mrs. his fellow Republicans to face the
in talk, she can future with "faith, hope and cour-
n issue'! My lit- age to fulfill their responsibili-
stem Used by SL'
ing Representatives
E This is the second in a series of three articles con-
_ .
- t
s '
'. 7
' 0
"You've listented to all this talk
from Communists and ex-Commu-
nists. Will you listen to a good
Sen. James Eastland (D-Miss),
conducting the investigation into
the Southern Conference Educa-
tional Fund, ordered the U.S. mar-
shals to remove Horton from the
Bach Concert,
Vocal Recital
-Daily-Dean Morton
showered by the green feathers which will enable students to show
their protest to McCarthyism
Students Don Feathers
In protest of Mcarthy
With the motto, "Never Underestimate the Weight of
a i ., mer
a band of students and townspeople began rounding up all the
feathers in town yesterday to join in a growing frenzy at college
..ampuses to protest McCarthyism.
The feathers were collected wherever they could he found il
ThAC fcatirciowin-p rn1ipptxu i lt:1ciullh~ry uiulrl e ~ufr, ill
To Be Gi en butcher stores. on neighboring farms, from geese and chickens. Then
the students set to work dying them green and preparing for dis-
Concerts scheduled by the mu- ' , * * *
sic school will iclude an all-Bach SOMEWHAT disorganized and coming from various campus chan-
oran rcital a4:15 p m.r oy a nels, as well as interested Ann Arborites, the movement here is a
University student tomorrow. continuation of a Green Feather< >--- - --
Prof. Robert Noehren of the mu- drive started by "Robin Hood s
sic school, and University organ- Merry Men" at Indiana Univer- Ross Finn y
ist, will present the last of his i sity, Y
three-week series of organ recitals At Indiana, the Merry Men
Auioru.I Arrangtement
of music by J. S. Bach today in Hill were organized when a quote
Auditorium. from a member of the Indiana IrT T N"l -
Re quested
Mundt Declinies
To Name Choice
WASHINGTON -- (/P) - The
Senate Investigations subcommit-
tee yesterday tapped "a nationally
known figure" to serve as chief
counsel in a public probe of the
row between its chairman, Sen.
Joseph McCarthy (R-Wis.), and
top Army officials.
But whether he would accept the
assignment was not yet known.
Sen. Karl Mundt (R-SD), acting
chairman of the group, said he ex-
pected "to talk with him on the
telephone later today and if he
accepts I'm willing to announce his
name, if that is agreeable to Sen.
John McClellan."
* * *
MEANWHILE, Sen. Stuart Sy-
mington (D-Mo.), suggested yes-
terday that McCarthy step off his
investigations subcommittee' tem-
porarily, or let some other group
determine the "questions of veraci-
ty" between McCarthy and the
"The good name. of the Sen-
ate is involved," Symington
McClellan of Arkansas, senior
Democrat on the subcommittee,
may have to talk over the appoint-
ment of chief counsel with the two
other Democrats, Symington and
Henry Jackson (Wash.), before a
decision is made.
Mundt said that in a sense the
r whole investigations subcommit-
tee "is on trial" before the nation
in ordering a study of charges and
countercharges made by its own
chairman and Army officials. He
explained that the public "has a
right to expect us to be completely
fair and objective" in getting at
the facts.
THE ACTING chairman said the
names of more than 90 attorneys,
many of them prominent, had
been suggested for the job of di-
recting the inquiry.' Several fed-
eral judges were considered but
apparently abandoned when the
subcommittee was advised that the
judiciary "frowns upon" the use of
active federal jurists for such an
Mundt declined to identify
the top choice, other than to say
he was a lawyer living outside
of Washington and was not in
government service. If he de-
clines the job, Mundt said his
name will not be anounced.
Symington said that if the Wis-
consin senator and his three Re-
publican colleagues insist that Mc-
Carthy appear in the "triple role
of accusing witness, prosecutor and
judge," then he will ask the Arm-
ed Services Committee to take
Symington's proposal appeared
to take Mundt by surprise.
"I have not talked to Joe about
Ithis," Mundt said, meaning M-
Character Bits
To Be Recited
By Moorehead
Agnes Moorehead in her one
woman show "That Fabulous Red-
head" will portray a number of
Icharacters at 8:30 p.m. Wednesday
at Hill Auditorium.
The actress of stage, screen and
radio appeared before Ann Arbor
audiences in the 1952 Lecture Se-
ries as Donna Anna in Charles
Laughton's production of "Don
Juan in Hell."
Wednesday's performance will
*' * *
textbook commission charging
I 'o lie Flayed
PROF. NOEREN'S selections will the stor
include "Fantasia in C minor," ing "pro
"Toro Chorale Preludes," "Prelude protest
and Fugue in G major," "Three Appeal
Chorale Preludes," and "Prelude concerne
and Fugue in B minor." to freedo
Allegra Branson, '54SM, will to stabili
be featured as vocal soloist at a country."
come out unto nearly md-Apra
A Labor Department survey of!
major labor market areas this
week indicated unemployment was
increasing into March, but the
rate of increase was slowing down.
Another point was that jobless-]
ness, which in early winter was
confined to a few' industries, had
spread, though in varying degrees,
to industry generally.
SL Opei
erningpossibleStudent egislature election procedures. This article will # becfeatred0as vocal sloiaa ory,'
explain the present Hare system of proportional representation.) . recital at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow i spread t
And. A, Angell Hall, accompa- Camp
hBy BECKY CONRAD nied by Fred Coulter at the in the cal
The perennial question of how to elect Student Legislators has piano. yesterday
always resolved in the Hare system of proportional representation. The soprano will begin her pro- dents "w
In use by SL since its beginning in 1940, criticisms of the method gram with Horn's "Cherry Ripe," racy is
have cropped up before every election. Purcell's "Nymphs and Shep- who belie
herds," "Thy Hand, Belinda," and sents a p
"Dido's Lament," Bach's "Besch- racy to
A STEP-BY-STEP breakdown of the system goes something rand, Ihr weisen dieser Welt," movemen
like thi: s"Gedenke, doch mein Geist," and The st
1) Ballots are placed in piles for each candidate according "Coffee Cantata," and Mozart's the move
his first place votes. "Un Moto di Gioia," "Bella Mia san, and
.2)The total number of ballots Fiamma," and "Resta, O Cara." I totalitari
S H ouse cast is counted and a quota for: She will conclude the recital C the guis
election is set by dividing this with Faure's "Au Bord de l'eau," munism,
sum plus one by the number of "Nell," Brahms' "Au die Nachti-
positions open plus one, gall," "Sommerabend," Schubert's THE F
3) Candidates who meet this "Lied der Mignon," "Rastlose were evi
quota with their first place tallies Liebe," Grieg's "The Wounded paper fea
win posts and the candidate re- Heart," "Ein Traum," and "Six in some o
ceiving the fewest number of first Songs" from "Chamber Music" by ing the d
place votes drops from the roste-. James Joyce, put to music by Fred rounded
:>.4) The number of ballots ex- Cutr rse
bceeding the quota which elect- ot tsa feo eneda
ed candidates received are pull- Both these concerts are free of general c
ed candates reeie arel- charge and open to the public. Tuesday.
ed at random from piles and re -_______________ ___
distributed according to second
place choices. STATE LEGISLATION?
If the candidate getting the sec-_
ond place count is already elected, I - -
tallies on down the line are used. L ir.'a,1td -n t
Votes of dropped candidates are E -E('ElE'EihU.i MASN ..W
redistributed in the same manner.
CRITICS have blasted this meth- By JIM DYGERT
od for two reasons: 1) for the pos- Commentig on suggested legis- I Universits
sibility of an "unresponsible" Leg- lation to limit the size of the Uni- day whe
islature under this system and 2) versity and Michigan State, Acting ment of
Nf or encouraging "block" voting. ' Dean of Students Walter B. Rea ,That's to
Its defenders concede that SL , yesterday emphasized the role of a school."
representatives may feel "re- state supported institution to pro- Univer
ry of Robin Hood as be- -'
o-Communistic" drew the The premiere performance of
of the student body music school Prof. Ross Lee Fin-
ling to those who "are ney's "Sonata No. 3 for Violin
d about McCarthy's threat and Piano" will be performed dur-
m and "the growing trend ing a program at 8:30 p.m. to-
ize men's thinking in this day in Aud. A, Angell Hall.
" the movement rapidly In addition to Prof. Finney's
o Purdue and Wisconsin. composition, Prof. Emil Raab and
us students participating Prof. Benning Dexter of the mu-
tmpaign issued a statement sic school will play Roussel's "So-
y calling on Michigan stu- nata No. 2, in A, Op. 28" and
who believe that Democ- Brahms' "Sonata No. 1 in G, Op.
more than a cliche and 78" during the program,
ve that McCarthyism pre- *
otential threat" to Democ- ACCORDING to Prof. Finney,
join the Green Feather "Sonata No. 3" is one of a series
nt. of works he has done for individual
tudents emphasized that members of the Stanley Quartet,
e is politically non-parti- in this case, Prof. Raab. These
d unalterably opposed to compositions were done because he
anism "whether it be in wanted to write them, he said.
e of McCarthyism, Com- "This marks the completion of
or what have you." an ambition to write a composi-
* * * I tion for the individual members of
IRST results of the move the Quartet," he continued. Al-
dent yesterday when green ready performed here were
athers were found pasted Prof. Finney has written sever-
f the residence halls. Dur- al compositions for the Stanley
ay, the campus crusaders Quartet as a group.
up feathers, dyed and One of the purposes of the compo-
them, and prepared for sition is "to give as much empha-
distribution planned for sis as possible to the lyricism of
the violin," Prof. Finney said.
i -ent May Be Asked
y are now talking of the facilities but
n they'll have an enroll- handle.
not too much to
40,000 or 50.000 students. TWO REASONS cited by Gou-
o many students for one lette for limiting enrollment were
nthe higher cost of educating a
feature "Sorry, Wrong Number,"